The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, August 18, 1905, Image 5

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Dr. Anderson, Dentist, Salbide Local News of Newnan J Buildi, ' s For Sale—One six to eight horse power steam engine; can t>e seen in operation any day at Goodwyn’s eoal yard. S-ll-4t Mis. Loui Close and little grand- Mr. W. C. Black is in New York City. Dr. Anderson, Dentist, Salbide j children will leave first, ot' incom- Building. tf ing week to visit relatives in Co- Mr. Henry Hulsey, of Atlanta, j lumbns <{,ove * oh i<h visited friends here Sunday. j Buford Summers is spending | Mainly About People j A COMRADE OF CENERAL CRANT Says: “I Do Not Believe Pe-ru-na Has a Superior. >» J. W. Stripling, Esq., ha: turned from New York City. Mrs. E. D. Fouse is the guest of Miss Lizzie Harris, at Turin. E. F week W.W.Wisdom,Jr.,of LaG range, is the guest this week of W. (J. Afnokl. Prof. Albert Pendergrnst is ill the city. Miss Jennie Cates )ms returned from Tallulah. • .< Mrs. Maud Fry Laster, of Florida, is in Newnan with friends. Howard Davis will spend several (lays in Carrollton next week. | Miss Kate Waldo, of Atlanta, is the , othei lelatixes, near YV eleouu*. , guest of Miss Evelyn Martin. Hon. A. It. Burdette WHS in Miss Minnie Monegnn, of Atlanta, is Gritlin Wednesday and Thursday visiting Mrs. Geo. H. Carmioal. the ague of Georgia Munielpalitic If you wish to rent,buy or sell a| *^ r8, ■*'- *’■• Atkinson ' s the guest ot friends and relatives at Lone Oak. I several days with the family of his uncle, Charlie Summers, and 'ilium » eunesuay amt t nursuay vminug uin. view, u. vauiiuum. j. T . Sims, ot Atlanta, sp< nt tilt attending the meetings ol The Mr. Ernest .Stallings is spending jk here with < apt. L. I>. house. League 0 f (Georgia Municipalities, week with friends in the country. Miss Ruby Simril is v isiting rel atives in Newnan.— LaC range Graphic. Messrs. <1. W. Ramey and L. A. Melson, of Atlanta, spent Sunday in the city. .1. S last Sunday in the city W. G. Rost. Elgin Brewster, of College Park, visited relatives in Newnan this week. Miss Evelyn Martin lias returned from a delightful visit to Washington,. Gn. home, vacant hit or farm, or any other kind of real estate cttll on or write to.I. T. Holmes, Real Estate and Renting Agent, Newnan. Git. <Mlioe in store of J. W. Stripling A Son. tf After a few days stay in Atlanta, > Mrs. L. K. Smith and children, Miss Kae Lowe Sponeler is at home, who have been visiting in Ten- 1 again. Hollinshead, Esq., spent! I,PSSW > returned home Wednesday, j Mr. and Mrs. W. A- Mill inns, of Ernst, witti (Vil I hey were accompanied by Mrs. 1 Point, spent Saturday and Sunday in j Dr. Foster, whose husband hax.t-keotty. recently located at Sharpshurg, Misses May, Janice and lnu Thomas Hon. II. A. Hall, oi Newnan, (j a Carrollton Times. 'left Monday for their home in Little | As Well As Can Be At the Age Of Elghty-foiir Years was in the. city Saturday.— La- Grange Graphic. <). F. Allen an<l family are vis iting relatives in Meriwether County this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sudduth, of Birmingham, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hovtdn. J. T. Morris went to St. Charles last Wednesday to attend a family reunion and barbecue. F. M. Bryant and family went to LuthersviHc the first of this 1 Hock, Ark. Will Hugh Pinson, of Cordeile, litis returned from Atlanta and is visiting; week to attend the funeral of Mrs. in the oity. : Bryant’s cousin, M rs. Win. Sibley, Hoil . ftlld >, rg . w . B . Orr have