The Palmetto gazette. (Palmetto, Ga.) 1871-1???, November 04, 1871, Image 4

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J-tfli an':.; ,1 \ iil«j•!.:>’ ' !♦ • i i’:sr 1 .; • i ‘i- i cf .Mm it ii Tl will not l>o ne v • - t>> do more than din;/'* ' 1 o 1 1 ilium ot to. )■ nut era i ;• i t-r it. their (jtinsitl i'.’; of t’.i: i ;• tHi-i'. which wo |iWji; li t;;n vv h ci' i Mi'e.-- rbac vety recently h.: re i! bridge, \ A_• ■ : ' (hey, written by that eatiix !sf . n 1 scientist, Com. .V. F. -Viattry, to whom we arc indebted lor an early copy Whatever lie writes com uitimls attention, amt tic surrender a gooil portion <>l' • ur sp.a-o he its r ufo lucliOii. We Will give fife xemautder in ons next i -sue. Tint subject is one of paramount iniporl anta. 1 , and the It i dewlopm nt ) t!: o plan proposed > ■ ’«• ct‘ -v p,u tieul good to ih" v. ;■ w Id. Com. , Mam v prowos'.- 1 1; at : !) a system ot* meleore (ret r: a: . t; oiTs shall lie inaugurale hby •• " a and j foreign govornnietit r, as utilize, 1 tor the practical bench; ofugricalture j the present v. h and ie of the world j on tho.-e subjects nil ting it, ;;s : •ttioroug’v ant saec-.v-f sily : • the system ol report :u ■ mats a feed upon at the f.nn us .Scientilio Con grcaa of Brussel.- in I has done lot' the bent tit ot* com lit re... Uu readers need not b - reminded that it was at the at.;, gvslicn :n. . ig:.- I • ion of Com. .Man ■ Brussels meeting too place, and our Go era- I men: will again honor its. If by cordi- i ally facilitating the object proposed .mow by lliisdistingui-kcd sat mi. As to ! its praeticability we have ■ o doubt, and if any of our reader- are -depth cal, tiie clear, simple and through presentation, i- dvcniii t.a - address, mast, convince them. It i-, in our , opinion, the most, important sugges tion for the beuelit of the .ou.tuercce of Mgricu’ttncthat hase\erheen made, I and its spe dy development into practice will ceutainly be in keeping with the spirit of the age that binds I continents with iron bunds, that spans oceans vv ill tin* electric girdle, that | tunnels mountains and digs through Isthmuses, that burns cities and re builds them in a day, that m aims the winds in their courses and measures the current: of the sen, and tliat now aspires to read tie prophecies of na ture add ferret el its dealings with the .works of' man. By ail means let the Congress he called, the system agreed upon, and the plan inaugurated, and to that lat- \ ter work no one more honored or competent can he called than (Join. M. h • Man. y himself " e w.btsLl sic gi : t to the various Agricultural mid* Imiuslrisl Associa tions throuchout t-oitlh tliat are now holding their mmual (air- «wd meetings licit they indorse the sug gestions of nuvy eo-oper i ate hy resolution and ; edition for the ; accomplishment of the plan proj>o- , se 1. The South. II <* Crops, i: e. We clip the following from the Griffin Semi- Weekly Sc nr : Mti-siis. Enrroits Ghiffint Star : I As you keep vour re; and is posted j in reunit'd to the cotton crop in most 1 sections of Georgia, we thought it j likely you would like to hear I from Upson county also. The cotton j crop this sc tson, from all we can learn, will n it exce ml three-fourths ol ; a crop ; some arc ol the opinion that j there will not be over two-thirds of a j crop made. The farmers are much j later ibis season saving their cotton 1 than they were las. year. If cotton 1 keeps up to the present prices far- j liters in this section ought to he in a much better situation pecuniarily, i Ilian they were tins time last season Last year most men planted expect ing to g t 'JO cents for their cotton, .while on average they got only 13 cents. They used last year large quantities of fort il’z ws ; bought eorn at from |'l (Id to -B_’ 00 per el. This season our fanners have had but little corn to lmy, having made last season enough foi home consum ption. Those who have had