The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, October 27, 1905, Image 2

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Ladies’ Goods a Specialty \\ , cum anti will make it pay you to rt*a«l this advertise ment of stylish goods at popular prices, as we say Ladies’ I »rcs (mods and Furnishings «re our specialties; either in medium grades or line novelties, we carry trimmings to cor- n .s|„md ami will give you the daintiest costume that can planned and at the least possible cost. be Wool' Goods These Henriettas and serges tor the trimmed dresser, we have in a variety of shade—greens, reds, tans, grays and blues. Of course we have blacks, as welare sole agents for the celebrated “Hold Medal” black goods,Jwliich every wear er of black should see in making a purchase. Priced lilty cents to one dollar a yard. What to Make For Christinas Salciy Fin Noldtra, Glove Ntadcrt nnd Court fUiltr Cams Arc Useful Gifts and Are Easily Constructed Throwing S:ones in Meri wether. IF IT’S ■» from Broad Cloths in all the rich shadings for fall and winter. Hun tor's (ins'll Iteceda Gm*n, and the latest easts of red. 1 hese are twill-back broad cloths at *1.00 and *l.:»r> per yard. Waistings Hoiesette, the ls-st waisting in colors or black—looks like silk, wears like silk. Per yard, 25 cents. Cotton Broad Cloths In a line line of shades and imitates a line grade of doth. Wears well. Priced at 25 cents a yard. SilKs VKRYBODY will soon l** won ilerlhK what to give everybody elmc for a Ohrlatmas preaent Hu 1 average woman prefers to iimke tier own gifts, and certainly a token which brings with It the loving perance county, full of Christian thought and lmndlworkjif the donor Is people! How came us to have a hotel hart” said the other. “One Two Meriwether county citizens, in a coloquy, liecame interesting. < >ne was so good that he could not support the Hon. Hoke Smith for governor with his hotel bar repu tation. “Well,” said the other, “don’t you know that we have a hotel bar of our own down here at Warm Springs.” “Better pass that matter,” said the anti-Hoke man. “Aint Meriwether a tern- Furniture or Housefvrnishings YOU WANT, CALL AT E. 0. REESE S BIG FURNITURE STORE. doubly appreciated. For the clever worker who Is on the lookout for new Ideas (tic following suggestions may prove useful. A pretty and easily mad.(little re- have a bar; and, by membrane* Is a safety pin bolder, to ^ h . fashion thtR trifle Rn ordinary ambroid the way, I hear he is now opposing cry ring about an Hon. Hoke Smith, and like your- :. n «v.U ,a ,nhm r iH k ,,eatl >' troubled on the bar tonhole stitch matter.” “Ah!” said the anti- wlth embroidery Hoke man, “aint we in a pretty arefastenedthree P ickl «- Who was 011 r representa- leugths of inch tive who did us this great wrong!” wide ribbon. At -pj u , 0 ther fellow with a merry piece Is bung Hnotber^rinr^vereTlS twinkle in his eye said, “You ask the same way. Then safety plna of as- brother Warner Hill and Henry sorted si sea are pinned through the , j^vill. They can tell you, or if of our legislators, out of the good- ness of his heart thought every ^ i 00 }{ at stock and a word as to Prices will always make a sale. OEPOT 8T. E. O. REESE, NEWNAN, 6A. COURT PLANTER CANE. Newnan Marble Works, J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. rings. Pale blue Is about as pretty as they wont do it, look in the house any color one can use. Court piaster la a very Important journal of a few years back and All We show the greatest variety of styles in new up-to-date silks in this market. Yard wide black at ltd cents, *1.00and *1.25 per yard. Yard-wide solids and ehangeables, also stripes at *1 .