The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, September 29, 1905, Image 7

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For tfci* beautiful Top Buggy, manu factured by us here in Atluntn. Georgia. A Southern Buggy for Southern trade, has a fine Leather Quarter Top, has genuine Leather, Spring Bottom Cushion, and Leather Back, is elegantlvipaiuted and fully guaranteed. Regular retail price $65 00 to $75.00.' 90 Vor this fine Collar and Hame, • nickel mounted Harness, sold with every GOLDEN KAG1.K BUGGY, regular retail price $12.50 to $15.00. Catalog aud full description sent on request. GOLDEN EAGLE Bl’GGY CO. 15S-160 Edgewood Ave., Ati.anta, Ga. PROMINENT BUSINESS MEN Give their endorsement of the /Etna Life Insurance Company: Young Men.. Send for our catalog. It tells about a trade you can learn in a few months and which will pay you from $40 to $50 a month to start on. Southern School of Telegraphy, Newnan, - Georgia. Box 703. Whitesbura Lust Work's l.ottnr.) The past week has been busy one in Whitesbnrg. very The with the ('entral Railway at Ma eon, spent Sunday in the city with their homo folks. Several quiltings of the old- fashioned kind are being given in Whitesbnrg this week. They are Macon, Ha., June 10 Life Insurance Co., 1905 merchants have had a brisk trade, the blacksmiths have been kepi reported to be very interesting af- unusuully busy, the lumber men fairs. Mr. 'Albert. Kuglar, of Bowdon, visited friends here last Sunday. Eph Newman and Will Amis, of Welcome, were visitors to the oily Sunday. Dana Brantley, of Carrollton, the night operator for the Central road at that place, spent Sunday in the city with his parents. Mrs. E. A. Richardson, the mil liner, is in Atlanta this week se lecting her fall stock of millinery goods. Dr. (J. W. Strickland, of Car rollton, spent Tuesday in the in terest of his sanitarium at Carroll ton. Mrs. Ellen Byrjun, of Leesburg, Ala., is spending some time with relatives here and at Banning. We are sorry to hear that Rev. W. A. Barks, who is under treat ment at the Wesleyan Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, is not improv ing as his physicians would like. ■ ■ ^ta ■ ■ Peniston’s Drug Store Crane’s Spring Medicine. Crane’s Kidney and Backache Cure. Crane’s Cough Cure. Crane's Headache Relief. Crane’s Cholera ilnd Diarrhoea Mixture. Crane's Family Liniment. Crane’s Eczema Cure. Crane’s Liver Powders. Crane’s Pile Salve. Crane’s Liver Pills. Crane’s Female Relief. These are Standard Prepara tions and are Sold and Recom mended at L Peniston’s Drug Store. Take a Bath AT and railroad officials have been on the rush and the Duncan ginnery has ginned 100 bales of the fleecy staple. The hum of industry has been heard on every side, every class of business lias seemed im bued with the vigor of new life. In fact the spirit of active enter prise lias been ruling in the lives of our people as the fall season ap proaches. Whitesbnrg is deter mined to be in the forefront of the battle ground in all conflicts that are for the material good and in dustrial welfare of its people. Bus iness is better in all lines of trade than in many years. We are looking forward to a good season of ousiness in Whitesbnrg this fall. Well, it is an old and familiar saying to everybody that it is bet ter to be born lucky than rich and for this reason Whitesbnrg is re joicing over the prospective good luck that seems to be knocking at her doors. All things now point to the coming of the new railroad through our town. It seems that We are within the shadows east we are situated light in the way of by the death of <'liicf Justice Sim being run over by the new railroad mons. from Atlanta to Birmingham and This sad event leaves only two we don’t care much if we are on survivors of Ihe first (ieorgia sen- thc track this time. We have ill- ate after (lie war—Major William ways thought tliis little city had a Allen Turner, of Newnan, (la., a lucky star somewhere and now it member, and your correspondent, is about to descend and claim its; who served that noble body of own. It is no more than we ex- men as chaplain. Major Charlesi pected would, happen some day in j 11. Smith (“Bill Arp”) was also u a railroad world. The right ol member. Those were days that, way will be I reel y granted and all tried men, and those men were things made ready for the A. A B. made of no wood, hay and stubble, road. It is certainly coming, but of gold, silver and precious Hon. .1. 1*. Jones of Coweta conn- stones, with no dross to be eon- W.E.Hawkins. Manager Aetna Atlanta, Ga. Dear S i r : - I have your favor of the 8th inst. I have, I think, three policies in your Company , that I have been carrying for some time. I am thoroughly pleased with these policies, and I consider your Company one of the strongest and most reliable doing business in our State. I do them to any one wanting insurance Yours very not hesitate to recommend truly, J . W. CAB1NESS Atlanta Co., Ga June 20, 1605 Man. Aetna Life Insurance A 11 an ta , Ga. Dear Sir;- 1 take pleasure in stating that I hold a policy for $10,000 in the Aetna Life Insurance Company, with which I am well pleased. 