The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, November 03, 1905, Image 3

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WATCH THE WHITE STAR BUGGY F next ron buy • Buggy, try o Whit* Sttf A>Or«4« E rupolag venial* mod* li •' ‘ * WtlTl 8TAH BUOOT, til tho While, oa exhibition •mj WHITE IT An Wheel, LOOK FOR OUR PRIVATR •• A-ORADR ATLANTA BUOOY COMPANY. . . MARK Atlanta, Georgia Land of Promise (TO AND FROM) By Rev. C. O’N. Maktinoai.e. ARTICLE LVIII. (6). ITALY. From Rome to Pisa Florence (Firenze). and Early on Monday, May 9th, we left “the Grosser Kurfuerst Party” ’ at Rome for a trip across Europe, many small groups being formed to this end. Mr. J. Samuel Car- roll, a jovial, whole-souled man, a banker and merchant from Troy. Alabama, companioned with the writer on this most pleasurable undertaking, each working to the advantage of the other as occasion allowed. Leaving Rome at 8 a. m, we ar rived in the City of Pisa at 2:23 p tn. and at once took carriage for a drive to the points of interest. We had a delightful surprise awaiting us in the truly lovely Cathedral, the Baptistery, the Campo Santo, and the Campanile or Leaning Tower, all in a group in the north ern part of the town. The Cathe dral commemorates the defeat ot the Moslems at Palermo, in mag nificent Tuscan Gothic architec ture of white and colored marbles, remarkable facade of columns and larches, double aisles, and dome lined with Cimabue’s mosaics, splendidly gilded ceiling, massive 1 bronze doors designed by John of Bologna, and swinging-lamp from which Galileo got the idea of the pendulum, twelve altars designed by Michel Angelo, and carved pul pit by Niccolo Pisano. In front of the Cathedral is the finest Bap tistery in the world,in similar style with the foregoing, marble, and surrounded with ancient columns, containing a hexagonal pulpit on seven columns with six reliefs by Niccolo Pisano, and handsome font, and with a musical echo that is no less than marvellous. The Campo Santo off to one side of the Cathedral is an enclosure filled with fifty-five ship-loads of earth | From Pisa we the same day took I train to Florence, or Firenze, as the Italians call it, arriving about 7:15 p. m., after supper and a stroll turning into our hotel for the night, to be up betimes the next morning and under the skillful piloting of one of Thos. Cook & Son’s being shown the cream of Florence’s good things in a day. “Florence the Genteel,” “the City of fair flowers and flower of fair cities,” “the fairest city in the world,” presents all the amenities and adornments resulting from a high state of social culture and civilization, more so it is said than any other city in the world; and is located in the valley of the River Arno, “at the foot of gentle hills, guarded on the north and east by lofty mountains, and surrounded with charming hills and valleys, views of mountains and plains, and everything that nature can lavish and art devise to make her pre eminently ‘the Beautiful City.’ ” Well does one of her sweetest poets say: "How little dreams The traveller of today who soes thee glass Thy sunny charms within the Arno’s breast, How oft they've reddened with thy children's blood!" But turn whithersoever we will in this fair city of gardens and pal aces, stately churches and broad streets and piazzas, new attractions are found, peculiarly so in art work. As one has put it— 'Where'er our ohnrmed and wondering gaze we turn, Art, History, and Tradition wait to claim Our deepest thought; statues and mar ble groups Adorn the streets; the very stones have tongues— The holy fanes, the towers, are elo quent." The city’s nine gates still stand, but, in lieu of its olden walls about it, we find broad avenues or boule vards (Vialli) planted with trees, thus enhancing its beauty, a city full of liberty and new life, and none of the appalling clash be tween the modern and the ancient. Here lived such notable person ages as Galileo and Amerigo Ves- "TO THE SUPREME BEING "The prayers 1 make will then be sweet indeed, If Thou the spirit give by which I pray; My unassisted heart is barren clay, Which of its native self cau nothing feod; Of good and pious works Thou art the seed, Which quickens only where Thou say’st it may, Unless Thou show to us Thine own true way. No man can find it. Father, Thou must lead. Do Thou, then, breathe those thoughts iuto my mind By which such virtue limy in me be bred That in Thy holy fontsteps I may trend; The fetters of my tongue do Thou un bind. That I might have the power to sing of Thee. And sound Thy praises everlastingly." When one reads such lines, one is not all surprised at his rising to extraordinary greatness and grand eur among men. (To he continued.) The