The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, July 14, 1905, Image 5

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Successf ul Turnip Culture Second Week of cur July Clothing Many have taken advantage cf the cut .... , | prices we are giving and eqnipiied theni- Depends prunarilyon good need, —the only kind we sell.' ! selves with 8ttits - bnt we WRUt ,0 move It is a well known tact tlmt till'- tllem faster - "'. are determined to re- 11 i p seed have unusually strong duceour stock of Clothing to the lowest germinal iim power, yet ft*w pen- possible notch. \S'e quote you a few of pie would care to plant old seed even if given them free of charge, i our prices. SUITS WAS 7.50 NOW $4.85 “ “ 10.00 " 7.15 " “ 12.60 " 8.25 " " 16.00 “ 8.35 " *' 16.50 “ 11.45 " " 18 50 " 12.6S Visit our store for Bargains wo him them in store for yon. and risk failure for so small a waving, and such reasoning is emi nently [correct for although old seed will grow, after a fashion, yet fresh seed will grow btlter. quicker and more satisfactorily. We have developed a good bus iness in seeds by close adherence to our policy of selling "fresh seeds only.’’ You may depend i absolutely on the Turnip seed we are offering. They are Huist’s BARNETT, ST.JOHN & CO. Selected Seed, the most, reliable grown, and our stock is entirely fresh, (Yd. Frank S. Lol’tiu, of Frank - If you give us your order for liu, was among the visitors in New Turnip Seed it will be tilled with i nan the lirst id this week, these seed and the results are rea sonably cert aim The following varieties now in st oc.k : Improved Yellow Kota Baga White Flat Dutch. Early Purple Top, (flat.) Large White Globe. Mammoth Red or Purple Top (.! lobe. Amber or Yellow Globe. Seven Tops. Prices: be per ounce, it ounces 10c, 40c pound. Holt & Cates ("r r ^\ Trade Mark Newnan, Ga. Dr. .1 T. Wester’s many friends in Coweta County will regivt to learn that he is ill with typhoid fever in R line. Mrs. It. S. Drake and Master Anderson Drake are the guests o! Mrs. 1 lart.stield in Newnan. At lanta News. Miss Katherine Glams, ot New- nan, will arrive in the city today and bo t he guest ot Mrs A Lower for seviral days.—Gntliu News and Sim. Miss Eddie North. < f Newnan. iss spending some time with the family of her uncle. Rev. W. A. Davis.— Samba Knterprise-Gu- I zette. Little Miss Mary Summers went to Atlanta last Monday afternoon, where she will spend a week or two with her sisters. Misses Leona and Margaret to. Hundreds of Newnan people are awaiting with pleasurable antiei palioutlie opening of tlie skating rink. Rev. .1 R. King and Messrs. \\ G. Post and F M. Itryant are in attendance at the District Confer ence in Chipley. You'll want a Kodak during Chant ampin week. Kastman Ko dak- and suppliesa'e sold in New- itnu only at Bradley’- l>rug Store. Mi— lllioila Nmiiiulh. of Doug Governor of Endorses / Other Prominent Add Their Alabama Pe-ru-na. State Officials Praises. Miss Ruby Johnston, of Rock mart, is the guest ol I’rol. F. I*. Johnston and family . Fresh supply of all kinds of Turnip Seed just received at lirad- lev’s Drug Store. We are sole agents in Newnan ll ^ (i “- |H ' Tuesday for a visit to o NK evi for Kastman Kodaks am! supplies. Bradley’s Drug Store. Mrs. Fort and children, ol A morions, are the gnosis of Mrs. I. N. Orr. You'll enjoy going to the New iihii sliating rink. Watch lor opening aniioinicement. W hen yon see the opening an- iiouiiooment, go to the Newnan skating rink. Now is the time to plant Turnip Seed. Fine lot of fresh seed jn-l received at Reese’s I B ug Store. Monroe, after spending several days with Dr. (I. A. Nunnally and family. The Newnan Odd Fellows will give tlo> initiatory degree lo four candidates next .Monday night. A meeting of great interest is antici pated . lion. W. A . I'osl was np from (1 rant \ ille last Tuesday . 11 is health is greatly improved, much lo the g rat ilicat ion of It is n'microns friends. 1 Local News ol Newnan S T * Miss Ruby Lovcjoy returned to her home in Newnan today , alter a pleasant visit to Mr. and Mrs. T. St reel.