The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, November 10, 1905, Image 5

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November needs. With our store crowded with goods you need, it is a very difficult task to select items of interest for our advertising. Our stock has never been more com plete than now, and our large store is taxed to con tain the goods. Whatever your needs in drugs, medicines, or in any of the many side lines we carry, we invite you to supply them here. Satisfactory goods at fair prices and your money back if you want it. Lamps. With the Ion}: winter nights just ahead and time for reading plenty, and with such a stock of lamps to select from as we are showing, now is the best time to buy a lamp. All of our lamps, regardless of price, are fitted with the best burn ers and Macbeth pearl glass chim neys (the best possible to buy). This is worth considering in buy ing lamps, as most of them have the cheapest fittings. Stand lamp, decorated red base, No. 1 burner, Hi in. high, 30c. Stand lamp, decorated red base, No. 1 burner, 17 in. high, 40e. Stand lamp, decorated red base, No. 2 burner, 18 in. high, 50c. Heavy crystal glass sewing lamp, extra good, 00c. . , ( j p ar j 0 j. lamps, SI.35, SI.75, S3.00, S3.50 and S5.00. I, nickel-plated, 80 candle power central draft lamp, 10-inch shade (see illustration). The best lamp for lg and study possible to produce and a great value at rice—Si .50. g lamps at right prices. •is, tubnlarstyle, will not blew out, 00c, 75c, SI, Si.25. decorated China—Fancy Vases. | Local News of Newnan j Our stock of odd china for gift purposes and home decora tion is very large and cannot lie adequately described. A visit to the store will convince you that we have the goods you want. Cake plates, salads, etc., from 35c, 50c, SI .00, up to S5.00 oach. (Hass and china vases, l. r vc, 25c, 35c, 50c and up. This Robeson knife lias stag horn handles, brass lined, german silver ferrules, two finely finished hand- hammered Wardlaw steel blades, notched handle for easy open ing, a splendid, practical knife for 50c. Our cutlery has unusual merit. Seldom are so many good knives shown at the uniformly reasonable prices charged here. Two knives are illustrated here. Both are good, and we have 38 others for your selection. Knives of all the best makers in our stock—I X L, Rodgers, Climax, Boker, Keen Kutter, Rob eson. Prices from 10c to £2.50 each. Boys’ two-blade knife on chain, 15c. Boys’ one-blade Barlow, J5c. I X L Barlow, 25c. Buckhorn handle, polished steel fer rule, one finely finished blade. This knife is advertised by firms who claim to undersell all others at 24c. We have always sold it for 25c. Our stock of razors and shaving goods contains only worthy arti cles, for no other sort are worth buying. All razors are fully warranted and every faulty one wiil be replaced. Prices from £1.25 to £5.00. Safety razors with 24 blades, all in leather case, £5. Strops, 25c, 50c to £1.50. Lather brushes, 10c, 25c, 50c. Soap, 10c, 20c, 25c. Mugs, 25c, 35c, 50c. Bay Rum, 10c, 25c, 35c. Witch‘Hazel, 10c and 25c. TRUSSES. There is a great difference in truss es and these instruments should only be purchased through a dealer of known reliability, never from quacks who advertise certain cure from the use of their instruments. Such claims are false and are made solely to extort a big price for an ordinary truss. Our elastic trusses are well made from especially heavy web bing and will give good service in use. Our hard rubber and steel trusses are constructed from fin est Bessemer steel springs covered with leather or rubber for protection. No better instruments can lie produced; the pat terns are well adapted to the various forms of rupture and are endorsed by our own physicians. We fit you with the truss you want, simple, strong and well made, at a reasonable price. Alarm clocks, 69c. Western Clock Co.’3 nickel-plated alarm clocks 30-hour movement and good timekeepeis. New Dolls—Our big line of specially imported dressed and undressed dolls is now in—first signs of the big Christmas stock we are preparing for you. Certain Cold Cure—Holt’s Cold Cure will positively and promptly cure colds. Taken only at night. Is not laxative. 