The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, August 04, 1905, Image 5

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For Sale.—House ami lot. W. I Local News of Newnan \ L Mr. G. 11. Black ami Mis. Frank Morph are at Tate Sprint's. Olio Longino, ot’ Atlanta, is the -nest «>1 Berryman Longino. Miss Benella Oit lives ami 1'riemls in is with i Palmetto. Miss Btibv Love,joy is in Grant- ville. the guest ot Miss Banks. Miss Elizabeth Buehanan has returned to her home in Opelika. Miss Klizabeth Graves, of Spar ta, is the truest of Miss Llewellyn King. Miss Martha Oit is with Mr. ami Mrs. 1*. L. Sutherland this week. Lizzie Leigh is visiting her Mrs. Longshore, in West. Mrs. sister. Point. Miss Delia Wisdom, of La Grange, is the guest of Mrs. W ill A mold. Mis* Nanaline King is spending the .week with Miss White ill < i rant\ ille. Mrs. c. 1>. Hollis and ehildren have returned home from weeks’ visit at Boscoe. Mrs. /. Greene entertained is in Atlanta last Tuesday. ('. A. Fain is the. guest of friends in Monroe. O. W. Bradley was in Atlanta last Tuesday. Miss Nora Melson has returned to her home in Atlanta. For cheap feed for cows, hogs and chickens, go to Askew's mill. tf Mr. Allers I Intel and little daughter. Katherine, are in Balti more. Mrs. G. W. Barney and ehil dren, of Atlanta, are visiting rela tives in Newnan. Miss Lucy Beck, of Griffin, " ho was the guest of Miss Belle Vernon King, has returned to her home. TheG. L. A. I>. Society of tin* First Baptist Church picnicked at Pearl Spring Park last Thursday. Mrs. M. U. Harris has returned to Monroe, after spending two weeks with Mrs. George II. Car- in ieal. Mrs. Allers lintel is expecting her mother. Mrs. Barrow, of Penn- two sylvania, soon to spend some time in Newnan. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mangel ary Mrs. Will Mattox is the guest of Mi’s. Sanders Gibson. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Palmer this week. Dr. .1. M. Christian, formerly of C. at Grant ville, is now Haz.lehurst, Ga. M r. and M rs. <'. Miss Mary Parrott Wheeler Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Mulcom Little Bock, \rk., are friends in the city. Mrs •sident of "Thr DrllRht of Mnnkinri.” Titus. (lie Human emperor, was enti tled “the delight of mankind.” Tims’ beneficence whs unbouiukHl. Hint it so happened ttuil during liis brief reign there was (lie most argent need of Its exercise. In the lira! year occurred the great eruption of Vesuvius, over whelming Herculaneum and I’ompell and ruining numerous other towns and villages. The next year a lire broke out In Home, which raged three days, causing groat destruction. iuuf*m the tracks of these calamities followed n dreadful pestilence. Titus dealt out gifts with lavish hand to the houseless and ruined sufferers, lie eVen despoil ed tile palaces of (heir valuable orna ments to obtain money for dlstrlhti lien and schemed and planned to fur Boy Askew and Muster msli occupation for them, lie was now the Idol of his subjects, the "love and delight of the human race.’’ bill, tin for tunately for tlitil part of the human race over which ho ruled, In the coin mencemenl of iho third year of Ids reign lie became suddenly ill and diisl al Ills patrimonial i Ilia In the Sabine country. THE RICH the poor NEED PE-RU-NA. jan ’iirrott and at Burden- < >rr. of \ isiting lew few friends informally Tuesday entertaining a young daughter at evening at a nnwicale. their home. The young lady ar- Malcolm McOrory has returned rtv « l Wednesday, to College Park, after spending va cation with relatives. Mrs. Cotter Lovejoy, of New Or leans, arrived this week on a visit to Mrs. Mary Lovejoy. Stacy Capers has returned, after spending several we parents in Arcadia, La. