The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, January 12, 1906, Image 6

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J ,
Increase Your
| Yields PerAerji
ffn hnvr ■■ many actual
photograph* r, l cotton
l.cliln mi whlrh no fertilizer* were
iih«-c| nuil plctur* •»-( il' hla on which
••other tunK■ ~" m fertilizin'* were
n-cil. HiMiltf ot tin cropa wnro
illHiiml (mill r*-« 'I hern me much
• orlehter ahoatl for tho
l'mine-alvr I urine ra ot the houlh.
Tivo nnd Hire. I ■ * ** to the aero aro
only ordinary yield* whero
Virqinia-Carolina Fertilizers
are u«ei| with proper cultivation.
Make too r i ot ton mature curly, ami
t hint i H. npe the hull weevliaItlltl ol her
(himail 1 y ItiKeelH Von i nn oiiHlIy do
title, it .'ell 11 h Increaie the niiniher
of ho]Innrid theirtd/.clon your plant*
l,y jiln-nt11iilly tiaiiinr Vlrglnla-Cnro-
11mi Kert.lll/ers. T li Io un i hod will
III rneodoual}' "Inereiiae your yields
per m u " Don't l>c looled Into buy-
lnK “ substitute.
Vlr|[lrila 'Carolina Chemical Ct.
Illehtriond, Va,
Norfolk. Va.
Ilinhtim. N. C.
t thin lei.ton, H. C.
Ilnltlniore. Mil.
Atlnntn (In.
Havnnnah. (la.
Mont roil" ry. Ala.
MemplilH. Tenn.
Hhrt veport, Lit.
I nin n emidi'lnle I’m Tux (’olleotor,
Ini' t III' II lte\ | il I ell III til ol the lull' II. K.
I hivie« Will ii|i|dccmie ilie KU|i|Mirt of
ii' iv voter ol ('owe t n rou nly; mid, If
elected, will try to nerve the |ieo|ilo
faithfully itlltl till tile ofllre to tllO heat
ot my ability
Ah It in ‘ only a abort time until tho
I'll unity, null I mil routined hi the ofllre
ni tliiN bu»y tune ol year, it will bn im-
pOHHlblr to see many of the voters |X'r-
snnnllr: lint I trual all will remember
me on (In\ ol primary. My ouudidney
In Niibjeet to arllon of Democratic
To tbc vtitera of Coweta County:
I am a candidate for lax collector for
the unexpired term. I take tlila method
only to np|H-al to the voters, for I haven't
the time to make a Iioiinc to Imuae can-
viihn, iin I el in 11 In. Inlay in tile acbool
room; and I haven't the luoliuntlou, aa 1
tie not think it ueoeaNiiry to nppral to
intelligent votera by kissing all the
liable*. I ahull appreciate your help.
1 hereby nlllliniuce uiyaelf a eandidate
for the otltoe of Tux Collector to till tho j
nnexpired K. Davies,
deceaaud, and will appreciate the in-
flucuoo and aiipport ot the Democratic
voters nf the county. My candidacy ia
of courae subject to the notion ot th(>
Democratic parly.
I take ihia metlioil of notifying my 1
fricuda that I am a enudidnto for Tax
Oolleotor to till the vucuuoy oaused by
the death of Kev. II It Davies. I need |
the oilier, and will he grateful for the
Mipport of my fricinU. M i onndidacy
la subject to the notion of the Deimi-
erntic party
Ordinary’s ttocices.
(>K( )HGI \ -Coweta (jountv.
.1 D Simma and .1. K. Simms, nd-
luiniatratora of estate of George K.
Hiinuia. derena. tl, havinif applied to the
• tourt of (i rd inn ry ot said County for
leave to aril the lands, and Railroad
Slock a and Honda, belonging to estate ol
spjil deceased, all persons concerned nre
rei|tured to show rnnsi in said Conrt by
the IIrat Monday in February next, if
any they can, why said application
should not lie grained. This January
2nd, inon.
L. A. PURDUE, Ordinary
GEORGIA -Coweta Oountv.
W. If. HnrfleM, Admr of estate of
Elizabeth I) Vines, deceased, having
applied to the Oourt of • irdinury of said
Comity for letters of dismission from his
said trust, all prisons concerned nre re
quired to show cans 'in said Court by
the first Monday in February next, if
any they call, why said application
should not he grunted. This January
I at, mod.
L A PERDUE, Ordinary.