25c. HOLT <3 CATES Have you registered? Rend the News for nil the news. Mrs. O. D. Hollis Ims recovered from an illness of some length. Mrs. W..T. Driskill Ims recovered from an illness lasting two weeks. All kinds of legal blanks nre for snle at the News otllco. H. S. Bnntn is in New Orleans this week, on a business trip. .T. W. Hunt was in Atlanta last Sun day. J. W. Cnvendor, from near Slmrps- burg, was in town Tuesday. Fred McSwain was in Atlanta Inst Sunday. John Favor wns in Palmetto several days recently. .T. W. Milner, of Atlanta, was in town last Sunday, Only ten more days to register for city election. Hon. J. T Kirby was in Atlanta last Wednesday, Mr. George, of Atlnutn, was the guest of Will A. Post last. Sunday. J. I). Chrmieal, of Palmetto, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Emmett Bailey will spend Sun day in Athens. Miss Mari In Penvy will spend Satur day and Sunday at home. Mrs. Emmett Bailey and children arc expected home from Athens next wool . We have received our fine Rust Proof Oats for seed. Bradley & Banks. Mrs. W. T. Arnnll, of Senoin, is visit ing Dr. and Mrs. Z. Greene. Miss Ethel Beam, of Atlanta, wns the guest ot Miss Jessie Bolmnnon Sunday. Do you use Reoeption Flour? Bradley & Banks. Miss Bessie Goodwytt visited ill Seiioia and Fnrmdnle last week. Miss Belle Vernon King will go to Rome next week for a visit, Miss Gertie Post, of Grnntville, is visiting the family ot Gol. W. G. Post. Reception Flour is the best we cm Hud. Bradley & Batiks. Mr. Isaac Stephens Ims gone to Texas for a visit of several days. A new lot of old fashion New Orleans Many Persons Have Catarrh of Kidneys, Or Catarrh of Bladder and Don't Know It. jpresldcnt IMcwhof and War S Correspondent Richards Were i > Promptly Cored By Pe-ru-na. Mr. C. B. Newhof, 10 Dclamaro street, Albany, N. Y., President Monteflore Club, writes: ••Since my advanced age I find that I have been frequently troubled with urinary ailments. The bladder seemed Irritated, and my physician said that It was catarrh caused by a protracted cold which would be difficult to over come on account of my advanced years. / took Peruna, hardly daring to believe that I would he helped, but I found to my relief that I soon began to mend. The Irritation gradually subsided and the urinary difficulties passed away. I have enjoyed excellent health now for the past seven months. I enjoy my meals, sleep soundly, and am as well as I was twenty years ago. I give all praise to Peruna.”—C. H. Newhof, Suffered From Catarrh of Kidneys, Threatened With Nervous Collapse, Cured by Pe-m-na. Mr. F.B. Richards,000 IS Street,N. W., Washington, 1 >. O., War Correspondent, Wittes: “Exactly six years ago I was ordered to Cuba as staff correspondent of the New York Sun. 1 was In charge of a M. G. Keith, Esq., was in Atlanta Inst Bradley & Banks. Syrup now bore. Ibis iH flue goods. Sun Dispatch boat through the Spanish Wednesday. Mrs. Pnselml, of Marietta, is the guest | of her dnughter, Mrs. A. B. Edge. Registration for city election closes | Nov. 20th. Register now. Wanted—To buy hides at highest [ market price. G. O. Carmichael. Misses Poarl Collins and Jeannette j Jones spent Sunday In Atlanta. Dr. Z. Greene wns in West Point the first of this week. Granite curbing is being placed around the tile walks surrounding the court house. Tile paving is being placed on the sidewalks in front of the Reese opera house building. | Miss Maggie Penvy spent Saturday and Sunday with MisB Mnrilu Pcavy in Hogansvillo. Mrs. Jessie Boone and daughter,Olive, of Waynesville, N. O., nre visiting the j family of Mr. George Neely. For lino bread, cakes and pastry, Re- j caption Flour is the best-. Bradley & Miss Ettio Conkle spent Sutnlny in Bunks. Atlnu,a ' ! Rev. W, P. Bryant's health iK im- Mrs F. S. Loftin and family are , proving and lie will probably return to spending several weeks in Franklin. Grnntville at an early dnte. Col. Frank S. Loftin, of Franklin,was Cnpt. J. B. Goodwytt was called to in the city Tuesday, Oakland last Sunday to visit, his brother, R. D. Archer visited relatives i„ Dr. Goodwytt, who is quite sick. Franklin last Sunday. Miss Etlml Taylor rotnrimd Saturday Dr. Sanders, of Corinth, was among from 11 visit ,,f the promient visitors in town Tuesday. IAtlanta. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisfter returned Wednesday from their bridal trip to Mrs. S. O. Smith goes to McDonough the lust of this week to visit relatives. We are headquurters for floor. Brad ley & Banks. Mr. George Martin, of Atlanta, spent Saturday and Sunday in Newnan. Miss Lula Barr spoilt Saturday in Atlanta. Col. H. W. Dent and family, of At lanta, were with relatives in Newnan from Saturday until Monday. Hon. L. M, Farmer was in attendance at Troup Superior Court, in LaGrange, the first of this week. Miss Benetta Orr who is a student nt Cox College, visited her home in this oity from Saturday until Monday. Hides Wanted— Will pay H cents for green hides for next few weeks. G. O. Carmichael, Newnan, Ga. Mrs. R. E. Simms is in Anniston.Ala. the guest of Mr. uiul Mrs. L. L. Scar borough. American War. The effect of the trop ical climate and the nervous strain allowed plainly on my return to the states. Lassitude, depression to the verge of melancholia, and incessant kidney trouble made tne practically an invalid. This undesirable condition continued, despite the best of treatment. Finally a brother newspaper man,who like myself had served ill the war, in duced me to give a faithful trial to Peruna. 1 did so. In a short time the lassltudo left me, my kidneys resumed a healty condition, and a complete nure was effected. I cannot too strongly recommend Peruna to those suffering with kidney trouble, To-day 1 am aide to work as hard as at any time In my life, and the examiner for a leading In surance eoinpuuy pronounced tne an “A risk.” In Poor Health Over Four Years. Pe-ru-na Only Remedy of Real Benefit. Mr. John Nlnimo, 2ir> Lippinoott Ht., Toronto, Can., a prominent merchant of that city and also a member of the Masonic order, writes: “1 have been in poor health generally for over four years. When I caught a had cold last winter It settled in the bladder and kidneys, causing serious trouble. I took two greatly advertised PRES. C. B. NEWHOF, Suffered From Catarrh of Bladder. kidney remedies without gutting tho desired results. Peruna Is the only remedy which was really of any benefit to me. I have not bad a trace of kidney (rouble nor a cold in nty system.” Pe-ru-na Contains No Narcotics. One reason why Peruna has found per manent use In so many homes Is that it contains no narcotics of any kind. Po- runa Is perfectly harmless. It cun lie used any length of time without acquir ing a drug habit. Peruna does not pro duce temporary results, ft Is per manent In its effect. I thus no bad effect upon the system, and gradually eliminates catarrh by re moving tho cause of catarrh. Tlioru aro a multitude of homos where Peruna lias been used off and on for twenty years. Much a thing could not bo possible If Peruna contained any drugs of a nar cotic uuture. points in the East. Mrs. Mamie Johnson entertained a few friends most delightfully Tuesday evening. Rev. and Mrs. Frank (juilltnn, of Moreland, were among the visitors in tho city Tuesday. Hou. W. Post, Messrs.N. O. Banks, Glenn Arnold and Moreland Zcllun- were up from Grnntville last Tuesday. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Mayor. I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Mayor of Newnan, subject to j the action of the City Executive Com mittee. I seek re-ck'Otion on my record ns a public official, which isopen to all. The Miss Rosndelle Holmes returned fro... j t of every voter in the city is cor- j Atlanta last Saturday, after spending j dlftll >’"° ,io,tal ■»* will be duly I four weeks in that city with relatives ' and friends. To Insure Satisfac tion.... ly appro- i i ittce your insurance with the un it re-elected, 1 promise for tho | impeachable companies represent'- We solicit the laundering of your shirts, oollars and cuff's. Good work ; prompt, delivery. The Coweta Laundry, t. f. Rev. C. O’N. Murtindulo is in attend ance on the Synod ot Georgia at Unfflu future the host service 1 can give to all the interests of Newnan. A. R. BUJtDETT. Miss Margaret Latimer, of Newnan,is . this week, hut wilt preach next Sunday visiting in West End.