The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, August 25, 1905, Image 7

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$49.22 l-'or I'm*, tinnttlfiil Top Hugev. mami- Uu.-tuicd nv n*; liere in Atlutitii. C,ror|fia. A Southern hupey . fot Soul lie in irmle, hat! a nti* l^athat Quail*! Top. Wn*. litnuine Leulhei. Rpriii|[ Bottom Cushion, mid 1 rnthrr Bark.ia alrgautlv palmed and fullv simtui teed. Kepular rctai. 1 |irtc* $«>.00 to $15.00 €tA SO 'for fills fine, Collat amt Hattie, tilthel mounted Harnesa -.old wllh evei v OOUIFN BOGGY tesulai retail piicellZ.Wta $15 00 Catalog and full desctipllon rent on requeat. BOLDEN EAWI.E B|I««Y CO. 16&-180 Btigenooti Ave., ATl.ANTA, Ga. PROMINENT BUSINESS MEN Give their endorsement of the /Etna Life Insurance Company: Young Men.. Send for our catalog. It tells about a trade you can learn in a few months and which will pay you from $40 to $50 a month to start, on. Southern School of Telegraphy, Newnan, - Georgia. Box 214. ■■ Ait,... Peniston’s Drug Store lm yortant Resolutions. The appended resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Cotton Growers’ Association, at White Oak Academy on Aug. 15th. The ' resolutions were prepared by Uev. Ira 8. Gal dwell, at the suggestion jot Mr. ,1. T. Chestnut. They express the sentiments of i the representative body of citizens by which they Mere adopted. The resolutiohs IoIIom : Whereas, the repeated delays of justice in the courts of our county I tend to defeat the purpose of said | courts; and Whereas, delayed justice testers • a disregard for law on the part of the lawless and creates disrespect and disgust on the pari ot law 1 abiding citizens; i Therefore, we, citizens yl the Second district in convention as sen silled % hereby resolve: 3. That we condemn the prac tice of delaying justice on merely I technical grounds. I 2. That we call on those in au ■ thority to use their influence ami 'authority in helping to stop this i harmful practice. 8. That we ask all good citizens in the county to join us in condem nation of said practice. 4. That we send a copy of these resolutions to the Herald and Ad I vertiser, the Scnoia Kntcrpi ize Gu zette and the Newnan News. missioners of Heard county, which position he tilled with credit ami honor, resigning upon leaving tlfe county. He was ever ready with his means and efforts to assist in fur thering the interest of the church and was one of its most useful and helpful members. “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” No one praised the Lord more fer vently than he, nor found more de light in Elis service. Therefore, be it Resolved: (1st.) That we deplore his tragic and untimely death which occurred at Hogausville, May tt, 1905, and which we regard as an j irreparable loss both to the church and the community, j (2nd.) That we extend to his bereaved family our Christian sym pathy, and would point them, in j their affliction, to Him who alone lean bind up the bruised and bleed- Ung hearts of sorrowing humanity. (3rd.) That this memorial be spread upon the minutes of the j church, and that a copy of the same lie sent to the futnily of our deceased brother; and that the Hogausville News, F r u n k 1 i n News, Newnan News and the Her ald and Advertiser be requested to publish the same. O. M. CaVENDER, * A. /,. Ware, Mrs. Glaud Durden, Committee. Col unib iiB, La., June 12, 10 0 IS. W . E . E a w kina, M a, n i„ger Aetna Life In t v. r a, n c e Co., Atlanta,Ga. Dear S i r : - Life icfiuranle, a e you k n . o w , i b tented by the r o - suits, ft' y policies in the Aetna, $ 1 5 , C C 0 , are giving me no disquietude. Yours very truly, W 1 LI.1 AWl F . ELADE . Crnne’ti Spring Medicine. Crane's Kidney |und