re- who died Monday morning, at, the turned from a delightful visit to Wash- age of 4S years. Mrs. Sibley was • ington Oity. a well known and must estimable Roy Askew is book again at his place lady. in the post-office, having enjoyed a „ „ , . ... pleasant vnontiou. Next Monday, August 21, ts the , ... ,, 1 Mis. Ninn Simms Scarborough, of regular meeting ot the \\ . I . I. , . , ... . ! ’ Anniston, is visiting her parents, Mr V. We hope to have a good at- a nd Mrs. Rigdon Simms, tendance. Will as many of the , , , - Miss Nolle Waldo, who was the nt- throngh Newnan Sunday, to visit l,u ‘ n, * WMS as P 0S8, "'.V <'*in tut n out, I tr aetive goeBt of Miss Susie Martin, re- and bring as many others with turned to Atlanta Friday, them as they cant Mrs. R. J. Burnett, Pros. COL. BENJ. F. HAYVKES. Ool. HenJ. F. Hnwkes, of tilt <1 street, fi. W., Washington, tt, is t tie the three living eoinrades of General Grant in tits emit l dayn at West. Point. In a recent letter tills venerable gentleman says ol I’eruna: “/ have tried Peruna after having tried In vain other remedies tor ca tarrh, and I can say without reservation that I never felt a n.t mploni ol re lief until I had given Peruna the simple trial that Its advocate.* ad. 1st. 1 do not believe It has a superior either as a remedy for lafarrh or *•>. j tonic for the depressing and exhausted condition which Is one ol the effects ot the disease.”—HenJ. ft Hawkes. J. W. Cole, of Moreland, passed relatives at SharpHbttrg. Howard Askew, of Atlanta, spent Sunday in the city with Mr. John Askew and family. Miss Beulah Sudduth, of At lanta, spent Sunday very pleas nutly with Mrs. W. L.Sexton. Mrs. R. O. Jones and family and Mrs. W. G. Rost and family are visiting relatives in Grantville. Mr. and Mrs. Waverlv Fairman Col. A. B. Rerdtte, with two lit tle sons, is visiting the family of his brother, Judge L. A. Rordue. It, is the Colonel's lirsl v isit to his old home city for a number of years, and it is natural that he should be charmed wit h New nan's rapid and substantial growth. Mr. R. T. McCiitchen spent sev- Mrtt. D. W. Boone and children have 1 returned, after a visit; to Mrs. Boone’s I paretits near Lnthersville. Mrs. A. M. Norris and Master Good- rum Norris have returned from a visit to College Park and Atlanta. Misses Annie l’owell and Nolle Potts tire being entertained tit Chiokamaugii by Hon. and Mrs. Gordon Lee. have returned to Atlanta, after a oral days last week at the seaside visit to Mr. M. Cole and family. Miss Lois Hardy, of Senoia, is I. Hod nett on river.—-West the guest of Mrs. IL the east side of the Point News. Mrs. .1, Y. Blalock left Wednes day for Newnan, to visit her| daughter, Mrs. J. I). Hummers.— Carrollton Times. Mr. Will Hugh Pinson, of Cor- dele, stopped'over in Greenville last Sunday night on his way to Mrs. Lucy Pinson and Miss Nolle Pinson, of Cordoli-, will he the guests of friends in the city for several weeks. Mrs. H. S. Smith has returned from atTybee Island, and therefore (lid Cliicknmauga, where she Imd been the hot furnish The News an install-' «"" Ht of Ho "' ,u "‘ Mr "- Lh "' Mrs. A. B. Warner anil children, Imv j The Greatest family Medicine Ever Discovered. Hon. Win. G. Hunter, ex-member North Carolina Legislature, writes from the Census Office Building, Washington, 1), 0., as follows: “The greatest family medicine ever discovered, in my opinion, which comes from experience ns well ns observation, la Peruna. The moat common affliction hi humankind Is a Viad cold. Peruna drives It out of doors, wards off catarrh, Invigorates and gives fresh strength to mind and tasty. I give Peruna my nmjua I tiled endorsement.’’