The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, September 08, 1905, Image 5

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<8* Mew York Important Sale For the Month ol September in the Bargain Store I We are ambitious to surpass all selling} records in our lines of Dry Goods, Clothing:, Shoes, Ladies' Skirts and Millinery. We commence the new season Saturday, the t)th, with a CHEAT COLLECTION of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, also the greatest collection of Skirts ever seen in Newnan. These garments were personally selected by our representative in New York and they are the products of the cleverest tailors in the country. < Vnne see for yourself! Men’s and Boys’ Clothing. black unfinished worsted, worth tin, only.. $12.50 black unfinished worsted, worth $ onlv 9.08 mixed cashmere, worth $12, only -- 0.50 mixed Scotch worsted, worth SlO, only. 7.50 mix d Scotch worsted, worth $8.50, only .. 5.08 trousers, worth $6.00, only . . 3.98 trousers worth $-1) only .... 2 50 tr.losers, worth $2.50. only .... 1.40 snits, from 0 to 10, worth $5, only . 2.08 suits, from 7 to 10, worth $8.50, only 1.08 suits, from 4 to 10, worm S2.76, only 1.40 suits, front 4 to 10. worth $1.50, only 80 suits, from 4 to 8, worth $2, only . .. 1.25 ItUHCpants, from 4 to 10, worth 35a-50o, only 25 \ _ Shoes Cj We Take Care OfDie Boys Men’s patent leather shoes, regular $5 for $11.50 Men’s vici kid shoos, regu lar $4.60 value for. $8.25 Men’s box call' shoes, regu lar $8 value for $2.26 Men’s vioi kid shoes, regu lar $2 60 value for.. .$1.76 Men's box onlf shoes, regu lar $1.75 value for . .$1.26 Ladies’ patent leather shoes, regular $4 value. $2.75 Ladies’ patent leather shoes, regular $3 valne.-..$2.26 Ladies’ patent leather shoes, regular $2 value... $1.49 Ladies' patent leather shoes. regular $1.50 value $.984^ ST.^LOOtS Special sale of Fall and Winter Millinery. The latest in styles; prettiest trimmings; best in the milliner's art; prices below the lowest. New York Bargain Store Gottlieb & Delaney. Miss Cora Hughes is with friends at West Point. Miss Tommie White, of GiTuitville, visited Miss Nanaliue Kiiig this week. Miss Essie Ditnbnr visited Atlanta and Marietta last Saturday and Sunday. W. H. Huffnktr made a business trip %o Calhonu; Ga., yesterday. nisq Cora Stephens is spending some time in Franklin and Hogansvllle. Miss Claudia Barr is spending some' time in Atlanta. Hon, W. C. Adamson visited Newtmn this week. ,1. M. Milner spent Labor Day in Atlanta. Miss Ethel Tuttwiler has returned to Atlanta. Miss Mary Newton is expected to visit Miss Sadie May Powel next week. Emil Hauser is entertaining his fatli- | or, Mr. Hauser, of Athens, this week. I i Fred McSvvain spent Saturday, Sun day and Monday in Atlanta. ' Mrs. R. W. Mattox spent Monday in 1 Atlanta. ; Mr. Springer, of Virginia, who has been visiting ,T. Littleton Jones, has re turned home. • ! Dr. T. S. Bailey found it necessary to ! hold a consultation with a friend in At, lanta Sunday. Mr. and Mrs H. A. Farmer,of Atlanta, are tile guests of Oapt. ,). B. Goodwyn and family. Prof. F. (). Watkins, of Turin, recent ly returned from a trip to South Geor gia. Miss Katie Waldo, after a pleasant visit to Miss Evelin Martin, left. Tues day for her home in Atlanta Mrs. J. M. Milner, after a pleasant visit to Opelika, is at home again. Miss Mary .Tones loft Monday for Con cord, whoro she will toaoh the ensuing term. Miss Walters, of Albany, is expected to visit Miss .Tulin Mae Hockney next week. THOUSANDS OF FAIR WOMEN HERALD PRAISES OF PE RU NA. Catarrh and Catarrhal Diseases Make In valids af More Women Than All Other Ailments Com bined. Local News of Newnan D. W. Boone is in St,Louis this week. Miss Nina Cotter has returned from |(!edartowfi. J. W. Stripling, Esq., was in Atlanta jluet Wednesday. Prof. F. P. Johnson spent several days Savannah this week. Mrs G. W. Coates and Miss Sarah InVve returned to Atlanta. J. 8. Carmical, of Palmetto,was down kere the first of this week. W.M. Keith, of Seuoia, was among the visitors in town this week. Miss Ruth Whatley goes to Carroll- [iu Friday to resume her art class. Mrs. E. D, Bower has returned to Newnan, after spending the