The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, October 06, 1905, Image 7

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$49.22 For this Top in Atlanta. Georgia. A Southern Buggy for Southern traue, hn« a fine Leather Quarter Top, has genuine Leather. Spriug Bottom Cushion, and Leather Back, is elegantly painted and fully guaranteed. Regular retail price $115.00 to $75.00. 90 ** or this fine Collar and Hi\tne, JJ>*t , .**‘* nickel mounted Harness, sold with every GOLDEN EAGLE BUGGY, regular retail price $12.50 to $15.00. Catalog aud full description sent on request. GULDEN EAGLE BIGUY CO. 168-160 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. LIFE ON A WARSHIP. Young Men.. Send for our catalog. It tells about a trade you can learn in a few months and which will pay you from $40 to $50 a month to start on. Southern School of Telegraphy, Newnan, - Georgia. Box 703. ■ ■ At. ■ ■ Peniston’s Drug Store Crane's Spring Medicine. Crime’s Kidney and Backache Cure. Crane’s Cough Cure. Crane's Headache Relief. Crane's Cholera and Diarrhoea Mixture. Crane’s Family Liniment. Crime's Eczema Cure. Crane’s Liver Powders. Crane’s Pile Salve. Crane’s Liver Pills'. Crane’s Female Relief. These are Standard Prepara tions and are Sold and Recom mended at Peniston’s Drug Store. Take a Bath -AT- CTjTD gifS ip N CnTp PuO trKui^rtlCTrJErifg hi fd Infill T. M. MARTIN EAST TO WEST AND BACK AGAIN Sights Seen in the Great West by a Georgia Mem ber of the National Editorial Ass’n. NUMBER ViII. We are still at Los Angeles. The fact is, it’s a good place to slay. It can afford the pleasures of sight-seeing: for three months, much less for three days, the term of our stay in the city’s vicinity. Jt was my purpose to include in the preceding article the trip to Santa Catalina Island, but found it too long. We can’t pass on, though, without some mention of the famous and favorite Why the Mfn Arc Allowed to ItiHnlge In Athletic Sports. To sco n thirteen Inch gun loaded and fired is a sight not to he forgotten. The projectile is thirteen inches In diameter, about three feet In length and weighs 1,100 pounds. The powder charge for target practice is 250 pounds. The cost for each shot Is about $500. When all Is ready on the range the signal siren sounds, there is a blinding dash, a roar like thunder and a Jarring shock. Then you hear the whining screech of the shell, for nil the world like a fast express round ing a sharp curve. The projectile is visible almost from tint time It leaves the gun. You see it rip through the target and strike the water beyond, throwing up a column of liquid many feet high. The shell skips, much like the flat stono "skipper” of our boy hood, ami again a column of water Anti-Hain Puis is owned by a private company, who have added many of the lux uries of modern life to enhance the unrivaled natural beauties and the incomparable salubrity of climate. It is about twenty-two miles in shoots up two tulles or more farther length, less than half as wide, and lo he repeated time and again “ . ’ .! The shell In its flight can he watched everywhere arises some source ol wltbout tbe „ iU of g| M „ S es for eight pleasure and a chance for the vis- i miles or more lu clear weather, itor to divest himself of his cash. ^ While the life of a sailor, from eap- tain down to apprentice, is an almost I lie island is tlic Mecctt ol tho j continual round of work, hoiiijb time is fisherman, and if we were to tell found for athletic sports, such as of some of the catches we saw we i b ”’’ 1 rm ’ 1,,K ' tootlmlJ and baseball, rhe object of tills is to give the men ree- would at once be accused ol lish yoution and at the same time to foster storying. It is a fact,however,that i the spirit of competition. Besides, It people often catch more than they i m « k< '" t ,1 l ' 0 ,U, ' M l ' n8l ® r '. rh ! 1 , ship with a strong football or baseball can carry ol the smaller species te(lI)1 or tbp f„ Htei ,t race boat almost and fiOU-ponndei'S are frequently Invariably has n happy and easily landed. In Avalon bay there is n»umge,l crew-a crew will swear ' . that Its officers are the finest men In no surf and no dangerous winds, i the worM Hlul nowise the officer* and children paddle about iti the | swear by such a crow. Some ships water every day in the year in ! b,,ve ,r, ' lnln * for ' la ". r • T ,T •’ tennis, the expense usually being de limits they cannot capsize, while frnyiH , by t li« officers. The team or from January to Decemlier the boat crew, ns the ease may be, Is Dr. Niles’ Anti-Pain Pills Cure Headache Almost instantly, and leave no bad eiTocts. They also relieve every other pain, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Pain, Sci atica, Backache, Stomach ache, Ague Pains, Pains from injury, Bearing- down