Backache Cure. Crane's Cough Cure. Crane’s Headache Relief. Crane’s Cholera undfDmrrhoea Mixture. Crane’s Family Liniment. Crane's Eczema Cure. Craue’fl Liver Powders. Crane’s Pile Salve Crane’9 Liver Pills. Crane’s Female Relief. From bait Week’s Carroll ton Times. These ere Standard Prepara tions and are Sold and Recom mended at Misses Ina Moore and Myrl Fitts have returned home from a i pleasant visit to Sargent and NeW- | nan. | Mr. and Mrs. Will Holmes and j Mrs. .John Holmes, of Newnan, are j visiting Mr*, and Mrs. J. W. I Holmes and other ! week. Miss Claire Holmes will return HlEirtdy We have been sitting qufetly by for the past, few weeks watchilig the Howell boys “flop.” They went from Howell to Hall with such a rush as to expose the whole scheme from the very beginning. Roys, you can’t carry Coweta for Hall either. Were you in earnest datives this a ' M)1, t i* you might get some co operation, but as it is, the trick is I clearly understood from border to I border. No doubt but Mr. Hall ito her home in Newnan Friday.! Peniston’s 'Drug 8*ore. has some real friends in the coun- ! Shc made m »«y friends during tu’r t but 0( - th0 crowd t j. at is trying short stay in Carrollton. ... to draw him in the race, 75 per Misses Angie and Corinne and cent, are for Howell first, last and Master Neal Moses are ..visiting all the time, and their game is very consistent with machine politics. That the gentleman from Ribl) will Take a Bath -AT- their grand-parents at Turin. Mr. and Mix. W. J. Perry, of Newnan, are visiting relatives in the city. Hon. H. ,1. Reaves shipped aj car load of corn to Newnan last not lie deceived by the Howell men is a prophesy we believe will yet lie fulfilled. Mr. Hall made a speech at Maj. Thomas’ barbecue and clear across week; this is quite out of the usual Ulc C0UI)ty we thought we could order but a decided improvement.' dist - nglliHh iu tUc 'applause the Heretofore Carroll has been hav- Jiasal twang of Kedron. Has be j ing corn shipped here, this year ^ c0DVejic(h Wt have already we have not had to ship in a lhankcd thc Htars . W e would like i bushel > but hav « a « reat doalraore to ask Judge Freeman Iiom he inau- ; that we might ship out, and las- 1 . A.1 • I A* ' ^ ‘ ^ sides this, we learn from every ! section of the county that an un precedentedly large crop is now | maturing. jture proposes to tax equally. Somewhere we heard or dreamed Tribute-of Reeoect From that the Judge was “agin” Smith Corinth Church. before the Piedmont Bar was ever i mentioned, and somewhere else we — , .... , • heard or dreamed that the judici- Bro. I. W. 1 red rick Mas born rnmnm n ■ i««i l .,iMW| ta Arkanslui . 3um 5 , 18M , .„d'X Bailey’s §liop Where the equipment in new and first class and whore q|J the latest ap pliances and accessories of the mod ern bath room are at your sorvice Your patronage is desired and mer ited, and a trial will make you a per mauent patron. RILEY’S mm SHOP, Reese Opera Mouse Building, Newnan, * Ga. digest, the difference be tween Hoke Smith's Piedmont Bar and Howell’s Capitol City Club, lioth of M hich the present legisla- Atlanta, Ga . , June 10, 1 ft 0 C , Man. Aetna Life Insurance Co,, A11 a. n t, a , G-a . Dear F i r : - Several years ago 1 was considering increasing my life insurance. I examined the pclicifg submitted to me by the several companies, with the result that. I took n p o 1 i o y for $ 2 5 , C C 0 in the Aetna Life Ineurance Company. Two or three yearB later I decided to further in crease u:y life insurance and took an additional with the Aetna Life Insurance Company for $26,000, both of whiob are now in 'orce and I am entirely satisfied with them. Yours very truly, JAS . W . ENGL I SH , Jr. F. M. BRYANT, District