The Lumpkin independent. (Lumpkin, Ga.) 1872-1924, September 08, 1883, Image 4

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Table of Weights and Meas urea. Wheat.......... 60 Shelled corn ..... 66 Corn in the ear........ .....70 Rye.... Out*....... Rene...... .. §8S ! Hurley..... 47 ' Irish Potatoes.............68 Sweet- Potatoes....... £ White Beau*......,.. 8 Castor Beam......... . . 40 Clover Seed.......... 60 Timothy Seed ...... 46 ! ; _ Flax Seed............ 68 ’ j Hemp Seed. ........ ......44 Blue Grass Seed...... Back wheat...... • e * • • Tlried Peaches.. Dried applea. , 24 Onions..... ..57 Balt........ » ••«*«••••• ...CO i Stone coal.. 88 Malt....... ......40 Bran....... ......20 Turnips .... ......65 Flustering Hair., 8 • Unalncked Lime.. 80 Corn maul ...... 48 Flue Salt........ ......64 Ground Pens..... 26 Cotton Seed..... ....SlIJ RECEIPTS. ( l'ccmclti Saf ok — Cucumber aauee i» very good with eitbeir itnlmoa or lamb cutlets. To make It, peel some ' cneumbora and then grate bv fficlent ly to mako four table epoonfulB ; to ui utity add an equal quantity of (be but ohveoi), one and a half fable spoonfuls of vinegar, call and taycune pepper; stir well until want* •d for trge. ITBKMtw - A cupful of raisins, ad and chopped ; a cupful of batten <-wo of Bttgnr, a tea spoonful each of riunamon and c ov«, half a teaspooii Bil of sods, dissolved iu a little milk; one nntmeg. three egg*, flour enough to roll out. Roll the dough tliin.ano tm* it. with a round tin. Bake the enkes eight to twelve minutes in h rather quick oven. Potato Jeu.t —On a table-spoon* fill of potato flour pour half a pint of - boiling water, and when perfectly dissolved let it boil a moment. Ro wrnve from the fire und flavor with I’Klmeg; add sugar to taste. This is nutritions and easily digested by in »i«lids. Fo'ato flour i» obtained by grating raw potatoes into cold water. 'The raspings full to the bottom like $•»«!,a. These are .rinsed thoroughly, dried and .pnlveruj/d. For infants sn invalids potato flour way be mmle. ioto many agreeable forms. Oi-Tait, Sorr.—To make an apps *1 Mig ox tail soup, you should begin 'to hi aka it the day bofore you wish M make the soup. Take two taile,? wash clean and put-in a kettle with nearly a gallon of water; add a small handful of salt; when the meat ia wall cooked take out the bones. this aland in a cool room, covered, »ed the next day, aboul an hour and » half 'before dinner, skin off the ar:mt or eake fat whibh has risen to tkti top. Add a little onion, carrot, or any vegetables yon choose, chop¬ ping them fine first; sage or sumoer M»' ry may also be added, and aim an r for an hour aud a half. Fwro Bnrjin Ca«*.—B read cake fried may be a novelty to some cooks. To two cups and a half of bread ffongh allow ona cup and a half of sugar, two eggs, a quarter of a cup of melted butter, half a tea spoonful ■»*f saR and a little nutmeg. Knead them we'l into the dongh, using as rciich flour ns is noeded to make a sw >oth dongh. Let it rise then un rd- it ia very light, then knead again o ld cot out iu fancy shapes; let them again, end fry in boiling fat. —Take some carrots and ^ Ikeach tinat:y; boi. thtm in salted 'ill tbm off the water; add-a piece «*f fre^u butler to the carrots, eome pvrs'ey finely minced, a dust of pow* dnyed pepper, a little powdered loaf s'igar. #ud a aquetee of lemon Give • he sauce-pau a tosa or two on 'be ifri, and keep the conteuta hot till tt# time of serving. 