The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, October 13, 1905, Image 5

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The <8* G* 8* Wedding Gilt Numerous weddings will occur throughout the county during the re mainder of the year and as a matter of course the friends of these voting people will wish to mark the occasions with suit- aide gifts. Therefore anything that will make tin* choosing of the wedding gift easy will he welcome news and that is the mission of this notice, A visit to the store will give many just the sug gestion needed, ns we displaying a handsome grray of beautiful goods* suitable for gift pur poses, and in accord with the policy of the store, prices are uni formly reasonable. Let us have the visit. Holt & Cates Miss Carrie Anderson left Wednesday for Atlanta, where she will ntteud n business school. Complete stock of millinery and fancy (roods and notions is being closed out at cost- Mrs. J. 13. Lee. ‘.’t Mr. and Mrs. II. P Woodroof, after a visit of several days in Newnnu, left for Suvnmmh Wednesday. The little font* year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Williams lias been quite sick tor several days. The worth of your money in fun at the Auditorium Saturday. night, Oct. 14tli. Don’t fail to be there. Mesdnuies 13 T. Eh Gholston, of Union the guests of M is. R. Miss Lillie Joe : O. T. Bailey was in Atlanta yesterday. | Major nnd Mrs. W. A. Turner visited Atlanta yesterday. W. T. Aruall, Esq., was up from Senoia last Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. M. M. Wnlmven, of Turin, were in the citv yesterday. *v SUFFERED FOR YEARS WITH A COMPLICATION OF FEMALE DISEASES. ,T. W. nnd 0. J. Owens were- in At lanta yesterday. Money to loan on real estate at 7 per oeut. Apply to L. M. Farmer. Mrs. R. A. Brown and Miss Fannie Butts spent Wednesday in Atlanta. Mrs. N. E, Powell was hostess to the V and Christopher Salmagundi Club yesterday afternoon. Springs, Ala., nrt'I Bowman’s Hendache Tablets cure all E. Simms. kinds of headache and neuralgia. 10c 'iliitli returned to P’ ?r boxat Reese s Drug store. Atlanta Sunday, after spending several Miss Media Gallagher,of San Antonio, days with her sister, Mrs. Sutton. ; Texas, is the guest of Mrs. W. \V Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilkes and daugh- 1 ^police, ter. of Atlanta, are coming to Newnun The New Tasteless Castor Oil. pure, . absolutely tasteless. Directions on bot tle. 26o lit Reese’s Drug St*>re. soon and will be with Mrs. 13en Orr There’ll be barrels of fun at the Audi torium next Saturday night, Oct. 14th. “A Thoroughbred Tramp” will be there. A. Z. Ware and Miss Luoy Ware and Misses Lizzuiand Ida Bruce, of Corinth, were shopping in Newuau a few days ago. Miss Nelle Russell returned from At lanta last week, where she spent several' delightful days with her sister, Mrs. Ray Lee. Miss Im'ogene Simms is in Madison, Oa., where she will be one of the brides maids at the marriage of her friend, Miss Willie Newton. Friends in Newnan and Coweta have received invitations to the marriage of Dr. Willis B. Jones and Miss Lena Swift, which oocurs in Atlanta on Oot. 85th. Mr. aud Mrs. E. R. Barrett entertain- _ 1 ed At a delightful dinner last Tuesday ~ „ * . ... " evening. Their guests were Hon. and Miss Lucile Thompson is visiting in Mrg w B Qrr Mjgg Mftrtha Qrr Mr 0pel,kR ’ and Mrs. J. T. Fain. Mrs. McClendon went to Atlanta I Th(J infaut of Mr Blld Mrg j. 0 . Hatur ay. Johnston, who reside near Ooriiitli, died Mrs. R. A. Brown spent Wednesday ' recently. Mr. aim Mrs. Johnson are a in Atlanta. worthy oouple and have the sincere sym Miss Corille Hardaway spent Satur- j 1>at,,y of «b the**' friends, day in Atlanta. j John and Jett Austin, two olever Hon. and Mrs. W. B. Orr spent Mon- ; - von,, « me " who ' or '» erl y »™d near day in Atlanta. Sargent, but who have been residing in i Texas for sopio time, have returned to Hon. F. S. Loftin spent Monday and Coweta county. They say old Georgia Tuesday in town. | j g g 00 ,| enough for them Cotton seed hulls ahd meal delivered. Mr. S. C. Driskill and family leave See V. E. Manget, Jr. 2i-4 , the first of next week for Oklahoma, S. R. Johnson, from near Palmetto, where they expect to settle permanently. Local News of Newnan - was in town last Saturday. Miss Emmie Young Conyei-H spent part of this week at homo. Go to the Auditorium Saturday night, Oct. 14th, and see the fun. Miss Rosndello Holmes is visiting relatives and friends in Atlanta. Miss Dollie Bailey returned to her home at Aruall Stntion Saturday. Their friends hero regret their removal but wish them prosperity