meat to itry, bought i: a tut two-thirds tin ru'ict it cost them last season. Besides the farmers were v ery much dishear tened at 'he low price for which they Sold their cotton lor last season, and in planting this year did not calculate on more than 10 cents for the crop grown this season, ami regulated their farming operations and expenses ac cordingly. ■ There is lmt little of importance go ing on in this section. In the town there have been several mercantile houses.'ou‘lt, am! in process of erec tion'. DtV <- ■ W. T. Hannah has had recently imislicd a large frame Store which is opposite the vacant, lot xvt.ict) la” betwc ~ the store of Mr. 'Woid’s amt the Bap! i-t Church. Jttdge vlmriiiaii is having a Urge brick store erected Uptwccn Mr. A. Y> . Weaver'- ll ml J. himmon’ g. Iv q, grocery store. Mr. Joseph Allen is also b idding a store opposite the store of i’>. I). Idardhway. Dover:'"! dwellings have been built this season in and around Thomsston. On the whole there are consider,", sb- improvements going or in life t.jvfd at ],i" sc,it. Mr. AquiK Clienty lias recently had put tip a cotton ua: clioii-o near the. Bail road depot. Dwelling' houses arc in great demand in town, anil arc increasing in value an;The merchants have laid in r-, lull supply of all kind of good this fall, and they are ill c •minting on having a brisk t rale tins season. It A ihought that so.ui wi are to have several eel ton bnver from MaJort and ollie? cities, to buy - ftp cotton in tlns marKet. i lie amount of cotton sold this season from this neighborhood i ; much loss than il was this time las! year, which is ow ing to tie fai i »i:nt I'arme; - arc mud more hack ".'an! tins year • citing it there cro !> limn t l, v w-rc last year. IttOMAs.ox. J. L. BOSWOSTE pF.Ar.T-nt i pi' OG-bUE:, fECSKERf, CUTLERY ri'T k*7ii.ES FORSYTH, S'fp.EET. A: ' AN :A, - - - - CA. (a: att a... riinfii’y Fuvoilts Swhcg Machine. .... AS met with the m< st surprising •uccess, commenc ug* with the first : o awarded to /'.meric,an Family Sewing Machine*, at the Haris Expos iti<m, in 18C7, and similar awards at every competing trial since. The reason why you should buy the Weed Ist. it A i-.asy to regulate and keep in order. a:'.i. X‘t err.)plicated in ron.driir tirm. Ii in tkes a luck stitch tliat will riot nnrae' cl -(Jong tlio atest vari/tyof wi.ik wiiji l/io tcwc. t clan o,> in tne lues nanisn■. ’J UK Mens I i>l: -1 ,t BLK TIIK M >M' l'ol’Ul.tK. TH 1: MUST SUCCESSFUL. S wing m market. No machine cvei a Mich universal sathe-ct on Saii.-la.lion pumimiceit oi no sale ('all and sc t!.c M ci'iiie ii o;>oiutum at Uu, Queen ill. s Mil.any Shop, at J. F. Kl.i.y/.n s tore, Palm tto, (Jil. v 25 TO ?! JO PFR WEEK! Made easy by any Lady. 20,000 -‘'id m six months. The most rapid ly selling articles ever invented for married or single ladies’ use. NO FEMALE CAN 1)0 WITHOUT TUl.'.'.!. Durable, Elegant, Cheap, and what has always been wanted, and always’ ‘'id- !’■ ' its lurgtS, Jbghts for sale I.adv gents can t !rn+.'-: fortunes, btu .1 articles. Circul .rs free. . i'bcss Haniianaii ,\1 anufactck bc.A \ ~r k . (let. 2s. Iv. SKATim mma SSATEia HA3K2SS. 4 AT GARRETT & WALTHALL’S \M, <0 E>‘ostsit'o ■2? 2a. o id i :f i) r s\ >’:in be found, Ffarnt'B* - , "rave rid] Fiiitalilu for work or for [Pa, —butli for M)V:cb and i cuiaicb bkaiittt, sue.. READY MADE CLOTHING, s-.:i’s or Single garments, TALMAS, bit A W t S, siiiiirs, AND t I AC IS QOGD3. AND TA9IES WEA", TV SILKS, ALAPaCAS, MOH iIR, POP! INS DELAINS, AND Will 1 E GOODS. LSO CID A It?, SHAWLS, h.'OP Ptims riusiEtty, GLOVES, COUhETTS, ad a fid' "-a- of Y.inkce Notion::. Baggins u.d Varus, Bouts, shoes. Hats, ana Cups' lor -wry body, needier with ;i J.ugc !of :>f I)o- Lo.sii Gt* i uid batiiily Un»Arion. A ii of which •vt* Will f-G 1 low i.S 'GP lie i;( hbol'tjl Now y.