The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, August 18, 1905, Image 4

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The Newnan Issued Every Friday, j. T. FAIN, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATE, $1.00 PER YEAR. OTflCIAL PAPER OF COWETA COUNTY.^ ’Phone No. 20. for the past two or three years, has we hope not to be so ear el ess any- laieii holding tiff publishers from more. When we liegin to write, their different addresses at Mil- we always ask the Lord’s guidance waukee. Wis., and Oshkosh, Wis. in every word we say, hoping that The redeeming feature is that the someone will get some good of it. publisher is only stuck J’or a small amount.” The News accepted a contract for this advertising, lieing unaware OinCE UP STAIRS IN THE WILCOXON B LDG Rock Spring. Paul Swanson, ofHouth Georgia, of its character, and it appeared in *r>**''t Monday with his sister.Mrs. Coweta will soon see laile.” the “fust tWo issues of this paper, learning the facts, The New On im M. I>. Thurmond. Mrs. Mamie Smith and children. The cost ot wai price <d peaee. iv u^iiiil 1 \ the Coweta address, would ••••*•111 that he, loo, i v to “buti in" at any old tiini jolltoii Fid I’lI’Ss. mediately withdrew tiiis advertis- °t Palmetto, wTre the guests ol ing from its columns. relatives and friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. \V. T. Brittain have ample information from a,,< ' children, ot < oilman, Ala., returned home last Thursday. Miss Lizzie Parrott is visiting In addition to the statement of the Publishers’ Guide, we now likely i 'a r Joe Hill Mali’s other sources to justify ..sin assert- ln^t wis’k it big t hat no publisher will ever re ceive pay for this advertising. Newspaper that have accepted this business should “kill" the ad vertisiug iminediaUdy; and all pa pels should, in the future, refrain from business dealings with the Morse School of T’elegra|fliy. Newspapers I hroughoiit Stale arc rciiucstcd In give tin le*t publicity to these facts. The News has been waiting fill tiddly lor an \tlanta man to dis- eover IIiiiI John Paul Jones once ■miled Ins ships In the w liters ot the old depot. The hour lor lliis an lionneetneiil passed some time ago, mid still there is silence in \t laiita. the ful Nlilltown. bridges Smith lifts served live years as si\<11 nl Miiomi and will be a candidate lor the sj\th this fall. II is probable In have no opposition, the k mil of Smith to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel < arroll, formerly residents of Newnan. spent last Saturday night ami Sun day with friends in our eommuni- Ih-idges is ty, enroute to Palmetto, make glad Mrs. George Anderson Inis been t tine will relatives at Flat Creek. Warner Cantrell, of Tallapoosa County. Ala., is the guest ol his uncle, J. \V. Harrison. Misses Mattie and Zcnobia j Thurmond, of Palmetto, and Mr. and Mrs. \V. M. Jackson and lit tie son. Thurmond, of Atlanta, re turned home last Wednesday, u! I ter un extended visit to the fam ily of M. I). Thurmond. MissSalua 11 any nett, of Spring- dale, visited relatives and friends here Sunday and Monday. Frank Parrott and sister. Miss Lizzie, attended the Fayette Coun ty Sunday school celebration at Fayetteville lust Friday . It. J. Fllington and Miss Perle SwsuiHOti, of Fairborn, were the guests of Miss Minnye Lee Thur mond Saturday and Sunday. P>ml Leigh and sou, Floyd, of, Arc You Prepared to Do yovr Hauling? THE MITCHELL is the very best Wagon made. the heart of "Uncle Jack" Smith, 1 on the sick list for several days, of the village of Atlanta. Jesse Smith returned home last — Saturday from Chattahoochee, uf- Judgc A.l>. Freeman has given ter spending a week at the. bedside | j".'"" f Hm n y ’ ( ,f the News an article in reply to of his brother, <ieorge, who is very ()s) , ar h ui ., m .,. f