Newspaper Page Text
Hie Lilhonia
PdRuanEp kvkky PAY MOUSSKti
■ ^4 #4
M, & STB. itor.
8f ’ j • "«•••
six fltOI
AW ' gwMr'illve fkv) first
« u
aabSiMjwnt for
than one
* jMftaibh- Bmlcnsi out. par
Wilted in tite
tfordineSy. :d|yiitnal Ix
Slaigtd n
S3 i.sertion.
these colnmui.
Entered nlrffi- I.ith.niix p>st ofiioe
neconil eiuss mail matter.
LIT I lO.VIA, CA, OCT. 28, 1S90.
* ' Kg... V ' j.j- j i,. —~r
Democratic Ticket.
Hon. L. F. Livingston,
An effort is being made by
Mr. Haight, the Republican
nominee, and his friends* to
capture the district by a “Still
Hunt.” The only fear I have
is a neglect on the part of our
people to go the polls on Tues¬
day, November 4, nest, think¬
ing there is no danger of de¬
feat. Even if this be true, I
wish to have a full vote in my
district to sHence the imputa¬
tions so common at Wash¬
ington City, that a large per
cent, of voters are either dis¬
franchised or intimidated when
the vote is far below the act¬
ual poll. Allow me to beg of
you to organize District Com¬
mittees tKFYf. to arge end iieljM f out
IS , * •>
qualified voter. See to l| that
none remain aw ay fro:p the
precincts from neglect or for¬
getfulness. Victory is certain
if you but do your duty. Or¬
ganize early and be earnest
and watchful.
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 24, 1S90
The congressional elcetion will be
held next Tuemlny, Go to the polls
and vote for the Democratic notni
nee, Col. Livingston.
The proprietor of the New York
Iferabl says that $20,000,000 could
not buy his paper. Thu Herald is a
gold mine within itself.
The Southern Express Company
will claim nil of Dube lJurrowrr#’
property l>erati»e it claims that this
property is the fruit of his stealing
from them.
A cortox puking machine ha#
been invented, an.l the inventor, A.
Cunpbell, of Chicago, #ays it will
save 90 per cent in the present cost
of picking. A company for the runn
ufacture of machines has been in¬
corporated under the l“ws of Illinois
with $6,000,000 capital.
Gov. IHi.l, of New York, tuts
been making rousing Jleinm-rntie
speeches in t4L^*ssb> Ohio against McKinley
and his *nref| .UtL • -TUi
Goverm-rb « ifawb if
aiLturfir ffiw idtnf »Uo would like
see him t#< ted Premidcut of these
United Mate* in 1392.
Col. _ „ k. >> 1U«ktt, „ of . tho , At ,
lanu Constitution, was in Litbonia
laat Tuesday and gave the NT: wKnv
a pleasant ««tL He ts the Wa.hmg
ton correspondent of the Onnrtitu
tton and h« the nputaUon of be
Ing the very best correspondent in
the great .Eipttal. He Is a brilliant
young man, » forcible sod eloquent
writer a ud > most affable pc itfcman.
Me. Charles Ararat, a
Georgian, and an auuouipUahed mu
rieian, hm recently e mjmsod a very
inspiring march entitle ! “Tit*
Brers’ Alliance March"—and dedica
ted to IIortrL. F. Livies tea, presi
dent of the ,Jt Cbtivrgia State Alii an w.
Which piece .m i.
dered dsilv during Alliance week
tkm. <*•“•*- The title pag <•" 'r; of tire rs± |«*uo
editi-u bn a fine tikemto* of C’ol.
Livinzstmi. with his autograph. We
eowaeud the mas
•J! lovers of must,*. - Soathcrn Aiit
•ace Finse*. ,
B«v. George K. Quilltan, the beloved
past.vr of the Methodist church, died &t
the Psnwmige here, yesterday afternoon,
at four o'clock.
Hi. funeral will bo preached thi after*
noon by Rev. Mr. Moon, of Conyers, at
Sf b'clock, after which hi* remtRns will
be buiied with J!at onic kononi.
We will give a more extended notice
ol hi* death next week.