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Morris and j little son, Goodrum, are \isiting relatives in College Park. For Sale—50-saw and KO-xiiw Van Winkle gins and Cole, press for sale cheap. Apply to C. S. Fineanon, Newnan, Ga. For Sale—First class fresh apple cider every day.. Ten cents per reeks with his 'l»art or :!0 cents per gallon, de livered. E. E. Davis, 'phone 122, city. •It, Mrs. M. D. Hollis has retiirned home from a visit to her daughter in Atlanta. She was accompanied Miss Mary Fox < amp is i|nite ill j,y lutr granddanghter. little Wil- with fever at the home of her mother, Mrs. W. W. Camp. Mrs. T. M. Goodrum and little • li«* Lanier. E. F. Stallings, of New Orleans, is the guest of his brother, Col. W- son, James, are visiting relatives L stallings. Mr. Stallings left in Atlanta and College Park. New Orleans on account of the vcl- Miss Lizzie Gray passed through low fever. Newnan Friday returning from tin extended trip through the West. Mr. Tonnage, bookkeeper for J. Goodrum Tobacco Company, of| Atlanta, was in the city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun Hill are receiving congratulations on thc| arrival of a daughter in their home. Mr. Samuel Alexander, alter a visit of several days with the fam ily of Mr. T. L. Stevens, left for Florida Tuesday. Mrs. Samuel Wilson, of Bartow, Fla., who has been visiting Mrs. Lizzie Leigh, left Monday lor a visit to West Point. Dr. and .Mrs. Thus. Cole have returned Irom a delighttul trip to Buffalo and other points of inter est in the North and East. Miss Jennie Cates left Tuesday afternoon lor Tallulah to join a camping party, which will have as hostess Miss Gertrude Askew. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Thompson and Misses LucileThompson, Cor- ille Hardaway and Katie A mail left yesterday for Iiordey-Wheeler. Mrs. McKillop, of Homeland, Fla., w ho has lieen the guest ot Mrs. Jean Howell, is now with Mrs. A. H. Young at her home in the country. Misses Emma Belle and Estelle Ernest Goodwyn complimented a few friends with a straw ride I. Monday night. His guests were driven to his home in the country and there; enjoyed fruits and mel ons. Miss Butli Whatley and Messrs. Willis J. Davis mid Hugh It. North, of Newnan. spent Monday the guests of the family of Bov. W. A. Davis.—Settoia Enterprise-Ga zed: to. Bate's Hudson are spending weeks at Sharpsbtirg. Miss Wilson, the giie'st ot Miss Bay Lowe Sponelew, returned to Atlanta last Tuesday. Je'tt Austin, of 11 iirricrtite Dis trict, has gone to Godfrey, Texas, to remain several months. Mrs. W. II. Holmes is spending it lew days with Mr. ami Mrs. Wallen- Holmes at the* Lake 1 . Miss Frankie' King red lerncel Irom Atlanta Wednesday aftew a delightful visit eil’two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Turlington I are the 1 parents of a ‘seen, w ho ar rived at tlie'ir home 1 this week, * i Prof. Arthur Bausenit, e»f Ait i burn, Ala., is visiting Mr. W. J. Bail sent anil family in lhe> city. The county ehaingang lias re moved from the 2d to the 1st Dis trict and is camped near tSenoitt. Miss Mary Oit, one of New nan’s most accomplished young ladies, i now holels a position in the post- 1 office here. .Miss Catherine' Bowel will return Saturday, after a delightful visit to frii'tiels in Bome', Dalton and < ’hallanooga. lion. Frank Clark, of Florida, was with relative's in Xewiuin this week, lie 1 was e»nroute' to Hot Springs, Ark. Mrs. Hargrove mol Miss Har grove, of Birmingham, are* «*xi»e*«*t e'd to arrive' today to be tile* giie*sts of M rs. E. .1. < )it. Little* Miss Evelyn Wright on- t'ltained a niimber of her little' friends at a watermelon cutting on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fort, who have Ite'im v isiting the family of lion. I. N. Orr, have returned let their home in A inewieus. Mrs. Mamie Thompson and Missi's Biith Thoinpson ami Daisy Peilely are expected home* from Mnrphey, N. C., this week. Lost—In Newnan last week, a gold handle umbrella, “Miss !Vle*l Vulril lltml In Trinity e linrrlijrierit. A lex a mler Hamilton is burled in Trinity elnirchyttnl. at the head of Wall street. Now York, and tlie grieve* Is innrkisi li.v a conspicuous white mar- ble* mnmunelil near tlet* Heelin' street .