The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, August 04, 1905, Image 4

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r«t. sma tlw ortgimi. Bliw»h^nnl7" ,imu» .1 a ■in 'In* i -iii.i.«n i’lirnnlcle. -i.fii ii.". '\\" • iii.* ill.* familiar Hl'U’iw^irif .f *hp iwntaniiino i >' hurle* 1-rrr i hi hi !• r.Mi. lmiiHl who |itllilisll- ., hum; AT lli* in III. Iff JII Slone-, of *-Wlie»rt 'Hie f»le.*|»intf BwiWtV •1.. .• lle.l Killing H.*o.r mil I'lniler ,,ll„ |.||t • « very nii.'ortnm ' Im. f , i 'iv IVir/iiilt'* ni.wlel for I- ,.i I si.mie till • «• stl|l|invisl Unit ( w* or 1!. • n r . Vi 11 oilier* tlntl tin* m;<. i. i iuiiiio.hi 11poll the oin'le IoiiIk I i. I ..riliil “ lie ' ll v.irtfe "J* oil ‘.In 'e Inis . os i|e It.n* uinr !m >f !• r.'Uici*. nii.i >\ m himueil ;iinl loirne.l n Mil* , i,i , » Oil series of . 'toes i'llt'Allt r.iur'een .oir* fie wo* o. . > .-.I m lim'r Ui.IiihiiisI i'«mi IfVI eh I III ren. torture. I them. -II.'' Ili'.sl thrill II* fir >levi|, hiirtiisl 'he r* anil loir e.l Ihrlr twine* o in* oiisi Ir gremnt* Hut tin* ire .et ween h * til Ir .uni Blue lieiir.l' * ">o sliulll to hr . on- m-lug." %n » nnn»rrli*i| WMnw 4hoh»h*«^ P»tlntln«. The lii|mnem>, tvitli heir nnttinii, Hn*o|>hlMlinIf<l view of life Imve eve’ untight n iItelr nt to mirror Mint i apeii pn niter mill Title hit* lerme.1 •tneii'* prtnninli:il ,>roililix*tloiis. ' viU Jinn.oer. that •••'ka ill midIiimI}’ pie . lire* foiiniletl oil the iii'limigMig prop .•rtli~ of liniuan nature mtiM have o ilt*l or Well .» 'llllire UlUHl it- .title iii look tinek'o'.int i* well o* Iirwnni. Not one ite loll I 111:t ol 111111,1 guriunitlnn*. Is i*|iilml. No iteitpe* ! Ill v letter •Ill'll' I - Ill'll ' t'» Jltpiille*.' rtlej hltve also eleai'l.l I**’ t-ivetl tint no mt that * not rue o the .'liilimele- * • lenient n mm ill on ilure while on the other luma. no *ll|ijei't. howe'er Q'lv'iil. 'till 1 '<■ / until* rfernnlh aftrneflve f only trenleii u lei orilnnee with ae*lhelle liw J ipnne*. panning ilelluni* i* 'w Is •IrtteHle fame ih poetr' I* frenlom. it* *pir‘l. hot whin «lve* the**' |tin:!• lie* spreini amt enduring I'barm. vimi niH*r* i he plitv of fimey never weun ■mine Hie liberty never mere llran* I* that they hint esprrwrion u Hint it on 111 nppriir ilia the stmntift ihrnuith n framework of ilesian so tine ol hnpplne** or it let!** one Sfrl.ein |y .'Oil.-elveil fill!' in t wr sue rrtti*eU*it wnlnw in M.inhii ' i hml rrH. hr.! hr/h ** m . mirror ilir fuo.liiinrnnil prluel water murk, inita'tur by tie* advertl-e nielli ol' Ill'll i few .l.n * 1140 . r. ..Ill' 1* tv til hluh »rhool .«))•*« fl0Mirt*n until 1 .«n»» or tn • run wlwf in* r• 11 an<l iiturWrt. A*U\r+*" W I DO TV v ntf pcVMtnill |>t in •*»! hi .1 ll#»*v<l 11»» ttl#» l«f ’ * f • I it ! jihm by ifj* which tfn«-*»rn nil true art. t jlmt in Aftanti*' W M ItiUilnu .« hi'Nlttt Th# IW # 1 »»m* :>» thou .Mint Mintli ,r hi«n vl»«n*»* to mt*it nthtt »w t tin * »iin«t iiif»Ttl »ht** 'ti «v«r an**, tit ihM hi.t«l fr«rtltrwm of »t»- n h of I'tO'-i’t^ rfit1n«»»«< of iiipt'r'i.ri H’W^ t’lNA I.K.M K l*«w Br nt I* MHtiion Though eM:i urn her t« . wheiier fashion .‘i.nirH, nor hew nor whm Ir will 1I0 nryr, nor whv i w .* vesterilay He ll i |i <l.i v 1* *011.. 