The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, October 06, 1905, Image 8

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Application for Charter. __Mi (il'.OIK i 1A i 'owHh County ’I ,i i j . Snpi rior (’out t of Sni'1 (loan tv: 'I In- petition of W. M Hnlaliintton, of 111<- ' <mnt\ ( f Fulton, Btati'of Georgia, mm i, I, Hcdwtut!, of’ tin* county of (' ■*< to. State of G"i>rgia, respectfully „|,ows to tie- court in- follows: I 'f'lmt they desire for theinsnlvos, 11 ,,ir n-.i x-iiit• -s, iiueci smnit mid assigns, to lie llieolliomted under thu lilltno tittd Style . I the M M ill AS GINNING COMPANY t in j-. i toil ot twenty (*’0) yciitu, with the privilege of renewal at the expira tion of that time. ; the object of mild corporation is |it rtiniat y gain to mn sharehoblers. The particular business of fluid cor- p,,ti,Hoii to he the building and ope ra tion of cotton ginneries, the ginning and I>iit■ iik ot cotton and the huyiUK nnd si in s- ot eothin, cotton Hitetl and cotton need products. t That the capital stock of said cor poration idiull be four thousand ($4,- 000,00) dollars, divided into shares of one hundred i flOO.OOi dollars each, w it h the privilogn ot increasing the same to twenty-live thousand ($25.(XK)) tl/il lilts liv vote ut a majority of the shares r»f saitl capital stock, ftom time to time as the com|»ativ may deem it desirnl>le The of I ice and prmoi|)tll place of lutsi in-Hs ol Him said eor|)oratloii shall lie in the town ot Madras, Coweta county, Georgia, with the right to estahliflli of- llees and eondltet hnsiness elsewhere, HI,her will without the State of Georgia. 0. petilioiierH pray for authority to do all nets and things necessary or in cident tn the successful o|Miration of said company, with the right to own, huy or Otherwise acquire, Improve, sell or lease or otherwise disiiose of suoll real estate and |H-rsoiml property as may lie lieoes *ai7 or ad visa hie for the carrying out the purposes of the cor|ioriithin, or the conduct of Us business, to make all con- Intel* whatsoever that are tlueossary to carry out Its purpo»es, with the privi lege of borrowing money and securing the siiine by execution of mortgage, i deeds or otllerwiflO. Wni nKKiMile, petHionors pray to lie Hindu a body corporate under said name and style, with such other and further rights, powers and privileges and im munities as are ineident to oor|s)rations of similar character allowed by the laws ol I his Slate KYI NS & SPKNCK, Petitioners' Attorneys. Piled in otltee ibis ;t t day of Oetobel', ilior.. L, TURNER, ('lerk l 'owelii Superior (fourt. Administrator’s Sale of Land. OK<)KGIA—Coweta County. By virtue of an order granted by the Honorable Omi t of Ordinary of Coweta county, Georgia, at tie- October term. Mm."), I w ill sell before the court house door of said county, at NeWnau, Ga.. on the Hist Tuesday in Novetnlmr, next, i 11)05) to tln> highest and best bidder lor cash, the following described r* ill estate, belonging to the estate of Mrs. l-ili/.u- belli 1) Vines, late of said county, de ceased, to-wit: All that tract or paroel of land lying and being in the Seventh I 7th) District ol Uowetaeouutydieorgin, and known m the plan of said district as the up|n r or north half of land lot num ber seventy (77) seven, containing on*' hundred and one fourth acres, more or less, and the lower south halt of land lot number seventy 70 six, containiiiK one hundred one and one-fourth ai-res, more or less, said two tracts of land con- tmnin|r in ail two hundred two and one- half acres, more or less. Sold for the purport • of distribution among the liens at law of said Mrs. Elizabeth D. Vines, deo awd. This Oct. 2, Ilk).). W. H. BARFIELD, Ailmr. Elizabeth D Vines, Deceased. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GKOHGIA—Coweta Countv. • All |«-rsnns having demands against the estate of D I, Moore, late of said oouuty, deceased, are hereby notified to render their claims according. to law, and all parties indebted tosaid deceased, are requested to make immediate pay ment lo the uuflerrtigtlud. This Got. Hud, 11105 F S OUKETON and K. C. OUR ETON, Sr., Kxecutors of I) L Moore, Deceased, Public Sale of Desirable Real Estate in and Near Crantvltle. OEt)RGIA—('oweth (’ounty. Will be sold at ]>uhlio outcry before the court house door in Ncwimti, tin., he twee u the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November, 11105, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following lands, to-wit: All of the east half of lot of land No 7, containing PM notes, more or less, situated, lying and being in the original lltb district of the coun ty of Meriwether, State of Georgia : also the Stafford old homestead in and near the town of Graptvilli', in said Coweta county, lying south ol the Atlnnta and West Point Railroad, commencing at the right ot way ot said railroad at the Wesley Freeman lot and running thence • list to branch; thence down the branch to the original line of laud lot No. 270; thence soutn along said line to the cen tre of Halt! lot; thence west along said centre line to the tight of way of said railroad; thence up fluid right of way to the starting point, containing fourteen acres, more or less, the same lying and being in the original second, lint now Giantville, district of Coweta County, Georgia; hIho fifty notes, more or less, it being the southeast quarter ol said lot ol laud No. H70 in said Uruiltvilju dis trict of said Coweta County. The afore- -aid tracts of land contain in till 102 acres, more or less, and is commonly known as a part of the Stafford place. These lands are well improved and have a splendid dwelling and out houses thereon. This Dot. 5th, 11105. W. A. Post, W. C. Wright Attorneys for owners. Notice to Debtors and Cred itors. I All persons holding claims against the estate of Hy Ivan Us G. Off, late of Cow eta county, deceased, are hereby notified | lo present them to me for payment and ! all isirsotlM owing said estate are hereby , notified to pay same. Got. S, 1005. ANNIE F. OUR. I -Jll.flt Admix. Said Estate. Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—-Coweta County. ,1. 0. Newman of stud county, Ad ministrator of the estate of H. G. New man, deceased, having applied to the court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell nil equity,or interest, in the lands of said deceased, which interest or equity consists of, and is evidenced hy, a certain bond for title, executed by W. j (,'. Wright toHiiid deeensed on April tltli, > 1908, all persons concerned are requir ed to show eiiuse in said court by the j first Monduy-iii November next, if any i they can, why said application should not he granted. This Oct. 5th, 11105. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Tax Notice. The hooks are open tit council cham bers for the payment of the real and personal tax due the city for 1005. 2(1-41 15. D. FOU8E, Clerk. |j. W. Stripling & Son. SHOES AND CLOTHING Wo have the largest anil best linn of clothing and shoos wo httvo evor handlod. Wo have some oyo openers for you I his season. Undies' Godman shoes in navy calf, low heel, plain toe and medium hoel, enp toe, every pair guaranteed the best every day shoe on the market at per pair --- $1.25 Undies' kid hiee Godmatt shoes, kid lace, patent tip. kid tip, low and high heel every pair guaranteed solid leather, the best kid shoe on the market for the money, per pair only ---- $1.50 Undies' plain too, glove grain, solid leather shoos only $1.00 Undies' line French kid shoes in bluchers, |MitenC tip, value 2.50 $2.00 Children's Oodumu shoo, the best winter shoes on the market, every pair guaranteed, sizes 5 to S, kid lace d5o Sizes it to 12, kid lace. 85o; sizes III to 2, kid lace, $1.00 and $1 25 Infants' line kid shoes, sizes 2 to 5 —. $1 00 Misses’kid liiee shoes, sizes 1* to 12 ... .. -- $1.00 Men's high cut shoes for everyday wear for only $1 tH) Men’s high cut kip shoes, first quality, every pair guaranteed $1 25 Bostonian slices lor men, the best $5 50 shoe ou the market; every pair guaranteed We have all thu new style toes in vici, box calf, gun metal and patent leather. Men's Stoughton shoes, vici, box calf and |uiteut leather, every pair guaranteed, )>er pair . .. $2 50 Men's box cult and vici bluoher shoes, worth $2.50, only ...