•.Urllon of Hie elevitted road. His wife, who lived limit ISM. It fly years after Ills dentil in lilt* duel with Hurt’. Is litlt'li'd lieslde hint. AIIktI e Hi Hat In, wlm succeeded Hiuniltoit as secretary nf (lie treasury, lies iiiilj a few feet away, and near by Is also the grave of Ktiberl l'nllon. Inventor of Hie steamboat. A tied her fainoiis occupant of Trinity churchyard, whose monu ment Is near the Hl’omlwny gale. Is Captain .lames l.avvrenee of the I tilted Slates navy, cuimntitidrr of the frigate <'Itesnpeake, who fell in battle with the British ship Nhiinnon .lime i. isi:i. In the ihlrty-seeond year of his age. Ah he fell upon the deek he cried to Ills suliordlniiles, "Don’l give np Hie shit)!" A l.imliiR Orr a in. *•1 made a nice Idiot of myself the oilier morning,’’ salil file commuter, who Is paying teller In a savings hunk. "My wife was afruld I'll tnlsa my train, and she got me by the shoulder and shook me, telling me thin It was time In get np. I gut *ilimit hull awake, nud, soim lunv, 1 thought 1 whs hi my win dow In Ihe hunk with a long line of women iiwttlllng their lurti. The one Hi the window whs Iiii ml lug me eherli, and, from force of Imbll, I mild: "*llow much money do you want?' '•You know, intis I women who present cheeks wind to ill’llw some und deposit the list. Well, wluil do you think the Wife dill? Quick as a Hash mine her answer to my 'dopy' question: " ‘I'lve dollars wIII do.’ "She got II. Inti I h »pe I won't dream liny noire." New York Host. Many Suffer With Catarrh and Don’t Know It. The Phase of Catarrh Most Prevalent in Summer is a Run Down, Worn Out Condition Known as Systemic Catarrh. “Pe-ru-na Is the Medicine for the Poor Man."-”* 0 * A ’ nu » s,, “ C ATAKKH assumes different phn-« • In dlltereivt sea-on. of the y ear. I u the curly Hummer Hyslemle cnturrh is must prevalent. That tired, Worn-or.L fooling In mm cases cut of ten 1* duo to r ivtanhul condition id the immoiiH mi iiibuvni v. < Mr lion. A. Hughes, SOU Mass. Ave., IndlBnapolls, lnd„ writes; i "Pi run* has dont mt more good than anything I have ever taken. I S am forti .five i ears, old now. and feel as good as I did at twenty. I was > very Ihin and'run down, but Peruna acted just right In my case. I am a < carpenter and sometimes need a tonic. Peruna *- | poor man.”••Oeo. A. Hughes. Is the medicine for a A C«n|rt»man Use* Pc-ru-na In Mlu r amlly. Hon. Thou. J. Henderson, Member of Congrot’H from Illinois, nnd Lieutenant In the Union Army for eight years, writes from the Lemon building, Wash ington, 1). O., ns follows: • •Peruna has been used In my family with the very best results and I take pleasure In recommending your valua ble remedy to my friends as a tonic and an effective cure for catarrh."— Tlios. J. Henderson. Bunina cleanses the mucous mem- prunes und cures tin eviiirrh wherever located. riierearonoremodlCH for catarrh Just us good os Peruna. Accept no uubstt- tules. A reward of f 10,000 has boon deposited in the Market Exchange llimk, Ooluin- bus,Ohio, as a guarantee that (lie above testimonials are genuine; that wo hold in our possession an thou tlo letter* certU tying to the same. During many years* advertising we have never used,lit part or In whole, a single spurious testi monial. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tin Hartman Sanitarium, Oolumbuj, <„ilo. All correspondence held strictly confidential. E. ('. Gondwyn sells the gunnum Mon- toviillo onal. Tlioro is no such onul ns ‘•Climax Moiitovnllo.” tf son” engraved on top. Finder Mr. und Mrs. James Albiight, ot will please leave al News office. Atlanta, are the parents of a a daughter, who was born to t hem a lew days ago. Mrs. Albright is in t Newnan with her mother, Mrs. Gearrold. New nan’s eotton receipts this season, up to August 1st, amount ed to 15,<185 bales; last year to same date, 11 ,]}>5 bales. Stock on hand this year. -Hi bales; last | year, U7 bales. Quite a number of young people were entertained most pleasantly one evening litis week at the home of Bev.'W. A. Davis, in honor of his charming sister. Miss Evie Da vis, of Newnan. • Sctmia Enter prise-Gazette. Prof, t '.iaries Astin will aot as organist at the Methodist Chiii'oh next Sunday, morning and even ing. Prof. Astin i~ a talented a id experienced organist