The Lumpkin independent. (Lumpkin, Ga.) 1872-1924, September 24, 1892, Image 4

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KITCHEN ODORS. With t Little Care They May Easily lie Avoided. There are a great many people at the the present time who are building houses for themselves and take an in* terest In the best methods that cun be employed. Vet it is strange to note how many people fail to observe the simplest rules of cant.ion, misled no doubt, by builders more anxious to se¬ cure a job than ready to give the liest advice. Houses are being put up all over the country in direct opposition to what would appear to be common sense. One ofjthe first considerations in build¬ ing a home is the loiation. A sunny slope Is always one of the most desira¬ ble places to build a house, so that one tnay have the advantage of good drain¬ age and the wholesorneness of a cheer¬ ful exposure. One can hardly have too Jnueh sun in • the house, in spite of the old-fashioned prejudice against it. The house should face the sun and the •outheust is considered to best ex posnre. This will bring the kitchen and pan¬ tries on the north side of the house, ■where they should be. The kitchen ehould always be located a little on one aide of the main building when it is on the same floor as the dining and living room, as it usually is in the country, so ns to prevent, a direct draught when the front doors are open and bring in the odors of cooking. Too little attention la paid to this one item in building, tfhongli it is essential to the healthy and agreeable atmosphere of the house. Where a Ivmse is built exclusively for mimiucr occupancy the kitchen is fre¬ quently upsft from the main house, and many country houses which are occupied all ttje year around have a special build¬ ing apart for u summer kitchen. This Is one of the best ways of solving the problem. It dors away with tile heat of the kitchen fire, which is sure to bo brought into the main part of the house, with the kitchen odors’, which ore especially disagreeable in summer and apt to hang about the carpets and furniture of the living apartments, and give them that indescribable stuffy odor which is always intensely depressing. Home houses are built In such a way that it is impossible not to perceive what has been the menu of the last meal on entering tile front door, and there Is a blending of all the pa d. meals hanging about the rooms. Such an at moxphere as this must ho unwholesome. Tho door which communicates het.ween the kltcbe i and main home sbo.dd lmve a strong spring on it, so that cannot be left open through tho nogii •ncc of -loroliefc servants unless it is hooked back, a thing wliiidt should bo expressly forbidden unless necessity re quires it. There should lie no other communication between the main rooms and the kitchen except this door. Win¬ dows opening between the kitchen arid the dining-room are hut foolish rontriv, which save but a few steps and bring In the heat and atmosphere of the kitchen as readily as an open door. There should always ire a ventilator in the kitchen window, which should bo open at all times, and there should be abundance of windows for light, and ventilation. Unhappy, Indeed, is the mistress who has a cook who cannot, bear air Trained nooks usua lly keep one window open at least open at the ton in all