The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, July 28, 1905, Image 2

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HEROISM OFAl’THOBS SRAVt BATTLES WAGED AGAINST THE AGONY OF DISEASE. Mlrraliirr, Wfll «« Arl Hint *<■!• tun Mini Hlkf»r>, l> IndflUi'il In •‘Mill fiml ttcirri Hint SulTn-lna For Kiinir ul lia « lintcrsl lirnia. 'I'licii nri heroes of llif |i«'ii iim well nn of ilir s wnril, mill till 1 victories of tlio plud> lire i|Ult** in* u ffcct I UK Mini Illt'UI or>ililt iik lliime of lli'- liiiltlclli lil. If ii complete lint of llir line exam 11Ii>k III liernlkiii of liUlliom were eoDI- l»| 111! It w mi III reneli well out Into the thousand* 1111(1 Include il large llllllllior of Illuntl'iniiM mimes. In fuel, It In said Unit few HiitlinrM Imve done leiilly greai work except under adverse clrc|tut Mlunei-k Literature, Hk well iin Hrlerieo, iirt mid lilkinr.v, Ik Indebted to |mln mid worn mid suffering for koine of Ilk choicest irelllk. 'ITieti me few liner eMini|ilcH of the tierolkin of the xt mix tlimi t Ini I present ul h.v I'riifeskor FIiihcii. the discoverer of (he liglii cure for InpUH, For the Inht twenty years of lilk ton tilioiT Ilf" he suffered from |mInfill diseases of the henrl mnl liter. to which drops' wtik kUperndded, iifnl II Was only by dully n If den In I n nd the strletekl diet Inp thill In wiik nlde to live ill nil Yet for nil tlicxc yours, lived In the ven shadow of dentil mill In coiiklnilt attlTerliig. In- sluek hrnvely to his great lift work even Htifllylug Ills own ills eiiki-k with the keenest ill t <M l loll mill writing nrlleles on lliein lor inedleiil Journals Hie Inst two or three yours of Ids liti- were spent Mm.' on Ills Illicit, linnlih e'en to lie ell IT led to Ids lie loved Institute ii few yards iiwn.v. ilinl yet the I on lienrted seienti t never re Inxeil for ii single day Ills giillunl flglil for Ills fellow men ng.iilist dim use The herolkin of the IhitiMi profess or suggests n tdUllllir liruve hntlle waged liy ill) English professor. .1 It. (insoi. the hlklorliin. against disease mill pnIn. M wiih In IHtMt, when the diseisi "Tileli hud iikkiilled him for mu uy yen is ilnnll.v pros! ruled him mnl when the doctors gave him nn hope of living more tlimi six mold Ilk, (lint (llTi'ii sot to work to write his fmnoiik "Kliorl lllklorv nf the English I'eo pie" IIny niter dny he lolled lit Ids liink. ImldJiiK desperately oil to life ond In ii ntiite of ceaseless |kiIn mnl ex liMilNtlon. mid ho liruve wiih the nuin'k Hpirll tlnll he neltlHlly prolonged Ids life lor live years. ICven lie whu honnd to eonfekk, "1 wonder how In thone years of physical pnln mid despond oucy I eotihl ever hnve written I lie iMMlk tit till." (leuernl (Jrn ill's memoirs, vvlileh brought Ids widow the enornioilk sum of (MKI.OINI, were written under even more hlNtor deiilli. I lie* ex prekldent found himself luinkriipt through the fnllure of the Murine liilllk mill fitce to fnee with the prospect of (lying lieniillesk mid lonv lug hie wife destitute. II was itt this leirlblc erlkls Hint he began to write the story of Ids stirring oureer. Mill the eup of hie misfortune wits tmt yet full A cHiioer formed til the root of liln tongue, unit the gallant soldier wits compelled to write dny nfler day, suf fcrlng constant mid severe agony. Mra. Mrownlug. too. wrote nmst of her hen ill I f ill poetiis colltlued In ii darkened chandler, lo which only her imn family mid a few devoted friends eouly! he admitted. In great weakness anil almost unllitermltlent suffering with her favorite spaulel ns her com punlou. The Ueriuim poet Heine was another martyr and hero of the study. The bud seven years of his life were spent ami his "mattress grave." racked with Mieh excruciating pain that lie had to lake doses of opium large enough lo have killed several men In order to give him a few hlessed hours of free iloni from It. Through all these years •f torture he not only bore himself with a uohle resignation and rheerful- im'nk. hut produced many of his tluest aud most finished works. Including his "Inist foetus and Thoughts" mid tils "Confessions.” Hir Waller Scott's heroic struggle with misfortune and falling health tinr lug the dosing years of his life Is per hups too well known to eall for more than mention. After the commercial crash came which left him crushed with debt and with shattered health he net to work "with wearied* eyes aud worn hritlu" and tolled for years, often ns much as fourteen hours a day. until (lie end came aud will) it the lifting of all burdens. Including that of his debts, every penny of which Ills monumental toll had paid. lu the list are also Frank Smevlley, who wrote his hook on "a hod of tut- KUihIi;" Edni) l.yull, who kepi death ut bay by her brave spirit aud busy pen, and dark Hassell, who set a magnif icent example of patience by Ids In dustry when racked with rheumatism. It is also said that much of Sir Arthur Bulllvan'k sweetest music was distilled from pain New York Herald. • TROT OR GALLOP? Wliat Do I'Tsit Hit. null Hie Spain and Insects noil Worms f Here is a problem Ini people With sharp eyes. As we nil know, ii hors" when walking or trotting advances only one leg of each puli' ill u time, bill when galloping tills both fore feet to getlicr and then both hind feel. _ Now. tin question Is how other imliii'ils man age this matter. The birds, of course, flap Imtli wings together, but which birds run and which hop? We human beings "trot" when we walk and gal , lop" when we swim that is. If we are Using the plain ItreiA 1 stroke The dog. however, "trots" for both. Now, do the amphibious animals the seals, ot lets and the real swim like men or like other four footed creatures? Then there lire the fish. One would rather expect that, iih they move their tails from side to side, they would flap Alternately with the ’fins, wlih h lire llieir hands and feet Who can tell whether they do or not and whether till lish at all times follow one rule? My the wav, how does a frog use ils “bunds?" The great anatomist K. Hay I .alike stcr has pointed mil that, while tile "thousand legs," such as our eotnuion gaily worm. Advance two feet of a pair together, the rentIpeils. will' ll are much lll.e them, do exlietly the opposite, and the swimming worms also iillcrmitc the stroke of each pair of paddles. I doubt If many people can tell oil which ays lent the iiiterpllliir miimigcN Ils dozen or so legs or whether the adult Insect walks, trots pin es or gallops On Its six Mow does the spider use eight? Altogether this is a large Ib id for nb si r'iillnn. ii field, loo. wtlere any one mu»* discover new fuels as yet mire corded, and thus add to the store of knowledge -HI. Nicholas CORRECT ATTIRE. M’KINLEY'S DEATtf n<in llif Aa»o<’ln f r«l PreNft Worked to tirt anil (ilvi* (lirdVewN. On the afternoon of Kept. ii. IDOL worn out b.v a loilg period of e.xacting labor. I set out for I’hihidelphia with the purpose of spending a few days at Atlantic < Tty. When | reneliert the Mroiid street station In the Quaker City I was startled by a nnnib"r of po licemen crying my name. I stepped lip to one, who pointed to a boy with 1 an urgent message for me. President McKinley had been shot at Huffnlo. mid Iny presence Wiih required at our I'hlliidelplila office at once A mes sage had been sent to me at Trenton, lint my train hnjl left l|je sUitloiypt-c elsely two minutes nlicTnl of Its itr rival. Handing my baggage to a hotel porter, I Jumped iiilo*a rah and dash ed away to our office. 1 remained there until dawn of the following morning. The opening |iagra of the story of the assassination were badly xvrlllcn. and I ordered a substitute prepared An inexperienced reporter stood beside President McKinley In the Music hull ill MiilTnto when (V.olgosz fired the fa (at nIiOI lie seized n neighboring tele phone mnl notified our Buffalo corre spondent and then pulled out the wires in order In render I lie telephone u wreck, so that it was ii full half h mr before any additional details could be secur'd I ordered eompefeiil men and expert telegraph opera!ora from Washington, Albany, New York and Boston lo bur ry lo Buffalo by the fastest trains. All that night the Buffalo nftlee wits pouring forth a hastily written Imt faithful and complete aecoiinl of I he trfigedy. aud b.v duyltrenk ii relief force was on I lie ground I my by day through the long vigil while the preal- ilctil's life hung III the linlmicc cnell incident was truthfully and graphic,Yl l,V reported. In the closing hours of the great Iragedv false reports of the He Wl.,1 In <"."