04 •• mil iniiiiirri w > e ... ... . . w'.y 't 1 * 1 mi* .**1 1 • '• . 1 . 1 * ■ ’t*ii iliW’iy* will tie el.ryeil It tnoveM Hrmnllly forwunl Ini.* that ren in of •Hliumotl •■•nrr wlirrr lie ml . 1 itlli ty blrtui iu p»*rfret humanly mill ever keep*. *iei w. t; 1*1 v elvtil- Mtion ami "Iiltitre. No itnrtnem ettn plra*e 'he intlii "f ''*11111*1 anil niti :it ■*1 tarn, how"' ri .'iirrret r may lie m Hi wei i nmv hr I a 1 lorn I or howev.-r ra.rilrnt. tin- niulrrhil* may he of whn'ii |r * maile. mile** If ,* fa»hlonaloe even thmiitb it vlolmr* no law if art ami of itaelf Ih a tUnite of hrtuify. for wnhoui luu iuilr*iT!liahle somerhlna "inr inly fnahton run 4l"“ It Ih Ilk* a rtowrr tvllhonf friianinee ..r h tune without miiMie wiirtortm vrt llllll'OMl. I'wn I «ft«*N «»f It ih not alwnya well to afrut amt frn one * little hour upuu rile *tnar toil i-rttliHrleully Vtaerraily. who threw ihe hi'UIr Im ite*erlbeit a* tmuseir nto In* aeiiUtf heart unit soul. Ilie new pHir of Slo-rtlelil n*eit to lell fiiuuy *loi'le* iihoill the et' fen.vr* n11.11 10 one vhraih * h i f.-« t of hi* euay . olloipnnl aiiuiner of trinket* naiiHlIy worn hy nulle* upon lie player* rnlleeieit for 111* enm .11..... 1 a*, li.elmle* a Wile*, ten it*, puny in *mull |.rovmeinl rmvu* onee Italtlna WhihIim. ‘1 will be with you in a moment. I mii*t lillisb 't.e bakniK of tin* bateh of wntehe* hrrt." The speaker wn.* a jeweler. H* -nl'l : * iit worked: I oppose ml re - Inprise, i u ill* 1 den o' wattii I will ■ xplallh Hie tnaiiiiner.' ot a wuteli * .eneate. 11 it mual work he *uun n tv ter a* n suimiiei, lie sum. o H'iIsm.: a* 1 ''mro. ih*.- siine n 'in Sulim a - n li eiatul. riiere * only oiie -o ■ ot/:! -i. in*- the wall'll niisi * >y iilaioi wilt nun ■ mu. I .111 egiilaiiiiK hese wan lies to heat. Mlerwinit in 1 refrigerioor. I wilt regulaie them to 'old. lino wli.'li bey go out n file world Ihey vent di-grioe neiuselves u mv a mull ' hrouollielia* must '*-• i'H' fat- si mole arefnilj hau wuUiies. hey in- ot'teu or week* eii.ipei'it- ure* tint ire low ero mil mw '.'I' ilegris-* rhll*Uel|bia 1 tuileoti ImunalVM n* j. srriHiii'. Vianirently lie ' man tow- Uiim'limiiitu iis-s not < aeve u s. it if single i|"s*is|in ** Vimviai ats ai*. oifonsl to the men who w«l the igllest. the imist ileliirtneil ami ■ t 1 .—a women u he own Klghiy l".lai* s in the intlii who tuarrte* he Igllest. vtiile hill Still s tie '-eward < lie one maiTvIng lie '-rlpiile \il wom- ■n over forty who huve hern llli*l l ; i'H*t t tv lee bring their spouse* '*1111* whirh vary areonllng 10 the *ia»e of die film I, which wn* left hy 1 rich •1‘stileiu of ;!n town. The avo-nge n-Iee paid * STiP to "mil mile" In ' sliinilil ie itniuimilly .imuerotu while rite rrtlHtee* ar** empoweriHl to pit a larger sunt when, in heir judgment, 1 seem* v *e to hold orth l *pe all u- dui'ionenl to prnetira he mar igi of some part lettlurly mn'orttnuite vomun. 