$2.00 Men's cap and plain tot' shoes, worth $1 75, at jier pair .... -$U50 Men's tun vici shoes — $1.50 Men’s Hue ealf boots, elastic in side, every pair guaranteed . ...$5.00 Boys' Sunday shoes, $1 25, $1.50 and $2.00 per pair. Full Inn Indies' and men's rubbers. Ladies' sample shoes, sizes 5, 8' u ami I at less than cost to make. CLOTHING. Boys’ knee unlit eossimere suits, assorted colors, ages 5 to 8, worth $1.75, per suit - $1,89 Bovs’ knee pant eassimere suits, ti to 10, assorted colors, worth $2.50, for only . . x.. .—.. $1.08 Boys’ knee punt suits worth $2 00 for. $1 did Boys’ fancy mixed eossimere suits, value $8.1)0, at — $2.80 Boys’ knee pant suits, regular price $1.00, for only -—00c Boys' long pant 8 piece suit, a good $5.00 suit for only $4 00 Men's fatu-v mixed brown, liluek and gray eassimere suits, worth $7 60 at only $5.00 Men's nil-wool, black clay worsted suits, value $10, a suit only $7.60 Mon’s mixed colors in all-wool worsted suits, value $16, for $12.60 Men's black all wool unfinished worsted suits in slims and regulars, worth $15, tor only $12(0 Meu’s all-wool eassimere and worsted suits, assorted colors, worth $12.50, at the suit _ .. $10 00 Men’s all-wool eassimere suits m brown and gray mixed, value $12.60 for only, the suit $0.00 100 Men’s suits, bought 50c on the dollar, value $4 to $7.60, for..$8 4V* 50 Dozen overalls, worth 50e, at 80c 60 Men’s sample pnntsat manufacturers' cost, jier i»air, $8.60 to .. .50c 26 Dozen boys’ eassimere knee pouts, ages 6 to 16, per pair.... .. 25c 25 Dozen boys' worsted and eassimere knee pants, worth 75c, only 49c Executor’s Sale. GEORGIA—Coweta County. By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of said Coweta county, granted at the October form, 1005, will be sold, ou the first Tuesday in Novem ber, 1006, at the court house door in said county, between the legal hours of stile, eighty five (85) acres of land, more or less, of the north portion of the east half of lot of land number one hundred and forty-eight (118) m the Fourth district j of said county. .Sold for the purpose of paying debts , and for distribution. Terms cash. This Oct. 8, 1905. A. P. BARFIELD, I Executor of Susan S. Gibson, Deceased. Doubtless You Have Heard of Mr. Heinz, the “57-variety man.” He is a pickier by trade. Here are a few of his goods which we keep always in stock: Mustard Dressing Joe Prepared Mustard . .16c Tomato Ketchup 15c Mixed Pickles 15 anti 25c I ndia Relish ..... . Hoc Chow Chow 35c I ’reserved Sweet Mixed Pickles 35c Pickled (hiions .... 30c Evaporated Horse Radish Preserved Damson Plums Preserved Raspberries . . . Preserved < 'berries Celery Sauce Malt Vinegar Queen Olives Stuffed Olives 30c 50c 50c 50c 15c 35c 50c 30c Proctor & Gamble Naphtha Soap, Best for the Laundry Mr. Van Camp Has quite a reputation also, and we always keep a fresh supply of his Evaporated Cream 10c Tomato Soup 10c Chicken Soup 10c Other Things. The following goods speak for themselves. We shall only mentionjthe price; A. Brocket & Co., ‘‘Petit Pois,” extra fine French peas 25c ‘•Little Duke’’ extra fine French peas . . 15c Tinware and Crockery Six Glass Tumblers for 15c Six- Plates for 30c Tin Hour sifter 5c 2 gallon covered buckets . 15c 0 glass Ice Cream plates. 