<! Taste ,1,'Ull, were . uVnlated for HENRY HUDSON. Horn Nn One Knows) XV lie re and Itted No One Known Hon. Hudson in list have been at least forty when la died. Iml nothing is known nt Ills life before the last four years of ii A certain Henry Herdsoh. or Hudson, n tiler man of Loudon and one of Hie founders of life Muscovy company, has been suggested as his giauilfa her. and the relationship Is the more likely be cause it Is certain that (Wine of his linine and kin were interested in the company. It may have been upou their recommendation that he was first up pointed to the command of a ship in the company's sei ne* in i«07. Of his early training and previous voyages nothing is known. The beginning of his history is as inyHleriotis as Its end. He was horn no one knows where, mid lie died no one knows how. He comes into our knowledge on (he quarter deck of a ship Itonnd for the pole; he goes out of It In a crazy boat manned by eight sick THE BIG FURNITURE STORE ? O P> DEPOT 8T. We have secured large additional space to accommodate our big stock of furniture and house fur nishings. We are now able to display the goods to better advan tage and can show the public that this store has the most complete stock of this kind in Ncwnan. Come and see. E. O. REESE, NEWNMU Cl. men, and ho fades i* ay into the dim the desolate lee Thai He He.peel. Him.elf. When our country wiih Iii Hie log cabin slage of Its growth correct dress wiih not held In high regard, mid olivl- ously ho. The Mont hearted pioneers were loo Iiuh.v hewing paths mut- bill'/ mg trails to cultivate life's 1111*1' side. Theirs wiih tfic rough work* of field mid cuinp, of hammer and saw. Mill times, men and iiianuerH have changed, and ii new conception of iIi'chh Inis sprung up. Young men especially rcc lignite the direct relation of correct dress In business mid Hoeial prefer incut. The well dreaaed mini carries Ills Introduction wllli him he Is mas ter of himself aud of the situation, lie enuiinauilR the reaped of others lie cause lie allows that he respects him Helf. the purpoHe of iiilliiencliig the Muck market, and to cottulemd them Sec retary Cortelyoit wrote frequent sign ed Htaleu\entH giving the faets to the AHSodated Press - Melville K. Slone lu Century. LITERARY DRUDGERY. haze that hangs at if. floes. The four voyages of I liaison of which we have rt>coHd were not directed to uhkoliltely unknown waters, Imt the observations made by Ills precursors were so untrustworthy that they were of Ilf I Ii* service except lo mislead liim. The object of his lirst voyage in the service of the Muscovy company was "to discover the pole and to sail across il lo the islands of Splcery or Cathay." and oti April 111. 11107. he. ^yith .Inlni Hudson, Ids son, Hixtccii years old, and Hie leu men who made tip the crew of the Hopeful, look Hie sacrament to gdher at St. Kthelburgii’s, In Bishops- gale, "purposing lo go to sen font days 'nfler." Id the following year Hudson sailed again, still in the scrv lie of Hie company. They reached the l.ofoden isles in a month mill rounded the NniTh rnpc on .lime 1. A fortnight Inter they encountered one of those wonders of the deep which I he seamen of that time were ho often privileged lo wlthCHH and deHcrlbe on June in. "One-of our company, looking over- hoard. hi)vv a mermaid, ('ailing up Home of the company to see her. one more came up, and by that lime she was close to the ship's Hide, looking earnestly on the men. A little after a sea cuuie up and overturned her. From the navel upward her back and breasts were like a woman (iih they say Ilinl saw ben; tier body was as big as one of iih; tier skin very white, and long hair bunging down behind, of color, black. In her going down they saw her tail, which was like the tall Newnan Marble Works, J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. Manufacturer and Dealer in All Kinds Marble and Granite Georgia Marble a Specialty. All work guaranteed to be First Class in every particular. 