The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, November 10, 1905, Image 7

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For this beautiful Top Buggy, manu factured by u» here in Atlanta. Georgia. A Southern Buggy for Southern traae, attatr Quarter Top, haa genuine . . ig Bottom Cushion, and Leather Back, is elegantly painted and fully guaranteed. $49.22 has a fine Leath Leather, Spring Back, is elegantly , >a • auu i uny Regular retail price $GA.OO to $75.00, 90 For this fine Collar and Hatne, nickel mounted Harness, sold with every GOLDEN KAGLK BUGGY, regular retail price 8l2.50to $15.00. Catalog and full description sent on request. GOLDEN EAGLE BUGGY CO. 15S-160 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Petition for Charter. Young Men.. Send for our catalog. It tells about a trade you can learn in a few months and which will pay you from $40 to $50 a month to start on. Southern School of Telegraphy, Newnan, - Georgia. Box 708. Land of Promise (Continued from page 8.) called the Tribune are five master pieces of sculpture in the follow ing order of importance: The Venus de Medici, the Apollino (or Young Apollo to distinguish it from the Apollo Belvidere), the Wrestlers (full of energy and skill ful detail), the Grinder (a wonder fully living slave statue), and the Dancing Faun (a most exquisite piece of ancient art). Equally famous pictures were also seen in this and the other galleries. In the Loggia De’Lanzi we noted soon be there, where we can sing with David, Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!’ They were then taken to the tribunal, where they were divested of all their priestly decorations, during which the Bishop took Savonarola by the hand, saying, 'Thus I ex clude thee from the Church mili tant and triumphant.’ 'From the church militant thou mayest,’ ex claimed Savonarola, ‘but from the church triumphant thou canst not; that does not belong to thee,’ , . The last that was beheld of him was his hand uplifted as it to bless the people; the last that was heard of him, ‘My Saviour, though in- STATE OP GEORGIA, Coweta county. To the Hon. Philip Cook, Secretary of State: H. W. Camp, H. G. Bailey, ,T. W. Camp, J. W. Trammell, H. A. Martin, E. M. Camp, I,. M. Parmer, all of the County of Coweta, State of Georgia, bring this their petition pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Georgia, approved Dec. 20, 1893, entitled An Act to carry inro ef fect paragraph eighteen of Section Seven of Article three of the Constitution of 1877, ns amended, in relation to charter of banks, to provide for the incorpora tion of Banking Companies by the Sec retary of State Notice toDebtors and Creditors. All parties having claims against the estate of Mrs. Mary A. Silty, deceased, are hereby notified to render in the same to the undersigned in due form; and all persons indebted to said Mary A Sifly, are hereby requested to make immediate settlement. C. J. Owens, Executor of estate of Mary A. Sifly, de ceased. 38-tlt | Mr. .1 til inn Me Knight,of St'itoiu, soil of Mr. ,1. A. MoKnight, is now book keeper in the People’s Hank in this city. Mr. Brown, whose place Air. McKnight takes, has a position in the bank at Comer. Sir. McKnight is nsplendid young gentleman ami we bid him a cor and for other purposes, dial welcome to this city.—Meri- specially B.Cellim s Perseus Judith . ,. , . xt , c , xx f nocent, wilhngly died for my sins, slaying Holofernes, the Rane of, ’ a / .... ^ . * , „ . . tI , , . ... and should not I willingly give up willingly give up this poor body out of love to him?’ The cinders of the bodies of the the Sabines, Hercules slaying the Centaur, etc. The Patazzo Vac- chio neaiby with its battlements, , .. , j „ . • martyred friars were carted away, is strong and noteworthy, having 1 4 .. A , b , , , j . and thrown into the river Arno, served as both palace and prison. t , J c e - n ! Of course shortly after his death In the Church of Santa Croce' . / .. , . r the tide of feeling turned. (Holy, Cross), “the Westminster 1 6 Abbey of Florence,” the impres sive and beautiful exterior of which is surpassed immeasurably by its interior, a veritable poem in stone, table with ini-1 °P ... . , , I. . I he principles he had pro claimed, the charges he sought to Raphael painted him among the [doctors of the Church in the very l halls of the Vatican. His very writings were declared by the very Alex. VI free from nil blame. respeotfully show: 1st. That they desire to form n cor poration for the purpose of carrying on the business of hanking. 