The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, September 01, 1905, Image 7

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For lM« bcuutiful !'«>!> HtigKV, nmtnt- lurtd i*v ns line fuclurcd . i Atliuitn. C< R'H. A Southern Btijn-y for South mi I rude. hut 1. fine T.mthcr Quarter Top, hn*< sMiuitir Leather, Spring Bottom Cunhion, and Mather Mark, ia elegantly puimol nod fully emmniteed. Regular retail price $<16.00 to $V.Y00. /k SO Fot thin tint Collar and Hume, nickel mounted Hnrnest; Mold rvitli every <W>L1>KN HAGLH. BtTGC.Y, teindat retail price $112 AO to $15.00 Catalog and full description Rent on request. <401,DEN SAULE HCUttY CO. 16R-1A0 Edgewood Aye., Ati,*nta, Ga. PROMINENT BUSINESS MEN Give their endorsement of the /Etna Life Insurance Company: Young Men.. Send for our catalog. It tells about a trade yon can learn in a few months and which will pay yon from $40 to $50 a month to start on. Southern School of Telegraphy, Newnan, - Georgia. Box 2J4. ■■ At. •• Peniston’s Drug Store Land of Promise (Goutinned from page a. Engagement of Miss Swift, c © 1 VJinbn a . ha . . June 12, and Dr. Willis Jones. W . E . K a w k i n e . M n n a t> e r Aetna Life Insurance Co., ] 9 0 5 . Mrs. Joint I’arks IInuttut-' nounees the engagement' of her Dea r S ) r : * Atlanta, Ga. Life i n e u r a n 1 e , a a you know. is tested by the re- are giving ine no e i ADE . 16 0 5. Atlanta,, G a, . a in entirely satisfied with them. Yours very truly, JAS . W . ENGL I SH , Or. Oraun’B Spring Medicine. Crane's Kirlue; I t«a id Backache • lure. Ora tin’s Cough Guru Crane's Headache Relief. Crane’s Cholera imdfDiarrliQea Mixture. Crane's Family Liniment. OraueV Eczema Cure. Crane’s Liver Powders. Crane's Pile Salve. Crane's Liver Pills. Crane’s Femule Relief. These are Standard Prepara tions and are Sold and Recom mended at • • Peniston’s Drug Store. Take a Bath AT fjailey’s Barber Where the equipment is new and llrst class and where all the latest ap pliances and accessories of the mod ern bath room are at your service Four patronage is desired and mer ited, ana a trial will make yon a per manent patron. BAILEY’S BARBER SIMP, Reese Opera House Buildinq. Newnan, - Ca. From Last Week's Carroll ton Times. jigBBBESgBffisesssBSBBsesffiiss [9Sa£n3 | ’ Book } )j es in the fact of walking i The First Casein the State, g) w u ttflARTIN a where Christ did, and seeing where I. m. m n II I 111 |j the prophets performed miracles, Spalding hu* proEmbly recorded f though that is legitimate pleasure the first ease in the 8Lite under f and profit. Hut the real good of the new law mukin F. M. BRYANT, District Aetna Life Insurance Newnan, Georgia. Manager, Company one answers to the other as the die I daughter, Lena Elizabeth Swift, to i t0 * ts im P ress - * ' With i),, \yjiji s Jones, the marriage to j J such testimony before ns, it must ^j.,, p]ilw i|( Octolmr. [suits. My policies in the Aetna, $15,000 be evident to every thoughtful, None of the fall weddings will disquietude. Yours very truly, j ,nan we * iave ' n 'h’ s study no yj t , oo.ou.sion of a more cordial will i nvi p common lesson of earth’s geogra- j intolwt Uwil thali of Miss Swift j YV i ll i ftivi * . phy.’ The conviction which ha»! and Dr. Jones, sinee both are well! I directed the feet of countless host? i icnown and well liked in the social _ ———————— toward this Holy Land for long j WOPhlt wilic , ll win today oxUm „, ages; which has stirred the en-1 siucm , ,. 0 i,gratultttionK. ' lightened nations of Europe to | Miss Hwi ft, the second daughter J Atlanta, U. , June IP emulous activity in keeping watch I )fMw . Himltoy, is a young wo-, Man. Aetna Life Insurance Co. . and ward over its sacred places; , nan of pronounced aUractivciicss, j vvh,ch 10 sllch an extraordinary de- th( , cbann of hpr statp]y gree has awakened and held the at-1 lM , auty , H . ill} , t , nhrtm . y(] hy „ ,n glll . (Dear Sir:- ; tention of the literary and scientil- ty and sweetness of muuuer that is' Several years ago ) wan considering increasing my i ic world in an age so practical as 1 u n,. ! , . which has made it bv con mon as . a giucions pi rsoimlity. i, ] j f e insurance. 