5keep. •v Jbecp intended for tbs butcher abunflftot. feeding. Odcske with * • t T grounded l ,V V «s n e*ccllent. a S PaS Store Ure - ‘ ' 1 Wntere ? , aDd 6ha,1 “ d ' ' J be UB - ( “ l *V f 11 couI l KbBl,er froai Lot noouduy sun cauuot be over os ti mated. Sheep troabled with dye will retire from the flock, and, 0k. after mat bs loot. lie .tst ^£hial flt-i-iT to a coolsbsd 1 u i #iYe oue oouce of castor oil, fol c-a'tneal ruaali. g k- l blip U.'t wet! Aversion to Manual Labor The pnfctio. of edncating boy* iU the professions, which are already overstocked, or for the mercantile basinets, in which Btttietion chow that ninety-fire in a bandied fad of success, . , fft&rfaiiy . .. tne , is on increase in this country. Americans are au Dually .... beconnug to more averse nal labor,an. to get a living ° bv one's wits, at ,, the coat of , lndepeud- / , even ence and self respect, and a fearful wear aud , Unr of conscieuce, te ambition _, . . of , a large proportion , of onr voting men. The retail is that the mechanical , | professions . are , beconnnu . a monapoly of foreigners, and the owns:ship of the finest farm .even in New England, is passing from Americans to Irishmen and Germans. Fifty years ngo, a father was not ashamed to put his children to tlie plow or to a meehstiicaj trade, but »«»»«*s« labor. It seems nev<r to occur to their foolish parents that moder-iti waunal labor, in the pare and brnc ing air of the country, is just wLai these ladi.need, and that to send them to their graves. Let them fol kiw tlist plow, swing Hie sledge, or shove the foreplane, aud their nerve* will bs invigorated with their mus clss, and when they shall have cii-i off their j ickets, inetoud of bring thin, pale, vapi I coxcombs, they shall have spread out to the slz* and c n flgiiralion of men. A lawyer’s nflice i a conuting-room, or a grocery in alivut the last ploco u sickly youth aboald he scat. A New Breed of Geese. A prominent writer in one of the foreign journals devoted to agricul iutorests. strongly no in the introduction of the Jupa nese goose into poultry yards From the description given of thi* brerd it cnly reasonabU to think that they are n.s wt II suited to our wanta as to those of onr British friends who fa vor the change. This goose is as nvarly beautiful iu appearance as it ia possible for u goose to be ; it is equally at borne on lut. d or water, ft- d aH its movi tnentv are graci fid and swanlike ; they withstand cluing en of clima'e oven better than out own donicsticatnd gnesn, and can la* kupt without shelter cv^-n iu tin most severo wintm season Th. Jftgdtiese goose is much more pr dtlic than the ortlinnry breeds, and com msnee# faying in midwinter, rarely showing any iuclinnuon to sit befor* June or July, winch of course r«n ders it necsesary to hatch Ihtdr egg timler the ordinary fowls of ■ Jim good heavy breed ; the Cochin has been found best adapted to this j nr pose. As regards food these birds are by uo means fustMiona, and ih. yield of feathers and down is des cribed as something wouderful to see .