Newspaper Page Text
What is Going County. on all Over
In a Condensed Form
Murray's Prosperous *
Subscribe' for the News.
Esq. It. N. Moore, of Cat tors, was
here last Satin day
J. II. Sisson paid us a very pleas
ant cal 1 last Saturday.
prof. II. II. IJcrry was greeting
friends here last Tuesday.
Andy Mullinax, of Doolittle, was
in our city on business last Monday.
Willie Hill, of Beaverdale, was in
our city the latte" part of last week.
Clever Walter Hemphill was emtl
ing on friends, here last Saturday.
A. B. Bradley, of Ramsey, list was
bowdying with friends here Sat
W, D. Hcartsell washan i ,shaking
with his many friends here a few
*RJT n o,Me w:u olr„,a ti
we •
S'lm ^pnnviH . , Id was among Spring _ .
Piace 1 1 lends j be first pait of tins
, Vntchott , how
Prof Vyiktw was
dyifg friends here last 1 lies
da ** A
GcniaiCnarbe Sampler, B of .
was am o,tg tnernis,here one day this
Mrs. „F Torn „ Wright T , , was in our city
last Saturday; trading Viffh our mer¬
chants. t
Loranza . Dontbitt, tw,,;,* ,t »f Alaculsy,
was howdy ing with Inend* here
S-at unlay.
Eh Stanford, of Hassler Mill, was
smiling on friends here the first pat t
of this week.
Bliss Mary Couch, of Alaculsy, is
now making her home with Mrs.
J Johnson.
J.P. Kelly and T. J. Ogletree
wen 1 over to Dalton the first of this
week oil business.
Sanford Dams visited his “best
girlf down in the lower part of the
.cawtty last Sunday.
George Muliinax, of Doolittle, was
circulating among friends here the
latter part of last week.
“Uncle.Bill” Latch,of Hassler Mill
was circulating among friends ■ here
the latter part of last wjek.
Jim Parsons and John Burks rep
resented the Eigth district iu our
thriving eilv Saturday.
• “Uncle” John Bundle was hand -
shaking with hw m..
the first of tins . week
.Bus place
Clever Joe Humphreys, of 1 dton,
spent last Sunday with his
'Mrs. Laura Fincher, of this place.
The .International meeting of the
•Young Blens Christian Association
'v ill in Ain bile, Alabama, the
21st. of April.
C/ipt W. C- Tilton has been right,
ijj f,„. several (Java past. We
he will, at an ea.ilv date, regain his
usual strength sutd health.
Dr. Bam Brown, that clever pity
Hwan of Pleasant. Valley, was how- latter
dying with friends here the
part of last week.
Will’am " Williamson, of
l1k lb.l.tUr part of
la.t woek ai.d the fir-t of this work
with his friends and rektivee m
.iptiiig 1 Lice.
Dale Anderson left, last Monday,
.for Mobile, Alabama, whete be
secured a paying position. Dale sa vs
to send him the News, as he couldn’t
do without that.
i he water courses were so high
last Friday and Saturday that sev
erai of our mails failed to leave
^Spring Place, and, consequently, a
number of our subscribers did not
get their papers until thl^s week.
Whiie here last week Col. Jeff
Harris i»me in and subscribed for the
for his son, Elisha. Jeff knows
what is good for his children to read
and took advantage of the opportu
nitv to subscribe for the News.
IT uce Cunningham ’m and brother
returned fn last Friday
where tbev Went to secure work,
IL-uce savs'Georgia is good enough
for him in the future and that Blur
rav countv is the garden spot of the
; , d • •
T (roi all the news of the county
vou ought g to be a subscriber to the
JS Nrws ews, and and if “I vou 0 " r receive a copy P
, , /
this w eek, am i • .'.J'
scribed, we hope you will do so.
•Send usyor name and address
we will send y > - - -
year for only fifty eei .
The Supreme Court has at last, re
fused Mrs. Nobles a new trial and
it is now likely that she and Gus
m ”. wh "
Blrs. Nobtes to kill her husband, will
both hang at an early dat«. The
iieoro predicted about a week ago
tha't the Supreme Court would refuse
Mrs Nobles a new trial, and said that
be would hang soon but but that that be was
ready to die.
j How and What the People are Do
ing in Murray County.
I Glance Over this Column and
S e What you Can See
t 'George Mitchell was in our city
jiast Wednesday,
Dunk Terry graced our
one day this week.