2nd. The name and style of the pro posed corporation shall be tlie MORE LAND BANKING COMPANY. Urd. The location nnd principal p'noe of business thereof shall be in the town of Moreland, said State nnd County. ■1th. The amount of the Capital Stock is Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000), divided into Two Hundred and Fifty shares of One Hundred Dol lars ($100.00) each. 6th. The nature of the proposed cor poration shall be that of a Bank, its gen eral purpose being to discount bills, notes or other evidences of debt, to re ceive and pny out deposits, with or without interest, to receive on speoinl deposits money, bullion, foreign ooin and stocks, bonds and other security, to buy and sell foreign nhd domestic ex change and other negotiable paper; to loud money upon personal security and upon bonds, stocks and other iiegotinhlc security; to take and receive seourity by mortgage, deed or otherwise! on property of every sprt, both reel and personal,nnd generally do nnd perform all such other matters and things not herein before enumerated as are or may be incident to the business of banking. , ,, | Wherefore, petitioners pray to he tn- wether Vimlientor. Elegant carving sets, reliable pocket knives, keen razors,sore-cutting scissors nnd shears will he found in G. R. Brad ley's great stock of American-made, guaranteed cutlery. Miss Lizzie Mac* Holmes, who has been the guest of Miss Mary Lou Holmes, has returned to her home itt Newnan.—Carrollton Free Press. IrTVTVA/TVTVTVTVTVT>ik£z) WHEN AN Hxpert Plumber IS NEEDED — Call — W. L. Sexton, The Newnan Plumber. Shop and Wareroom on Hancock Street, next door to Dr. T. J. Jones Building. The Largest Stock of Supplies ... and ... Fixtures In Newnan at SEXTON Dr. Anderson, Building. Dentist, Hal bide tf Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, of Newnan, are the guests of Miss Maude Bass for several days.— Carrollton Free Press. ■■ At» ■■ Peniston’s Drug Store Crane’s Spring Medicine. Crane’s Kidney and Bncknche Cure. Crane’s Cough Cure. Crane’s Headache Relief. Crane’s Cholera and Diarrhoea Mixture. Crane’s Family Liniment. Crane’s Eozenia Cure. Crane’s Liver Powders. Crane's Pile Salve. Crane’s Liver Pills. Crane’B Female Relief. These are Standard Prepara tions and are Sold and Recom mended at Peniston’s Drug Store. Announcement R S. Paris, former proprietor of the White Barber Shop, lias returned to Newnan ami is associated with C. T. Bailey in the management nt this shop. The shop iB now running three chairs on full time and is the best prepared and nest equipped Rhop in town. C. T. Bailey, R. S. Paris and J. W. Hunt are all artists in their line, and are doing every thing possible to give the public first-class service and please all cus tomers. They solicit and will ap preciate the patronage of everybody and cordially invite you to call at The White Barber Shop i besides the stone 1 tials “J. H. S.” Jesus Honiinum Salvator (letters designed by^ S. j were published and brought! oorporated under the laws of this State. Bernardino of Siena and familiar I ^ Kw j Hvin „ J? lU j H.W.Oamp, , all over the world to honor the name and work of the Redeemer, and inscribed by him wherever he j went), we saw the I’omb of Mich ael Angelo Buonarotti, one of the most variously accomplished men that ever lived, from whose hands about by a youth living while| Savonarola was dying, Martin' Luther.” The truth of God can-j not perish. (To be continued.) Bowman'h Cnrbolnted Family Hnlve onres cats, hums, ulcers, old sores, piles, ring worms, tetter, eczema, nnd all skin diseases, also for vaccinated arms and smallpox. Price 26o per box at Reese’s Drug Store. H. G. Bailey, J. W. Camp, J. W. Trammell, H. A. Martin, E. M. Camp, L. M. Farmer. In Time of Pence. In the first months of the Russia-Ja- GEORGIA, Coweta County. Before me, L. A Perdue, Ordinary of entity, personally appeared H. W. nothing mean or poor came forth, j )ftI1 war wo |, a ,i a striking example of whose great works immortalize! the necessity for preparation and the u Italy, and whose last words at the i early advantage of those who, so to I Lamp- H,, G. hdhy,. ■ • ^"‘P’ ' ' ' acre of 8a were- “In vour Passage i speak, “'lave shingied their roofs in dry Iramm 11, H. A. . tnitin, >■ . 1 1. age of 89 were. In your passage | weather „ The virtue of preparation! 1 - M - Farmer, who on oath say that Fifteen Thousand Dollars of the capital subscribed to the Moreland Banking through this life never forget the j hM In(lde lll8tory (Uld Kive „ sufferings of Jesus Christ!