The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, November 17, 1905, Image 2

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iSILKDOWNE day in Novemln'r is always desig nated as Thanksgiving l>ay; al though it seldom occurs as la’e as the last day of the month. AUTUMN PRESERVING. The mmpoiient parts of this Wool. Here are superior to all ol some hers. fabric why are this Silk art ic and e is SII.K DOWN will wash like do w it li mate men, inis (i something yon f like character. cannot SI |,K I a >\VN F, contains the purest dyes. HI LK DOW N F. contains the finest Australian wool. HI l,k I a )\VN K is maniifact.ilred from selected cocoons. \ the most experienced textile SI l.k I a >\\ N F, is madi ators. o per il is reported that there is to be a llitch in the next race for Con- press in the First District. lion. Itnfiis K. I,ester, for sixteen years < 'onpressman from this district,has announced his retirement from politics and will not stand for re- election. .1. A. lirannen, whoop- posed I.ester in his last race, is apain an announced candidatejand it is rumored that Capt. II. M. Hitch will also enter the contest. Hitch is the man who pained no toriety as commander of the troops at Statesboro last year w hen the famous lynchinp occurred. Plcklea and Swpelmfiitii Stored Don 11 For Winter I dC. Tlie golden fruits: Quinces, pours and sweet apples. Each of these varieties should be stored down by Itself for winter's use and also In combination Store offers special prices oil dress- SPECIAL Prices lor Seasonable SALES For a short time the Bip Furniture SI |,k I >< >\\ XK is puarant I not fo crack or pull; iup tjimlity is excellent. its wcur- Sl bk I »< >\\ X k w ill not crush. HI l.k D<»\\ X F, is used for ( pai'iiients, resses, waists, skirls and evehin; SILK DOWN H has been endorsed by all users. HI I,k DOW X k is worn by the most fashionabh HILKDOW is considered by the smart set iis essential their wardrobe. to SILK DOWN K is fashion’s favorite for eveninp powns. Hlkk DONVN'k is puaranteed to ull w ho desire a material of superior excellence. HI Lk I M >\V X k is made in all the leadinp shades. The News rejoices because of Democratic victories won in re cent elections—but only because the Democratic hosts were led by fearless, holiest men who foupht for the principles of pood povern- meiit. The News never rejoices in the triumph of dirty politicians, even if they do claim to be Dem ocrats. A clean, honest Republi can is a I Kilter man than a schem- i up, dishonest Democrat. The Republican’s principles are wroup, but lie is honestly in error; while that kind of Democrat knows noth ing of principles and is absolutely controlled by the spirit of preed, graft and self-advancement. A WORD TO THE CONSUMER Wo want you to rend the above evidence and pass upon t lie merits. If your verdict is favorable the response will be generous and permanent. For Sale at POTTS 6 PARKS Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Shoes The Newnan News Issued Every Friday. J. T. FAIN, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATE, $1.00 PER YEAR. OFFICIAL PAPER OF COWETA COUNTY. ’Phono No. 20. OFFICE UP STAIRS IN THE WILCOXON BLD G “How to lie happy tliouph mar ried”—live in Coweta County and read the News. found an editorial taken from the Atlanta News, under the caption “Our Word About Maryland.” The Newnan News heartily ap proves the Atlanta News’ utter ances, and directs the serious con sideration of its readers to this article. The noblest creature ever fush- ioned by the hand of the Almiphty is a clean, honorable, courapeous man. Men of that stamp have not all passed from the stage of public action either, as the elections held in several States last week indi cated. Mayor Weaver, of Phila delphia, is a man worthy to stand in this class. He is probably not a great man, but he lias proven himself to bo honest and fear less—a public olliciul who can neither be bulldozed, bluffed or bought. His name and fame ought to glow in the annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania a t housand years after the grafters, boodlcrs and heelers lie scourged from place and power have been buried for time and eternity be neath the odium of their dirty deeds. with each other. There is no waste to the quince, which is made riel, and de licious by careful cooking. The pared and cored fruit makes very beautiful preserves, leaving the skin and cores for tlie jelly. All the brokFli pieces or less perfect fruit are saved for the marmalade. For both the jelly and marmalade boll tile skins, seeds and •ill broken pieces together in enough water to cover. Boil until all is a pulp. Drain the juice off through a muslin bag for tlie Jelly and use the pulp for marmalade by adding more water and boiling again until tlie pulp can be rubbed through a sieve. To each pint of the pulp add a pound of sugar. Boll slowly two hours, stirring often. Pour into glasses and seal like Jelly. Steaming Is sometimes preferred to cooking in the sirup for canning quinces, or after steaming the fruit un til tender cook It also In the strain ed hot sirup, cooking very slowly on the