The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, October 27, 1905, Image 7

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► I $49.22 For this beautiful Top Bugey, manu factured l>y u« here in Atlanta, Georgia. A Southern Bugcy for Southern trade, has a fine feather Quarter Top, has genuine Leather, Spring Bottom Cushion, and Leather Bach, is elegantly painted and fully guaruuteed. Regular retail price $66.00 to $75.00. 90 For this fine Collar and Hame, nickel mounted Harness, sold with every GOLDEN KAGI.U BUGGY, regular retail price $12.60 to $16.00. Catalog and full description sent on request. GOLDEN EAGLE BUGGY CO. 158-160 Edge wood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Young Men.. Send for our catalog. It tells about a trade you can learn in a few months and which will pay you from $40 to $50 a month to start on. Southern School of Telegraphy, Newnan, - Georgia. * Box 703. Whose Court Is the Joke on Now? In the light of the recent deci sion of the supreme court of the TJ. S.,breaking down Judge Emory Speer’s famous lialieas corpus de cision, and in which City Attorney Minter Wimberly, of Macon, made a great reputation, the following by a Macon author, written about the time Judge Speer was turning the city court convicts loose, will be interesting: • DE HABBERS COPPUS.’’ Nigger, I’s jes’ fouti' out Wat. ev Habbers Coppus is, ’En'yer better goon’ git yer one, For you’ll need it iu yer “biz." Oil! it’s zackly like I tell yer, ’Eu yer better git yer one. For yer liable ter need it; You hear me talkin’ son? What, ain’t nebber seed one, Wy, nigger, youBe er fool, En jus, to think the stuff I speii’ Er sendiu’ you to school; Application for Charter. GEORGIA—Coweta County. To the Superior Court of Said County : The petition of W. M. Hutchinson, of the county of Fulton. State of Georgia, and R. L. Rodwine, of the county of Coweta, State of Georgia, respectfully shows to the court ns follows: 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns, to be incorporated under the name and style of the MADRAS GINNING COMPANY for a period ot twenty (SO) years, with ,T. Amis filled his regu- ! the privilege of renewal at the expira- Rev. 1 lar appointment here last Saturday and Sunday. He was called as pastor for another year.—Franklin News and Banner. LEGAL ADVERTI8EMENT8. Executor’s Sale. GEORGIA—Coweta County. By virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary of Coweta county, will he sold at auction at the oourt house door of said county, oil the first Tuesday In Novem ber next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: All of lot of land No. 17, in the origi nal 2nd, but now the Grantville district of said county, containing 202 1-2 acres, more or less; also the east half of lot of land No. 1(1, in the same district and county, it being all of said lot 10 exoept. that part of said lot now owned by J. K. Dean, containing 101 1-4 acres, more or less, nil within two miles of Grantville, Also at the same time and place will be sold the home place of John W. Ar- Yer hum-head fool, yer makes me mad, i nold, deceased, in the town of Grant- ■ a At... Peniston’s Drug Store Crane’s Spring Medicine. Crune’s Kidney and Backache Cure. Crane's Cougli Cure. Crane's Headache Relief. Craue’s Cholera and Diarrhoea Mixture. Crane’s Family Liniment. Crane’s Eczema Cure. Crane’s Liver Powders. Crane’s Pile Salve. Crane’s Liver Pills. Crane’s Female Relief. These are Standard Prepara tions and are Sold and Recom mended at Peniston’s Drug Store. Announcement R S. Paris, former proprietor of the White Barber Shop, lias returned to Newnan and is associated with O. T Bailey in the management ot this shop. The shop is now running three chairs on full time and is the best pj/ipared and nest equipped shop i.i itown. C. T. Bailey, R. S. Paris and J. W. Hunt are all artists | in their line, and are doing every thing possible to give the public first-class service and please all cus tomers. They solicit and will ap preciate the patronage of everybody and cordially invite you to call at Es nmd es I kin be, Now, yer set down rite on dat stool En listen good ter me. Now, er Habbers Coppus is er