—Win. (I. Hunter. Chronic Catarrh of the Stomach Cured By Pe-ru-na. Jn.s. T. .Inkeninn, President Eider Mon nan Church, Halt Lake Oily, Utah, writes: “I should he mid am a very grateful man for having lieen recommended the use of Peruna for catarrh. I Imd a chronic case of catarrh of the stomach and my system was so tilled with differ ent remedies that ] hud taken, that I sickened at the sight of a inedlclni bot tle. Peruna was a last resort and it did not tali mu, hut cured mo in about three months and I tool llmt II is a wonderful remedy and gladly give my e xperlence from Its use.”—Jas, T. Jakeman. Pe-ru-na Proved u Life Saver. Mr. Louts ltyreus, auctioneer, enin- inission merchant and business broker, d.'hl*jf Richmond street, London, out., writes: “ J had been a sufferer with wliat phy sicians diagnosed as chronic catarrh. I thereby lost the necessary speaking faculties, which almost caused me to discontinue the business of auctioneer. “ Alter spending several hundred dol lars for various medicines and doctor lulls without avail, your wonderful rem edy, Peruna, was recommended to me. •'After using eevecnl bottles of lids life saver, I found relief, and 1 am again capable of conducting: my unction stilus. I wish to convince others, likewise afflicted, ot I tic merits of your great remedy."— Louis By reus. Ihons.imH of Testimonials. We tiuvi on lili thousands of testi monial! 1 tike tin ones give n lo re. We eiin give- our retailers emly a slight glimpse: e l tlie vast array e-l unsolicited endorsements ot Periinu which we are constantly receiving, Pe-ra-na is a Catarrhal Tonif Sap** Dally Adapted to the Declining Power* of Old Ago. In old age the mucous membrane* he* come thickened anil partly lose their function. This lenels to partial loss of hearing, smell and taste', as well as digestive dU- turbnnccs. Peruna corrects all flits by Its spueltto eipernliaw on all the lniie'oiis meiTihrun is of the body. One bottle' will conviueie anyone. One* use'el mnet Peruna becomes n ltfe-lo-ag stand-by with old anel young. Mr. Charles F. Benotssoii, Trues,bill. Mo, writes: "I have followed your in- s(ructions for the past mo*.lh ntiel am now ns well as 1 e'an tie' at l lie agent eighty- four years. i ‘.hnnil you for your valua ble instructions and advice, .1 llr-t u-eoet Peruna fourteen years ago when my lieu 11 h vv us so hail t lull 1 had no hope of stay lug many days, anel after using It t begun to pii'k up. 11 has helped mu ever since. 1 feel we’ll, lint will always have Pi runn as my companion."—C'harlo* l 1 ’. Reue'.tsson. Suffered a Number of Years Prom Systemic Catarrh. Used Peruna as Last Resort, Now In (food Health. Mis. E. Nehonoher, tffO'.J N. Olive St. Lon Angeles, Club, president Girl's Friendly Society, nisei secretary South Isis Angeles Travelers (tluh, write*: “I was for a number of years a euf- ferer from systemic catarrh. I was very nervous and run down, my ap petite iiael failed me and toy aleep was not restful. 1 lind loat much In weight and looked like a very sick person. My physician advised a change of climate and the medicine I took only gave me temporary relief. “1 tried u bottle of Peruna as a las* resort and was greatly plenseel to find llmt I felt nine'll improved ill a gcuerul way and then I bought, several buttlos more, “I am now In good health and have a good appetite' mill sleep well. J cannot say loo mucli for I’eruna and for what. It bus done for me.”