The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, October 06, 1905, Image 2

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Ladies’ Goods a Specialty \\'c can and will make it pay yon to road this advertise ment ol-lylisb goods at popular prices, as wo say Ladies' | )rcs<. (mod- and Furnishings are oar specialties; either in aiedinm praties or line novelties, wo carry triinininps to oor- respond and Mill pivo you the daintiest costume that can lie 'planned and at the least possible cost. Wool Goods I lenriettas and serpes tor tlie trimmed dresser. ’I hose we have in a variety ot shade preens, reds, tans, prays and blues. <M course we have blacks, as we are sole uponts for the celebrated “(iold Medal” black poods, which every wear* or of black should sis- in makinp a purchase. I'fitted from fifty emits to one dollar a yard. , Broad Cloths Also, in all the rich shadinps for fall and winter, limi ter's tireon Keeeda tiroon, and the latest casts of red. These are tw ill -back broad cloths at *1 .00 and *I .35 per yard. Waistings Soiesctte, the best waistinp in colors or black — looks like silk, wears like Hi 1 k. I'or yard, 25 cents. Cotton Broad Cloths In a line line of shades and imitates a line prade of cloth. Wears well. I’rieed at 25 cents a yard. SilKs Wo show the preatest variety of styles in new up to date silks in this market. Yard-wide black at ltd cents, #1.00and #1.25 per yard. Yard wide solids and chanpeublos, also stripes at #1.00 and *1.25 per yard. 1 ’laid silks at 50 cents special, also at 75 cents and ttOc per yard. Home la-auties in small checks, 27 inch, 00 cents per yard. We sell these: K ripendorf-1 Hitman Shoes, ‘‘(iold Medal” Itlack <ioods, American Lady Corsets and Itutterick I’atterns. POTTS & PARKS j sleiphinp party, and, for the lirst ten pins and various other places time, my brother formed one of on the same line, which ot course IF IT’S the company. destroy their influence with the •■The town we were drivinp to non-professors, than to attend inid- that nipht was some fourteen or week prayer-meetinp. Those very fifteen miles distant, and we made people will po to church on our several stops on the way. each Lord's day and sinp “More Holi- time, naturally, to taken drink, ness (live Me,” etc. so that by the time we reached our The church needs power and in destination, we were feelinp rather order to have power we must have merry , to say the least. “About 1 o’clock - home. I had drank a prent deal of liipior, so my brother pot into my cutter, as the yon up woman I had taken refused to ride home with im a n pc red discipline. As the church is the started body of ( lirist, no member should be allowed tcT enpape in anythinp that is not in strict accord with the teachinp of the Holy Scrip tures, because He. our blessed Ha ller refusal had preatly vior said, “He ye holy, or perfect, ic, and, accordingly, | even as your Father which is in when some one proposed a race, I heaven is perfect.”—Mat. 5:4s. was perfectly willing, and, of If church members don’t live up course, quickly assented. Brother to the teachinp of the Hcriptures, tried to dissuade me, but it was or to the church decorum, which useless. is the same, they should be seen “In a short time,my sleiph had after and dealt with according to left all the others behind save the the rules of the church. No one that contained the woman who Christian has any right to stay- had refused my company and her away from the Lord’s house when escort. 1 was determined to beat religious services are being held, them. Hut I was too drunk to unless providentially hindered. Furniture or Housefvrnishings YOU WANT, CALL AT E. 0. REESE S BIG FURNITURE STORE. A look at the Stock and a word as to Prices will always make a sale. DEPOT 8T. E. O. REESE, NEWNAN, 6A. Newnan Marble Works, J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. drive well. The young and the middle-aged as “Huddenly we reached a sharp well as the old. No business or cure in the road. The two sleighs worldly pleasure should lie more I were now neck and neck, going at attractive than the house of Hod. a furious pace. Directly ahead Here are a few passages of Serip- , was a bridge not wide enough for tore which will be helpful on this : the two to pass sidt- by side. I re- * 1 subject, especially to those who All Manufacturer and Dealer in Kinds Marble and Granite Georgia Marble a Specialty. I solved to cross it first and repeat edly laid the whip over my horse, are not familiar with the Word: “I was glad when they said unto yelling like a madman. In vain me, let us go into the house of the my brother tried to stop me—in Lord.”—Psalms 122:1. “Let us | vain the driver of the other horse j hold fast the profession of our | endeavored to slacken his speed. faith without wavering, not for- “ Neck and neck we swept on, ! saking the assembling of ourselves reaching the bridge together. The together.”