Ethics of Rewards. The action of the grand jury of Pike county in recommending that a reward of #50 be offered by the county for the arrest with proof to convict, any person of violating the liquor law, will no doubt pro- BETTER TRIMMED HATS THAN EVER and More of Them TRIMMED HATS Expressed on ell sides by everyone who visits this Department It is a brilliant showing of Autumn and Winter Styles. It pre- voke much discussion pro and con. | sents the world’s greatest successes in the milliners’ art. We want We believe this is the only wav of . vou know how much we save you on Trimmed Millinery. The hats that would cost you elsewhere #10 to #15 are here at #8.98. Choice suppressing the illegal traffic in liquor, and hot because you have j many convlctians, but it deters people from engaging in the busi ness, for they know that there is 1 some one ready to earn the reward. It is no answer to this that it is so- euring eonvictions on bought testi-! mony, for most often the person 1 testifying lias no interest in the re-, ward. READY-TO-WEAR FELT HATS- assortment of shapes. Trimmed with pair of wings and velvet. Coim* in black and in colors. In ,, ,, the lot are also some velvet hats, the lot are lurbans, I'ace #5 values are marked #2 08. Special valuta for Saturday in Untnmmcd and Ready-to-Wcar Hats All Hals trimmed fret of charge III Hats, Bailor Shapes, Patent Leather and Plain Leather Polo Shapes, in black and an assortment of col ors. Prettily trimmed with cord, velvet, silk, quills, wings, etc. UNTRIMMED HATS—Variety of the newest shapes, small French sailor effects, largt dr *s styles, etc. Plain fitted velvet fiats, something en tirely new this season. Come in Luther Burbank’s Philos ophy. Weeds are weeds because they are jostled, crowded cropped, their criticism was having, it is now generally endorsed and con curred in, for nearly all our citi zens sec its deterrent effect on those desiring to engage in the business.—Middle Georgia Farm er. pucci, Dante and Boccaccio, Sa- from Mount Calvary nigh to Jeru- vonaro j a anc ] jr ra Angelico, Mach- salem in the Holy Land, and con- j ave jj| anc j ,i ie Medici, Giotto and secrated to the burial of great Q mabu(J( Brunelleschi and Ghi- men, with cloistered hall around berti, Donatello and Benvenuto (by John of Pisa) decorated with, Cell .’ n . ; and the incomparable wonderful and curious 14th cen- ^j cbe | Angelo, who was sculptor, tury frescoes of early Bible history, archltectj painter, poet, musician, and the Triumph of Death, some doctorj politician, ambassador, sol- cessfully.—Seaboard Magazine. year the commissioners of Bpald ing county offered a similar reward ami though it caused a great deal of diverse comment at first, that was instigated largely by those wishing to engage in the illegal business,and afterwards was taken up by others who really wished the law enforced, blit who criti cised the offering of the reward, trampeled on, or perhaps suffering vUhoat considering the effect with cold, wet feet, tormented by insect pests, or lack of nourishing food or sunshine. There is not a weed alive which will not sooner or later respond liberally to good cultivation, and peristent selection, and thus become of commercial importance to the world. Science sees better grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables, all in new forms, sizes, colors and flavors, with more nutriatits and less waste and with every injurious and poi sonous quality eliminated, and with power to resist sun, wind, rain,frost and destructive fungus and insect pests. It sees 1 letter fruits without stones, seeds or spines, 1 letter fiber, coffee, tea, spice, rubber oil, paper ami tim ber trees and better sugar starch, color and perfume plants. Every one of these and 10,000 more are within the reach of the most ordi nary skill in plant breeding. It would not be difficult for a man to breed a new rye, wheat, barley, oats or rice which would produce one grain more to each head, or a corn which would pro duce an extra kernel to each ear, another potato to each plant or un apple, plum, orange or nut to each tree. Suppose this was done; what would be the result! In the live staples only, in this country alone, we should have annually without effort and without cost, more than 5,200,000 extra bushels of corn, 15,000,000 extra bushels of wheat, 20,000,000 extra bushels of oats, 1,500,000 extra bushels of barley, 21,000,000 extra bushels of 1 iota toes.” Our Southern farmers, as well as those thousands who contem plate locating in the South, should study Mr. Burbank’s work earn estly, as -a source of inspiration, and heed fiis words well as appli cable to the value of intensive rather than extensive farming. Where