and happiness in their new aud far western home. Mr. Smith ..McCollum, a good citizon residing at Coweta in this county, lins been at the Dnvis nnd Turner Sanuto rium during the past two weeks. Ho lias had a severe enso of typhoid fever. At present he is improving and his early recovery is expected. News has reached Newnan that W. R. Meriwether, of Pensacola, Fla., lias yol- i low fever. Hi* is a son of Capt. W. D. See "A Thoroughbred Tramp” at the j Meriwether and well known in this his Auditorium Saturday night, Oot. 14th. I For Sale or Rent—My house nnd lot on Temple Avenue. Mnry C. Lovejoy. former homo city. Mr. Meriwether’s condition is not believed to bo oritioal and his recovery is confidently expected. Swint Holmes, a well known young man of this city, has gone to Greeneove Springs, Florida, to take charge of the telephone office at that place. The telephone lines ill that section of the State belong to an itidejiendeiit com pany, of which Mr. R. F. Mattox, for merly of this place, is president. The Loyal Temperance Legion very happily entertained Dr. aud Mrs. Tracy Mr. W. C. Ellis, of Union Springs, Ala., was in the city the first of this week. Mr. Ernest Wilcoxon and family re turned last week to their home in Florida. W. E. Avery, of Columbia, S. C., is spending a few days in the city with relatives. W. E. Hardigree, of Heard county, was among the visitors in town last al) d co-workers at their tent last Satur- Saturday. day afternoon at 4 o’clool^ After a song — and recitation, delightful refreshments were served. Mr. Dawson then enter tained them with Hie “talking ma chine,” presenting each child present with a badge and photo of Dr. Tracy, which were highly appreciated. In a hack number of “The Bohemian” ; edited in Forth Worth by Mrs. Clay Ligon Gorman, one of the alumnae of College Temple, is found a pathetic Attorneys W G. Wright nnd W. L Stallings nnd Capt. J. R. McCollum visited Atlanta yesterday. Dr. Reese’s Cholera Infantum ami Teething Powders for teething children. ■ Price 25c per box at Reese’s Drug Store. J. T. Willinms was in Atlanta yester day to nttend the meeting of Georgia ! bottlers of soda water nnd to take in tin* | State Fnir. Sheriff J. L. Brown and Judge L. A. I Perdue went down to Corinth yesterday j to attend the Western Association's! sessions. Mrs. J. B. Ramey has sold the house and lot on Arnold street, where M r. R. j J, Stewart and family resldo, to her j brother, Mr. Will Arnold. The find frost of tlie season was seen j in this seotion Thursday morning. It j was a light frost and little damage re sulted from it, ‘ j Beginning next Monday, will oliarge 10 oeuts for messenger service in deliver ing note! where answers are required. | H. S. Bantu. , Millinery and notions at cost, to dose j out the stock. Some of the stock pur-1 chimed for the fall season; nnd all of it; new nnd in good condition. Mrs. ,T. 13. Lee. 2t. | Dr. G. A. Niimmlly, Judge A. D. , Freeman and Capt. A. B. Catos were in j attendance at sessions of Western Bap-1 tlst Association, which assembled at ! Corinth this week. A large assortment of ribbons, fcrtlli- I ers, pinnies, veils, liat-s.etc., nt oost. No shoddy goods in stook. Home line, new goods in tlie lot. Mrs. Jennie Bower Loo. 2t Bowman's Magnetic Liniment oures rheumatism, cuts, sprains, wounds, bruises, stiff joints, toothache and lame backs. Price 25c and 50c per bottle nt Reese’s Drugstore. George Rollins, a young man who formerly resided near Moreland, is ill with yellow fever ill Pensacola. Ills condition is dangerous nnd recovery not expected. Ho is about 25 years of age. ' Bowman’s Carbolated Family Salve oures cuts, burns, ulcers, old sores, pileH, ring worms, tetter, eczema, and all skin diseases, also for vaccinated arms and smallpox. Price 25c per box at Reese's Drug Store. Robust Women Who Owe Their Restored Health and Usefulness to Pe=ru=na. Read the Letters of Grateful Women Cured by Dr. S. B. Hartman's Free Advice. Thousands <»f Testimonials ceived Every Year. An Ideal Medicine. M ISS LOIT1SV* MATHER, . ill Church St*< Burlington, Vt., Vico-Prostdc* 1 * Bureau of Exchange, writes ! ••Your medicln e I s an Ideal woman's medlch ,e a,, d by Mr the best I have k nown to re store lost health j ,n d strength. “ 1 suffered for several years. My back ached, I had bearing down pains, ami f r «quont head aches, “I would often wake from sleep in such pain thaM would suffer for hours before my eyes would close again- 1 dreaded the long nights m wel1 as the weary daya. “ 1 consulted tw° physicians, hoping to get rei*°f- Finding that their medli ! *ne did not aeem to cure me, a friend ad vised me to try JV runa - “ I am certainly that I followed her advli ,e >f ,,r Peruna was the only med l0 * n ® *°r me * Every ache and P** n disap peared In four ii» ol *th* and 1 am in perfect hen 1 *-* 1 n °w. ••My earnest mirk* to suf fering women Ad A® {CF P* m rune, tor I feel ei>™ peywlll mot be disappoint** In It — Leu lee Matter. Enjoying Splendid Health- Mra. U E. 