(><» and *1.25 per yard. Plaid silks at 50 cents special, also at 75 cents and 00c per yard. Home beauties in small checks, 27-inch, 00 cents per yard. Wo sell these: Kripendorf Dittman Shoes, “Gold Medal” Black (binds, American Lady ('orsets and Butterick Patterns. anil useful thing that Invariably gets mislaid even wben It la kept In the little cnae that druggists usually sup ply with It, nnd there Is no doubt that it should have a recognised and get-at- able place In every houae. A white glased cardboard bos thnt has an outer covering Into which the bo* proper slldea aneh a ls>x la the first requisite for the cage. Borne photographic pnate and a pretty piece of brocaded ribbon the width of the length of the t>ox, half you can easily see.” “Well,” . concluded the anti-Hoke man, “1 j think we had itetter brush before our own door before we go further against Hoke Smith.” The other “Meryite” chucked his friend a little and saitl, “Let me tell you something; it is ever thus. When you hear a man Manufacturer and Dealer in Kinds Marble and Granite Georgia Marble a Specialty. All work guaranteed to be First Class in every particular. Parties needing anything in our line are requested to call, examine work, and get prices. OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR R. R. JUNCT’N. NEWNAN, 6A. n yard of narrow ribbon to match or s , ak pj a , ra j nst Hoke Smith about contrast with the other and a piece of 1 OB. W. A. TURNER, Residence ’Phone Hllk elastic long enough to go round the bar he has nothing in the world DR £J J dm.eJ% f h'one fr. thrB erails, the sides of the box without stretching to do with, yon will lind Ills door T.'irririsr,!;. «.»««,. .•*«- <«*>"> davis & turner sanatorium, one piece twltif? unchI for bottom, side* Muriwuther Warm hpiingH nlll. j HU Is Qi. find top, Ntnrttnff from the bottom nnd tYieml of teni]>t*ram # e or honest wOtflCr UOII6g6 BHu MBflCOCK otS*, folding the ribbon (previously covered allti .p rohiblti(mH t cares a lig about j flEVVNAN i POTTS 6 PARKS Notice to Subscribers One of the News’ rules ol eou- duet is that subscrilters will not be “dunned in the columns of the paper,’’ us it is frequently express ed, Another rule of tin (but no I'uoetiouN remurks will be made alymt delinquent subscribers, and do effort will la- made to “have fun” at their expense in the News columns. These rules will l*o strictly ad hered to; and, therefore, this no tice is not to l*e classed with the kind mentioned, merely to notify stibscrila-rs to the News that they will la- expected to conform to the business rules gov erningfthe conduct of this business. The News’ subscrilH*rs are ox pet-ted to pay for the paper every year—at some time during the year—the money is not exacted strictly in advance from reliable persons. This is a reasonable rule and greatly to the advantage of the subseribers. It will W enfor ced. SubscriU-rs must not get the impression that the News will hesitate to send them statements or ask them to pay up, if they neglect this rule. They are given twelve months to settle a bill ot This is a friendly explanation of the News’ position, designed U* be mutually beneficial to our patrons ami our business interests. We hope our subst-rUiers as a whole will respond to it in the proper News is spirit, and that we will be able to say at the end of this year that the News has the largest percentage of paying subscribers of any weekly newspaper in the State. It these slanders. There is no tem perance issue in this campaign,and they know it, and this little at tempt to squelch reform in Geor gia wont work with sensible peo ple.”—Middle Georgia Farmer. GEORGIA. High, central and quiet location. All surgical and medical cases taken, except contagious diseases. Trained nurse constantly in attendance. Rates $5.00 per day. HAKKTY l'IN HOLDKH. An Awful Cough Cured. "Two years ago our little girl hud n touoli of pneumonia,vrtileh left her with It is published ^ an awful cough. She lind si*>IIn of coughing, just like one with the whoop ing cough nnd some thought she wonld not get well at all. We got a bottle of Chniubcrhiin'K Cough Remedy, whioh acted like a charm. She stopped cough ing anil got stout and fat," writes Mrs. Ora Bussard, Brubaker, III. This rem edy is for sale by Dr. Paul Peniston, i Newnan, (hi. What To Teach a Girl. her that 100 cents make Teach a *1. Teach her to wear a calico dress and wear it like a queen. Teach her to say “no” and stick to it, or “yes” and mean it. 