Complying «ith s tli«' wirires of many
friends llirottgliStit the county, I
hereby al jmmL ^p " inyself .. a candidate ,T,
for a..
to the Democratic nomination, prom
W if ... elected, , faithful discharge
ing a
bt ^y- ^ aeqnnluted wit* the
duties of the office, I can safely prom
iso ft more complete
the past two years. Even
alioulJ hear Ins own
H»ro, but the tax horrks show
ofBpllemvc-r snd^H not the case. It is n^gppuy. the duty
to return
ers ns defaulters who faif^fSbake
Choir returns, hut tin* hooks fnil to
show* that aiijMiotlce is taken of such
matters whatever.
The books of 1879, shows
2100 poll t«x pavers, and now after
more than ten years have passed, with
a large increase in populism), the
hook of IjjJflshows hut 2080, while
huge ai*ftun?sdf ftt-operty has not
been returned to the receiver at all.
of Every mart is required between 21 and 00 years
age, to pay poll tax ex
cept cripples who have lost a limb,
and after these exemptions are allow¬
ed, the hook ought to show with the
large increase in our population, not
less than 2200, and with all the fail¬
ures t > make returns not one single
defaulter can be found upon the book
for the last two years which shows
that the work has boon very imper¬
fectly performed.
1 was elect ol receiver in 18fp, and
the commissions being reduced by
the legislature during my term, caus¬
ed a loss to tue of part, one year’s
pay after the work had been Dlotte.
I received leas for my services at
the time i In id the place than any
man who has held it in twenty years.
The ei.mmisMiuis of the present tax
receiver will nrnonnl to near fourteen
bundled dollars for his term, and
with a farm valued at twelve hum.
’ * *«fW
|mrnmnenUy *ii- .oh
depending tfntirely upon mv e:ru la*
bor for a support which I n». ru’.y
narlUHv able t*> perform, I h by
HuhckAtlOB Of many fnen I who
know my eireumstaiws, coaf a i d
present tny clninis to the elefM, v.^ re cf
the county, promising, If a
performance of duty. L
inintv lliU ,A | l wtb
Stsw Maunttfu, ” Ca,
9 -
vs. « .
Wo nru all free Anu-ricati lib«K o‘l-was
~r M
most of us are in jihvsioa] *A,*m |»wyjt,
s t*m ..roluK
«oiue Othi*r form of tl#gr,tu
Hood’s Sarenj.ariiu is
purifier, which disst^En the
of disease, gives liealfb and
perfect physical ^P* liberty. v
11 ■ 1 • oldpUom- ^
I:..s’t it n trifle hard on
JelTorsoa to label every dUbro.u
independent lam in Ceoif is with
his honored name? What with “Jef
democrat#." “Alliamy Jem
“regular denmerats” and
dwifocr^u," an orfina
ry, plain, everyday democrat old
soon be looked on us an ®gy ui
procour.ccd Hopeless, Ye
’ —
I>"' *V f 11 L’i
L. liard, o’.Xr- .o ■**. fly
settled ' ,s ‘ on my v 'thuladj* Imires
and finally termo.ate-I i»T 4
Uon Four , w , 8 ,.. *| r
, ^ j live but ft
, R1V s,.v .
a J f , ; IV
out . n ^, t wo ^i
aW 00rt My hi
.j t „ Dr . Kind’s
^ for r « M amptio^ UohflbA
, it a tri n!, f^l in Ml
^ ^ Pur , a bm* aud
thank God i a»u now a Well and
hearty woman.” Trail^ <4S tree at
H. W. Gibb* <fc Co’* I*ri*t *w, Li
th.mia, and at II. R. J ‘ ftrii s Drag
store, Decatur. Regular 4t 6Uc and
"Sfig.ia •'.••• NOriiCS. • ~S?~W \
VWB f»j) to ^tlo u % yi i you will
your not ** or jrx.n* in tb»
of an «iK»-**r. Sf£ J iirtemre
hit said that Md •m*
t be a rsadidsrte for senate.