tiling No coon should be widont, For when dey sens yer to de gang The thing ’ll git you out. Now, don’t think fer er rninuit Dat de thing is made fum eggs, ! Fer dat don’t take de shackles off i Er big black nigger’s legs. | But it’s jes er piece er paper, J Eu it don’t cost very much, 1 Fer yer can git one anywhere j At five or ten, or sncli. But sposin it do cost er ten, What would yer keer fer dat, ! Ef it rid yer ob dem cliaingang close Eli gin yer bnck yer lint? l)ats znctly whnt dis tiling ’ll do, En 1 heereci er white man tell Bout one them tilings er takin’ Er nigger outon hall. But cose I ain’t believe no sech, But one tiling I does kno, Ef yer pull one on er chaingang tioss He slm will let yer go. Now didn’t ole man Henry Went strata an’ purchus one En skeered dat chaingang boss so bad De wtiite man drapped his gun, Eu didn’t lie tell Henry, When he flung it ill his faoe, Fer ter drap dat pick an’ shovel En ferever leab dat place? Oh, nigger, I’m er talkin’, En I’m er "standin’ pat,” Fer I got me Habbers-Coppns Eu I totes her in mer hat. 11 wants ter bab it handy Cos I mout fill up on dram, | En den I’ll fling it in de face j Of Mister Nottingham, i When lie say “Ten,” I’ll rare rite back I En say, "Judge Nottingham, Mer Habbers Cofipus done tole me Yo cote aint wuff er dam.” C. B. WHITE. Nothing to Fear. Mothers need have no hesitancy in ville, fronting and south of LaGrange street and running back to right-of-way of the Atlanta & West Point Railroud. This place has been divided into four nice residence lots, designated ns town lots Nos. I, 2, !) and 4, of the subdivision of said J. W. Arnold’s place, and will be sold accordingly, ns follows: Lot No. 1, beginning at the northeast corner of T. M. Zellars’ lot on 1 .aGrange stroet, now occupied by W. M. White and running easterly up the sidewalk of Haul street on the said Arnold’s lot line (17 feet to a stake, thence southerly on a line parallel with said T. M. Zellnr’s lot line 51!) feet, more or less to the right of way of said A. & W. P. Railroad, con taining 8-1 of an acre, more or less. Lot No. 2, beginning at. the northeast corner of said lot No. 1, at a stake on LaGrange street and running thence easterly along the sidewalk on said Ar nold’s line, 67 feet to a stake, thence , southerly on a line parallel with the cast I line ot lot No. 1, 51!) feot, more or less, j to right of way of snid railroad, contain ing 8-4 of an acre, more or less. Lot No. 8, on which is located the ! late dwelling of said Arnold, cninnieno- ! ing at the northeast corner of said lot ’ No. 2 on LqGrange street nud running thence ensterly up the sidewalk on naid Arnold’s line 88 feet to a stake, thence southerly on a line parallel with east line of lot No. 2 510 feet, more or less to right of way of said railroud, containing 7-8 of an acre, more or less. Lot No. 4, commencing at the north east corner of lot No. 8 on snid La Grange street and ruuuiug thence east erly along the line up said street, 66 feet to Stafford street, thence south down Stnfford street 440 feet more or less to said railroad right of way, thence west erly down said right of way 88 feet, more or less, to corner of said lot No. 8, thence northerly along east line of lot No. 8 440 feet, more or less, to starting point, containing 8-4 of an aore, more or less. These lots all face LaGrange street, tlon of that time. 2. That thi- object of said corporation Is pecuniary gain to its shareholders. 3. The particular business of said cor poration to be the building and opera tion of cotton ginneries, the ginning and haling of cotton and the buying and selling of cotton, cotton seed nnd cotton seed produots. 4. That tlie eapital stock of said cor- porntion shall be four thousand ($4,- 000.00) dollars, divided into slinres of ono hundred ($100.00) dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the same to twenty-five thousand ($25,000) dollars by vote of a majority of tlie shares of snid capital stock, from time to time as the company may deem it desirable. The office and principal place of busi ness of the said eorporntion shnll he in tiie town of Madras, Coweta county, Georgia, with the right to establish of fices and conduct business elsewhere, either within or without the .State of Georgia. 