1 examined the policies submitted to me by i wnicn nas made it by common as- ] j 0I „. s | 1US b(HiU a mH ident of At sent the theme of Christian poetry 1 | a „ tH on | y months, lint the several companies, with the result that 1 took a policy and song, and the type of all that jm.jujr that time his personal good for $25,000 in the Aetna Life Insurance Company. is beautiful and good in the better qualities have made him as many m ^ tu M i Q « *, r l h «. c i n e d < n further in- count.rv bevond does not rest *• • » • . , . . . Iwoor thr60y0ftrB Idtcr J ()6C)(1pq to Jiuuirr in country oeyona uoes uoi rcsi ti-i C nds in a social way aslusabil- upon a passing fancy or a tissue of it y as a physician an«l surgeon has i c r e a s e my life- insurance and took a,D additional policy with cunningly devised fable. 1 he won him professional recognition, the Aetna Life Insure,nee Company for $25,000, both of Which marvelous adaptation of the land j Ht , is tlu . , (1 , losti SW1 , of Hon j | ^ ——cis wt^ see it to-dav to alJ the i .. V1 .. now in loiCn huo l a 1 LU u *y 1 ai 1 c I opt* tlonos, ol Nov nun, and lu k Is conditions of its marvelous bis agraduateof Columbia Tnivcrsily, J tory; its exceptional physical tea- bls coining hel . e p IwnBdlM , |‘ )y | tures; its typical universality, its a two . yeara » reniuenee us house double relation ot exclusion from, > Bai . yeou of the it«.j|,. vit . w Hospilal, and ready intercommunication j m>w York.-Atlanta Constitution, with, the nations; its manifest cor-j — respondent of places with the' A Remedy without. Peer. events described, and its silent wit- . . , , , 0 , l ’ “1 nun t ’luuiiIx-rltiiit s Stoinuoh and ness to scores of prophetic judg- ^ Live,, Tablets more banaflcial than any ments long ago uttered, but still j ather remedy 1 ever usud for stomach preserved in the volume of the i trouble," snys.l. F. Klote, of Kdma, ! Hook—cannot in the nature ofi AI °- Fov 'hNordcr of the stomimh, ... ■ , - i biliousnosH or constipation, these Tab- things, have been coincidences or , , , ,, , . & ’ . lets are without a peer. For Hide by : accidents of geographical position. Holt, & Cutes, Druggists. Newnan, (la. — (Dr. R. L Stewart.) ___. “The Book weaves the physical features of the land into its state ments. It does this fearlessly. It «___ j does this knowing that it can be According to previous arrangc- j refuted if its references are false or u„, s „„„ m -it a l, under the | inaccurate. No book in all the supervision of Mr. \V. c. Adarn- ' literature of the world has as hon- s0 ,q than whom there is no more est a face as the Bible. Impostors 1 accomplished musician in the. ! avoid details and keep to general) South, occurred at. the Public statements, taking care to intro- .School auditorium Tuesday even duce no names, places, distances, | the 22nd, inst,. Mr. VV. II. which might serve to betray the I j> av i s , Tenor; Mr. J. c. Wu- fraud and publish the imposition, ters, Baritone; Miss Lucie Harris, But the Bible in almost every Soprano; Miss Neila Lou Walton, , chapter stands committed on all | Alontralto, make a, quartette that these points. Its narratives are would please the most fastidious accompanied with all the minute i listener, and carry perfect delight circumstances of time and place to Hie heart of the most rigid and situation and distance. Thus | critique; and the continued ap- the sacred writers commit them- j p ] ttUH |. and encores afler each nuin- selves with perfect fearlessness to i HM . was conclusive evidence that j statements always avoided in q,,.*. magnificent singeix had an apocryphal writings and which appreciative, audience inOarroll- t could be easily disproved if un- to,,, true. Yet in no single instance . u i • . Miss Ruth VV hat ley, one of New- has geographical incorrectness , ^ . ’ ... ? ° , , nan s most attractive young ladies, , been detected. Lach new travel-;. 