and his num- bets will be a musical treat for Cellars have returned to theii home in Grautville, alter spending j s congregation, several days with Misses Mary Goodrum and Frankie Me< rory. Miss Sarah Buchanan entertain (’apt. T. \V. Powell is in Uogers- ville, Tennessee, where he went to attend a family reunion. There ed at a lawn party in compliment are seven brothers ami one sister to her charming guest, Miss Susie Parks, of Atlanta Miss Elizabeth Jcmison, of Birmingham, who lias been the guest of Misses Jennie and Doro thy Burpee, left Saturday for La Fayette, Ala. Lieut. S. G. Orr, of the I’nited States army. is ill at Ihe home of his lather, Hon. I. N. Orr, in this city. Lieut. Orr and family are here to spend some time with rela tives. L. W. Petty, who was a resident of Newnan fifteen years ago, is with relatives ami friends in the city and county. lie is now en gaged in the printing business in St. Louis. Mrs. B. .1. Lee, of Wlanta. is the guest ol ('apt. J. II. Bussell and family. Mr. Lee is in New York City for a month, making purchases for tin* < hambcrlin- Johnson IhiBose ( o. Next Monday is the regular t ime for tlte Woman’s Missionary and Aid Society to meet at the First Baptist. < hinch, and wo hope to have a full attendance. Every member who possibly can .should |>e present, on next Monday after- Aii !•!«•«•«*iiI rl«* I’m Inter. tVllltiiin W11 In I'd. well known os tin* imintcr of MassHeliMHotls' governors, mis very eccentric in Ills ways. Ills speolnl iiverslon whs the attempted piireluiHc of Ills ninny old relies of fur- lillure by people of weiiltli. A New York vviiiiinn vlsllltig In tlie vlelnlly of Hturlirldge. hearing Hint the old nrtlst possessed ii lieHiillfiil colonial tiiln’or iiiip ii rtll'o cloeli, tried to buy lltcin. Mr. tYi!hull seemed to readily agree In the side, lull when tiskeil when It would lie convenient to have them packed replied. "Not milII tifler Ihe fftneral." "Whose funeral?" asked the visitor. "Mine," replied Mr Wllinril. with it chuckle. An klirl)’ Mnlll-nsil. All old inventory of the Moliuvvk anil Hudson nillrotul. now ii part of the New York ('eulral and Hudson Itlvor nillroiid. dated .but. I. 18:i:i. gives tho following as the total rolling stork of (he road at that time: Three locomo tives (the John Bull the DcAVIU Cllu- ton and the Experiment), three car riages. a gars each: nine, in'i'oninioilntlng nine ouch; (wo, iiei'onnnodnt.lng six eneh, and Hiree, aeconituodai lug eighteen eai'h. :i (oitil eiipneliy of I8rt. Four Track Ncu.v Dr. < t reats u \. Smith, Veterinarian, diseases of ili iucst ic aui Miss Lucile Thnm|isun was inist- ess to the Salmagundi ('lull on ^ Wednesduv inurning in honor ol' j her guest, Miss I'llizubelli Bticlmn- I non, of Opelika. About fifty als. ('alIs umjiwered day or night j guests were present and were en- ()fllee til (Icarreld's livery stable. If yon wish to rent;,buy or sell a home, vacant lot or farm, or any other kind of real estate call on or write to J. T. Holmes, Beal Estate and Ben ting Agent, Newnan, Ga. Office in store of J. \V. Stripling & Son. tf Ain > Icisinft out 10,000 Pit lure Dames al cost. You will find what yoil want in (lie lot. II. D. Owens, Brewster Building, Newnan, Ca. II tcrbiincd in a most delightful itinu- | nor on tin* spacious veranda, which was beautifully dccurntcd in pot, plants and cut flowers. • Punch was served during the morning and at the close of the game a dc- liciotis salad course was served. 'I lie prizes were won by Misses Bcs sie Powell and Virginia Freeman. lit ATM Ol MKS. .SEWF.LL. Wanted I want to buy scrap iron. E. L. Wultom, Ni wnan, Ga. tf* Hill) lie Is n ’wlioli cigar Imposter Jurors drawn at March term of I Superior (’ourt tzi serve at Muy tid- oiniiiodatlng twelve passcu- | journed U.'rm are required to up pear next Monday morning at, the opening of August adjourned term of this court. The Luke Hall case will come up for trial next Monday and an interesting session of court is expected. Mrs. J. E. Dent, Jr., com pi' mettled her guests, Misses Eliza beth. A nnie and Ghi'islirtc Melson and Elizabeth