The Fairburn waif. (Fairburn, Ga.) 1872-1???, June 14, 1872, Image 3

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FAIRBURN WAIF. Cliuich Director)'. BiITtST cuvncit—Second Sunday and Sat urday before in each month. Rev. JohnS Judd, Pastor. MrTHodIsT Cite cit—On tbe Fourth Sun day in each month. Rev U. J. Harwell, Pas tor. Masonic. Paii.bckn Lough F.'.A.' M Meets S.c oml and Fourth Saturday nights in each mouth v. W. Lam am, W. M. P. Nl. 1 idw i.L. Stc’y. Town Council Veets every Manilay night. tV H AxdueWS, latCh 'ftnt. O. A. C aKTREII, Clerk. County Officers. t)ii, John Goodman. Ri-presi ntative. R . C UhaVers, Ordinary. I tV. Cakti'.k, Sheriff, M. 11 Woodd ix, Clerk Superior Court. J W. B ooK.t Receiver of Tax Returns. S. Ip KVEV. Fax Collector. J C. WiLi-titts, County Treasurer. D. Adis hold, County Surveyor. HKN*"r Mohgan. Coroner. Joseph li mtlbv, Ex pi ess Agt.- J. (i. Mc ALLIi-TK , Depot. Agt. C. A. HaKVfcr. Postmaster. Thrower Lodge, No.t, I. O. G> T Meets everv Friday night, at the Court-House \T. T Roberts, W C T. Miss Cecilia J Smith, W. V. T. Dr John Goodman, VV. S. M. T. Walker. Treasurer. W . A. MoCurry, tV. M Miss Belle Greene, W, D. M. J. F Goodman. Guard. Miss Mollierheen, Sentinel. W. J. Cloud. W. C. J. 11. Strickland, P. tV. C. T. Beulalk Lodge, No. 51, C. Vt. T. Meets every Sunday eveniilg a. 4 o’clock r. a.. at Court-House. T. J. Landrum, Supt. Dr. J. Goodman, j and > Executive Committee. 8. G. Johnson. ) John F. Goodman, C. T. Miss Lizzie Vickars, V. T. Miss R. L. Ragsdale, Sec’y. John Reynolds. Trea-urer. W. S McLariu, M. Miss Sallie Williams, D. M. George Malone. G. Miss Docia Cole. S. A. J. Vickars, U. K. M. Mobley, P.T. Moral Ueforin Sokicty. Meets every Wednesday night. John Reynolds, President. L. S. Roan, Sec’y. Fairburn, Georgia, June 14, 1872. Judge J. R Parrott of Curtersvilte is dead. Cit pa —l'lie 1 iimeis uii-migti'nit tliis county report that crops are in a flourishing condition, and that fmilof all kinds are abundant. YVn have an interesting b tier from Atlanta which we regie! did ii'i reach us in time for itiis issue. It slialj ap pear in our next. We are pleased to see our you g friend Mr. James McGown, lo'-king «o finely tie has been in town for the past, few days on a brief visit. Then will be a fe.- ival given by Lodge No 76 I' A M at Ganipbe iton on the 24>h insl. St Jobe’s day, ex tensive picparations are being made foi tiie enteituinm nt > I guests We neglected t 1 menli n in <mi last week’s issue tbe iaet that Geo. I . Coch ran has corn tasstling and silking.— This speaks well for the agricultural capacities of our county. Difficulty,— Wp learn Unit Mr John Suttles on last ruonday slut a negro man mar Red o>k in tiiis county knocking several of his teeth out and lodging some shot in his breast. lln negro was advancing on Mr. buttles with an axe. The negro is not Bili ously hurt. The Card of I)r. Wii.i.iam Whitaker Appears in our advertising column of this issue. We ask special attention of out readers and the public to the same. The Doctor has had near t wenty years of experience in the practice of medicine, in its various branches. He has ever been successful in the treat ment of Cancers and also all Chronic diseases, which lie will continueon the most liberal terms. We recommend the public to a favor able cousideiation of iiis meiieta. Ou 1- esteemed fiiend A. S. Gorman