back of the stove. Keep It on for an hour or more If you can without cooking to pieces, as the longer the quince cooks the brighter red color will It be. l'ut into heated sterilized Jars and strain tlie sirup over It. Seal care fully. quince mill I'rnr Sauce. Pare and quarter twelve pounds of hard pears; pare and slice four pounds of quinces nt night and sprinkle on the prepared fruit four pounds of sugar, putting the quinces first In the kettle at tlie bottom. By morning there will be sufficient Juice to save using any water. Cook very slowly six hours. This may be canned or laid down lu eurtbon crocks, covering tightly first with n thick cloth and then the stone cover of the crock. Spiced lira pc». This well tried rule will be found well worth tlie trouble: Seven pounds of Concord grapes, washed, picked from the stems and squeezed so Hint tlie pulp Is In one dish and the skins In an other. Boll the skins with one-half cupful of water until they are tender. Meantime cook the pulps until soft enough to push them through a strain er sufficiently fine to keep back the seeds, which can he thrown away. Be- turn the pulp to the fire, add the skins and three pounds of sugar, a pint of vinegar, a teaspoonful of ground cloves, the same of ginger and three tenspoon- fuls of ground cinnamon and allspice. Boll all together for ten minutes, stir ring often, and put away in glass Jars. —Table Talk. ms, iron beds and stoves. There are many styles and prices, and something in the lot needed by every family. We are closing out a number of these articles to make room for other stock; and the spe cial prices are certain to make sales to all who come. Did you know this store carries the largest stock of Furniture and House Furnishings to be found between Atlanta and Montgomery? It is a fact; but don’t take our word for it—come and see for yourself. DEPOT 8T. E. O. REESE, NEWNAN, GA. Newnan Marble Works, J. E.‘ZACHARY, Proprietor. All Manufacturer and Dealer in Kinds Marble and Granite Georgia Marble a Specialty. All work guaranteed to be First Class in every particular. Parties needing anything in our line are requested to call, examine work, and get prices. OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR R. R. JUNCT’N. NEWNAN, GA. OR. W. A. TURNER, HOHicleneu Plume DAVIS & TURNER SANATORIUM, Corner College and Hancock Sts., NEWNAN, - - - GEORGIA. High, central and quiet location. All surgical and medical cases taken, except contagious diseases. Trained nurse constantly in attendance. Rates $5.00 per day. DID HOWELL WHI8TLE FOR A GRIZZLY P Wo infer, after muling the At lanta (’onstitiition’s luminous and fervid editorials on this subject, that it favors excluding from the next State primary all citizens who expect to vote for Hoke Smith and Clark Howell’s challenge to Hoke Smith to run for governor and tiie campaign now in progress reminds the News of a story told by Champ Clark. Champ says this epitaph was found on the tombstone over the grave of an Autumn Nplomlnr. The color note In particularly strong In the newest gowns. The autumn and winter fashionable functions will re flect all the tints of the rainbow, Tlie new blues will continue popular, nnd the gamut of pink ranges from tender mauve to deep American Beauty tints. The wood browns ure to tie used for tailored gowns; also the autumn leaf tints for gowns, wraps und hats. This wealth of color Is uintched In the splendor of the inaterlnls now fnsh- lonnble. There Is u strong demand for sntln finished broadcloth, for velvet of chiffon texture, for chiffon voiles, for rich brocades In pompadour patterns and for flue henrlettn, supple ns silk. Quantities of lncc will be used, nnd furs will he In great vogue. Not alone will furs of tlie highest grade he re quired, hut the details of lining, of cut and finish must show the most skillful workmanship.—Delineator. Private office in building. ’Phone 5 two calls. Davis & Turner Sanatorium. Merck & Dent, A Regular Smash-up 4 The South has ampin reasons for allowing only such to participate early western pioneer: In'iiig thankful this year, and Thanksgiving Day should U‘ tit- tingly and feeling observed by all our people. in the primary as are certain to cast their ballots forClark Howell The Darien (lazette says this is the tax paying season and that last spring was the tax dodging season. That’s correct; and some tall tax dodging was done right Lots of property was returned at from ! one-fifth to one twenty-fifth of its Harvie Jordan is all right and value. Home of our folks (.pity ’tis, ’tis true) display wonderful dodging the truth in Residents of the City of Mexico are opposed to football as a substi tute for bull lighting. Football is too rough and dangerous tor tho.] u>ro j n Coweta county, bull lighters. will stay all right as long as he keeps himself and his Southern agility in Cotton Association clear of politi- , making their tax returns, cal alliances and entanglements. “He whistled for a grizzly, and the grizzly came.” In challenging Smith to enter the gubernatorial race, it looks very much likeClark lmd whistled for a grizzly that was ready to re spond. It remains for the future to disclose whether or not Clark’s end will be like unto that of the pioneer. Water Sponjge Cake. Boat six eggs without separating un- , t!l very thick. Gradually beat In three cups of sugar. Then add tlie grated rind nnd Juice of half a lemon and a cup of water, less two tnhlespooufuls, alternately with throe cups of sifted flour sifted again with a teaspoonful of soda and four level tenspooufuls of cream of tartar. Bake In two long, narrow sponge cake pans.