-u iiuU ft/ik', the Jovcrsof Natty, \pplew, (jjii lm rim ni. iitid i'.indy Ju-t "i Up) vom* N *gk;cv ;■ ud vi.ii J bsnujio ii.aniiy, -It UALtUIi 11 • O /iLTiI ALIa cS Oct 21-3 m v. tj, LaltD s.DIi '1 *B D DIDD and CfKOCIRSIS cm: IP for cash IP-cti xri otto, Vi,- ■ 7iozard:s news. ' TIIK VAN NV I 'T h TnINU NEWS, i, low in 1 - iv fv. , ji»y-i':«ht y« r.r of \>* existence. ;md ir< .k .xt o'. ! i. y Aid I'rcag ks one o' the . I.c: i . .iliius in tTto Son til. \js am. V lt ; lct, lit * M J.\N I iUt NKWS n • '.ii: and out., prising up with the 1 time, in overy |viv(»ctilr. It if carefully, it"d vi.ron.d\ edited, and is emphatically a ' j Join n;i! of to day In politic*, it is i*arm stlv ami bojn.*fullv I Ot-mbevalic and is an u'iwa-.erin.’T auvocurj j tud disc pic of I ii-.* .rincipL/of ’tG. ft is - ■ nted in the interestt* of tlifi peo ;>i <;f li’D Vp.ifli. of Gforuia, and Sav»uinuli. i 'flic <.i: or L lt>« al in-<*t Georgia 4.nd ! Mor : ! -! i- mio - i ypecialify: the comml departl.u-iit. is full rad ruiii.M 1, and'thol eue ; ke-up of .lie. is fresh, spark ; .‘VI -i. and pin ".an l More leadinir matter is _ ~ .i it - a.-h issue thah is to be found in and j , ; i . .. \ ; .iirnaf u.vih of Louibville or i ea t of Nt-w »IrlfJffis ? ■J - M(:l:;';..U NEWS ha ■ u drculntioh 1 . i'l l! to Udu' oT any newspaper printed in j (iiH*:.i.«, an.l double that of any otlii:r ?a-j vaariah j-an nal —thus affording ore of thv j hi s? ad vei i'.'-iLiX mediums in the country. ! Mom-iy seat hy Snitiltern Express Conipa v max !■•• fonvnrded at our i n;.i! at our ! iXpDip' *, Address, j. h- e*-t: 7 ,D Snvuuiwh, (biovjf n. TOE WEEKLY SEWS, | : "" ' . The WEEK:- Y NEWS, is a ne dly p.iatl’d, carlibly edited journal, each issue contuiniiiK an aveiaffe of Thirty Columns of Reading Matter. It <’o’lvmends itself particalar'y to in<v« w!i *do n t enjoy *|i« fitciliiies of a daily mail .i ni wh) desire to have the current new:-: of the day in a cheap, conipiet ml re liable form- > The ’V EEKLY is ran ! e up with preat can: ami tlisi'rim'nati'-n, and contains the cream of the l ady edition of the MOKMNU N E V It> extremely low price, i«s careful make up, and the and varied amount of re if in kr matter which it contains, com ! niHjj'i it to a I win) desire a lirst-cJ.iss fa nd newwpaj-er. The Weekly will be sent one year to an addiVKK for .$2,00, six nonths, sl,oo' Money sent by Souibein Express Commpan m y be forwarded at our risk and at our ex pi use Address J. H-EBUL- Si'.v an nab, Georgia, THE TUT-WEEKLY IVIO L' niiig l jKT Tne Mil-WEEKLY’ MOIIINT XE NEWS all the b st features of the Daily and W.’*k!y edi i-»’H. and >s made up with sneye •> 'he w ; its of the fn>it i com dVri t'dvot Mni-H.-, 'Oiithnu and Smith western (icrgi i It contain**' nlEtlie latest t'ommer cia< r.: - !d li giapp.ic Intelisrence up to the Iv ■. ■ :dr-' : -Ito .. («>s. and the very ln**£e eiu-uhi';>.t to '• hi. Ii it las attained coijvri ce •id tiit it lili a hi , 1 1 place in public a esti. : motion. •i.i E i-Weekly X.-ws will W s*’T’t to hiiv " H v ‘... i sc t.'O kiv mouths for M s'u' by Southern Express Cod mi. v at cm* i is:: and exper.yr*. Address • : f. r* J- IT. T STILL. taxafuiuii, Georgia. X s FJ. iiaiiLSaGSTo G 1 II IA~ *:/ IU ! r> B. Bf f. :70C i GOV! RNO 11 OF SAID ST AT W- Fr-r T'a ■ Vx'utnv. »ml C'jx'tunn -,rV. ilr. a a ’ Coin •I. tia* r 1« ‘a |iny 'bn i> 'ia ■, u*l nlc **nl duM -a .Ii li «t Imb January, and Ju>? nltin.f, upon r-ertin >»onls f tint o umpah'/: «nd The*Sfa ? e of Georgia in 4 «r« 4 for ar.d r- • >•■•’«•! rl.. ii- nm» i pay ::v*n oft e int,r**« a peg tti'ic ~ I I f-aid bondH. aijt I• p-ul to ti:«* L 0 ->is dr .til H..» a. nnal. ioG rr t do<* »n the tir-l 'levioi .1 tt.uary aix< July a*ore aid . »nd The taid Alabama a» and Ch«tta*-«o(ra iig:'B-.i to th" t.Mni* yy I con lition*» pmsci heij hy law Now, therefont, L\ vi -ure a r the »wih»n.y *n me ' “■'ted l»v the Oon iibitisn «n-i Laws of ihia State, I LxT-s IL 1.1 oik .iHOOr .an.' (’..tnmandcr iu < i-f • f the Army and • •vyof lh a Stan* end of h” i..i|»(inrv thereof no issue thin mr prr-clmia i« n niikng known that the Sla'e *f Geort- a is in j»o-- -es.' ioi! i f d*e .