Newspaper Page Text
For this beautiful
Top BUffffV, til R till*
factured t»y us here
in Atlanta‘Georgia.
A Southern Bugey
. _ for Southern traae,
nas a fine Leather Quarter Top, has genuine
Leather, Spriug Bottom Cushion, and Leather
Back, is elegantly painted and fully guaranteed.
Regular retail price |ttf>.00 to $75.00.'
90 For this fine Collar and Hame,
• nickel mounted Harness, sold with
every GOLDEN BAG 1,8 BUGGY, regular retail
price $12 50 to $15.00.
Catalog and full description sent on requeat.
168-100 Edge wood Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
Land of Promise
(Continued from page II.)
differing in design, in quality of
A Striking; Fact,
A youug man was riding In the oab ;
with a locomotive engineer.
‘‘Now." wild the young man. shud
dering. “suppose a stage load of eliil- ’
dren were to glide on to the track from
that lane win I a blessing it would I
then be if you could stop short, in- |
stoutly, like a man walking."
“Blessing':" said the engineer. “Why, I
young fellow, If that stage you speak ;
of were to appear now, and I could '
stop short like a man walking, I j
wouldn't do it. Instead, I'd keep right |
on and kill the kids."
"Why V"
“Because It would l>e the more hu
mane course. In one ease there would
seen lit to exhibit toward myself; be a stage load of kids slaughtered; in
and to invoke upon yon the bless- ^ lt> ruse there would he the
, ,, , .. , slaughter of a tralnloud of people. Tills
tugs ot out Heavenly l'tithei, to train Is going at the rate of forty-live
whom we must always look for
support in the hour of dist ress.
Brothers in the cause of free
How to Prevent Bilious Attacks.
One who is subject to bilious attacks
the nsu of my newest
Sanitary Open Work Plumbing addressed the memorable words,
"Bring me The Book.” And on
My "now-n-davs” wash stands are sci
entifically arranged and built. They
are ornamental as well ns sanitary.
Just visit my plumbing shop find talk
over tile wash stand question and see if
1 can’t arrange on one or more for your
W. L. Sexton,
The Newnan Plumber.
Shop in new Arnall Building.
material and in execution. The dom, comrades in arms, 1 bid you
stone is of a greyish pink colour farewell! .Ion,
and hardens with age; Melrose ■ -
Abbey being largely built of the
same material.
In St. Mary’s Aisle of Drybor- wm notice that fora day or more heforo
, aii i , .. the attack be is not hungry at meal
ougli Abbey is butted bit Walter
Scott, and near him in another
tomb sleeps his secretary and son- Liver Tablets when these first symp
toms appear will ward off the attack-
They are for sale l»y Or. Haul Houston,
Newnan, On.
Your Lovely Gown
stands no danger of nml-treatrnent from i n .l aw and biographer, Lockhart,
mid feels dull after eating. A
of ('liMtiberloin's Stomach and"
to whom Sir Walter when dying
being asked ‘‘What Book?” re
ceived the answer, "There is but
one Book—the Bible!”
Here it seemed as Tennyson
"—gray twilight pour’d
On dewy pastures, dewy trees,
Softer than sleep—all things ui order
A haunt of ancient pence.”
Or as Wordsworth writes:
"There’s Gala Water, Lender Baughs,
Both lying rigid before us;
And Dryburgh where, with chiming
The lint whites sing in chorus."
St. Boswell’s and
Corner Branch.
Miss Let I in Starr lias a flourishing
school at Corner Brunch.
Oscar Pinolier, Eddie and .loc Brown
worshiped at Klim Sunday.
Mrs. L. A. Houston and sou, Ben,
visited relatives near Cooksvilln Satur
day night and Sunday.
Mr. mid Mrs. <). II. King and little
daughter, Katie, visited relatives in
Corinth Sunday.