—Cooking School Magazine. points a straight finger to this place, for the very good reason that here un wheeled, generally bat tered up vehicles can get back to business at small cost. One word and that is the end of it: We do carriage repairing and charge you only just what’s right. HEAR8T REFU8E8 LIQUOR ADVER TISING. Some of the greatest scoundrels It is now possible to make in- unhung are ollioials of some of the telligent reply to the question, pjg pf 0 insurance companies. To Who struck the Republican ma chine of Ohio? It was John M. spend the remainder of their days in a penitentiary would 1h> small Editor Brisbane, the week be fore New York I'ity’s election for mayor, said of the position oi Hearst on liquor selling: ”1 know it to be a fact that on account of this principle Mr. Hearst has been rejecting whiskey Prrtl>- Braid Trtmmlsffa. Mothers who feel that embroideries or lace are necessary to use on the llt- ] tie dresses or aprons ought to be told j thnt with tlie use of the cheap cotton braids some of the simpler materials mnke up Into novel and beautiful gar- 1 meuts. These braids are featherstltch- ed In white or In colors, have lace ef fects, will rutile by drawing a woven thread and are made In hundreds of patterns. BUGGY BUILDERS Legal Blanks A stock of all kinds of Legal Blanks will be found at the NEWS OFFICE. The stock in~ A Clever Bit of Baida Work. At an exhibition of Japanese china I I . . _ - r> , was particularly struck with two eludes Notes, Mortgages, Deeds, Bonds and pieces which were listed In the cata- l’altison, und lie sum-shed it good repartition tor their misdeeds; but advertisements from the counters j and hard. the chances are that none of them of his business olliees at the rate oi >nc i were cover- will ever be punished. They are $500,000 a year. He will no£ print ed with a net KJL^‘ k,,, corraL“” “ £5 al1 blanks used by business men, as well as were china bowls five Inches deep and , , , , , . those used only by justices, constables and ten Inches across The News extends sympathy to thieves and knaves of large mould, them.” work of deep red cane ending Bro. ('. 1*. Toney, of tlie Fairburn and such are rarely punished by So there is one point, at least, at J j n a handle, aft News, who lost his building and laws that seem to have Ihhmi fash- which Hearst shows himself to be . er the manner entire plant by tire last week. His ioned for the correction of corn- loss amounted to $2,500 and liis moil people, insurance to oulv $000. —— After having trouble with al- liappy most everybody else President a Ix'tter man than many of the editors who criticise him so savage ly and villify him with such per- j sisteney. Some Georgia newspa- of a ginger Jar, only the pattern RXFriJL BASKET VASE. attorneys. AILof these blanks are regular in form, and the'paper and printing are exceptionally good. the State look was closer and more Intricate, the cane , , , . , , . stronger and the bowl entirely covered. In TaCt, nO DlanKS printeO in It looked Just as If the bowl had been Persons who want to be during the next twelve months j Roosevelt is now in oontlict with| c calendar manufacturers. He lm> pers, the columns of which are to n gtrl who weaves raffia, and she bas set inside a basket, i described them better or will give the users better satifaction. ^ cndlfl und on o h q < should subscrilK* for the Newnan News and read it carefully for that designated Thursday, Nov. 30th, length of time. Follow this course as Thanksgiving Day,while Thurs- aud you'll have blessing to give Novemlier, 1000. an additional thanks for day, Nov. 23rd is marked up on b* the calendars as the day far giving thanks. But tlie President scores —: - again. The calendar makers are Elsewhere in the News will be simply mistaken. The last Thurs ontinually tilled with liquor ad vertising and often with furious made herself a pair for the table to hold flowers or fruit. One, a blue and white bowl, Is covered with dull green attacks on lloarst, are requested to ra ® 8i an d another, of plain yellow think on this matter. is covered with golden Bowman's Magnetic Liniment cures rheumatism, cuts, sprains, wound*, bruises, stiff joints, toothache and lame backs. Price 25c and 50c per bottie at Reese'* Drug Store. Prices are the same as other printers charge for blanks. THE NEWS solicits business in this line; f earthenware, ; brown. i The net la woven 9 little smaller at the top than the bowl, so It will not slip. The baskets look very artistic and guarantees that users of these blanks will filled with fruit and vines and flower* twined lightly around and over the handle. be entirely pleased with them.