*.lat ama aid Chalta-oMra lUIV-vil •snack rflft'. bed, and n ... e,i y of hi f cl every a- crip iou, ly ior tefug m the St t<* o ('«•**• *oa : end -t is . <o 1.-; I'h.-D ;.l! olTi.-ors rs this m l »Tid ■ !i :;y. i ,• it e oil to ance, to t’.i- hml Uut th« abut cil" the- VDitv )'.• ntain'aT-od ,ju the p-ae* ful p • ”(("1 of the B. id A ain.i.a' iiu! Hail oad -n l it s f-per y wi.hiu this State, and r*«U'fcin a lArtiee from ai v action w sa <tsoever to and npo*fi •!•“ {Hate I'jii.i ’■ - 1-lhiH' C.d.jr of the !•>.- alive. <: v. n r.idrii ... li-nd a«.d the irieat e C « f :!i- t-.‘e bt the Capil'd n At'aniH. this 2nd, day rs in the ye r of our L »rd E -h’eei Ilunlred and. Sev- ix -one and of li- Tndu.euce of ths United lIUfUS li. bILLOCK. Ry t'ei] wprn r Ravi <» <'o-t so Sec-etary ol State Aug 9 187 1 —a REAL! READ'! JHLu !!! ACT, ACT, ACT, AS THIS VAX DID ! Near Faiubvux Ga. May 2Hih H7i. r.t John Goodman—Deab Utuiiih has been wratctifd bail for revoul years, ami I luv* tri and various remedies for iciitf 1 h pel it year, for medicines ! in New Vo«k and received tut little benefit , i have been taking your ‘Vegetable Liver : I’il ft. and tSaivapaiilia Htt rs or two months ■ml 1 am h jvpx to iufoua 309 trial if« el Jike ■1 mew mm. my health ifc be ier than it haa I been in live ye os. I very conceit ntionsly recoin no nd j"iir medicines lo the afUicted . everywhere. Yeuiß Reapfc'fully K. HrvrjHTr. DR. GOODMANS MDDICINES F.,i sale bj A .! SUM I!, ■' Dr ggi.t Palmetto. Ga. j ■ r _— _ r ;DR. J. H. WATKINS, OFFICE J AM) X=c e s Id e n c e , C O J iJN E It I j Ii O .A. D AFD eoi&aSIBB > ( Juue 17, ly. Piilai'C'tto Ga. ' BOARDING HOUSE, T3 "FT iVi RS'. gC. H S-H ARP ATUOttMI, ■ • • • CTEQ-adtA. Good Far,—X A Rornii and v,.tl l'rr.l i«b«d. Term*—M-i# P*f Werfc. Supt , r ' - ’ __ 'erassi isssE j Reck, t-.t St. Hotel, Mirielta Strret, Cate Pity Elotk, ATLANTA. GA EOAKD, PUR RAY. ■ -'i Sept 2'2 6m. Olioap neacLin^, ■ -X *• TH % ATLANTA NEW ERA CLUB RATES IN ORDKIt TO'PLACE THE W3IESEIL‘ir lilBA within the reach of »1!, the proprietors ha**« determined to offer the following SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS : One V’opv, one year $ 2 00 Ten copies, one ve r, $1 50 each 15 00 Twenty co pi i a, one year, *1 25 each.. 25 00 1 hilly copies, one ye r. $1 Oh each... 20 0q l lie Weekly • 'll! 'contains nearly twenty eight columns of’choice reading matter each ; bsue, consi-ting of I’olitics. Literature, Mar ket Reports, anti General 3?CTot7v7-^3. M*ke up your clubs at once. PoK'inK.-tnrs are nu’liorized and requested to act a* Aidotits Adibfsu NEW Elm office, * Atlanta, Ga. LEWIS COC-: 84 AVhiteiiai.i. St. Atlanta, Ga., 11 c sf a u r an .t AND j AND FISH DEPOT. * Fr *h Shad ssui Black Fisk 8i12'i22;7122S IN T Q-£‘m Sli-LSUHo MKA L S AT ALL HOU S S Sri. 22, Gm. If LI IIS STE a A Bi E WEST XX & XXX ALE and P OR TER. » C. A. GOODYEAR, rrnii-ieto’'. AfI.ANTA, GEORGIA A EiGENZIMGEE MAXCFACTL'IIET. OF O'M OLBYS fiY, LOUNGES &, FURNITURE, ii Sg-ing M F.’.r .MSOH, Belling, &e Mnsqnite Netting, Bri.giories and 1 )ecorat ions. Hunter Street, • ; • -eIL. LT X-. jTa. r X J -AY., GSraSi. pt. 30, 3in ORDINANCES OF PALaIEI TO. 1 To It ordained by the Commissioners ci the tc .vrv, Of’ Piumc’ to Sf ' I t No p;eVßfui'ahull mm or cause f.> b , done, any biin i on tHabhain* dav, imle-.- it be woik <.f v any parse n v : ol i t'hg llvrs section, siial'i pay' a* fine Ato ed ten dolbu s'and civ.ts or Imjii i.-oument nol exceydiug f A v« and« ,;h rn cnlabOos ■ 6ee 2 N<» person shall w»!tc, p ' e , or 'v:t any letter or letters, xven! or word -, or devices, or in any maniiv v r-i-.Ti’at ( y ( p. liico any [ml.lic builclln >-k. or cliurul. .. ny Bhnde lrue, on my bulilie Streot nut!, i pun ally of liv’u tl til.irs, or confineil in ru'.tu oru not exctcliiiK live rluvs arid all costa. -Sec. 3. I hat any per-on who shall f-stc-n •my liorw or at i. 