a Southern farmer fails, it. is in nearly every instance because he undertook to cultivate more land than he could look after sm At the beginning of this Splendid hats for knock about plain black, white with black un wear. Ordinarily these hats cost derfaeing and many other wanted from #1 to #1.25—our special sale colors. #.’l is the real worth— price 49c. special #I 98. AN AMAZING SACRIFICE SALE of Jackets, Capes, Shoes Dress Goods, Men’s and Chil dren’s Clothing at Record-Break ing Prices. Great cut price sale of Ladies Jackets and Skirts #12 50 Jackets for #7 1)8 0 50 .1 tickets for 5 OS 0 00 Jackets for 4 25 One job Jackets, 1 50 to 2 25 | A Full Line of Children’s Cloaks, s 00 and 0 00 Broadcloth Skirts, blue, black and brown 5 25 blue, black ,H 00 0 00 In Time of Peace. In the first months of tho Kussia-Ja- pau war wt< had a striking example of the necessity for preparation niul the early advantage of those who, so to si>eak, "have shingled their roofs in dry weather." The virtue of preparation has made history and given to us our greatest men. The individual ns well ns the nation should he nrepared for any emergency. Are you prepared to suc cessfully oomhnt the first cold you take? A oold can he cured much more quickly when treated ns soon ns it has beun con tracted and before it tins become settled in the system, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for its cures of colds and it should be kept at hand ready for instant nse. For sale by Dr. Haul Poll- ieton, Newnnn, Ua. 7 00 Skirts, and brown 5 00 Skirts, blue, black and brown it 00 Skirts, blue, black and brown 2 00 Skirts, blue, black and brown 1 50 Skirts, in heavy goods 4 75 :» 25 1 05 1 25 08c Spalding county is to have a new court house. It will lie erect ed at some central point in the city of Griffin and will be a handsome building. Shoe* at cut prices Men’s 4 50 Patent Leather #2 08 Men’s 50 Viol Kid at . . 2 75 Men’s 2 50 Viei, at 1 08 Men’s 2 00 Viei, at I 40 Men’s 1 50 Viei, at 08 Ladies’ 8 50 Viei, at 2 50 Ladies’ 2 50 Viei, at 1 08 Ladies’ 2 00 Shoes at I 40 Ladies’ 1 50 Shoes at 08 A full line of Men’s and Children’s Shoes at cut prices. Cut price sale of Clothing All Wool Men’s Broadcloth Suits, worth 1.5 00 at #0 OH All Wool (’assimerc Suits worth 12 00 at All Wool Men’s Cheviot Suits worth 0 00 at All Wool Boys’ Suits, worth 5 00 at 2 98 All Wool Boys’ Suits, worth 4 00 at . 2 25 All Wool Boy's Suits, worth 8 00 at ‘ 1 49 All Wool Boys’Suits, worth 2 00 at' 98 One job Boys’ Knee Pants worth 51) and 75 cunts at 25 All Wool Broadcloth Pants worth 5 50 at 3 25 All Wool Worsted Pants worth 4 00 at 2 49 A few cheap Pants, worth I 75 at 98 Dress Goods 1 00 and I 50 Fancy Suitings at 85 50c and 75c Fancy Suitings at . 45 40c and 50c < ’assiniere at 29 25c and 20c < 'assiniere at I 12 l -2c and 15c Outings at ... . 1.2 l-2c Percal, at 10c Bleaching at 7 1- New York Bargain Store What $1.75 Will Do of which are attributed to Giotfo and Orcagna, and many splendid monuments and sculptuies. The wonder of the world here,however, is the Campanile, or famous Lean ing Tower, of which we have all read in our histories from earliest childhood. It is a problem not yet solved in building science, built of pure white marble and displaying a master mind and handiwork. It is eight stories high with 290 steps;i79 feet perpendicular height, surrounded by colonnade after colonnade, and containing 7 bells; dier (major in the army), and everything one could be, it would seem. He it was who said, "It is only well with me, when I hold the chisel in my hand!” And how fine his sentiments was is readily seen from one of his sonnets addressed If sent now as a n*W subscrip tion for tho 1906 Volume of Tho Youth's Companion It Will ontlllo you to all tho Issuos for tho re maining Wooks of 1909, FREE. ft Will ontlllo you to tho Double Numbors for Thanksgiving and Christmas, richly Illustrated, FREE. It Will entitle you to Tho Com panion's "Mlnutemen'' Calendar for 1906—an exquisite souvenir— FREE. It Will entitle you to the fifty two Issues of The Companion for 1906—a library of the best read ing, Including the features noted below. Cut out and send this slip for the name of this paper) With your tl.79 — now. Bilious Attack Quickly Cured. A few weeks ago I ha>l a bilious at tack that was so severe I was not able to go to the office for two days Failing to get relief from my family physician's treatment, I took three of Chamber lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and to Victoria Colonea, the noble wo- the next day I felt like a new man.