1 regard the Aetna as one of‘the strongest and most conservative companies doing business in this State, and take pleasure in recommending it to prospective insurers Yours very truly, W . L . PEEL. Men of Pure Cold. F. M..BRYANT, District Manager, Aetna Life Insurance Company Newnan, Georgia. ty, who is now the owner of the Morrow mill property, near here, has been having considerable work done there during the summer months, lie has already had com pleted one of the best and most, durable mill dams in wesb rn (Ieorgia. Work is now going on sumed in the furnace. Well do I remember the senti m(miIs delivered on that senate floor, which would have done credit to the times of Patrick Henry. Major Turner is passing quietly and honorably to the close of an eventful and heroic, life, and Bailey’s Barber S ho P Where the equipment is new find first class and where all the latest ap pliances and accessories of the mod ern bath room are at your service Your patronage is desired and mer ited, aud a trial will make you a per manent patron. BAILEY’S BARBER SHOP, Reese Opera House Building, Newnan, - Ga. T. M. MARTIN I Does all kiuds of Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. Expert work and low prices win. Shop op posite Pinson Hotel. fBirJCnrJt>ifDinfubifvHrirJSTr^iarilEnrSthrutnrobimt?uilbirtiPiKlbiaibiiPi spirit of the men who, in a dark hour— “Stood for their country’s glory fust, And nailed her colors to the mast.” —(leorge W. Yarbrough in Con stitution. Suffering Will Not Help Your Disease, but Will Weaken Your Nerves. Folks who think It Is holier to hoar pain thnn soothe It—are wrong. Old-fashioned doctors used to nay It was bettor, because they hod nothing with which to cose pain but dangerous, heart-paralyzing drucs. Hut now, tliat a sufo remedy bus rapidly on li is new mill house most worthily reflects the elevated been found, Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain nils, which will la: much larger than the old one and will be three stories high. When completed this will he one of the best and most up-to-date grist and flouring ! mills in this part of the country. Hutcheson College is still en- ■ I rolling new pupils. The work of Alex H. Stephens Society. | the various departments is moving , “ — I along very nicely. Interest seems The Alexander II. Stephens So- j to he at fever heat among many of eiety was organized last, I* rid ay by | the students. There is still room some of the boys of the Temple for a lew more hoarding pupils, if A.venue School. I he following ol- eariy applications are made. fleers were elected: Rev. W. H. House, an evangel- w - J ’, President; ist of the Congregational Meth- Hugh Bohannan, V.ceP.cs;de,.t;E. odist church, whose home is in fallings, Secretary; Ray Crane, Florida, is carrying on a series of Kdito, 'i ,L R ’ Sa « 0 ’ ( nll< ; ffp u meetings here this week. He is A committee, composed ol I S. using the Baptist church house for »• l,llv ' sa '"' Hai " his services. The meeting began ,lasva . v ’. was appointed to draw up ,, , ... , .,, . , i , by-laws and constitution lot Monday night and will probably; continue throughout the week. We are sorry to learn of the ill ness of Mr. Steve White, one of It Ih wrong to mi (Tor. for nothing can bo gained but weakened nerve*. A safo rule to remember Is: When In pain, take an Antl-I’nln Pill. This will soothe your quivering nerves. Dr. Milos* Anti-Pain Pills relievo pain by restoring the natural secretions. In which they differ from opium and sim ilar narcotic drugs, which relieve pain by checking the action of tho glands. They are sure and harmless, and are the latest medical treatment for tho euro of Headache, Neuralgia, Backache, Itlieumatlsm, Dizziness, Toothache, Stomachache, Menstrual (Monthly. Pains. Also nerve Irritations like Sea- Sickness, Car-Sickness, SleeplesancsB, Indigestion, etc. Pleasant to take, quick In results. “I have used Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Tdlls for sick, nervous headache, and have received the best results. I hear tily recommend their curative proper ties, for they are successful.”