1 iirl.mltl*- \huul IV.mmI. I’lie strongest wood ivlinit grow* w■ -1 Inn the liiuiiH of thn rmtetl Status * lint known is nutmeg liieknry. tvUieb ftiiiirishe* mi fhe lower Arltamnne rlvei * I’he moHt ohiHtle Is riimarnek. the Iihi'it or shellbnrk stuiiillng ant i':ir below I'lie wood wirti tile le/ml elii'i- lielty and lowest speeltle gravity im the I'lmtllN auroH. The wood of the high- • •*r speeirte grav'ty Ih the blue wood if lexn* amt Mexico. The heaviest of the foreign woihIh are the pomegranate and die lignum vlfue, and rile lightest i* eork. Four 111111111*111 and thirteen different spe. les of tree* grow in the varum* section* of rhe eounfi'y and of hi* umnher sixteen, wheu perfectly seasoned will sink In wafer !'he**> wood* of high s peel he gravity grow parse* amt p o . use* la 1'eklier < u die play of M Ilium 1'ell ne . .trued iuomiIv 11 die anil region* of ew Mex Match Me In l.niatou. Irtlll. the bride m one of these siupal 'UMfie* and pm ' |,n ' M’zonn and Vevaiiii. Nrw fork I‘res* Knl.K * -r rtr ..le i'll.- vosioni of a.' ag amv.«* to Hi de* >1- former'v 1 .'iiinnion pra. tl.T whet i S a* fashionable lor w.e to H 1 kin *Ueafhi*l ami "i* peieleo from tlieir gli'iileH 1 w.Mining offered in .ipport.intty of preseii og aomrthiuk no-el or ornamental 'n the .-.illei'V' line noil freip.ein refereni'e •iieh presents .ss'iirs In (lie plavs of rile slxieentb and sevenlenni ll .•entitives l<i die "'V.irh of Kit im hi ion. ' liws, for 1UN 1.10. > wearing si! 'See 1 kilt*. W.,1 he ll tier ,ea on* hllsl.uilil ,« c g ■ e In., V III’ we.l.llna a -1... 1. 11 Hie IH«I.1-Mil<ie la.* \»ie* ridaie* dial Albert h. Plllshory former at lot tiev general of MiseHidiaselis, on vlsu ug m. I. 'Ih piii-e ..f Horace Cresdev n Amher-i N H. note ed that liirre was uo pla cunt Iilamt ihe piece to inform Inc pidilli of a* historical lUtereii Ac corvhngl\ lie bill *ed lacked oil the Uonne a card w 1 • h read Th * 1* die birthplace of Horace I. eeley M lull* a. wu* engaged at rid* :*i, p uaiive pniised t, read the ca'il anil, laruiug to Mr f'lllsloiry lie n mark d wilh * a. ..Ill y '*11. ua!f of * om of you teller* Ihnf hey i.uiile money In the rlfv s fairlv «-■ 11 M liu do yon supp..** folk* in cure wheder you w *« i*>ru on tl.c farm or wtiiic otbei farm I'hen • aiy seniiiiienrs, M Mreelci and dm 1 yon ' 'g 1 1 die nestlnii lio yoo mIphii ’’ so mini rally Ini the man wn* quire hrowu off in* guard and. to In* in rror. replied, A III 1 ie sir Inn I've never had a go with one of them crosehow* ’ windier tint. .11 'Vug r.. 1* he naked, dm .volt Wild for me in lend \ il'Uilliil U. a' will you do *' only to lie greeted tiuex peefmlly oy the who play**! lell- in* with "Why ren My sir l don clll'e. 1 I'O a* V III lin.ii ,n i on.luu 1 Arrtfd If W i»h Him A ag. a ns.k place at set. from (Hie of l..s .1.1. eSI.V's cril.s «*-* A- the'.- On I. ad* Will, Ih* -lore- iai'i,e piecei ... ...ul were .uracil ed to die i . d\ n the i a . All the crew * ere summoned ..n the quarter dss'h for 'he burial Just H« th. tasty was i*-liig I’.sr bi.rst out la ugh og Sent morning the .fiaplalu sent f..r Pal and f.,. H ll .1, la Oil I .Ol, of bis laugtner at so. I. a very soletuu flute *inrc now replied Pat "Ot've heei'd • iv,any n win. g.ju, rwiow l.nt III «e n . ei seei wan rake l* coal with or lifer. I.oml. v. it tier « Iai rrlr Kr«t|ci( A ^ **h >i t .‘Mkti'Riin . sijiuiffm* In w der i. | i. his * t da ugh ter* from f.K'tdm I., p, rs left I - property to them r. ... . h«'-es t pi decree.1 that If eiff.c" i- .