Clk. Supr Court of Douglas county, called on us last Tuesday. He is look ing well, and is in fine spirits. It is thought by many that Douglas County is entitled to the next Senator, and if tbe Nominating Convention decides accordinly, Mr. (J. is worthy and well qualified for the position of State Sen ator, and if nominated and elected we will have the light man iu tbe right place. As the time is close at hand when tbe people will begin to look an tind for suitable m n to place in the field j for tbe various county offices, it ill be well for those desiring to become | candidates,to have their names atmounc cd in The Waif In this way they can bring their names before the public, as our pauer is printed at the County Si’e, and has a large circulation iu theco n* ty- We neglected to mention ill our last week’s issue that the examination and exhibition of Cap* J. b Lister’s school at Bethany, in Fayette County, came off on Friday and Friday night before last. We regret that we could not be in attendance, ao as ta. give the pro-. ceedingß in detail Several of out young folks were present, atid they in form us that the examination was sat isf etory to the whole auditory; aud that the students acquitted themselves with honor to themselves aud teacher. The exhibition was a complete success, and was like all of tin- Captain’s ex hibi ions; hard to beat. We congratulate the people of Beth any upon securing the services ofCapt Lister. He taught at this place last year in connection with Col Mobley, and gave universal satisfaction. Hi ts, a high-toned gentleman, a thor ough scholar and a strict disciplinari an. His school will be resume ion the 24ili inst. May success attend him Wo called this morning at the live Drug Stole of Dis. Goodman & Peek, found all hands busy packing and shipping Dr. Goodman’s proprietary medicines to fill orders fiom their agents I). .Goodman’s medicines are becom ing veiy popular wiu-fwer used. Fairburn is not only a place to man ufacture medicines, but large dealers in Atlanta would find tins a convenient, cheap and healthy point to have -hoes, hats, furniture and many other artic -1 s manufactured. Rev. G. 11. Moot of Atl mta, brought us a cotton stalk, Horn his plantation in this countv on Tuesday, sixteen in ches long, filled with squares, one of which was swilling h r the bloom This stalk was pulled lor the purpose of thinning, and is only a sample of the field, of perhaps ten acres. This cot ton is manured with cotton states’ Gu ano, which can be seen on the root of the stalks. We wisli Bro Moor suc cess iu the ministry, and the firm. Nathan Eason Esq of our county brought into our town on last Satur day, a c (ton stalk which measmed eighteen inches in height and had -ev eral limbs from five to six inches in length an wed formed Mr. E. in fo ins ns that this was a no te surplus weed which lie wished removed, and that he has some three our four acres of which this is a sample, Mr Eis a scientific farmer, and worthy citizen. Religious Rev. J S. I) >dd preach ed at tin- Baptist church on Saturday and Sunday last. Uncle John is one of those whom we admire more and more the longer we know him. lie has anew sermon every time, and we think this is the true reason why every body j- always anxious to hear him. He has liven for many yeaisio the minis try and his power and infbinoe as such, have eontinttlly extended and spread.