Newspaper Page Text
Missps 'nary Farmer nnd Hen lull
Shell, acconi|ianie(l hy Josh ■ Farmer,
visited friends and relatives ut Hanning
last Saturday nnd Sunday.
Tom Cox, who has been confined to
Ina bed for over two months, in nblo to
tie out aKain.
Mr. and Mm. llonier Allen moved
last week into the rooms recently vaca
ted hy (Jharlie Meeks.
Mr. .1 T. Freeninn bus been confined
to Ids room for over a week.
Miss Iiiila l J liili|>s spent last Sunday
with relatives and friends here.
Taylor Criswell, from Carroll county,
spent several days with tile families of
.) T. Freeman and Homer Allen.
Grandmother (tiles, who lias boon in
li eble health for a lon« while, is Krow-
ii x worse.
Misses Hell and Myrtice ChmhoI, who
have been living here for a loiitf while,
moved io the country last week.
Mrs. S A. Music was taken suddenly
m last Fiiilny iii^lit and was in a criti
cal condition wlo n last heard from
Mr. and Mrs. John Morris visilod tie-
family of .1 K. Farmer last Sunday
Mrs. •lohii-on.liom Senoia, has moved
Into the rooms recently vacated hy Mr.
and Mrs. I hum r Allen.
(ini new houses arc all ccupicd. Still
there are people wanting houses and
w tin can't In supplied.
Mr. ami Mrs .lullu Hrynlil were the
recipients ut a nice little New Years
present. Il wan a hoy.
Young liovcmi, from Hanning, is
down sjs'iuling sonic lime with Ins
brothers, T I! and K H. Iiovern.
John Clirisltun happened to the mis
Inrtuiic In gel Ins hand hadly cut last
Saturdny afternoon. Il has disahled
him for several days.
Mr. ,1. W. ll'inson, from Oarrollton,
spout Iasi Sunday willi relalives in our
•Iiin Welch and David Huchauon,
from Oarrollton, s|>ciit last Sunday with
tliolronuslli, Mrs. T. O. McGuhue.
Our day school nix'iiml up last week
with a very good attendant e. Miss Fay
< 'armielmel was appointed assistant
The Sunday schools wero Hotli well
attended last Sunday morning. Mrs.
K. O Iteese accepted a class at the
(Jiapel. Mrs. Iteese Is a flue teacher.
Bro. W. J. (loiter preached a very in
teresting sermon at the linvojoy Meiiinr-
tal Uliuroh Inst Sunday morning, and it
was very much appreciated hv all who
hoard it. NVn hope to hear him again.
Presiding Elder Allen preiiohed at mghi.
Bro. Gnines will prciiuh next Sunday
at eleven and seven. Dct. all who call
turn out. Yon will he sure to hear
soiiietliiug guild.
Bro. Iiiiytou will preach at the tlhapoj
on next Sunday iiioriiiug and evening.
Mrs. Gid Brook wns appointed organ
ist for church and Sunday school at the
dispel last Sunday morning.
A goodly number of our people met at
Mr. Henry Reynolds’ last Sunday after
noon mid had some splendid music.
Boyd Stevens presided at the organ.
W T e wish for the News a most success
ful year. We hope there will bit many
things in its j rages that will be helpful
to its many renders—both morally and
Miss Ruby Jones is staying with her
brother, Mr. John Jones, and attending
school ul Happy Valley.
Miss Enrlinu Johnson, of Carroll
county, Inis heen visiting her sister,Mrs
T. H. Newton, near Sargent.
Jim Reid and Glenn West are going
to Farmer's High School near Sargent.
Allen Palmer, w ho fell from a tree a
few weeks ago. i- lining fairly well.
The next meeting of the (». L. A. I).
<'lull will lie al the home of Mr. C. H.
Newton next Saturday night
Joe Shackleford, of Newnan, and
Miss Susie Hyde, of this eonimunilv,
visited the family of Mr. Bob < 'upelaiid,
at Welcome, last Sunday.
Miss Julia Jones, wlm spent the holi
days with home folks, returned toCnl-
lodcn the latter part of last, week to ri -
sume her school duties.
Dr, K. W. Starr has returned to At
lanta to resume his studies in dentistry.
Miss Klein Glass, of Happy Valley,
wlm has laid typhoid fever, is recover
John H. Cox, who came from Locust
Grove to spend Christmas with home
folks, returned to school last Monday.
The visiting ministers did not. attend
our Saturday meeting in December to
assist in ordaining Messrs. K. H. New
ton, A. H. Kang, W. J. Moore nml J. R.