-si With. Ul the onsent ivf the trustees she should forfeit her share her - sfer* W hen rhe case came m svenev " na* found thi st- -I. s had a 1 ll arridl without pern ss",,c md rho* each had for r.' ' . th. , •.,( erty t her eieter* Ie of affairs .vliion the indie* .1 , i ulrrol highly «af rsf:u to I", Sen u It. in I'olyuesm and die Paciffc iHland* generally ihe oilier linek of die cocoa uut I* iiniidi*) into strand* of uniform texture known to die unlive* a* sen nit anil 0*.*i by dieiu f o' a variety ot piirpo*. * rhe framework of their hoime* i* held together by braided sen nit, ami the eiraiie* of dieir I mat* are unde, pv li * the staple from which str'.ug made to loud the a.l/c blade to i* handle and t.» hr the dlf fei-en parts of their Implements *e .nrelv togethei 111 short, whatever filing* arc mulisi or n reneil or pegged or g! ,.»il i .ti er in ids are tied ,'ogedi er with seiiiiii by the south sen is- latnler One tc'Bge.I III n nee Parly A certain gentleman, die possessor of a cork leg. living in oue he I.i.u don suborhii aiiii.ijHy gi > e* a dinuer t. a owner* of n i kc auoatltutc III the renin’ of the able are g'miped four crutch**, ar mad nh ch tw ue fe* toons of (tower* miniature leg* u iv.a'y . orupoee die liannie* of file knives and f irks while the piece de re* 1 stance m invar ably a maguiflceu: rurkev that, ha* been deprived of a leg ladore being brought to table. IkiIIU, k'l-It l.sve* 1 ,t. ..can*’ of I tendency rapidly . dci on.. ■,*»' iu is a peculiar position among finds In Knglaml it is the su e. of a -i ectai act of pari,ament, s.. toi.g ago . li'!.* men knew rhe e\ i* resnitiug from earing mm w.-re, ,.n<. rta n p<>* mortem age. so they passed a m t provuiiog that cx c| t .rug li.* hour* of dr -ue scrv ice tins hah cia;Id he s.d.1 ou stuuilay. That act ha - never ten repen led. i Ranhiii Fin* l'wii TrtpN. raiTh'K s wife was ailing." and Tat k put on Ins Sunday bast and walk.d our nnies to tin* doctor's house to 'ci. him .11>iiiii her "vow said the doctor, when lie had lieu nt all 1'iitrlek had to up and had prejaired some uiL’dleine. "here is loiuediing for your wife I've written die direcil.m* , ii the horde and 1 w ant her to try it fi fitfully for a fortnight Then, if t doesn't relieve her come to me again and I will give you an other prescription." •Now doeflier. see here, ‘ snsl Pill rick si.Hiding straight and .ooking gi"nt!y at the physieian. 'If you hit * y or doul ta o rhi* ctirtu' Mary as it's v. ci i you ha c by rhe way you spake, vhy don't you give me rir*t whit', you re g m' til gr e me last " »i..f.v*.|,. RlMItN. roroedo hoars ilo not ram the v*** -cis against wh . li drey operate; they -•wiiply ill*, ha 'ge self propelling torpe doc* which, if they strike the vessel, explode and sink or ofherw *e ilamage i riven, if nor sunk hy the enemy’s flrc the torpedo boat run* away and after taking on more torpedoes i* for again. Torpedo boats are . ,lr very light and of euorvuou* speed 1'hey onnuot resist gun tire a . are easily sunk If hit even hy com- Iill■ a I ei.