The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, October 20, 1905, Image 1

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Watch f Newnan Crow ' ,6 v* Cbc JSevomn , VOL. VI. °S ■ f > Watch Newnan Crow NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1905. Turt NO. 28 Trade With the Live Merchants Who Advertise in THE NEWS Constantly! The UaCrange District Meeting. The annual district meeting of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society was held in Newnan, Sep tember 14-17. A pleasing social feature of the meeting was the re ception tendered delegates and visitors at the home of Mrs. Mollie Cotter Lovejoy. It was a beauti ful expression of Newnan hospi tality,in giving welcome and sweet communion to friends new and old, thus strengthening the ties that bind them in Christian love. Fri- . «lay morning the first business ses sion was held in the church, Miss Head, District Secretary,.presid ing. We rejoice that the mantle of our much loved and honored Secretary, Mi’s. Florrie Cook White, who served us faithfully and prayerfully tor three years has fallen upon such worthy shoulders, and we pray that Di vine guidance and strength may be given her, for truly “she open- eth her mouth with wisdom.” There was an unusual number of delegates present, but not such .a» attendance as should have re warded the untiring and interest ed efforts of the secretary, and as the important interests of the Dis trict demanded. Among the ques tions that came up for open dis cussion was that of Bible study. It was full of interest and profit as in earnest words the great power and truths to be gained by prayerful study of God’s word were pressed home to the hearts of those pres ent. If we pray “Thy kingdom come” with intelligent sympathy, ’we must have knowledge of what the petition implies. In all the papers and talks pre- • dented the various departments of the work there was given as the best equipment for success in each the spiritual power which comes from much waiting on God in prayer, for truly “more things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.” A letter of love and intense in terest was received from Mrs. W. JM. Allen, 3rd vice-president, also one from Mrs. Higginlwtham, who was detaiued at home by illness. • It breathed a spirit of sweet sub mission to God’s will and a sur render of her own cherished de sire to be present. The great help afforded by the reading course was stressed with the l>est plans as to The Colden Mean. The press dispatches told the other day the remarkable story of a school teacher who had been able to accumulate half a million dollars in 50 years, from a salary ranging from #1,500 to #3,000 a year. Professor Alpheus DuBois —that was the saver’s name—was not connected with any of the great life insurance companies at that. The average mind can scarcely see how it is possible to save so much. Three thousand dollars a year, for 50 years, aggregates #150,000, which is #350,000 less than a half million of dollars. The mathematical possibility of the feat, however, is easily proved by a reference to the compound in terest tables. It is the psycholo gical phase of the accomplishment which is calculated to astonish the average man—the grim determina tion of the young man on less than #2,000 a year to die rich, and the wonder that after he had accumu lated a hundred thousand he still kept on at his comparatively small salary, preferring the safe and Hteady gains to the excitement of taking chances. It seems that Professor DuBois denied himself most of the pleas ures of life for 50 years in order to accumulate the half million which othei’H will now spend. He even denied himself human companion ship, in so far as he was able, in order that he might not be tempted into giddy prodigality. He did not care for any friends,he wanted dollars. The attitude of the man souls in darkened lands; and may He help us to meet our obligations, knowing “He is able to do exceed ing more abundantly alwve all we can ask or think.” The watch word for the coming year must l>e an auxiliary in every Church,” and to this effect several of the delegates volunteered to aid their pastor in organizing societies near est their church. The needs and claims of the Scarritt Bible and Training School were stressed and pledges given for the same; also it was recom mended that a “Training School Day” be observed ami a collection be taken in Imhalf of the institu tion. The Juvenile work and Golden Links claimed special attention and we were urged to take more tender care of the lambs of the fold, for our recruits come largely from these organizations. The work of Miss Laura Peddy of New nan, and Mrs. Dillard in these so cieties was especially commended. We were favored in having with us Miss Mary Wikle, Conference Corresponding Secretary. Her ad dress was instructive and enter taining. She spoke of the early history of our organization, of the brave women who gave their time, their