The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, January 12, 1906, Image 5

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    Fine Gold Rings
I have a larg* 1 * stock of gold
rings, and in the lot are some
worth from $20 to $05. These
1 Would like to close out at
once, and will make special
prices on them for early sale
These rings are of artistic
workmanship and are as beau
tiful as can be found in any
jewelry stock. I| will be worth
while for any prospective buyer
of a handsome ring to examine
t hese.
The Jeweler
Local News of Newnan I
January 15th,
the comic opera success,
Much interest is taken in the
return engagement of the beggar
Prince Opera Co., which made
such a lasting impression with our
show going public when last seen
They return playing an entirely new
opera, ’‘Said Pasha.” The company is
enlarged since seen hero and the chorus
will display some elegant and elaborate
costumes. Harry La Volin and Miss
Etta Morris are still the iinpertaut feat
ures m the cast. The music is of the
light opera order mid the ooinedy is fast
and furious.
Prices tire 25c, 50c and 75c.
Seats on sale at Ilradley’s.
P. L. Sutherland, Esq., of .Jack
sonville, Fla., is in the city.
Hon. \V. A. Post was up from
Grantville last Tuesday.
George Dews spent Sunday with
home folks in Atlanta.
Mrs. ,T. T. Carpenter has been
indisposed during the past week.
Miss Mary Parrott spent Wed
nesday in Atlanta.
born—To Mr. and .Mrs. W. C.
Mcbride. last Monday, a son. #
Mrs. F. 11. Folger, of Atlanta,
is the guest of Miss Hosadelle
i Holmes.
For Sale—Some line Berkshire
pigs. Apply to .). W. Melson.
Newnan. Gu.
'l'he youngest child of Mr. ami
Mrs. Fiank Wilkinson, an Infant
a few months o.d, is quite siek.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. R. Holt have
returned from Chattanooga, where
they visited relatives.
The Salmagundi Club will meet
with Miss belle Vernon King Fri
day, instead of Thursday.
Mrs. M. L. Holmes, of Atlanta,
is the guest of Mr. W. H. Holmes
and family.
T. P. Fouse, of Spartanburg, S.
C., is in the city, the guest of his
father, (.’apt, E. 1). Fouse.
Mrs. I*. B. Murphey entertained
a few friends informally Tuesday
Miss Martini Johnson has re
turned from Milledgeville, where
she s*pent the holidays.
Col. Frank S. Loftin was over
from Franklin the first of the
Judge W. F. Brown, Col. Bell
and Mr. Jackson, of Carrollton,
visited Newnan last Tuesday.
Col. W. 1). Hamrick and Col.
Hood were down from Carrollton
lest Monday.
John D. Favor has gone to Flor
ida to be the guest of H. W. Mat
tox, of West Tocai, for a week or
Get the goods at the New York
bargain Store—and get ’em quick.
The wreck sale lasts but four days
Saturday, Jan. 13,
W. A. Filer presents
Rip Van Winkle
with a cast of 25 people. Six fine
specialty artists. Superb band
and concert orchestra. Parade at
2 p. ra; band concert at 7:80 p.
in. Prices, 25c, 50c, 75c. Seats
nuw on sale.
Miss Mary Johnson, of Gaines-
! ville, who is teaching in the pub
lic schools, will be will) Mrs. John
Catos for the winter.
Lost—Muley milk cow, cream
colored, wearing halter. Strayed
last Friday. Finder notify C. L.
Walker at W. S. Askew Co’s.
The $25 chiffonier given away
at ,1. B. Hutchens’ store was won
by Mrs. J. 0. Coats, who held the
winning ticket, number 2022.
Bred in Old Kentucky
Our Mr. Powell spent
two weeks among the
stock farms of Ken
tucky, with the result
that our pens are fill
ed with the kind that
make Jordan cotton.
Mrs. F. P. Johnston is spending
a month at Lake City, Florida.