'at t any 1, ::!c ■>,•.'(■, ~, iVnoc, or tvany ttitnij on or I y tin; side w si all pay a fluo, of not cxpcodlng two dol lars and costs, and the Marshal shall in every case seize the horse or other animal an 1 retain it nntill the line and costs are | aid. Sec Mu person shall pn! a.v ol s'r c tioii-' in a* - pntsti'o s're, t. on any side V.uilk except in case of tioildtng, any p-. v-on who shad place any obstruction-- as .I,.resaid, n-fwaiiijf or tailing' to remove (lie same in ten hours after l'cing notified, hy the Marsiud, shall pay a Hue, ot-to elec.' ! lire dol!. . «. , cr. ats. Sec f. Any person, or persons who shall ,'iive a vehicle, or ride in a di>o>d r v mail r?r, through the slrcctK, or wno i-lbill vide I on or ]d-cu any vehicle on th* l ui la wn!k, shall pay a line, not exceeding two and j and costs, or confined in calaboose, until the fine and costs ore paid. pel-son or persons hlif.M \ut ; ! a disorderly ho use. or hous. sos and! fume, any | home or houses that is inluibifed dv dia • ordeily persons of immoiNal ciiaravter. ti.all ib« considered a dksouierly lions/*, ..r h .• • of ill fame, and any or n!l inmates ol such house or housts, thall be considered tiie !tot-per or keepers of tin* snne, and w. lijOGt 1o the penultles of this Beckon. And ;..iy person or persons whcshull T-cit. df ciiFf to he rented any house or hou.-es, t • he used as disordeily house or houses of ii! fame dull be considered a keeper or k« pew ol the same, any person violating this s ctfon shall pay a line .not iess'th m■ten dollars, lor each violation, < r confined in calaboose at t! . descrrlion ol the council. Sc 7 Any merchant or deaVi 4 in any kind of merchandise, who shall keen < p*n doors on the Sabbath diw cr muse the f.-mii to be done ; or trade, or tralli •, shHi , av a find of not less than five dollars at.d cost, or confined in the calaboose at the discietion of tlie (’ouncil. Sec 8 Any person who shall he guilty any a t of public indecency, or using <n s a iaiy vulgar, or profane language or of quarrel mg or lighting, ot act in a disor ler-y in in ner sh .il pay a fine not dug h n and >l ais and cost, or bes c6nftilV‘<l in the calaboose at the desertion of the Council. See. ( J. Any person who shall m d-e any unnecessary noise at night to tarn Cist urbance of any of the citizens, shall be fined five dol lars and cost Sue 10. Any person x*dio miy V-c found j mx and acting in a.d sort’eviy n»»inncr, or lying down on the streets sh l! he .irrested hv the Mai shall and confined in the cala j boose until sober, and shall pay afmoo: not exceeding live.dollars and cost. ! Sec 1: 1 That n<) ;rtTfsor. shall di-rluirge any lint of li rearm--, within «wo hundred vaids of any occuj*ied lions -, xxi'.ldn rite cor . 1 rate limits of sad town, (n dess uood and sutiicdent reason is give",) under a p n and y of not less t’iau one dollar, nor i. ore iha . ;"2 ddllaiw Sec 12. Tin? f’cr.irnKsif :d-!s nvy >. rmt license to retail ardent spirits in ail d.-vd, on cpi* i« Dtiori 111 *d.e Ali j trs us n> wh m Iyy gr« *ht such licenpo, slut*l |ay r-> t;. • j Clerk li'tv dolhi'S per aitiium s.i . :iui« >• •:j; to be pai I qimit-. ily Al i\ -p'dc it s n I [ give hood wi h . pp’c v. and M ( uri v y. in a . run than live hundred ri.):Ur~, • : 1 t and: • tli oath re mired by law. n rwVfor tiell in *|ii:.iiH tires le arl mi one <,u;ut any M-d* nt spir'iiYi. v/tthoul L» . in/ C i hied sueli license, paid tfie require 1 the requited bond and I nom s i-j onn h «»r site, may be fined nd nice ii, a cue huo divd dollars and cost or toniineii ut he cal a ’oose at t e (h’serefion ol n e : il S«*c J t, No license ;h«i‘l if trans'eM ;>!.■. No lic’-nse shall protes t more than om- y , • ami licit place de ided ii said, lie n-e. an. 1 : no ardent spi-.ts shall be vda ’,C in 1 -Meets wf said - t oxvn IMF' p •f‘Oli X io!:’ . Dig ; this -Scot! fh,'shall pay a line not <xce i .