20c Adjustable brass curtain rods 15c Large Wash Pan lOc Family Scales, #1.50 kind at 99c Half gallon measure I5e Quart measure >. lOc Large dish pan 15 C Gallon Stew-pan ific $75 Haviland China Set for $60 NVNNALLY & BARRETT, The Bay Street Grocers Telephone 55 J. W. STRIPLING & SON ’Phone 98. Ordinary’s Notices. I GEORGIA— UowHtu County. | W. H. Summerlin, administrator fie 1 himis mm, on estate <:t William Sewell, deceased, having applied to tin' court of I Ordinary of said county for leave to sell I land of said estate, all persons concerned ' are required to show cause in said court by (lie tirst Monday m November next, if any (hey nan, why said apiilication j should not he granted. Tlds Oct. 4, 1905. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. GEt)RG1A—Coweta County ■lames 1. Pike having applied lo the court ol Ordinny of said county for let ters of administration on estate ol Car rie I). Pike, deceased, all persons con cerned are required to show cause in said court by the first Monday in No vember next, If any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Out. 2nd, 1905. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Coweta County. J. B. Shell and Lenora S. Page, exec utors of Nancy Page, deceased, having applied to ttie court of Ordinary ot said county for leave to sell the lands of said deceased, all {arsons concerned are re quired to show cause in said court by the first Monday in November next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Got. 2ml, 1996. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Coweta County. I, N Orr, Sr., having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said County for Guardianship of the property of Mary Clinton Orr, minor, all persons concern ed are requned to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in November next, if any they can, why said appiica tiou should not be granted. This Oct. 5th, 1906. L. A. PERDUE.Ordinary GEORGIA—Coweta County. I, I.. Turner, Clerk of the Sujrerior ; Court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct i copy of rite application for charter of Madras Ginning Company as appears on tile iu this office. Witness my baud and seal of said court this 8d day of October, 1906. L. TURNER, , Clerk Superior Court Coweta County. We Expect to Vlove Soon We want to close out our stock at once. Now che time lias come for real bar gains. There are some items in our stock that will be sold at a very small profit, and t here are thous ands of other things that will go at cost and below owing to the advance in the market, hut they must go at same price. Strictly tit nine o’clock, MONDAY, OCT. 0, we will begin this sale. We want you to he on hand. Clothing Our $12.60 suits go at $8.50. Our $10 00 suits go at $7.50. Our $6.50 suits go at $4.75. Notice our big sacrifice in towels. Crockery, glassware and tinware. Shoes from 25c to $8.50 per pair Our shoe stock is new and complete, and it is a great sacrifice to sell them at the extremely low price at which we expect to close them out. Remember the date and come. J. B. Hutchens West Side Square Lumber On yard or at mill. . . . ORR & POWELL RIGHT BUYING AND SELLING Right buying and selling is the strong point in this business. Knowing where, when and how to buy groceries and what to pay for them, and giving customers the benefit of wise buying, enables this store to supply its patrons with the best obtainable at the most reasonable prices. All the needs of customers can he supplied from this complete stock, and every purchaser have the satisfaction of knowing that both buying and selling are conducted in ac cordance with right business principles. We display at all times a varied assortment of the Na tional Biscuit Co.’s products. They’re always fresh, too. The canned goods stock is especially large and' attractive at present. Hardly a want of the housewife,.in this line, that cannot be supplied at this store. The best grades of flour are here. Freshness and price, as well as quality, are always worth considering. Our candy trade is immense. New shipments frequent ly-received; and the stock of stick and fancy goods of ail kinds never runs low. J. F. REYNOLDS Grocer Greeneville St.