neasoriH. for ventilation as well as for carrying oil' odors -N. V. Tribune. Kentueky Itlan Craw Tho celebrated blue grass of Ken¬ tucky will be displayed in the exhibit which that state will make at the world's fair. The display will possess additional interest from the foot that the soil and granses arc being collected from historic spots in the state, such ns the battlefield of JVrryvHlo, tire home of Henry Clay and tho birthplace of Lincoln. “MOTHERS’ FRIEND” 0mh.. To Young Mothers :: ;' ft) < f m ,y? Makes Child Birth Easy. Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, j Bndorscd by the Leading Physicians. \ Booh in maitdl FB£JC. ' BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, Scientific American i Agency for •I P CAVEATS, r TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, .to. (NdMt bureau for aocurinc uiitouU in Amerloa. *vory patent by tak« n out by uh In brought before «• public a notice given free ul charge in tho #cicuttfi( Smctitati LufMt T°dd. ojroul.Unn Splotiaidly of tllustratod. any Mektlllo No peprr intolitimnt In tho man lg»r; ahotfld fl.SO .ii lw mouth.. without Aclitiw, it. Wee MtlNN kly, , «n»UbUMts *1 Dioiitway. A tX», ilew Vott. ' ClSf-iltaiS BlilK^Stoa^ JEndorntd l>y lthj hUuajiH and It.uhrrf r. nifty ladies. IRfar^igwa PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL afa 111 wmM I | r-e-8 *#a«d opium Habits w curvJ uthhiue | out^ain.Bookot^g M.\vootIt tfSt.K —Yrs-q-iiirean. WhUebaUS. ,e Atlanta, Ga. Offloo 10l>i ^ P \\S§P, sea y \ ! S THE BEST,_ %mm _ mSk r, rnnA aiT nr —fiw.iftlL % ULCERS, CANCERS, SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM, RHEUMATISM, BLOOD POISON. these and every Rind rod disease arising from impure blood successfully treats! by that never-failing and best of all tonics and medicines, SEE? Sana S 8 S Hooks on blood and Hkin Diseases application. T»»e Printed Swift ATLANTA. free. testimonials Specific Address OA. sent Co., on > ft, mm m ^HVeToH^ d 'A. t/o Iiottlivi Cured Her* VI OAHHOLL, la., July, U39. T waa BtiiT'Ufag 10 yoarR from ahooits fu ray Lfu.i1, bo raiiolx no tkU at tinjfts I didn’t oxpect to rocovo*'. 1 t<Jok modioiuoB from many doc Outdid ihftiiH any roli'jf until I took Paufoj Loonig’a Norvo Toulo; tha cocond doM iijo t-Jid - boUloB curod me. B. W. l'EOK. NiiWJ’uJiT, Ky., February 20, 1691. For many your a I wan Bickly and very nbrv Jii», h j that t;» j luitdl tUinrf would fri^hUm rao, v<c&k *od my Bleep to l>« was tumble uurofreBhJiig do houoowork. and I was u o n s to any J B'UB III \\ i. lll-huiuore.l and depressed. Now everythin; in changed, Piurtor Jhounig'a Norvp (i bottle#) lian bolpod rao; l f«s«lcontented. tun like a ii^vv i»(n.v>n, 1 rocommoud cam this id-op Welland medicine afc evt ry liOhL ojinor t unity KLlSA (L SJ A ItiHOHKOrt Valuable FJotilt free «»* Ncitoiw addrcbn, gd y Hunt to any llkiba can **Lt» obtain Tlils remedy Koenitr, has of Fort been Wayne, prepared by Kince the Ilovc,rend prepared uudarma direction Ind., by 18it], atid t Uo KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, 62!. gold by Bniggl»ts at fil per Bottle. 0 for Sr Yarjco Hi/o, lftl.75. Ci JBolU «h for no. Tho small o .!- pjjj f n tho World I THE SECRET ftafW , crulHng hcaKt, IH tllwc.ivfrecl In _ O 33 a w l In Uvot »ir< ution.% Hlulc lic::(Sucho, v Iif*,, Ihitr.'