Newspaper Page Text
*■ <
OiLiM Oi^-an ot Murray County.
Puhlkhed FvPfV Frirhv ‘ u,> Marninv J
Editor and Publisher
Spring Place, tin.
One Year - •
‘Six Months 25c.
Xwterril at the ppaicSiee at Spring Place
Oft., as second class mall matter.
4dverfisinff ' ° flatos Reasonable •
... . ..... ....—
VW Currespondeftce Solicited.
When writing fot this paper
your name must accompmy the
’article, not for publication, but
”.*5 a guarantee of good faith.
Address a!! communicate,s XEVVS,
Spring Plate, Ga._
K It I PAY, >1 ARCH 10TH, 1897'
Congress convened in ex¬
tra session last Monday. It
'is to be hoped that they will
do something more than sim¬
ply draw their pat for their
Elliiay has already taken
steps to build another school
This is certainly the
nTndable thing to do and is com
in them. IClIijay is
a nustl mg town anyw ay.
IION. J. _ W. - Tr BaILEI, r . o r
Texas, was nominated tor
Speatei of the House by the
Democrats. The Georgia
delegation could not agree as
,to who they would support
in a cautus held by them.
The Cubans have threat¬
ened to burn all Spanish offi
'cers captured by of them Spanish because
'of the’cruelty the
officers toward the women of
Cuba, Several missing Spanish and it offi¬ is
cers are
thought perhaps the Cubans
have wreaked revenge upon
them as threatened.
Post-master General
Gary has an noticed that all
post-masters; \yill be allowed
to serve out their four years
as for hcretoforugthey some ■Kense are or
for incompetence, ”Thts will
be of interest to all Southern
post-masters, for many of
their terms of office will not
expire until in the summer.
One of the staff of General
Gomez has been in Atlanta a
few days. Me has collected a
large amount of ammunition
for the ( ban army, and start¬
ed back with them when a U
nited states Revenue cutter
interrupted him. He says the
supplies are in readiness at any
moment and that he expects
to escape with them, yi
early date, for tuba.
If any inded was needed to
show the change in the Bryan
sentiment since last fall, the
action of the Arkansas legis
lature last week would serve
cl full purpose. A motion VtclS
made to take down the por
trait of Jefferson Davis from
the wall of the house, and
ha%nEti ci.' l Bryan’s defeated up almost in its
fete; y^pously it was
nt) a as it should have
bee! -w..............] alton Argus, * *
How sheep-like . of e
many us
act! We reflect on neither
past nor future; there is for US
no jrlorvinsr in deeds done bv
f learning tar O" future irom the proirrcss; of Ins
torv,no vision of happy peo
pies vet to be blessed.
take tlffntrs as thev find them :
men forefnature to their ,vill.
Sheep ure content if merelv
well ted; men do not live by
bread alone. Sheep look con
itantly at material
evc*n by the shimmering
ries Of the throne of everiasl -
ing might. Let US all be men
—The Chattanooga Times.
,, rl .
'Y uo u ' e " ''' ^ ’
f K ’ 0 f ,,e *’ 1 * Suna .v <!0Hnl J’’ at t}ui ; Cf " irt
-hou‘e,t»ext first Tuesday, for the
poae of taking steps to bring the
new railroad through Spring Wane
If the railroed could be brought
through here the people of this eoitr.
ami Gilmer, yip fie r Gordon and
eastern Wh’iheld would have a inar
ket, for anything they had to Bell,
near.-r and more convcfiient than
8«»»g to Dalton to do all their trad
Reside* the ndvantavesto he Z «viin
, 1,1 llat , wa '’. ,, Hi v,t , <>f ,u '
f » rnw won,d te increased at leart
fifty per cent, and, if we would wcure
'■»« l'»P r « *'» •«••
money to locate among ns, and de
velop the vast resources that lie
den away in the heart of old
Murray county is one of tin: best
coufitics in the Suite of Georgia, and
if we onee become awakened from
our past lethargy, we ,can secure for
ourselvetl what we have been warit
mg and needing so long—a railroad
Why not take steps before it is too
late to enrich ourselves by securing
ihi s railroad through the very eeiter
,'f T" r ; v . of f e
S|lri „ R ........... . ........ in
April for lh.0 purpose of doing sorne
toward petting the railroad to
........• 3pri „ R
lh ,
What Is Going on In the Thriving Little.