5. Petitioners pray for authority to do all acts nnd things necessary or in cident to the successful o)>orntiou of said oompauy, with the right to own, buy or otherwise acquire, improve, sell or lease or otherwise dispose of such real estate and personal property ns may be neces sary or advisable for the carrying out the purposes of the corporation, or the conduct of its business, to make all oon- tiacts whatsoever that arc neocssary to carry out its purposes, with the privi lege of borrowing money nnd securing the same by execution of mortgage, deeds or otherwise. Whkhekohk, petitioners pray to lie made a body corporate under said name nnd style, with such other and further rights, powers and privileges and im munities as nre incident to corporations of similar character allowed by the laws of this State, EVINS & SPENCE, Petitioners’' Attorneys. Public Sale of Desirable Real Estate in and Near Crantville. GEORG1 A— Coweta County. Will he sold at publio outcry before the court house door in Newnan, Gn., between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November, 11)05, to the Ugliest bidder, for cash, the following lands; to-wit: All of the cast half of lot. of land No 7, containing 101 acres, more or less, situated, lying nnd being in the original 11th district of the coun ty of Meriwether. State of Georgia;also the Stafford old homestead iu and near the town of Grantville, in snid Coweta county, lying south of the Atlanta and West Point Railroad, commencing at the right of way of said railroad at the Wesley Freeman lot nnd running thence east to branch ; thence down the branch to the original line of laud lot. No. 270; thence south along snid line to the cen tre Of said lot; thence west along said | ceutre line to the right of way of said railroad; thence up snid right of way to I the starting point, containing fourteen j acres, more or Iosh, the same lying and being in tlie original second, but now Grantville, district of Coweta County,! Georgia: also fifty nores, more or loss, it ] being the southeast quarter of said lot j of land No. 270 in said Grantville dis- 1 triotof said Coweta County. The afore said tracts of land contain in all 102 aores, more or less, and is ’commonly known us a part of the Stafford place. These lands are well improved nnd have a splendid dwelling and out houses thereon. This Cot. 5th, 1005. W. A. Post, W. C. Wright Attorneys for owners. C WHEN AN $ E,xpert Plumbe r 1 S N K K I > K 1 > — Call — W. L. Sexton, The Newnan Plumber. Shop and Wareroom on Hancock Street, next door to Dr. T. J. Jones Building. The Largest Stock of Supplies ... and o. Fixtures Iu Newnan at SEXTON’S. • l 3VJLA3AiAjAiA3AiAlAiA'',b KLI it Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Coweta County. J. O. Newman of said county, Ad ministrator of the estate of H. U. New man. deceased, having applied to the oourt of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell an equity,or interest, in the lundH of said deceased, which interest, or equity consists of, andiseviileuped by, a oertain bond for title, executed by W. C. Wright to said deceased on April nth, 11)03, all persons concerned are requir ed to show cause in said court by the first Monday in November next, if nil) they can, why said uppllcution should not be granted. This Oct. 6th, 11)05. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Filed in office this 3d day of October, 11)05. L. TURNER, Clerk Coweta Superior Court. GEORGIA—Coweta County. I, L. Turner, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correot copy of the application for charter of Madras Ginning Company as appears on file in this office. Witness my hand and seal of said court this fid day of October, 11)05. L. TURNER, Clerk Superior Court Coweta County. Executor’s Sale. GEORGIA— Coweta County. By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of said Coweta county, granted at the October term, 11)05, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in Novem ber, 11106, at the court house door in said county, between tlie legal hours of sale, eighty-five (86) aores