(. L< )|{< il A Oiiwcta County.
Tin isintiof Emily Gay, Lunatic, of
said County, being unrepresented and
not likely to he represented, all persona
conci'Mii'd are required to show cause in
tin* Court of Ordinary of said Oount v,
on the llrat. Monday in February next,
why guardianship of the property of
said lunatic should not he vested in tho
County Guardian. This January 2nd,
loon. Ii, A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
GKOKGIA -Coweta County.
The estate of C. B. Newman, Inti* of
said County, deoenaed, tiring unrepre
sented and not likely to he represented,
all |M>raona concerned nre required to
show cause in the Court of Ordinary of
said County, on tile first Monday in i
February next, why such administra
tion do bouts non ahouldjnot 1)0 vested
in tho County Admiuiatrator.
This .Inn. -i, mod.
Early Jewish Settlers of Xswport*
The first Jewish sermon which was!
preached in America and lias hern
published was delivered In the Newport
synagogue on May its, tTT.'t. by Kabhl
Ilayyim Isaac Curregnl. This was de
livered in Spanish and was translated
Into English. Carregnl was a most in
teresting personality. He appears to
have pome from Palestine and was on
terms of Intimacy with Ezra Stiles, the
president of Yale college. Ttie first
Jewish eluti In America was formed In
17(11 at Newport, with a membership
limited to nine persons. Just Irefore
the outbreak of the Revolutionary war
the Jewish population of Newport must
have numbered nearly 1,000 souls. The
war dispersed ifr- community, and It
never regained Its Importance. The
Jews, for the most part, espoused the
colonial cause anil lost the greater purt
of their property when the town whs
captured by the British. A few return
ed to the city lifter the war, and In
1700 the congregation presented an ad
dress to Washington on the occasion
of Ids visit to the city. Abrnhnm Touro
bequeathed a fund to the city of New-'
purl 1o maintain the synagogue ns well
mh the cemetery. This fund Is still In
existence, though no representatives of
the original families now live in The
city.— Jewish Encyclopedia.
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Coweta County.
The estate of Mrs. M ary| Sewell, late
of said County,£doaenso(l, being unrep
resented and not likely to bo represented,
all persons ooneerned are required to
show cause in the Oourt’of Ordinary of
irnid Oiunity, on the first Monday in
February next, why such administra
tion should not he vested In tho County
Administrator. This Jan. bib, liMki.
Ij. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
Now York’* l<'inlM»rnt«»n.
Every day through the spring and
summer and iiiilnmii and almost every
day In winter a bout leaves one of the
East river piers hound for the deep sea
fishing hanks, says Bertha II. Smith In
Four Track News. Every passenger
on board Is of that true democracy, the
democracy of the rod nnd reel. Not
death Itself is more of a common lev-'i
eler thou Hie fishing rod, iinil who
crosses the gangplank of this fishing
Hlenmbnnt leaves class distinction be
hind. T’ho professional man fleeing
business for a day, the clerk with a
holiday on Ids hands, the mechanic
thrown into Idleness by a strike, the
Invalid who finds the city Irksome and
longs for a sniff of the seu, old men,
young hoys and all ages nnd stages of
tunnklnd between may be seen In the
stream of people that dribbles along
the pier while the sun Is yet dodging
behind the Brooklyn housetops. The
ninn who would go deep sea fishing
must lie up hotlines, for It Is n good
three hours’ run to the fishing banka.
Dangers of • Cold and How to Avoid
More fntnlities have their origin in or
result from a odd tlmu from any other
cause. This fact alone should make
|s)0|)le more careful an there is tin dan
ger whatever from a cold when it is
proiHirly treated in the beginning. For
many years Uliaiuberlnin's Cough Rem
edy has been recognized as the most
prompt and efl’eotunl medicine in use
for this disease. It acts on nature's
plan, loosens the cough, relieves the
lungs, o|H<ns the secretions nnd aids na
ture in restoring the system to a healthy
condition. Sold by Dr. Paul Peniston,
Ncwimn, Ga.
A Bit of Australian Slung.
"Wallaby” Is an Australian slang
word, and It once puzzled an English
aecretary of state for the colonies, as It
might well puzzle any one tint an Aus
tralian. This minister was once visited
by Sir Charles Oavan Duffy, and refer
ence was made to a masterful Austra
lian governor who had come Into con
flict with the colonial office. “I hear he
has roturned to an island off the coast
and has surrounded himself with wal
labies,’ remarked the English states
man. “Yes," replied Kir Qavnn, “I
dare say he Is making himself as com-
fortnhle ns he can." "You surprise me," j
was the reply. "What must be the i
stale of morality In a country where i
you make light of such n proceeding'.'"