as (, ww k. Prof. \. S. Jones’ article, printed low with typhoid lever. Luther Todd and Bartow Smith, of Springdale, attended divine services here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. IL A. J. Smith, in la-t week's News; but, oil lie count ol the length of Judge Free man’s reply to Prof. Jones, the News i- unable to liud space tor it in this week's paper. It will ap peal next Week. t he editorials in the Brunswick Journal are svvitched Irom the lirst page to the last page, and from both to one of the inside pages, ul most every day. The position ol his editorial utterances is eluinie- (eristic ol Sam Small's attitude in polities. It is difficult to predict . Atlanta. Willie Hogan, who formerly lixeil here, brought his little daughter down Thursday and buried her in Oak Hill Cemetery. 1 Mr. Hogan has the sympathy of the entire community. Mrs. Lizzie Hunt’s little child, who was so sick at our last w rit ing, is much better. Miss Maggie Chappell, of La Grunge, passed through Newnan Sunday un hoi way to Whitesburg. AI van Powell spent Saturday night and Sunday with friends in One day where he will be found the next. hzlitoi Toney, ol the Fairborn News, recently escaped, by a nar- vow margin, the clutches of a dire Calamity. 1 le was elected an ii<>n on a i;x memlHU ol the Fairborn ’Woman’s Club. Yes; that was Ibe dangci point. ; Suppose he had been elected a vii.xiliFU of the Wo man's Club with the itoMiliAliV missing. Mrs. Hllen Smith lias been at Chattahoochee the past week, at tending her sou, George, who is not expected to li\e. Little Ida Frt'eman seems to be improving some, but is still quite Mrs. V. B. McClure returned home last week from Whitesburg, after spending six weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Whittle. The writer hud the opportunity of attending preaching service at Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Smith and children, Mrs. W. C. Smith and children, Mrs..!. A. Hornsby and children, Mrs. MollieTarrancc and daughter. Winnie Perle, Mrs. Myrtie Sincy, ot Palmetto, and “Uncle'’ J. IL A mail, of Pine Knot, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Smith last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. M. I). Thurmond spent Monday ill Palmetto. Joel Moore, of Fayette county, and Miss Hllen Smith, of this place, were quietly married at Leigh's Chapel last Monday. The protracted meeting here closed last Thursday with four ad ditions to the church. Bex. Short was assisted in the meeting by i Udv. Perry Owens of Douglas county; and Mr. J, l>. A mall, of the Fourth district, made some able talks in the services, w hich Come and let us show you the MITCHELL and TEN NESSEE Wagohs. BRADLEY & BANKS. IBM , . . were greatly benelieial to t he 1 he chapel last Sunday evening. It | chmrh um , , U) , )ri , st , Iltf . T h e In a recent number ot the Bruns- , the time appointed to elect a c>J<m . h was greatly revived.' wick Journal Sam Small devote* P***™ for *”“'ther year, and the several columns to an effort to ^ureh unanimously elected Bro. start a Ikhuh for John Temple ‘"osU'r, of Chattahoochee. Graves us the successor of Hon. A. i think it a splendid choice, Bro. Foster is a line man and a We for Superior Court News. At special session of Superior Court last week, F. M. Alltimk xvas re-sentenced to 1h» hanged, the date for his execution iieing tixed of think it a (). Bucoii in the United States Hi'iiate. And Sam is one of those Rood, inunble preacher of the Gos- Howdl men who have liecn so ex cited oxer the thought that Hoke Bio. t . h . i hi, who has j ,22nd. A Hums’attorneys South may Is- planning to succeed .