— May Providence crown his efforts with success. PALMETTO ITEMS. The concert at Palmetto will be on Thursday evening Jutid 20ih, instead of Friday evening June 2l»t, as has been announced. .\lr. A. J. Smith, druggist, who lots been doing business in our village fin several yaars, has disposed of his en tire sW '-’f drugs, etc ,to our young and enterprising physician, Dr. I’. D. Longino—who has also been carrying on an extensive trade in tbe line. As these two first class diug stores have been consolidated into one mammoth concern, we will certainly have t hi ding departim tit inferior to none in any town. YV’e regie! to In go oil so ciable little friend, jack, but we trust lie 111 I\ fi and alio*her sp'ft with no less dial ins than bis native home. We u tire that some of our ci izens ale employ mg white female seiVunts, and dispensing w-tli the col. red L has become so and fficult to secure the servises of chimed w men hi whom confidence can he imposed, that out people will ultimately be compelled to look to foreign countries for serv-nts who are willing and con petent to at tend to household duties. The farmers are bringing in stalk of cotton occasionally for exhibition. The height of the plat and the number of forms, excelled tliose of last year —at this season. The lecent rains have increased the confidence of our planters and raised the drooping spirits of the merchants. The wheat crop is repotted as being much better than it lias been for a tinm ber of years We expect a lively trade to open soon. Tin- dullness of the season has caused many of our citizens to resort to play ing drafts in order to keep off ennui We have some adepts at that game. Pa!m< tto can boast of the finest blooded tnure in Campbell county. Loe Burch, an ingenious youth of our town ha invented a uew kind of a pop gun. The base ball club has exploded Mr. E. R. Thornton has some alfalfa, or California clover growing in his vard; it is considered superior to red clover for stock. Shall we have a County Paper. ' Ediotrs Waif:—l ask space for a few thoughts in your valuable paper. I am as true .. t'i -- ii-t in prise and industry <is then- i- in t inn bell county. Tin- time h tin , • • •■• we should have a county paper.— Without a good newspaper published in our county, we would have no me dium through which we could receive the general news, both foreign and do mestic. Although I am a fanner and reside in the country, 1 feel a deep interest in the gei eral prosperity of oiir coun ty, and would like lo see my county (own a place of some note, and at tin same tiino, feel that a real good lie s papei properly sustained and a p.eciat ed by the citizens of Campbell county Would do as much, it not more in de veloping our internal resources in en couraging scientific cultivation of the sod in disseminating u-efui knowledge among our people and in elevating tin- moral aud intellectual of our actions than almost any otii r etc ~ v l terpriso that Coind be brnugnt iu our midst, and if we had the wealth of tin world, and the leaniin,* "I ages, w. would have no means ot oUi own to give them to the public. Let the farmers of our county ami ..11 otnci , eisoos, who have the spirit o. home pride in iheii bosoms patron ize and sustain The Fairburn Waif, and I tn confident that your wives and children will he pleased with yoih acts and commend you for