summer with her son, A. R. Bower, in Coving ton, Ga. Mr. J. G. Addy and family will re move to Atlanta at an curly date. New nan will be sorry to lose Mr. Addy and his family. Hon. W. B. Orr lias sold his planta tion near Sliarpsburg to J. R. Cole & Co. Tlie farm contains 885 aoros aud is a valuable property. Will Post, a young man formerly of Grantville, but, more recently of Dallas, Texas, has acoepted a position in G. R. Bradley’s drug store. E. Gary Summers wns in the oity, from Turin, Monday. He was accom panied by Mr. Bond, a young man em ployed in the Turin hank. Mrs. W. E. Stafford, of Rookniart, on ln-r return from a delightful visit to . California, is spending a few days with Miss Launette Glass, of Madras, is ; Mr (iI)d Mrs AlolJZO Nammlly . Mie guest of Miss Katie Sue Brewster. I Mr. Stonewall Jackson Bower and Rev. C. O’N. Martiudale preaches at j wife hftve retur ned to their home in furin next Sabbath morning aud night. ; Derby> Coi)u _ after a few days Htay (i Hon. J. B. Ware, of Heard county, j with his sister, Mrs. E. A. B. Lee Liras among the visitors in town this' It track. Mrs. M. J. Merck, of Orlando. Fla., i expeoted this week to visit Mrs, Clias. lerck. Glenn Paver, Esq., of Atlanta, visited .Relatives in Newuun from Friday until jmBouday. « Miss Mary Goodrum came down from ollege Park Monday afternoon to spend -raHjfew days. Mr. and Mrs.Frank Wilkinson are the Barents of u daughter, born to them a feew days ago. WL Mrs. Frauk Hopkins aud Miss lone 'Hopkins, oi Luthersville, are visiting ',J£rs. O. F. Allen. IIP Captain and Mrs. Briggs, of Charles ton, S. C., are the guests of Mr and Mr*- Mike Powell. r^Miss Rubie Simril. after a visit to friends and relatives, lias returned to her home in LaGrange. Mrs. W. C. Wright and children and Mr-. Mamie Johnson and children have returned from Chicamauga. H&-. Orman Powell left Thursday for Ao- jiurn, Ala., where he will become a stu- le.ut at Alabama Polytechnic Institute. R. C. Moore has removed his insurance Ittice from the Reese opera house bnild- Ed S. Perdue, who holds a responsible position with the A. G. S. Railwuy, at Chattanooga, Tenu.. visited his brother, Hon. L. A. Perdue, here, this week. Lost—In Newnan, recently, pearl stick pin in form of interrogation point. Finder will be rewarded on delivering pin to cashier of First National Bank. Warner Hammett, a well known citi zen of the *lth district, is having a resi dence erected in eust Newnan, opposite the home of Mr. John Powers. When it is completed he will remove with his family to Newnan. Mr. J. F. Reynolds and family have removed to one of Mr. J. A. Hunter’s new houses on Sitesville street. The new residence on an adjoining lot, alsc the property of Mr. Hunter, is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Hal Fisher. Mrs. Albert Hill, of Greeneville, who ran off' with Sheriff McGhee, of Meri wether county, has returned home to her mother, Mrs. Robinson : while Mc Ghee, no longer sheriff, was last seen in Atlanta. It was mid-suinmei madness to be followed by a long winter of dis content.—Griffin News and Sun. Hon. Henry H. Revill, of Greeneville, I was in the city yesterday on his way to court, at Newnan, which convened yes terday. He looked as if he didn't weigli over 300 pounds and explained that he i . , | had not fullv recovered from his strenu- aig to a building erected on the corner . otw pf e a member of the legislature , bf his residence lot, opposite the Central n t the recent summer session.—Griffin Baptist church. News and Sun. Eyes Tested Free Prospective buyers of spec- tacles can have their eyes tested free at this store. 'That’s a service that is charged for elsewhere. All we claim for our spec tacles department is that we can test your eyes in an ex pert manner and fit glasses that will be satisfactory in every particular. For t his service fill charge you as litlle ns any dealer —and less than you would have to pay some. It’s worth your linn- to ex amine our line of optical goods and let us demonstrate what ca.i be done for von, H. S* BANTA : The Library distributed during An- j , gust 898 books of Action nud 71 classed j ! literature. Total, 9(17 books. | ! Notice—Party who recently removed I a coat from my shop by mistake is re- I quested to return it at once. O. W I Bradley, the Tailor. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Arnull are the parents of a daughter; the young Indy having arrived at their home last Sun- ; day. Mrs. G. W. Rainey and family and ! Mr. L. A. Molspn’s fninily returned to j Atlanta last Saturday, after spending j some time here with relatives. Superior court is in session this week and will continue next week. Report of proceedings is crowded out of this J week’s News, hut will appear complete next, week . Governor Terrell lias appointed Oapt. ,T. B. Goodwyn a delegate from Georgia to National Farmers’ Convention, which will be in session in Richmond, Sept. 12th to 22ud. Miss Bessie Goodwyn, who was in charge of a summer school ut Farindale, is at home at present. She will spend next week with friends in Carrollton and Roopville. T. W. Powel, Jr., who spent the snm- mer at Borden-Wheeler Springs Hotel, was in Newnan this week. He left yes terday for ColnnibuH and will probably buy cotton during this season at some point in Alabama. H. O. Arnull, Esq., is having a two- story brick business house erected op posite Bnrdetr.’s warehouse nnd in the rear of the stores of H. O. Glover & Co. and others. He is also having a small one-story brick building ereoted at the corner below his store. Suffered Long With Catarrh. Miss Clara Casc,1l» Oth street, N. W„ Washington, D. G., writes: “I can think of no event in my life that fills me with more gratitude and at the same time a sense of future security, as a cure after long suffering from catarrh, brought about hy using Pernna as directed. It has completely cured me.’’—Clara Case. Entire System Toned by Pe-rn-na. Miss Mary Bennett, 1019 Addison Ave., Chicago, 111,, writes: “A few months ago I contracted a cold by getting my feet wot, and although I used the nsual remedies I could not shake it off. "I finally took Pernna. In a week! was better. After several weeks I suc ceeded in ridding myself of any trace of A cold, nnd besides the medicine lind toned up my system so that I felt splejulid.”—Mury Bennett. Physician* Had Given Dp the Case— How Entirely Woll. MIsh Gertrude Linford, Vice President Parkshle Whist Club and teacher of Whist,221 Niagara street, Buffalo,N.Y., writes: “Pernna has effectually cured me after physicians hud practically given up my ease. “For a long time 1 suffered with ca tarrh of the kidneys, had a weakness und pain In Die hack, lost ffesh rapidly, my feet were swollen, my face was puffed under Die eyes nnd I had a waiy sulluwncHH of the skin. ‘ I took Pernna for some time and am entirely well. I cannot endorse Pernna too strongly."—Gertrude Linford. // you suiter from cularrh In any form, do not dclajj. Take Peruna at once. Delays are dangerous. MiM Halley’* Story—Short, But InUr* eating to Every Woman. Miss Addle Nalley, 137 I) street, 8. M* Washington, D. C., write*: “A cough, Hie grip, catarrh of the meanest kind—all sorts of remedies, home, patent and prescribed hy doctors, and no relief,—that tells my story, a story of Buffering and distress that lasted four years. “Then—three bottles of Peruna— catarrh gone, appetite und strength re turned—a happy woman, and none more grateful for the blessing of health—that is what Peruna lias done for me.”—Addle Nalley. A reward of $10,000 has been depod led In Die Market Pixcliunge Hunk, Colum bus, < Milo, as a guarantee that the above testimonials are genuine; ilia* we hold in our possession, uut liontle letters cer tifying to the same. During ninny years’advertising wo have never used ii single spurious tesHmonliw. MWhtN, GfORGIA Miss Mnrilu Peavy in visiting friends in Hogunsville. Miss Bessie Arnold Ims returned from Hogunsville. Misses Susie n,yd Claudia Barr spent, Wednesday in Atlanta. Will Woodroof.of Savannah, is spend ing the week in the city Mrs. O. B. Brown Ims returned from a visit to friends and relatives in Ala. Miss Evie DaviH has returned to Orawfordville, where she lias a position in public school. Mrs. Jack Powell ami little son, Wyatt, are the guests of Mrs. Mary Brewster Patterson in Griffin. Mrs. O. B. Lawton, of <lineage, is visiting her parents, Prof