prayers, and their jewels for the advancement of the work that was-so near their hearts; of its broadening and strengthening in fluence until doubtless many will come from the “East and West, from the North and South and praise God continually for their salvation through Christ, who would not have known the glorious! wbo Likes big chances tor big gospel but for the prayers and! st »kes, who plays the game of services of the W.F.M. Societies.” I 011 » lar S« «< !all ‘- who wil,!4 ' We were especially indebted to wins again, and spends, is the pastor, Brother J. It. King, j niore easy to understand. He is and our beloved superauuates,! fascinated with the game ot it. Brothers Cotter and Hughes, for ^e miser does not get any tun out their helpful presence and their: °* the game he wants the sure earnest words of God-speed to the | thing al ways. And when he gets workers. All the devotional ser-i million, or his halt million, in vices were uplifting and spiritual | the name of all that makes lite in tone, and at the close of the business session each felt an in spiration to more devoted service Bagwell*Phillip«. A pretty wedding was solemn ized at the home of the bride’s father, Mr. W. M. Bagwell, at McCollum on Thursday afternoon, the 12th, the bride being Miss Mollie J. Bagwell and the groom Mr. W. M. Phillips. The home was made bright and sweet with (lowers, the color scheme being green and white. Here and there about the house pots of graceful ferns added beauty to the happy scene. The bridesmaids wore green cloth over white and entered in the following order: Miss Willie Bagwell, sLster of the bride, with Mr. W. P. West, Miss Janie Mae Phillips with Mr. T. A. Ellis. The bride never looked sweeter than in her bridal gown of white—a beau tifully embroidered chiffon dress, hand tucked. Little Miss Ethel Phillips was the dainty flower girl. The ceremony was performed by ltev. G. W. Barrett, of Palmetto. The bride by her many sweet, womanly qualities of mind and heart, has endeared herself to a host of friends. Mr. Phillips is a successful farmer here and possesses many excellent traits of character. The couple received many hand some presents which attest their popularity and the esteem in which they are held. W.C. T. U. Meeting. with bright hopes for future ad vancement. The annual sermon worth living, what has he got but a disease! We do not know which is the worse, avarice or extravagance. The spendthrift spends his money truly missionary; for the guage of the church is its missionary spirit conducting the same; also the use j and activity. His discourse was of maps and illustrations and the | strong and helpful and will long was preached by Rev. Fletcher ( aM, l °*Li» his vitality with it, and Walton, of LaGrange, his subject bankrupt alike in pocket and being the missionary spirit, and i P 0WK, ’ M "’hen he dies; the miser Christian character which falls | spends his vitality in accumulat- short in its ideals when it was not i ’ n f? his money and when he dies he is no richer than the spend- abide in the hearts of his hearers. Sunday afternoon was held a Young People’s mass meeting, for which a fitting and beautiful pro gram had been prepared. Sunday scrapbook for clippings. Miss Head had prepared and had print ed for distribution throughout the District a beautiful little booklet, a (Missionary Prayer List, embrac- _____ . . , ... .. . , ing the names of our missionaries evening we were favored in having! Aml humanity continues to be in the various fields, which should Miss Maidee Smith, our returned governed by the various tempera- hearts daily in prayerful I missionary from Brazil, to tell us ot ' iks individual units, in thrift. It is a theme at which all |>earing on the moralists have taken a shot which Mrs. from King Solomon down to Robert Louis Stevenson. All of them work around to the conclu sion that humanity ought to find the golden mean and jog thriftily, cannily and kindly along in it. The monthly meeting of the W. C. T. 11. was held last Monday in the Library Assembly Room, with only a few members present. The meeting was called to order by President Mrs. E. O. Reese, who read the 13th chapter of 1 Cor. and but commented on same. There was some business to lie transacted; the appointing of su perintendents for the different de partments of work. There were several new names to be enrolled —Messrs. T. L. Camp, A.B.Jones, ,1. H. Reynolds and Dr. J. L. Barge, honorary members; Mrs. J. L. Barge, Mrs. P. H. Drake and Mis. W. Y. Bcroggin, pledged members. We are hoping to get several more members at our next meeting, which will be the third Monday in November. At the roll-call each member present responded with a verse br most all, church members; but instead of belonging to our tem perance band and doing all they can to prohibit whiskey from com ing into our towns (for we had almost as well claim to lie Chris tians and not belong to any church, as to claim to lie temperance folks