*e„ atth^d with paralyse tor • ease before the Pm u,,itiieou tour years and coiilincd to hiR room WU1 _ . . : most of the time, had a stroke on *«“ Commission, ... an effort to last Friday afternoon, which re- have his s4>nt4 ‘" 10 VOTE ON CITY LIMITS. United in death. His body was life imprisonment i carried to Elbert county and buried that effect is lx ing ciu.u utei am Hu. bill introduced in it , Hie Old Holnirth Baptist t’hui'ch hlts ^ H>4MI signed by a imnaber THouse. providing for an extension i e yiml, by his mother, who oitizcn8 ' of New nan's corporate limits, was pm ^ u , d hi , n k) th ,. gmv( , abo , vt i Luke Hull, who was given a hie held up on uccouut of opposition; I .,q years 'sentence at this term ol court, is and, after a conference between I ‘ jJr. iwrtl Mw. Frank Almun are «»ow lodged in Fulton Uounty jail, thus, favoring and those opposing rauoh pkaMH , OV er a little His attor,,4 '> K httV4 ‘ “ 0VeU tor * the m, asm,', it was determined to irl who oaim . to taU up her ttbotle new trial and Judge Freeman will submit the proposition to the wUh lhem la>st Tm , sdav mornill g. hear the argument on the motion voters of the city at the next reg- Mi . Ulld Hillll . v \vm,itev had ^'P 1 - “ tth - lilur election in Deceuilier. The News lielieves the city limits should Im- extended; and is commuted to A petition to with them lust Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whatley had one to eome on Sunday night. Walter Whatley is improving. Little Jimmie Grows is very low quite w illing to .join issue w ith any wilh typhuld l)m >iunonia aml j s not e.xpectexl to live. for mi uv,-nig<' Hr.-.rn- m-nii im not "Tinny- 1 unt enough to support « person if griotpiHl mm the i)rat ImpulH,! would direct. ! There Im only one wny In which the onr will Miipporl m hiimiiu being. It 1 must he ridden like u liohhy horse. The luifl Im put hot ween the leg« end the Mode allowed to project nbove Ihc i Miirfnce of the woler In front of oue. j By tlilH mennH Uie henil Im kepi well i n hove the water.-—t’earson's Mmbii- ulnc. SOME SECRET INKS. WllltM That HrmnlM Invtatbl* Ca ul »;i|M»«l »<> lira,. letters written with b Molutlon of gold. Hllver. eopper. tin or mercury dlHHolved In aqua foitls. or, aimpler Mtill. of Iron or lend In vinegar, with Water added until (lie liquor does not •tain a white paper, will remain In visible for iw«i «ht -tiiwee If kept 1 aim!-up In the dtifk. but on exposure j •fori Mutue- ho lira to the open air will ( gradually acquire eolor. or will do ao . luatantly on lielnV held before the tire. Knell of these rotation* give* Ita own peculiar inlor to the writing- gold, a \ rtet'p' vtolet; allver. alate; lead and cop per. brown, but all poaaeas thla •■oin- uion dlaadvanlage— (bat In time they eat away tbe paper, leavlug the let- 1 tern lu the form of perforation. There are a vaat number of other aotationa i that become vlalble on expo*lire to ! beat or ou having a heated Iron panned ( over them, the explanation being that j the matter la readily burned to a aort ! of charcoal, simplest among which we j may mention lwuon Joloc or milk, but the oue that produces the beet result j Is made by dissolving a ecrhple of eal ! ammoniac hi two ouncee of water. Writing with rice water, to be reu- t deceit vIalbte by the application of-' Uatlne. was practiced au,s>ea»fnlly In the correalloudenoe with .lelolahad In , the Hrat Afgrtian war. LIFE BUOY AND OAR. |iersoii desiring to discuss 111, mutt,‘i in these i-olumu PUBLISHERS. TAKE NOTICE. Koi til, IM-ndit of wis'klx urns- Henry Turner am! Osee were united in marriage last Mon day afternoon. Tbe groom Is 17 years old and the bride 14. Mrs. John li. Goins has Ikhmi BlaclMNirA. •‘Who was tile original Bluebeard?" to a*, iat« the Owe to sow- asUa a writer In the London Ohrontcte. port toovovif xa ith ,hr other. Ue continue*: "We owe the familiar 4 Very few- persona know how to get B|(irtoli'il ,ijf tb^ iMUloinlint toOtwrlw Into a tiff buoy. and. as M this uneer-f .Frenchman who