pains, Indigestion, Dimness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness, summer isle. The trip to it is the ... „ .. . . » ; merry bather can be seen on the the ascent ol Mt. | J , , ...... streets from dawn to dark, it being antithesis of Lowe, and vet in the ordeal of a, , . . ... ,, , ,11. ,n„„ no unusual thing to see people not various duties In order thnt they mny strenuous ride on the bounding i ,,,,,,, * .. ,.,, ... ,. , only altout the beaches, but even, surf of the Pacific ocean the until- , ..... itiaU'd get much more of a nervous!»" th » »»1» *» «*« Bhakv-up than upeeding about the elongatol garb ol a lathing suit- ..... . . a place indeed where all sorts ol jagged heights and going into the 1 cavernous depths that attend the l"»P lu tollow the HWCet ol mountain in . all sorts ol customs. But possibly tbe most wonderful petted by the officers and Idolized by the crew, and for some time tiefore n bard contest tbe men are excused from give more time to training. Every battleship nml cruiser has its race boat, purchased by contributions froni officers nml men. The prices paid for these boats ts, ns n rule, contingent upon tholr winning certain specified races, The builders are willing to lake All Pain la N erve Pain Tain is sure to follow any strain or weakening influence upon the nerves. It may be caused by over-exertion, heat, intense mental effort, colds, in digestion, or any cause that depresses, excites or agitates the nerves. So sensitive arc they that th« least pressure or strain causes suffering. By sooth ing, strengthening and quieting the nerves, Dr. Wiles’ Anti-Pain Pills relieve the pain. They are sold by druggists, 25c a box, under a guarantee that the first box will benefit, or money, refunded. NeVrr sold in hulk. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart..!** . 1 an nui 10 ui uunvumn. a chunceV kuowltig that the crew will do trip up the rugged mountain m-j , . , .. . its best to win. For a winning boat the dine. But P^Wy thu most wonderful, ™ k .„ , H ofU , n Ufl , nU( . b nR $1 ,Soo. while rev,. ... ..(• of flU the natural beauties ol the, for n b0 nt thnt proves less speeily the I he fust pat t of the (atali.a^ mai . ino gardens, builder will accept $500 or -loss. on the trip is a twenty-mile tour by rail * „ 1 or trolley to Han Pedro, one of the : ,lim ‘ ai<i nia "- v ol a " a,on « largest and best harbors between | Han Francisco and ; litis more than I with eighteen or twenty feet of Bailey’s Barber §hop Where the equipment is new and first class and where all the latest ap pliances and accessories of the mod ern hath room are at your service Your patronage is desired and mer ited, and a trial will make you a per manent patron. BAILEY’S BARBER SHOP, Reese Opera House Building, Newnan, - Ca. water at low title, and fifty or more ships of probably almost as many nations were floating in Lite pretty harbor or tied til the docks load ing and unloading freight. . But there was too much of the i|tti vive regarding the ocean voy age to give much concern or even thought to the beauties or possibil ities of Han Pedro, ap'd as soon as the party could get out of the Southern Pacific special train they as quickly boarded the waiting steamer for Avalon, which is the Catalina capital. The boat was a palatial one—the equal of many that ply between the southern coasts to Cuba. It was well sup plied with outside deck space, and well it was, for about four-fifths of the crowd were leaning over the railing feeding the fishes most of the distance. The writer happened to lie among the exceptions to the general complaint of seasickness, nil of u fleet boat race ns much *h $30,000 has been known lo change the California coast. In many | hands, and large sums are iiluo foot tin 11 to the alintt from fifty to a hundred feet | spoil lug Instinct Is ns strong In the aze down into the mystic navy os elsewhere- and it Is not always harbors between - ............. -j minus, nuu . places the waters of the Pacific are. wagered on baseball and foot hi U Bail Diego. 11 . games. Tills Is, of course, contrary a mile of doelcs, j womlcrltiUy transpurent. At < at-1 « K> , cHcr of U to. regulations; hut t Z. Greene, I). D. S., Office on Second Floor of BlackSlints. (’o.’s Building you can depths through glass-bottom boats and behold growing pluuts, wav- ling vegetation, star lish, sea cu- ! cumbers, seals and myriads of fish of many species. It is a sight to behold. It is easy to imagine gar dens of beauty where nature aud man work hand in hand, but one must see to admire the beauty of the veritable fairy land that lies en sconced in the crystal depths of tlie Pacific along the sombre shores of the mountain island. The island lias also an immense game reserve, where mountain goat and many other species of game are found in