sound dis cretion, and the paper will give bet ter and belter satisfaction I lie longer you lead it. I am well acquainted with the men who are running the Waif. Mr. An drews is a good lawyer and sell-inane man; he pushes forward every busi ness, he undertakes. Mr Cantrell s the best fellow iu the country and i good scholar, was clerk f urn So • rior Court for several years and ga\> general satisfaction and was only be o en for m< nb< r in'tfie .egislutun-f m our'county by a small vole. Mi- Cloud i» a very.deve.r little titan noted foi firmness, economy and an vl- eigetio elite i prising business mail'- ll for no othei reason, we so.min o sped him tor the memory of bis gra-.o father who was tormany yens, . i . the first citizens n| .on c uoty Mi. C will do ail In- u< . ui.- s, u- a-i. - evitable causes prevent. let n* ■ men are just, in llu pi hid- ■ I lif -i.o will make one among tne best i • editors in tbe Tviate. Let us tin Waif! os fhauagers. May tin papei soon i every home in our county, and may it extend its circulation until the masses of Georgia shall realize, that Campbell County and her newspaper are equal to any in the State. Let all coiue tip like true men and sustain In me and iiuine enterprise, subscribe for the Waif, read it end induce their neigh bors tel take it. I alll Very certain this would enhance tin-interest of om county more than the same amount of in ney id vested iu any other way. A Farmer. Faibburn, Ga. June llhh, 1872. Rev. Geo. R. Moor, Dear Sir. We were appointed a Committee by Campbell 101 l Lodge, No 76, to pn Cine a lecture! fm sad Lodge, on Si John's day, llie- 24 iof Jane i»72. And wi have si'leond you lor the occasion. Please iulmiii us ilium diately »t Fail bun. wlieatlier you can serve us or not Conveyance \)ill be furnished yon fnmi Fail burn. Yours Respectfully J. J. Beall. a • M. U WoODDALL. R. C. Beavers Atlanta. Ga. June 14tb, 1872 Mi ssers. J J. Beall, M. H. Wood dai.l, R C Beavers Gentlemen. 1 have received your kind communication, desiring that I shall deliver a It cture at Canipbolltoii outlie 24lit o - June, St Johns day. Owing to tiie great press of ministerial labor, I am quite sure that I cannot make the ellaborate I would desire, yeti' will uffind me great pleasure to be with my old tri> if and true fiiends. I consider your in vitation an honor of no sina l i«ip"ti, and will bo present, and del Vci tbe lecturer as best 1 catl under ail tiie cltouinstances. Affectionately Geo R M >or Thirty-Six t-euatoiial Dht. Tiie 36i h Senatorial Di-t i- v-.iiiipo-- ed ot Catuple It, Coweta iL ugl s, and M' -nwcl iei W - «tiV„, R : F r buiuastln pine in tin Dem c.a's hold tiiair N<.-mmaiina Convci.iion YVe have heard I nun D uglas, anti in Democrats are willii g tor the cmvi n tion to be tn-ld in Falilnini. W n-,.u1il like to liear fn-ni Coweta and Merri wether, Wc leave it fur the Demo cratic Executive Conimitee to set the time. li outy gnciittiiral .'llChlj. | I' is - ,ceiy was toiivened at tin Court li list■, on ||„ first Tuesday in tins month, and Was permanently or ganized by o'ecfiiig A G. Hulsey, Preside--1; Belf.rd Luck, Vice- Mii*Ki- | deh'f'E J Holey, Tie,.surer and i W. L. Sen,' ai y. The S. l iely will moot again on S ,t •inlay, the 8:h day f June,.next | And riie“fai rile s in Campla-ll and Fay- J die oMinties, are solicited L• jliuu, and I lend tJieir aid and assistance la estali-! Ilshing this ju-lillition, and placing I Campbell county in t .is respect, on an [ equal footing with other c unties in j State. The New Ynk, in., hoisting the names of Grant and Wilson. t<> it's editorial masthead, hikes , the words that ony.e sjipnod fmin H, G.,s pen, and placuvs. lln.