pnbllah- Sijiith tain world one never kppWM when"due'Vd 'ta , 4 l hla Immortal stories of may need to make uijc of o buoy in real enrneal. a little practice might prove of gient value In an emergency. New. wheu the buoy la thrown Into the wuier the temptation Is to try to lift it over cue's head and ahouldera or to dive threugti It. This, however. Im Impossible. The correct thing Is to grasp the two aides of the buoy, with .. > Ungers of tbe liamis uppermost, lower 4 sa J s yourself uuder the buoy aud come up through tbe center, then rest your arms upon the »ldea. aud you will be publislunN, Til,' News gives eontiued to her room most of this .-quicc to tln> paragraph, copiisl w,s'k with lexer, fi-om the August u uni her of the \Y. li. l>ewberry has moved his I’ublishers* Guiile: family tiaek to Newnan. “NVheivver you timl a publisher “there is no place like home.” running the Morse School of Teleg-1 Mrs. Pat Dauieron’s little baby . ... -,i i * couifortnblv supported aa long as It la kidnaped about 160 children, tortured - raphy advertising you eanteel safe girl has pneumoma and seems to K them.^aertaced them to the devil.! in stating he has something to j be in a very critical condition. More often than otherwise, tn caae . burned their bodies and hurled their j charge to his pro tit and loss ao- The best part of our notes got of accident, a life buoy 1a not at hand. ! bones In hie castle grounds. But the count. This School, now attempt- misplaced last week and our eol No^Tbcri. romHt’tt" ing to operate in Cincinnati, Ohio, umn seemed almost a blank, lint m in saving ones, if hv Uda menus. •Bloebeanl.’ 'The Fleepiug Beauty.’ ■tattle Kcd {tiding Hood’ nud •Clialcr- cllo.’ Bui It la very uncertain who. If anybody, waa Perraulfs unalel for Bluelieant. Sonic have Biippoaed fliut it was mir Henry VIII.. others that the tale la a lampoon u|h>ii ihc castle lords of knight errantry days lu general. Perhaps the favorite caudidute has been tjltew de It ills, laarshnl of France, who was hanged nud burned lu 1440 for an awful aerie* of crimes. Duriug fourteen yearn he was believed to have reeMubiaore between his tale and Bine beard't |« too alight to he convincing.” J. w. STRIPLING & SON SPECIALS Our buyer, .J. W. Stripling, is in New York City getting some of the greatest bargains in merchan dise that spot cash can buy. We are already re ceiving some ol them and will give you a few prices this week. 40 Ladies’ black silk skirts, made up in the latest style, fine grade peau de soie silk, real value $10, at only 0.48 li accord ion pieated skirts, extra fine grade silk' assorted colors, worth 7.50 to 10.00, to go at low price of 5.98 0 all-silk kilt pieated skirts, value 7.50, at only .. 5.98 28 ladies’ silk waists, shirred front, made up in the newest style, worth 2.00 to 2.50, at only.. Big shipment white counterpanes, kind of bargains you ace looking for. 1.25 They are the 24 white counterpanes, value 1.00, iVt....„ - 4 “ " “ L25, at 24 “ “ “ 1.50, at i2 “ “ “ 1.75. at ::: 12 white Marseilles counterpanes, value 2.50, 24 white counterpanes, fringed, value 2.00, at 79c 98c J .19 1.25 .1.69 .1.49 Big shipment of lace curtains. They are bar gains and don’t you forget it. Lace curtains 80 inches wide and 2 1-2 yurds long, value 75c at, per pair, only * ‘ 50c Lace curtains 86 inches wide and 1.00 per pair, at only 8-4 yards long, worth Lace curtains 60 inches wide and 8 1-2 yards long, the 2 00 kind,.atoniy , _ 150 Lace curtains 60“inches wide aud 8 1-2 yards long, the -kind that sells for 8.50 and 4 00, at only, per pair^ “.-yQ Another big shipment muslin underwear. Gowns from 1.49 down to 89c. Skirts from 1.45 down to 49c. Drawers from 50c down to 25c. Corset covers, 50c and 25c. Watch this space for more bargains comino- next week. * in J. w. STRIPLING ’Phone 98. t SON T