plenteous < j mm - 1 titles. Situated as it is thirty miles out in the Pacific ocean, owned by cap italists, having every bounty of nature for beauty of landscape and climate and pleasure, Catalina will ever be a pent up Ltica of the ocean, and will remain an isle of possible (o hold down tin* lid. LomIJo'h I Weekly. The Find of I he World. Thnt. I ho earth will eventually dry up anil nil living things will die of thirst Is (ho theory of 11 sclenllllo writer, lie soys that In both Africa 11ml Asia, nml indeed In nil the grout levels of the world, the wilier lulls are drying up. Many lakes well known during I he his torical period have entirely disappear ed, while otliers are shrinking rapidly. "Explorations In central Asia have proved that for centuries a zone stretch ing from the east to the southeast of this part of the czar’s dominion has been drying up. Deserts are gradually spreading, and reports stiow Unit il Is only in 1 lit- neighborhood of mountains, round whose brows vapors condense mid fall, that Irrigation can he carried on or life Itself can he preserved.” L. M. Farmer, LAWYER. Office on Second Floor of the Arnnl Merchandise Do.'s Building Dr. C. A. Smith, VETERINARIAN, Trents all diseases of domestic; animals. < ’alls answered day or night I dime at (lent rehl’s Livery Stable. After a slay of several hours on but had sorely “been there” in his .. , , beauty and a toy forever to f lu earlier voyages on rough seas, and . , J , A , , , . ,. ,i sightseer, the sportsman and tin had too much sympathy tor the H . , .... .. . • ... captains of cash, woes of his friends to enjoy the, t hospital scene the boat soon pre sented and spent the time adminis- .... , ,. . . , , to Los Angeles, where an evening termg to the needs of the sick and ! ’ . ,, ,, .... ol charming entertainment was en- enjoying the roll of old ocean, the,. delicious breezes that swept pure -I 0 -'” and aromatic from the waves afar, . the denizens of the deep, that . {if . 5 tei]way> wakillK lip msxt floated or swam or flew beneath or morning beside the splashing -above the limpid waves, and the breakers of the Pacific, halting for | pretty picture of receding land- a late breakfast and more sightsec- seape as the vessel plowed onward ‘ ' and at a late hour the edito- MI >«. •I 11 n f Wlinl He An American in London once attend ed u dinner where Henry Arthur Jones told a story about Reerbohru Trite. “Mr. Tree,” said the playwright, "met a friend of his one afternoon lu Regent street. “The two stood and conversed a little while*, and then Mr. Tree said: “ ‘Have you been down lo see me act lately, my boy?’ “ 'No; too poor,’ said the other. "‘Too poor,’ Mr. Tree exclaimed. ‘Why, you spend enough on wine and cigars’— "But (he other, nettled, Interrupted. "‘I don’t mean I'm loo poor. I mean you’re too poor,’ he said.” Going to Move. Ilere is a chance to get your pic ture frames at cost, as we lire clos ingout our entire stock of about. 10,000 Lo save expense of moving them. These frames are different sizes and finish; you arc sure to find .just what you want, and at a jn ice you are not likely to get again. II. 1). OWKNK, Brewster Building,' Newnan, <la. Does all kinds of I over the thirty miles of watery ex i , pause to cozy Catalina, a* The island, in appearance, is | very much like the rugged tumuli ing at Hanta Barbara. P. T. McCutehen. Crump In lh« l.t-K*. 1 People who are subject to cramp In lial special was again taken in tow ; q,,. |,, KH H >iouIrl always he provided with u good strong piece of cord, espe cially In their bedrooms. When the cramp comes on take the cord, wind It round the log over the place where It Is cramped, take an end In each hand and give It 11 sharp pull, one (hat will hurt a little, and the cramp will cense Instantly. People much subject to cramp In bed have found great relief from wearing on each leg a garter of wide tape which has severul thin slice* of cork stitched ori to It. AnlmulN nn<I Flesh F.nlfnjc. Arguing against the eating of meat, n English writer remarks: "Almost Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. in the Arizona desert, but along its' any animal can lie made to eat. flesh. , , .... 