and MrH. Alonzo Nuuuaily. Rev. Edward Cook, of Savannah, is visiting tin family of VIi T E Atkin son. The friends of Miss Edna Nall will be glad to hear Hhe is recovering from an illness of several days. Mrs. C B. Davis and .Vims Mamie Flint, of Albany, will be the guest of Miss Annie DeGraffenried noon MisR Emmie Terry Sneud has accepted position as governess in Die family of Mr. Joe Hutcheson, near Roseoe. Mrs. S. W. Murray and Miss Mary left Thursday for Cincinnati, where they will visit Morton Murray. Mr. ami Mrs. (7. E. Stapler, refugees from yellow fever in New Orleans, are visiting Prof, and Mrs. Alonzo Manually. Mrs. T E. Atkinson and Mis Louise will visit Forsyth, while enmute to Mu- con, where Miss Louise will enter Wesleyan College. Miss Annie Murray will leave Satur day for Loaohopoku Ain to visit, friends before going on to Tnskegee. where she will enter college. Mr. Bob Hunter, one o) Coweta’s most .substantial und prosperous farmers, j takes the blue ribbon for fine tomatoes and mammoth egg plant. Dr. (4. A. and Mr. A. H. Nrinnally were culled to Decatur, Ga., on a matter of business yesterday / They expect to return before Sunday. Mrs. S. A. Varner is critically ill at the home of Win. Camp, Esq., in Doug las county. She is suffering with a violent attack of lagrippe. Dr. A. A. Barge, Newnan, and Dr. Henley, Dong- lasville, are treating Mrs Varner. Mrs. i Barge and Miss aaggic Varner and John ! W. Varner are with their mother. Mrs Digits Hr wsternnd Mrs. J it. Burnet,t have rctimied from a pleasant visit to Mrs. Mary JBrewstm Patterson, in Griffin. Miss Mary IS. Braxton, who tins linen visiting the family of Mr. Byrd Parks, returned to her home in Atlanta Mon day. Sanders Gibson 1ms iiurolmsHil the Ooll.igo Temple lot owned by J. G. Ad dy, and will at nn early date erect a handsome residence. Mrs. W E. Pringle and Miss Fannie Hume, who have been the guests of Mr and Mrs W. B. Pringle, returned Tuesday to their home in Charleston. Mr. Edward Hairston Kelly, a promi nent young man of Atlanta, and Miss Carrie Reese Cole, a popular young lady of Seuoia, were united in marriage, at that, place last Wednesday hy Rev. J. It. King, of Newnan, Much editorial and news matter is crowded out of this week's News to make room for advertising. The News is seriously contemplating the issue of a I 12-page paper, weekly, during the an- 1 tunin months. Six or eight freight cars were demol ished in n rear end collision at Sargent on the Central llaiiwu.v last Tuesday One freight, train was standing on the truck and was run into by another freight train as it was finding uji to Die station. Nobody was injured in the wrens. Dr. N iiiimilly is preaching a series of sermons Sunday nights on “Back to the Bible." Next Sunday night ids theme will is , “The Bible und How God Gave it.” Sunday morning hisdiseourse wLll In in tim nature of a personal inquiry and the question discussed will bo, “To whom urn you married?” The members of his chureii are expected to lie present iindu (lordml welcome awaits the visitor and stranger miss Annie Harris, a young woman of Palmetto, aged uliout 28 years, died in Franklin this week and was buried here Wednesday afternoon. Typhoid fever caused tier death. She was related to Shackleford und Powers famllicHof this plane Funeral was conducted at Motli- odist church, of which dcnoiuinatioii she was d mom her. More than forty persons came down from Palmetto to attend the funeral. Shaving Supplies An absolute necessity i’or men. We Imve everything needed—Razors, Brushes, Strops, Soaps. Lotions, Powders, etc. Fountain Pens Ready l.o writi anywhere, on train, boat, in camp or hotel room A handy companion yon will‘appreciate to the utmost. Stationery VV e can meet every possible requirement us to Stationery and Ht.itionery Sundries. Other Requisites Some ol those things are quite sure in lie needed : Anti septic Lotions lor minor injuries, bites ol insects, etc.; Head ache Remedy, Sponge Bags or Bathing Caps, Soaps, Court Blasl ts, Brushes, ToiJel Preparations, Playing Cards, Denti frice and maybe a few simple remedies loi various minor ills. Yov Get the best oi Everything Here at Pleasing Prices C. R. BRADLEY, Druggist.