The Lumpkin independent. (Lumpkin, Ga.) 1872-1924, September 24, 1892, Image 2

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---^ INDEP ENDE NT t.lwml'it'aatWURIrf *t I.unipkin,Ga. WW-j e we d class matter. ornCiAi.senioAM or Htrwact Cocxty. X. W* Latimer, Editor. SATURDAY.. .September 24, 1892. A Mecriplisn and Advertisements due on unless by eperial contrast Is the eon - •Ory. Its Legal Advertisement uill be receiv¬ ed for publication unleee paid in advance. EDITORIAL NOTES. Sticvk Ryan will remain in jail un¬ til the Supreme court considers his case, and then he is not likely to get out. ■ * -*- .....- •........ From all parts of tho country comes the encouraging news that Cleveland’s prospects for election are improving. Hill has taken the stump for Clevolond and Stevenson. The pa¬ pers that favored Hill's nomination ■re jubilantly exclaiming, “I told yon so Dr. Jubilee Smith is one of the orators of the llnrd parly and a can¬ didate for the senate against Judge Fitzgerald. The year of Jubilee hasn't conic yet. -— • • Bergman, the anarchist who shot and stabbed H. €. Frick, manager of the Carnegie Steel and Iron works, has bedn sentenced to twenty-one years’ imprisonment. - — - -------- ♦----- Btu, Pledger, the leading negro jolitician in the state, is advising colored Republicans to vote for the Democrats lor state offices, os the Republicans have no camlidulcs tor these places. Koi.n, of Alabama, will coino over toGeorgiu and help the People’s par¬ ty in their campaign. Such men as he wiU be a drawback to any party that desires the rot s of honest, in¬ telligent men. - — • • After Weaver's wholesale abuse of the South he has the effrontery to come among the people he so severe¬ ly maligned and ask them to vote for him. The amount of check that some people possess is wonderful. -- —«►.... _ Mr. B. M. Blackburn met. in joinl dvb„ie Mr. Lonoke, president of National Alliance, in Lithonia day night. According to rejiorts Blackburn secured a great victory for democracy, Louckc bjing badly defeated in the argument. While we differ with tho third party in politics wo concede to them the same right to their opinions that we claim. Every one in this free country is entitled to form and ex¬ press his own views in politics aud religion. But who is the purty fol¬ lowing? Did you ever stop and think for a moment who your lenders •re? “Blue” Fred Wimberly’s foiraflr ministerial experience is of much ser¬ vice to him now. When speaking to the negroes lie hits a halleluiah hek that soundv so much like the "zortm” of a colored put son that cuf fae, from force of habit, will exclaim “Dal's so,” “Trufo, Lawd,’’ and groan roost mournfully. Tho ne¬ groes seem to like his speeches very well, but this docs not prove that they will rote for him. There is a unique paper published !■ Montgomery, Ala., by tbename ol Ihe State Review. It is a politi¬ cal pop* r and is thoroughly Demo¬ cratic. Kvery week it publishes •erwul pictures printed from wood cals, ami these ore whittled out Fwccs of goods boxes with a pocket knife by the editor. Though rattier rough, these pictures show great in gwniity of conception and much skill, considering tho means employed. there be any virtue in cailcntmes a political campaign the Kolb ■fee^ioU Will be badly defeated at the approaching elections in that state. Th* Atlanta Jovusal sent n special correspondent to Pulaski, Tenn., to iuqua-e into the record of Oen. Weaver made while he was sta¬ tioned there during the “late un pleasantness.'’ The |ieople there charge Weaver with having been sSKSSSS •*«*» of robbing widows ami others, and of extorting mono» from vnrkws citizens without any form ot law. Several affidavits substantiating the It looks like Weaver has been a liad The World's Columbian Exposi¬ at Chicago will be formally on Oct. 21 by the president and his cabinet, assisted by a num¬ ber of the prominent statesmen and orators in the country. The music for the occasion will be fur¬ nished by a chorus of 2000 voices an orchestral band of 150 instru¬ ments under the direction ot Thco dorc Thomas, of New York fame. It will be a grand occasion ol formal ceremonies. The 1 looming of cannon at six o’clock in the morning will an¬ nounce tbc eventful occasion. The elections will have to be over aud nearly forgotten before the influx of visitors and sight seers will begin. ■' i - ■ m *#• a —■. i— The thhui party is making heroic efforts to make its influence felt in the coming elections by gulling and proselyting the negroes, Their speakers overleap the boundaries of veracity on all occasions in making false statements to the ignorant ne¬ gro who is wholly uninformed as to political statistics. That as all right from their standpoint. It is thoir only chance to secure tho offices. But when they enter the promised land, cuffcc, whom they have ridden unmercifully, will bo left outside. Every how and then some good man who has been misled by zeal in¬ to the People's party renounces the errors of hi i third party ways and returns to his flrst love, the Demo¬ party. Two recent backslid¬ ers who have been rcclainiod are Hon. Joseph K. Pottle, of Millcdgc ville, and J. V. McWhorter, ol (Jrccnc county. The former was a brag orator of the third party, and the latter was a member of tho State Executive committee of the People’s party. Some crank sent Governor Flow, er. of New York, an infernal ma¬ the other day. The govcrnoi I wen warnrd by an anonymous letter of the nature of the box, and did not attempt to open it. Detec¬ tives are trying to find out the per son who attempted the governor’ litc. Congressman Cobh, who was charged by Torn Walson with being drunk in the house and asking in the middle of Ins speech, “Where was I at ?” has been renominated for con gross by acclamation in Alabama. Ii seems that Mr. Cobb know# very where he is “a.” ----------- -----* Hon. W. M. Shahs has been nom itiated by tho To nocrats to represent Webster county in the next Irgida besfmenrhntZ :;;^ 1 doubtless be elected. I Tbe TOUlt through Georgia Ol Gen. Weaver and Mrs. Lease has not been VCry triuin]>luint* I Augusta, Ga., Evening News, Jan. 20. 1892. I Some years ago tho Evening News, in discussing electricity as a healing agent, alluded to the Electro,.oise, and *•' ph*- ( nontenal and wondrous have been its cures that tho reputation of tho little instrument is now echoing all over tho country. A well known case in Augusta has been com [ cured by the K!ectre,>oise, and tho following interview from such a known, reliable and prominent man as President William C. Sibley, of the Sibley M.ll, must deeply impress, if not entirely convtncf, nil who rend It. Mr. Sibley was perfectly willing to give his testimony to ihe Kvoning News about the Kloclropoiso. He said he hml beon a great sufferer from sciatica for years before he began uisng the Klect.opoise, For whole yenrs he had not been froe from pain, and at times the sciatic pains had been so severe that ho would jump out of bed in his sleep aud wake to find himself on the floor in great agony. Ho spout much mon¬ ey in th. North for special medical treat¬ ment, anj was sixty-seven times cauter¬ ized with a whito-Uot iron on different P»>H of his body. The treatment was al¬ most as t.rrible as the sciatica itself, and when he read that a partner of Gen. Al¬ ger, the great Republican politician of De¬ troit, had paid $5,000 and a physician’s expenses out to California as ins joyful re¬ ward for cure from sciatica, he determined to try tho Kleetropoise. “How long has that been, Mr. Sibley ?” “A year ago, and you know yourself my condition before that time j 1 could not walk to my office, or even across the street; I was helpless and had to go in my buggy everywhere.’’ Mr. Sibley’s statements are remarkable, but there is no doubt of their correctness, and the cures made by the Klcctro|ioisc are indorsed by all physicians who examine them. Fur all information, &c., address Atlan¬ tic Kleclrepoisc Co., Atlanta, Ga. How Try Thla. It will cost you nothing and will surely SSH give relief, or money will be paid back, ‘ Sufff rers rrotn La Grippe found it jurt the and under ita uk* had a speedy and pcrt * ct recoTory fry • sample bottle at Black & Redding’s Drug Store. Large 50c. and $1.00. ‘‘Recto*’" Uttn. Usokb the Oaks, Sept. 33,1893. The coroner mt on a case last week. The killing occurred at the Mile branch on the Columbus road. The verdict Was, jus¬ tifiable homicide, lie Had some rattles and a button, was 5 feet long, and a good singer. The coroner plead guilty to the charge of killing. If he runs as fast for office as he did in search of a pole he will be sure to get there with a Democrat, third party man and a black Republican all in the field against him. Head his card in The Independent, and take yonr choice after you see the other fellows’ announce¬ ments. W. S. Christian, reporter for the Herald, Union Springs, Ala., is spending the week Under the Oaks with home folks. Hoad working claims most of our time on this end of the line, although we g it the best worked road in the county. We think the commissioners would a favor on the traveling public by aft-r the road from Lumpkin to Voriis’ mill. It is in a wretched condition, and somebody it responsible for it. We crossed the path of the cyclone last week. It was about 30 yards wide where it passed through Mr. Jason Tompkins, and Mrs. Overby's plantation. It carried ev¬ erything before it, stripped the cotton stalk* clean ot leaves aud bolls, tore up the corn stalks by the roots, and laid large oak trees flat on the ground. Fortunately no dwelling was directly in the path of the storm and no lives were lost. Hut one head of a family on Mrs. Overby's place hugged his Bible to his breast aud called loudly on the Lord for help, llis house was moved alxmt (1 inchos out of place, and one giant oak laid flat at his door. He said lie could not sec what crime he had committed to cause the Lord to raise such a racket at his door. Mr. H. is now a groat Bible reader. Tho cyclone did it. Rectus. The firm of Beall & Trammell is this day dissolved by mutual consent, C. M. Beall retiring from the firm. The undersigned Beall assumes the liabilities of the Ann of & Trammell aud will continue I lie business in his name. All notes and accounts due the said firm arc payable to the undersigned. The solicited patronage by i:ssuccessor. ol the old firm is respectfully Sept 17 '93-6*. J. P. TllAMMKLL. For many years Mr. B. F. Thompson, of Des Moines, Iowa, was sovercly afilieted with chronic diarrhoea. He says: “At times it was very seyero; so much so that I feared it would end my life. About sev¬ en years ago 1 chanced to piocure a bottle ot Chamberlain's Cello, Cholera and Diar¬ rhoea Remedy. U gave mo prompt retief. and I believe it cured me permanently, as l now cat or drink without harm nuythmg 1 please. 1 have also used it in my family with the tost results, lor sale by litack & Redding, Druggists. 6XH HALF'YEARLY COMPETITION Th« mo*t Interesting Contest ever offered RfesUsad FouIm, C»rri*f« *nd Korn***, ind over two *"v¥» , Hon<lrf<l Dollsra In esSh will b, siren la tb* Urswtlbt. Orsr on.Uionmnd additions! prists swsnl Aithor«*r«*nior«tlMmlOOOprlzM, Biiy'ontwho t»kf« tb« competition Un« th»t h»v« n«i wlU Diuc«d before th« iiiiu oViuiiUmJ. letter d0n0 ‘ Ukc ^ mUi 0WK>r ‘ Bulks -i. A cannot b« u««d oftnw than it wlfl t*k« th« first prize, and the others will rtwuro prizr* ^ D ~ b0 ““' •ltd, 1ICVV Xu^‘^w^tTu4J.u^ oBe * £X Lord Kllocmrtl*, A.D.C. to tlv* Governor Geoonkl of Can* Ahnf4 1 (£. 