Is the mo»t rnrlmt ami moat gtsae**! ol all
fiifawJ. Bearcelym tzmitj t$ entirety free
mn It, wbU» thuusanda evetywfcere are Its
suffering riave*. Hood's S.trsapanUa t»
bad remarkable a.ccc« In curing every term
ot scrofula. The most severe and painful
nmole* »or«, s*cia»*s In foe u«* <*
ffsitre. humor Ir. the eyes, eaush.g partial
or tonl bHmtacas, yield to the powerful
effect* of this niMfletna. It thoroughly ro*
moves every 3 lapuritr * 7 from the “ blood,
Snfps^raiiFffi /§|
LT«orS J® || & s Ltfl £i«fl I
wtrjpgw V u vVVlrV
" My Httle tiav~uter’» life wi saved, a*
wateUeve, by Mood’sSarsapnriSa. Bad Beftar#
t j,e wa» six mouUw oM she ? naming
“SSffS2r-«?SSi?TlMS refu—d began riving
w* x«™t w«
fc*r IIo*d’* Sarsaparilla, a<amttem^s« a marked taprovo
aaeatwasuMtoe<iaadl>y of#
J^pF vMipxit, Aina, IdneoluCoeaflyE
OS.rS^D3.i , ‘l i I^,
BoMbr»a«nif4-!«». gl!*fctfor». Ptepsreit b?
a L HOOD A CO., Aeon*cane*. Lows!!, Jin*.
IOO Dc3cs Ono Dollar
Ordinary ? s Advertisements.
tj County—Ordinary's Office, October
‘47, IFilO. Vdi'erca* A. J. (eiMsmlth,
guardian of IV. H. iloUlsratfh, minor, fep
resenfs to me, by bis pution duly tiled
and entered on ., that be lias tully
direlmrged his duties as guariliau of W,
S. Cloldsmith, this is, therefore, to cite
all persons eoneernt d, heirs ana credi¬
tors, to show cause, if any they discharged can, why
from said guardian his said should and not receive be letters of
dismission on the first Monday in De¬
cember, 1AW. W. Mi • Ordinary.
fy (Viuntv.—Ordinary’.- <USee, October
27, 1 ■*«•>. T<> id! whom it may concern:
J. C. John-on. administrator on the <•»
tate of Mrs. M; E. JlolfloroK deceased, under
ha# indue form applied to tlm
signed for leave t-i sell the real rdut" of
said deceased, ami said application will
lie heard on the first Mommy in Decem¬
ber, im
\V. Jf. Rao.'PAI.r, Ordinary.
O County. i860. OrdimiTv's Oliiee, tvpli W. m
her I, Whereas Jf. 11. and D.
Johnson, administrator# of Juh'n G.*
Johnsou, theft petition dfecased, duty filed 1 epre.- and *nfs to ml me, hy
iveonL tub tm
that they Ituve fully a lni:ni»tered
•fof.ii G. Jdh'.i. 'li’s er tii'.e. This i*. there
fore to oitu all porsotu eoneeim d, heir#
and creditors, said to show enttao>If shuald any they
can, Im* .iisebatgt why I from adminis'iistins their said and not
reuclvu i. tti rt of di»iafo«loti on the ii'sf
Monday l.v.Dw'- nita !, IS'
W. M. lUoswALE, Ordinary.
O County, *>." t•reiiniu-v *\V. s Ouici. 8.p etn
ber 5, is V.'lmtvnli 4. Ci.-.v, guvr
dioti ... i l-i *. t . u-. .
r * i ’»
