The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, November 10, 1905, Image 8

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Ci ardiat’s Fetit o*. Georgia. Coweta County. After four week* notice in nonordance with paragraph 254(1 of the Civil Code, a petition. of which a true copy in adjoin- ed. will he presented to the Hon. K W. Freeman, Judge of Superior Court, at the court house in said county on the Pith day of December, 1906. .1. W. Bellamy. W (t. Host, Attorney. Georgia. Coweta County. To the Hon K. W. Freeman, Judge of the Snprior Court of said county: The jictitinn of ,1. W. Bellamy shows: I n t That he is guardian of the per son and pro|ierty of Dell Bellamy and Dewitt 'J lilmage Bellamy, his two minor children, aged re-pectivelv seven teen and thirteen years; lie having been duly appointed as such guardian in said count f Second—That his said wards own nn undivided one thud interest, eaoli, in a certain piece of property; It being four and one-half acres ot land in Turin, said county, and situated on that road lead mg tiom Turin to Shnrpsburg; and (led as Pillows; Outlie north by William Walker, east b.v Henry Domi nick, smili by road, west by C. A. Hus sell; and on which property there is lo cated one three-room, frame, shingle- roofed house, the rooms of which are uuiim bed The reiimiiiing one-third in erest in said pro|MTty belongs to Mrs. MI lie .1 Bellamy, Hie wife of the peti tioner, and the mother of said children He desir- s to sell for reinvestment, a oriva'e sail-, the aforesaid property. 1 In said Mrs Sallle .1 Bellamy desires ttlsi to ~' ll lo r interest therein And In shows Hint for all of said property h can receive the sum of seven (inndrei dollars from W I Austin, of which sum i lie said wards will In- entitled, each, to one third and the said Sallic .1 Bellamy to one-third. Third—Petitioner desires to invest the pioce, Us ol seen sale in 0* I'filill I•' *1 es- iale in I l,e city ot rienoia, said county, it , icing one acre of land, more or less, sit uated on Burke strut t. and hounded on the north, oust and south by the estate ot It I. Freeman, and on Hi'' cast by said Burke street, on which there is In cub'd a six-room frame house, all ol which is completed and in good con n tiou The said Mrs. H. J. Bellamy de sires also to invest her interest in the prooceiis of sale ot said property in lu- i in in the property located in oelioia as aforesaid, so that the title to the proper ty in Senoin will lie vested in the |H'tl imcrs said wards and the shi I Sail','' I Bellamy share and share alike 'I hat I sain property can he purchased from Khun Deracknn at and tor the sunt of six hundred and fitly dollars p,,Iinl,—pern loner shows that liens guaidian as aforesaid, and that the said .ois. .**aiIle ,1 B liauiv desires to milk said sale and e.nvestinenl for the lid lowing reasons, ro-wi': I he town of Honoin ih huger than tlio town of lurin, STEEL and TINWARE at REDUCED PRICES To clone out, I tun offering a large assort ment of tinware mid the popular mottled steel ware at re duced figures. Almost, any kitchen utensil desired will he found in the lot. Each article is well made of standard material and is worth nnjre than is asked for it. The tinware goes at 10 cents per piece and the steel ware at 25 cents per piece, for cash. An examination will convince any person that these are reduced prices. Some handsome decorated china has also been placed on Hale at remarkably low prices. The la dies are requested to examine this. The prices will surprise them. Regular 25-cent Brooms for 20 cents! J. F. REYNOLDS Grocer Greeneville St. Special Bargains in Everything at.. J. W. Stripling & Son. 8,000 Yards outing, beautiful patterns, ivs long as thoy last. 10 yds 860 8,100 Yards dress ginghams, 10 yards for -— 60o 1,000 Yards calico, for only 4o M.OOO Yards good percale, worth 10c, for only, per yard 6o One case ladies' fleeced-Imok vests, regular worth 20o, each for 15o One case ladies' velvet back vest ami drawers to match, extra good quality, per garment . .35c One case men's heavy fleeced-litind undershirts and drawers to match, regular worth, 60o garment, for only 75c a suit or for a pair of shirts 76ci One case men's velvet Imok undershirts and drawers, extra (inequality, per garment - 50n One case men's sweaters, value 75o, for only, each . ,50c Children's underwear, shirts and drawers to match, 15c to 35o a gar ment. Misses union suits, 25o. Ladies' union suits 50o New shipment ladies' trimmed hats, latest styles, 1.50 to 2.1X1 Another new shipment men's suit cast's for only, each t)8o Japanese bowls and pitchers, assorted colors, for :ll)c Jatmnese puinted