1 pr!Milnni™ , "M£s , hl , 57wn. j Ko fiSrii^^rrs^u^N. IMssolutlon of rartaorsltlp. Tha firm of J. K. Humber & Co., is day dissolved hy mutual consent, J. Humber having purchased the interest R. T. Humber in vaid business. All ties owing this firm will please settle soon ns possible, ns the the business must be closed. Those having claims will sent them when due ami they will lie paid. AH accounts should be paid to J. K. ber and all bills of tho firm should !» sented to him, ns ho is authorized to wind up the business of J. R. Humber & Co. R. T. Humber, Sept. 1, 1893. J. E. Humber. Thanking the publip for the liberal pat¬ ronage gi ven the firm in the part, 1 hojwa continuation of (he same for the surviving member. R. T. IIUMUKR. -<t LUMPKIN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 0 LUMPKIN, GA. The next session o|»ens on Mon¬ day, September 5, 1892. Tutt.on free to resident pupils. Non-resident pupils and pupils over 18 years of age will be charged : In the Primary Grades, per month $1.00 In the Intermediate “ “ 2 1.25 In the High School “ 2 1.30 IncidentalE xpenses <« 3* .35 Board from $6 to $10 “ The school building - has been re . Mic enlargeil, the rooms course of sru ‘b revised and the A. J. Clark, Supt. «UE lS-*2nm Wr, John Bull** Worm DMiroyen. Taste good and qnicklv remove worms from children or grown people, restoring the weak and puny to robust health. Try them. No other worm medicine is so sale and sure. Price 35 cents at drugstores, or sent by mail by John D. Park & Sons Co, 175 and 177 Sycamore St., Cincinnati,O. Sheriff, gale, for October, 1892. Will be sold before the court house door Georgia, in the town of Lumpkin, Tuesday Stewart county, on the first in October, next, within the legal sale hours, to the highest lowing descrilicd and best bidder for cash, the fol¬ property, to wit.: One certain lot and the bnildings thereon, in the Oeorgia, town of containing Lumpkin, three-fourths in Stewart county, of an acre, more or less, and known as the Cuba Houso lot, being on the northwest corner of the public square, and bounded on the east, north and west lands by public streets, and on the south by the given by E. T. Beall to Mrs. Carrie Beall Johnston and Mrs. Epsie Corbett.. Levied on as the property of Mrs. M. A. Harrell, to satisfy Ufa. from Stewart Superior court, April term, 1892, in favor of Fred. S. and Robt. T. Ilumher versus Mrs. M. A. Harrell. Tenant in possession notified. J. T. Holder, Sheriff. ALSO, at the same time and place, all of lot of land number ono hundred and fifteen ber ninety-four, (115), and (94) one-hall all lying of land in lot num¬ the twen¬ ty-second district of Stewart county, Ga. Levied on as the proporty of M. Corbett, to satisfy fita issued from Justice court in favor of The Webb Manufacturing Com¬ pany, versus M. Corbett. Proporty [Minted out by B. F. Harrell, plaintifis' attorney, and tenant in possession notified. J. T. Holder, Shoriff. ALSO, at the same time and place, one house and lot in the town of Lum pkin, Stewart county, Ga., known as the house and lot whereon Harry Porter now resides, levied on as the properly of Harry Porter ; bounded on tho north by a »treel, on the east by the Gregory lot, on tho south by Hardwick’s Kmily Lewis' lot, on tho west, by M&mly lot; and to lie sold to satisfy lifa from Justice court 790 district, G. M., in favor of M. L. Everett, administrator of the estate ol J. E. Carter, deceased, versus J. Harry L. Wimberly, Porter. defendant's Property [minted out by Levy bv Frank attor¬ ney. made Kirkscv, L. C. J. T. Holder, Sheriff. ALSO, at the same time and place, whole lot of land number one hundred and ninety-eight (198), and fourteen (14) acres off ol northeast corner ol lot of land number two hundred and nineteen (219), in the twenty-third district of Stewart county, fourth interest Georgia, in except said the lands undivided one which 1ms heretofore been homesteaded l>y Allen Kenyon. Levied ou as. the property of Allen Kenyon, to satisfy flfa issued from Stewart Superior court, October term. IH85, in favor of Hatcher & Brannon ver¬ sus