4-r M *■ 4 ' ^
>‘‘h L • • • ; . .. • -
£«celve : ■... of disgrt# ! a wttt hu t
y . M. i: -. ;i ,s.Oreltoao
j) j; L’ < . *- ,Y „ h ‘ Y s s
. « ■
, ,
■’ l tit* . ,v j etb
tkUl An'\ * : .1 ■ • ee • ■ ■ ' ■ o',
that 1 i m’j ’ l K#hi
HtsW'i"-' to . avref. s
rite - v ■'•i&y.-sw. ■t v. '■■■. ■
disci.-»t7*e<l LraM # I 'varj Wfd rev J
!*» .M i' Irsi j
•*. * j
OtTATI < •
ndinir, 2 Jam nil, U»- !: j
Arsdor of .a f •• Cm
ha^ lull; ui ii T - o. *
this re. | atoall pm
suns eerwonu d. tw ; a-i» creditMn, to
t how r-vn* . If mI.j limy can, wf* v surged arid
ndministiat >* *! n.-t ls< Jt - *
from bis .Haiti iiu*t and re-- ire tetyvi- of
dismi-vrifu or. the first Monday in Jmma*
ry, 18PL
W. M. lUwaPALB. Oreiinarv.
-- *. - *-• - u%, w
S', a fvi*’ ’•}»'
fe'v ; ^ -k< >*'’
* f r
b. T';V' •m ?9%
t"T>T' aal] __.
L>, .• F»is. • J 1 ? *
V. *>• 9
<- -
________ h
that the M6K 'inloy in V: tnriS t.»w* •>; cl5 a«|
nniEftMiiii. *ad tin* ebaoco. are it
R«»>ri be *9 dfi ’arm! by toe
mine 'f *■' cmiri. T!«e New York
hnv. dr«M*. 1 ' > teat .3 !
_ ____ of tlalaw, 1 1. Urn
n •
meiriwv set n4 i •. It. will
rcurt-f^T' re 1 that r«-.riling _
which-the smrnle tlimllv ps<-e4
which t«u* ]• re-idem asgue-1, «
the fitl acM sehe*lBfe w*s M
clause was in the bill as
tire bouse.
omis-ion w.v- not made i rtil
the >»r 4-b-nt bad lj.*nraed. wgtred
congrere; had a
no w;y of retired> mg it
aft<r being twrufiml by the
of state, tire bill, :n the
a i.;» was f* !'.t •»!*» t>> till*
oth er s to be enforce-i.
■■ C'SHI J • butso -<.i l I, Hu
• ■ Hear# It*(!*«{';. &id Wrn 'Sift
|<*r >, tfinri I.#jy
' IL? %'.<& tsi
*1.0 u
vt . swept w
: - *f.
* I the 8rj*« ijtr C"urt of vtiri county:
Thctotiuon of tt. J. Amhrwse, K. W.
B*J:u ■», F. L. DtiJ'lcin*, M. A. Jolly, L.
If. Jcmcs y, L. V> jib ustr , J*
*«d their aftftpipXe*, show* that they
jwsocbltia *trera*ewe» Male together and lo¬ tor
the S«n» of operating a
seem,l, m the i .an o£ Ua.ksUm,
*«*»* mntv, ami d<*K| to be incorvorat
«}.««»*? «t»feofthe Uark
s 015 »«d 8^.ile lnrt^te, WiBh
povuHm real a.idp pnrclia*:- nui, and hoM and fie prop<rtj Mitsd,
* > to sue
and to exercise all powers usually tou
fcrieti nj«»n eorpoflltions of similar char
business Saw corporation is to Imre >ii<t its place of
Petitioners in .Clarlmto.i, county, stock
show tlmt the capital
of dollars, said corporation ..composed of is Five Thousand thousand
shares at Five Dollars each. They de¬
sire ter to begin business two hundred under tbeir shares Char¬ of
as soon as
•aid stock m subscribed for, and the val¬
ue thereof—One Thousand Dollars—paid
. Your :>rtler petitioners iy said Ifimorahle pray the Court, passing of
ing this, i heir appiioatton, and that they
ami their successor* be incorporated for
a««i the privilege during a of term renewal of twenty the year's, expiration with
of said tnvi ■ • years, for the
heteml.efoi.Twt f.oiiiii.ners f r, rib.
And your will ever pray.
Jons s. Cast puts,
Fill'd in,office FVtifkmsre’ Attorney.
October 20, 1W0,
H. IL Hfunsaii, C. 8. C.
A true extract from the minutes of
Kalb .Superior f Court. Book "1” page
188. This Oct. 20, LNxi.
If. H. IU kofss, C. S. c.
Libel for Divorce.
Mary J. Thomas, P. O. C. Libel for
vorce in De¬
vs. li alt i Sune’r.