-jn underlie,itli., They read l liis way and show tlmt H. <t’s views liaVe.gpeitlly changed i.f'Jati ■‘Gen Gr ant lias never bet n beaten .and lie Jievcr Will be HORACE-<!RFE LKY. A farmer lias told his story. He was going out to his com crib tlieotli er morning, he silys’, wheli he- saw a large rat tvitli head ere'et,’carrying a full sizod ear of corn Mi .-liis inoiith, A’iiife at" the same time is tail was wrapped arniiiiil aim licr large eai, which lie was dragging behind him Werh'y New* ~ ■- ~ We have con vers if with gentlemen from Ohattnoga, Polk, Bartow and Guidon counties during the past wtek, aid lilny pioliollnie tiie wlielit Crop the best-that lei' been in in fny years, /limn' Bn'te in ’iTATUR 3’S HAIR RESTO ATIVE C ONTAINS NO LAC SULPHU NO SU GAR OF I€AO—NO LITHARGE-NO NITR rr OF SILVER, AND IS EN TIRELY FREE FROM THE POISONOUS A 1 D Hf A! TH-DESTROYING US D in other hair PREPARATIONS. Tr ns|r«r«Q» and clt?*r aa.cryßtal it will n t *»<*il th<* finest tubric.—rrfrfectly BAFE. uni EFFICIENT.— disidf‘ratum.-i aS UGIIT FOr. AND FOUND AT EAST! * If rnsrores Afid prevfnts th«“ Half from be coming.'*T,*y. impart* s *oft. glossy appearance, DandrylF. is c ol and refreshing to the head, checks the Hair fr in falling yff, and ri stori’p >t to a’ureal extent when prera Uure ly I -si »i, venlj? Headaches, cures all humor*, cu» *n u t*rup»inns. and uniiatur 1 heat.— S \ L) BSSINO FOR THE HAIR IT IS THE ofcsT AUITCLE IN TilE MARKET. DR. 0. SMITH . Patentee, Ayer. Mas*.— Prepared only .by PROCTER BROTHERS, Gloucester, Mask. Trie genuine its put up in a pauuel bottle made expr«wily for it, with the na<fie ot the article blown in the gln*n A*k your Druggist for NArunx’a Hair Kkkstoka tite. and take no other. Send two three cent atampg to Procter Brother! for a ‘ Treatise on the Human Hair 0 ’ The intoniiation it contains'is worth $500,(10 to any person. Fairburn Markets. CorreCteiJ i x s re s>y or Thk Firbukn Wiif Bv Ju EFII BIUKTU.y. C0rn................ 19 bu.hel $! 10 Meal... .„ ,-i .. j.. ..'I) •• •* 125 Flour loo li,-. slsUto li I>U linCuil- Shoulder.- it) 7V g Clear itib’d Side*... ' Clear Side. B Lard ...A fib 12)4 Cheese... i.... f 16 lo 20 Bmti-r. * “ 20 BgiiH f doz 15 Chick, .1it.............. each 20 to 25 , Sugar-, .f If) 13 lo • 16 Mola-neh. f gal 33 to 4(1 •Kice,.....,c...........f lb to Soap.“ .)o@ls Candles. “ ’ “ 25 Salt.. u. . .-. “fk - 225 Factory Tlirogjl, f bunch 1 75 SlnrtiigH.. per yd 1h@124 I’rmta -‘ •• le@ 12 Tobacco. per lb 65@1 zo Hay—Timothy. 11)0 lb- 2 25 K, r'sene Du f G .1. , 45(g 'ii- Peiro "" *...... - " 50 Weights and Mtastires. Bosuel. ' Lbs'. Wheat. ~.: V. .V. ........... 60 Shelled Cor;: 56 Corn iu ear... 7u Prus.. :.. i i 6e 1ive....... vv ..i . ... 50 'ats ... . . 32 Barley..,. '....'...... 48 Irish PpLittMis* .. . ... 60 • iveet I'otAtbt-H ... 6U W hile Beans . oil 1 islor liraiit,. . ; 45 Clover seed . .60 i'limuhy ......... 4ti Flax se.-u.. 06 fb-iup swil- 44 Blue era s reod 1 ... 7. ....... 14 Such wheat..,, . 54 Dried peaches 40 bri'-d avples . 24 Onions . .... 50 Salt 50 Slone Cod’ . 