—< 1 l it Big lot of whole find ground spices, for pick ling and preserving j,; Patterson on purposes, at Reese’s Drug store. p,,, \,. v , S aml Sun. Just, received at Reese’s Drug T1>t , Nl . wnail s |,aling rink will Store, fresh lot of Rota Baga and , Hs soon as the skafes ar Turnip Seed ol all kinds. riv ,.. Hand bills an... the. Your turnip patch w ill be a sue- opening will be distributed. Watch store for bargains in (jm4 jfyolI , ( | ttllt U ,e Ruta Baga for them. Barnett,Ht. John & Co. aild Tunii| , Seed sold at Reese , N K of ttie most wonderful feu to in the history of mi'dlctne Is the nmltlliulo of enilorsrmenis wlili'h Peruna Is receiving ns it entnrrli cure from men of iiutlounl Importance. The most distinguished men of the Itlllted Sliile!. have no liesitntlon lu lending their Influence to assist In lotting the pulilie know of the merits of Perumi. Nenrly one-luilf the people nre in some way nfToctoil by enlurrh. Therefore It is almost a national curse, aiul It ts of luitlomil Import that the people slioul.l know of Pernno. Catarrh is an American disease. l'i nun. ts an American remedy. Catarrh ts a result of changeable climate. Penma is n result of long and careful experimentation. ('atarrli enters thesyslein through the nerve centers and alTeels the mucous membranes. Peruna enables the nerve ••enters to repel and expel the catarrh from t lie system. • 'atarrli Is a systemic disease and curable only by systemic treatment. The remedy tlmt cures catarrh must aim directly at the depressed nerve centers. Tills Is what Peruna does. Redeemer of Public Moneys. Hon..lolm O. Leftwleh, Redeemer ol Public Moneys, whose olllco Is In the Postolllce Building, In a letter written from Montgomery, Ala., says: "I lake pleasure iu recommending The Magnificent State Capitol Building of Alabama. Governor ot Alabama Commends Pe ru na. In a letter dated July iftl, JStHi, writ ton from Mont gomery, A In., Cover nor Joseph ,1. Johnston, says: “/ join Congressman Brewer in com mending Peruna."—Joseph ./. Johnston. Peruna as an excellent Ionic, and II is recommended to mo by I hose who have lin'd it as a good catarrh cure.”—John ('. Beflwii'h, Register tidied States land Ot line.. Mobile, In a recent lett-irfrona Moldle, A til., says : “Allow me to send to you my testimonial hs to the good ipuilltU's of Peruna. 1 luivo used it for I lie past tlireo months niltl llud It Is ;t most excellent tonic.”—P. 1). Barker. U. S. Marshal. Northern District. lion. Dun Cooper, IT. H. Murshftl fop the Northern District of Alabama, writes; "Your reined v for catarrh amt lion. Robert Burlier, Register Culled la grippe, I’eruiiu. bus done me ho much Stales I,mid Olllce, writes from Mont good t lint 1 cannot speak loo highly of it, goinery, A la.: “I have used It for a short time and "For some time 1 have been UHtiflVrei have Improved rapidly from the lirst from enlurrh in Its Incipient slime, so | day. I was really much surprised at mui'h so that I I men me depressed ami such a quick ami effective mire.”—Dan feared my health was generally ill a j Cooper, decline. Hut hearing of Peruna as » IJ. S. Marshal, Southern District, good remedy I gave it a fair trial and Hon. I>. .1. Bryan, 11. H. Marshal for Imgllli to Improve. Its effects were ills- tlnctly bcnellc.lal, removing the annoy ing symptoms, and it. was particularly good as a tonic,”—Robert Barber, Collector of Port. lion. J. K. Burke, Collector of Port, Mobile, A la., writes: ^ “Purnmi I can recommend us a line medicine. It has been used in my fam ily and as a Ionic It is excellent. I take pleasure in testifying lo its line quali ties.”-.!. K. Burke. Postmaster of Mobile. Hon. P. It, Barker, Postmaster of the .Soullimit District of Alabama, writes: “I luivo used Peruna for catarrh a short time and have also had several Irimuls try It ami they all pronounce It the heal catarrh remedy ever pul on tint market. It can not ho praised toi> highly.”— I.. .1. Bryan. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write atom'll to Dr. It art man, President of the Hurt man Hunt I art it m, Col u m litis, Oldo, and lie will give you thu benefit of Ills valuable advice gratis. All oor- rcspondenec strictly coDlldeutlul. The skating rink will open soon. V isit on i clothing. The pure,delicious drinks served Drug Store, at Bradley’s delight all patrons. >|( . w w Draper, of Atlanta, il town. Tlii 1 little infant hoy of Mr. and Mrs. \V. II. Burks has been real sick for several days. Miss Susie Farmer has been eon (I. I. Davis, of Litfhersville, re cently appointed agent of the Aetna Life Insurance < Ynnpany by .. , . . , . . $5 Ballistic Oxfords at #4.85, at was a visitor to New nan this wf*ek. District Manager F. M. Bryant of ° ' * ‘ Barnett, 8t. John & Go’s. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. II. this has gone lo <'hipley.Ga., Of course you’ll be there—when Noith. j,, Uk> employ ol this company, the skating rink opens. |)r. and Mrs. Thomas <'ole John Thompson moved his fum 1 ily to A Hit ns one day hist week. Miss Bertha MeGeltee lots not been able to w ork for several days. Mr. William Itryant has moved his family from Jefferson si reel, where they have lived since April, CITY COURT NEXf WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Dink Nicholson (q the looms recently vacated by are stopping with the latter’s par Jelm Thompson, enls. Mr. and Mrs. \\ . H. Burks, I Bro. Latimer, from Rome, is ... B- is reported that the lit test until they can get rooms to go ti> <.<)it(ln<‘t itigr a series of meelings al Drink at, Bradlev’s fountain and k*ave Satin day l»n aliipto. nigi.i |j ( ,|,| s 0 f ,.<,tion in the county be house-keening. The writer made you’ll be healthy and Imppy. $8.50 Walkover Oxfords, at $2.75, at Barnett, St. John & Co’s. Watch for opening of the New nan skating rink. Miss Nelia Lon Walton Is visit ing in Marshallville. Meet me at the skating rink when it opens. Miss Lucy Harris, of Carrollton, is the guest of Miss Rowena Turner. We are closing out our clothing at greatly reduced prices. Barnett. Ml. John (’o. Of course you'll take your friends to Bradley’s fountain dur ing the Chautauqua. You’ve heard ill The skating rink opens within the next few days! Now is the time for you to get that suit cheap. Barnett, St. John & Co. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Couch, of Moreland, were among the visitors in Newnan last Saturday. Mrs. Mattie Thomas, of Union Springs, is the guest of relatives in the city. Miss Martha Orr is the guest of Mrs. W.C. Kliis in Union Springs, Ala. The skating rink will soon be the center of attraction in New nan. Watch for its opening. If it’s a new drink, ask for it at Bradley's fountain. All the new est drinks are served there. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. K. Hughes, last Sunday morning, a daughter. Falls and other in the North. . . . . , ---- the ('Impel this week. Only one * M,m * ° m,M ^ long to J. II. Jackson and J. I. a mistake last week as to where service a day, in the evening at Miller, of Corinth. Kaeh gentle this young couple married, it was 7All are invited to attend. Am closing nut Picture Frames ai m „ M has 25 acres that, it is said, at Jesse Smith’s instead of Argo’s. 'I lioro was no preaching in the eta. cost. You will find what you want in the lot. | ( H. I). Owens, Brewster Bi i ding, Newnan, Ga. tl For Rent Nice front room.close to business section of city, either furnished or unfurnished. For particulars apply at News office. W ■ lire side agents ill NewilIVi for Nimiiftlly’s line eandiets. Fresh shipments received twice each hose elegant . delicious ,vi 11 please a II classes ol Bradley's Drug Store. >vcr been surpassed in Cow- Miss Elizabeth Gray, of La Grange, a teacher in the Newnan public schools, ; s spending vaca tion in the far West, visiting Yel low-tone Bark and other places of interest, iu that section ol the I' nited States. week. 'I’ll candies w pu ivhasei'- "Silver rime Thai Hears.’ Mis- Katie Boothe returned to Montgomery, Ala., last I iiesday, after a pleasant visit to .Miss Mar gnerite Nunnally. .Miss Louise Mathews, of Ttinmustoii, who was also the guest of Mi— Nunnally for several days, returned home M onda v. They will reside in Newnan. grove Iasi Sunday alien.0011. and Mrs. Chaney Christian spent a no preaching from house to house few days last week with relatives (luring the wick, but we hope in W hitesburg. Bite returned Hun tin se service-' v, ill continue after day afternoon accompanied by her tin pi« traded servic s close at the cousin. Miss Bertha Taylor, who church; foi we feel that a great many have been benelitted by those meet ings. The litl ic J'.cu year old boy ol Mr-. Show got one of his thu in its tup at Di“ mill la-t Tuesday. Fit •• mctnhci • < 'armieliael of t lie family of .1. who lives in the For 50 Years, Genuine “1847 Rogers Bros." Spoons, Forks, etc., have been in use and given entire satisfaction. The prefix IH47 on fatiy spoon or fork, wherever bought, guar antees its high quality. These goods are always in stock at ... H. S. BANTU’S spent sot oral day s here. M r. J . T. Fieomaii, w ho reeeiv < d such a severe hurt from falling some time ago. i- able to sit up some. Mr. it. II. Parker spent last week in Foil Valley at the b ( of bis sick tat her. Jilin 8 am pcs was out of the mil. tii early part of the week, being sick . Airs. <Gaston, from East Point., wit 1 used to live among us, recently spent a few days with her country near Newnan. bate been j'^jier, who is quite feeble, ill with lever. AII are recovering. yjj ss Bettie Cooper was taken Mr. Carmichael is a poor man, and |J|iit<J SIM | (U , ;ll | y \\\ last Monday w hen it, was learned that. linancial „jght and came [v« ry near dy tig. assistance would be acceptable, the j 1}i( j ,: W!0vm .<j somewhat w hen generous people of New nan gave ljwt hear<1 )r0JI( him alxuit $40 in cash and pro- , iu|jy i^arden, little daughter, visions. of Mr. John 8ampitta, spent last All the members of the W. C. week in Carrollton with the family T. I', are solicited to be present at ot i. M. Samples, our next meeting, as there is a Mr. L. It. .Manning, who is a good deal of business on hands well known butcher in our town, that should la- attended to as early is quite ill at his home with blood as possible. Please come and each poison. His case seems to be a one bring a new member, or an old critical one. one who has not Iteen present for a •!■••• Hendrix, who has Itcen liv good while. The meeting will be ing in the country since last Jan 11 ■ : hold in the Library assembly ary, has moved back to Newnan room, on next Monday afternoon and will go to work at the mill. . at 4 o’clock, which is the 17th, Mrs. George Argo, formerly Miss just. Mrs. It. J. Barnett, Mary Jane Smith, is quite sick at President, her mother’s. New’ium City Court, (louveueH next Monday morning, al. which time the criminal docket will lie taken tip h.v tin* court.. ('n in inn I and civil dockets are heavy and a lung mission of eourl will 11 n >1111111 y 1 iihii 11. 1 list of .jurors drawn to serve at I.Iiih term is printed below ; It 1C .1 VVinklcH, B II Head, T II I’ar- ttiie.iil, <> Z t frimIHi'il, .las (1 Addy.liS Biiwcrs, S V Carpenter, VV E North, W F. Waldrop. .1 I’O'Neal, I. K Bnead. \1 8 Tlitil Ilian, .1 A liable, T A lltileliens, I. II Moh'Ii'.v, .1 P Duiilmr, S A Ncirtli, .1 I, MeKny, 'I'om E Potts, (im Cava- • ler, tjeii I ’ I Indliel I, I! P .Handel -..I T llaynie, D \V Bonne, (tliristople r, W ,1 Kullei. E P llairiHon, J .1 Milli uis, W 11 N01, HO I Into s Mlicit reading matter, inelinling eorrespondenee, is omitted from this week’s News to make room for < 'haulampia news. Lost In Newnan this week, tliamoml and amethyst Im mil. Kinder will lie rewarded on return mg to News ollie.'. ThuJKiiitmRjsgam.. i The Heinz Goods No higher st<11 ui;.r<i of' peril y usitJ exe.fl- lence of f'ootJ prodnets is to \>a found than Unit imtiutuirioil by the niarHifucturers of tLu* Heinz good,-. This fart, is well known and needs no exploitation We call attention to it merely in order to remark that our stock of Heinz goods is unexcelled in Newnnri Ibr eonipletentiss. We have Heinz’ Sour Dickies in hulk, Sweet .Mixed Pickles, Preserves, Queen Olives. Dressings, Sauces—in lart, all ol 1 he standard Heinz products. Heinz .White Wine and Apple Vinegars are the host, obtainable. We sell them. Givens your orders for any of Heinz’ goods. Telephone No. ‘j I, C. P. STEPHENS & CO. NEWNANTS LIVE GROCERS.