Judge T. Thomas, P. O. C. tS’jmw! 8,
It xpuyiiiiig to the Court by the
turn of iBe"%htfiifl in the above stated
midwh^t flPPiluinty, .the defendant does
reside in and it further
penring that he does not reside in
state: It is, therefore, ordered by
court, tliat service tie perfected on
defendant by the publication of this
der twice a roollth for two months,
fore the next term of this court, in
Lithoxia New Ena, a newspaper
lished in DeKalh < '.unity, Georgia.
Jons A. Wa»rv, PctioneiV AU'y.
Hu ija»» 11. Clash, Judge 8.0.Presid’g.
A true extract from the minutes of
Kalb Kupeiior Court, Book “I,”
I id. If. 11. Bvhukss, C. a*C. ,
Application for a New Road
tO Q TATE County. OF Whereas GEORGIA, ecriain DkKALB petition
«M K have made uptiiieatioti to the Cotn
ntinskniers of said county, praying an
der esctbliidtlng a new road
at tie. eorp.iiato line of Stone Mountain
and running original Hue dividing lands,
of W. W. Veal and X. M, Lankford, A.
J. (t ed iiiiith aud J. M. Thompson, A.
1). iiinion and lands of estate of W. A.
Hadden, J. M. through tlsmbrick ai«! J. W. Sin
gltdon the lands of J. 51.
sio; ! on, T. L, Singleton and ft. B.
Spivey to the corporate line of ClmtSston.
Coij:tnw#|baers haver»'vi«wmfuua apfioiuted for ili(»t.|mr- said
pft*a »’il»iu! repnrtibl the markyn B sird of out Gmn
miigt-fBeni ..lffbe of naM countgdhat said road
of ini! to ^fility uml eonvenUmcC:
& o t l v» mt or ncxi.
' f;rV> f •’! h'4. /reiiU'd if no goinl
i f- a *'1 f ekv contiarv.
'.if c; I< ■ of i ! a*' 'Mri of Coinml##icui
*' * L uf ..'cihiU* iftfed/, thm. Oct. it, i:sti0.
jfelVibMiy, T. J. Itl^yrowwt; rgy Chairman.
1. . .
cf.£«« a". Legitlatica.
IN .• i - her ' .v *,ivi a that at the
sfe-m Uii :«!< *»t mwtuiiily of ttre
Of t». ■ rgi.i w ui ir inir.Mlv.ifd
sMjgi* (,..iicrd ri.d 'orrtablj .:.v,tj ii ;..i ut the -.. t i*«^*yed of
V xJUxm t-toCi*
•freii. in :s 1 jctilng ,’ii countV of
■ c< :n i. pi
riv” ! b; '-l i, Rig <-?• Do .o'. Vonsfy
five c-.iaf .1 KtiM-j#' dlgtrictx, each
- r , ?MVy'tb«’.hi{ iniKs'd-m r . ckiUcd fji di«
; ' v«tor#o» rack iluiricl,
- to..: U L-.p d by the girwd jn
• ' jfiht ^ bn. i. •••■•-p-uviucB, Thin, loth
»>■ e in iw>r»d.y- «ven that at tlie naxt
p. W thf ,. - ail a vii.nil Jv of the
kif'G**. Sli-i ;yjn a Mil will bs intrtnhiced
. N-ii.l r "Ns- the act# gmcilng
vr'.-i tt ithin.'y wJtioua! t.> the town of Li¬
1 la : to confer efxil power up'-n
ptyor \a 8, aiui l^W. . •*, o# Litbouin. Thi#
i .
10 I# ImreBf 'riven that application
Ltu u!'' to t- x'ie-xi general assembly
brKia Glarkato' t* am Sh the charter exttod the of the
of *u as to cor
e«mits, «... •■'si* additional powers
ro»!>\o, This, a... ri-sin. il. "ini for other
use*. <- It t' .jrcf Octolier, isvo.
| 25 7 to to 30 8 “
p fun vmllon , 35 to 75 “ “
ietU per pm.. 12!
j, per poap 1* “
i par ptiunu <* “
■ p er I’onfMB 15 “
i. ers-u-K, : 4- *85 «*
re" ttt'doMg «5 5 V “
jH-s *•: irri -•n !i
tor 1 m relL
H •* f j >nud. #r Sn
i’ ; * - .# 14
CW4. ’*
V »us.