foot tubs, each 25c Boot and shoe repair outfit, 1 shot' knife, 2 awls, 1 shoe hammer, 1 box tucks, :l iron lasts and six heel plates, entire set for only .75c Ladies' all wool sweaters, rod. green and white, worth 2.50, for 1.08 60 Dozen fascinators and knit shawls, hand-made circular shawls..50o Hand-made Zephyr oiroular shawls, extra large sine, worth 2.50, for only .1.70 Black mercerized underskirts, worth 75c, for only ..49c Black mercerized underskirts, worth 1.60, for ,08c New shipment Indies' and children's wriqw. Our line of wraps is com plete. We oati suit you in style and price. Ladies' coats, all new colors and best styles, 2.60 to 10.00 Infants' and children's cloaks, ttOc to . . 4.00 76 Dozen men's sample gloves at manufacturers’ oost, 25o to 1.00 Tin cups free for all the chil dren of the first and second grades of the public school, Monday morning, Oct. 16th. L J. W. STRIPLING ’Phone 98. SON and affords better opportunities for your IX'titioner to (sarn the supjxirt for said wards and his famMy, they tieing de pendent upon his labor for same. Your petitioner (tan procure better compensa tion for Ins labor in Henoia than in Turin; that the expense of maintaining the property in Tnrin is approximately seventy-five dollars a year, and it costa petitioner and Ids family more than this sum to procure nil adequate home in Henoia. Fifth—Petitioner shows that notice of his intention to make this application lias been published once a week tor four weeks as by law required, and that he lias caused a copy ot tin* same to be served upon Lizzie Dell Bellamy, and Inis also caused a copy ot the same to l" 1 served personally upon one of the next ot km of the said Dewitt Tatmailge Bel lamy and Lizzie Dell Bellamy, us by law required. Hixtti—Petitioner shows that'the sur plus of fifty dollars to be left in Ins bunds trom said sale and purchase is de sired to lie used in improvements on tin? place to lie purchased and that lie will nay the cost of this procedure. J W. BELLAMY. Ht ite of Georgia. CDweta Gounty. Personally liefore me came J. W. Bel lamy. wlm being duly sworn, says that the facts set forth in the foregoing and attached petition are true J. W BELLAMY. Sworn to and- subscribed by J. W. Bellamy before me this the 8th day of November, 1905. W. M. KEITH, J. P. Sheriffs Sales. GEORGIA—Coweta County. VVill be sold liefore the court house door in the city of Newnan, said Htate mid county, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December, 1905, the following described property, tow it: One house and lot, lot containing one acre, more or less, located in the 6th dis trict of Coweta oounty, Georgia, and bounded as follows; On north by lauds of 8. L. Hill; on east by lands of Har daway & Hunter; on south and west by lands of Hardaway <& Hunter. Levied on as the property of Louanna McCoy, by virtue of a A fa. issaed from Coweta HQ|icrior Court iu favor of W. G. Ar nold and against said Loaouna McCoy. Tenant in possession notified in terms of law. This Nov. 8, 1906. Also, at the same time and place will be .old the following described property, to wit: A certain tract or parcel of land situ ated, lying and being iu the town of Turin, said oounty anti State,and known in said town as lot No. —; lying on the north side of Long street and fronting on said street 418 feet ; bounded on east by J. G. Carmical; north by lands of hoirsof.L B. Hunnioutt; west by lauds owned by the M. E. Church and known as the parsonage lot. Levied on as the property of E. T. Bailey by virtue of a tl. fa. issued from the City Oourt of Newnan, in favor of S. J. Elder and against said E. T. Bailey. Tenant iu possession uotilled in terms of the law. This Nov. 8, 190? . Also, at same time and place will be sold the following described property, towit: One-eleventh undivided interest in one house and lot of land iu the city of Newuau, said State and county, de scribed ns follows; Bouuded on the east by Mary Ann Russell; south by Mary Aim Htreot, west by Tom Beach and Hardaway & Hunter; north by lot of Zion Hill Baptist church; being tie place where Lou Hill resided and died Levied on as the property of Saralt Story by virtue of a ft. fa. issued from the justioe court oftWitith District, G.M., in favor of Post & Post und against A. 1). Story, Surah Story and Franoes Fos ter. Tenant iu possession notified iu terms of the law. Levy made by J. T. Alsohrook, L. C., and tnrneil over to mo. This Nov. 8, 1905. J. L. BRuWN, Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale of Land. GEORGIA—Coweta County. By virtue of an order granted by the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Coweta oounty, Georgia, at the October term. 1906,1 will sell before the court house door of said county, at Newnan, Ga., on the first Tuesday in December, next, (1905) to the highest and best bidoer for cash,the following described real e-'tute, belonging to the estate of Mrs. Eliza beth D. Vines, late of said county, de ceased, to-wit: All fliat traot, or parcel of land lying and being in the Seventh (7th) District of Coweta county,Georgia ami known iu the plan of said district, as tiie upper or north half of land lot iium ber seventy (77) seven, containing one hundred one and one-fourth acres, more or less, and the lower south half of land lot number seventy (78.