of land, more or less, of the north portion of the east half of lot of laud number one hundred and forty-eight (148) in the Fourth district of said county. Sold for the purpose of paying debts and for distribution. Terms cash. This Oct. 3, 11)06. A. P. BARFIELD, Executor of Susan S. Gibson, Deceased. i one of the most popular residence streets continuing to give Chamberlain s Cougli i . . * * — 1 in tlie town of Grantville, and are beau- The White Barber Shop 1 T. HI. MARTIN 1 Remedy to their little ones, as it con- , ne - r , . ... . titully located and offer a rare oppor tune absolutely nothing injurious. Ibis , ^ ^ wanting a nice residence remedy is not on y per ect y sa e give ^ ^ building lots in this pleasant and small children, but is a medicine « growjng tf)Wn . great worth and merit, It bus a world Sold as the property of Jno. W. Ar- oue hundred one and one-fourth acres, wide reputation for its cures ot coughs, i ,,0^ j a f, e n f SH j(j county, deceased, for colds and croup and can always be re-1 the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Administrator’s Sale of Land. GE< >UGJA—Coweta County. By virtue of an order granted by the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Coweta oounty, Georgia, at the October term, 1005, I will sell before the court house door of said county,at Newnan, Ga., on the first Tuesday in November, next, (1006) to the highest nnd best bidder for cash, the following described real estate, belonging to the estate of Mrs. Eliza beth D. Vines, late of said county, de ceased, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the Seventh (7th) District of Coweta county,Georgia, and known in the plan of said district as the upjier or north half of land lot num ber seventy (77) seven, containing one hundred and one fourth acres, more or I less, and tiie lower south half of land lot number seventy (76) six, containing Ordinary’s Notices. GEORGIA—Coweta County. W. H. Summerlin, administrator de bonis non, on estate of William Sewell, deceased, having applied to the court of Ordinary of saiil county for leave to sell land of said estate, all jiersons concerned are required to show cause in said court by the first Monday in November next, il’any they can, why said application should not he granted. This Oct. 4, 11)05. L A. PERDUE. Ordinary. GEORGIA—Coweta County. James I. Pike having applied to the court of Ordinay of said county for let ters of administration on estate of Car rie D. Pike, deceased, all persons con cerned are required to show cause in said court by the first Monday iu No vember next, if any they can, why suid lied upon. For sale by Dr. Paul Penis- j ton, Newnan, Ga. To Atlanta and Return, 75 Cents. Terms cash. This 28th day of September, 1005. N. O. BANKS, Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of Jno. W. Arnold. Serepta Vickery Libel for Divorce Account Hiiigling Brothers nil-- j t , l &ST5&SCJ Notice to Debtors and cus, Nov. 1st. This circus is con- i«06. Creditors. ceded to be the greatest and best E - *L Vickery. J ! b . , i m t .i »_ i . i .i i GEORGIA—Coweta County. of all like attractions. Train lea's es Htated^ase • C ew ** ,U j All persons having demands against 1 any they can, ; Newnan 8:20 a. m., Wednesday,; , ie ^comxnanded to be and ! fc,,e of D ’^ Mo ° re ’ Iate " aid Hhould not be granted. Nov. 1st, 1905. Returning, leaves Rt the March * H fO0, of said ! con,lty ’ de ° ea8ed ’ are hereby ,,oti,ied tc 11,18 0ot ’ * nd ’ 19 f’ A Atlanta 11:30 p. m. Last oppor- , coart , be hel d on the first Monday in | 1 PERDUL ’ itunity of the season to visit At- j March next, to answer tiie plaintiff s li- lanta at this low rate. 1 bel for divorce : in default thereof the For further information, apply ' UOM ‘ prweed thereon 88 t0 jnstioe n,ay ’ appertain. to station agent or w rite to Witness the Hon. R. W. Freeman, T. M. Thompson, T. P. A. Judge of said Court, this Sept. 80, 1906. more or less, said two tracts of land con- | a PP lioatio '‘ 8,,Muld not bo « m,,ted - tabling in all two hundred two and one- | This Oct. 2nd, 1006. half acres, more or less. L. A. PERDUE, Hold for the purpose of distribution ; Ordinary, among the heirs