1’arties needing anything in our line are requested to call, , examine work, and get prices. OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR R. R. JUNCT’N. NEWNAN, GA. PUT H DAVIS, Kesulelii'e ' I'iionc 6-tlirci UK. W. A. TURNER, Residence T nono Froude piihhciI seven years In collect ing materials and writing his "History of Kngland." Nearly five years of Irving's time were eoiiNimuil lu writing "The Life of George Washington." Gibbon devoted over twenty years of of a porpoise and speckled like a inaek- IiIh life to the labor of reading for and erel. Their names that saw her were writing the "Decline'and Fall." Thomas Hllles anil Robert Rayner." Dickens says lu the Introduction to The only really Incredible part of the h |H true that there are some <’«Pl'«rlleld" that he spent two story Is that no more^ than two men ■ trying conditions than Green's of „ nm | position who slur (heir years In the composition of that novel. ho iglil ' l .. . ur i uilu lmr b! \t.!c uy In INK, the year before his HIM , pv ,, n * 0Im . who feign to Bancroft devoted nearly thirty years to lo "^ J 1 . .. ... ... » . *.' i» j () |,j H "History of (the United States," uiillmi s Magazine. which Is not n history of the country at nil, since It ends where the history of the country properly liegins. Crtulen labored nineteen years on Ills Concordance to the Bible and Imme diately after Its publication was sent scorn the niceties of dress. The huh Its of a careless youth have left their I Imprint on such men, and It Is quite certain tliut (heir disdain of dress played no pnrt In their success and detracts inensttrahly from their enjoy ment of It, for. nfler all, the ripest fruit of success Is the esteem of one's to a lunatic asylum. He never fully fellows, and who can esteem the slov cu? la talking to a man one's atten tion nnlurally roves to Ills iJqllies. his Itnlr, his teeth and Ills huger nulls. Dnndrurr on the shoulder, stains on I he waistcoat anil unshaven face, un tidy hair, ereiiNCH in the coat, a soiled collar, a mussed crural, proclaim iu trumpet tones ttiHt a man lacks the truest refinement — respect of self. — Success. Msklai It Knar For Him. "The most difficult part of a pastor's duly." said a New York preacher. "Is Ute pastoral chIIs. 1 have always re uienibercd one of the first 1 ever made, when I was h green youth Just out of a theological seminary. I had been called to the liedslde of a Uicmlvei of my church who was well known for his peculiarities and crankiness. After talking with him a few minutes 1 said: " 'Khnll I offer a short prayer with you?' , " 'Short or long Use your own Jmlg uiont.' said he. "More nnd more embarrassed. I hes itated. and theu said, ‘What shall 1 pray for?’ "'Exercise your own discretion as to selection of topics,’ said he." recovered from the mental disease brought on by this gigantic tindertnk lug. ■‘rlmltlve Water Pipes. Very primitive water pipes of an an- cleut dale have been discovered lu the streets of Manchester, Kngland. They were hollowed out tree trunks filled together so as to make a wooden con- dull. The Joints were somewhat lu the style of those of a fishing roil, the thin end of one trunk lielug made to fit Into the thick end of the other. It Is supposed that this means of sup plying Manchester with water was iu use about !i00 years ago, aud discov eries of the same kind made in other tow us go to confirm that view. The tmrlng through the wood whs about four luclies In diameter. The supply of water In those days was not ouly much less In absolute quantity than now, but very much less in proportion to the population. Forced 1,(tiersIII > . It Is not often miserliness gets such a straightforward reliuke ns in the case quoted by tbe Montclair Time*. In the early days of primitive Method ism there traveled in Knglnud un ec centric minister named Neale, who was famous for