The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, September 08, 1905, Image 2

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DR. MILES' Anti-Pain Fills of the charge that newspapers de vote too much space to murders, baseball, etc., says: “But it is in dealing with other forms (than murder) of crime that the labors of the press are more valuable. Only the newspapers—and nowa days some of the other periodicals —have a constant and sustained interest in showing up misgovern- ment, frauds on the people, graft, breach of trust and man’s various Newnan, is the forms of inhumanity to man. Newspapers make reforms possible and when the reforms come ever lingered on the sinless air. Between the loving lamily and thee, only a door has closed. “Since thou,sweet child,hast gone away, Heaven grows lovelier, day by day: And all onr hopes have plumed their flight To share thy wondrous home of light." D. R. W. Furniture or Housefvrnishings YOU WANT, CALL AT Miss Ida Dr. Niles’ Anti-Pain Pills Cure Headache Almost instantly, and leave no bad eReels. They also relieve every other pain, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Pain, Sci atica. Rdekache, Stomach ache, Ague Pains, Pains from injury, Rearing- down pains, Indigestion, Dimness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness. Lou Fincannon, ot j guest of relatives here.—LaGrange Reporter. Miss Evelin Hawkins, who has help been off some time visiting friends A look greatly to makethem more success- and relatives in Newnan and At lantal, has returned home.— La fill. Our newspapers might lx- much better, but their unlovely Grange Reporter, crying of crime, disagreeable as it is, is an exceedingly duty. There is hope for any kind of rascality as long as it can be kept out of the newspapers.” Here is a minister who appro-| ieiates the editor. At a recent; DEPOT ST. E. 0. REESE S BIG FURNITURE STORE. the Stock and a word as to Prices will always make a sale. E. O. REESE , NEWNAN 6ft. Miss Bessie Rowell, who has: All Pain is Nerve Pain Pain •» sure to follow any strain at weakening haflweace tapon ike nerves. It may he caused by over-exertion, heat, intense mental effort, calds, in digestion. or any cause that depresses, excites or agitates the nerve*. So sensitive arc they that the least presume or strain causes suffering. By sooth ing, strengthening and quieting the nerves, Dr. Miles' Ante-Pain Pill* relieve the pain. They are sold by druggists, 25c a box, under a guarantee that the first box will benefit, or nanneji refunded. Never sold in bulk. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart editorial convention he offered the following toast: “To save an editor from starva tion, take his paper and pay for it promptly. To save him from bankruptcy, advertise in bis paper Literally. To save him from de spair, send him every item of news of which you can get hold. To save him from profanity, write your correspondence plainly on one side of the sheet and send it in as early as possible. To save him from mistakes, bury him. Head people are the only ones who never make mistakes.” Newspaper readers would do well to remember that there are no perfect people—editors or readers. The Newnan News leuued Every Friday. J. T. FAIN, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATE, $1.00 PER YEAR. MFICIAl PAPER Of COWETA COUNTY. 'Phone No. 20. mill UP STAIRS IN THE WILCOXON B LOG I ’it 11 for Newnan. Talk for Newnan. Work for Newnan. Watch Newnan grow! A little r.d. in the News gets re mills lot t tie advertiser. daily a few months hence. If so, there will proltahly Ik: at least one daily paper in the State favorable to the candidacy of Uncle deems. Many people are saying that the News is the liest, newspaper Cow eta County has ever had; and sev I oral enthusiastic readers say it is j the I test county paper they have lever seen. The News is duly ap preciative of these kind and Hat tcring comments. However, the News is to lie still further improv ed. It. is far front being a satis factory expression of its editor’s ideas of what a county newspaper in Coweta County ought to be, and he proposes to go right, on work ing at the job until the News shall measure up to the very highest standard. In Memory of Little Doro thy Cann. input.taut been the admired guest of Miss Mary Newton for several weeks, returned Monday to her home in Newnan.—Jackson Argns. Messrs. Rawson Dent and Joe A mail entertained Miss Mary Newton and her guests at dinner at the Wigwam a few evenings since. Those ivitod were, Misses Newton, Powell, Arnall, Rowel and Rosa Newton; Messrs. Dent, Arnall, Paver, Newton and Ether idge.—Jackson Argus. Mrs. Glanton, ofNewnan, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. S. J. Boykin.—Carrollton Free Press. Miss Ruth Whatley, a charming young lady of Newnan, who has been the guest of Mrs. E. H. Pow ell, returned home Monday.—Car rollton Free Press. Misses Nettie Tuinliu and Charligene Vickers returned Tues day evening from a delightful visit to Franklin, Newnan and La Grange.