I Capt A K Ramsey passed through
j our city Wednesday,
Sam Fincher made a, business tr,p
to Dalton Wednesday,
II R Reamer was smiling on
friends here Wednesday,
\ A Stuart represented Bull 1 en
(district hero Wednesday,
Anderson . Robinson was very
j a day or two of this week.
j; U( j j.oip,,. V vas in our city on
! business Wednesday morning.
\y ]j Steed paid us a very ap
predated call one day this week,
i /“r^ e : i “ a iwSF' ri,..... T
G-nial Oeo,™. of
j paid us a very pleasant cal) Tuesday
| j 0 j, n jj 00 fc e r, of Alaculsy, was
]n ouv city Wednesday on business
I Clever Will Stroud of Sumach
• »
us an a , |)recUtC(l ca yes ter
( Mrs. Ida Greeson was in onr city
on a Khopping 11 ° t . xpen ition last Wed
d ‘ ‘
Lewis Thompson of Fort
, ai( was our oity Wednesday on
bit si toss.
! The death warrants have been
,, oad t0 Jackson and Walling of
K ^ ky .
j Bailiff Johnson and family were
trading with our merchants one day
j |,j s week,
j ! J. J. Bates and Tom Doegan Elrod made day
a business trip into one
jjjis week.
,] 0 « Ridley of Ball Ground was
in our city a short time Wedner
on business,
Miss Ruby Peeples returned last
Tuesday front a very pleasant visit to
relatives in Dalton.
John D. Harris, one of Fashion’s
Gt-st, citizens, was howrtying with
friend* here last Wednesday.
Ml .. Pendlev has his new saw mill
j n good running order now and has
hebn doing some good sawing this
Mapojean Wfaiteeotton of Amzi
wa9 , m onr streets on« day
week to the delight of his
friends of this place.
We are greatly indebted to onr
efficient correspondents for ^
good and newsy letters.and lo. their
regularity in sending them in.
It is reposed that the
have blown a train load of Spanish
soldiers high interim air ami tim„
about »>00 of ‘hem were kill4 j «. out
right. The Cubans used dynamite
John A Patterson of Dennis was
here one day this week selling our
ruerdiants some tobacco. He is now
representing the Patterson Tobacco
President jrcKinley sent to the
senate one dav this week the name
of Horace Porter as minister to
France and that of Hay to succeed
1, in linglantl.
Wo Irani of a nmio- affray in
j> a , ton Wednesday, in which T’hom-
8 1.eeples, sr., ami Jarr es I an ott
figured Mn which Mr. I ee les got
cut . We are glad the Cutting was
no t serious,
Atlanta had a small hurricane
Sunday night, but not any very sari
0 us damage was done. The roofs
were blown off of a few houses and
so me of the wires were blown down
; vvas about the extent of the
were sorry to learn of the
death of Mrs Andrew Pullen of Su
niach She was buried at the
mach ceuetarv last Wednesday,
Jiev A J Marnm preaching her fu
neral, The News extends its
cerest sympathies to the bereaaed
relatives and friends,
The Cotton Gowers Associotion
which met in Augusta a few days
ago has issued an appeal for the
acreage of this vears cotton crop to
be diminished, They show the ad-
1 vantage gained by the farmers in
1895 and” -90 because of the short
age in the acreage of the crop and
( appeal a£ain to them to cut the acreage
this year.
Qn lart Snnd yeni at the
home of Dr W W. Anderson, on
Flliiav J ' street, Mr Pat Farmer and
' '
M)g g mkh wevtJ happily mar
r j e( j in the presence of a few relatives
aDC | friends, Judge Ovoev perform
T ■“ “*
j ■ .^7 atiendantg were; Migg Kate
Edmondson and (j. L. Henry, Miss
p elma Woods and Mr. Frank More
land- .
The News wishes that their future
life may be »ne continued round of
j : happiness and pleasure.
Tjpni1 AIT If *r- : *
•it EWS
’H H
As Gathered Here aw , mre, ,, >y ur
! Hustling news Gatherer. ’
March 15. Dear Editor.—We
I havn’t seen much news this week;
j it must, be too muddy for it to travel
around. Ye scribe supposes your
good people know that it has been
j raining .on ‘.these coasts”.
Health of the community good at
. ),s . ...