—H. man he loved: C. Bailey, Editor of the News, Chapin, . . . , , , S. C. These tablets are for sale by Dr. "As when, oh, lady mine, with chiseled paul Peni8ton Newrmn> touch, The stone unhewn and cold Becomes a living mold, The more tiie marble wastes, the more the statue grows; So, if the working of my soul be such, Closing Out Sale. Commencing Sept. 28, 1905, our entire stock of merchandise will be leaning some thirteen feet out of q’|, at good is evolved by Time's dread closed out at actual cost, foi cash blows, The vile shell, day by day, Falls like superfluous flesh away; the perpendicular, and with a great view at the top including in its scope the Apennine mountain, on j oh ,— the east, the Italian coast on the knows, only.(i,We are going out of busi- ifess as soon as the stock is sold, so the public may rest assured spirit that this is a genuine cost sale. Everything in the store is offered west, the Isles of Elba and Corsi-i ^ I1( j reason, virtue, power, within me a t cost; and this is an opportunity 7 Serial Stories 250 Complete Stories 300 Interesting Articles Weekly Editorial Review Children’s Page Weekly Article on the Care, of the Health Notes on Current Events and Nature and Science Anecdotes and Miscellany Will fill the pages of Tho Youth s Companion during 1906. THE YOUTH’S COMPANION, Boston. Miss* Hew fiabecrlptiona Received at This Office. fijOjfggir fOgjftlCut]PifilCnfOCiplCi flCfiQffidPfflGfigiggrtHgtC■?! 1 TAKE YOUR CLOTHING TO 1 ca (so closely connected with the! great Napoleon’s career) beyond lay.” In the study of Michel Angelo, prices. to buy reliable goods at reduced Si S. C. CARTER S CO., $ Leghorn, and the lovely garden-! still preserved by the Florentines, tf Hardaway & Hunter. like plain in rich cultivation all about Fisa. We also visited the former home and prison-house of Galileo. Here we lost no time, parity for the re&son that our,guide was well-posted and readily-alcrt. beside many interesting memen toes of the great artist may be seen Misses Italy and Cora May a collection of autograph letters Simonton will go to Newnan next and poems, one of which latter, as , Tuesday to attend the Hardaway- translated by Wordsworth, peculiary expressive: is Fisher marriage on Wednesday .- 1 Carrolltou Times. | OPPOSITE HOTEL PINSON, 1 when you want them g g cleaned, pressed, repaired uj gj or dyed in the best manner | | and at the most reasona- f L ble prices. jj msissssssssssss saaaaBasssasasEi TO THOSE WHO ARE HOT BUT OUGHT TO BE READERS OF THE HEWS: Homotimes sample copies of Tim Nkwh are mailed to persons who are not hiibsorlliers of this paper. Of course thm is an invitation to subscribe; and we take this method of letting people unacquainted with Tiih Nkwh read a few copies in order to determine if they wish to become permanent readers. Every sample copy of Tim N'kwh mailed lias the wordH, “Bample Copy” printed at the top of first page in hold type. No person is expected to or can be made to pay for sample copies of a newspaper. Therefore, any person may, with per fect propriety and freedom, receive from a postoflice or carrier sample copies of Tim N'kwh, with the assurance that they will never lie asked to pay for them. Tim N'kwh trusts all persons receiving sample copies will give them card'll! consideration. It is unfair to condemn Tim Nkwh without a hearing (or, a reading) and we feel sure but very few people in Coweta county arc so narrow-minded and prejudiced as to lie unwilling to read a few sample copies of this paper. Till'. Nkwh seeks patronage on its merits as a newspaper. It. neither panders to prejudice nor bows to puerility. It neither fears to approve right nor to condemn wrong. Tt proposes to meet all men and all issues in a spirit o<’ candor, fairness and courtesy; but it does not propose to be a trimmer or a dodger, nor to veil its attitude on any question with a multitude of idle words. Tim N'kwh hits straight from the shoulder and ex presses its sentiments in the plainest English at its command. These are a few words in reference to tilt* principles con trolling the conduct of Tim N’kwh. In addition to these things, Tim N'kwh prints the news of Coweta county with impartiality; and as it desires to excell shall endeavor as the days go by to print more news than any other county paper and to give the people the liest service ob tainable in a county paper. This we regard as a laudable ambition; and have no apol ogies to make for possessing that spirit or being guided by its' inspiration. Finally, all Tim Nkwh asks is that persons who receive sample copies will examine them in a spirit of fairness, and render an unprejudiced verdict as to this paper’s merits and ito claims for patronage. If all will do this, Tim Nkwh will lie satis fied with their verdict, whether it is favorable or unfavorable to this paper. Try vs for Job Printing. e X X ^