■ | two hundred doll, .rs, or be c mlincd in 1h * cal if oose at the < esc’ction of the C< a... :i . Sec 15. I hat everyowinu' c-r n’onrn-C'r < and a billiard, p0.,1 or bagatelle) table on wl.i h billiards pool or b.agate!> is played, shall ap~ | plv to tlraiClerk and •ihta ; n liovuse, fur winii ! shall be ’nib'ten dollars per annum >. Ai? person vi-dating this sec ion ?«h ill pe.v a line : of twenty live dollars, and sm-h l»il i ,r.l 000 l or GiigHtelle in Me, >Eail bt* sul’jcct ior ‘lie paynmni of nfctr fine. Si c, IC, II p 1 sbns.’ V.dio ore ongaced in ! any mercantile tra eof -ny ! i i-l in said town, owners of liveiy stabh s, arlisl.-,, cotton buyers anl all others who trade u, on li • >t Ica ts, without having pa and a tax a-: mer chant-:. And eVe'iy { F’piiei<»r or owner of a hotel, or house ot puhlio » irertaiomeut, -i;;!. app’y to the Cierk and obtain liOenke for the sam" Wiiic'i license shall be ten dollars per tnniou, also 1 very blacksmith •hop, xvooil sho]», baiber shop, shoe, shop I u gy cabinet shop, and silver or gt.'n sinilh; I'm pr fessiou sliall upp'V to the Clerk arid obtain liciii-e, therefore, whieli , license shall be five dollars per anmnn All laxvyer**, dccto s ant dentist-!, shall obtain license from t’re t.'le kvf.rr caiying on the J profession, license'she 1! !;*• five dod• aid executions''may issue rg>aiiist aiiy :• ‘-»ib . su'll persMits who tail, or refuse to obtain 1 license herein, specified. Sec' 17. Every male citizens lialdo to road duly, under the laws of this Shi e, and a resident of Palmetto shall be subject 1-- • i t ■ of three dolhirs per annum, tc be paid into, the toA’d Treasury by the Ist day i of April in each year, nil p-v-D-D-; subjto i al tax, and refusi g to ply by the M-quirci j '”u.. -ha!! be subject to and mole tux widi | cosiS of c »!ie*«.... r v < v Sec 16 <f clntll be iW ’ nry , to vece’ vc* from every pw hi in said t >w •* ! list of their real e:;‘ate ami it. value, j she or they may have or hold in their < v a liuhts or the lights of snotlu r person, on the j Ist d.v of June In each year, and return the ' same, to the* board of Couitnissio«»er<, by the Ist day Auuiiit therea'ter : ami should any [Has, n lail, or re use, to refu n their real es tate at its vaiue or llle'tfine specified, or ih.ill return it at less iluul its real value, on sue!: ms iimation being had by th board of • on mUisioners it snsilh be th.dr du f y to appoint tlit** e free bolder- v’ho shall ass ss the vdiv, »f s .ch real estate as maybe neglected. 1 fraudulently returned, and i ter the snm • o the hoard* of- Commissioners. Ail all property assessed and return and by said free hohh r-i, shall b* double t txej. he board .f Commissioners sha!! levy such a per cent, i >n the propnty, given in as they m iy deem 1 right and proper, for-delaying tiic nec-s iry expenses of 5 said town. And the Moshall | hall collect the t txes so le\’i *d. htlie Id - teuiih day in Oetob r of each year. Sec ID No bl icksmUh shop or plank kiln, -hall be erected within 75 feet of any dwell : mg h< u-e, stove hou.*G, or other building.- of 1 value, xvithin the cm p i , v. limits of sdd town No - sbal any l>uil>iing occupied us tub, un’ess made lir- pp'of; any p• rs>»n violating this section sha 1 be tin and n« t 1 ss than ten dollars, and the. plank ** im, or shop -hall be subject to the piyvucnt . sui i line * md iost. Sec. 20. Th? commissioners nviy pas-* such i rules as tli y may vein mve-s ry for the overnmeut of the n >ard, and .-u ii rules -hall be recorded by he deik, in a book to he kept for that rpoae, ami such ■shall he strictly ad , red tu at nil 1 egular arid : lied meetings. ; ccc 11 No p< Her or trader shall'. t for sale any goo s, wares or merchandise within the ini' ii'i.- U iiiuils < r . i«l u.wi. xvi h m t first oht .ini r fre:.i li. * clerk <». Council uli .vnse, fin* which she or •:.