Alien Kenyon and Amos Kenyon. Property ney, mid tenant pointed in out possession by plaintiffs' notified. attor¬ J. T. Holder, Sheriff. ALSO, at the same time and [dace, two lots iii Lumpkin, Stewart county, Ga., with tho houses on said lots, known us the lots of Wnrren Crump and occupied by said Warren Crump; levied on e.s the property of said Clump, to satisfy fita from Justice court 796 district, G. M„ in favor ofJ.K. Humber & Co. versus Warren Crump. Humber. Property J. pointed T. Holdkr, out by J. K. Sheriff. houre andfot^liMth* tow'ri Lumpkin, one 1 hv'ii'l'^iwi i h °t ho i3i to Hiitwfy nfil from Justice court TAMA iVlS «• in favor of J. E. Humber & ^ ^ ' ' J. T. Holder, Sheriff. ass: STEWART Col xty. | or Sill) ColiXTV. When*. Mrs Kdua Walker.....low of _ r reenv.m \\ alkor, deceased, has made ap plication for a year's support to be set liccn unpointed 'flvc^Vmirem Srtid imli.J to set Apart twelve 9,, Pp°rt, who, bavin;? filed thoir return in this oHlfiC on the 2* th dev of A,, « usfc * and citation having been granted ; this, therefore, is to cite nil por* sons concerned to show cause to me on the 1m .W/r filj "turns rtVK praisers then now made in this office should »>»t be the judgment of t he court, A. T. Fort. S, 1803-41. Fnrl.etter* of Dismloton. Georgia, Stewart County. Mrs. C. 0. Cade, administratrix of T. J. Hines, deernsed, applies to me for letters of dismission from said trust, and 1 will [mss upon tho same at my office on October 3rd, 1892, at tho October term ol said court. Given under my hand and official signa¬ ture, this July5,1892. A. T. Fort, 8mo Ordinary. « To The Public. Having purchased the in¬ terest of my brother in the firm of J. E. Humber k Co., I shall continue tho business at my new stand. My stock has been entirely overhauled and increased by many sala¬ ble goods. My stock of Gro¬ ceries, Hardware, etc., will always be full, and my line of Dry Goods, Notions, etc., will be larger and nicer than ever before. I thank the public for the liberal patronage given the old firm, and hope to merit a larger trade in the future. Sep. 3 J. E. Humber. BANK OF STEWART COUNTY. Capital $ 50 , 000 . Surplus and undivided profits $ 1 , 830 . 39 . W. S. ttilhs, President, A. 11. Simpson, Vice-President, W. L. Martlre, Cashier. DIRECTORS. \V. S. Gillie, F. S. Singer, J. B. Richard¬ son, J. M. Scott, R. F.-Watts, Dr. Neil Gillis, B. L. Lewis, E. P. Pearson, R. T. Humber, Swift Crumbley, W. L. Mardre, A. II. Simpson, O. S. Morton. Time Certificates of Deposit issued for and 13 months at 6 per cent, per annum ; amount received. Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rbeainatism, his Stomach was disordered, his Liyer was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec¬ tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, Ill., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen’s Arni¬ ca Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had fire large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said be was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold at Black & Redding’s Drug Store. Dyspepsia and J.lver Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 75c. to free yourself of every symptoms of these distressing complaints, if you so think call at our store and get a bottle of Shiloh’s Vitalizes every bottle has a printed guar¬ antee on it, use accordingly and if it does yon no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by Black & Redding. Wo have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouth and headache in SHILQn’SCATARRH REM¬ EDY. A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it it you desire health and sweet breath. Price 50c. Sold by Black & Redding. J. T. PA TTERSOfj, and Commission Merchant, LUf/IPKIN, G/{. The PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE ^ now to the public for the storage and sale of cotton, to which particular attention will