—Carrollton Free Press. Newnan Marble Works J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. All Manufacturer and Dealer in— Kinds Marble and I luce that ad. ii the News- and watch your business grow. Ite public spirited; and help make Newnan letter, greater aati bigger. To the man who wants to live in the liest town in western Georgia: t 'omc to Newnan! Wise business men who looking for fall and winter busi ness will titul it with an advertise mont in the News. At the hour The News went to press, Ham Small, late editor of the Brunswick Journal, had not re lieved the palpitations of an anxi ous publicity announcing what .job he proposes to hold down next. But, whether he appears on the scene of conflict next as a preacher, lecturer, journalist, sewing ma chine agent, vendor of lightning rods, tomb-stone salesman or rep- a,v resentative of a life insurance comj pauy, one thing is a dead certainty | —by the time lie secures another •job, Hum will have changed Itotli ! his polities and his religion. Newnan has four big cotton warehouses and several times that number of live cotton buyers. Ho ! ring your cotton to Newnan and ell it at the highest prices. Some Views of Newspapers There was proltahly never a newspaper editor with ordinary re gard for the esteem of his fellow men who has not regretted that he lias Ikhmi compelled in the dis til*- l nited States barge of his duty to otl'eud some of his readers. The following from the Rich wood (O.i Gazette puts the ease pithily and is worth appointments retnemlieriug: . i iii i 1 i irrant flowers that love so littmgly ••A newspaper should lie judged: . ° * Now it is rumored that Governor 1'errell will si-ck Hon. A. O. Hu ron's seat Aeuate. It lias Im-oii persistently rumored t'oi some time that Gov ernor Terrell \i ill try for a seat in Congress *>i in the Senate. “I saw a flower at morn, ho fair. I passed at eve, it was not tliere.” On Sabbath night, June 25th, little I kirothy Gann passed through the Beautiful Gate, while happy angels thronged to view the holy scene. For live sweet summers had she wound around the hearts of her parents, her grand mother and the family circle, love’s endearing ten drils, and her little footsteps made love-paths everywhere throughout her happy home. To her life’s chalice was brim ming over with childhood’s de lights and time seemed a long, sweet, sunny summer day. Her mind, like an opening flower, showed day by day new Ix-auties ami awoke in our hearts hope of rare success in fullness of years. Gifts and graces were graciously foreshadowed in the infantile love liness of her face and form. Child hood’s dewy roses perfumed her little fingers as she scattered the pearls of smiles and caresses on the members of her doting family. Looking on her perfections one could well say: "Sinless, in ft world that is sinful, Woeless, in a life fall of woe.” Suddenly disease parted the gol den cord of life,and little Dorothy’s glorified spirit passed up to he forever with those “whose angels do always behold our Father’s face.” Too pure for the touch of the world, she has passed from the arms of foud human love to the arms of love eternal. Oh, golden hair, never, through out the ages to be mar red by a single silver thread. Oh, faultless marble brow, never to know the deep furrows of ruthless care. Oh, happy eyes, never to weep for earth’s many bitter riis- Sleep long and sweetly, little one, auiid the fra- Granite Georgia Marble a Specialty. All work guaranteed to be First Class in every particular Parties needing anything in our line are requested to call, examine work, and get prices. OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR R. R. JUNCT N. NEWNAN, GA. DR.T. B. DAVIH, Residence 'Phone b-throe calls. OR. W. A. turnki; Residence 'Phone Miss Conyers in Demand. Other institutions are ottering flattering inducements to Miss Em ma Young Conyers, and it is possi ble that she may sever her connec tion with Palmetto High School. We would much regret to lost- the services of this gifted and efficient teacher of music ami hope that Palmetto will give her a class that will preclude all thought of her leaving us. We know she likes Palmetto, but “business before pleasure,” is ulways her maxim.— | Palmetto Palladium. DAVIS & TURNER SANATORIUM, Corner College and Hancock Sts., NEWNAN, - - - GEORGIA. High, central and quiet location. All surgical and medical cases taken, except contagious diseases. Trained nurse constantly in attendance. Rates $5.00 per day. Private office in building. ’Phone 5-two calls. Davis & Turner Sanatorium. Merck Town Killers. If one kills himself he is culled a suicide, if he kills a brother he is called a fratricide, if he kills some one of no kin he is a homi cide, but if he kills his town by sending away to buy things that he ought to buy at home, he be comes the entire lot of “cides” in one. We wonder if people w ho continually buy goods away from home ever think of the tendency J of this unwise practice. They are helping to kill the town in which j they live by destroying its busi- j ness and lowering the price of real : estate and driving out its popula-; tion. Enough people engaged in this business will depopulate any town in a short time.