1 Tbe kangaroo has canine teeth. Horses, beaches, amid its canyons, and about its gardens the place is one of rare beauty, anti has to be seen to be appreciated. Expert work and low prices win. Shop op posite Pinson Hotel. For a great many years the is land has been a famous resort. It« history dates back to 1542. It 1 was until about a hundred and fifty years ago inhabited by a re oxen and sheep may he taught to cut flesh. Norwegian cows have been known to eat flesh. Goldsmith saw u sheep eat flesh. A carolvor sheep Is now In London. Spallanzani Ims shown that a pigeon may he made to live on flesh and an eagle on bread.” fined race of Indians, whowereen- lady ■ulrr-ltopJlrnJterutoioi ■ ' * R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind ticed ashore by the Franciscan 1 friars, and now, as in many other places, even in our own fair fieor- Igia valleys, there is nothing left but crumbling bones and broken Flen nt iful fom parluoiiM, The horse shares with woman the gift of the greatest animate physical beauty, arid the classification does the no discredit. As for man, Ills partner, in pulchritude Is away down the line, probably a mule and maybe a burro,—Kan Francisco Cull. Tli#* Tool#* He Lucked. "Why don’t you go to work?” said a eharltubie woman to a tramp before whom she had placed a nicety cooked meal. "I would,” replied the vagrant, “If I had the tools.” "Wlmt sort of tools do you want?” tasked the hostess. “A knife and fork,” said the tramp,— Tit-Bits. The hast Word. "Does your wife insist on having the last word?” said the man who asks irn- stone implements to tell the tale of 1 pertinent questions. The 5-cent packet is enough for usual occasions the aboriginal inhabitant The family bottle 100 cents) contains a supplj for a year.All druggists sell them. We Too Fast. “The trouble Is that we eat too fast,” said the man who worries about health. “Thut’s right.” answered the man who worries about money. “Home of ! 11s eat so fast thnt our incomes can’t : keep up with our grocery hills.” Wash Jngton Star. We Risk It Druggists Who Sell Dr. Miles* Nervine Agree, If It Fails, To Refund Cost. Of course we reimburse the druggist. You know him, and trust him. Iir. Miles’ Nervine is medicine for your nerves. It cures diseases of the Internal or gans, by giving tone to the nerves which make these organs work. It Is a novel theory—not of anatomy, hut of treatment; first discovered by Dr. Miles, and since made use of by many wide-awake physicians, who ap preciate Its value In treating thfc sick. If you are sick, wo offer you a way to ho made well Dr. Miles’ Nervine, Tills medicine is a scientific cure for nerve disorders, such us Neuralgia, Jfeadache, Loss of Memory, .Bleepless- ness, Hpasms; ISacka* he, til. 'Vitus’ Dance, Epilepsy or Kits, Nervous Pros tration, etc. liy toning up the nerves, Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine will also cure those diseases of the Internal organs due to a disordered nervous system. Borne of these are: Indigestion, Bil ious Headache, Kidney Trouble, Chronic Constipation, Dropsy, Catarrh, Rheuma tism, etc. "My brother had nervous prostration, and was not expected to live. J pre vailed upon him to try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, and now he lias fully recovered. You remember I wrote you how it saved my life a few years Lemons as Medicine Their Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys and Blood. I,miens me largely ttsc<l by The Mo/ley Lenum Elixir Company, in compoundingtlieirLcmorj Elixir, a pleasant Lemon Laxative and Tonic -a sulmtilute for nil Cathartic mu! Liver Pills. Lemon Elixir posi tively cures all Hiliotu iVss, Consti pation, Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Headache, Malaria, Kidney Disease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Levers, Chills, Blotches, Pimples, all Impurities of the Mood, tain jo the Chester Hark, and all other dis eases caused by a disordered liver mnl kidneys, the first Great Cause *1 all Fatal Diseases. WOMEN, for all Female Irreg- uhuities, will find Lemon Elixir a pleasant and thoroughly reliable remedy, without the least daugerof possible harm to them in any condi tion peculiar to theniaelves. 50c and $1.00 per bottle at f ALL DRUG STOKES ‘One Dose Convinces.' He who comes up to Ida own Idea of greatness must always lmvt: had a very “Certainly not,” answered Mr. Meek- b)W B p,ndartl of it In his mind.—Haz- ton. “She doesn’t haye to Insist.”— . .... The greater portion ol the island Washington Star. ago, wJu n I hurl . nervous trouble. I preach Its merits to everyone."—REV. M. D. M VICKS. <'or rcetiorivllb-, Iowa, ppriti \VriTe us and we wdl mail A. AVXjI-j you a Free Trial Package Of Dr, Miles’ Anti-Pain Pill*, the New, Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symp- . tom Ulank for our Specialist to diagnose your case and tell you what l« wrong and how to right ft, Absolutely Free. Address; DR. MILKS MEDICAL CO., LABORATORIES. ELKHART, 1ND. Tailored Suits at $18.00. That’s the price of ele KM it made-to-order suits, at the shop of (). \\ . Bradley, Merchant Tailor. Anything higher in price also made to order. “NO FIT, NO PAY.” ' Have) yonT clothes cleaned, pressed, or re paired at this shop. Suits pressed for one dollar per month. Best work' guaranteed, 0. W. Bradley, (Over'Pope’s Store. 1 \CW\4N, GA. v fresh line of J’oAytjll’s fine ca dies just received at Reese’s Dr Store.