—-1C. Hobonoher. Pe-ru-na Contains no Narcotics. One reason why Peruna lias found permanent use In so ninny homes is t hat It contains no narcotlo of any kind. Pis- runais perfectly liurinlusH. Tt cun )>• used any length of time without iicepilr- jug a drug habit. Peruna doea not pre>- ditce temporary results, ft is perniuncitt in its effect. Address Hr. Hartman, President n Tlie Hartman Haiiit.urluni, Oolnuihiis, O. All correspondence) hold confidential. J nil ii Fever is visiting friends in Jack Mr. Joe Parks enli naiiied must do son, (in. ! Iightfully Inst week in honor ol Misses Alice Hunt, of Hnrnosvillc, and Annie Arrested for Blind Tigering. ing enjoyed a week’s stay with Newnan friends, returned to Atlanta Wednes day. meutofhis articles tin the West. We regret that the necessity arises this week, from an inlltiv of other matter, to use only a portion of his article on the tour through the desert. The remainder will ap pear in next issue. Mrs. W. A. Dunbar and family re turned Thursday toEnfauln, Ala., utter a visit to her father, Mr. J. K. Ponder- The concert to be given by local talent ! H rast - Newnan. Meriwether Vindicator. I ou t,le evtJ,, * ,1 8 °* August, 25th for bene- ; Miss Laura.). Gonio, who lias been Mr. Thoniss Atlanta. 11ughc- ii(Ik returned to Miss Ysalmi Rnlliide is visiting fi-ieue.-i Concert for Kindergarten. Misses Zeliai'H, Dozier and Eubanks came up from Grantville Wednesday den Wheeler, afternoon for a few boors stay in New nan. in Atlanta. Tom Fisliei has returned from Bor- I Claire Uugoely, ol’ Atlanta. j Rev. G. O'N. Martimlale goes to ( Imwi'ordville Monday 1,o he present nt I Sunday Holioof Institute, where lie will , . , . I deliver several lent,ires ou Hundnv . U “‘ Mayor’s court last Monday, I school work, ('ail and Ben ('avenelcr, arrest, ed for conducting u blind tiger in the stable under the 1 Coweta Laundry, and who were ordered to appear in Mrs. Lizzie Havis is visiting in Alabama. Newnan, are the guests of Miss Hilda Bledsoe.—Carrollton Times. lit of the free kindergarten, will be an attending the telegraphy school here, Misses Edwards and Bledsoe, of j event of great interest. The orchestra, returned to her home in Oonwuy, Atlanta, and Claire Holmes, of in charge of Prof. Chas. Astin, rein- j Florida, Thursday. forced by much of the city’s musical , taleut, will render a splendid program. The worthiness of the enterprise will, I Mesdames A. Brewster and L. also, no doubt augment the size of the R. Powell, of Newnan, are the | audience - , , ,, . . , ,, . ,,, Admission to the concert will be only guests ol their sister, Mrs. J. VV . I 26> #6 aiJi| i50 centH Robinson, on Cedar street,, this; » week.—Carrollton Free Press. Wanted—A buggy horse, gentle Erie Sewell went over to Newnan : and sound. Apply to New York this week to accept a position with Bargain Store, the R. D. < ’ole Manufacturing Co. Fie will move his family there at an early date.—Carrollton Free Press. da--. J. Reese, traveling repre sentative of the Buckeye Cotton Oil Co., of Macon, came in to spend Sunday with his family. He says South Georgia is overwhelmingly for Hoke Smith. Carpenter compli mented their friends, Tueaday night, ! with a barbecue ut their home two I miles from Newnan. ' An old fashion barbecue will lie given by Rttwson und Ed Lyndon Stewart out at llreir country home Thursday. Quite ; a number of friends an; invited. Warm Weather Entertainment. W. Y. Atkinson is at borne for the so turner vacation. Miss Hardy, of Senoia, is visiting j Miss Mary Milner. Ool. Syd. Holderness was over from Carrollton yesterday. (ft R. Uvoeiley and W. H. Hufl'uker