—Gaiuesville Sun. & Dent. A Regular Smash-up points a straight finger to this place, for the very good reason that here un- v/beeled, generally bat tered up vehicles can get back to business at small dost One word and that is the end of it: We do carriage repairing and charge you only just what’s right. BUGGY BUILDERS Wood * Seeds. Krnest ('amp, lute editor of lIn- Dublin Times, later an attache of the Atlanta Constitution, has bios mned forth as editor of the Bruns wick Journal. Camp is a pcnciller i I poetiTN as well as prose, and is an all-around newspaper man and good fellow. He succeeds Sain -’*na a- editor of the Journal. I Lurry Gaunt, sometimes of : Vmth Carolina ami occasionally of Georgia, best known in recent months a- sponsor of the Jim Smith gubernatorial Ixxmi, will shortly liegiii the publication of weekly newspaper in Athens. It is hinted 1 Peonage, that the paper may be issued as a' Harper’s , lavished on your untimely bier Yon have but lifted your tiny t» per, said “good night” to the! loved ones and gone to slumbers undisturbed. Ere the gloom of the wix-k in his i *“ art1 ' oon ' d wra P iUs £ re > h> ouml the golden heart, you have made your escape from the windy storm and tempest. "Into the joy-land above.ns. Where there is ft Savior to love ns,” thou hast ever entered. “Faith’s fearless eye has piarced thy far abode, And beholds thee in the bosom of onr God.” Good-night, little one; some j sweet day we’ll bid thee a joyous ’; VV eekly, hiking uotiee good-morrow, where uo farewell by its averages upon the whole and not upon any one act of omission oi commission. No i-ditor pub lishes a paper alxive criticism. If the writer is honest he is Ixmnd to offi-ml some one every life. If he does not oftV-ud he is flabby, truculent, namby-pamby. Every newspaper makes mistakes, but in the long run, week after ' week, year after year, the paper stands for decency,for right living, , for honest thinking, if it speaks! , lair for those who are doing right j and condemns sneaks, cheats aud violators of law, then it deserves Tailored Suits at $18.00. That’s the price of ele gant made-to-order suits, at the shop of O. W. Bradley, Merchant Tailor. Anything higher in price also made to order. “NO FIT, NO PAY.” Have y o n r clothes cleaned, pressed, or re paired at this shop. Suits pressed for one dollar per month. Best work guaranteed. 0. W. Bradley, (Over Pope’s Store.) NEWNAN, GA. Our Southern Farmers can saws fer tiliser bills and Inersass their rewsnuss MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, by sowing Crimson Clover at the last working of their Corn and Cotton crops. It is the best time to sow and yon save an extra, prep aration of the land. . Crimson Clover makes land rich in humus or vegetable matter and puts it in excellent condition for the crops which follow it. It also makes I fins wintsr eirat crap, An eieellint grezisg crap, A good Nirly forap crap, A splendid soil-improving crap. Plowed under early in the spring, it increases the yield of corn, to bacco, cotton or other crops which follow it, to a wonderful extent. Our sales of Crimson Clover seed are Increasing enormously every year, and we are to-day the largest dealers in this seed in the United State?. Write for prices and circulars giving information about this valuable crop. T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, • VIRGINIA. Wood's Descriptive Fall Catalogue, Issued in August, tells about all Farm and Garden Seeds for Fall Plant. Ing. Mailed free on request. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. In Effect May, 1904. West Bound. DAILY Hast Bound. No. 9 No. 1 No. 2 Nolo r.M AM I'M A M 5 35 10 00 I.v Griflin Ai 3 85 8 flU 5 511 10 16 . Vaughan 3 11 8 01 6 i!0 10 8ft “ Senoia " 2 46 7 OK 7 02 11 11 “ Newnan •• 2 08 6 US 7 ?7 11 36 --...Whltcsburg 1 44 6 7 .75 12 06 "....Carrollton.. “ 1 15 6 00 1 00 “ Bremen 12 48 . 10 -'....Cedartown...-- 11 :21 2 AH “ Rome " 10 41 . :j 451 " Holland 10 02 — 3 ft# " Lyerlv 9 50 ...... 4 05 Raccoon .... 9 40 ...... 1 18 Summerville.." 9 32 4 2fl “ Trion " 9 22 4 48 "-...LaFayette--." 8 85 5 1ft “--Chickamaiiga..” S "23 ...... 5 55 Ar.. Chattanooga.. I.v 7 45 y m A M For information as to Rates, etc , address• C W. CHEARS, Div. Pass. Agent. Chattanooga, Tenn. 0. A. NOLAN, Agent. Newnan. Ga. F. J. ROBINSON. Asst. Cr. P. A„ Savannah, Gu. J. r. HAILE. Gc-nl. Pass Agent, Savannah, Ola (■nt'isXsNPtcfVisfVLnrvtsrvtrrvEi slftir. Trivial Pin? to Si take your clothing to 1 1S. C. CARTER A CO., Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Aids Nature. Medicines that aid nature are always - most effectual Chamberlain* Congh Remedy acts on this uian. It allays the ! cough, relieves the lnngs, aid- expec toration. opens tlie secretion*, and aids nature in reeronnp the -ystem to a healthy condition. Sold by Holt <1 Cates. Druggists, Newnan. Gu. OPPOSITE HOTEL PINSON, when you want them cleaned, pressed, repaired or dyed in the best manner and at the most reasona ble prices. {subscribe u>r The News, R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules . Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 6-oenl packet is enough for usual occaeior s The family bottle (60 cents) contains a supply for a y»ar .All druggists sell them.