Newspaper Page Text
News and Gossip as it Comes
From Every Section.
Upon Which is Recorded the Hap¬
penings of Local Interest as
They Transpire Weekly.
—Fresh Mince Meat at Hollings¬
—The potato crop is the finest
for years.
MteEho’» WINE OF CKBDUI for femtledUexses
—Vote for Col. Livingston next
—Mr. P. K. Philips is suffering
with rheumatism.
—Lithonia hasn’t a single candi¬
date far any county office.
—Holliugslfci’f ’s is headquarters
fruits and fauopfcan dies.
—The collector reports taxes as
being paid rather slowly.
—Mr. I. L. Teat, of Stone Moun¬
tain, was in town Thursday.
; —As yet but few of our people
have attended the exposition.
—Mr. Jule Smith is now night tel¬
egraph operator at the depot.
—Mr. Jason Crosslev spent several
days of last week in McDonough.
—The national prohibitionists, or
the third party, say they now pro¬
pose to take a baud in politics.
Try BLACK-DRAU* HT tea for*.
—The fields are full of unpicked
cotton. Cotton pickers are scarce.
—Miss Mattie Carlton has about
recovered from a severe spell of fever.
—A large number from here went
up to the circus in Atlanta Satur¬
BLACK-DRAUGHT tea raw Constipation.
Major. Jacob Braswell is a weath
•er prophet—and he .s a good one,
—Dr. N. M. Johnson left for At¬
lanta Saturday to attend the dental
—Don’t fail to call on us for Jeans,
Shoes, lints. Caps, etc. Cross ley
—The Methodists of Lawrence
ville arc preparing to build a new
AtcELREC’3 WINS OF CABDUt tor WeakXervs*.
—The latest candidate for mayor
of Atlanta is 3Ir. W. A. Hemphill,
of the Canstitntton.
, 4*4 , v- “rt ■ " :
—The Western Union Telegraph
■Co. is putting up new polls along the
lino of tho Georgia railroad.
—Let every Democrat go to the
polls next Tuesday and vote for Col.
Livingston for congress.
—Jeans! Jeans!! Shoes! Shoes!!
Caps! Caps!! See., <fee^ at your own
price, at Crossley Bros.’ for cash.
—Hon. T. Y.Nash is preparing to
leave for the legislature. He has
treated himself to a new derby hat.
—AH parties indebted to us will
please come forward and settle
once. Crossley Bros.
—The Alliance store sold one
thousand cigars in three days last
week. Clerks Chapman says that
when goods are cheap they will sell.
For scrofula,
Salt rheum, etc.,
Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
. —Mr. B, D. Crossley has received
his lumber and will aooij erect a
handsome six-room dwelling on Con¬
yers street.
—W. II. Hollingsworth’s is the
place to gel yonr apples,
bananas, cocoanuts, mixed nuts, rai¬
sins, etc.
—Rev. F. A. Ragsdale will
•t the Methodist church next Satur¬
day and Sunday. Everybody cor
dially invif§d to attend.
WINE OF CABDUt, * Toole for Wtaoto.
-—When you are constipated,
headache or McLean’s.Liver loss of appetite, Kid
Dr. J. H. and
ney Fillets; they are pleasant to take
and will cure you.
-Mrs. Jacob t t Braswell « ,, has ,
thanks for a six pound sweet pot*
toe. Mr. Braswell has some of the
largest and best potatoes ever
brought to this market.
—Mr. W.E. MoCalla ha* purchas
«d him a nice home in Decatur and
wul move to it soon. We regret
. kme „ Mr. McCall* s. and his good , . lady -
from our town-—Conyers Solid
—Considerable valuable property
U advertised to be sold at
sale, in Decatur, next Tuesday. It
will be the biggest sale held in this
oounty in some time, so go uu and
v.____„ buy some property.
—Mr. C. McPhaii and his hoard
era, while not breaking paving
blocks, smose themselves by trying
to plow a Texas pony—or rather the
one who does the plowing is not very
much amused—the spectators have
all the fuo.
—Rev. W. G. Akin, of Dunwoody,
was in town Monday shaking hands
with the boys.
—Messrs. Almand & George have
the largest and best stock of cloth¬
ing and gents’ furnishing goods ever
broght to this town. They are su¬
perb—call and examine them before
you buy elsewhere.
—We especially call attention to
the country trade to call on us for
the next 15 or 20 days for Jeans,
Shoes* Hats, Caps, etc., as we have
some special bargains. Crossley
—If you suffer from any affection
caused by impure blood, such as
scrofula, salt rheum, sores boils,
dimples, tetter, ringworm, take Dr.