• v shall pay li:• * Sill’ll of live doi r-', aid i Mix’s fe«l '‘n - raili and vwvy day, he’s!u> ■ r ih y sliu'. ifler any sroods, wares or m c.b i.di e bn sib*, any pi r-on vlolatirg . s .'Jdd, r-hrd' l •:* lined net exc eding tea doib rr. ■<! bt* con lined in calabouß *, at the ik. e.-. tion of the Council. ( Bee 22 All shown or exhibition of animals, ; slight of hand, ledgerdemain or '.’.i f;:- of an*, kind, owners or proprietors of .same A,a!! pay a li’ifcnso, not exceedinr .w.-ntv-liv.: <!;»!• | iors, for each days pro form aVue', iiuy person ! violation thin section, shall pay a line ol fifty dollars and corts, or be confined in calaboose ! at the •Vcretion of the Council fcN-’.-h'J If 'vy animal'shall die in said ! (own, it, shall be the duty of the Vim hai to notify the owner, of such dcaJ animal, to remove the same out of the incoi parale i lim ts'o* sal l town, and uram failure or re fusal of said owner to do the same, within ten hours*- aflrir being liotihe-i h/ tiie >..<\rshal, sliall pay a fine of !iv«* ciollais am! ’lie M r.-lial shall emse the s-.m« to be removed at the expt-m-e if the vner Bee 24. If any rerson or persons shall miA the authority of ihe Mirslnl <>i m dcst him in the pt rioimance of msofiic al <:u.ics, be or ‘lr V snail pa}' a find, of not less than ten nor more than fifty dt? ars, at the dis r.«i:;:i of the i ouncil • " Bee. A; In case*or disk, ibaru'd of the peace in said town, th'e f-javsltki or i'ny one of the eorn mission' rs, may Himiuons to liis aid any mnninr of citizens, of said town, and any ci ix. n faking or refusing o’ -y vid • ummciis, to r -nder the nssMnnr.. »-o r-qUir e.i : hall be find a Lome cf not Its- than tv n do!! v.\ rior f xo-edinp: txveaiy five and dhu.c Be*. 2f*. Nd persnuor p: Fsons, within Ihe ii e ip. late limits of sa»d Uc.\;,, shall set. at any game of cards; or game of any kind, anv per.-on violating tl'is seetion, sli li pay a file of not loss th-iii five nor t— ceding n/eii ty five 'dollatv, or be confined in cf.laho. '• at the de.4cretid;i ::f. i! e 17c u \\. Bee 27 Any owner or projvfittor : of any P'-01, bidiaid or bagatelle, alloxving anV porson or persons to bet at ary game played cm or «».I It/xv : • bet ing al any ptame of car ’b or other games of any kind in their own house or homes accupied by them, shall pay a' fine of not Iss t IJ; ; t-xenty ‘cdlars: nor exceeding fifty dailos, or confi .-I iu calaboose at tiie descit-tiou the ‘ ■ouncil. ' ,; ec. 28 No person or persons, shall widi n the inc>r|;orate limits of s,«i i town, play at any game of cud . marnbs j,-2 T in« o: any Kind, for aninsmn ut or otherwise on sabbath. Any person vie’.it - g tins ‘, i had p>-y a fine of not !(*■* iha . fvo nofi'mon i .fix* Dollars, or coniine I in ca. a boost* a, the desert*lion of the council. M - .It -IIA L’ S FFIA3. For serving summons each case, 25 c*s. For ..ah alditional copy, xxlnn ih- ie ; • more ihan one defendant, iocs For ing Bubpama on witness, 25 ms. For bond to appear before tiie Council; Si, 0 ) For alti n ling trial, 25 cts. For serving tl f.s, 50 cts. For m iking deeds t • real e-t deor Arson ! property when requested $2, 00 Fjyeting occuymis of Id .ibes of i!! fame, ! $ TV 0 F<*r nrroFt’ne persons and cci.htdng in the ! cidahocise ffil. 00, For am-sriiiu and bringing before the ’ Commission*'rs, sl, V 1) (or receiving pi is ners in cab»’’-, a e :d)ds ! roi and etiug pi is*-m rs pm ..c 50 »;*< j I'd ling Fi 7i» i paid be fa re s.» V S] 00 X‘ r cuiiiCiiiß t •n » *- 1 : cs: u v .. i ! c..i:i;k s Fi.' B For i.-suing T/cen--** t • retailer-, il. OP. *• lakmg I'omi (id c»s. ‘‘ issuing iie use o .iielic'neer.- ar• h 0 “ " *' 41 shoxvx ; r o’.i.e. j.« r b.nmac.ees. $2 00 of issuing >»li other Licence remiiifd lx i‘ a fin ]i Cit-c trie ! by (7'Urici! s(b ; , “ is • 1 1 ng ‘ i ta , 5 > < rs. '• ®v* rx B i.po. mod. t'e. j ( . ?g *' fgigng ins?i umei'ts of uv. w L« fl •, icei DD s ncecs-ary iuf the CU .