—Ainerictn Stockman, Household HintK. Remove ink stain* on silk, woolen or cotton by saturating with spirits • t turpentine. Washing pine floors in a solution of one pound of copprras dissolved iu ooe gillon of strong lye gives ouk o»l >r. Remove flower-pot stains from dow sills by robbing with fine wood ashes and rinse with clean water. A fashionable quilt ia made ot silk patch-work in every variety of color. Pieces of embossed, shaded and gros grain silk of every possible shape, and j vised together with gold silk in eleborate leather stitch, form a square, which is-edgod with a very deep bordering of dark plush and fined throughout with qbilted crim son satin. A n ted caterer tell* this story If green peaa are shelled and then are put in dry, open-mouthed bot¬ tles, aud are shaken together so as to occupp as little spore as possible, thea ate corked tightly aud are scal¬ ed, they will keep three or four tuouibs. They must, however, be buried iu dry earth in the cellar. This is certainly worth trying. Fluclung Gees*. Gsess may be picked, says the Farm Journal, two or three times dur illg lhw lllulU)er . Xhu |ime to jck u wUeu , ha leatheni urfi t IblB can b , , MrutH j faj p!o , kaos . fcw . j ,be ^ «*• and the qnibs are clear, they arc it ie call ed. If they pull hard and the qn.lis are filled with a bloody fluid, they must bs left a little longer. Iu pics *°t> lab ® onl ? a ,BW feathers betwei u tbe tlin,ub aud 8'** " allort , jerk . downward Prac | l08 will give tne knack of pickiug easilv and rapidly. Under each wing w ih be found u bunch of rather apd Coarse feat Let . Th«ss anDitf* 1,1 praienf tv dra v au old cJtto3 (OXi thi fc«£t ’ Of lift* Legal Ad vertisements “ worl „ H „ rlir s-lewfor October, IWW3. October mblnUM the , ta Court fit>t House -fneeday io j next. Inti re door >" Lnmpkin. lollowiu« between the t'.wiuThelml' legal hours oftule the |>ro rity iwud- 1 e nt otfu**?mui fixture* inclariiug oua Hoe! Washn.gtou 1‘iesMmidaU the j]>e ami itp-: l'UrteiiiiiiCcH, beLuging to said oili -e in shy 1 ; «,, t . appivuinir l*'i.d g us th* ) >< mbrigage ( ,t W. H. fi! H “ r iw,n ou under a f, issued Iroiu Suj crier Court of ntewart I county in favor of J. it. Ric.iarcLoii again** tB *'* ”• ®- B" rr * 8 ' •». This i>r >pert.v .» sold lot the iiarehasu uior.ev aud to perfect titles Also at . same tune ami , , will tic sold ; south h .if ot lot o: hud uuu.lier toe. and fveuh-tive acres of lot u-mb r 103, in tU ! 22nd 1-i-irnt of fetewat C- untv, as the property of William Ad*m*. Levied on nu d r an execution Iran- Su.»,-r or Court of htswnr C. U tv in favor ot HoUnd It. t'ar ramore n, Willi am Adatns aud J un n T. 'thou ton endorser The ti fa proceeding now for tlie benefit of tut endorser James T Thornt u ..aid property now in the pos¬ session of Owen Adams. Also at the same time and plaea eighty («n) acres of h l of laud number one hilu tired «n<l twenty five (12a; in the ltilh Ui - I fi til in my hnndt iwinerl (rom thu Jn-.tu'e I ( ,'om t of the 71)0th Ilintriet O, \1 iu favor ot It. 11. iiy-in vh. H. u. ubgiu Pr iperty levied <m and turned over to me by 'J' feuda H Wer I,. 