L. I’. Bryant, Esq., was lip
from Grantville last Monday.
Col. Syd Holdorncss, of Carroll
ton, was in the city Tuesday.
Mr. Joe Hutchinson, of Hutch
inson's Ferry, was in the city Mon
Miss Joannio Paris is now
stenographer in the law oil Ice of
Hon. L. M. Fanner.
Judge S. W. Harris, of Carroll
ton, was in the city a short time
last Saturday.
Miss Mary Louise Smith is the
guest of Miss Louise Todd in At
Lost—One gold necklace with
onitials “13. K. L.” Return to
News office and receive reward.
Mr. and Mrs. Haney Niinmous,
of LaGrange, spent last Sunday
with relatives in the city.
Mrs. W. II. Holmes and daugh
ter, Mi ss Jessie, have returned
from Atlanta.
Mrs. L. I,. Scarborough, of An
niston, Ala., is the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. li. E. Simms.
Miss Eula Jones, of Newnan, is
visiting Mrs. J. R. Thaxton.—
Griffin News and Sun.
For Sale—A judgement against
T. F. Shackleford*. Apply to lock
box 881, Newnan, Ga. tf
Cora is the name of the little
daughter who came to the home of
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Cole last
Thursday night.
Prof. A. S. Joues, who is in
charge of the school at Handy, re
ports a large enrollment and line
prospects for the term.
Humphrey Tompkins, a promi
nent citizen of Heard county, was
among the visitors in town last
Saturday. .
John Simpson and family have
removed to Newnan from the coun
try. They reside in the Saxon
House on Temple Avenue.
Judge Ij. A. Perdue was in Se-
noia last Monday on business con
nected with the payment of pen
Frank Stripling and family have
removed to their country home,
and their former residence hero is
occupied by Mr. Ramon and I'am-
Swint and Harmon Holmes are
with the surveying corps onion
tlie river, whore plans are being
made for the erection of the cloc-
, trie power plant.
Mrs. Hugh Wood roof and
daughter, Miss Emily, of Savan
nah, are the guests of Mr. and
j Mrs. George It. Spender and fain-
j ily. Mr. Wood roof will come up
| from Savannah next Sunday.
P. T. McCutchon and family
have removed from Greeneville
[Street to one of Capt. J. A. Hun
ter’s houses on Sitesville Street.
C. S. Fincannon and family now
eside in the house vacated by
Watch for the band at two
o’clock and seven o’clock on Sat
urday, Jan. 13th—the great band
with the Rip Van Winkle company
that appears at the Auditorium
that night in one of the best scenic
productions of the year.
W. W. Kirby and family are
now occupying the residence va
cated by J. W. Stripling and fam
ily. Mrs. J. T. Kirby, Sr., and
Miss ina Kirby are residing at the
same place, and their former home
is occupied by R. 8. Paris and
See Rip Van Winkle at the
Auditorium, Saturday night, Jan.
13th. The company presenting
this great production travels in its
own Pullman car, carries one of
best bands and orchestras on the
road; special scenery, beautiful
costumes and electrical effects.
The Southern School of Tele
graphy is filling up rapidly with
students for the work of the win
ter term. About sixty students
a-e in attendance and more are
coming daily. Ten young men
came in Monday and joined the
Peruna is recommended by fifty members of
Congress, by Governors, Consuls, Generals,
Majors, Captains, Admirals, Eminent Physicians,
Clergymen, many Hospitals and pub/ic institu
tions, and thousands upon thousands of those in
the humbler walks of life.
Owing* to the cumbersome
nature of the wares, and in
order to make room for a dif
ferent class of goods, we off er
our entire stock of crockery
and tinware at cost. Many
serviceable pieces in this line
will he sold at less than cost.
This is a serious proposi
tion—we mean exactly what
we say. Therefore, if you
need any wares of this de
scription it will be to your
advantage to see ns at once.
We are determined to close
out the lot as speedily as pos
The Bay Street Grocers
Telephone 55