.. . '« tf JIMM, Treat#.
yg* *vfc. 1#> ft «
Ui ’ 5
0 “
7 «
5 to 7 “
13 cento.
, 20 “
.. *
*0 u
15 to ?5 **
, L3s!rel, ,
r *2.09 “
l no •*
rpouml, ■petm-', 40 “ “
tt per pamtiti. poumV ..... . 45 to 60 Ho “ ‘j
t tv*it4
* male,-v riMtoto-t «ha -ruitbuRU
gtMitl TiaSrsimns l»! MataTM. Indt
lo a mo
aa Us u w— i si#t Llssr u.rfipUiirw.
tov AE E nr A BAD FIX
m '0 win cure yem if you will pay
Imi who arc V'e-A. Nervtm* amt
uneU. Mtfleriag wmfkfsa, from Suww De
u il aud sdl the.
ST early Evil s, or later in¬
MBS, which to picmaiaiT
Jt. CflMlftsU* Mauity, should
«t for am! read U <->k of Life. ’
ins pvrtwnbw* of Re t'ure. Sent
Bftvl) fow. by :etd ig Dr, Parker's and jf»# ai *ti State, !5f Jfsrfli
Nk* SL, NashvLT i»- tfw. They jmar
Mv antes' . core »; B-> The Sunday
i stegg=
— 1 ™
4 - Fall and Winter Goods. 4 -
I have in stock one of the most Elegant
Line of Goods ever
Shown * in > This * Market!
I buy only * the very best goods in the mark¬
ets and if you will only glance at
my stock you will find
this to be true. i;.A
zJ am prepaid to vhcn l nhj aiStomeU (he
Mf Imer of Sen era i JKenhandhk ever
brought to deJrato county*-and the 4oodi
were ; bought ftJieap and mil have to to foe
riold the Same way
I have on hand a fine line of gents and boy’s clothing,
shoes, hats, dry goods, dress goods, hardware, queensware,
crockery, patent medicines, cigars, tobacco, fancy and family
groceries, plantation supplies, buggies, wagons, carts, etc.—in
fact everything to supply the needs of everybody—but they
And they will be sold—for they are going at low prices—I
bought them for “Cash,” and, therefore, secured them cheap,
I se 11 for “Cash” and they are being sold cheap.
Furniture-Furniture a Specialty,
It will afford me pleasure to have you examine my im¬
mense stock and get my prices before you buy—J am confi¬
dent I can please you in quality and pri?e. Come and see
my stock. Yours Respectfully,
ZuItlHLcanLla., Q-a,.
3 tho Place to Buy Your Goods,
(33.11 Wamé on me, whe yo Wfiflt “flit?!
Ffiayg‘yg“ 11.191ng ,. w» 6 *" c. ‘ . s: a ‘bes ~ and cheap- 1
est stock in Lithonia.
' ~ 15 '------------------ ------ -
Is Retrying New Goods Daily.
Make the gcodthell, and therefore, we keep new and fresh
goods on hand sjji the time. Come and get our prices—they
are so low that if we were to publish them jt would frighten
the other merchants almost to death.
A liberal shar^ of the public patronage solicited. Call
and sec us at Ailiert and Callaway’s old stand.
John Nuanallj-, J. L. Chupp,
President, Business Manager
Happy! Oil
„ AHIw Who Trad,
I “have just Opened a dry goods
£111 “lfor‘the ment selling and least Will you take the special best
OFni LfoiM RAl. Manaoer.
Augusta, Ga., Septcmlrer 20, 1800
Commencing Sunday, Sept. 21st, the fol¬
lowing Passenger Schedule will be oper¬
ated :
-PAST LINE.- j£k^\
Leave Augusta.... .. 745am
Arrive Washington -• 10«am
Leave Athens..... Washington *■; -• 825am 7 20am
Leave v • •
Leave Lithojiia.... ••
Arrive Atlanta.... •• 1 00p m
Leave Atlanta....... --•- 2 7(fepm 45pm
Arrive Athens......