0. Property pointed out by do t. .1. I? GRIFF S, Shcrir. Lumpkin a., bept. 1. lH-(3. Q EOi.OIA { f )ffl e of Ordinary, Strwaht 0 cntt. j tjf .Said County. T. I) Hightower, thu Administratnr on theEstnto lohn Dorsey, late of saiil countv deceas. d, makes application tor leave to -ell the lands belonging to the Estate ot -Aid du ceased. This is to ette II persons concern i d to show cause before me on the tir-t Mon day in October next tv y leave t" s. 11 said lands should mt then be gr in'e l. Wii ness tuy official signs' uie this August h. lvSH . . J. li. LVTl.M&lt, t’rdimity i . EuRGIA, ( ( (Iffiee of Ordinary V M bTEWAU-l COUNTT. UI Said 'ouuty. W. J. Ammons makes np>li. a(ion nv p - tilion iialy filial to lieapp inlril thu admin i-tmtoi amUtxt'imthto unMto or tin* Sat m to ot J. F. 'l homp-on lit. nf aaid ('■ tlnty de co.ibi d Thin is to rite all persona esuoeru v.d to show eaiiHe boton moon thnlir t Mon day then in Uetober uextwhy Petitioner should not be appointed the ad 11ini-trat ir on sa d E Lite ..h prayed for Witima* niy • ffi cinl e yn.iture ihis Air . 2dtli 1883 J. B. LA 1151 Eli, Ordinary. (i * EuRGIA t Office of Ordinary hr. w.iiiT Cocvtt | Of Said C uuiy. E A. aiul T. D. HigJitowfr Extent<u! Jt»Lu Hi„ btfwer late oi Haiti ('ountj d«ceaH «U muke A|'i)licatitm for Kavt* to hell tho real entale bi lon^ing io xmd J( ha liiglitow er deceased. TJjih w to cito all p> rH'OiK con •cerufcd to how cau e before ui** on tlie fiist Monday in October next why the naid Exec* u ors hhould not then bo gtanted leave to Hell said lands. Witness iny ‘ flic al sign. - turo tins the 28th day of lu^n*,' 1 d« 3. J R L VTIMEK, Orifiuury. GUARDIAN S SALE OF LAND GtUltGIA tsTEWAR V COUNTY. Under and hr v.rtae of au order from the < ur» oi Oramary «>* >aid county will ba H-’ld boiore th» Court llouso Door iu Lump kin boi ween the law ul sale h<*im • n the first i'uead.ty in November next at public outcry* lots ot land No. Forty-lour and for¬ ty-five in bo'ongiiiK the Twcutj first Hisf rict ol said county t<« the Minor iirplmiiH «>t Samnel Keunc* y Iste o! ta<d com ty de¬ ceased, Terns one half cash, one halt twelve months time. Sold for the benefit of paid minor*. September 9th’883, John li Feaive Guardian of Minora Samuel iiunueday* An;^. 2-Jlh 1881. ( ' l-.ORGIA —Stewart t. ountv. vJT Uffi- e ol Oriliunrv ot said county 11 appearing that the '.cumin of the till¬ able projiertj ol the county of htcw.irl as shown by the Tex Uictover's Digest for the year 18^3 amou-it to ouo tuilliou live hnu ilred and eighty-live thousand three hundred and sixty-nine dollars. That iu older to rnise a land sufficient to pay tl e expenses ot the county for the present y* r it is neo essary tenths to levy a tax ou this amount of lour ot i*i\e per cent, as recommended by •he Ornud Jury at April term Superior Court last. It is thre'oro oiilcrcil that ''our-tenths ot one per cnt. be lo'-isd upon all th, taxable property on lieceiver s Digest lor 18-.3 and that it be collected by Tax Ciwleetor and paid into the County Treasury to be dis¬ tal sod aa follows ; Fot building, repairing bridges,ronila ,.0 per c. Kcpaivs public biiildiug* 3 p. r cent. To pay Sheriffs. Jailors and other offi -airs 15 per Cent. Coroners 1 |>er cent. B nltffs, non resident witnesses, fn.