Thurmond as deacons of Mnncdonia
church. The invited ministers are Rev.
.1. It. S. Davis, Dr. G. A. Nunuully and
Rev. J. 8. Hardaway, of Newnan. The
ordination was ]M>st|ioucil until our next
meeting, Jan. 18th.
Albert Sewell and family, who moved
to Atlanta last fall, have moved lint k
near Happy Valley.
Henry Stokes, a well known negro of
ibis community, died a few days ago.
Miss Kula Reid, of Carrollton. o|s'iied
her school at this place last week. Miss
Reid is boarding with Mr. and Mrs. Jim
The ginnery at this place has (dost d
for the season. The total number of
bales ginned in IMOft was Mio.
Rev. Mr. Chastain bus resigned ns
pastor of Liberty church for this year.
The pulpit will be tilled by Rev. K. T.
Carter at the next meeting, at which
Before deciding on u place to
trade in 11HX5, talk over the
matter with Stewart Si Parks,
Give our Big stock a thorough
examination and note the pric
es named on everything. We
have the goods aud prices to
get the trade of either cash
purchasers or those desiring
Stewart & Parks.
M»HMmM>lllll>IIH>ll ■MMMMM1HMI ■■■■■■■■
time arrangements will be made for an
other pastor.
Mr. Bob Braswell and family, who
moved from this section to Texas over
a year ago, have moved back near Ros-
Mr. Thomas D. Haines and family,
who formerly resided near Newnan,
have moved nhout two and one half
miles north of Sargent.
The meeting day at Liberty, which
was the fourth Sunday last year, lias
been changed to the first, Sunday.
Mr. F. H. Redwine hns purchased a
sawmill aud set it up at Ins ginnery.
Mrs. Rdiecca Lester, of Newnan spent
a few days last week with her brother,
Mr. T. F. Jones.
Prof. 0. It. Sewell lias a flourishing
school at Happy Valley. Miss Lourette
(Russ will nssisl Prof. Sewell in teach
ing (lie school.
We have again contracted for a large quantity ot Armour s
Fertilizers. All our customers are so well pleased with the
result of Armour’s that we have increased our contract very
much this year and are well prepared to do you good on Guano.
Services were held at the M. 1C.
church Sunday, conducted by the pas
tor, Rev. A H. S. Mugg.
At the annual (‘lection held here Sat
urday for municipal officers for l'.HHl.thc
following were reelected: VV. A. Post,
N (). Hanks, W. A. Bohannon, T. M
Zollars, W. J. Fuller. The following
wore installed: lion W.A. Host,Mayor;
C. P. Glower, Clerk; John T. White,
Mr. Hen Kirby and family, of New
nan, were guests Monday at the home
or Mr. L. W. Bohannon.
We regret to hear that Miss Tommie
Whit" is home from Wesleyan College
suffering from an attack of logrippe.
Monday Misses Arnold and Cleveland
went to Decatur to visit Miss Lucile
Arnold, who is a student at Agnes
Miss Kilim White visited friends ill La
Grange Saturday and Sunday.
Misses May McDonald, of Carrollton,
and Florence McWilliams, of Newnan,
are guests of Mrs. Emmett Sewell at the
Null House.
Kittle Thomas Colly iKipiitesick with
a cold.
Mrs. J. V. Hodges, of Hognusville,
was in Gruntvillo Saturday.
Misses Gertie Post, Edna White, Jen
nie Hunks Arnold, Lida Cleveland,
Messrs James Harrow, Delninr Owens,
Dr. Roan, Dr. Huggand Carl Sewell at
tended the opera in IIogaUBvilte one
evening lust week.
Miss Ruby O’Kelly, who has been the
guest of her cousin, Miss Sallio Hopson,
Ims returned to the Southern Female
College, La (irange.
Miss Ada Taylor is spending a few
days in Atlanta.
Mrs. J. B. Broadwater and Miss Mary
Broadwater are home from a visit, to
Senoia and Moreland.
Mr. and Mrs. U. F Brannon, of More
land, visited friends here Sunday.
Messrs. L. W. Bohannon. T. M. Les
ter and L. P. Bryant were in Newnan
G. M. Walker, of Monroe, is shaking
hands with his old friends'’here this
Mr. .Meritus Word, of ilognnsville,
was in Gmntviltc Monday.
Mrs. Ode Garret, of Lutherville,visit
ed the family of Mr. James Thompson
We are glad to see Mr. Abner Cnmp
up again from an attack of grippe.
Dr. Letson and family lmve moved
here from Lone Oak. He will be as
sociated in the practice of medicine
with Dr. G. W. Glower.
