The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, September 29, 1905, Image 4

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I Guns! Guns! Guns! We sell double-barrelled, hammerless shot guns, made by L. C. Smith, Baker Arms Co. and Cornell Arms Co., from $20 to $35. Dcuble-barrelled.hammer shot guns, made by L. C. Smith, American Gun Co. and T. Barker Arms Co., from $9.00 to $22.50. Single-barrelled guns from $3.50 to $5.00. Extra heavy single* barrelled guns, guaranteed for white powder, $6.00. Colts, Smith & Wesson and Iver Johnson revolvers at very close prices. Gun Cases, Hunting Coats, Leggins and Hunting Caps. Everything for the Sportsman. Newnan Hardware Co. Newnan, Ga. In Memory of Eminent Sir Manuel Salbide. Ur' V' * ? *' * * %»»* • i ij i ip • <• • t o o • 'j • u • * 'j • c* • *j • 'j * 'j ■ 7 * u •' j * V' V •, VJ • V' V' Y' s' Y 1 Y * Y' Y1 Y 1Y t Y !Y l Y * Y ‘ Y!'/' Y! Y! Y'i' Y'Y *,Y!YY“ { GOOD CLOTHES... j Wi* Imve Im'oii ('.(instantly himkini? im provements in (tnr Clothing Department until it now stands without n poor in Newnan. Certain unbendin'? laws govern the dress of the well-bred man and he must obey those laws or lose caste among his friends. “High-Art Clothes spare you the neces sity of following fashion, lor they express it faithfully in both the essentials and the incidentals. They are unmistakably “of the inode.” Furnishings, too, that are in consonance with good form. Our clothing lias been selected with great care from three of the lending lines of the country; viz,, High Art Clothes from St rouse A Bros., Baltimore; Good Fopular- l’riced Clothing from Henry Sonneborne A Co.. Baltimore, and Perfection Clothes for hoys and young men. WE HAVE IN THESE LINES: Tailored Commandery mourns the death of its Iteloved Kiniuent ('ominander. Manuel Salbide was tairn in the Province of Biscay in the Kingdom of Spain on the Kith day of April. I Mil. At 15 years of age he emi grated to Cuba, where he remained a year or two, when he became a resident of the United States. He settled in Newnan, (ia., in 18h5, where he resided until his death. June IS, 1005. He was married in 1ST" to Miss Annie Itainey. This union was blessed with two daughters, Misses Alma and Y sal ml Salbide. 'Pile wife and daughters survive him. Manuel Salbide was a model man. When he came to America he Iteeame an American and was as true to the institutions and traditions of his adopted country as any to the manner t»orn. He was hardly past middle life, and tiie years seemed to have serv ed only to divest his nature of im perfections, if any lie may have had. From tile (lower garden of the seasons he hud plucked the im mortelle of kindliness and breadth of judgment, love for all mankind, tolerance for human frailties, sym pathy for the woes of others, hope for their emergence from life’s har rowing alembic, and a doubly deep reverence for those Christian bonds which hind the human soul to eternity and constitute its real kinship to the kingdom of God. And so was his life among us, I land his daily walk was paved with these knightly principles. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, and loved it. lie was a! member of the Hoard of Aldermen I of the City of Newnan,and no man i : ever stood more firmly by his city's i interests and his country’s general 1 welfare. Ilis home life was ideal. No w here did he delight more to spend his moments of leisure than amid the sacred precincts of his home, i | en joying the companionship of his ! wife and daughters. He was a Mason of the purest \ type, a Past Master of Coweta bodge No. (id, F. \ A. M., Past i High Priest of Newnan Chapter No. :>l Royal Arch Masons, Past Thrice Illustrious Master Hiram Council No. IN Royal and Select Masters, was the chief organizer of Taiiercd ('omuiundcry No. II Knights Templar, was the lirsl Eminent ('ominander, in which capacity he served efficiently and faithfully for three years. After a period ot two years lie was again called to the sacred east, and was tilling a fourth year as Eminent Commander when the Grim cr, whose relentless Wagons. We are again ready with a Solid Car Load of the CELEBRATED MITCHELL WAGONS Buy a Mitchell or Tennessee and know that you have the best. We are glad to show you these Wagons any time. BRADLEY & BANKS. Newnan, Georgia •'Lives of huc.Ii men should remind uh Tlmt we may make our lives sublime, And departing leave behind us Footprints upon the sands of time.” Therefore be if resolved, That in the death of Eminent Sir Salbide this ('oinmandery has lost one of its most useful and beloved mei hers, his city a most worthy, pro gressive and conservative citizen and ollieial, his chinch a most loy al and devout member, his family a loving and tender husband and father. Resolved further, That while we The Gentlemen’s Store. miss his wise counsels, his earnest Reap- work for Templar .progress, and we must hopeful, sunny presence from all sooner or later obey, gathered amon g us, we commend his w orthy j him for higher service in the great W ork, loyal life and splendid citi- ] Grand Commandery which holds zenship to all courteous Knights! conclaves beyond the wherever dispersed, and tender to I his family our profound sympathy ! its eternal sunset. In all these relations and sta tions lie was the embodiment of modesty. His pride whs not in the lace, or the regalia, or in the j golden sword that he wore, nor in the titles of honor that had been heaped upon him, but he did glory in being a man—such a man as , Freemasonry requires and ap- i proves. With him it was never display, but true Masonic manhood and worthy Christian knighthood that he loved and honored and lived. He was always ready to stand on the level w ith his brethren, com panions and Sii in their deep affliction, assuring them that we ourselves feel his loss more deeply than we can ex press in words. Resolved further, That this memorial be spread upon the minutes of this Commandery, that a copy be furnished our deceased Eminent Sir's family, and that the same be published in the city pa pers. I*. T. McCutchen, J. L Brown, <}. R. Sponcler. Committee. You will always find good Knights, and to beef at the Manning Market. Men’s Men’s Boys' Suits - Overcoats Suits - So.(Hi to $20.00 $4.00 to SIS HD s l. *>i i m $5.00 BOONE’S participate in all proper social on - joyments and festivities, but was never w illing to lose sight of Ma sonic consistency, and never for a moment sacrifice it or even lay it aside Such men as Eminent Sir Salbide are deathless. They may pass out from among us, and we may drop the sorrowing tear and tenderly t| deposit the casket In'iieatli the i| zealous clay, but their influence, § their work, their love-lit lives re main with us to divide our cares, to strengthen our hopes and to tit us as Masons and Knights Temp lar for deeds of more exalted use fulness. In the language of the poet— l)r. Anderson Dentist. Salbide Building. tf Try “Bep-si-no,’’ the new drink. At Reese's Drug Store. Try the “New Tasteless Castor Oil’’ for coughs and colds. Chil dren like it. At Reese’s Drug Store. R. C. Moore writes all kinds of tire and life insurance. Office op posite Bowel’s warehouse. New- Gnntlemen, our stock of clothing this season is larger and better than ever. We have taken great pains to see that every garment was well made and the pattern the vry latest. We doubt if you find the same patterns else where at the same price we ask, if you find them at all. We have suits for men ranging in price from ¥5 to ¥25; and suits for youths from ¥4.50 to $12.50; suits for boys from ¥1.50 to ¥7.50, Our Stet son Hats, ¥8.00 to ¥8.50, soft or derby, need no explanation as to their wea rabili- tv—everybody knows that they are the best and the cheapest, hats in the long run that are on the mar ket. We carry oth ers from 50 cents up. SHOES.—We call your attention to our special line ot Jas. A. Banister and Walkover shoes. The very newest shapes in all the best leathers, Button, Lace and Blucher. We sell the Banister shoes for ¥5—regular price is ¥(>; M alkovers for ¥8.50 and ¥4.00—the best shoes on the market for the money. Our Gents Furnishings are complete in everything that goes to make a gentleman’s wardrobe. No matter how hard you are to please, we feel confident that we can please you. Just drop in—we will be glad to see you, Fine Cloths K4LTIM0RE. NEW YORK nan, (ia. 4t R. O. Moore writes all kinds of lire ami life insurance. Office op posite Bowel’s warehouse. New nan, Qtf. u We pay the highest price for hides. Manning’s Market. In front Pinson IIo- . tel. Barnett, St. John & Company.