Hlr (Invim had to explain Hint tin* soci
ety of kangaroos Is not forbidden by
the Decalogue.
Libol for Oivorco.
Kiimin 1 Winkles .
Waymond Winklo '
Libel for Divoii c in (’nvvrln Superior
Court, March Term, 11KK1
(»K( >Kl i IA -Coweta County.
To Waymond Winkles, Defendant in
tin above stated ease:
You are hereby n-quircd, in |hthou or
by Attorney, to lie aud ap|N<ar ui the
next term of the Superior Com t to ho
held in mid lor -am County on the that
Monday in March, IIHItl, then and there
toauswei the |iialutltV ill mi action of 1
Llbd tor Divorce: as in default thereof,
said Cnurl will proceed thereon as to
justice max appertain
Witness tin linn. U W. Freeman,
.lodge el said Court, tills Hie *Jnd day of
.lijaiaaiy, I tiki 1. TURNER, Clerk.
Wood's Seed Book
FOR 1906
■s one of the handsomest and
most valuable publications of
tlie kind issued. The useful
and practical hints contained
in the annual issues of Wood's
Seed Book make it a most
valuable help to Bll Farmers
and Gardeners aud it has long
been recognised as au up-to-
date authority on all
Garden and Farm Seeds,
particularly f..r southern planting.
Yfoods Seed Book mailed
free to Fanners and Gardeners
ujion request. Write for It
T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen,
We solicit your orders direct, for both
If your merchant dor- not sell
A Jamaican Lady Speaks Highly of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Mrs. Michael Hart, wife of the super
intendent of Cart Service at Kingston,
Jamaica, West Indies Islands, says that
she has for some years used Chamber
Iain's Cough Kt'incdyifor coughs, croup
aud whooping cough and has found it
very hencficinl She has implicit con
fidence in it and would not he without a
bottle of it in her home. Sold by Dr.
Paul Poniatou,|Newiiaii, Ga.
Splendid Filth.
Captain K. S. Grogan, author of "The
Nile ns 1 Smv It,” gives this descrip
tion of a hit of scenery near the head
waters of the river of Egypt: "A long. ]
slimy pool of putrefying reeds, where 1
foul fish foregather and great pythons
writhe and gorge themselves on hideous
toads amt slither; long, gleaming hands
of gold, through labyrinths of fetid
green and purple spume, where the
fireflies dance, great butterflies flash,
dragon files glint and Hu* suck-suck of
swamp, the roar of huge bellied frogs,
the cicada's scream, merge in it sad
minor key; where In the ceaseless I
struggle between fruition and decay
death wins."
Wlirre Mnrrlage Pays.
"Married people have the best of It
In ocean traveling," said a sea captain,
"for they have a stateroom to them
selves. People traveling alone, unless
they are willing to pay a good deal ex
tra, have to sleep In the same room
with strangers, an unpleasant thing.
"Some of these lone travelers, to se
cure privacy, pay extra fare. Others
many, many others try to aecure pri
vacy by giving us lies Instead of
"One man will tell the chief steward
Hint tie Inis tin intolerable snore. An
other will say he Is subject to epileptic
attacks, wherein in the small hours lie
becomes a shrieking and dangerous
maniac. Another will say that in the
throes of acute seasickness from the
beginning of the voyage to the end he
lilts the cabin day and night with ills
mill noises.
"No matter. They all have to share
their staterooms with strangers. The
only way out of It Is to plank down
the coin."- New York Press.
A Flnlilim Spider.
A peculiar spider that is found In
parts of South America, principally In
tin* vicinity of Buenos Ayres, catches
fish at certain seasons of the year. In
a shallow port of the stream it weaves
between the stones a double sided or
funnel shaped net. Into which, running
upon tin* water. It drives little tad
poles, well known fishlike larvae of tho
frog. The shriveled husks or skins of
these creatures, which lie strewn in
groat numbers about the spider's nest,
show plnlnl; that it thoroughly under
stands Its business.
A l'niiiful Dilemma.
Senior l’ariner- What are you look
ing so glum over? Junior Partner—Got
a note from my wife that the pug is lost.