** Here Rrea test men. The individui virtue of preparation to us our; individual us well as is an empty memorial monument! the nation should be prepared for any Company, lor which company’deponents 1 .... i I are now seeking incorporation by the vumbvuvj. Arc von prepared to sue-! ft™ 80, ’ ki "K incorporation by cessfully combat tlie first cold you take? ! secretary of State, has been actually A cold can be cured much more quickly I P*‘ d b 7 t,ie •obsoribeni and that the when treated as soon as it has been con-1 iH i>* fact held and is to be used traoted and before it has become settled j nololy for the business, and purpose of in the system, Chamberlain's Cough tlle Hnid corporation. Remedy is famous for its cures of colds | Swor " 10 '" ,l1 Ascribed before me, and it should be kept at hand ready for tl,ls Oot - a8 > 1W,6 ’_ __ TTt , instant use. For sale by Dr. Paul Pen- L ' A PBRDUK - 0rdi,lnr *• iston, Newnan, Gn. | L. M. Farmer, H. W. Camp, Misses Emily and Maude Mit chell, of Newnan, are the charm ing guests of Miss May me Jessie Blalock.—Carrollton Free Press. The display of China, Out Glass and Silver Novelties at Bradley s drug store is attracting much attention. Scores of articles appropriate and beautiful for wedding presents will be found t here. Do you want to subscribe for any newspaper or magazine published in tlio United States? If so, your sub scription will be reoeived at tlie Nows office. tf thorne as “Huge cold images weep ing and sprawling over it, and an unimpressive statue of Dante sit ting above.” The body of the poet rests at Ravenna. Machiavelli (historian of Florence) and L. Bruno (great exponent of the i Aristotelian philosophy), lie here. jAnd in the adjoining chapels sev eral noted families, among them j the Medici. The latter Chapel is still unfinished, though up to the Accident Bulletin No. Hi, just present the family have spent by tlie Interstate Commerce nearly 700,000 English pounds ( or I Commission, completes the record about 23,500,000), and anything | 0 f a( . c j ( i( }I ,k s to employes and pas- [ more magnificent than this family 1 8enger s upon the railroads of the; th „ of G(J0rKia , (lo lieroby certify, 'mausoleum it ts difficult to con-1 United states for the year ending I u mt the attached three sheets of tyjie- The walls are covered with Year’s Record of Train Accidents. J. W. Trammell, J. W. Camp, H. G. Bailey, E. M. Camp, H. A. Martin. STATE OF GEORGIA. Office of Secretary of State. I, Philip Cook, Secretary of State of ceive. 1 he walls are covered wun j unt! jjq. q'be total number of j written matter contain a trne and oor- 1 costly marble inlaid with precious j passengers killed in train accidents rect copy of the Application of the More- 1 stones—a gorgeous mosaic of the j waH 350; i n j ure d, 6,498. The total 1 f nd Bunk l in * tor a Charter 1 richest material. Bythe way, the j , 1Hnibe ,.’ of wiled in train | £ °? " accidents was 798; injured, 7,052. In Testimony Whereof, I have here- There were 187 passengers killed j unto set my hand and affixed the Seal of in other than train accidents, and 3,542 injured; and 2,463 employes killed in other than train accidents, mosaic factories of Florence are very interesting indeed, and a visitor should by no means leave the city without investing in some ot these beautiful designs. But the heart of Florence lies on or about the Piazza Delia Sig- of the first as also no r ia, one gjsssasasasseasssseasssassEBsasasss [ lbe j ast p] aces to be visited by 1 *r aa BflADTIil ^ tbe tourist ‘ P articularl y for its hi8 ‘ 1 T. Ml. MAn I IN Does all kindB of tone association, i space immortalized large open s the place where the knightly Christian, Fra Girolamo Savonarola, the greatest man of his age—a man who be- my Office, at the Capitol, in the City of Atlanta, this iiJst day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Five amt of the lndepcnd- and 38,374 injured; making a total euoe of tlie United Htates of America of all clauses of 537 passengers kill- the One Hundred and Thirtieth. PHILIP COOK, Secretary of State. What $1.75 Will Do If Jint now as a n»w subscrip tion for the 1906 Volume of The Youth’s Companion It will entitle you to all the Issues for the re maining Weeks of 1903, FREE. II Will entitle poo to the Double Numbers for Thanksgiving and Christmas, richly Illustrated, FREE. It Will entitle you to The Com panion’s "Mlnutemen" Calendar for 1906—an exquisite souvenir— FREE. It Will entitle you to the fifty- two Issues of The Companion for 1906—a library of the best read ing. including the features not«d below. Cut out and send this slip (or the name of this paper) with your fl.73 — now. Lemons as Medicine Their Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys and Blood. Lemons are largely used by The Mozley Lemon Elixir Company, in compounding their L»mon Elixir, a pleasant Lemon Laxative and Tonic—a substitute for all Cathartic and Liver Pills. Leuiott Klixir posi tively cures all Biliousness, Consti pation, Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Headache, Malaria, Kidney Disease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Pevers, Chills, Blotches, Piuiples, all Impurities of the Blood, Pain in tlie Chester Back, and all oilier dis- < cases caused by u disordered liver nnd kidneys, the first Great Cause ef all Fatal Diseases. WOMEN, for all Female Irreg ularities, will find Lemon Elixir u pleasant and thoroughly reliable remedy, without the least dangerof jiossible harm to them itt uny condi tion peculiar to themselves. 