4 ... l, ... c , c .■ . is the guest ol Mrs. K. H. Powell, ler is adding fresh confirmation to I the precision and accuracy of the Mrs. ,1. V. Blalock and daugh- ; Book.”—( Dr. David Gregg.; ^er, Miss Mary Jessie, returned “Light shines on the Word at this evening Iron, several weeks !every turn, and old passages five visilin Newnan. again as if in a resurrection from Miss Lizzie Cramer, with her the death ot meaningless con- cousin, Miss Campbell, went; to ■‘struction. It is not that the value NeWtiun Monday to visit relatives, of th(* journey ( to the Land of the ■ ■ ■ D068 fill fciiuU of I I Till I I! I i s » gasaaesaEssEsasBsasasssasEESSaiaoiSiS Your Heart May Be Weak. One Person in Four Has a Weak Heart. One of Hi* mir'flt olymti of ,i W(nk liem-t N Kliortnocs or I'lcntli :ut*.-r oxerolKe. Tour heart In not nWo to pump ttie blood fanl enoupii (*• your liman. Some of-tlie ot)i(-r nyrnptnrmi of Hrart Tronlile arc: l’alns In ibe Side, and Hhouldor; Knlntlnic oj- AV'mU S|k IIm; Dry Couub; Swrillnir of Feet and Anklr-H; Cold Foot or HandM. No one onn afford to allow e weak hoiirt to eo wiltiont medicine, b.i-HUK* weak heart means poor clrcnlatlon, and ;K)or clrcnlatlon rntana weak InripH, Ktomach, liver, kldnMs, ftr. If, therefore, you ouHpei-t heart trouble, b'fln takin* Dr. Mllen’ N(W Heart Cure, 'i'lie Heart Cure will do you root!, as It l<s a splendid tonic for the blood and nerved, and will I'evltttjjzt.’ydur < nllie »ystem. Flnclly, remember. Dr. MIlis’ New Heart Cure l« sold under a jcuarante* that the first bollls will do you geed. If it docdn't—your money back, “I w«« nfllicud willi heart trouble for three years, l would be apparemly all light, and without a motuent'n wurnlni; would fall ns tiiongli shot. The attacks were frequent, end n tc-ilble dread pos t-seed me, as 1 never knew when or where, nor under wtwit conditions I would be altackxl, a'.d whether / would survlvo then!. J - srisiilnd and was li-eaUd by dome of -be most eminent phyalc.lane of the ityte. Not flndlnir re- ili.f from tlila source, 1 began taking Dr. Miles' New Deart Cure, and began to Improve at once. 1 uis-d ten bollled, which entirely cured me, ad I h.i ve not had un attack for fire yeurs."—MIlH. JO I IN Dnwtifi/C 1C, I Ipslc, Q, Tin-pr Write to us f(-r Free Trial X AAli Flick*re of Dr. Miles' Anti- Pain Pilla, Iriu New Sclcntlllc Remedy for Pain. /.1so Symptom Blank. Our Specialist will dlagnoso your case, nil vou what Id wrong, and now to i'yjil it, Dll. M11.F.H MKIiH’AI. CO., LABORATORIKt', JDLKH/.KT, JND. THREE JURORS CURED Of Cholera Morbus wtilh One Gmail Bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. <L VV. Fowler, of Hightower, Ala., rolatuH an exiierionoe lie had while serving on u peril jury in n murder case at, Ktlwuid-ville, ijoumy seat of Cie- bonie county, Alahama. He says: “While there J ule some fresh meal, and some souse meal, and it guve me cholera morbus iu it very severe form. I was never more sick in my life and sent to the drug store for a certain cholera mixture, but, the druggist sent, me a bot tle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy instead, saying that he had what 1 sent for, but that (his medicine was so much better lie would rather sen• 1 it. to me in tlieilx 1 was in. 1 look one dose of it and wad hotter in five minutes. The second dose cured me entirely. Two fellow jurors were afflicted in the same manner and one small botlle cured the three of us For -,ale hy Holt A Cates, Druggists, New- nan, La. I>r. Aiiririxoii, lientisl, Sulliiilc Building. it' Cause of Ittomn a. Indigestion nearly always disturbs the sleep more or less and is often the cause ol ii-somnia. Many ruses have lieen permanently cured hy Chumhdriain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by Holt & Caie-, Druggists, Newnan, Ga. L. 1. I MEETINGS. Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. Kxpert work and low* prices win. Shop op pos'd- Pinson Hotel. it, a rnisdo- . 