Now, If 1 don’t sympathize for her a
whole lot sin* will say 1 am a cold
blooded brute, and If 1 do sympathize
she will suspect that l hired some one
to steal the log and am just condoling
with her for a bluff.
Proved the Best Fertilizer
By a Record of Twenty Years’ Success
You are banking on experience when you fertilize with Farmers’ Bone. No
other fertilizer is so well balanced in the plant food supplied from sowing time to
harvest. Don't take a substitute. Farmers’ Bone has no equal for any kind of
crop. It is the leading fertilizer of the South.
Works Freely In Any Drill
It has Ireen proven by over twenty-one years of successive use that
Fish and Animal matter is superior to any other known ammoniate
for growing cotton. Farmers’ Bone is the fertilizer
Lemons as Medicine
Their Wonderful Effect
on the Liver, Stomach,
Bowels, Kidneys
and Blood.
Lemons are largely used by The
Mozlcy Lemon Elixir Company, in
compounding their Lemon Elixir,
a pleasant Lemon Laxative and
Tonic—a substitute for nil Cathartic
and Liver Pills. Lemon Elixir posi
tively cures all Biliousness, Consti
pation, Indigestion or Dyspepsia,
Headache, Malaria, Kidney Disease,
Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite,
I'evers, Chills, Blotches, Pimples,
nil Impurities of the Blood, Pain in
the Chest or Back, and all other dis
eases cuused by a disordered liver
and kidneys, the first Great
Cause of all Fatal Diseases.
WOMEN, for nil Female Irreg
ularities, will find Lemon Elixir
a pleasant and thoroughly reliable
remedy, without the least dangei-of
possible harm to them in any condi
tion peculiar to themselves. 50c
and $1.00 per bottle at
“One Dose Convinces.”
Tho Crip.
"Before we can sympathize with oth
ers. we must have suffered ourselves."
N11 one eau realize the suffering attend
ant u|>on an attack of the grip, unless lie
lias had the actual experience. There is
probably no disease that causes so much
physical and mental agony, or which so
successfully defies medical aid. All
danger from the grip, however, may l>c
avoided by the prompt use of Chamber
Iain’s Cough Remedy. Among the tens
of thousAuds who have used this rem
edy. not one case lias ever been reported
that has resulted in pneumonia or that
has not recovered. For sale by Dr.
Paul Penistou, New nun, Ga.
It so fnlls out that what xve have we 1
prize uot to the worth while we enjoy
it; but. being lacked and lost, xvhy, j
then we rack the value. Then we find ,
the virtue that possession would uot |
show us while It was ours.—Shake- t
The Wronu Jam.
Haskell—What's Tommy crying for?
Mrs. Haskell—Oh, the poor hoy caught
his finger In the pantry door. Haskell— I
H'm! He evidently didn't get the Jam I
he was looking for that time.
It should be borne in mind that
every cold weakens the lungs, low
ers the vitality and prepares the
system for the more serious dis
eases, among which are the two
greatest destroyers of human life,
pneumonia anil consumption.
Cough Remedy
has won its great popularity by its
prompt cures of this most common
ailment. It aids expectoration, re
lieves the lungs atul opens the
secretions, effecting a speedy nnd
permanent cure. It counteracts
any tendency toward pneumonia.
- Price 25c, Large Size 50c. !
1 J
Subscriptions for nil news
papers uiid magazines receiv
ed nt The News office.
The News offers the big
gest nnd best clubbing prop
ositions made by any news
paper in Coweta County.
From Bad (a Won*.
"A few years after people gits too old
to believe ii Santy Claus," said Uncle
Eben. "deys apt to stadt In believin’ In
race boss tips, which is wuss.”—Wash
ington Star.
There always is n sense of satisfac
tion iu hes ng abused those one dis
likes.—Philadelphia Bulletin.
- r**<- Copyrights Ac.
Anyone (ending a (ketch and description may •
ontckly ascertain ear opinion free whether an
iiirentlon IB probably patentable, toniiuunlce-
UoneetrloUy confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
aent free. Oldest aaercy for (ecurlng patent*.
Patent* taken throuph Munn St Co. reoelvt
fyMrial notice. without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely llloatrated weekly. Larceat clr-
MUNN New York
Braucb Offlcc, 615 5* SL* W Mhlngton, D. C*
H W. CAMP, President
H. ABNER CAMP, Cashier
Capital - - $25,000.00
We solicit your patronage and promise you the bes
service possible.