Barney with a’- tlie day party on Tuesday. Tlicie were about fourteen invited and they were entertained in a most delight.fill wgy and given a straw ride to cud the g■«"1 time. TIm* t Im»lifter ol it "Buslliess men should he careful,” writes i! eorreHpondiT <H a London newspaper, "to rend ilicn lyiiewrllten eniTespoiulem-i before eomirilltlag It to I lie post. I liiivi •eeeived a typo- wflit<n b'ttm - from a geatleamn of • •eniiiiit e.vtraillon who informs me Mrs. Sewell, whose home was near Macedonia, died 'this week at, 1 lie home of iter daughter in Gar- rolltim. Tlte funeral service (con ducted by licv. J. B. S. Davis) and burial occurred at Macedonia \\ ednestlay afteriiooip Mrs. Sewell was 84 years old, a mcmbi’f of the Methodist Church, and a most, estimable Christian woman. She is survived by three sons. Messrs. Marion, Milton and Harvey Sewell, and two daughters, Mrs. James Sewell, of Carrollton, and Mrs. Summerlin, of this exiunty. cite Ini-m«•< "inisl and I)1,>I«i,iii<). "Wlntl did pupa say?” "He showed me the door." “And what did yon say?" "I said it was cert id lily a very hand- some door, but not what. I had come to talk aljonl. Thai Hindi him laugh, and u minute later you were mine.” I.oiuJoi/** lulenntly. I.ondori is tin most Intense of nil I'llies. New York is noisier; there Is more ratlle in I’tiris; la I piu'on alone yon have that Hiilslned rvi^, that Inde- Hcrlhr.hle mum or wltleli suggests an Irresistible volume of life Hint is deep us well us strong. (JhrlRtlan. Mr-. Jos"pb till I he yiuiiig pi iiolding tin mite brive- reipP'sts ehildren K i by It and •’ii'flue MeEacJieni d baby lull mit<- in this family and al) have gath- It was one ot erw j f rom widely separated parts noon at 4:80 o’clock Mrs. E. O. iieese, Pres. the prettiest ot the many affairs of the country to Ik; present at this that have added to the pleasure oi rt *union. Every matt owes it to The friends of Captain Cleve himself land Wilcoxon wiJ] regret exceed - the younger social set. Mrs.-W. Y. Atkinson and Mrs. and his family to master a trade or ingly to hear of his serious illness Ella Leverett, after a delightful profession. Bead the display ad- at his home, 27H Gordon stree * I ntlrr f!i«* ( l*« Next time i oil g * to u party watch Horne of the women as they stand un der Hir chandelier)). Notice hoiv a light, shining from atiove brings out unsus pected lln«.*« and angles in all but die youngest and freshest faces. It Is a severe test of beauty. Sec? trip, . returned Saturday from Plaftsburg, N* Y. Mrs. Atkinson was accompanied by Miss Miriam vertisement of the six Morse West End. < aptain Wilcoxon is ill with malarial fever and is also suffering from injuries sustained Schools of Telegraphy in this is sue, and learn how easily a young Atkinson, wl£) has been' attending man or lady may learn telegraphy during his service in the Philij school in New York. j and be assured a position. A4-4m ; pines.—Atlanta Journal. ( Ddwii mmd Up. “Wot did yer tell de Judge?” "Dst everybody wnz tryln’ to keep me down.” “An’ whnt did be dor “Bent me np.”— Ercbange. Ikixc- to meet '<.t h*-r home next Montlav afternoon, Aug. 7th, from live to six o'clock, i->i ptll’JIOSC of opening the boxes. All the young people intere-.b-d are invited to come, whether holding boxes or not. County »'ommisNiotters trans acted no business of im- portanee at their Wednesday in(>et.- ing. A proposition was ma<le to the city to lease a calaboose site on jail lot for a jieriod of twenty years at an annual rental of $C>0. Next meeting of Commissioners will be held on Sept. 2, instead of first i Wednesday, to prevent confiicting with Superior Court. 1!' your vision isn't perfect, tIi<T'-'h h defocl in votir eye sight which can probably be corrected if yon allow us to fit your eyes wit h glasses We help many people j; ( cases ol Lins kind. We have the largest stock of lenses ol all- grades und frames of all patterns to be 1 ouitd in (.'o wet a C, mu t v ; and our trade is the largest, which is ti guarantee that our goods and service goo perfect sat.isfuclion. S. Banta, The Jeweler.