80 Malt... I. 88 bran . . 20 Tiirop- '-5 . ' I. 0 rr - 8 I b - .eh -d ■. -lie 80 i' L i N 1 A C* it.. .Vi 75 li LV\ Eli Y. V. A. GOODYEAR’S CBLBBKATBD SOutHorn Alee AN Ls FOR TE M . P. 0-. Box. No 518. Cxft VT. P. PLATT, Traveling Agent. ap2B‘t? O'J.BRAPFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR: "WIIMANS 11F.ST FKI+.ND,’ ! Will bring oil .he ,vj, n i & a hen tin-i j dtlW Uni been rsl'ii • .-iie,!, alu • ivln'e i HlVfi burn i Cisb'cd I If/11l til uiiturnl causes. Will cute Rheumut l-m and Nellialgni "I ti.e back and womb. Will •euro Fafiiinl Meusliua tinli, and relieve Hie head, back ui and ■in.- "f those dis.tiessii g pains nlicl aches H ill cl)' ek luelmilhugia or “excessive ff.m Will cure “WhibV and falling id tin- womb, when it is the result ol rt-laXatioii or bud health. It is as sure u cure in ttji tbe above diseases as Quinine is hi Chills und Fever. Ladies can cur,* themselves of all the above diseases without levealmg the ir complaints to any - person, whicli L- always mortifying to their pride an.d ujodioty. It is recommended and used by •he best physicians in (fieii pi.aejice. Eel a liist'ory (it tiie above diseases, cemticutes of Us vvoi.d, ilul cures and dM<'CL"lis, lie' teat er is leaded to fne ,vv rajipi i hi bund ism. ' tle, Man ul ac lured und sum by ; .•» bnAiiFlKtti, * co., Ailanta.Gu. -b"ld By an i). ogglsls Fuce $1.50 SMITH &. MOTES’ ARr GEAXJL.RR.Y ( Formerly Au/iu it ianuth J PAIUibS Visiting Alluuiu wuuidii- well lo .cull ul ibe OIU Planter i iiutogiiipti Calu-iy and examine specimen oi heuuluu. fit run-, such as are made unity at uui lueliis beauty ol li. I'll and iiea.ncs .ppsarauce uu surpu-s, and. Lire us a cad. He Hill pitust y..u Ui'lleiy ovr Sharp AFioyd’i Jewelry Slot . *N*j 29. WuneUali steel .Vila 'I .' t n siu uu, Fait but u, ... Oleorgiu. 1 B sU a.NsU.N HiS just ipe trl a splendid «>ock ol Maple id Lmcy Dry Good,s CttUvry, Crocker. a.." till*. laic, lia.unaie, Hus. And u iu.i rue ol ruiUii t C*i oceiie.*, umi thing ute kepi i.i a coutitr > ul* an ol vv icii ii*_- ]» u«iii Mi.iivd iu m u at cii«ap aa Huy cuu Uu holed at iclail .01 Cuati a u) a Herr .iu> 1 iUt* ol tinr iuau ut rCionc:-. Oai. .*uti net* lory'jaiEuiteft ai Luu uruiii a collier, Fatiouin, Cra. j»iulV-om something new i frit iUbIUV.xZPHS i.b 4 *.KlrLi, rY LS L Ai.LUiKD ou sh-rt nbiice in ihe uiu-i A-i iiuatlc UJ.iuuil. Ol all HZ*:.* ui.U VCiUi aUciiliOil g vcu to eOpj .Ujt Rlai C.i vig.iig ft uui old aliioroty pee and u-»guei t co .■p a. i Uoiv v\eii eXcCUitO iik- u< aav.* w. tuc ...*ciV -a o ineiiLia are luvin-u (o c~i v..i: ae Hiy ,-t.* ; *i 0e blitj iiumUubo .aeLottil li'JU.-r A* ii Out u J.»*ii.u v‘ v. J. tii.iiAl. FiiOu.glapiier l li K it O P LFS F A PE li ! FOB Fo UR BOLL ARS !j ’ike blivunuiili Advertiser MILL Uh MsULID 70 V’UU PATENTED. ; Daily, OAR YEAR, frar thk advehtisEb iriiuanEs tiiucu KeaUiUg ftlfUiei uii.y Taper to the State, ihe Aeauciuieu i rta.s Diaputchc? in Ai.*i kv te. Special, u-- ui timita tiiiti ti»e Lt gi •atuie,A Week! y Couiujnciai Review, eiaboi ateiy couipile*, auu, iu iaet, is a thoroughly thg, uaijiithiMlv At«.*pu|icr, laiiiittiutl at ii price that hay ainady given a DOLBLit. luib 'CIKCIiLAnUiN OK Auy Other Gewigia Daii)> i.i. Weekly Luiiiou 82 per ii.nuoi. .i .i,tek one Agents AV.tuteii. Bli.tlv J A ivi.ii liAbb, Proprietors, D'l I .llllluil, Git ohUiiS, MtUlblNtb, GhtMlliALS, 4kb t* i- JibLii i oiv, • * alt ) EOit k Ce- B iioLbtiALji hIiC(JGJ.6u\ Aliauia, * . • Georgia, iNVTTK. the atteut-icn oi, Pi.y cans and uibcis lo Ibcir large ol Drugs, .Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, . --- ■: Oils, -:-i ' Glass, Patent Alediciucs, Fancy Goods, Stic., Ac.) which, for (jnality and low prices, Defy fnmpelitien in the South »■ ."oiicil ii' l exarnination’of "ur Stock an i*ringsi Wc .wilf make « to your interest to irad- with -18. PEMBERTON. TA7’I,OR A CO. DR. WIL LI AM WHITAKER HAVING located 2 miles from Fairburn Ga., near the road leading to Concord ohnrch reßpeodHlly offerß bis professional services to the public in the treatmentcf the various form- of disease pgr Charges reasonable. Cancers .treated on the principle of no cure no pay. ma24-6m DlfiiP. M. TIDWELL, RESPECTFULLY tender* bi« services to the citizens, of Fairburn. and snrrounding country, in the practice of medicine, in its va rious branches. H- is well supplied with am putating and obstetrical instruments, and all in strumenta necessary for the successful treat ment of diseases peculiar t" females, many of which cannot be puccei'fully treated without their use. . . . Having been engaged in the • ractiee for the last twenty ye rs. h" h- pe'-. by close attention, to bonks and patients, 'n m - it and receive a liberal share rd patronage. • . pfr- Offlcc in Court-Hun**. raa3 Cm A FAMILY* PAPER. V* bich can be trusted and which U always lull'd' intet ps’, iv a necessity ot the times, such a one is'the CHRISTIAN UNION, ibe Unsictarlnn. •ly Newspaper, whose Editor is HENRY WAofl BEcCHER, It has sokKTHtsa son Evens Mkubrb ur i i Kb flou-EMOLD. i-i mi teisol Religion, • ral . Politic, Literature Art, Scict e. Agriculture, Poetry, News. Fiction for vo i.g and id , Truth lor Krerybcdy. AJk Pkk Urns vigorous pen in he rid i tori als till tar * apers, and Mr. El nnvvnod’' family rerbati n reports of tb'a lie plui Le, ui»- Talks .p lyiuo in t liurch,, are great attr ctions. All. ii «ch er is Siioted i.y a ler.r editorial staff. At (met ions Fur 0472! G i YEN A Jf r A Y! two fb-jruing nnd P«|iular dorks of Irl ; ‘VvlifE AWAKE AND' FAST ASLEEP" • wo . Xifui-'iia Freticii O l t hrouoa, the subjects ot wiinh vie I.iKK sizg. ami ean oot tail to pleas ail w n love art or ehil ren AeUtVEN WAY lo rvery auh scriber str ,*72 whet ties it teaNcbsub f’UflptlCU Os R-jLiUL Tne N Y Eve ing At 11 raja of thou cliroiuuA: - -Wide Awake’ md.' ast A ieep’ r.e two and x. uipieaoi the chrorno lithograph ex- Wmeii Have tew rival- in the loarkia in ai l ..C l V eer.s " A 'Utiei.iltier writer >«. the Pamisher*: Tie l la IB S iar suipaks iu beauty aud -ij.e anythin ih ile. , eekrd A nei«b b'ir o' lUlne "light the same r.'iuoa iu -ew ork a lew unnirhs afci., an p.dd en diniais tor itieiu F ease act-ip tuy iiauks lor them.’’ 1 enlarge mTn t Aikl ti.uuge of F«im. Un t e tu-'i o| Jitnury p.* er was en rged nu will lien alter be loldvd in we lily lour mrg quar o p gts. p Med at me back and tnunu at tbe r dges,- a de cided i.uv.n.tage iti votive,.lence lor read og. p sses til by no other releigioui weekly published Mrs. Hun iet Beecher Stowe during the year 1.