be given by the proprietor. Agency for the celebrated Brown Cotton Gin. Policies written at low rates for Fire, Life anti Accident Insurance in the best companies in the country. Bring us your cotton for storage or sale. J. T. PATTERSON, Aug 6-1 f Proprietor. CHATTAHOOCHEE VALLEY EXPOSITION. COLUMBUS, GA. Opens October 20th. Clowes November 5th, 1802. Ten clays of rare enjoyment. Liberal Premium Lists for County and Individual Exhibits ' Racing Will He a Great Feature. Big purses and splendid Running anu Trolting Races. The amusement program will embrace a variety ot novel, attractive features. Premium lists can be had ou application to the secretary. This Exposition will be the greatest Columbus ever had. The usual low rntes lor round tnp will be offered by the various Railroads. Make your arrangements to come to Columbus and have A GOOD TIME. 8. A. CARTER, President. C. A. ETHEREBGE, Secretary. Ciias. M. Gat. B. IIakdie. Jso. W. GAY, HARDIE & CO WHOLESALE GROCERS. TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS’ & MILLERS’ AGENTS. Agents Hazard Powder Company. 43 COMMERCE & 213 & 215 BIBB STS-, June 25-92 MONTGOMERY, ALA. °ii«8u5 AND S4MQOL ON SHORT-HAND. -S THK MOST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS COLLECE IN THE SOUTH. Cheeuoat and Most Practical. Elegant Catalogue Free. COLUMBUS, GA. Savannah, Americus & Montgomery Rwy In Effect i a. m„ July 3, 1892 , TRAINS EAST. TRAINS WEST. STATIONS. No. 6. No. 18. No. 5. No. 17. Montgomery, Ala. Lv. &05 p. iu. Lv. 7:00 a. in. Ar. 7:45 n.m. Ar. 3:45 p. IU. lltirmboro, Ala. 10.02 WS Lv. 5:50 MB Pttsboro, Ain. io*.;»7 ftJVJ 5«>3 Ml Lumpkin, <ia. JLg Inns SK55 Ktvhland, Ga. IftflO m. j 11:23 3.-S5 4:31 Preston, tin. l-.V-C a. m.t 11:46 3.17 4 10 Plains, Ga. * 12:46 42:07 p. m. MS MS America*. Gn. An. 1:10_A r. 12:30__. 2.30 _ . ■ H. I.v.&25 ________ m.;Lv Macon, Ga. C. K. Ar. 7:15 a. m.tAr. 4:05 p. m. p. lft-35p.m. Americus, Ga. Lv. 1:20 a. m. Lv. |2:4 oh. m. Ar. 2-.20 a. m. Ar. 3.10 p. m. Desoto, Ga. \ 1:50 1:17 | ler. 1-50 j l.v. i-40 Contete.Ga.____ *27 • KiO 1.13 2.-00 Albany, Ga. pit- i a. m, Ar. .'fclli a. m. Lv. 4:43 p. m.) 12.-30 p. m. Seville, Ga a. ini Lv. 221 p.m. i-v 12;4 Km. m. Lv. t.-40 p. m. Pitts, da. 2.-SB *,rn i 12:40 i 1:31) Rochelle, Ga. ;vlo 2:4.3 12:23 1:22 Kramer, Gn. 3:19 12.30 1.15 Ablvcvllle, Ga. •H K6S 1935 i{l§ 1*23)7 12:23 1.-03 Milan, Helena.Ga. Ga. Ar, 4.-03 Ar. A-.M prn 1 12-05 L yon* . Ga.___ ! &M 5:30 Lv. 9:10 10.00 Charleston, Ssyannoh.Ga. 8 C. C. R. R. | Ar. ».■:» ~Jn. Ar. Ar. A-9 12:56 5 ~ j L->. Lv. 7 3.15 9W a. p. m.jLv.~7.- Lv. 4.-06 20 a. ml . m. a. m. m. a. m. WTlmlmrtoii, N. C. Ytf 111. j M Kin Richmond, Va. 7:44 6:28 p. in 9:15 a. m.! 2.-58 p. m. Washington, IX C. ii.-Jp: •? m. 11:10 4:30 lO.viT a. iu. Raltlmore.Md. :I7 12:48 a. m. 8:42 New Philadelphia, York Pa. i ri.'tO 6.-00 p. 12.-15 m. Ccuaections made at Savannah with' Steamships for Baltimore Philadelphia, New York and Boston. Important to Ladles. Sir—I made use ol yonr Phit.otoken with my last child, in order to procure a safe and easy travail. I used it about two months before my expected time, until I was taken sick, and Chad a very quick and easy confinement. Nothing occurred to pro¬ tract my convalescence, and I got about in less time than was usual lor me. I think it a medicine that should be used by every expectant mother, lor should they but try it as I have, they would never again he without it at such times. Iam yours res¬ pectfully. MRS. ELIZABETH DIX. Any merchant or druggist can procure Rislet’s Puiuitokcn for $1 s bottle. C11AS. F. RISLEY, Wholesale Druggist, 02 Cortland St., New York. Mar 5-92 We obtain patents for protection, not for ornament. Send for our valuable pamphlet. DuBois A DuBois, Age Building, Washing¬ ton, D. C. Mention this paper. Dec 26-1 r Capt. W. A. Abbott, who has long been with Messrs. Percival and Pal ton, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, lies Monrs Iowa, and is one of the b*st known and roost respected businessmen in that city, •ays: “I can testify to the geod qualities of Chamberlain's though Remedy. Having ■sed it in my family for the past eight years, l can safely say it has no equal for either colds or croup.” 