] " know a cerla,n ° ‘ ° n .' an
I e
( near our burg who says he wnl bring
a young bride into his home in the
j not, far distant future. Young men
i S '
t”SV(S) ‘t/'K
j ^g^ged to keep her beaux in.
i One of oar most prominent old
j bachelors sad.this week. appears We to be think lonely his best and
girl is gone from home on a visit
jYjiss Emma Lee Sampler left yes
terday for Nashville, Tenn where
will attend Jon as MtHtnery Open
: mg. i hence she wid go to trim for
1 Airs. J. S. Warren, Marietta,Ga.
! Mrs. Laura Fincher and Bliss Mat
tie Humphreys, of Spring Place were
visiting a few days of last week at
the home of their'father, I). E. Hum
P hrev coming ,
Miss May 'friends Ramsey is
visitins? relatives and in At
j auta<
Sincerely Tours, A. UunJiA.
All The News of That Locality as Given
DyOur Correspondent or that I lace,
March 12.—Health of our commu¬
nity very good at present, with few
Dr. Parker, of Ohio, ja in Alacttl
sv bird hunting.
David White visited Javan Camp
Ml last night.
- Miss Lillie Moore and her little
little brother, Walter, visited their
grandma Moore this week,
| Dr. Morgan, of Louisville, Ivy.,
visited our burg last Wee ..
()u1- 1T1l| ch esteemed fiee.nd, r.
; Jones and father, paid onr valley a
j rf J t? Where he spent Lbont the night?
L , \ V] , )e luwJ t0 sav it when
|rft? g wilh UH nex , Ume
i Doctor
,Wm.' business. Petty was in .onr pari to-day
( , n
Onr Sunday School at the BL E.
(j] lurc .h ib proareVi fig fine; do oope
j none if onr Sunday School have been
: partaking of the. Parties that have
| been going on for the past week in
(lower of end such of the things; valley. they Girls, are vain, be
and worse than vain. Just to think
' f a girl kissing a young man with
his breath perfurn# with that dread
ful stuff—whiskey. News.
Success to our dear old
W.trrr.t I.ilv.
--- —’ - —.......
p eop ^ i e are Doing, / And Other
^ a 0m , Co) ,
re8po „ den t Gives Them,
March 15th. Dear Editor.—Think
j n g y0 u would like to hear from the
flourishing little town of Oran i will
endeavor to give you a few items,
Health of the community is very
j good at present. boom and
Creeks are on a
er is bad.
Bud Itaper made a business trip
to Pickens county last week.
T B Davis and family spent bun
day at this place.
Prof. Thad Moreland passed
. through our town last Saturday.
! There >s some talk of organizing
* Sunday School at Hauler* Chapel
I ‘ Joon -
Miss Claud Peeples, of . fepiiug Q .
Place, has been spending the past
week with her aunt, Mrs. Gy ^-eed.
Miss Mollie Hunsucker, who has
been attending school at Mount Zion
has returned home to the delight of
her many friend*.
Bliss .Julia Leonard, of Mount Zion
i has been spendingthe past two weeks
with her sister Mrs. Shriller,
The school at tins place is in
flourishing condition at this date.
Rev. W. W. Adair and lady are
visiting friends and relatives at this
place.' Jackson
Mrs, S. J. is yet very
l.o„ g and
: John McKinisb, both of thm
were joined in the holy bans of
riraony last Sunday. We wish for
! the “ of
If this finds its way into print, T’ll
J do better in the iutuie.
! Success to the News. Jmctle.
what, is Happening in and Around That
'rimving Tittle village
March 17 Editor Nbws.—I be
lieve you have no regular
ent at this place so I will send you
a few notes this week, though the
rains have been so continuous of late
that there has not been much mixing
and mingling except mud and slush.
What news there is is truly afloat.
We had a considerable gale on
the night of the 6th, demolishing Mr,
Sweeny’s blacksmith shop completely
and blowing down a few other out
buildings. However, the damage has
all been repaired and Air. Sweeny
has a much better shop in a more
convenient place than before, and he
says he is now ready to sec his old
Henry and Gate Stafford start to¬
day on a visit to Atlanta,
Prof, Vv ill Lowry crossed the
ridge again last Sunday but he had
to go by the upper ford to cross the
We have flourishing Sabbath
Schools at Halls and Summerhours
One of our neighbors planted out
live hundred fine peach trees this
Sam Bangle and wife visited last
Sunday at Rivers’.
Bliss Munsey Owens, after spend¬
ing a week with Bliss Addie Grego¬
ry, returned to Tennessee last Fri¬
Mrs. R. E, Harris is visiting her
daughter Mrs. J. M. Wright at Duck
town, Term., and Nelse is superin¬
tending the soap-making and hen
setting business.
Dr. Sam Brown and C. C. Keith
were in our town yesterday.