'p the journey is in Ihu power to in-, mitanoi Lo In- ili-unk and disonlei- '|'| M . | q ; leguluHv f terpret through a new medium the ly on the pulilic liighways. Two | Friday altei noon in t.Jie 8im- |{ old passages of the Word of God.” young iihmi fiy the name of < ’aid- ; ,| iiv School iiimex at the First F.aji | — i'Dr. F. S. Arnold. > And how well, coining into the city from ' List < 'hinch. The little folks an il could this be true without the Hike, were miduuiitedly that way m-oed u> come out and ln-lp all | Land tallying precisely with the when they got in front ol the Fllis they can in this grand work. Far | Book of God? vVhilc the Land home, just south of luoii’a Imumli. |wont you please remind tiierti f confirms and exalts, it likewise il- They tm ned a row loose that was ||,e afternoon come* lor 1 hem 1 1 lumines and interprets, the Bible being driven by a negro Isiy and j (o S( , ;hat we may have good g I as the word of the L-trd God AI-' tried to k iss old Mrs. MIL. They attendance? The laige.t the at | mighty, which was, and is, and is • were very drunk when arrested, Lmdarnx:, i he more interesting Un to come! and made im-tl'ee.tual resistance to | i lM .(,t.i. Mm. J. K. Dent ('lo i>s conduced.) | Bailiffs Thurman and Ison, and at j r y Lady Manager. ' ■ ■ terwards raised such a r<iw in jail ' that Jailer Langford had to eoufiiu Lemons as Medicine Their Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys and Blood. hf-mons *re hirgtly in.ed by Thr Mozley f.eliioii l-.lixir Companv, in com pounding their L*mon tfijcir, u pimititnt t.enioii Laxutiv* anil Tonic— h Milistilule for all Cnlbm th- ami Liver Till*. I.enior Jvlixii po-i- lively curav all biliousneas, pation, Indigestion <»r lJytfepsia, Headache, Malaria, Kidney Disease, Lizrincaa, Colds, Loss of Appelilc, l-’evtrs, Chilli;, lilolcbea, PimpIpK, all Impurities of the Blood, Pain in the Chest or lla. k, ami all other di .- i-asee i-anseil hy a disordered liver and kidney*, #/»• tint threat Cmu.i« a/ all Fatal DlMasat. WOMEN, for all Female Irrcg- nhiriiie«, will find Lmmon i li.xir a pleasant anil thoroughly reliable remedy, without Ibe least dange.*of possihfcbaiui tothem iu any condi- lion peculiar to lliciiuelves. 50c and $ 1.00 per VxUtleat ALL DRUG STOkGS ‘One v Dose Convinces.” If you don't read I he News you For Sale—One six to eight hors don’t read all the news ot Newnan power steam engine; eun is- seen in one of them in the sweat box. and Coweta. The News one year operation any day at GoodwyiFsj We. await, Atlanta’s claims.— for only one dollar. 'coal yard.. 8 11-4t Gridin News and rtiru. 8. ft. Johnson, of Fa!met,to5 was among the visitors in the city on Monday. Chamberlain’s COLIC. CH0LEBA AND Diarrhea Remedy A few doner of riib remedy will invariably nut «n ordinary at tuck of diarrhea. it, Ijhh been n«ed in nine epi- deiuirb of dyiMtutary with perfect HliceeHH. It can id way« be depended noon, even in the more, revere tofU'-eke of cramp colie and chol era rnorbna. ft ie ecinkljy encceeifnl for Mummer diarrhea ami cholera infantum in children, ami ie the means of vavlugtb* lives of many children each year. When reduced with water and sweetened it in pleacunt to take Every man of a family ebonld keep thin remedy in hie home Uuyitnow. It may save life. Prick, S6c. Labor Hujj, Che. Cured of Lame Back After 15 Years of Suffering. "I bud been Moulded with bunn tmcli for lift (-on y»-:irs and I found uianuph o- rccovory in the uso of Chiinil orliiin’s Faiii Halm,'' siijk Julin (i Mislmr, Cil- lam, lull. 'I’his liniinnnt, is hIho without an oquiil for -.pniins and hcuisi s. It is for vale b.y Holt <V < Druggists, Ncwmm, On. Court is moving on sinoolhy this w»-i*k. Judge Fmiuian is pn-sid iug his usual gn-ai dignity and alii lily. .Solicitor Gem-nil Torroll is ably and l»* a rl«*ssly rop n-soiiting lh<- .State. Last VVo»*k's Meriwether V indicator. Dr. Anderson Buildii g. Dentist, Sal bide tf