- ghf shot therefore rher operate to hesi ndvantage in die night, s. thin the threatened feet Im* r, he very wale awake » h f* searrhllghts and is lighr gun* After “Laying-by Time” After "iaying-by time comes the period of leisure when farmers have ample opportunity to visit our ware rooms and carefully inspect a stock of vehicles guaran teed to hold the attention of any prospective buyer.' BRADLEY & BANKS tlon. Joe Hill Hall Speaks. Flott. Joe Hill Hall b:i> spoken. In hi* speech ar, \esvnan Saturday he told the people ot' that city that he was not a candidate tor the gu bernatorial nomination, though trout the tenor of hi* remark* ir i* inferred r.har he still prefer* that hi* friend* insider hi* candidacy among rhe possible political deve! op men t.* of the not diistant tuTiire. \[i-. Hall expressed hi* personal preference for Hon. li. V' • Free man. 1'oweta's favorite son. a* rhe man l*-*i lit,ted to grace rhe guher natorial chair. He declared that Hon. Hoke Smith i* ao reformer, but i* ntak ing the race w ith borrowed rhnn tier- ifail thunder. Mr. Hall de clared that, he had made the issue* which have lw-en taken tip by both Vir. Smith and Mr. Howell, and calleil attention to the fact that in the Terrell-Gnerry campaign Mr. Smith tioi-ked with the lit'inor crowd. A11 thi* :* accepted by the friends of the Bibb county *tate* man a* evidence sufficiently *atis facrorx for the present that he will come- in and rile a proprietory 'ieg lerled 0|>|>Ar1n nllWa I w.-i'uier *a <: Fanner < orntossel. • i.. I.. , .* r.•. iri.ii fr i. g trip to (he l y ■ •>■-.«. many young n»en insist nr. m t get: n rt- !. ’ ' it., you mean:' asked hi* wife "They h , v. -t to t* lawyer* wr iloc t.*> n* • .1 o' te.n resta.ii'ar.r waiters or pc' ■ > me Wasb.ugl n star. 11m b Inn !( rinln S.irlelgn i'! I *; i . .Mi** Hammer ton. why :* if that yon are always out When I .-ail? Miss Hammerton Re-a use la f<> si.. I suppose Sup- teg t .iri'.on Miss flam-,n, We y.m know fhe old say Ing. "A f’Kil for lu> k " 4 n Odd A Smirk in i.later . iiu used siruile* thaf w.iulii bring home tn ’Ue rough eharaciers around hull die truths he s.,light f> inpt'eus w is once den vm. Ing die iugrarlrnde <*f man for all the beuetlt.s eouferreit «n him by Provi dence. My friend*." he smU, 'look at file hers when rhev druk. There's n >f ane ■> fhern bur lifts its held Iu thank fulness e\*n for tl>< vnre- thnr * sue claim on the Smith platform !*•' iiiiDBon 'Hi. that W. were a leu*'" fore the campaign is many mouths \,it tn.) Mnrh Inf flnr r.nnd oLller Iii which CVellt the »AIU. "Lawd.” irayett t.V- .1 olured dea ptvrvion of the situation wiil nnder- gi> *ome sudden and material Mite i h A Ih ff fie imoor! !y th re,, me truly. 1* there anyth./g that hasn't been -aid already < w th* -ubje* r of love? Site isoftly Probably not. b it I am sure. *erv mir*. indeed, everything on the •n/'lei t r.asr.'t beer. sr,*t to me — Puck. \* tmivVieh not i innot tie a fail for sieep. an less, of .sturse, the brum ha* been overworked. Healthy exereiao. . a it ■ si to the point of rendennff rest •xyeerty wrieoiue. is one natural means of promoting ale. p. .■ i. "please give us m dls wort whit* we livm at ali de pf’sperit.y we km ■ taw!, bur w'en we gits d"*r.y w.i*. it en ter .elebratln r,io much de* send >ng .Mil Br er Trouble fer make ns sii n de b.iar. etv w- li e‘ mighty thankful:" Atlanta i onsntti Uon. \ IffiimpIlAhmcnti, Muggins — My daughter wilf be a great eatch for some one She ran ■ nok or write poetry with equal ease ami effeetiveneaa. Juggine—WeU. my daughter can write p.'etry, I never saw her try to rook it. bur I'll bet sfce could, t'lerelaml leader changes Mr. Smith would prt b ,,blv ii"t h:f. -• oi cas'i'iii - • c.'