Capt. O. W. Miller returned last
week from a.surveying tour in Ten
nesset*. Ife says we will have a tel¬
ephone line from Wettnor, T’enn., to
Lmtghridge at an early date. We
can furnish you the news then at
wholesale rates.
Somebody stole a fine horn from
Riui Westmoreland last Sunday.
Our creeks have been high—but
let that, pass. Samantha.
•„ f Tlia t ffivelv Neighborhood
| \ • /'Mven Pv Our Correspondent.
March 13th.—I will try to give
you a few items from our district,
j We have had a great deal of rain
j recently. We to note the seiious
j arc sorry W 1 ^
' illness of our friend - <> ? < " n
j who has Been confined to his bed tor
: two weeks. Little hope is eriter
tamed of ht» recovery.
Mf. o'.U Durham', tarn, y are‘m
* 'Wo'Ce'sor'r'v to loam of the ill
negs 0 f Mrs. W, II. Bagley We hope
she will soon be able to be among ns
again, Bagley has been ill for
W. A. very
several days. R. T.
Constables J. D. Elrod and
B igley were around among some
our ' friends last Wednesday doing
their duty as officers of the law.
! iioberl G ranl has beeu doing some
good work on the public roads: in our
J. N. Halcomb has also been tnak
j„g gomo valuable improvments on
bis road.
^r e WO uld be glad if all our roads
were looked after better,
Henry Carroll and Lum Smith are
running a black-smith shop at the
oJd j F Deal stand at W. L.
DlKt> ._ Mr8 . Brindie passed from
this world to her home in heaven, a
day m uvo ago, where our Savior
prepared a home for all the people
0 f God; there to await the coming
0 f |,er loved husband apd children,
where there will be no more parting.
Dan Hetett has moved from Gil
mer county, back into our ne.ghbor
hood near the Noah Bagley place,
1 John Nix and S. M. Henson, of
! Bull Pen, were m our neighborhood
lastFn da,y.
H. N. Willerson was hapily mar
: rie d to Miss Nan Cochran a few days
j ag0) W. Esq. J. Jones Bagley killed officiating, six wild turkevs
a f ew days ago ot one shot, and J. D
ii. W. and J. R. Bagley have
in0 ved into their new store noose,
| f> ro f Houston Berry has discon
! tinued his r ctBool until next summer
I will close for this time.
; Success to the News.
• Yours Jiespt., A Fai.m
♦ A Card . \
■. -
From HARRIS PROS., Fashion, G&, y
We have embarked- ip the Mercantile Vbusmess at
this plare. We have a GOOD stock of Gen^t^lMerchandise
consisting- of Staple Dry.Goods, Groceries, RMdware \ and
gvjj otg
We buy in the best market;, caslvfor. every¬
j thing wt buy, getting all Discounts off. ,We.have fto bouse
rent to pay—board at home free of charge. jOf^Wae we
can sell cheap. \
We expect, by fair dealing, unceasing effort, \ a^fi.
careful buying and pelting, to build up a good busiutss
Our present prices on a few articles are given below:
iO lbs. Standard Gran. Sugar for SI. Steel wire nails, per lb. 2.1-£c.
7 lb». Good Green Coffee for $1.00. Standard Trace Chain .2,5.
0 lbs. Arbuckle’s Coffee for $1.00. Horse Shoes, each, .05,
Caddy P er pound .05. One foot Plow Stock, ,80.
Good Tobacceo .05, Womens S. G. Button Shoes .yf)
A, II. Soda per pound .05. Mens’. Congress. § hoes, $1.25.
And many other articles at Cost,
Bleach Domestic hc
Best 2,7 in. Cotton Checks .05
Stand trd Print .05 V ard Wide Sheeting 5p
Women’s and Children’s Hose .05
Dress Ginghams 5c Blens’ Half Hose. 5c
At the above prices we expect them to be settled for
at time of purchase.
<We pay the market price for Produce.
If pou need anything in Qur line come and get our
prices before going elsewhere.
k rt' ° j l
m \\ w O m ;
I %
I •
& ‘V
( r
Up m
mm 5
mim •»
AY •i
V- 'Ta #
v. ■ Lr=
j m m f
9?^ tvyC *
The above cut is one ot the many fine Statutes we are putting
up daily. If you coneemplate purchosing a tombstone or iponw.
ment, we can save you money. Give us a call.
The Dalton Marble Works,
H. P. Colvard, Proprietor,
PaJtan, Georgiy