'l'each her to arrange the IhmI room as well as the parlor or wltli paste) all round. The ends of the Inner box must he silt down ut the cor ners and Home of the photographic paste applied to the sides. It Is then slipped Into the outer covering, there to remain ns a tlxture. A piece of the brocaded ribbon the alee of the open ends Is now covered with paste ami one end placed within the box. After pressing It carefully this ribbon Is brought to the end of one of the cut down pieces, over It, then along the bottom of the box nnd the Nectlou at the other end nnd. returning to Its starting point, {-overs In thlN way the ends ns well as the bottom of the box. Now make a line down the hinged parts, so ns to allow them when dry to be turned up to close. Divide the : narrow ribbon In half nnd, placing It under the ends of the silk elastic, tack them right through the Inner box as well as through the ribbon covering, so that the clastic will not slip off when moved from either end. Exactly oppo site where It fastens stitch the elastic and the other half of the narrow rlb- bon to the side of the box nnd tie In duluty little bows. Another useful contrivance to make Is n glove mender. Make a pretty bow of colored ribbon alxuit two Inches wide and tie It through a fairly large crocheted silk ring. Make a 1 tiny needleease of three layers of thin ('undulates Howell and Smith evidently don’t regard the candid acy of .Judge Bussell as anything serious hut he may have them both guessing Before the next spring lillies bloom. Hick Bussell is terribly in earnest about want ing to take his interesting family into the Kxecutive Mansion on Peachtree street in Atlanta and his ambition is of the sort that can’t l*c waved down.—Thomas- ville Times-Enterprise. Private office in building. ’Phone 5 two calls. Davis & Turner Sanatorium. Merck & Dent Bowman’s Onrbolnted Family Salve oures cuts, burns, ulcers, old sores, piles, ring worms, tetter, eo/.ema, and all skin diseases, also for vaoeinated arms and smallpox. Price -J6o per box at Reese’s Drug Store. What $1.75 Will Do A Regular Smash-up points a straight finger to this place, for the very good reason that here un- vvheeled, generally bat tered up vehicles can get back to business at small cost. One word and that is the end of it: We do carriage repairing and charge you only just what’s right. BUGGY BUILDERS If sent note as a new subscrip tion for the 1906 Volume of The Youth's Companion it Will entitle you to all the Issues for the re maining Weeks of 1905. FREE. It Will entitle poo to the Double Numbers for Thanksgiving and Christmas, richly Illustrated. FREE. *1; and it will lie useless for them ]ji, rarv< to gel angry it we take steps to Teach her to dress for health and collect all dollars not paid during j eomt'ort as well as for appearance, the twelve months. I he News Teach her how to darn stockings, tears the anger ot no man. when it soxv on buttons and mend a glove, knows it is right; and the fellow Teach her to have nothing to do who is “going to pay up and slop w jtji intemperate or dissolute the j>aper is a source ot amuse- young men. ment, not anxiety, to us. Teach her to observe the morals \s has la-en stated la-tore, sub- ami habits and not money in select- •seribers ow ing for the News for! ing her associates •time prior to dan. 1. IW5. should 1,U ‘ , oU! ru e 01 “ A f . P 1 ** t( f ul,u * i everything and everything in its settle with P. T. Met’uU-hen. Sub- p] a( ^, -’ seriIters owe the present manage- Teach her the more she lives ment for the News only for this within her income the more she Year. However, we are authorized slt ' 0 101 a " lll ' 1 .'