and not lielong to the band), lint instead they will allow the young folks to have card parties and oth er social games, where very often wine and other drinks are used. These things ought ndt to be, be cause the Lord says the “Iniquities of the fathers will be visited upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.” So we should be very careful and abstain from every appearance of evil. No boy is entirely safe in at6wn where whiskey is allowed to come, no matter how good a boy he may be, unless he has a consecrated father or mother or both, to inter cede for him at God’s throne of grace. Our humble prayer is that every woman in Newnan who is not a member of our W.C. T. U. will come to our next meeting if they possibly can, and see what we are trying to do, and when they see the efforts we aro making to get rid of the drink curse, perhaps they will cast their lots with us and form a strong band against this great enemy of souls; ami fight in the name of the Lord and He will uphold us by His power. Mrs. J. II. Hummers, Cor. Secretary. Death of Aged Citizen at Sargent. Mr. J. G. Fordham, one of the oldest citizens of Surgent anil the oldest employee of Che Wahoo Mills, died Ion Thursday of last week. He was more than 70 years of age. His aged wife and several children survive him. The funeral and burial occurred at Liberty church last Friday, the service being conducted by Rev. .1. B. H. Davis. Mr. Fordham was a meml>er of Now Lebanon Baptist church and Mr. Davis was his pastor. Mr. Fordham was a worthy,good man; and his stricken family have the sympathy of many friends in their sorrow. keep our touch with those in heathen lands ! of the needs of. this country so not forgetting to remember Miss I long under the dominion of Head for her thoughtful kindness. We were especially impressed by the number of maps and charts placed in easy view, giving a gra- Romanism. Her recent labors in this field gave to her words the vividness of an eye-witness as she portrayed the manners and cus- utter disregard of saws, solons and sophists.—Atlanta Journal. Moreland to Have Bakn. The prosperous village of More land is to have an incorporated Willlngham-Pinaon. Lexington, Ga., Octoiler 17.— Mrs. Lizzie Willingham, of (’raw- ford, Ga., announce the marriage of her daughter, Husie, to Mr. Will Hugh Pinson, of Cordele, Ga. The marriage will take place in the Baptist church,Crawford, Ga., at 3:30 p. m., Novemlier 8.—At lanta Constitution. The alwvo announcement is of great interest to many people in Newnan, Mr. Pinson’H native town and his place of residence until a few years ago. He is related to a number of Newnan’s best pimple, and is a son of Mrs. Lucy Pinson, at present residing in Cordele. HIh father was the late Millard Pinson, deceased, of this city. Mr. Pinson’s friends here join those in other sections of the State in extending congratulations on account of his approaching good fortune. Standing Rock. Eggs are twenty cents a dozen in the markets now, and they are very scarce in the country. We deeply sympathize with Ed Bowers and wife in the loss of their little daughter, Annie May, last week. J. J. Hunter, who has licon run- temperance; al'tei Reese read quite a number of beautiful clippings, tell j ing of the progress our W.C. T. United U. is making all over the States. She then gave us a nice little talk on temperance. She says we should notonly try to stop uhic description of some of the j toms of those living in this long work a id its needs. Attention i neglected continent of South ! Mtate ba,lk ’ with a ca P ital stock of wife and mother, and every young ; not a quorum ol the stockholders was called to the map of the La ’America, and our hearts were I *25,000. The stock has been taken woman who expects to become : present at the meeting yesterday the num- i drawn closer to her and the work ! chiet1 > r Morela,,tl citim,s a,,(i a wife some day, to join with us in ■ morning, no other business brides for which she is giving her sweet citizens of thesurrounding county. | trying to get rid of this awful the election of the board ot direc- The bank will be located in the enemy to mankind. Your humble! tors was taken up.—Wednesday’s Ordinance. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of New nan, and it is hereby ordained by- authority of the same, that the or dinance adopted by the Mayor and Aldermen of said City on the 10th day of Nov., 1901, requiring all physicians to report all contagious diseases, and for other purposes, be amended by inserting the fol lowing: All contagious diseases, or suspected contagious diseases, shall lie reported, by the attending physician, to the Clerk of the . ., M , ... J , ,. .... .. XT ning a large (arm at Elder’s mill Council of the City ol Newnan, H * .... , . ... .. .. for several years, will move to within four hours alter said dis- J ’ . .. . . . i Tunil next year and enter the incr ease is discovered or suspected. . / ... . ., .. ... can tile business. He has purchas- Adopted in open Council, tins' , ed a house and lot in Turin from Oct. ltt, 1005. r _ . .. 