-.2, i ill H i ite Exclusively t r tin t j' an I .mon (w ith theexcep idii in ou. an. rt erory aireauy eiigaged Un ahOther puoiKjat.ion.) •lit 1 Lit ns 04. SIBSCKIPTIOX i ZRfc Aft t LDOWB: One Ycar Only $q entti u.e. su scribe, vo Hie p t|M. tl t tin* ihe* AOuve ui U i ■ liromo-, eeiivc ed at the p-blication ® ' . ‘ 1 tbe •» bscriber wHi aud ten cents •oi expenses ol wrapping, mailing. «tc. [63 1 ] the Cinoiuos will be tuaded. po t pAICI. IN Till. OB t-K OV aAMBS OK TH* at’B CKiPTiO,. list ad ii the snbsc, ib r pre ,ero IV aytiu sill 25 grits more f. .3 a to gether.lLe upies t.e uiape wil be strong ly mount! and on earu-board, sized and var bisned,air ready * lor irutuing. Tm» i, the metluKl we recoiDeod as tne u,Osl »ati«- • aclbfv■ *wrt It. alllew ueauy au oor suboceroers ord r. I'vbd ramiey by J’ligf/I Oilier*, Draft* or Registered Letter*. PS msr 4»-IL, FiKST BIRVLD. tn.ciMKN Gurus <>i tne Ghhistiak l niiin will he mulled nun. ,of postage to liny uddiWs ou receipt ol six cenis by J B tORI) & ca, PL’ BLIMI KB S, 27 Park . lace. scm Fork. llriif) M aril licecber aud Glii isttaii Imon. THE (hiaiLiN UNION isaßeligiou* we.-kiy. edited by U. i.ry Ward Beecher, ’d and putillslud by J fi r rd A 0., 2, Park Place, N \ .It coui| sises-.-, pag s, large yiely parted at the bam, and uinii and t the edges, ready and con veil aii t I r eadi g. lc is .he abiest a i. bed ie iigioi s paper t übli led . ctive e rnesf, alive on all questions pertainiong to the growth <l a uealt y. religioug file. N»t blindly bound by cree orb party, not ieu to Old con'servaiive noli iia, and mouldy superstitious; yet deCplv, tlior ou ii y. tiuiy ivigiou* But two years Id. eircub tes thousiui s more than any nth r re tgious paper in AtueFca tn t* its .pul growth does not bo u,u li eurpris- Us .vli I, We consider that it fully meets i.e w (its oi . u t ine, tor Lhrlstian üb» ; J tliiiiir, .bro -u pilu ujueitfcl, ' le- r headed, lar—igbted l„ rge-hearted. .T'l.sni il l only lellgitvttw j. lor which Mr. Beecher writes, or to which he in any ay contiibu es. His rharae’er* i-iic arti lesol a 1 kinds and die only c m plete v. rba im reports of his * ,7'G' vl te Ueoni Talks,’ as w ell Mri; 41 B> lOwe’s oeiightlu (and for m ye. r IS 2 xinuoiv, ) emitrihutmos are tvraeiive lea ures ot tuv paper whileihe val; U 8 <*utfeiGse h teles ana t.he adiiiirabiT susi Hied regular departments of th pa p- r Hiri ished souirttiii.g o lute cst to tv ry m uiber ol the tatudy "W i Awake” rud -Fast A-leeb’’ a pair "I Fr nch Oil Cl im..-, will be given »way to all aiiiiu 1 subs ib*r-. The reg ub-r murk t rice of theft Leauiiiul pic uica is teu dolta a at which t ous..n ts of them have' beien gold. Tluv are - in pi v charming. • and c 'h not tali to please ail who love art or . hiidrtn. •'• hrieti- n Ui.onorie'y ur »nd both ta ■ - hromos will bo sent lor *3; ten CB -XT for postage, aud twen y-livo • egrra in mo tinting rid varui hiug " ‘hat sty lea preh-rr*-... as it near y always a See advertisement in another column. McLARIAI k WIL.LIAMS, DkAI.SRS IN DRY GOODS Liu*fee Family Groieri**, * CO UN2B Y PROD VC£, H a r and w are, ROOTS AND SHOES, * HATS AND CAPS. Store John-ou bui ding {Old Court. Honse), Fairburn. 0 8 ' Highest prices p ’ Jifeind of coa produce | o bl J . WA tt LL CK , UAXCKACirBEB or Vv A.Jr( | SToVLS, lIS P ATE, till TIWLRgr FIIfOKSCS. Also, OIL fc LAMPS. Marietta Stroet, between Whitehall & Broad, At’au(a t Georgies, the attention of the citla-n of Campbell. Fayette » n d Douglas, conatim the advertisement ol Mr. J Warlick w. know him to b»i one «f the high toned. hoaT.l stnsr zzszs •ptbli