were; in Atlaiilu yesterday. Mrs. Mattie Thomas returned to Union Springs Thursday. Miss Bessie PoweJJ 's visiting Miss Mary Newton in Jackson. Miss Emma Adams has returned to her home in West/Point. Attorney W D. Hamrick ’.yum down from Carrollton yesterday Prof. B. F. Pickett and /amity have returned from Douglasvtllo. DeWitt Poole, of Douglasvillo, is the guest of relatives in the city. Chief of Police J. D. Brewster was in Griffin anel Runny-side tins week. Miss Estelle Cole, of Atlanta, is the gue;st of friends utid relatives in the i forfeited their bonds of Vbu em it. Mm. Jennie Bowers I is closing out »"<> hav<! dt .V, so The News her millinery stock hero and will re* its inlormctl. move to Atlunta. Many friends of Mrs.; Chief of Police J. D. Brewster Lee and her family regret that Newnan BiHeovered the “lige” by eoneeul- is to lose this estimable lady. j jpg himself in the laundry ami “““ watching traiisactions in the stable Death of Mr. D. L. Moore. Mr. I). L. Moore died at his home in Newnan last Friday morn ing at an early hour, after an ill ness of several months. The funeral occurred from the residence on GreenevilJe HI,reef Saturday below through a hole in the Moor. It is alleged that the tiger was seen in operation on three dirterent dates, the Tth, Hth and Bill of Alt gust.. Last, Satnrelay night. Will Cal ender, brot her of the young men named above, Imel a ditYiculty w ith A Graphophotie furnishes the Mrs. Lucy J inson and ht t at. entertainment, iliiniig 1 hese tractive danghtei, Miss N'e ll, left i warin August davs, when lew pen- ir*"" r* <*«.«?> HSSS (jutredtn singing or inuking Mrs. Hargrove anel Miss Hargrove have returned to Birmingham, after u visit to Mrs. E. J. Orr and family. Miss Hargrove is a most charming young lady and wne the recipient of much so cial attention elnring her visit, to the city. Goss -Mattox,Jr.,the three-months-old son of Mr.and Mrs.Goss Mattox,of Flor ida, elied in Gainesville, (fa., last Kan - day. The funeral occurred here Tues day morning and the service was in | city. charge of Rev. ,J. B. 8. Davis. Mr. and I Mrs <Jo( , j^u, of Knoxville, Tenn., Mrs. Mattox have the sympathy of L viljjtlJJfe , u „. , uim i y o) ijupt. T. W. many friends here in tlieir ufiiiction. p OV M l Miss Eddie North, who has been morning at, !):.!<) o’clock, t.he hci-. , , , , , , ,, , W. J. Hardaway, inaiiager of the conducted bv Rev. , , ..... .. j laundry. It is said that tins trou- ! ble arose out of Hardaway’s sup ! posed connect ion w ith the tiger ' case as a witness. vice lieing It. King. The interment was in Oak Hill Cemetery, with Masonic ceremonies. Mr. Moore was Ihii-ij in New berry County, H. C., and at the time of his death was 7J years o) , Coweta a T ,,H O a,M Biwtit ¥2i> in casli Haulaway alleges that Cavender assaulted him an«l deprived him of age. He removed to County in IKWi, and located in the Second district, where he con tinued to reside until about two years ago. He is survived by his wife and live children— Mrs. J. S. Dominick, ChappePs H. Mrs. L. I). Boozer, Kinard, S. Mrs. F. H. Lythgo, Auburn. Ala.; Messrs. 14. C. Moore and L. L. Col. Howard Pen I lie, of Birmingham. ] spending the summer with Mm family ot 1 , ... v .... , ,* J visited relatives m Newnan and .'senoia, her uncle, Rev W. A. Davis, lias been , , .. . b Moore, Newnan. teachers place m Hie New-, , For many years Mr. .vioore wtts nan Pulilic School, and she will leave in Mr. Cnestn, of Hie rirm of Cuewfa and j ,,,, e ( ,| ('owetn < ,'ounty’s most sue several days tliis week Mrs. Pinson has lieen in our midst tor some time and has made many |^^ ru nierital music. a few days to begin her duties there, j R^y, pjhacoo, manufacturers, A tlanta, L-essful plapters. He wat; a sub friends during her stay.