-V day . ,, . . , leach her to cultivate the talent to collect and receipt tor any sums shfi has am , uot W||sUf tinu> and due Mr. MeCntohen ami are al- money on the talent she does ways pleased to do so. possess It Will entitle you to The Com* panion's "Mlnatemen" Calendar for 1906—an exauisite souvenir— FREE. It Will entitle you to the fifty- two issues of The Companion for 1906—a library of the best read ing. Including the features noted below. Cut out and send this slip (or the name of this paper> With your $1.75 — note. Wounds, Bruises and Burns. By applying an antiseptic dressing to wounds, bruises, burns and like injuries before inflammation sets in, they may be le-aled without maturation nnd in about one-third the rime required by the old treatment. This is the greatest discovery and triumph of modern sur gery. Chamberlain's Pain Balm acts on this same principle. It is an anti septic and when applied to such injur- i ies, causes them to heal very quickly. It also allays the pain and soreness and ; prevents any danger of blood poisoning. i Keep a bottle of Pain Balm in your home and it will save you time and money, not to mention the incouvetii- ! euce and suffering such injuries entail. For sale by Dr. Paul Peniston, New- ; nan, Ga. West Hound DAILY Fast Bound. No. a PM No. 1 AM No. 2 PM No. 10 AM f> 10 00 Lv Griffin Al 8 85 8 80 5 10 in Vaughan 3 11 8 01 n *20 10 HO “ Senoia “ l 46 7 88 7 0‘J n n “ Newnan. ... • 2 08 6 85 7 ?7 11 86 •' --W hiteshurg..." 1 44 ft 29 t 55 U 05 "—.Carrollton— " 1 15 ft 00 ...... i oo “ Bremen ....“ 12 48 ...... . 10 “ Cedarto wn.. 11 27 ...... 2 W “ Rome •• 10 41 ...... 8 48 “ Holland “ 10 02 8 56 " Lyerlv 0 50 .... 4 05 Raccoon .... 0 40 ...... 4 lit Summerville..” 0 82 ... 4 28 " Trion " 0 22 ...... 4 4X - - LaFayette....'* 8 55 --—. 5 10 “..ChiokamauKa..” » 23 5 55 P M Ar..Chattanuoga..Lv 7 45 AM GLOVS MENDER \Ve hope nil subscriliers who owe us will voluntarily pay up 1h~ tween this time and Christmas;and not force us to send them stal.*- n.enUs or take stops to collect. white flannel prettily pinked around the edge, and sew this at the back of not | the bow with a tiny ring at tbe back to bang by. Now plait various needle Teach her to embrace every op- j lengths of cotton or silk corresponding port-unitv for reading and to select ' wlxh 1116 various shades of your gloves careful’.v the books that are elevat- Bntl «’ ut ovef ,be lur « e rm *- T Tbis ing in' their tone, and above all i ta * very •«*!>«“• P rw,ent - for *“• avoid trashy novels.—American Farmer. 7 Serial Stories 250 Complete Stories 300 Interesting Articles Weekly Editorial Review Children’s Page Weekly Article on the Care ol the Health Notes on Current Events and Nature and Science Anecdotes and Miscellany Closing Out Sale. Commencing Sept. 23, 1905, our entire stock of merchandise will be closed out at actual cost, for cash ! only.||We are going out of lmsi- vagaries of even the gloves are numerous most expensive Will fill the pages of The Youth s Companion during 1906. "HE YOUTH'S CONrANION. Boston. Nut Bern Sstecittttm !«<.■< u Tku MU*. ness as soon as the stock is sold, so the public may rest assured that this is a genuine cost sale. Everything in the store is offered at cost; and this is an opportunity to buy reliable goods at reduced prices. tf Harttawav & Hunter. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA BY.' In Effect May, 1904. For Information a* to Rates, etc., address- C W. ('HEARS, F. J. ROBINSON. Div. Pass. Agent. Asst. G. p. A., Chattanooga, Tenn. Savannah, Ga. J.C. HAILE. D. A. NOLAN, Agent. Newnan, Ga. Genl. Pass Agent, Savannah, Ga TAKE YOUR CLOTHING TO i S. C. CARTER & CO., n gj OPPOSITE HOTEL PINSON, f | when you want them |j |j cleaned, pressed, repaired it l or dyed in the best manner =] S! ard at the mqst reasona- | L ble prices. I ; |