Town of OwlviUc.
Speciftt to the News.
Owlvilie, ga., March 18. Dear Editor—
, { little K
As 1 had a time to write you another
letter I guess 1 had bfittor keep my prom¬
ise,-—Old man Gossef’ had a candy puffin
over at his house in the peavine settlement
Saturday night Ale an Sally, an Jim an
Huldy went from our naboihcod. lie’s
got, three girls at home now and they think
tlrnyre awful pretty. I tell you they was
lots of them there too. They had the preach
er at Potsam Trot elu/iel/ and all the
churches around to give, it out the Sunday
brfere When we went to pgll wo had to
draw for our partners an l got old man
ShyW'ks youngest girl, Jane, an Sally got
liidboy, Dick. Janes .sorter crosseyed an
not a bit putty, And Iiieks not much better
I thought Sally wou d die a shlggerin at
me an Jane. Dick looked like Urn! done,in ho ortht to. But I went an had a
heap of fun, if Sally was a rniggerin at me
all the time. When we went to start home
it was after 12 oeloek. Sally made out like
she was so mud sho couhlnt hardly see.
She vvouhlnt speak to me for a long time.
But as we was a coiuiu on hack down pea
vine ridge the loekehain broke an 1 thought
we was gone. The girls commenced holler
in an that sheered themules an III tell you
nobody ever come down that ridge, before
ss fast as we did. The runaway never cost
us nuthin but a good joltin. Well it was
aft. r two oeloek when we got home.—l
ggess I had better quit, for Miss Liekem
coipc purty near liekin me the other time
r wrote, in toil you how it was though
before 1 quit. She gives us powful long
lvssone iu all opr books. I have to get
some of my lessons of a niaht. The night
I W.ote toymi I had m Imveoff my Arith
metic lesson an i tHdnt lmve time to work
it the next day. She cowe party near n
keepin no In after ««fibol »n workin It. 1
got all my lessons to night before I com
menccd w,Hin.-i dent know when i wiii
2 )t to write any more for its gettin time
for cattdy pulliifs ever night nearly.
Your friend! Sdi Scrooguts.
the souther« railway’s ex
hibit at the Tennessee
Nashville • , Kx.^UioK which opens at
on May 1. This, like for
mer exhibits made dv that Company,
will include sample specimens of
""""f m.t oth
Alabama, Mississippi, East Tennes
** and Kentucky. This Company’s
exhibit at the Atlanta and Ritlsbuig
i minv , st0 ^_rai8er and others, and
dl(] more to educate the visitors to
m appreciation of the great wealth
1 and po-sib.lmes oi the South than
any uth'-r one exhibit that was shown,
and it. is the policy of tiie
ajlivelv continue this method of
i advertising;. The scenic beauties of
! the countrv through which the South
Hailwav runs will not be neglect*
|ed in this exhibit.
^radically, this exhibit will he a
bureau of iulormation, so that visitors
from the North and aboad can obtain
•specific data relative to all brandies
of industry in and tributary to
vast number of points on the South
era Hail way.
of uleLmllfami' Serial' J^mr"
, nHIIt „f th« Southern Railway with
headquarter*-at Washington, l>.
and*persona located along that sis
tern having exhibit roateyialthat they
Will interest me public
thereby help advance the beat inter
es t of the section from which it
comes, should at once communicate
j SiriStiXll ■» in
Uregt , d ; an<i we ho p« that ao.i.e of
0(I1 . readers can supply somethinve to
represent our territory. ' tf.