25 and 30 cent, bottles fop-sale by Black A Redding, Drug gists. DIRECTORY P. CARTER, ” * Practicing Physician, Lumpkin 6a Office South Side Public Square. Oct. J® QORBETT Lumpkin, HOUSE, Georgia. M. Corbett, Trap. Every Attention Given to the Aceommeda and Comfort ol Guests. Oet. 1* J. W.&.F. D. Patterson, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Lumpkin, Ga. •Fries AT BSCS ITS*!. Th» Mrvices of oiihsr «r bath at the* eanh* had at any time, i»y sr sight. S. W. LIDt, OPERATIVE DENTIST, Lirursix, a a. Office in Bank Building Will be in Omaha on Tuesday after the first Sunday iu each month. j»b i -at SE-BORN PHILLIPS. SHOE 4 HARNESS MAKER West Side Pablie See* re. Hfll ~B. F. HARRELL, ATTORNET-ATLAW, OSee in Cuba Reuse Baildiag, LUMPKIN, CTA. People who wish to borrow Maty mi farm lands will find it to thoir intoroat to see me. Easiest terms and lowest rate* of interest. R. F. WATTS. E. T. HICKKT. WATTS k HICKEY, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW — Lumpkin, Ga. — Office in Bank Building. Nov. G, 1886. WALTEg X. WHJ5ATLT, }■ B. FITiaBKALB. WHEATLEY 1 FfTIGERALB, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA w, AMERICUS, OA. Office; 405 .fat-knot) St, Up-stair*. Jan 17-VI Wei.lhohs F. Ci.arks.. Kkask a.M ssraa CLARKE 1 HOOPER. ATTORNEYS-AT LAW, AMERICUS, GBOESIA. Attend Stewart Superior court regularly. Aug. 15-91 DR. C. A. BROOKS, •ttw-AMrassrass- nal* Ai»*ri<?u» an«| J»f *ry Itwiiroad, ontgoin &*. Office in Mnrphey Building Lamar it. AMEUICUS, GA, - Special attention giren to Opari live Suigory, including the treatment of Piles, Fistula, Stricture, Catarrh and all diseases of Rectum, An»«, the GeniOo-miirory system, and Neva and Tbr wif. May 2-91-tf NEW FURNITURE HOUSE J- B. Hi eh nr dson, Northwest Ccrntr Public Square, LUMPKIN, GA. I am now receiving a full lta« «f Furniture in ail the latest draigas, which was bought for cash and which will b« sold at the very lawaat prices. Call and examtoo and kt convinced.. Sept, 20 tfl J. W. MAY, -DK.M.EIt IN GROCERIES, HARDWARE, STAPLE DRY GOODS, ar.d G2NE3AL MEBCHANDISJ. E»»l *id* Publi* Square in »Wre m a d ly «c«upi*d hy Maddox * Perkins. Jan 23-22 ONE DOLLAR WEEKLY Buys a good Gold Wateh by «w Club Sya t*m. Our 14-karat gold-filled eases are warranted for 20 years. Fine Elgin ar Waltham movement, Stem wind and set. Lady’s or Gent's size. Equal te auy $50 watch. To secure agents where we bar none, we sell one ol the Hunting Caea Watches tor the Club price $28 and send C. O. D. by express with privilege ol exam¬ ination before [laying lor same. Our Agent at Durham. N. C., writes: “Our jeweler* have confesse* they don’t knowhow you can furnish such work for the money.” Our Agent at Heath Springs, S. C.. writea : “Your watches take at sight. Tho irsnUst man who got the last watch said that ho ex¬ amined aad priced a Jeweler’s watches to Lancaster, that were no better tliun yours but the price was $45.” Our Agent at Pennington, Tex., write*: “Am in receipt of the watch, and am pleased without measure. Alt who hove seen it say It would be $40.” Otic good reliable Agent wanted for each jilacc. Write lor particulars. K«nr.E Watch Co., New York. Feb 13-92-ly THE ONLY ONE EVER PRINTED. Can You Find the Word • There is a 3-inch display advertisement in this paper, this week, which has no two words alike except one word. The same ia true of each new one a ippearing each week from the Dr. Harter Medicine Co.- This house they make places and a publish. “Crescent” on everyhing it,’send Look for them the name of the word, and they will return you Book, BxAUTiruL LrriiooRipBe -jR Sams ua Fell.