Mrs. Charlie Forbes was quite ill last
Mr. D. Harris and family have recent
ly moved Into onr community.
miles an hour, and the sudden stop
page of a train going at that rate
would give the passengers precisely
the same shock that they would get
from a full of tlfty-four feet a fall
from a housetop."
l’r<*|iiirliiK I ’or |lii> storm,
A correspondent In the north of Ire
land sends the following account of an
Interesting incident that ciinie under
his observation:
Being on a walking tour through In-
Ishowen and passing along the edge of
Lough Swllly, the romantic Lake of
Shadows, lie noticed an luunense gath
ering of rooks on the sandy shore. In
company with several others, the tour
ist was attracted by this novel spec
tacle and began to wonder at the cause
of It. An ok iiian who was working in
ii Held near the place offered nn expla
nation. lie said that tile birds were
picking up sand to hnllnst themselves
in ii storm and that when they did so
It was a sure sign of approaching bail
weather, lie added that on shooting
rooks after a gathering of the sort he
had found tlnil they were loaded with
sand. As a mutter of fact, the gentle
man concludes, u violent gulc set In
early next uiomlng. Honrsou’s Weekly.
Newnan, Ca.
Pianos and Organs.
Back to St. Boswell s ami to j ;im a g en t for the Cable l’iano
Melrose we went,then to luncheon, Company and sell the “Chicago
followed by several miles drive to Cottage,” Mason & Hamlin and
Abbotsford, the home of Sir VVal- t >ther organs of standard m ikes,
ter Scott, a most interesting and | These instrum^its are warranted
well preserved place with beauti- to give satisfaction in quality and
ful gardens, outlooking on the
price. Don't buy an instrument
Tweed, and interior much aH he without consulting me.
left it—in apple-pie order and at
tractiveness. At 2 p. m. we left
Melrose, and arrived about 4 p. m.
in Edinburgh—"The Modern
(To be continued.)
W. H. Reynolds,
Newnan, Ga.
Tin* S|»lilrr*n Wrh.
If we compare the dimension* of the
spider with those of Its web we are
forced to admit that the little creature
is a true engineer, able to construct a
cable network of relatively enormous
size. Thread after thread Is put in po
sition in the desired and necessary or
der, and sometime* prolonged observa
tion on the part of the Investigator Is
required In order to understand the
reasons wlileli direct the spider In Its
complicated operations and which
make It always follow the same order
anil the same laws. Nome of these rea
sons are explained by geometry, others
by the strength of materials, and lie
wtio succeed* In discovering the “why"
of all tin- Interesting details of the
method employed Is compelled to admit
to himself that lie could not have
achieved so good a result with the
same materials.
General Wheeler’s Farewell
to His Troops.
j For any disease of the skin there is
nothing better than Oliiuuherlain’s
Naive. It relieves the itching and burn
1 lug sensation instantly and soon effects
a cure. Hold by l)r. Haul Peuieton.
Newnan, Ga.
Hides Wanted—Will pay best price for
(’apt. Henry A. North, late of Rreeuliides fornext fewwe^e. G. ()
.... , , Carmichael, Newnan, Ga.
Co. I\, IhI Georgia Cavalry, Con-
federate States Army, who is one
of Coweta county’s most honored
citizens, has a valued memento of
the war between the States. It is
a copy of General Joseph Wheel-
er’s farewell address to his troops,
Wanted—Hoard and room for one or
more telegraph students. Prof. John
son, Superintendent Telegraph School.
Marriage In Korea.
There Is not much difficulty In marry
ing off a daughter In Korea. Where
issued at the close of the war, at there are defects, such as feeble health,
I'nnr Itlelmril.
“In December of the year 17!I2,”
says Bigelow's "Life of Franklin,”
"Franklin commenced the publication
of wlmt he styled ‘Poor lilcliiird’s Al
manac,' price tlveponee. It attained
an astonishing popularity, and at once.
Three editions were sold within the
month of Its appearance. The uveruge
sale for twenty-five years was 10,000
a year. He was sometimes obliged to
put It to press In October to get a sup
ply of copies to the remote colonies by
the beginning of the ycur. It has been
translated Into nearly If not quite ev
ery written language, and several dif
ferent traiisliitlons of It have been
made Into the French and the Germun.
It contains some of the best fun us
well as the wisest counsel that ever
emanated from his pen."
I/ Does all
in kinds of
| Tin Work, Roofing
| Plumbing and
| Repairing.
[ft Expert work and low
U prices win. Shop op-
jH posite Pinson Hotel.
the time of the surrender of Gen
eral Joseph E. Johnston’s army.
This paper is a copy of the ad
dress, made from the original at
tne time of its issuance. It is
written on a page of an ordinary
blank book, ruled one way—prob
ably a page from one of the adju
tant general’s books of record.
