The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, December 29, 1905, Image 5

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/ To the People: I sincerely thank the public l'or the satisfactory patronage given this store during the year 1905, which has enabled us to record the largest year's busi ness in the history ol' the store. With best wishes for the pros perity and happiness of all dur ing 190(5, everybody is invited to trade at Bantu’s next year. In the meantime, if you are seeking bargains in our line, come and see some of our offer ings at special prices. There are hundreds of dollars’ worth of gold watches that Christinas shoppers never touched. They are for sale—and can lie bought right. H. S. BAWTA The Jeweler 1 Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wynn visit ed Atlanta this week. Dr. Thomas Cole has returned from a hunting trip down in South Georgia. .Tames I\ Bradley, of New York City, is. spending the holidays in Newnan. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hughs Successful Merchant Re* tires. Mr. J. W. Stripling, who retires from the mercantile business in Newnan to go to Florida for his health, has been one of this city’s leading business men for a num ber of years. His success lias been remarkable. As a merchai t spent Christmas in West Point,the i h as displayed rare qualities 11 Local News oi Newnan l guests of relatives. P>. B. Weldon; of the (itfh Dis- | trict, was among the visitors in Newnan last Wednesday. Miss Lizzie Arnold entertained a few friends at a delightful card party last Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert visited relatives in Meriwether county during Christinas. Mr. Frank D. Holland, of At lanta. was in the city Wednesday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Moore. Mr. .1. S. Moore, a clever citizen of this county, was a pleasant caller at the News office last Wed nesday. Policeman C. S. Fincannon has recovered from an attack of la grippe, which laid him up at home for a week. business judgment and has dcvoteci ' a vast store of energy to develop ; mg and building up a business of large proportions. Mr. Stripling will be missed from Newnan’s mercantile field, and hundreds of friends and pa trons of his store regret that he has found it necessrry to retire from business. Mr. Frank Stripling, who has been associated with his father in the management of the store, and who is recognized as one of the I City’s most promising young busi ness men, will remain here and give his attention to the manage ment of the farming interests of his father and himself. DON’T NEGLECT A COLD. Neglected Colds Lead to Consumption. Miss Blanche linen has returned from Blakeley, Ga. Messrs. Will, Tom and Frank Hughes are spending the holidays tt home. Mr. ,T. E. Palmour, of Gaines ville, spent a few days in the city this week. Miss Martha Johnson is spend ing Christmas at her home in Mil led geville. Miss Tommie White, of Grant- ville, spent Wednesday with Mbs Nancy Claire Freeman. Rev. and Mrs. Charles M. Lip* ham, of Fairburn; are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. If. T. Thompson. Miss Mary Jones, of Turin, lias returned home, after spending several days with Miss (’leone Ham Ramey and W. Atlanta, spent relatives in the Mr. and Mrs. .1. E. Dent., Jr., entertained at a family dinner Wednesday at their pretty subur ban home; also celebrating their fouiteentn anniversary. All the Evelyn and Mildred (’lower, the i r ’ family were present, making quite little daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ('lower, are visiting rela tives at Grantville. T. W. Powel, Jr., who has been buying cotton this season in Ala bama, is spending ' the holidays with home folks in Newnan. Rev. W. P. Bryant is improv ing and hopes to be out again in a few days. His friends will be de lighted to hear this good news. W. J Nunnally, Esq., a promi nent lawyer of Rome, was the guest several days this week of Dr. G. A. Nunnally and family. Prof. Elmer Handers, Principal of the public schools at Pratt City, Ala., is visiting relatives in this city and county during the holi days. .Miss Evio Davis, who has been |employed as a teacher in the! Stephens High School at Craw- fordville, is now at her homo in tliis city. Policeman C. S. Fincannon has purchased from Mr. It. M. Hack- Messrs. G. W A. Molson, of Christmas with city. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. McCrory, of College Park, are spending the h didays with Capt. and Mrs. J. J. the Greenville Street < .lodrum. Mr. and Mrs. Ivl Adams, of At lanta, spent Sunday and Monday witli the family ol' Mr. and Mrs. John Dunbar. Mrs. G. W. Ramey and chil dren and Mr. W. A. Melson’s family, of Atlanta, are the guests of relatives in the city. ill-, and Mrs. A. P. Wooley of Atlanta, are spending Christinas with Mrs. Wooley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Murray. J. A. Kinnard,of Corinth,Miss., assistant superintendent of the Adams Machine Works of that city, is spending the holidays with relatives and friends in the city. Judge and Mrs. L. A. Perdue entertained at dinner last Wed nesday, their guests being Rev. and Mrs. J. B. S. Davis, Miss Evie Davis, Prof. Elmer Sanders and Mr. Wayne Sewell. Judge and Mrs. Alvan D. Free man entertained at a six o’clock ■ dinner Tuesday evening. The guests were Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Nunnally, Prof, and Mrs. A. H. Nunnally, Dr. and Mrs. r J. B. Da vis. Mr. S. E. Scrutehin, of Albany, formerly a citizen ol Newnan, was in town this week and announced to some of bis friends that be con templates returning to this place He will come about the now occupied by Mr. P. T. Me- ('iitchen and family. Miss Mamie Harrison,of Sharps- liurg, who is visiting Mrs. IL P. Ogletree, left yesterday for At lanta to spend some time.—Wed nesday’s Gridin, News and Sun. A daughter born to Col. and Mrs. H. W. Dent, of Atlanta, on country, last Tuesday, has been christened j Elizabeth, in honor of the young j a jolly party, The house was beautifully decorated with holly, red bells a id mistletoe. The din ingroom was especially pretty with its artistic decorations in red. The table, from which the dinner was served, had for a center piece a lovely bowl of narcissus on a square of renaissance lace over red. The dinner, consisting of five courses, carried out the color scheme of red in the most minute details. Mr. and Mrs. Dent re ceived the guests with their usual cordial hospitality. .Miss Rosa Newton, of Jackson, was the lovely guest of honor at a reception given Wednesday after noon by Miss Katie Arnall and Miss Bessie Powell, at the home of Miss Powell. The guests filled the parlor and drawing room,where there were artistic decorations of i red and green—red being the pre vailing color. One of the most enjoyable! events of the week was a surprise party given Mr. and Mrs. Wade Dent Wednesday night by the | north side young ladies. The | genial host and hostess were equal to the emergency, and the occa sion was quite a jolly one. One of the jolliest occasions of; the season was the stag barbecue at which Mr. Jos. T. Kirby enter tained Thursday afternoon in the Those present were principally relatives of the host. Capt. and Mrs. T. VV. Powel en j How Pretty Miss Powell Was Re stored to Health by Pe-ru-na. Miss Lilian Powell, Aurora, Ind., writes: •Last spring I caught a severe cold from getting my feet wet and being out In the rain, and In n day I had a most miserable cold, hut I neglected It, thinking It would soon leave me. But It hung to me for two weeks, when I felt something must he done, as my condition was serious. • 'I had heard so much about Peruna and In Its praise that I bought a bottle and began taking It regularly. I was gratified to find that In a week the cold anil cough war. broken up, and three weeks’ treatment completely re stored my usual good health. ’’—Lillian Powell. How Consumption Develops. Nine cusps of consumption out of ton occur In this way: A person catches cold. The cold Is not properly cured, and another cold 1> caught. This cold Is dilly-dallied with, either by no treatment whatever or Homo treat ment that Is ineffectual, and the cold continues. Then another cold is caught and a cough develops. Cough syrups are ro- sorled to, Init they give only temporary relief. By anil by the patient gets tired of taking medicines and cough syrups and gives up in despair. The cold continues to develop and flia cough grows worse. Then the doctor is called In, only to discover that (lie patient Is In the first stages of consumption. II was Just in tills way that Miss Powell, of Aurora, Ind., beenino sick. She caught a cold, and