.tfiiO©, ln-i*.r1»burJl biHoii:* # «flVct» «,*•« njurvuluUH, They are ncor* roctlvo im •.•,oU ii(4 a f;.>utlo oatliat t io, Vury Murill and euay to frlfia vl ‘lot . i . ;.loo, VO & 4 1 i'uric l'lau**, K. V, M'OMrrnus THE tor/IRO* Atonic -s; m Vill %y-WA t --IK .•? !’!■ l’, :■ i»»|i|fl V. • 1 1 fit, III i Ml’ll 5u IC'»H!\V 1111(1 . .1 \ r ¥>‘ , \ in;<«,)•*.‘idicl v f'r.T'ilcatcil. > *V' '.Hju! !>.-i'«sd?ciitMl, brain “—'—'^Pip y4 ...s. m- Pi f tlKU* in-Wui, CAN ums- (Ml, I H8IS Pi * •. i t.- wjuony force. Lwl# pp« Stiff • ' I'imv.i cwn» i.tlnt'* j>o I cut id t‘1.»! u if.f’N. Uilvijjll, ntiU ’I t ’lU. ly ‘ 'IT’ 1 '.'. ft 1 UTnS yOBO bloom tils cJiccl. s, h * uliiiVv r:’fj!plt)jii>n, J'obl fivorywlicro. All jrci'ulsio jfootb: bear “l'ro«!Of*llU ’’ bcml tit!2 Clll jsvl.ll.u lor aJ-liiifVO pamphlet. DR. HARTER hiEOtGIKi C9., St. UuU. iWa« -U IX'S TOfiR OP T1IK l.VI I s Mayor Daniil F. Realty, of Riatiy’s hr »u»i Orputvt And I'lanos, Wash n^ion, Ns ss 1 jM.y, bus returned home from an vx t ndid tt i'i of the world. Head his advrr. Ihnment , t his pap(,-r andjrtnd for catalogue. V ' s. \ V \ ,.N \ x v I |v : j 31 M Dear SlrtwWo feluiutul li.itnu -A i»rll D. Jfiflo, from * tour • r o u n <1 tho 9 *r.rl I, Ytattiug K Aff g» <»b>»y r.ucipo. and), 4k\k AjL *Ov 1 In. di« # Ceylon, At SyiSsSTV *"* tha ,UA * Rcaa.) ('•Hiauduf and SfaYV hh A*: " Mtern Vet Amari- In «!J f&kM ra. Si ; our front l ournry .• <>r MJU iitllea, ; M wedonxt reivuMH I Ixtr of hvHirtng « .. iMSr- [ •wocUr I*fo than no <»r «« B«nt(j‘s to < rjtnu toiio F-ir w« tu i ovo UX-MAYOR t'AN.ELP. liRATTY. vikt'Klizi From « 1'hofofv •* >-«*». 4. u k Ift.oi, RiUtHUnv * pr’'"-'. stmolttlaly > .nv t > pro VI til j-tu thn t this »trtfer.T#*H la tr-* |i.M K>r Auy rendar of this y*l>or to orrt \ ou* of our tnawh;*»» onjAu# or ptAQuo, Aud frtiMavUon Wf will oPtft }«« A graftt b«rK«lii. ITvrtleuUis Vtxo. «>.UR axi KOI* or moony promptly ro ftimfol .t Any tbftrt within thr*o(8) yoor*. with ltit«i-»B% •t • twr.wut. t r wither FUho or Orgftn, fully w«rr»i»tt»,i ton »*Af*. 1HT0 Wft I*rt h >mo A ponulloua plowhov todiiv iWntty's wt hA\» tUMirly imd phinoa ont» liuiitliYd lti thouaisnc) all tho ftf If orgrtitr ua« orer world. tuny wero not gno il, vn# could not havo »• id ho tUAty. Could No. cortAlnlr not b*‘n atui every liwtrumout In fully warrantod for ton > «ur«, to l-o maiiufaotucod from tho bout to a lor la 1 market afCuitls, or re.idy money can<buv. IV m i «U9sir.;. :v m * mmmm ■**»»s*Kssas *«; IJiti.ivI e, Mcatfv. W.ts»hi,.gton, Nv.w ]oistjy, oii tr s ®' xrrssiS'Ka ^Iirnnln vUromc RfiiYQ ® orc8 » It'erop *0YQr BorCS, j JLCAema, p,,-,, Hundreds USS XTJStZ of cases have been cured by jt niter all otbar treatment had failed 51? ®?»up ia as and uo cent bores.__ ”* “ Mi fullyNnaoifHC'ss: rHn«vrNfltMt»u«rjw,ci>»>r*«ruRnti vigor ?ur' ; ,Tif PAY WHi;M CURED rr.Z&pr - “ fLszf'Ll'l "' ■ . ■ I ftfN ' « , j, c f % • re g ft# 'A I UPPIKAN BROS.. Proprietor,, Dnirglst;, Uposian’3 Block f* VANNAII.CA P11J *1 f: i A o''" 1 J*" "B "1 1,11 !' .1' ..1 s » and !t with jrr<-« patJjfarttr.n for the out?* at All fori'i* nr.