Manager, Aetna Life Insurance Company Newnan, Georgia, Blame No On© But Yourself if You Don't Get Well When Sick. All we can do In give advice. Of course that's easy. But our advice Is really worth a little more to you than most people's, for we offer to give you the first bottle of our medicine free, If it falls to help you. We could net afford to do this unless our medicine was good. Such an offer, on ttfe wrong kind of medicine, would put a merchant prince In the poor house. Dr. Miles’ Nervine, however, as years of experience -have proved, is » medl- ^clne.'jt^xf curep.iho, sleg. .rhAa. "wli/im ‘ If ' i"i rm than one In ten thousand—we prefer to refund their money. All wo ask of you Is to try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine for your complaint. If you suffer from sleeplessness, nervous exhaustion, dizziness, headache, mus cular twltchlngn, melancholy, loss of memory, weak stomach, poor blood, bilious troubles, epilepsy, Bt. Vitus' Dance, etc., we will guarantee to benefit you or refund your money. You are the doctor. "My son Bert, when In his 17th year, became subject to attacks of epilepsy, no serious that we wero compelled to take him out of school. After several physicians had failed to relieve him, we gave Dr. Miles' Nervine a trial. Ten months treatment with Nervine and Liver Pills restored our boy to perfect health.”—MR. JOHN S. WILSON, Deputy Co. Clerk, Dallas Co., Mo. FREE Write us and . ws_ wjll mall f , T. M. MARTIN Does all kinds of Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. Expert work and low prices win. Shop op posite Pinnoli Hotel. §BSfitiS5aSc!SS5ci5e!tielSc!5ii!i5B!5aSB!!aci5a IDj came to Georgia in 18G9. He 1 joined the Baptist church at Beth i el, Heard county, in 1875; Mas a baptized by Rev. John G. Goss, on J| Sept.-5, 1887., | : Our deceased brother was united I in marriage to Mrs. Elizabeth Ran- 1 som. The union Mas blessed M'ith bi four children—all boys ^ Whom survive him. 1 In 3890 he transferred his mem A Warning to Mothers. Too uiuoli cure ctuiiiot lit usud with small cliilclrnij during the hot weather of the summer months to pciurd nf<ujiiHt bowe) troubles. As a role il n only necessary to give the child a dose of cas tor oil to correct any disorder of the bowels. Do not use any substitute, but three of k’ve the old-fushioned castor oil, and see that it is fresh, as rancid oil nause ates and 1ms a tendency to gripe. If this does not check the bowels give Cham- gj i bership to Corinth, where he was berluin’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ~ : a regular attendant until he moved Remedy and then a dose of castor oil, rl to Hogansville early in the present 8UCl t * le disease may be checked in its incipieucy and all danger avoided. The ' castor oil and this remedy shouJdbepro- Bro. Fredrick was ' good rnarf curc .<j a t 0I1C{ , and kept ready for instant and a Morthy citizen, never shirk- use as soon as the first indication of any ——— ' " ‘ tog any «lnfy that was put upon bowel trouble appears. This is the most Sick headache results from a disor- him. His fellow-citizens shoM cd successful treatment known and may be dered condition of the stomach and is : jr appreciation oF h Ls worth *etied upon withimplioif confidence even ouicklv cured by Chamberlain’s 3tom-1 . , . . . . , . . m cases of cholera infantum. For sale ach and Liver Tablets. For sale by j when they elecfced him laHt ^ ear to by Holt & Cates, Druggists, Newoair, Holt A Cate., druggists, Newnan, Ga. *rve on the Boivrd of County Com Ga. you a Free Trial F&ckage of Dr. Mil..’ Antl-Paln AIM., the New, Bclrntlflc Remedy for Pain. Also Symp tom Blank for our Specialist to diagnose your rase and tell you what is wrong mid how to right ft. Absolutely Free. Address: DR. M1LEH MEDICAL CO„ LA J3011ATOR1EB, BLKHARtT 1ND. WOMEN’S PRAVEK MEETING. Thc Women’h Prayer Jflcct ing is held regularly each Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 r |o’cloek, at the First; Baptist Church.||The wo rn mi of all denominations arc cor ! dially invited to take part iff these j services, as the object is to pray, that the Spirit of Christ may take; hold of the Christians of Newnan j and that many souls may sec our goodjlworks and hear our godly conversation and be constrained to turn unto the^Lord for |life and salvation. tt Wanted—I want to buy scrap iron. B. L. Waltom, Newnan, Ga. If. Nothing? on the Market Equal to Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Olarrhoea Remedy. This foot is wall known to druggists everywhere, and nine out of ten will give their customers this preparation when the best is asked for. -Mr. Obc Winner, a prominent druggist, of Jop lin, Mo., in a oiroular to his customers, says, “There is nothing on the market In the way of patent medioiiie, which equals Chamberlain's Colie, .Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowe) complaint. We sell and recommend this prepara tion.” For sale by Holt & Cates, drug gists, Newnan, Ga. I. T. I MEETINGS ' Tin L. T. L. meets regularly each Friday afternoon in the Sun day School annex at the First Bap tist. Church. The little folks are urged to come out and help all they cai in this grand work. Par ents Mont you please remind them when the afternoon for them to meet, so that we may have good attendance^ The larger the at tendance, the more interesting the meetings. ' Mrs. J. B. Dent, tt Lady Manager. E. C Goodwyu sell, the genuine Mon- rcvallr. coal. There is uo such coal as ••Clinia*. Meateyallo.” tf Chamberlain’s COLIC, CHOLERA AND Diarrhea Remedy A few dose* of Ails remedy will invariably cure an ordinary at tack of diarrhea. It has been used in nine epi demies of dysentery with perfect ■access. It can always be depended upon, even tn the more severe attacks of cramp collo and cbol era morbus. It to equally successful for summer diarrhea and cholera infantum in children, end is tb« means of saving the lives of many children each year. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Every man of n family should keep this re&eOy in his home Buy it now. It may save life. Price, Sdc. LaRobBizk, ISOc, mSm Lemons as Medicine Their Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stonwch, Bowels, iQ+dneft I,enioii!) are hugely uicil hjr The- Mo/ley tomoii Elixir Company, in compounding their l«>nwn EUxlr, a pleasant Lemon Laxulivfc end Tonic— a substitute for all Catbsrli' and Liver rills. Lemon Elixir posl lively cured all llillonsnerd, Coioji pation, indigestion or A)y:-|kxisI.i, Headache, Malaria, Kidney Disease, Dizziness, CoUls, U>ss of Appetite, Fevers, Chills, lllotehes, I'imidts, all Impurities of the lltorxl, Pain In the Chester Rack, and all other dis eases caused by a disordered liver and kidneys. *h*t flint Croat Cau»m ml ail fatal A'lbmam. WOMEN, for all EemalelMeg. nlorilies, will find LmmaaBtlxIr a pleasant and Ihorongtily idiniili remedy, without Ihc lenut dodger-of possiblelinrw to tjieiq In any condi lion peculiar to themselves, 50. and $/,oo f>cr boltle'ut ALL DRUG SIOKES "One Dose Convinces.*’ Z. Greene, D. D. 8., ' Office ofi tfocuiifj' Floor of Black Bros. Co.’s Building; L. M. Farmer, LAWYER Office oo Second Floor of tbs A mall Mcrchumliijc Co.’s Building A little foreeboughe uiny ,tave yon no end of trouble. Anyone who makee It a rule to keep Cbapibetlaln’s Oolio, OholerA and Diarrhoea Remedy at ham) snows this to be n fact. For aal” by Holt & Cates, druggists, Newnou, Ga.