GEORGIA, Murray County;
1 will sell, before the court Irons,: door
in the town legal of Spring horns of l’lace, sale, Georgia, t4e first
rwera u,« on
Tuesday in April. 1897, ffte follow
jin' (lestTilled property, to wjtt
An undivded one third interest in
lot of land number two hundred and
seventy eight (278) in the fnth (1(1)
district and third section (S) section
of Murray “and county, containing
hundred sixty (ibO) acres more
or less. Said property levied on by
virtue of and to satisfy a ft fa issued
from the Superior Court of f aid
county in favor of IV.vnc a;id
vs . I tV Macke v, administratov of
M Wood, deceased, and as the prop
ertv of the said S M Wound, deceased
March the 3rd 1807.
Also at the same time and plant,
nine (9) acres more or Icmh of lot of
laud number two hundred 8ml
eiiiy-eigbt (278) in the ninth (9th)
district and third (Srd) sect ion of
Muriay county, and better described
ns follows:
Bounded on the north and west by
lands of M M Welch, and on the
east by MoMullins bridere road, and
on the south by lands of MW Shcilds
Said land levied on to satisfy a Jus
lice court ii fa issued from Justice
court of 824 district G M of said state
and county in favor of John
Chadwick vs Edward Bishop, and
levied on as Ihe property of said
Edward Bishop. March the 2nd
Al-o at tbri same time and place
lot of laud unmbe,'one hundred and
fifty thmi (150) And j j third iiig it) (3rd) the «• i «_■ 1 1 ■ >\
,(8th) diriraet section
of Murray county, and coniaining
one hundred and twenty (120) acres
more Mr less. Said land levied on
to satisfy a tax ti fa issued from the
office of the tax collector ot said state
and county, for
tfm V , s W ' v 6 ar 'l897 ’ in favor of the
said state vs Tatar ^ Ivan
soul and as the property of the said
Peter Ransom. This March 4th 1897
Also at the same time and place;
lot of land number two hundred and
eighty four (284.) in the ninth (9tn)
district, and third (3rd) section of;
Murray county, containing one him- ;
dred and sixty (160) levied acres more or
less. Said land on to satisty
two tax fi fa’s issued from the office
of the tax collector of said state and
county for said state and county, for
for taxes for year 1896, in favor of
said state and county vs Rov E Mann I
and Austin S Mann, and as the prop
AuLn's Ma’tlSLSlhlS'OT
A i s;) at t | u . same ume amt place,
lot ..f land number seventy nine (79)
in the twenty fifth (25tl>) district and ;
0 2n, L •-fcnoii containing one :
)r , ss fu)d lots Iinrn i, els one hundred !
, ln( j (wen tv seven, (12/), one lipn- j
dn-d and sixty four (164), one bun
died and seventy six (176), one hull
died and seventy seven (177) two
^ ^ 55 j; !
|j Un d re d and tiftv eight (258), two
hundred and fifty nine (259), three
hundred and seventeen eightcen(3l8)each (317), three
hundred and con
tainin<r ^ one hundred and sixty (160) ;
a( ore or less and i vil , s iH t he
sixth (26th) district and
l second (2nd) section Of saut comity •
also lots numbers two hundred (200)
^ -JUJ- ^ (*)
«» Iihd.Iiv. 1 '»d i»i y W
each containing one hundred , and^^six
ty ( 160 ) acres mere or less and lying
i'l the twenty seven 11 (_i l >.) 1 ' Mn | ’
:lrm secom l-t" Sk C ti? 11 ° S a ,ti
, -
: ..n.
and sixty [160] acres, more or less,,
also lot number two hundred and
Sfl titm and second GndL
ffine hundred and sixty [160 j acres
{more satisfy of less, ti fa said issued land trom levied t e ma> on *> j
j to a
1 of the tax collector of said state and -
__ state and county
the 1890, in favor of
sa^^^^Paiul MiS^mid oounty^vM Harris 4
levied on as the property
of 'Harris 4 Aiilisn. Thin
Ma«i tfth 1897.