at law of suid Mrs. j Elizabeth D. Vines, deceased. This Oct. 2, 1905. W. H. BARFIELD, Admr. Elizabeth D. Vines, Deceased. Does all If] binds of j|j Tin Work, Roofing jf Plumbing and | Repairing. | Expert work and low j| prices win. Shop op- jg posite Pinson Hotel. |j R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-eent pa«**t is enough for^u.) Peu.sum, New- -Executor of estate ot Mttiy A GEORGIA—Coweta Oounty. ,J. K. Shell and Lenora S. Page, exec utors of Nancy Page, deceased, having applied to the court of Ordinary ot said county for leave to sell tiie lands of said deceased, all jiersons concerned are re quired to show cause in sniA court by the first Monday in November next, if why said application J. P Billups, G. P. A. Atlanta, Ga. L. TURNER, Clerk. and all parties indebted tosaid deceased, are requested to make immediate pay ment to tiie undersigned. This Oct. 2nd, 1905. F. S. CURETON Ordinary. GEORGIA—Coweta County. I, N. Orr, Hr., having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said County for and E. C. CURETON, Hr., Guardianship of the property of Mary Executors of D. L. Moore, Deceased, The family bottle 'SC ventsi , b J-fcBr.Ail dr-ixgisls sei nun, Ga. Notice toDebtors and Creditors. ! All jiarties having claims against the I estate of Mrs.- Mary A. Sifiy, deceased, are hereby notified to render in the same to the undersigned in due form; and all , jierscng indebted to said Mary A 8ifly, By taking these tablets as soon as | ftre bereby ^nested to make immediate be warded off settlement. ' (7. J. Owens. . de ,-fil Sick Headache Cured. Sick headache is caused by derange ment of the stomach and by indigestion. ; Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab- 1 lets correct these disorders and effect a cure. the first indication of the disease ap- tie meat ceased. Notice to Debtors and Cred* itors. All jiersons holding claims against the estate of Hylvanus G. Orr, late of Cow eta county, deceased, are hereby notified to present them to me for paymcut and all jiersons owing said estate are lieri-by notified to jmy same. Oct. 3, 15)06. ANNIE F. ORR. 26-6t an mix. tan: u.te Clinton Orr, minor, all jiersoiiB concern ed are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in November next, if any they can, why said ajiplica- tion should not he granted. This Oct. 5th, 1905. L. A. PERDUE,Ordinary. Lemons as Medicine Their Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys and Blood. I.emons are largely used by Tlie Mo/.ley Lemon lillxir Couijmny, in compounding their Lemon Elixir, a pleasant Lemon I.uxative and Tonic—a substitute for all Cathartic mid Liver Bills. Lemon Elixir posi tively cures nil Biliousness, Consti pation, Indigestion or Dysjiepsia, Headache, Maluria, Kidney Disease, Dizzinesa, Colds, Loss of Appetite, l'evers, Chills, Blotches, Pimples, all Impurities of the Blood, Bain in the Chest or Buck, nnd nil other ilis- cases caused by u disordered liver and kidneys, the first Great Cause ef all Fatal Diseaset. WOMEN, for ull Female Irreg ularities, will find Lemon Elixir u pleasant and thoroughly reliuble remedy, without the least dangeffof possible harm to them iu any condi tion peculiar to themselves. 50c and $1.00 per bottle at ALL DRUG STORES ‘One 4,. Dose Convinces.” That Proposition To cleun and press clothes for *1 per month, cash in advance, is worth consid eration by every man and hoy in Newnan and the surrounding country. Think of itl A J1 your suits both cleaned and pressed for 15*1 per 'month. You’ve been paying that to get your pressing done, and pressing is by far tlie smallest part of the job. All clothes will be called for and delivered. That’s another advantage. 0. W. Bradley, (Over Pope’s Store.) NEWNAN, GA. Z. Greene, D. D. S., Office on Second Floor of Black Bros. Co.’s Building L. M. Farmer, LAWYER. Tax Notice. The books are open at council cham bers for tlie jiaymeut of tlje’reai and personal tax due the city for 1905. 26-41 E. D. FOUBE, Clerk. Office on Second Floor of the Arnall Merchandise Co.’s Building Dr. C. A. Sfmith, VETERINARIAN. Treats all diseases of domestic animals. Calls answered day or night. Oftloe at Gearreld’s Livery Stable.