'W«r, Santa Monica, Cal., Se«*et**T «»*»*• Musical Society, writes! ••I wae troubled for over three yearn with systemic caMtrh, complicated by female weakness and Inflammation. -This Induced frequent headaches, nervousness, hysteria and sleepless ness. which noth*"* could relieve until I tried Peruna. ... “I began to fo®> better aftor I bail taken the first bOttleful and improved from week to we*’k until at tlie end of about eleven weeks I was entirely well. “I am pleased *<> " a y that I have enjoyed splendid health now for nearly a year. I have * fine appetite, enjoy sound sleep and do not suffer from any more headaches or oilier pulns."—L. K. l’vler. Monica Completely Regained Her Health. Miss Edith Kearns,720 North Main St., Day ton, O., writes i “I suffered for sometime with both lung and female troubles. ••I had been under the treatment of a good physician for about nine months without obtaining any relief, when Peruna was recommended to me. After taking twelve bottles of this medicine I America Is the Land of Nervous Women. The majority of women are nervous Imm-uuho they suffer from some form of female disease. The greatest abstaele in the way of recovery is that they do not understand that catarrh is the main source of their illness. Women who are in dnnbt as to their aliments should write to Dr. Hartman, have completely regained my health. President ot The Hartman Sanitarium, “lam pleased to recommend Peruna Columbus, O. (live him a full.descrip tion of your symptoms, previous treat ment. and age. He will promptly reply with full dl- to any one suffering from tlie above ail ments.”—Edith Kearns. No testimonials published without written cousvoloi the writer. Ircctlons for fieuliuenl, free of charge. Rev. V. A. Hutu, Dr. T. J. Jones nnd Capt. John 13. Gooilwvii attended the meetings of Western Baptist Associa tion at Corinth tliiH week. Dr. N. W. Tracy and Prof. F. F. Dawson, with their tout nnd equipment, moved to LuGrango this week. The meetings were largely attended nnd made u favorable impression on the peo ple of Newnan. Dr. Tracy is doing a good work, and doubtless accomplished Insting good by his stay here. Weems*Quillian. INSURANCE. sent the and reliable compa nies represented in the past. All standard life and fire policies are written; and all ness will receive and efficient attention. 1 thank the people of Newnan and Coweta county for past patron age and solicit a share of their business in the future. MRS.W.YJUKINSON Mr. S. H. Handers, an aged gentle man, a former citizen of Newnan, who died in Atlanta, was buried here lust Monday afternoon. He was a member of Dr. Purser’ll church in Atlanta and liin pastor conducted the funeral service at. tlie grave. Mr. Sanders was also a member of the Masonic fraternity and will have some additions to the Library, j llig ,. 6l)lttlllH w(m , interred with Masonic I honors. He was an upright, Christian citizen and enjoyed tlie respect and The Carnegie Book Committee lias re viewed tlie contents of the Slip-Box, made out a list and, as soon as possible, Hoim*, Gil., Oct. Hi.—Mi*. >iml Mrs. Albert Weems iiimonnee tlio engagement of their daughter, Louie Mny, to Rev. Frank (Juil- Prohibltion--Dono Whiskey. With Now is u good time U> think uml rein I u bo u l tin* evils of uleoholie brinks. There is little, if uuy, linn, of Moreland, tlie wedding to good at nil in whiskey; but much take place October 25th nt hull' of evil, and only evil to individu- pasl 4 o’clock nt the home of the tils, fnmilics, communities uml to bride. Miss Weems is u graduate of Shorter <'ollege uml n bright nnd attractive young woman. Mr. Quillian is a member of the the country at large. Everybody that doesn’t touch it is safe and everyone that drinks it is in dan ger of its evils. Read; be open to reason. T. S. Arthur's “Ten North Georgia Conference with a I Nights in a barroom" is a good litninarics necessary to pluoing them on tlie shelves will occupy several waeks. Henry Horton, a young printer from I Mucon who was employed in tlie News ! office for several months, left yesterday to accept a position in tlie Columbus Enquirer-Sun office. Union printers ol Columbus are on a strike and employers are securing non-union men from every possible