Ills plain talking. On one occasion he was preaching missionary sermons at a village so noted for Its small collections that he determined lo pass the plate himself. On his round he came lo a farmer who was, as Mr. Neak well knew, the richest man In the place. This individ ual placed a penny on the plate. Mr. Neale slopped Immediately and said In a loud voice: “Take your peuuy out, man. lake It out! Don't you see you've covered up your laborer's sixpence?" The rebuke was effectual, and a much more valuable coin was placed on Hie plate. DAVIS & TURNER SANATORIUM, Corner College and Hancock Sts., NEWNAN, - - - GEORGIA, High, central and quiet location. All surgical and medical cases taken, except contagious diseases. Trained nurse constantly in attendance. Rates $5.00 per day. Private office in building. ’Phone 5 two calls. Davis & Turner Sanatorium. Merck & Dent, A Regular Smash-up points a struight finger to this place, for the very good reason that here un- wheeled, generally bat tered up vehicles can get back to business at small cost. One word and that is the end of it: We do carriage repairing and charge you only just what’s right. Cloven. From ,Invu, Sumatra, Mauritius. Zan zibar and Guiana come the little brown flower buds of (lie clove tree. When gathered the btnls are red and are dried by exposure to the smoke of wood fin's and afterward by the rays of the sun. lu a very short time lliey become of a deep brown color. To se cure a monopoly and tints keep up the BUGGY BUILDERS A Preliminary. The minister's wife engaged a new servant. The girl wiih very friendly with a constable, and one day she In vited him to come round to sec her. When lie came It was washing day. She went and fetched him some beer, biscuits and cheese, but Just then a voice called out. "Mary, have you got started to wash yet?" "Yes." said Mary. “What are von doing now?" "Oh. I am just filling up the copper." —London Telegraph. Hlcbbulra’ Families. Few birds have larger families than the hlghhole. but, were It not for the number of hts family, bow could be price the Dutch In the seventeenth ecu hold his own among so many enemies? 'my destroyed all their clove trees ex His conspicuous size and color always cept 'hose lu the Island of Audio.) nn. make hint a shining ninrk to the col- The chief value of cloves lies iu their lector, for every village lad iu the laud has collected flickers' eggs. He is a fellow of expediency, however. If tils home is robbed. Ills wife soon lays an other set of eggs. It In on record tliut one pair, when tested by the removal of egg after egg. laid seventy-one eggs in seventy three days. St. Nicholas. e.isejitlul oil. which forms iiImiuI one- sixth of their whole weight. ICcoaoBr. The following letter was received from his sifter by a New Y’orke’r who was away from home on a visit: 1 am ssmJIn* by mall a parcel contain ing ill* golf coat you*wanted A* the braNt buttons are heavy 1 have cut them •IT to save postage Your loving sister. J P S — You will And the buttons In the »4aht hand pocket of the coat. No Need For Worry. The Husband tou hi* deathbedi My darling, when I am gone, how will you ever be able to pay tlie doctor's bills? The Wife— Dou't worry about that, dear. If the worst come# to the worst. I con marry the doctor, you know. Whu Yon Don't Hear. You hear something like (Ids every day In the week: "Ten years ago ho couldn't get credit for a salt of clothes. Now lie can write his check for $oO.- 000." But when did anybody bear any thing like lids? "Ten years ago he was thoughtless and regardless of bis fellow men and cured for nobody but blmsclf. New he Is kind and geutle Good Sutler Klweatlnn. It whs oue of Joseph Jefferson's dis tinctions that he was not only an advo cate, lint an example, of good stage el ocution. He was, however, an excep tion that proved the rule. 'The first step toward a better state of affair* is to convince managers aud actors that It is desirable. With tlie memory of many a bud quarter hour of strained effort to hear v^li.-it should be appre hended with ease, we respectfully sub mit this word of suggestion.