• eight, contain ing one hundred one ami one-fourth acres, more or less, said two tracts of land containing in all two hundred, two and one-half acres, more or less. Sold for the purpose of distribution among the heirs ai law of said Mrs. Elizabeth D. Vines, deceased. Tins Nov 0, 1905. W H. BARFIELD, Aiimr. Elizabeth D. Vines, deceased. Ordinary’s Notices. GEORGIA—Coweta County. L. M. Farmer, adtur of Philip Hinis. deceased, haviug applied to the Court of Ordinary of said County for letters of dismission from his said trust, all per sens concerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday iu December next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted This Nov. 8th 1905. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Some Things Yov Need And where to get them. Crockery and Glassware White plates, pel* set, 25c to ? 3.00 (-ups and Maurers, per Net, 40c to .2.00 100-piece sets 15.00 50-piece sets 4.00 10-piece water set 4.00 Full line of Johnson Bros.’ English crockery. We will sell one piece or more, to suit the purchaser —but not over one thousand pieces to one person. Decorated plates, 25c kind, each for 15 Bowls and pitchers, for the two HOc to 1.00 1,000 tumblers, per set 15 A few sj*2 lamps, each for 1.00 Mixing bowls for kitchen use, each 5c to 35 Flower pots .15 Hundreds of 5c and 10c articles not found at any other place in Newnan. f 1 •‘Yes, sir, I repeat it— Nunnally St Barrett’s is the best place in town to get your groceries.” tf ‘•Come, let us talk this matter over in a friendly way. As I wassayiug—■” Some Other Things Maple sap syrup in quart bottles 45c Malt vinegar in quart bottles 30c Strained honey in quart cans 35c Chase & Sanborn coffees, per pound, 25c to 35c Carhart Bros.’ coffees, per pound, 15c to 25c Van Camp’s evaporated cream, per can 10c Norwegian smoked sardines, about two dozen sardines to each box, per box 15c Macaroni, new crop, per package 5c Beech Nut dates, stuffed, per jar 30c Beech Nut heel, per jar 30c Beech Nut breakfast bacon, per jar. . 30c Shelled almonds, per pound 50c Long’s California jams, any flavor, per jar 25c Fresh citron, per pound 25c Fresh seeded raisins and currants, per pound 10c Schumacher graham flour 3c Fresh buckwheat, package 20c Arm & Hammer soda, 16 ounces for 5c A few 3-lb. cans Filson Club coffee, per can 80c NUNNALLY & BARRETT, The Bay Street Grocers Telephone 55 We are not going to move GEORGIA—Coweta County. The estate of J. S. Plant, late of said County, deceased, being unrepresented and not likely to t>e represented, all parsons concerned nre required to show cause in the Court of Ordinary of said oounty, on the first Monday in Decem ber. 1906, next, wnysuch administration should not be vested iu the County Ad miuistrator. Thus November 8th, 1905. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. J. T. Holmes, Real Estate and Renting Agent. Office over First National Bank. We will not move as we stated some time ago, ow ing to business changes, and our friends will find us at the same place. We expect to carry a much larger stock than ever ; we have added furniture to our line, and have had a very flattering trade,which we certainly appreciate. Before you buy your furni ture, please call and see us. and we will he glad to show you our line. If we don’t save you money we can’t ask for your trade. We carry more shoes and dry goods than ever, lhe Wolf shoes for women and children—they never rip We are selling 25 pounds Best Gran. Sugar for $1.25 J. B. Hutchens West Side Square CRAVENETTES Combination Over coat and Rain-coat ORR & POWELL Coming to the Auditorium WEDNESDAY NIGHT, NOV. 15th Dave B. Levi’s Big Production UNCLE JOSH SPRUCERY Fifteenth year of success. All new this year. Carload special scenery. The great saw mill scene. Superb me chanical effects. Twenty people. “Hayseed” band. Grand Operatic Orchestra. New and novel specialties. Watch for the big street parade PRICES: 50c and 75c; children, 25c. Seats on sale at Bradley’s Drug Store.