—ItEV. RAY A. WATROS, D. D„ iowa City, la. Hold by druggists, at i!5c. Money buek if first box does not help. Never sold In bulk. THREEJURORS CURED Of Cholera Morbus with One Small Bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. G. W. Fowler, of Hightower,! Ala., relates an experience lie hud while serving on ii jury in n minder ease I ut Edwartlsville, county sent of t'lc-i borne county, Alalmtnii. lie hi vs: "While there I ut< some fresh incut und some souse meal and it guve me cholera morbus in a very severe form. I was never mom siek in my life mid w in to I the drug store for n certain cholera mixture, hut the druggist sent me a hot j tie of Chamberlain's Colin, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy instead, saying that he hurl what I sent for, but that this medicine was ho much bet ter lie would rather send il to me in the lix 1 was in. I took one dose of it and was better in live minutes. The second dose on red me entirely. Two fellow jurors were afflicted in the slime manner and one small bottle cured tile three of us. For sale ii.y Bolt & Cntes, Druggists, New- nan,(in. i Lemons as Medicine the ! Society. our clever former friends whose home is two miles from W bites- Imrg. He is suffering from an at- ; tack of fever. Misses Eugenia Watkins and iOneta Askew leave this week for LaGrauge, where they go to pur The many friends throughout tile State of Ben Pearson, of Cow eta, who was formerly connected with the prison commission, will deeply regret to learn of his seri ous illness at his home near New nan. Mr. Pearson has been con fined to his bed for about three weeks, as the result of an attack ol Tintip Write to oh for Free Trial X AXjJLr package of Dr. Miles’ Antl- Paln Pills, the New Scientific Remedy for Pain. Symptom Plunk. Our SpeclaliHt will dlagrioHO your cane, tell you what Ih wrong, aud bow to right It, Free. DR. MILKS MEDICAL CO., LABORATORIES. ELKHART, IND. Going to Move. See the big line of toilet soaps sit Reese’s I >rug Store. Disinfect your premises prevent contagious diseases. and Here is a chance to get your pic ! t urc frames at cost, as we arc elos I ing out our entire stock of about | 10,000 to save expense of moving them. These frames arc different sizes and finish; you arc sure to j find just what you want, and at a sue their^studies at the Lad range p ara jy S j H> awl considerable doubt ^ ou V'oU’hA'H ^ Female College. has been expressed by the attend- j 8 ® 1 '"* ! Rev. Rolle Hunt, of Atlanta, ing physicians as to iiis recovery, one of the most prominent minis- Hj s work took him all over the ters of the Congregational church, .State, awl wherever he went Ben . . . .. _ , , | preached at Rotherwood last Sun- Pearson made friends. They will lot oi all makes at Reeses Drug | , : „ Ut He boarded the train all join in the sincere hope that he Store. J. T. Holmes, Keal Estate awl Renting Agent. Office over First National Bank. day night here -Monday home. O. O. Camp, James Brewster Building, Newnan, <la. morning for j]i. s may have a speedy recovery.- lanta Constitution. -At-1 A. Kelley, Money to loan on real estate at 7 pei awl J. A. Lott, who are working cent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. R-I-P-A N-S Tabulcs Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet iH enough for usual occanioiiH The family bottle (IK) cent*) contains a Huppl» for a year All drugglet* Hell them. Tailored Suits at $18.00. That’s the price of ele gant made to order sails, at the shop of O. \V. Bradley, Merchant Tailor. Anything highcr in price also made to order. “NO FIT, NO PAY.” I lave} y o a r clot lies cleaned, pressed, or re paired at tills shop. Suits pressed for one dollar per month. Best work guaranteed. 0. W. Bradley, (Over Pope’s Store.) NEWNAN, GA. Their Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys and Blood. Lemons urc largely used by The Mo/ley Lemon Elixir Company, in compi,ending their Lemon Elixir, u pleasant Lemon Laxative und Tonic a substitute for all Cathartic and Liver Pill*. Lemon Elixir posi tively cures all Biliousness, Consti pation, Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Headache, Malaria, Kidney Di-.ease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appeli c, Lever:;, Chills, blotches, Pimples, nil Impurities of the Wood, Pain in ih- Chest or J’urk, and all oilier <1 is- ( uses < mined Ly a disordered liver und kidneys, the first Croat Cuusn «l all Fatal WOMFiN, fur all Female Irreg ularities, will find Lemon Elixir a pleasant and thoroughly reliable remedy, without the least dangeC-of possible harm to them in any condi tion peculiar to themselves. 50c ami Ji.eo per beetle at ALL DRUG STOKES ‘One Dose Convinces.’ Cured of Lame Back After 15 Years of Suffering. “I had been troubled with limn- buck for fifteen yearn und i found 11 complete recovery in tin- use of Cliumberlain'H Pain Halm,” says John C. Bi.-lu-i .,Oil- lain, lnd. This liniment is also without an equal for HpruiiiH and bruise.-. It js for Hide by Holt & Gates, Druggists, Newnan, Ga. Miss .Mary <iibson takes pleas ure in informing her former pupils awl friends that she will resume her class in music .Monday, Oct. "ml, at her home on Greeneville Street, next door to the Presby terian church. Thankful for past patronage, she solicits a continua tion of same in future. It ’Phone Kill when steak. you want a good