Also at the sains time and place,
«ifty four f04j acres of land more or
less off the North-east of lot of land
niirnbarone hundred and fifty tffeven
(Ja7)in the ninth (9th) district and
,.hird (3rd]-eetioii of Murray county
(Georgia. The said land levied on
by virtue of and to satisfy live Jun¬
! Si mmre o/the'Xht tTdml ind
; t . W(! „ t y fourth (824tb] dtamt 0. M.
said state and coumy; one in fa
vorof VV W Mulbnax vs S S'
one in favor of First National bank
i Dalton,Georgi a ,VH S S Davis,
ill faror of John Si Ivey 4 Co, vs S S
Davis and two in favor of A
vs S S Davis, and as the property ot
defendant in li fa. Levy made and
returned to me by J .M Johnson,L.C ,
for the 824th di-triet G. M of said
stale and county.
This the 9th day of March, 1897.
J. L. Robinson, Sheriff,
Gkoegia, Mukrav County;
Whereas C. S Dangle Executor of
j Samuel A ley represents to the court
in his petition duly filed that he has
f,,Hy .i administered said estate. Tl.-is
is t lere fore to cite all ./ persons
corned , to .show , cause it any they can
“'G Ha ''* Executor sJik.uhi not be
discharged and receive letteis of dts
'D 1 ^ 10 " ° u die nrsf Monday in Apr.
J. J. Ovbey, Ordinary,
GkoKGIA, MtikraV County;
Whereas W* J. Johnson adminis
Water of James Matins represents
the court in his petition duly tiled
that he lias fully administered said
estate this is therefore to Oite ail
persons concerned to show cause if
nijy should they can be why discharged said administrator from
administration and receive letters
? 4 dwint-Hion yn ‘he ffmt A omia^v
in April 189/. 1, ./• Ovbey Ordma
Murray County;
To ail whom it may concern: y
H U Reamer Admiiiistritor on the
estate of John 11 and Busan L
Kuhn deceased represfents to the
court in his petition duly filed
be has fully administered said estate
and desires letters of dismission and
if no legal objection is tiled letters
of disrai.-sion will be granted on
first Monday in June 1897. This
March the first 1897.
T. ,1. Ovbev, Ordinary,
L. B. Bauwku., M, D.,
spring Rlace, Ga.
Tenders his prtdCssional services
f.» i lit people of this section.
;£JfVr«inipt attention gnep to calls
j fiy or j,i.
L Hut v.vivKU, M. D-.
i>,ill,>ii, t*.i.
Calls in town oi country promptly
Si-uciAt.T.KS. -Female Troubles, Dis
mum? of Urn t.mnm, Hemorrhoids or Piles,
Dtseasof Urn Toroat and G«atrh.
Gift,* over tirst National I’link.
N. 1).*—i will tie in Spring
ktace the first 1 uesdav in each
month .
u - w. ANDERSON, M. D.
PtiV.sjetVN- AND StntOEON.
. l )r j n ]»|. loe Ga
0 ffc^ his services to this and sur
TOUI)dir r couf ,riA.
Attorney and Counsellor at
Spring Place, Gu.
Will practice in all the courts;
both Mate and Federal, 1
T. J. Buy a nt, ;
Dalton, G».
Teams furnished any wrefd time day ot ;
night. Good teams drivers j
and the best of turnouts lurptshed at
reasonable rates !
[ now with the .Baltimore Cloth
j n g Company of Dalton, Ga., and
W o n ld be Mad for all my old frieuds
in Murray county to call and see me
,n ° ! ‘ lton '
Very truly, Gregory.
llyden H.
-.YTt/ LAiV 0 .4/4vA,
Young and Old.
Rejoice with us in the D iscovery,
When a man has suffered foi years with
a weakne8S tint Wights his life and robs
will send you by mail, ABSOLUTE
ly m VITAL
^ES roKATIVE TABLETS, with a legal
guarantee to permanently cure LOSf
5BL ! K, AkhocIlL MA
- = »g« *£SJ?^ 221
emac iated organs.
>o <.’. O. I). fraud nor recipe deeeptiou.
our medlrine FREE to try, and pay when
* Address,
Kalamazoo, Michigan.
bargins for 1897.
Our stock of goods is increasing and our trade ia
ro X , ue -p ixesst + p iUl L n f ra!irn * from y tiH’. ,-,s. U> 5c. We Cart*}'
. o • i A tten
Nice Line of General Merchandise, w 9. p
a » -
tion to Our Line of Gents Hats............