J. H. McLean’s Sarsaparilla. Sold
by Gibbs & Co., druggists, Lithonia
—The legislature will meet on
first Wednesday in November. Un¬
der ‘.he law the first ballot for Uni¬
ted States senator will be on tJbe sec¬
ond Tuesday after the convening of
the general assembly, which will be
the 18th of November.
—The Augusta Evening News
responsible for this item: The rul¬
ing passion is strong in death. A
Seriven county man who was sup¬
posed to he dead was asked by
son if he would have a drink.
nodded his head, took a big swig and
is now all right again.
—Tax Collector Nash informed
us, a few days ago, that he had col¬
lected every cent of the state and
county taxes for last year. But few,
if any of the other counties, can
make such a showing—bat then De
Kalb has the best tax collector in
the state.
—A man named Duncan published
an article in the Ball Ground Gazette
accusing Col. Winn, the Democratic
nominee for oongress in the Ninth
district, of cowardice during
war. Last week Col, Winn met
Duncan in the public road, and
took several gentlemen to poll the
Colonel off of Duncan. This is one
way to settle things in a political
—Mrs. M. A. Mercer, a well known
teacher of long experience in
gia, will give an entertainment
sisting of Panoramic Views of the
Holy Land, also comic scenes, at Lu¬
cie Hardie Institute,
Wednesday night. Music and reci¬
tations will lie rendered by the la¬
dies nnd gentlemen of Lithonia, Ad¬
mission: Gentlemen, 15 cents; La?
dies and children, 10 cents. Go out
to the entertainment, you will be well
—If some men worked ns hard to
pay their honest debts, as they work
to elect some man to office, they
would be richer and the country
more prosperous.
On account of a survey that is be¬
ing made of the lands, it
necessary to postpone Veal, tbe sale of
estate of IL F. deceased,
the first Tuesday in December
E. J. axi» B. II. Veal,
Administrators B. F. Veal,
A shooting occurred in our quiet
town Saturday night that may
in the death of our
Deputy Sheriff Jasper W.
Several shots were fired and di¬
rectly after the shooting a large
l>er of men gathered on Main
armed with Winchester rifles, pis¬
tols, etc., and things looked
squally for awhile.
It seems, from all we can glean
eye witnesses to tho shooting, that
mean, disreputable negro, by the
of Arch Jones, was very instrumental
trying to liberate some negro
that Marshal Winn and deputy
Jenkins were conducting to the
boose for violating some of the town
dinances. and, after much trouble,
locked op. f
He was not satisfied with the
bance he had already raised in trying
release the negroes, for he wentaway
procured a pistol, and after
had quieted down, appeared upon
streets, making threat* that no
man could arrest Mm. He finally
into Messrs. G. ^ W. Johnson &
wb , „ ^ Mr . JenHns , „
Mr. Winn, and made threats as to
he would do if they tried fo arrest
at the same time brandishing his
ia the sir. The marshal and
thought be had done enough to be
ed for, and accordingly advanced
bia »- The negro fired npon the
’ ho •'£*«*" f* fi ‘ e Th *
from the ugros pistol ,, took effect m
Jcnkiaa - t Hgbt , ide< ^
the pleural cavity and coming out at
spinal column directly opposite
Mr. Jenkins is seriously, but not
fataUy) wonnded.
»nd Urge posse of
mined men are scouring the country
the would-be assassin, and if caught,
doubt will be dealt with severely.
Jasper W. Jenkins is a man who is
^realty liked, and DeKalb never had
a braver officer,
A t last accounts Mr. Jenkins was
Sag , much to the credit of Dr. R.
w * who it to charge
{he It I* astljr hoped that
*5**^,. m win bring * bout
this brave ami tuwfer »«<***.
The Republicans are Canvass¬
ing This District.
To Elect Their Candidate, Judge
Haight to Congress. Organiz¬
ing Campaign Clubs,etc.
The Republicans are hard at work
in the interest of their candidate,
Judge Haight, for congress.
They have issued a circular to the
negroes, calling on them to vote
against the alliance candidate, Col.
Livingston. They seem to he very
bitterly opposed to the alliance be¬
cause of some resolutions passed by
the alliance at Edgewood in favor of
the money paid by the
whites to educate white children and
the money paid by the colored peo¬
ple to educate their own children.
They are using this to catch the
colored voters.
They seem to have taken a lesson
from some of the “Jeffersonian Dem¬
ocrats” and are particularly fight¬
ing the alliance.