—Heb. 10:23-25. “Then | only thing I rememlier was a ter they that feared the Lord spake riblc scream from the woman, a often one to another.”—Mai. 3:1(1. ! crash and then all was a blank. A good brother says we can’t “When I recovered conscious-j compel our members to attend the ness, two days litter, I learned that church only on Sunday, because i I was the only survivor of the four, we have no Scripture for week-day We bad all been thrown off the 1 meetings. If that is true and we I bridge and the others were stun- can’t compel them to attend church ucd and drowned. And now,boys, couldn’t we compel them to keep do you wonder,” he concluded, away from the places and doing All work guaranteed to be First Class in every particular. Parties needing anything in our line are requested to call, examine work, and get prices. OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR R. R. JUNCT’N. NEWNAN, GA. OR. W. A. TURNER, Rtwidttnuo ’ Phone 1 A Tomporanco Story. his right hand shot out, and the miner staggered and went down to Fdilor News:—- the lloor. HUiusliuld put liis foot I am glad to|scc that the papers un ||j s invn,st and held him there, of Coweta do not accept whiskey advertisements. I know the temp while lie calmly surveyed the thunderstruck companions of the “that I have never, from that day to this, touched a drop of the ac cursed sttilV.’ And I never will!” The big miner was the lirst to interrupt the awesome silence which ensued when Klunslicd had finished His true story. “Pardner,” he asked, forgiv e me?” Htanslied arose and taking Hu miner by tile band, said: “Drink no more, my friend.” the things that violate the rules of the churchl The majority of our members, especially the young, know very- little, if anything at till, about the rules of decorum, so that till Un church might become familiar with ‘can you them, and by those means have better churches. Mi;s. ,1. H. Hcm mkuk. tat ion is more than ordinary, since j | alien man. there are three ot you to make a support, but 1 hope the people will support you [and appreciate you mori* on account ot this high toned principle. You clearly show that it is not money alone you seek. The treating habit, also, is one of dltr worst ev ils, and largely en courages the whiskey trallie. Con “I presume, gentlemen, I owe you an apology ," said he. “That invitation to drink, I take it, is a custom lu-re. Nevertheless, I am What is the Matter With the Baptist Church? We hear this expression used so sure you will excuse me, it is also often. Well, if you w ill just bear my usual custom to knock down with men few minutes I am sure I any man who asks me to take a can relieve your minds to some ex- drink. To tIn-gentleman who has the Moor,” Htaosfh-ld added, sini 1 tillin' to use youi inllnenee against j n g ( hihI remov ing his foot, “1 just this ev il. 1 send a clipping from [ wish to say that 1 bear him the Atlanta Journal which 1 hope you may see lit to publish. A. H. Jones. no grudge or malice whatever, but I’m perfectly willing to give biiu any satisfaction he wishes—only make your wants known. 1 guess Htatislicld came into Hold Har, the new mining camp tent. The biggest trouble with the church is. we have too many unregenerate members, and owing to this cause, the majority of our churches have lost their power. If children were taught in the home, while small, that christiani Closing Out Sale. (.‘omnu-in-ing Kept. 23, 15105, our entire stock of merchandise will In closed out at actual cost, for cash only. Wo are going out of busi ness as soon as the stock is sold, so the public may rest assured that this is a genuine cost stile. Kverything- in the store is olleral at cost; and this is tin opportunity to buy reliable goods at reduced prices. If Hardaway A Hunter. DAVIS & TURNER SANATORIUM, Corner College and Hancock Sts. y NEWNAN, - - - GEORGIA. High, central and quiet location. All surgical and medical cases taken, except contagious diseases. Trained nurse constantly in attendance. Rates $5.00 per day. Private office in building. ’Phone 5 two calls. Davis & Turner Sanatorium. Merck & Dent perhaps not so many names on- : oan, Oa. It was a* vvildjday when booth that is explicit enough.” “1 ernvvtish! I’m not a fool not to know when I've enough,” Old Dan Forbes, the eoaeli driv- grunted the miner, rising to his or, pulled npjvvith the reins tied foot, “but," and there wits a,world polled. Do you know the Lord is to the dash board,so still’, if you'll of meaning in his eye as he glared doing everything in the world He take his word for it, that his pock around, “it you fellows choose to can for the church, till we take ot Mask was half full of the stutl' take advantage of this allair, why stops in the right direction. Hup- thal is said to keep the cold out. you may do so—there's no one pose Uideon (read e. and f. chaps. of Judges) had not heeded the] The companions