-pre— regret, ou the on aision of hi* sne- t-ei 1 ii■ _ stiimp *f>evA'he*. that the gentleman of the county of Bibb had *ee:t fit to decline to divide the time. For Mr. Hall i* not a *hirk- *r.—Albany Herald. tiooi- tif Tk* niteere-e* rim I'm feei-ng foe tins I waa np with the lark. Jim—I'm not feeling ao fine this morning I waa up with lha Ki*k laat r ght.—Detroit Free Preae Wn- Over Ijtwyer—I'll be frauk with you. You can t break your father » will. Client — I'll be frank with yon. I ena't pay you unleas It ran be broken Lawyer —I'll go you onir better. We'll break that wlH. —Cleveland Leader. Dtaon —ate Cat DUsmA "This la a hard world." growled the ehroolc kicker "That * wbat"' replied the ohgertant man. "The only thing with which yon can make an impress von an tt la Tocka ’ " — Exchange Insist on) i at ing Climax c .vyn selbs it for fo.Jo per ton. Money to loan on real estate et ent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. I give both quality and quantity of .tot/ Wflod. Davis. Phoue per cf in n.saa af kslty ta aa impaWimt aa aa creaw wt grevtay —HaattW. Never -trike a man wfcen he ia down. Paw ebascas ta ona tea wflt get ap again —Prtiatt New* A little forethought may save yon no •ud of troebte Anyone who maaes it v role to keep Chamberlain's Colic, imiera and Dtarrboea Rem-siy hand nows thi* » i« i fact. For «Je by !o(t & Cates, draggiaU, Newnaii, Gte. New goods arriving daily at the under selling store of , I W STRIPLING '& SON Talcum Powder* w.irth 10c ar Talcum Powders worth bio a r . i 'h.'-JrHii's Pui'a- Is Pde. and 50o eacl in in Ladies and Gout’s Parasol*, worth Too at -UK' T./idi'-* ib-iiidi Black Parasols, worth 1.25 at .• Ladi-s Silk Parasol* worth 1.50 at’e*' all -tlk Parasols, l>-aiitiful handles, worth ar. l.b* Therni' mer-rs with storm gins* combined for !:?'■ Men’s suit oas.-s worth l.oo at ',** • Me.j’s imitatn.Mi angator skin suit oa*' * worth 2.5<> 1 .»*-•- Toiesoopes, *f)o to 5J9c each. , Luuoh basket*, do. LOo and Ido oaoh M n’s white :av\rt tie*, M oent* a d >/oa. Box paper, I quire ii:ueii pap-r and 'iivcl,>p■ * to umtcli in whit- aod o", p->r im\ g’.A,- Now belt buckles at Kid hair curler* [*-r buuoli BusCor Brown o iiar* in all *u, *, oticli V-a !in: iatesr sty! * in ladies' coilar* :ii 1 igut-dav c. icks that have b,i,m oouMduiinl idump at 2.50, are mow going m i V-a -i.ipmVo f Va 'uoionic* lace* and Su i-& .'.min \ g dug a a low price. L,e‘" otii't.i: >* wortii 1 00, p-c pair I ..toe i' :rra...s. y yd* ! ng, urih ! ,’>0, pm pair Lao" ' irr.-g .-. :. 1-2 yd* long, wortli ou, p i pqii I * | ltd HI " .11 I'll, epn 11 ’, 12 -kirr.- aajl.roid-.ry ■ o U.tiom i I in wide. g" d quality mu*!in, worth 2 0>, m only 12 -fcirrs with L'*> in iThhico, :i rows lacff inam'tiug I | j mohe* 1-id-; H' d 01)0 row of litCe edging 2 i-2 III. wide. W'rfh Lot), at only In -tin- wo ; 2 r w- mserting 1 1-2 in, wide mul 1 r. w iace 1 1-2 in. wide, worth 1.0t>, at T'.k' 12 skirt* with embroidery and lace on bottom, worth Too, at only "itv Drawer- with embroidery »i inches wide and with tuck* nice quality of muslin, at only A :tOo J. W. STRIPLING & SON ’Phone 98. dp,- I Mb l u*