-l, stationery 5 per cent. Jurors spring aud all ter '<h 3 i p*r cent. For support of the p or 16 per cent I otal IttO per cent. It is lurlh r oid.rcd tfiat mom ys arising from license taxes be iund paid iuto County Treasury as a contingent Witness my official signature J. H. LATIMEU. Ang. fitb-1883-lt. CIIEONIwLE & CONSTITUriONAL- 1ST AUtiUMTA, Ci A. The Oldest Newspaper in the South lho CnKosici.K A Constitutionali-t is the oldest newspajit-r in tbit South, having been established iu 1785. Tho CnuoNicuc is progressive un*t liberal in all things iiuvl is essentially ■a fair represen'ntivf of Southeru opinion aud a persistent exponent of Southern industries While tree from sensationalism and immorality, il is iu uo way behind the best of its co temporaries as a purveyor of the news, * The Corning Chronicle Sl Consti* tctiohaust 18 au eight page j aper of .18 columns, l'rtco fit) per year; six mouths $5. 1 be Evening Chroxiclk & Const: TUTIONALWT lb the Same sue as the morning paper. The Price is §6 per year ; nix months $3. Tim makes it the hugest and ctieapcst eight page l aper iu the South. The Sunday Cbromcle is a very interesting paper, it is an eight page liity-mx column paper. Price. $2 pel per year. The Weekly Cbromcle &C TiosAUtr *outb. is oue It is tlie ten largest^ pagsB l*rtc‘- b‘ina $‘J seventy coinmus^H per year ; »1 copijffiffij ■ , t C& • Old! 1872 1883 r THE L [] M P A I l\ INDliPEXDKNT KSTAKIJSIIKD IN IS7*2 BY W.IUIAKKISOX Strictly a News /V/ per , carefully edited in every Dep artmerd. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY It $l.u0 Id' Annum ! ASA HOMEPAPSB. Only j) per published \ti St.-wur County, has a flue circulation <<utsi>li ni.d rescht-H uotiriy evi-iv family to the County. ltgiv<g*i|) l.ical uev.s of Town aud County, atid otflicial no ‘ices etniuntiug trom the Or.'iunry' aud Shertfl's i.lHces Brief News Sun mary of State ami National events, Foreign News, with Pittaj Editorial v omments ou the leading topics of tbo day. Selected Miscellany aud Agricul ural articles \S AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM Lumpkin is the centre of one of the i^uLmotton sections in Gcor lN!UIM-t.M 0>r EVlRY ONE SHOULD READ —THE Telegraph and Messenger. l’ltblixlii'il Daily mul Il’ciMy. It is the leading opponent of tLe Leases, rings and cliques. It takes all hr Assoc utec! Press dispatclit-s, »iid has uu-iii ptimed la ciUties f‘>r obtaining news from all quarters b\ mail and wire. Tin- dtmioiiH of the Supreme Court are pr«q ured for it by its spe¬ cial reporter and ure published tbt dav af.t-r they are deliver* d. Its re ports of these decisions lone ue« n pronounced by leading m>-mbers ol the lieocb and bur including one jlltige of the Supreme Court, to lie the clearest ami imst ever pnb'ished in the State. Its Market R-ports artw» carefully correc'ed daily at d will h«‘ hmiul hi au : reliable. In « word. UETSLCCRAPH& MES ENGER is u liV', clean, (,-arli uiol c mi let* newspaper TERMS: Dally Olle yi ill......... ....$10 00 Six uioiitliH.......... .... 5 0 T hree months......... .... 2 So One Itl 'lltll.......... ... 10(i Weekly one M-ur...... .... 