If Haight is elected it means
high tariff on the necessaries of life,
and the bayonet rule. Can any Dem¬
ocrat remain away from the polls
when the country is threatened with
such evils ?
We know there are some demo¬
crats personally opposed to Col.
Livingston but that is not a sufficient
reason why they should not vote
for him now; ho has been honestly
nominated, and, as the nominee, ho
should receive the vote of every
Democrat in this district. The place
to seti le our personal choice as dem
drrats is in the primary election.
The Republicans have canvassed
this county from one end to the oth¬
er—they are at work, bnt are very
quiet about it. We learn that they
have also canvassed and are still
canvassing every county in the dis¬
trict .
The republicans held a meeting in
Lithonia Friday night, last, and or¬
ganized a campaign club of some 40
members, and many more names
will be added to the club.
Besides all this, they (the Repub¬
licans) havo raised a campaign fund
among themselves, nnd are also be¬
ing furnished with “boodle" from
nothing Washington undone City. to elect Tliqv their w ill lyave
Judge Haight, for congress.
In the face of all these facts, and
they are facts, any Democrat who
refuses to vote for Col. Livingston*
although he may believe differently,
in a certain sense aids and encour¬
ages Republicanism. These are hard
words, but they are, nevertheless,
trne.—Can you, as a democrat, re¬
fuse, under the circumstances, to
support Col. Livingston ?
Col. Livingston is diivji) the
hands of the Democratic part}-. If
he is defeated it injures the party
and not Livingston. Col. Living¬
ston went before the voters in a pri¬
mary and he won the victory—his
candidacy is now in the hands of
Democrats, and it is a duty they
owe Col. Livingston, as well as the
party, to elect him to Congress.
Let every truo Democrat go to
the polls and vote for Democracy—
vote in favor of good government—
for tariff reform and against the
force bill.
If the Republicans win, it means
higher taxes, the force bill and a cor¬
rupt administration.
We have done our duty ju warn¬
ing you of the state of affairs as they
exist—now, as Democrats, do your
duty by casting your vote for Col.
Livingston next Tuesday. %
McEiree’s Wine of Cr.rdui
for sale by the following merchants in
DeKaib County:
H. W. Gibbs Sc Co., Lithonia.
Callaway & Son, Lithoiin. .
J. E. Elliott Sc Son, Chamblee.
H. A. Jolly, Ciarkston.
FI. R. Jewett, Decatur.
W. W. Mason, Decatur.
T. C. Avery, Decatur.
C. L. Trimble, Dunwoody.
O. J». Copeland, Dunwoody,
Gazaway *fc House, Snapffnger.
J. A. Deshong, Stone Mountain.
J. II. Atherson Sc Co, Stone MVt.
Campbell Sc Son, Stone Mountain.
M. SI. McGchee Sc Co., Stone M’n’t.
W II. Pharr, Stone Mountain.
Robinson & Wells, Stone Mountain.
George R. Wells, Stone Mountain
Robt. M. Clarke, Panola.
J. B. Simmons, Panola.
A sore leg, the flesh a mass of dis¬
ease, yet P. P. P. (Prickly
Poke Root and Potassium) achieved
wonderful results, the flesh was pu
rifited and the bone got sound, and
. health established, ... . . „
my w3« says
James Masters, of Savannah, G*.
The Litho.via New Era a
r j. Th .. 4 , .
Correspondence New Era.
To all w ho may not know where
Jacksonville in, let me state that it
is situated just outside the corporate
limits of Lit honia, a® the fout of
Little Mountain, and {* a busy little
town of about 150 l" 1 *' the
reader must, not confound it with
Smoky Row.
We need a store in Jacksonville.
Jacksonville supports as good YVhy a
hotel as t here is in thf,county.
couldn’t it support a ftore ?
Mr. Richard Ivie, a handsome and
dashing Jaofcsonvi!l«a» Exposition dude, vis¬
ited the Piedmont on
Saturday. .
Mr. W. C. Vanderirrff has pur¬
chased a horse nnd a rtcw boggy, It
he is “reported”that made the purchase, the |u>rniug he was after out
riding before breakfasts
Messrs. John Austin a|nl Jim Hayes
have returned home from Aubnn,
Gwinnett county, (where they G., have A
been cutting stone for the C.
N.) for a short stay. The railroad,
they say, is booming.
who Guess did who reply the young when lajly certain was
not a
young man asked permission to es¬
cort her home, and when he said
silence gives consent, turned her
back on him,
Litttle Jennie Pearce, the infant
daughter of Mr. Jesse Pearce, died
last week, after a long illness. The
body was carried to Stone Moun¬
tain for intention*. The whole com¬
munity deeply sympathize in bereavement. with the
stricken family their
The voung people of this place
enjoyed themselves hugely on the
evening of tlte 18th, at a sociable
given at the residence of Mr. II. S.