—Meri Buy a “Columbia’’ or “Victor” : M' fiB North tins made many warm’friends was’in the city Tuesday. ' ‘ stain tial, ujrri^ht ‘citizen; and one wether Vindicator. i ... ........ ......„..,t in Senoia, who are glad because of the i , . j of the Coiint.y’s most prominent. weinet v nnui-at and a concert, is at your coniinand .’ , , . . . , , Miss Pinkie Broom e:am« down from , , 3 , , , , , . . good position she has secured, but wiio ; "‘ss ruimi “ J and popular melt. J. C. Lov email, of Dallas, Tex., any hour of the elay or night. As I ref _ to ^ her leavis s<moia ...Rf-aoia j College Park to attend the funeral of i one of the leading business men of an entertainer, ihe Graphopheme Enterpritie-Gazette. J her uncle, Mr. l*ang Moore. , ( is at surpasses the expectations of a MjsR Amij(t ArniKrroI1K , of Baltimore, Ruby Johnson has returned to Messrs. H. C. Glover and B. < . majority of persons unfamiliar , gecl . Htary of th » Woman’s Missionary R<«kmart after spmen.ig several weeks Kersey are in M-* 'Oil. By. with its possibilities. Union, auxiliary to Hie Southern Hap- ; wtd* Prof, ft. t. Johnston and anu y. i (’apt,.and Mrs. D. I’. Woodrool Large display of “Victors” andjtiat Oouvention, will meet, with the Miss Jadith Lymlon has returned to! have returned from a delightfu Cavender iletiiaiuled indictment on all Hie charges preferred against hint and w as released under a RoOH I mud. League Meeting. Kpwortli League meets at, Mulhodist church next, Rundity afternoon at four o’ctocK. The topic is Temperance. D. 'J'. Manget will have charge of the meeting. Mr. Manget is rendering ex cellent service to the League, and ex pects to make the next meeting one of nnnsaa) interest. All the young people are invited to he present. I give both ijiiulity Hint ejnuutity of stove wooel. Davis. Ptione 122. tf the growing Lone Star State, the Piedmont, w here lie w ill re main several elays. Mr. Loveman is accompanied by Mrs. Loveman , . — und their daughter, Miss Ada “Columbias” and Records may be j ladies of the antral Baptist Olmrcii , )f . r , )0in< . in vyashington. after a visit: ^ o) - Heverai l weeks in Virginia. Loveman, jutt budding into wo- .ee» « thi.nto.-e. !"**’ rt. » Sm Urn*I Insist onliavitig Climax coni, wyu sells it for fo.26 i»ei- toil. Good- tf manhood and who is lor the first time, is in the State of her moth er’s nativity. Mrs. Loveman was born in Coweta f ounty, but in her infancy her parents removed to Texas.—Atlanta Constitution. H. S. Banta, The Jeweler. of several week o’clock, In the Central Baptist Church. j^ injl))g Alt the ladien of Hie community are in- j viteto to be present. Miss Armstrong- The la<!ie« pailon de tins been in the work tor 10 years, ie ■ county, will give an ice cream supper at 1 ' ’ ' . ’ --- — well informed ftU'i it will be ft privilege, the ehnrch on the night of Fridny, j livereu. fo. rj. UaVJS, ])non^ l ^ ^ Owens, brewster building Newnan, | For Sale—First class fresh apple „ . 1 cider every day. Ten rents per if Ebeuezer clmrcii, tins j j Money to loan on real estate et 7 per cent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. E. C. Goeslwyn sclle Mm genuine Mon- tevallo coal. Tliere is no such coal as ■‘Climax Montevallo.” tf Am closing out 10,000 Picture Frame, cost. You will find what you want in the tot. ; us well as a pleasure, ro hear tier. August 20th. eity. Cut.