Leave Athens....... .... 350pm
Arrive Lithonia. • • f • ^ p m
Arrive Washington.. Washington.. .... 7 20pm
Leave • ••• 420pm
Arrive Augusta..... .... 815pm
Leave Augusta.... 11 05 am
“ Macon...... X a m
“ Milledgeville am ■
“ “ Washington............. Athens.................. 1110 am
8 40 a ra
Arrive at Lithonia............ 435pm
44 ** Atlanta.............. 5 43
NO. 2 EAST DAAkJ'. p 1 m
Leave Atlanta...........8 jW 00 a m
“ Lithonia......... 9 04 am
Arrive SfflSak:::”: Athens.........5 15pm
•• “ Macon. ! 8 jS
h ....... 4 45pm
“ Augusta, 315pm
Leave Augusta..... ..... 11 00 p m
Arrive Lithonia..... ..... 6 22 a m
Arrive Atlanta...... 630am
Leavo Atlanta.. .. 1115 pm
“ Lithonta*.. .............. 12 24 a ra
Arrive Augusta . ........
bea vc Covington............. 5 40 a m
Arrive “ Lithonia................ 0 27 a m
Atlanta................ 7 55am
Leave Atlanta................. 0 20pm
“ Lithonia................ 7 48 pm
Arrive Covington............. 8 35 p m
Union Point & White Plains
Leave Union Point, *10 10 a m *5 40 p m
Arrive at .Slloam, 10 35 am 6 06 pm
“ White Plain*, 11 10 am 6 40pm
•Daily Except Sunday.
Leave White Plains, *8 00 a m *8 SO p m
Arrivo Leave Silcain, 8 35 am 4 05 p nr
Union Point, 9 00am 4 80nm
•Daily Except Sunday.
No. 28 stops at Harlem for supper.
Trains N'o.’a 27 aud 28 will stop and re¬
ceive passengers to and from the follow¬
ing Thomson, stations only—Grovetown, Harlem,
UiaWfoidviUe, Caraak, Norwood, Barnett,
Union Point, Greensboro,
Madison. ington, Conyers, Rutledge, Social Circle, Cov¬
tain and Peatnr. Lithonia, Stone Moun¬
J. W. GREEN, General Manager.
K.'R. D088EY, Gen. Passenger Agent.
JOE W. WHITE, Gen. TravelingPasseu
gtr Agent, Augusta, Ga.
. /.V :
viz: &I0 cash am! $5 per month, wilt
do well to call on Mr. J. A. Norton,
or write me.
No. 9 South Pryor St„ Atlanta, Ga.
The Police Gazette.
I* the only illustrated paper in the
world containing all the latest semtation
al aud sporting new*. No Saloou Keeper,
liar her or Club Room can afford to he
without it. It always makes friends
wherever it foes.
Mailed no any address lu tho United
States, $ 1 00 securely wrapped, 13 week* fo»
. .
Send Five Cents for sample copy*
Hieii aud K. Fox,
Franklin Square, New York City.
H. W. GIBBS & CO.,
Lithonia, - Georgia.
Keeps always on hand a full line
of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Per¬
fumery, Toilet articles, etc., which
we sell at reasonable prices.
Call and acre us.
E. N. Brown now has one of the best
Dioptric Eye-Meters iu tho land and con¬
stantly keeps on hand all kinds of spec¬
tacles and eye-glass*-* and can suit yon
to a Uf-” Call and have your eyes tested
—no charge for testing your eve*.
I also keep on hand a full line of Jew
dry, watches, clocks, etc., mid will a too
do repairing cheap. ;
E. N. Brown.
We have just received a lot of
Selected R«<i Seed Wheat from
Tennessee which we offer for sale.
Stop sowing seed rusty and'go and faulty seed—
buy new to raisia&wbeai
again. Alvaso Jb George.
Lilhonia, Ga., Sept. 6, 18SW.
I am better prepared now
than ever to place farm loans
anywhere; in DeKalb, Rock¬
dale or Gwinnett counties.—
R. W. Milner, Attorney.