1 50 Si isii for aaiu le c pios and c'nh ra.-H. At.enfa w allied in i vorv cminni'l ty, to wlinto IlWrar c"u.mis8H>n* w I be paid. Aibljose, J. F. HANLON, Manager, Macon, (la Savannah We-kly News A Fi-st Ulau Reliable 'few paper One Y ar, an i an lnte »sting Serial, fui S2-00 Tin- well-known Weekly New* "ceils in- iu'roilni-iint lo lb,- public Fur mn-tbinl ot a ci titnry it Inis mmli- its regular wci kly «| pi inalu-i at IinjiiHaliils .it In-In* a ibl'i.llglnii t I Ills bum.I lain!, un * \t*r wt*!f*i>inc vis it** r [' ti i* kept pace wi I. \ in r q i i- 111 t !' • ’ -i-.v.-i ii- -I j up.all-n ,-Hi'l * si li sin c* »-it|i g y * hi has wtt nursi.l lliuki .l ltup.riivciui-i.ts, an.! TO lay it uiiiki with tin* lie-1 wn-k lies jiiiSlist.f i in this cn'.iiitiy. r '"" ) V H S J I'ftgss ui nf r>mliug <>t the matter, k, C'-iUipristng t.-icg»-„,,t,.. «< - ilispatulics nj) to tin* li' iir of gijiii. to pres*,<-uiiu.u uems. ..ngn- Hi-riitm, do. To the firu . r, met ! ur ic or am san, le bn-;ii*-ss or profcs-iotPo man, who bus not tbe .nlv iioa-ti.« , a daily mail, the N' ham News is f.h>* lllediiim by which be can Sc uiforin ed of events tiHns|iiring in- the litis world, whether iu Ills own Stale . r in tlie most distant parts of the l*!o 1.. In addition to a first dess new* paper at a moderate price, we off. i to en-h yearly suti-cnber a copy o! nnv of the published u-ivi-ls i-f tin Mobnixo News Lid ha nt fut. 8uti-cri{i ion $2 ' it 6 m ar in nd Vance J It I5STILT*. 3 Whitaker - r -et, Sav-innsb. J1 i COMPETITORS^ .^■THE^ jG!MJNning 0<x ----- - A -ek.-— r SIMPLE t. ^ : L7A0NG in m 5 WJ H @11 •SEWIWQ MACR1KE CO CJO'UMVQN S-QUARE.NEW yQRK CHIC AGO, ILL / “dJ- '#.MAS' , •ORAU , r A"M0 ATLANTA. 3ffi- - ~n No More Eye-glasses. I No 2 TT CCt li t Mon V Eyes!' MITCHELL’S EYE SALVE, ^ cert n, safe and iff ctive remedy fot Sure, Wear and In¬ flamed Eyes, Prod icing Long Sigh’e.ineps, and Restoring the Sight of the Old Cures Terr Drops GrannUntiori. St’.e Tumors. Red Eves. Matted E'e lashes, and Producing Quick Reli t and Permanent Cure. Also, equally • ffieacions when used t'n other mala¬ dies, such as Tic rs, F< v» r Sores, Tumors, Salt Rheum. Borns, piles.or uh-rever inti inimnti-.n exist. MITCH ELL'S SALVE may be u-eil to ad¬ } I vantage. Solti liv all Diuggists at 25 cents Mar 10' h 1883, Fanners and others desirin'; a genteel, uerative agency btisiiKss, by which S’> o $20 o day can be turned, send add-ess at once, ou postal, to H. C. WjjjttNsos A Co., 135 and 197 Fulton Street, New York, lice. 2lrd-t»82-tim. . ‘ h. MERCHANF <amse‘ER'SEEDS niNEPJ-‘Efi‘éhsrgggas ‘93 55599:“ F 0? t e 9n_qgr_New Plan SEEDS!C?¢;\:AGI)y mafia Wm‘SEE 95 ourselves :r llafigbme Illustrated Cuuiogne um! lmrnl Remun- l-‘RI-XB '1“) 31.1.. MERnus-rs. sumo L's rm'n ncsmcss cums mm 'rlunr. uwr. MW.) LANDRETH&80NS,SE£D GROWERSJHILADELPHIA WM- H PRUETT. ‘V MOLES AI E DEALER IN 3 No. 2 Hart's Block Enfant a. \Ye can fnrr.iah ,he T rude with eve ry thingustnlly kept ,n a First Class Grocery House at Bottom Figures. Bacon, Sugars, Teas. Coffee*, Caimt d Goods. Four at the Lowest Prices, a ways from file Des Mis. 1 WM. II PRUETT. Dec., 10. 18HI J. E. DU SKIN. 170 BIWAD STREET, OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, EVFA VIA, ALABAMA. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in t ombib mii ruittim sum,its. And Manufacxuuek of Harness and Saddlery. Buggy Harness, Carriage Harness, Wagon ! Harness, Buggy R: idles, Wagon Bridles, Kid ■ing Bridles , Buggy Whips, Wagon Whips, Sad¬ dles, Saddle Blankets , Lap Dusters , etc. I also repair o'd Harness, *>Id Saddles, old Bu-gv Cnshir-ns etc., and keep tvery-tbing in this 1 ue. JJpivcgo -d workmen einnlri.e*! and ^.itran'ee al ■ WniK turned out. Frees to suit tne times. Give me a call *>v -*inl v< nr orders. f J. E. DUSKIN. PRATT’S IMPROVED SEED BOARD MD RLMBIC DEAD GINS, | a* Hand and Power Colton Presses and 4 w * i STEAM engines. Parties uesiring to use the fast Gin made will gfvfi ns a call. * * R. Q- EDMONSON & BRO., Agents, Alabamf 1- ' -i /use, EufunAa, Ala. o strut rigr —I i—rnirwi rijirimi run RI5LEY‘S PHILOTOKEN A tried, and reliable ‘’tire for ailments of 1 a,lies. \V“lf aid Namte prevents Nausea, nn l Nerv. n ness, and should be taken du ring the < r tical period. Has sived ladies miuy lives- Endorsed by thousands of a t :hv best remedy of its kind- Any dm tgh $1 JtlwI.lCY’.-i BUCllU The besl diuretic and tonic (lares hloSt Xt 1trey aud-Htadder diooMcus WeaKness, Wh tea, pud I’a uiu hack- , s .supersedes all othe kidney remedies.— All druggi ts. $1.00a bottle. d HAKLEm E. i.I'ULY, NEW YqRK. A WOCTOR’B mOUBCKt. McWMl L % 1 A Ton did wrung la waaring that ^JOai ‘Vt^dl^.^aad miffercrt am now gajia* BwoRlty. riarnh Gom ia tha aama way; * thnl xbieh reUevad her.” thlaf, Miother- * * Nonsense T I’ll do no inch ¥ut will aend for our Doctor/* bad long J>«w©fcfer—‘*Ou» and down Do«or fctopa ona la el atedfc a titua p«> a T«t»i quaaLiy •iae, beeideB makiugdaily changes/* • . * T -. . ■! ? I' td W-'l t .A, •/ ^ ■■■ milU h Mother -'* Doctor, i* da£g«rous and wba h her ninidion?" dasgsronaty - ill* Dootor -■“ Y«*. mndarn, «he Is Tli* YwHtnculw nnd auricular forces are aot ia sqat* Itbrintn, Sbout tos Xhef cerebrum in ao an.l increased medulla centripetal obloneata, actios th» portal circolntioa vaeetHates, saspendea Katvr* seetaB hssitatinff. and I—’* Mother 1 Stop, for beac«a*s sake stop and g% (• work af once/* »ll t —•' I wrtl A* s*r." 'tnu we«k^ an d do relivf. 1 will crocare th*l whicli <7«#ir^d *t ftrst/* (?!*(£ , „ , tBlak ti . Daughter, in alow ton#—**'I , am ana It iob oalj liuag tba4 will rsttoro ma to baaiih/* :'U L iwm k i m 0 p. jr.f Her--' Get cut cl ay town, j«o eld hum* lut! Daughter *' Well, mother, fcowrav* -" yon we Idly 1 h*v# improfBd Bins# disfrliArging ‘ our Dorio* •r.4 I commenced the u*e of that which wonderful. I bo aaucs Th» a«ed«d. The effect has been moel eonBtipallon. wnil# ene relieved mv head, the the other imparted atreagth. earns to the belp m ■alare a&d made me feel new.' 1 THE COEfESl^TOIf. Mother— Hfe. 0 * Very I trne, confeaa a^d that i belleee Dr. Dromaaole'e they hue# •aved vonr Bitteru now the moat wonderful r«mal» Kaeiiah Female tonic is I knew, and that medicine and iron ever BjHey’a Saline Aperieal i* • j>lea«Bnt %nd Boveroire remedy tor headache, oourtipatioa tartly Medical Bcid ••otoaeh. Adrien* . htlitiusneae, e*c., etc/* Addrena a. ^uiAgeele & Co. ( Le4K8ville 4 K;,