—Century. Chamberlain’s COLIC. CHOLERA AND Diarrhea Remedy West Bound. DAILY Kept Bound. j No. U'No. l| |No. 2 No.10 j I'M | AM 1 PM AM It, Exact Shade. The elder Dumas once was wearing aud Is a constant encouragement to all the ribbou of a certain order, having who desire to enlarge their faith lu hu- recently been made a commandant, man nature '- Kansas City Star. "nd nn envious friend remarked upou It.. “My dear fellow.” he said, "that A few doses of this remedy will invariably cure an ordinary at tack of diarrhea. It has been used in nine epi demics of dysentery with perfect success. It can always be depended upon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colic and chol • era morbns. It ie equally successful for summer diarrhea and cholera infantum in children, and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home. Buy it now. It may save life. | Price, 25c. Large Size, 50c. •mm CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. In Effect May, 190L :n to on Lv Uiiitin Ai lo lil Vaughan...." j 3 II 10 MO “ Seimiii " l 40 11 11 " Newnan *• ‘J os 11 "... Whitesburp ...•• 1 \\ 12 05 "....Carrollton.. “ l if. 1 O' " Bremen .... “ 12 18 . 10, •-...Oednrtown..." 11 27 2 58 "......Rome •• lo 41 :j 48; " Holland " lo 02 8 W* " Lyerlv o 50 4 05 ".— Raecoon .... 0 40 4 18J Sumn erviile.." •J 28 " Trion - 4 48 LaFayette...." 5 10 ‘'..Chicknuiaugn..** 5 55 Ar..ChattnnuogH..Lv p M j 8 80 8 01 7 88 For In formation as to Rate C W. ( HEARS, Div. Pass. Agent. Chattanooga, Tenn. D. A. NOLAN, Agpnr, Newnan. Ga. ete.. address* F. J. ROBINSON. A8at. G. I*. A., Savannah, Ga. J. r, H A ILF.. Genl. Pass Agent, Savannah, Ga the Woild l.M1f It. "J insist iijHin your leaving house." she said angrily. "Certainly." replied the tramp bland ly. "I hove no |uteutk>n of taking It with me." To every duty performed there ie at tached an Inwurd satisfaction which deepens with the difficulty of the task. —Scott. iMMlnxtlo*. "Mabel has n most wonderful power of Imagination." “Really? That's tbe very last tiling 1 should have given her credit for." "Oh, it's quite true. 1 assure you She actually fancies that she’s good looking." HI* Debt*. "Well, my friend, 1 never pay my old debts. 1 forget them." "And your new ones?" “Oh, 1 lot them get old." The man who would be younj; a ain should cultivate a youthful cordon is a wretched color! One would spirit. Incompatible. “What woukl you do if you had a think It was your woolen vest that was hundred thousand dollars?” showing.” "Oh. no. my dear D’E ,” . , . , "I'd own a private yacht." replied Dumas, with a smile, "you're (iod s throne is not reached n> “Then you wouldn’t have a hundred mistaken. It’s not a bad color; it ie ex- yy-^v' of the back pews, thousand dollars."—Washington Star. actly the shade of the sour grapes In *- the fable." StriutKr Women. lu Jupan it is the height of had form for a woman to express an opinion contrary to that of her husband. Won derful people! Minneapolis Journal. Possible. She—And do you think it’s possible for a man to love two girls at the same time? He—Oh. yes: provided it isn’t also at the same place.—Philadelphia Ledger. A home without love is merely j a stopping place. fi)[nrOInr5£nrdSm)Cr 3jTi]GjplR TAKE YOUR CLOTHING TO | IS. C. CARTER S CO., 1 1 OPPOSITE HOTEL PINSON, | when you want them (fj (gi cleaned, pressed, repaired | or dyed in the best manner p] 1 and at the most reasona- jfj | ble prices. D l.jf^L^KliirJI'irOInr'ffrnlSTrOl'ifuK fflEn*Syrvcir*infU(?i^>pJ^,lfl It Is only a long tlmje after having learned it that we know auytblug well. —Joubert. The Vtesntl. Friend—What was the result of the consultation of doctors? Invalid Remember that wbat you believe will (glancing at the receipted bilb-rlt left depend very much upon what you ara. mo lu a very poor condition. —Noah Porter. . it is easy to make excuses for those we love. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription , ! For mankind The man who never fails never j The 5-cent packet is enough for usual occasion tries. The family bottle '60 cents) contains a auppl for a year.All druggists sell them.