1 J. T. A mail. The gins have the least work to do we ever saw for the time of year. Seed wheat is #1.50 per bushel; but, brother farmers, buy and sow just the same. .1. B. Hensley, our saw mill man, whose mill is located on the Lorenzo Morgan laud in Fayette county, shipped a car load of lum her from Henoia to Atlanta last Monday. Mr. Hensley has Isien doing a good saw mill business for years. .J. 11. Calender has had fifteen bales of cotton ginned from a two horse farm, and J. A. Hyde has Us ginned from a two-horse farm. The writer has out nine bales oil" of 14 acres, but crops in general will not turn out so well. E. D. Fouse, Clerk. Annual Meeting of A. A W. P. Railroad. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Atlanta and West Point railroad was held in the of fice of President Charles Wicker- sham, in the Terminal station, yes- the drink curse by using means to terday morning, keep whiskey out of our towns, i The old board of directors was but we should plead with those 1 re-elected for the following year, who drink to quit the habit for |They are M. II. Islfnith, Colonel A. the sake of the Lord, their wives j R. Lawton, II. C. Fisher, J. F. and children; because the men who j Hanson, President of the Central drink are feeding and clothing the' of Georgia; H. \\ alters, < aptain J. drain-sellers’ families and neglect- j W. English and Charles Wicker ing their own. sham. The writer would beg every! Owing to the fact that there was Grange District, givin ber of churches with auxiliaries | for which she is givin and representing those without by young womanhood. “How beau- . , ... . ... .. blank soace-and the question was ! tiful are the feet of them that : " ew Elding of the H. W . Camp , aervant is ot the opinion that our ' Constitution pressed home to each heart, “Have j preach the gospel of peace and | Co - lhls company has been prin- j reproofs I measured up to my responsibil- bring glad tidings of good things Short Session City Court. ityf” Brother J. R. King follow ed the same Hue ot thought in the Bible lesson and gave as his sub ject the whitened harvest. He said if as much time, talent, and tponey were expended in the in Mrs. M. A. Wi%, Rec. Secretary. ‘ n ^ stock. i The new Roosevelt in Atlanta. President Roosevelt and his j 50x100 missionary clubs as party are scheduled to arrive in , finished at an early date and fitted h 00 ,J. most approved modern I ^ bleKsingis. Just think of the terestofthe . . I Atlanta this (Friday) morning at; up in the went? given to the literary clubs j , . . r , . ' , . r . t . . 1 * . _ , * Wha ..u. a I ten o’clock. Doubtless many Cow-; fashion. It is a business house fathers and and card clubs, worn e e ta people will be there to see the . that would lie a credit to Newnan would follow, besides the untold j c^oter” of the big stick and patron or any other small city, gain in spiritual things. May the ai ,d protector of the stork. _— Father arouse our women to a true Doubtless you have a policy on sense of their obligation to Him. to our missionaries, and to the often come in disguise as A party of stockholders and cipally instrumental in securing well as our blessings. Bee how of-' their friends went up to Atlanta I the bank and has invested largely j ten the Lord takes our loved ones from Newnan last Tuesday on ac- j—some times a husband and fa- count of the annual meeting of the store and banking jther is taken early in life, or wife house of the Gamp Company is a a „,l mother; and so frequently splendid two-story brick structure, children are taken, anywhere from feet in size. It will lie infancy to young man and wornan- Tnese are reproofs as well The poor shot usually kicks the ■ your life, but how about your soul j themselves te l>e something I [they are nothing. They are all, mothers who are set- j There are ting bad examples before their' willingness te die at the stake for boys and girls. They are the class j their faith, but who always sift Spoken of in the Bible as thinking' the money in their pockets to get ^ enter ed i when dog. insurance! the pennies when box comes around. City Court convened Monday and was in session one day, a re cess being taken until the first Monday in December. Jurors em panelled for this term will be re quired to appear for service on first Monday in December ami all witnesses subpoenaed for the Octo ber term are expected to appear at adjourned term. Home business of little public in terest was disposed of Monday and people who express a oue crlminal caHe WJW hear(1> This was the case of Frank Holland, colored, charged with gambling. plea of guilty, and Atlanta and West Point’s stock holders. “.Stockholder’s day” al ways draws crowds of interested persons from along the line of the “Pennsylvania of the Houth.” the collection was fined #40, the alternative be ing 8 months in chaingang.