A full line of candies. Oranges, coffee’s. Sugar Meat,
Flour, and Tobacco. In fact, it you want <tny> nng m en
e ral Mefchtndise, call on us before buying elsewhere and get
n Prices
7 pounds of Coffee for $1,00.
Arbuc^les Snapper Coffee 6 Package*, !
Red Tobacco, Tots, P er
I P l,J g
i Green coffee, 20 cts, per lb;
Brutons 4 ounce snuff IQ certs. ;
Brutons 2 ounce snuff § cents.
Bibtotis 1 ounce snuff 4 -cents.
, , , plug , tobacco 5 els, !
* i'si wnek •> ets per plug.
^ Hon t forget, us when von
want, to bn v Dry Got (Is or Gro
,jr St]i ¥ ' ,ur
Also ip c nuecti n with our large line of General Mer-*
ebandise we a nice line <ff Staple and Fancy Articles in .our
Santa claUS Department. call and see our 5 and 10 cent
Deles oil oOr 5 ajlfl 10 cent Counters,
A Nice Line of Shoes, Jeans, Jeans Pants,
Cashimers, _ Notions, _ of different'kinds, .... Tinware, v Glassware
e |- c>< all at exceedingly Low Prices. Don’t truly,...'. Fail to get oui
j D j before buying " eWhese. 'Yours very *
FINCHEr BrOS. Spring Place
. ■ Georgia
,We handle the only .Gkjv* c..,: Qr.jvi:u Pnows and Plow
points in Dalt on
We invito all our Murray Friends to call arid examine our stock
"f Plows and Plow Points before buying elsewhere.
We also handle a full line of Groceries and will sell CHEAP.
Call and see us at the old Flemister & Ifeggie Stand.
Grkgorv a Gbegorv, Dalton, Ga,
t am now running the Tread well
jj;j{ ^ l{ j w jjj i )tt pleased to have all
,l,e olJ--»oonlin.o ,hrir ptt
ronage as they have so liberally done
in the past.
You can get meal at ANY TIME
^ ’ j)o dlf?erence
whether the ... high , low.
water is or
l have a new-miller, Janies
and will give you first class meal at
;,!l times,
Yours Respectfully,
J. R. Wlutcotton.
Wilmington, X. CL, May 6th to 14th, 1897,
For the occasion of the Southern
Baptist Convention at Wilmington,
N. te, V,,- ,„v .m,*.
W ilmingu n, A . C., ’
MU> ° f one tlVst cias3 hm ' e< are
for l,,e rt,an< _ ' t ' 'P
Tickets will be on sale May 3rd
“ •<■>' «
"’"“ZZ? *° t,,rUlei toimatioi. a ess
any agent of the Southern Rail
wa v - 4 7.
Wantpd-ftn Idea
SvstiWasfalngtOTi, of hundred D. C.,for inventions tbeir $1,900 wanted. prize oiler
and list two
Ladies Hose 5c.
Shirts 2oc. .
Drawers 20c.
j Calico, 5c.
, Jeans 10 to 3oc
Cheviots 8 1-3.
Pants, Gents’ Hats, SiuxT
Sheeting, etc., at Very L<%"
prices, and in fact, anything
you wish in our line at the
Very Lowest Figures. <»ive
us a trial and be convinced.
;-Fresh Oysters,
Fresh Ftsii,
-ALSO MEALS Fruits, etc.
„ patronage sohmted .
] oar
j Bpc khoutz,
j JWox, Ga
li&t o£ two bundretl inventions e offer
A splendid young horse, good
driver and saddle; also a good Buggy
aud Harness.
Will sell cheap for cash.
W W Sampler, Dennis, Ga.
T i 1 . Mrm . TVl „., J • - an
8 ubsorb/for ' both naLrl" 1 I’ •
^ ^ Hillfchi*
do ’! your work for you cheap. Give
me a trial.
Tours Respt., J. W. Bradford.
TnE News and the veek, y Co -'
stUution wi,] be sent t0 an Y
Oniy $1.25.