Capt. North values the paper very
paralysis, deformities, etc., an expert
intermediary who knows how to con- •
cent them Is employiHl. It Is her busi
ness to make the girl presentable to the
parents of the suitor. As the bride
groom does not see the bride until the
day of marriage, when It Is too lute to
recoil, he Is obliged to make the best of
the situation. In marrying Korean
girls are not exempt from contributing
to the support of the family. This ap
plies to the grande dame as well us the
humblest peasant. Ladles of rank who
have become Impoverished and are
We beg to announce to our customers and friends
that we arc now in onr commodious new store,
with a full stock of General Merchandise, and have
recently lidded to this a complete line of furniture,
burial cases, etc. Also wagons, buggies and liar
ness, mules and horses; till of which will be sold
nt the lowest prices, either for cash or on time.
We also carry a complete line of Fertilizers, w hich
we mix to suit, any and all of onr customers. \\ e
also pay the highest prices for cotton and cotton
seed, and give the lowest, rates on storage mid in
suranee, and make librrul advances on all cotton
stored with us. Thanking you for your patronage
in the past, we respectfully solicit it continuance
o’’ llic same.
h. W. CAMP CO.
Atlanta <te West Point Railroad Co.
The Western Railway of Alabama.
Diicct Lines Between North, East. South and Southwest. U. S. East
Mail Route. Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining
Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California.
UK All t'l*
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♦Men In
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I,ilttriinge iiefiiiii iiimlnt Inn limvfh Atlniitn «litlly.
leave. tail i railin' ill '< :Wi 11 in. iirrlviiH Al linilii N:I6 ii.
Trill In :Wi mill .'HI I‘nil mini Hire pern Nru Yin k it ml New Orl
for T.-xiis, Moxli-o. Cnl I torn In. At I'lu-luiw
■ x« e|>1 Smuliiy nl r.;.-u> |i. hi. Ketimitng
Til roll g Ii i-nitrlicx WTisIiIiik
mi mill New Mrlemi.
Train. 117 11 ml Its Wii.liliigton nml smitlnvi.ti-rii l.lmlti-il. I*i ■ 11 in 11 n Nlvviicrk, e< nn |>h rt meu t
curs. nli.i'rviitlnii nml illning cur.. Oninplele .cri Ice Nciv York unit New Orleans
Train 117 United stiitc. fn.l mull. Tlmiugli ■) n y coiiclick Atliintii nml New Or If nil..
Write fur 111
T. IV A., A t lull 111, (in.
licil 11 |c. mul 111 rnrin 111 Imi.
J. I*.
I'rcs. nml Gen. Mur.. Atliintii. (.
P. A., Atlniitn Oh.
China'* Flair.
Tim flag of Cblnu Is one of the gayest,
among ensigns. The body of the flag
Is pule yellow. In the upper left, hand
corner Is a small red sun. Looking In
tently at the sun Is a fierce Chinese
dragon. The dragon's belly Is a bril
liant red and white. Ills green hark In
covered with stiff knobs. He Is stand
ing on bis two hind paws and the left
fore foot. His feet ure five toed uud
i slightly hooked. His long, five forked
tail stretches away In the rear. The |
It you wunt the
■••t Seeds
that can tic grown, yon nhoulil read The Thirtieth
Anniversary edition of — —
to well known a. the “ Lending American Seed Catalogue." It in malted FREE to ell.
Newnan Public Schools
Sprinq Term Opened Wednesday, Jan. 3
hiirhlv und keens it, in tile vault of i ,,, . . * , drngou'u neck Is arched back. His
highly and keeps it in the aim ul | obliged to support themselves may earn mo * th w|( , e an(1 Le looU „ aH u
| the First National Bank of this ; a livelihood by knitting or rearing silk- Wfire abont \ 0 try to Kwallow tUt!
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5-cent packet is enough for vuraal Oceanian.
The(family bottle (00 centH) contain, a supply
for a year.All druggists sell them.
r 553S55aS353535 25253535355333
U when you want them
jj! cleaned, pressed, repaired
1 or dyed in the best manner
jfj and at the most reasona-
L ble prices.
BnagnUnRSiBisiaGifasiriHii 2535353535353513
The address of General Wheeler
to his comrades is as follows:
Headquarters Cavalry Corps, April
Gallant Comrades:—You have
fought your tight; your task is
done. During a four years’ strug
gle for liberty, you have exhibited 1
courage, fortitude and devotion.