source. I am still engaged in writing life and fire in surance, especially the lof+£»v- arid cti II rpnrP- P oe,n by tl,e Hi8t<,r of die gifted editress, laiier, ana SlI 11 ' e Mrg Mary Ligon Miller, of Trenton, S. Well <knOWn °- It isstyled “My Little Maid,” and will find a tender echo in many a be reaved mother's heart. Newnan Imils these talented sisters as they pluck laurel after laurel in honor of Prof, aud Mrs. M. P. Kellogg of sacred memory, and tlie alumnae rejoice to behold tlie deathless mental fires enkindled by these matchless instructors. The poem iQjjsi- above mentioned, is natural, dainty and fresh from the heart of the author. entrusted to m© MissRae Sponcler has arrived safely DrOUJpt *** New Yerk City, after a most enjoV- ^ able voyage. Old Oceau was iu a glad some humor, and Miss Sponcler iior- trayed graphically tlie gambols of the j playful porpoises, tlie smell of Old, Neptune’s deep-sea breathing, and tlie golden grandeur of the King of Day as lie rose in regal splendor from his glori ous bath. Friends met her at tlie wharf, and tlie next few days were si>eiit view ing tlie wonders of our nietroiiolis in an auto. Miss Sponcler, though wonder-1 fully skilled in music, is ambitious for greener laurels, and her many friends at home wish her •• o*i voyage” as sin* set* forth tor distant . ulbor* on the sea of melody. J | For Autumn Weddings ^ Sterling silver, cut gluss and French china are more largely in favor as wedding presents than all other suit able articles combined. The reasons are obvious. On ac count of beauty, elegance, appropriateness and utility these wares are unsurpassed as wedding gifts. Then the multitude of designs and patterns in the various arti cles made of silver, glass and china affords a wide range for selection anti for suiting the fancies of particular people. ■ As to our own display uf these goods, an examination of the stock is convincing. It is by far the largest, most carefully selected and most elegant line in the city. H. 8. Banta’s, The Store for Wef' I -c- Ctf'B. esteem of all his acquaintances. W. M. Thomas has purchased from Dr. T. I>. Davis the Dews place, west of tin* city. Mr. Thomas and his parents, Major and Mis. W. W. Thomas, will re move to this place at an early date. Miss Mary Newton is at home from a delightful visit to Newnan. —Jackson Argus. present charge at Moreland. Barber Dropped Dead. Joe Armstrong, eolored, a barber employed in Willis Wright’s shop, dropped dead while at work last Saturday afternoon. Joe was u good barber and a trustworthy negro aud enjoyed tin* res pee hook. Young men ami young la dies, read it! W. J. Dottmi. J. T. Holmes, Renting Agent. National Hank. Real Estate ami < Mlicc over First Bank at Luthersville. The Lut hersvillc Banking <'mn- pany has l*een chartered by the State. The incorporators are W. McBride and R. O. Jones, of of! Newnan, and Allen <'handler, N. the white own race. people as well as his F. Culpepper and J. Luthersvilh*. W. Taylor, of WRITING MATERIALS FOR PALL \ THE SENSE OF TRAFFIC. A flood Tl, In IT Kor Timor In Crowdeil Ootrra In irnlllvnle. Every town dweller should cultivate his “senae of traffic.” At first tilts ' means that he will take every step In a crowded thoroughfare with a reasoned consciousness. He will never think of his business or ills pleasure while lie Is ill tlie street, hut only of the way In which lie Is going, of what is liefore him, of what Is on either side of hlin and of wlmt he is leaving behind him. At every crossing lie will settle Ids course, so to speak, and look out for dangers from every point of the com pass. After very few weeks of tills careful self regulation he will develop the “sense of traffic.” Without know ing it he will see and hear and realize all that mfdve* about him. He will au tomatically Hvdld collision, nnd It will be as Impossible for him to take a step at tlie wrong time as It was formerly difficult for him to take it at tin* right one. He will ut the same time pre serve his person and lighten the labors of tlie policeman. Street accidents oc cur to tlii'-c* vho ha*e no "sense of ■-.”ngc."—l.cudn'.i Lancet. Jt. makes no special difference r,o you what kind of writing paper you use so long as it is good, hut yon might ns well he in style when it costs no more. It is apt to he quite a satisfaction to use some ot the attractive papers that are gotten out, from season to season. We always haye n nice line of the newest tilings in stationery and the price is always right. Everything else in this line: pens, pencils, 'ink, erasers, etc. Tablet paper of til I kinds. G. R. Bradley, Druggist.