«l nf gssafer" j'riuiarr, bewuidiiry irv arid TerlUrv ~ W* ™ mm m-h' A. ti) }> bTTi n, ~fs v phHilie I tip nhikTiH m, KorofufOU" I'lCM Ami ftoir;A, CiAit’lular Kw iiins-s, lihciibintlmii, Mnlr-iia, old tshrotiirf Lie' rs £ CURES 9 S © lOOSPOliOM finlii l)iM«iie«, K< Chm")'; Kciualo IJoWjiltiiwUi Mcr* <■ 'i* w< , S. i-.M JJ. w t, *.U}„ Ft*. »■ l*. i' :i i - rv .1 ti/ni:, „',i u:, nr^iuV,vnt 1 ! rJ u buihUr:g up Uih ev'.fli-m rnpldly. Ladtr. «-,n*»e V t;-U»i« Are •, <t whost* Mbb'l in Jn A-: l'i-i“lr- it I rt«<» muiiairu (ai irfrphjihn .1 e ffl V! P ft CURES • o 1 e a ® A MALARIA je diltil !v i.t- ; it v"rT'L • 11...3 ob-att»i!ig ltrop- rib I*. 1*. )\ >■ .1.kty A.h, iW, Roi.l AH 1 Pl>ift.4t aasma «s» IVH: .fit UPt’WRN BROS., Proprietors. Druggist*, Uppraan’8 fJfock. SAVANNAH, GA. ms IfJ m i ISAYFLViR'y (M Try tho Cure i ----------------- -J ffltfF V.3.H .! Ely’s 0 ream Ba! m CicattFos thoHnsan’iccgti!:-',;. AJ Beafoi-oa laya IrJtiVi i ■ \<> mat Loo&os lot*. K of wCu Tutto, Uto owoa. Uiuell and Kcai'ii'g. A pnrrirlo jr.^acbnosnlJ n»<5 T PMrwtbh'-. /»(><*. nt or by ft :. K.'LY i KOTiU;it.‘y>G Wamaj Hi.,Ncw York. 1 ^"3 ty§' & fi 11 ? wriUc ,f » R* KljAvoiTf, >®* ?*'« I 8 3 R R || m M m Isilotrt fiji II % § u Hr - mlrllij-pnt fl V D, 41 ij ‘V •ifl.'.libti rhgp'M Cicrtt-U klt-tuko to h,u sty ^6.4-:- LA -/? EiutviHyftit jus>* fiiUJy f 1 •' rr»3»t» & ,y / • •, wrltr, von rrnU ami and Uu w nftrr iifolmrfi i«u. IP sv in. ill -i VfcJtLE wort indue Ktintl Hollar » a year in iStt'ir < (•. n ifMiiiuim, hrto t-ver they lira'. 1 will also thYi tUh v&i (S < Iwv.jslftj fN*' #ifu«bua tut-nl, dI or gikut«tp Ts&ti . •re ; . ^«uuu.bwr who atr m-lhiust’t ovft iSlU l livoo »i»‘.-u-awi\ ft’eth l><tUav» a Yhar, cath. A»> fill, n maw, 1 *. j-rtlirulnva Aftlrr row Know if ym» l a L JPlBgi J K.3 i Wm •I. ■■■ -• ii -'****^#>*~«**>*# ■ ~.JnSiMii mm ;■#! • . a p ?; E „. _.,JK SlPaiKI EiS psiiT^iigp 3 .SMiliiEa lUnumuiitMn, erifcra a u^fctomavb tY; t o’ a, *V,v.-.v-, lu>vh»U end ,i’l JjefB juv : it ti d; .• ami OOR m ' Lur.t *orCori»s, llv.nh.r^, if ,tr StMatsaSS* ^ tti'rt mseux ti ‘ lU f v-L-t. CC Sir e»* i. Utt'aA & W li. - . -------- Of Interest to ladios. \V©v.T;i < .x f .S, c • tour vmftiJfirful srucuto it.t- i «..;MuiI * It* <usy fkjiff UiKx-liU . IT :,i?y bflb'r «t. tv.,fcbhtv*fi i . i"'nidfifHTAi f>r UOo —* , . IDYERTiSHIS: ■: «vio ,0f wish attain ta sxam.-ti on »rV>'b»df! w‘no»3 wiil frpfi :i cv? filaai .lORHATHfilftS QE« m <. ..r jt j,r .nlmi-mi il si Mill. W xi'' at \EkMjSnK% hvMno lUv&'vf -f. I'.kY- rtthzi with Mw»i, ^ fmr THE INDEPENDENT Job Printing Office is now supplied with a large and well selected assortment of material for doing all kinds of COMMERCIAL PRINTING such as LETTER MEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS, BUSINESS CARDS, SHIPPING TAGS, WAIVER NOTES, MORTGAGE NOTES, BANK CHECKS, RECEIPT BOOKS, LEGAL FORMS of all kinds, \N AREHOUSE COTTON RECEIPTS, WEDDING CARDS, CIRCULARS, DODGERS, POSTERS , and all other kinds of printing re¬ quired from a well equipped Job Printing office. We will duplicate prices of any printing house in the State and guarantee as good work, in as good style and on as good material as can be had anywhere in the South. Several forms of Plain, Waiver and Mortgage notes neatly bound in books of 25, 50 and 100 to suit pur¬ chasers. Letter, note and bill heads put up in tablets. Call and examine samples of work or drop us a note when in need anything in our line. The Independent, LUMPKI{i,GA CUR BOW & CLAPP, MARBLE AND STONE WORKS, 200 & 211 Dexter Are., 310NTCIOM1SRY, ALA. mmmm md tomb stones, . VASES AND ARTISTIC WORK OF ALL KINDS. Algo till Uimln