50c and $1.00 per bottle at ^ ALL DRUG STOKES “One a.-Dose Convinces.” one ed and 10,040 injured, and 3,261 employes killed and 45,426 injured. This is an increase of 117 passen gers killed and 1,963 injured; a decrease of 106 employes killed, and an increase of 2,160 employes injured. There were 6,224 collisions dur Tin Work, Roofing Plumbing and Repairing. Expert work and low prices wiD. • Shop op posite Pinson Hotel. Notice to Debtors and Cred* itors. All persons holding claims against the estate of Hylvanns G. Orr, late of Cow- | eta county, deceased, are hereby notified , , to present them to me for payment and ; lieved what he said, knew wnat he j n g ^ b c year, with a money loss of a j[ persons owing said estate are hereby said, and meant what he said—i ij!4,849,054, anti 5,371 derailments, notified to pay same, i perished at the stake of Roman-! w jth a money loss of $4,862,602; a I Oct. 3, 1905. j ism. One of the reviews thus'total of 11,595 collisions and de- j gives the scene: “On the 22nd of railments and a total money loss j May, 1498, it was announced to 0 f $9,711,056, being damage to I Savonarola and his friends, Dorn- ear s, engines and roadway. 1 enico and Marufifi, that they were i to be executed by five the next 2«-<St ANNIE F. ORR, Admix. Raid Estate. and J j to oe execuiea oy nvc me next 1 Bilious Attack Quickly Cured. I morning; our heroic preacher was a few weeks ago I had a bilious ! thoroughly resigned to his share tack that was so severe I was not abl of the doom, saying to Domenico, go to the office for two days ‘Knowest thou not it is not per- i t0 f ?et relieffrom my family physician's and all parties indebted to said deceased, . . , . treatment, I took three of Chamber- are requested to make immediate pay- R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet is .enough for usual occasions iheffamily bottle 160cents) contains a supply 1„. „ j, h r.Ail druggists sell them. Notice to Debtors Creditors. GEORGIA—Coweta County. All persons having demands against tlie estate of D. L. Moore, late of said able txi county, deceased, are hereby notified to Failing render their claims according to law, mitted to a man to choose the Iain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and mode of his own deith? The three | t | ie next ,j a y j f e it ft new man.—H. friends partook of the Sacrament I c. Bailey, Editor of the News, Chapin, of the Hoiy Supper administered 8. C. These Tablets ar>- for sale by Dr. by Savonarola. He said, *wc shall Fttal «*• requested to mane immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This Oct. 2nd, 1905. F. 8. CUKETON 1 and E. C. CURETON, Sr., 1 Execjloir ol .y ... Moon-., ueisruMb. 7 Serial Stories 250 Complete Stories 300 Interesting Articles Weekly Editorial Review Children’s Page Weekly Article on the Care of the Health Notes on Current Events and Nature and Science Anecdotes and Miscellany will fill the pages of The Youth's Companion during 1906. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Mats. How Subscriptions Received at This Office. OrDtnftltqplPjfiJIqfUDTfJpi [OPjTiICnrflt/rfiJPipig3)700)Ajj?) TAKE YOUR CLOTHING TO | S. C, CARTER S CO., 1 OPPOSITE HOTEL PINSON, £ when you want them (s | cleaned, pressed, repaired g [|! or dyed in the best manner a 1 and at the most reasona- :j j| hie prices. I SlblioSS f.En'mOiTuOir.^.rOCifiOi'-T. ’<r That Proposition To dean and prttHN clothes for i?l per month, cash in advance, is worth consid eration by every man.and boy in Newnan and the surrounding country. Think of it! All your Suits both cleaned and pressed for $1 per month. You’ve been [laying that to get your pressing done, and pressing is by far the smallest part of the job. All clothes will lie called for and delivered. That’s another advantage. 0. W. Bradley, (Over Pope’s Store.) NEWNAN, GA. Z. Greene, D. D. S., Office on .Second Floor of Black Bros. Co.’s Building L. M. Farmer, LAWYER. Office on Second Floor of the Arnall Merchandise Co.’s Building Dr. C. A. Smith, VETERINARIAN. Treats all diseases of domestic Raima's. Calls answered day or night. Office at Gearreld’, Livery Stable.