—Atlanta Consti-! morning and night at Turin, as usual, tution. j j ^ Archer, a well known carpenter Mrs. C. O’N. Martindalo left Tuesday j employed for some time jmst at the new for a visit to relatives at Shorter and oil mill here, lias returned to his home Montgomery, Ain. | in Franklin. Upon the solicitation of many citizens, I hereby unnmuioo myself a candidate for the office of Mayor of the city of Newnan subject to the action of the City Executive Committee. L. M. Fakmeh. For Aldermen. The friends of W. J. Murphy desire to place him before the people of Newnan mi rir m tt i _ . iis a oaudiduto for Alderman, subject to Mrs, W. H. Gearrold, of Atlanta, was illu 0> meotK 111 tegular ses- |u . ljo|1 of t(|(j city Executive Committee, a visitor to Newnan several days this M ' on 0,1 Monday, Nov. 20th. Mis. Hoi- | ^,___ m we(! lj lis and Mrs. Barnett will make a report | on work of the State Convention at this j I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as Alderman, subject to , ...... such rules and regulations as muy be rheumatism, cuts, sprains, wounds, . , . ... , .... , , , For Rent—Seven room house on Jack- bruises, stiff joints, toothache and lame . , ,, . , ... , . son street. Lot contains three acres; backs. Price 25c and 50c tier bottle at . many improvements. Will give posses sion Dec.20, 11)05. Apply to Titos. Bowman's Magnetic Liniment cures meeting. Reese’s Drug Store. Leigh, City. 4 t. adopted by the City Executive Commit- T. M/GoomiUM. ed by t.)i ih agency. Hatisfled pa trons nro our dost advertisement; and they are satisfied because t here is security for tho interests of policy-holders in all the com panies we represent. We write fire, life, accident, burglary and tornado policies for some of tho world’s strongest in surance companies. Expert ser vice is always at the command of patrons and all business will be transacted promptly. MRS. W. Y. ATKINSON & CO. Newnan, Ca. Buy it at Banta’s is an expression frequently heat'd in this city and the surrounding country. T H E correctness, the in trinsic value, and the reasonableness in price of wedding gifts lanight at this store is never questioned by scores of people. They know that china, cut glass and silver purchased at Ban ta’s is what they buy it for and is what they want. H. S. Banta’s The Jewelry .Store with both Character and Reputation. H. W. Orr and family, of Washing- 1 ton Oity, will visit relatives in Nowiiiih at an early date. Mr. Orr lias been away from this pla<'e seven years. His many friends will be delighted to see him after bis long absence. Oapt. John B. Goodwvn. Sheriff J. L. Brown, Messrs. J. T. Holmes, W. T. Shores and Wm. Hcroggin represented the local cam}) of Confederate veterans at the reunion in Macon this week. The Newnan Camp is in a flourishing condi tion ; having a membership of 270 vet erans. Mr. L. O. Cleaveland, one of the fore men in the employ of Pike Bros, met with a serious accident at Moreland on Monday of last week. A brick-arch in a building he was constructing fell in, falling on bis leg below the knee and in juring his foot and ankle. He is going oil crutches now, but we hope -for a speedy recovery.—LaGrange Graphic. Mr. R. F. Hunter, one of the best citizens and cleverest furmarsof Coweta county, lias grown 150 bushels of fine sweet potatoes this sea-on on less than half an acre of land. He also has some of the largest and finest tnrnips ever grown in the county. The News editor knows this to be a statement of facts; becau-e Mr. Hunter presented bint with HOIJ/H of ilin„ "small potatoes aniltui- nips.” /%- Not, many Indies but what like fancy china. No need to fear that they have all they want of it either. They never get enough, and if they have all they want, when they see these delicate Hav- iland and other rare pieces of ours they want them. They forget all about hav ing enough ; they .just have to have ours. We don’t blame them either. It is perfectly irresistible, so delicate, so daintily decorated it is admired by every lady who sees it. Your wife, your mother or your sister will be delighted with it.