Yoti are the sole victors of more
than two hundred strongly con
tested fields. You have partici
pated in more than a thousand
conflicts of arms. You are heroes,
veterans, patriots. The bones of
your comrades mark battlefields
upon the soil of Kentucky, Ten
nessee, Virginia, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama
and Mississippi. You have done
all that human exertion could ac- :
Jn bidding you adieu,I desire to
A Mother'n Command.
William Brookfield, the ICngllsh di
vine, used to tell this story: "The new
bishop of New Zealand in a farewell
and pathetic interview with Ids moth
er after his appointment was thus ad- '
dressed by her In such sequence as
soli* and tears would permit: 'I sup
pose they will eat you, my dear. I try
to think otherwise, but I suppose they
will. Well, we will leave It in Uie
hands of Providence. But, If they do,
mind, my dear, and disagree with
them!’ ”
red sun.
Z. Greene, D. D. S.,
Office on Second Floor of
Black Bros. Co.’s Building
L. M. Farmer,
In Primary and Intermediate grades thorough instruc
tion is given in Reading. Writing, Sptdlingand Arithmetic.
In the High School the following courses are offered:
I. I he Classical Course.—A full course, including
Then and Now. tllG IligllOl' MatllHHlaticH, Ltltill, Mild tll<‘ Sciences. Pllpils
“When old Fiadger came to tiiia wlio receive Tliploinas in this courstj are lidmitted to aJIV
man In the mackintosh, “everything he I 'Olh^ge 111 the State Wltliout examination,
had in the world was on his buck.” 2. I lie Business Course.— English, Book-keeping,
■•And nowV” queried the man who Business Arithmetic, Business Correspondence and Com-
i/l hlu /xvi <lw» tiililft I * I V
rnercial Law.
3. Ihe Elective Course.—The pupil chooses, with the
| approval of the Superintendent, such studies as he wishes
J to take.
Young men and women who are looking forward to go-
h ,»« "•«-<>» »>■ »»•.. u,i.. K , i.«.
■riding a big banquet to him this even-j * or all the good that they can get iron) a college course.
k” lean not do better than to get their preparation in the New-
SS’Sfi W Soboo': "»y» <y» p»p«»a for the Apjii-ontiee
had bis feet on the table
“Well, his wife und six daughters
have relieved him of the burden. They
carry It all on their backa now.”—Chi
cago Tribune.
was a big dinner in bis honor this and Sophomore classes; girls for the Sophomore and .itin-
evenlng.”—Philadelphia I-edger. jor clarfSBS.
"ATHENS, GA.. June l(i, UKJ.
‘PROF. B. F. HICKBTT, Newnan, Ga.: 1 beg to congratulate, von on the
How mankind defers from day b> excellent preparation young men receive in the Newnan High School
day the best it can do and the most trance examination papers of yonr pupils were superior to all others received this
year. Yours very truly.
“(Jhancellor State I ?nivomitv.”
Office on Second Floor of the Arnall
Merchandise Co.’s Building
beautiful things It. can enjoy without
thinking that every day may be the
last one und that lost time Is lost eter
nity!—Max Muller.
., , i, , .. Sufficient Reumon.
! tender you my thanks tor your itoomerton-c
Do yon want to subscribe for any
P newspaper or magazine published in
the United States? If so, yonr sub
scription will be received at the NewB
m office. tf
gallantry in battle, your fortitude
in suffering and your devotion at
all times to the holy cause you
have done so much to maintain. I
desire, also, to express my grati- j
tude for the kind feeling you have 1
Dr. C. A. Smith,
Treats all diseases of domestic animals.
Calls answered day or night. Office
at Gearreld’s Livery Stable.
uchh I’ll have to give
up boarding. Flatlelgb—Going to get
married? Roomerton—No, but my land
lady wants her money.—Chicago News.
A Joker la near akin to a buffoon, and
neither of them la the least related to
Extract from a letter written by Prof. David C. Harrow, who for twenty
years lias been senior professor of mathematics in the Uni.versitv of < ji orgia : "it
gives me pleasure to commend without stint the work of Prof. Pickett in preptir
i ig young men for college His young men arc so thoroughly prepared that our
work tor them here ii, a pleasure,”
Resident and non-resident pupils are admitted on the
same terms. Catalogue sent on application.
Secretary. Superintendent.