not considering It serious, neglected 11, thinking as many others do, that It would “wear off.” However, It dung to her tenaciously, and In two weeks she found her health In a serious condition. Fortunately, Peruna had been brought to her nollee, and she took a course of Ibis remedy before It was too late. In ft week tlie cough mid cold wore broken, and a three weeks’ treatment completely restored her to health. Thlslswlial Peruna Is doing all the while. Not a day, and probably not an hour passes In which some one doos not have a similar experience with Peruna. Cure the Slight Colds and Avoid Consumption. The first step toward consumption la a cold. The next step is a failure lo euro lt^tromptly. Tins third step Is tho de velopment of cutarrh, which gradually becomes chronic. The fourth step, tho catarrh begins to spread from tho head lo tho throat, thon to tho bronchial tubes, and finally Into the lungs. Ills thon consumption In tho'flrst stage. Alany time during tho progress of < i- tarrh, from the llrst onset of tho oo! to Its final settlement In tho lungs, Peruna can ho relied upon to stop tlio disease. Tf you have taken a cold, buy Peruna without delay. One bottle In tho be ginning will do more good than a half dozen bottles after the catarrh has fastened Itself on the lungs. Thousands of Testimonials. Wo have on' file thousands of testi monials from people who have been cured of catarrh of the lungs by Peruna. Wo can give our readers only a slight glimpse of tho vast array of unsolicited endorsements we ure receiving every month. Noother j hyshdan In the world has received such a volume of enthu siastic letters of thunks os Ur. Uartiuuu for Peruna. Vsk Your Druggist for Free Peruna Almmiao for M)()i> II. .1. Morgan, of Columbus, formerly of Newnan, spent yester day here with friends. Miss Helen Glide is the attrat 'd ve gu st of Mass Lizzie Relic Farmer. CONCERNING DREAMS. Pogue-Broad water. The New Tasteless <.'aster Oil, nbkolulely tasteless Die e.lunis o lie. urHI al Reese’s Ding Sp.ic. pale, i be t- Hnwinim's Headache kinds of headache ;n < Tablets cure rnlgin, II IneHM—The lady’s grandmother,Mrs. Elizabeth tertained at a family dinner party Thursday. Covers were laid for fourteen guests and the affair was S. 1 lent of this city. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Gamp, Mrs. Lynch Turner and Miss Kate Faver attended the wedding of their cousin, Mr. Griffin Hastin, and Miss Thompson, in Fayette Often I nil icn t e n Sc 111 Ind See In Dreanis. Harvey, who discovered tho clrcula lion of the blood, Is said to have re corded a dream In which a bumblebee | slung him in his left thigh, on a place I where a couple of days later appeared an ugly ulcer. Maloslierbe, the re nowned French author, found himself I excellent in a dream attacked by a rowdy, who stabbed him In Ids left breast with a dagger In an area where the following evening be felt the llrst attack of sc- Mr. W. M. Rogue and Miss Alma Broadwater were united in marriage last Tuesday evening ;it| per box at Reese’s Drug Store, the lesidencn ol the bride’s par- Rnwiiutii's Magnetic Liniment cm cuts, M r. and Mrs D W. Broad-1 rlioumntiniii, water, in this city. Dr G. A, Nunnally was the officiating minis ter. in the employ of (Mils, sprniiiH, bruisoH, still joints, tootbaclio books. Price like and fide per Reese's Drug Store. wounds, mil Iiiiiio bottle at holidays. Capt. and Mrs. Royal Smith, of Cartersville, were among the holi- county, last Wednesday evening. q a y visitors in Newnan. Captain vere pneumonia. “The urelilvos of one of the pleasant events of the j medical reports,” says Dr. Axel Emil Hibson, “are heavy with cases of a similar character, which have either Mr. Rogue is R. D. Gole Mfg. Co. arid enjoys the confidence and esteem of his em ployers. He is a young man ol laractcr and with a promising future. Ilis bride is a charming and popular young wo man, wlio is much admired in her circle cl friends. Wanted- lioiud and room for one or more telegraph siinlciils. Prof .lolm- son, Superintendent Telegraph School. Dr. Reese's Gliolcm Infantum and. Teething Powders for teething children. Price like per box at Reese’s Drug Store, Cotton seed bulls for sale at “i I 3 cents, not delivered. V. K. Mangel, .1:. Money to loan on real estate el 7 p- r dent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. W B, Hood, of Griffin, spent! Hides Wonted- Will pny best price h Wayne Sewell, a well known and popular ('oweta hoy from the Roseoe neighborhood, who now re- j sides in Augusta and holds a good position with the Chronicle, is spending the holidays among rela- fives and friends in his native I county. Dr. ami Mrs. Z. Greene enter tained at an elegant dinner last to Smith is a son of the late eminent Georgian, “Bill Arp.” Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wright en tertained a few of their married friends Saturday evening at a card party. After the game refresh ments were served, Mrs. '/. Greene entertained the Euchre Club at her home Friday afternoon most pleasantly. After Wednesday, complimentaiy to a ; the game a delicious salad course number of Mrs. Greene’s relatives. received no explanation at all or else the first of the week wit i his fam- green hides for next, fow weeks. January and will mercantile busine- One of the nm delightful social a days was a fa mil residence ol Mr. engage in the interesting and airs of the holi- retmiou A'. T Arnall, in Senoia, on Dee. 2i th. All of Mr. Arnall’s children, with one ex ception, were present. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. It. Jenkins, of Senoia, and Hon. L. M. Farmer, of New nan, were also present. Their guests were Mi nail, of Senoia, ITof. nail and family, of Teun., Prof. L. T. F. daughter, of Hampton, Ga., Air. ,J. G. Arnall, of Senoia, MissSallie first of Arnall, of Birmingham, Ala. Capt. S. S. Nash, Superintend ent of the county chaingang, en tertained the county commissioners and other officers of the county at the and a number of other citizens at his camp, near Senoia, last Tues day, at a Chiistmas dinner. One of the finest dinners ever partaken of by his guests was served. Everybody present voted the gen ial Capt. a prince among enter tainers. huvo boon explained away entirely." Dr. Hibson culls attention to tbe fuct that dreams depend on some other media than those known as the live senses. A conclusive evidence in fa vor ol’ tills view Is found In the cir cumstances that even Uie blind ure able to see In dreams, as witness ex periences recorded by Helen Keller, “Blind Torn,” the poet Milton and oth ers; hence the conclusion seems to be unavoidable that It is only us fur as physical vision Is concerned that Uie optic nerve guides und limits tho field of vision. This same uutlior arrives at the de duction that dreaming arid waking dll’- ] for In degree and form of manlfesta- I linn only, not in principle and essences. \ "Like waking consciousness,” he avers, I “tho dream reveals, but does not cre- ; ate. The same world that, surrounds J the pastorate of the Baptist church I the waking individual surrounds the dreaming, only the viewpoints and me - in of observation are changed.”— Chicago News. ily here, i (’iirmieli'inl, Newnan, mmumtmmp#'* With ThanKs was served. Rev. W. W. Roop has resigned W. T. Al la Igar Ar- Centerville, Arnall and at Temple and Rev. W. A. Davis, of Senoia, has been called as his successor. who Was .)OKt a Dreuia. sue old fellow over at Fort Kill lias been in this section of the coumr.v for a good many years onVo dreamed that there was an Indian -. ,.ieru on the summit; of Signal moiaii tm. He afterward began to tell that dta-ain, and at length told the sto ry for Die truth. That dream has gone down iu history as an actual fact. There never was a massacre on this mountain, nor even a battle of any sort. In early days, after tbe establish ment of Fort Sill, the soldiers had a signal ■ station there, built tbe Louse that is now crumbling iu ruins and York, after spending the ; possibly observed the maneuvers of .many , Comauches.”—Lawton News- The many friends of -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edge regret that they left Wednesday for Atlanta, where they will make their future home. Dr. J. G. Earnest came down Wednesday from Atlanta, on a short visit to his sister, Mrs. T W, Rowel. To the public for the'gonerous pat ronage accorded Bradley's Drug Store during the prosperous year of 1005, and with heartiest wishes for tlie success and happiness of everybody during tlie year 1000, ail are cordially invited to trade next year at the same old stand. Air. Wade Dent leaves .Monday for New holidays with his family G. R-. Bradley, Druggist