A few changes have been made by
some of the leading merchants of our
town. Boozer Payne, of Hogansville,
lias accepted a position with the tiriu of
Banks & Arnold. Edwin Bunks, who
lately returned from a business course
at Poughkeepsie, nnd Tom Fuller, who
last year wns with W. A. Bohannon,
are ulso employed ns salesmen. W. A.
Bohannon hits Messrs. Joe Bohniinon,
Robert Bolmiinou and Slaughter Lam
bert ns salesmen. The Sewell Merchan
dise Co., besides the Arm, has Mr. Doc
Robinson; while Charlie Cotton is em
ployed by Mr. L. P. Bryant.
“Uncle Duke” Cole and Col. R. O.
Jones, of Newnan, are attending a
stockholders meeting of the Grnntville
Hosiery Mills today.
We are getting in
now five carloads No. 1 Timothy Hay, Corn, Flour, Salt,
Syrup and Tobacco.
Mules and horses, and all kinds of plow goods in large
Sheriff's Sale.
, GEORGIA—Coweta County.
Will be sold before the oourt bouse
door iu the city of Newnan, said State
1 and oouuty, ou the first Tuesday in Feb
ruary, UK)6, between the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the
! following described property:
! A tract or parcel of laud situated aud
being in the First Distriot of Coweta
j county, Georgia, and known and dis-
! tiuguished as the west half of lot of
| laud No. 363; containing 101 1-4 acres,
j more or less; and 16 acres, more or less,
of the northeast ooruer of lot of laud
No. 345, iu said district; bouuded as fol-
' lows: On north by J. B. Delk and W.
R. McCrary, ou east by M. H. Conch
and W. C. Eluiore, on south by Nixon
estate, on west by B. F. Cook Levied
ou as the property of W. M. Glass, and
iu his possession, to satisfy a fl. fa. is
sued from the City Court of Newnan,
Oct. term, l'.Klfi, in favor of J. H. Sliul-
key ami against said W. M. Glass.
Tenant iu possession notified iu terms of
the law. This Jan. 10, UHki.
J. L. BROWN, Sheriff.
Money to loan on real estate st 7 per
cent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. |
Of .$80,000 worth of clean, seasonable merchandise, beginning
we will offer the largest stock of general merchandise at special cut and unload
ing prices that has ever been witnessed in Newnan, Our present stock and the
one purchased of J. W. Stripling & Son invoice between $36,000 and $38,000.
We have the quantity, the quality and the price inducement that should inter
est every prudent buyer. We have but one excuse to offer for the sacrifice in
price, and that is, we have bought a bargain and must sell it in season. This
sale means spot cash to one and all,-as we must convert our goods into ready
cash. The two stores have been made into one and our force of help increased
so we are prepared to wait on and handle the crowd. This sale means that
price lowness prevails all through the stores ; thousands of good things under
their value are the temptations for your business.
1200 pairs towels, value 15c
everywhere, each 10c
2000 yards embroideries, val
ue up to 20c, yd IQc
200 men’s hats, values up to
♦1.50, each 40c
One lot ladies’ fine shoes,
mostly small sizes, values
up to 1.25 at 40c
All 8.50 King Quality and
Bostonian shoes in heavy
weight at $2.75
500 pairs odd shoes in men’s,
women’s and children’s at
about one-half their value.
All winter suits and over
coats, $12 to $15 values
at S9.85
$10 suits at S7.48
$7.50 to $8.50 suits. .. $5.95
1000 negligee shirts, values
up to $1 at 85c each or
8 for $1.00
500 negligee shirts, values up
to 50c, each . 25c
1100 pairs fast black seam
less hose, value 10c.
All winter underwear,
values at
All winter underwear, $1.00
values at 75c
All children’s 25c underwear
One lot ladies’ long
vests, each
All 10c outings at. . . .
All 7 1-2 outings at.. .5
All fancy silks reduced about
We have a lot of shirt waist
patterns and remnants
which are priced to
All ladies’ wraps priced at
great sacrifice. About 25
nice jackets to close quick.
12 yards of 10c bleached do
mestic for $1.00
Fine English long cloth, 12
yard pieces, bolt. ... “
8(5 inch pajama checks
ue 12 l-2c at yd
2000 bars Octogon soap, 3
Only 8 bars to a customer.
All groceries at wholesale
To get a better idea of our
bargains see our circular;
for a bargain feast attend
the sale. All goods are cash;
any purchase not satisfac
tory can be returned and get
your money back. We want
your business, but will use
none but legitimate
to secure it.