* a* . f.: i fi.-’.na lire. •. 00 ‘ or receivi g tax retains on re.d estate ' 2 j/«. !• cts. emiHissiiriEiis r r.: :. S. i . \v IdEIEjOI?N, ] •• • ' • D ‘ J \-. '■•{ A ! YiTasiii'.T. i. W. T[>i FM AS. W. S ZKLLAHS. ! 11. 1* riOLLKM xx, cierk. W. I!. j\l( -:a XX Ma I.- : i.’ ... J. R. BARME3, S ; :c;i heisto Giizftio EiVilF’-u-,” PaLMFTTO Ci N • Wool I retp rtf It 1! if re'ant tli'.ekx to hie former p-.t, cm an l jrinuls, fo past patronage ri:vl solid,’ a rent",,' >'ne'e of the same And t Ice pleasure in informing them that lie is p: ei> treat to do any tear?: in his U .e such us : Id Id I s A. I 11 I IST G WATCHES & CLOCKS AN D %» •T TC H! L R g etc. oto. e'£u. E Ririrg and other plan Toilet J weUy made to o tier. | S wing M- chines repair'd a"d new | ones ii de ed rd an} ma'iiufictury, whet, denited, We me. al-o prepared to do Rir_t i kind id’ work in the, G-.n-mith lioe. Orders re peiv.fu ly sol.e.ited, and pionlp I) IlSletd. * S])ceia] Attention will he given to repairing of nil kinds in iiis line. All work war,mted. Terms strict ly cash. August 26, 1871. ts. dhscription one Dollar, :,HK Anal Sflahtnur. U The bast and largest Do” r Pcvoted to Ag. cultu.e ntul kindred tt pics— to Science, Ait, and the Conduc ted by < GAML A. ECHOLS, with aide »s»! lance, correspondents »;.d iul contrrbctßis. 'The I’.m • - 'is heartily enlisted in the . nrk ol Aiirieuliilral reform, ■ infilucatiliu t.liiy <!«• \ vlopnient of Southern resources, the fuew i IT of cer- Ills and raising:stock on .'(jl’TinaoV liehis and p-uft.ifus; tile manufaciutitiK of ow staples, timber and ores at home : in slimt the emidling, instead of pcisisiiujj iu mpovci ishiiig _ the South';' GIVE IT A TRIAL. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUAL It AD WHAT TIIK PEffSS SA Y 3 r. • F ’’ v OK Til 3 RURAL SOUTHERNER. It is a thriving, practical monthly, Wi coligrainlaldil oti the taste and judgment Tin Ti.a.\tatio». It is ".tfr.ctiveand full of useful informs, tion. Jiverv fanner should take it—Mu»- We advise the farmer, if lie wants a good journal, devoted to his interest, to take Tun i'UKAT, fiOL'T.rtIIXKS —WhbT KoINT SHIEI.D. It is a com viudnni of useful 't.idwTtg,., and slmuld lih iftund in the liimMs ol every Soul hern T'armer. —Auocsi'a Cuuoxicai; & MjmNKb . (• I'.stiontents are - varied and interesting. tt'e'CA not sc- lew lit faimiug public c u do wi I MIE liUH. L Sot’TMMIX I.S -TH K ij so am an . i. i. !im variety an»l vit’ne of tiie contents of iu .li mmiiii r ex, els tnat ot any prev’mi ■ n.i- hr, otnie its tip - grsi>iii ca: rXn u'.ion iul general mu hr i: rein lei s it' the hand smu si | criodicut inuHie corurn v. It is iu vnlua leioihe f.nin r »...I u, n. id ’leadei'. .ATI.A-TA I>Al l v t h.N.T't uriON lies* aiji ieulimal montii'y'fnr ■ inher i- i— m and p.omplly and is ,Ini',ld ly llie lies' mnnlier y t koli-n out. Ihe mutter is ah of ■r.indard value, full of infor mation whi Ii i- ue u! up;ui the farm, in the (f>"'d' 'I, dairy and h-msei.ol I The Tuhlish ■ ■rs have om.> to keep Tug Itim in up to fho st.m ;ud ot the | r sent i,uml,er m miter to 111 ike it a I'elllKinent sin ie-s II i. |.iiuliati ohi i his city,, al ilit- very low price ol 11' pe annum -tlaxpa Uaii.y .-n.v. All couimuuu .ii..„. should be addressed to the ilUtt V-d uk , -|i;u ! ‘■A 11. AV; \ I, A COOK'S VAMPORINE LI ET X TTZ. ZRXT- OVEL>. A LIGHT IN WiMm 4^yr 11.1. '■> , c ■ :p. abis, CHEAP, SAFE brilliant. THE COOK VAMPORINE ’ iz^fiasjlSjlßa as now improved, is free from the de fects it possessed when first sold iii this State. • ‘ Each Burner generates its own- G A. S, vis fast as used, and affords a most BEAUTIFUL LIGHT For Stores, Churches, Mills and D\Ve .- lings. At cheaper cost than any rrtlV er and with less trouble. Different styles or. baud and made up to order. ' Also the • Das Jet Damp, Every family ia ' c ou^' E. mA HOOPER, Hunter b tween Wbiteaalt and Broad, ATLIXA - - - GEORGIA