of Natural ami Artificial Stone U'orkan<l Terr PLAIX AND ORNAMENTAL 1E0X FENCES. Represented by M. L. BUSKIN, Jume 25 3m Lnmjikin, Ga. 3£ixi* For fifty years carriage makers have tried to invent a“short-turn” vehicle that would not be a ‘ ‘turn-under. ” Success came with theTnvention of e ‘$3 art h o 1 o irt t'U)’’ £ T H u 0 « R N T 33 o a. The short-turn device apd the other merits, of which there are many,arc described in ait illustrated catalogue, which, with address oflocal agent, will be sent free to any The Bartholomew Co., Cincinnati, O. 44 Seeing is Believing. ?9 ^ n, t a £ 00 ^ i am P mu st be simple; when it is not simple it is not good. Simple, Beautiful, &i>d —these words mean much, but to see “The Rochester ” Y will impress-the truth more forcibly. Ail metal, P tough is and seamless, and made in Hir-e pieces I it absolutely saft and unbreakable, l.ike Aladdin’s 8 of old, it is indeed a “ wonderful tamp,” for its mar- . Jl velous softer light electric is purer light ami brighter than gas light, 4 g than and more cheerful than either. Look for thtsst .riup -Ti • Roc.M rstks. If the lamp denk-r hasn't the genuine . P?" Rochester, and tin- stvlo you want ••'•nd to a t for our new lUnstratyd catalogue* and we will send you a lamp y hv • ’ j rt s -your choice of over 2,000 varieties from the L<i*g*st Lamp Si »e m the World ttOdlKSTfcU 1LAX? CO., 44 Park Place, SeW York City. HP 44 The Rochester.” 'TT 5 VTUiT U v r . Y ,%ftn "^0 if. Tib ■ 'r VL>: if „ tZ5. OOOA*«.\r-* , co pjes ft WfiJsCfV 19 V. '“t OLD ■ - - - - *Wii r . WHY DON'T ■j LARGEST m BEST m Story iUCSTEAlLS FkWIV IVGfcKLY YOU n Pa per i iM 10!N IN THE UNITES STA'iX5 4 THE •is nt oiiLi $2.oo pr-:n t3.C0 year 5 n Other S»n rJiwr. c,yr Vear FREE "SR." ESsissSt') s/inPLtr jFREE SSisPU 5§\ * mM ■*& COPIES. THE CHICAGO LEDGER. t Pp:-PRyPc?p.R ; y 1 ...... % 0. BOYCE, Futiisner, c«:«u=, at. Sf year Newsdealer or Newsboy does nit handle the Lcija*, a.k him to write to 03, anti we wilt scad ihea to him on sale. Speak to year Newsdealer ebori it. TKS SATURDAY PI.ACC V i THS U8CEST P90V60 P/UO CiRCU , 1 UTICN OF :.".v WECIXY - 1 s U. 8. IT S3 SOLO BY NEWS BOYS IN OYER 10.C0O CITICS AND TT.VS3. L CESiS A COPY. 08 $2.00 PER YEAR. IT IS I I THE OKIY lUlfSrEATES S CLOT NE'ASL'OFLS.;'; 1 ;:£3. ANY Kin;* GETTiNO US 5 A BOY TO SELL 0U8 PftPSSS l» A JOTS U'.C~- 'lit ttr' HOW «0M». SFLLIN8, • WILL GET THE ELADS FRS O.'ftii. ETC- *» 30 1 . k k«w'- HiaturdaY - ? SO t . ?j ?.v ----- --jvy-Tp-^-'-r- wyi'y.T,. $66 I OO FOB THE THE STROMGEST THE before BEST best offered. LOOK bidims BUILT 1 N 3 B" 8 re^t kv v This is a spe¬ Ever *>^r cial offer. Wo * * * * * * sell them at ^ ULL this price to in¬ n ^^^Rubber Top, troduce them, ' 7 s. ESiptic Springs, regular price is j\ A PWano Body, $75.00. 0 AJZ e\ \ upholstered in WE ARE * 7 / ^ I a fine grade of WHOLESALE \ fp cloth,or leather MANUFACy^ ?dsg&*t .if £.. if preferred. Three or four r bow top. Either wide or narrow track. We would also furnish Corning body In place of Piano body if desired. yS' ;u/e y Catalogue. s ° nd f ° r FPiEQOHil &3AHDFAGTU8ING YOUNGSTOWN, GO., OHIO. Hav& Y QU A HORSE SHQWfS DOES he c ^ 4 PTOHs fPD? ❖ WHY^OT m l jigAGE . 'S inzGRZATmm^ A' HFSDEsrecMU.YFoREXERdSINGAKoSPEEDING. Pronounced By All HORSEMEN To Be S£g* TheMQStPE! FECT SULKY CART In USE *i*'#S 2 r m iLiusT^^fRrE. utmmz