of the miner voice of the Lord. The host of stood speechless and puzzled. Miiliau would have overcome him. They couldn’t understand what The Midianites are in our midst to- Wanted—All the school eh il - 1 dren to call at Reese's Drug Store I ty doesn’t consist only in church * 01 biblots, pencils, pens, inks, etc. j nieniliership, but that we must be R. Moore writes all kinds of A Regular Smash-up points a straight finger to this place, for the very good reason that here un- ivlieeled, generally bat tered up vehicles can get back to business at small cost. One word and that is the end of it: We do carriage repairing and charge you only just what’-s right. new creatures in Christ, we would lire and life insurance. Office op- tlion have strong churches, but i posito bowel’s warehouse, New- BUGGY BUILDERS 4t CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. In Effect May, 1804. You may rot,assured that nothing ahead of any ot you. caused the trouble. It was up to day , as grasshoppers, just like the “Gentlemen, il you would like to Om- iiumlier is too great for the but pore inability to bead bis cl bow could have produced that re suit. “And that tliur tenderfoot"—re ferring to Htatislicld—“stuck to Htanstield to explain, and he said: they were in Israel at that time, the box all the way from Notch.” Old] Forln-s had an iiounoed in admiration. “Thar’s the milkin' of a good citizen in that elmp,” lie averred. “Light nin’, he is.” Naturally the inhabitants of Hold Har were very anxious to see the pei-son who came so highly recommended by the driver, lie was a dark, thin man. with hol lows eves and Mashing teeth. With hear a story , 1 will tell you w hy 1 refused to ill-ink.” “LetN several. Lord to use us. Too many that are not willing to lap like dogs, have it, pardner,” cried [ u other words, they will not come out boldly on the Lord’s side. No. 9 PM No. 1 A M No. *2 PM No. 10 j AM i ft 8fi 10 oo Lv---- Griffin At 8 85 8 80 5 ftd 10 Id Vaughan 8 11 8 Ot H ’JO 10 89 Senoia “ ’2 4d 7 an 7 0*2 n it ' Newnan ” ’2 08 d - ft 7 ’.’7 11 80 "-..IVhitesliiirg..." 1 44 d ’29 7 55 1’2 05 ....Carrollton.. “ 1 15 d oc 1 00 ” Bremen 1*2 48 - 10 .Cedartown..-“ 11 ’27 *2 58 '” Rome •• 10 41 8 48 " Holland •• lti in! 8 58 4 Oft 4 18 •* Lyerlv ■ • Raccoon ...... 0 50 9 40 Summerville..“ 9 8’2 4 ’28 " Trion “ 9 ‘2*2 4 48 LaFavette... -“ 8 55 ft 19 •'-.Chickamaugu.-*’ 8 ’ll 5 55 PM Ar..Chattanooga.. Lv 7 45 A M ••Hi\ years ago," he Wgau. Afraid to attend prayer-meeting, “there wasn’t a harder drinker in for fear they might be called on to the state ot Indiana than 1. load in prayer. (The male niein- brought up by indulging parents, i K . ls ] moan.) Hut w hy not pray with every thing one could reason- in public? If Hod is our Father, ably wish for, 1 soon got into last it i s our duty and privilege—the |f company, and almost la-fore my grandest ever bestowed on us. to I For Information as to Rates, etc., adilrvss- C \V. CHEARS. F. J. ROBINSON. Div. l’rtss. Agent. Asst. G. B. A., Chattanooga, Teun. Savannah, Ga. D. A. NOLAN, J.C. 1IA1LF-. Agent. Gent. Bass Agent, Newnan, Ga. Savannah, Ga hi- li 1st appearance in tile only dear old parents realized it, us well cull on His great and holy name. saloon Hold liar afforded, came the as myself. 1 was a drunkard. usual western invitation, "Liquor, stranger?" from a big red shifted •1 was not the only child. The eliurch has lost its religious 1 influence over the outside world. folgffOCnflrQGv3tnr0tnrUlpp35i70tr, plLq'rvGTivPi'pIGr'SjEnOJpLB TAKE HOUR CLOTHING TO 1 S. C. CARTER t CO., j had a lirother ten years younger, j owing to the fact that so many fellow, who w as not, in the par- Home times he would follow me! church members or so-called chris- lithce of the camp, “used to chaw- into town, to bring me home when 1 was unable to get there myself, him “On the occasion of which 1 am with a glance,and,quick as a flash, j about to tell you, we had been to a in’ his words twice.” booth Htanslield measured tians are going hand in hand with the world. They had rather at tend places of worldly amusement, such as card parties, skating rinks. J OPPOSITE HOTEL PINSON. j| wheh you want them |j j| cleaned, pressed, repaired ^ | or dyed in the best manner § if! and at the most reasona- J i ble prices. | fZI r JH ; »JCr;rCGgagr?CPiSG5gtof3I^ j Georgia State Fair ATLANTA, OCT. 9th to 21sL Greatest,ever held—One fare l'or the round trip. 20 County exhibits—Mammoth Agricultural displays. Great variety agricultural implements, machinery, ve hicles, etc. Finest live stock anil poultry show ever seen in the South. Prizes for woman's work and for boys and girls. Sensational attractions. Racing every clay. *22,500 in premiums. D. M. HUGHES, Prcsidcn Georgia State Agricultural Society. W. R. JOYNER, President Atlanta Fair Association. For information ami premium lists write to Frank Weldon, GENERAL MANA6ER, ATLANTA, 6A.