Fowler, Jacksonville “sho’ gits
there” on a sociable.
ings One of the most in this enjoyable place by even the
ever folks (■pent the hospitable
young was at
home of 31r. Robert Nash at a
sociahle given in honor of—the oc¬
casion, on Friday, the 24th inst.
They all extend tluir thanks to Mr.
and 3frs. Nash for their hearty time wel¬
come and for the pleasant
they had.__
For a Quarter.
For twenty-five cents yon can get
a bottle of the best cough remedy in
tho world, and a larger bottle for the
price than any other in the market.
It is Dr. White’s Pulmonnria. Trial
bottles free at J. C. Johnson’s.
Correspondence New Era.
Mr. U. L. White and in family Atlanta. have
been visiting relatives
Mr. Charley been visiting Lybrand, his father of Augus¬
ta, has near
this place. li
Mr. 1). T. Cain t fatuity, id
Lawrencevitle, visited relatives in
this corner recently.
There is a certain young man tn
this vicinity who takes Ids girl to
ride in a wheelbarrow.
31 r. Josie Lybrand, of few Ettfaula, weeks
Ala., lias been spending a
with his parents tu-ar here.
31 r. .John St. John, while hole ’possum and
hunting last week, fell in a
hurt himself. You should he care¬
ful how you ruu after dark, Johnnie.
31 r. ami 31 is. E. J. Bond, who
spent soino time visiting and relatives Cate
and friends in Rome
Spring, Ga,, and also in several cities
in Alabama, have returned home.—
They had a most delightful Henry trip.
Mr. Green Bowden, Ragsdale, or last county, week,
visited Rev. F. A.
Mrs. Mary Ragsdale, who has been
sick with fever, is improving, we are
glad Mr. to It. state. S. White has been the sick
list a few days this week.
appointed Several in our Thursday. corner were They badly intend¬ dis¬
ed going to the Kxjsisiuon on that, da}’,
but The the bad rain hills prevented. on the road near Uncle
Lewis Nash’s lwve been put They in good
order by (he chain gang. are
now at'work on the hills near Swift
Since our last writing three new-com¬
ers have come iuto our corner to stay.
A bouncing boy is boarding with Mr.
and Mrs. E. L* Anderson, another with
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Lee, and r little
lady at Mr. Dock Wades’.
-. 4*
We have been havfng some strait , ,
ont full weather tor thr last few days.
Cotton picking ha* 'been abandoned
for quite awhile on aconm^ot flie ruinst
gome of our alliancema# JnurntJl. say they
are going full or to Gordon. quit tii* .General because Gordon
it i*
might make a right good bait for
Jmirnal at present, but after the elec
South River Nil*
a n. I. Bavne carp. intend* moving his fain-'
fly much to Atlantarimfly. lose the We regret vyp
eore^Ctorie^C^K to J(J«f«.
Mr. Jas. A. Webb io oar midst, anoth
cr vear.
We are very ranch grieved to chron
icle the death of Mr*. C. M.
which sad event occurred on Oct
She was a firithfnl Christian, a dotifol
daughter and an affectionate
Death is always an unwelcome from visitor,
hut dmiblv so when it takes the
family c irc!e such tn estimable lady as
was Calloway. A good part of
r.’™i j; .TtjrVK
scholars* davs, were made happier by
her presence. At school it w M her
pride io look after the •maUergirl*. a*
-rsandthellf. .Mlbrht of th.
school. As « vouftg ladv, to know
was to admire her. She w M the
g5)ine ^ , h@ cSrei# „ f ; n w
she shed lier Hand smiles, nnd
tered words of kindnes*. We
<sir most sineet* ami heartfelt
The News of Our Granite City
Told in Paragraphs.
Things that Transpire in and Around
the Mountain Likely to In¬
terest the Public.
• Miss Lula Veal is visiting Miss
Emma Jones, of Atlanta.
Messrs. J. R. Scruggs and C. A.
Rankin are improving rapidly.
Cotton lias been coming into town
right lively for the last few days.
e-Miss Annie Veal is visiting Miss
Annie Meador in Atlanta, this week
Quite a number of our
“took in”'the Exposition during
past week.
Mr. Will Post, of Oxford,
several hours in our little city
day last week.
I)r. Gay, of Lithonia, was in town
Tuesday. Weave glad’to see
Doctor out again.
Sirs. B. II. Veal and children
visiting Mrs. Veal’s mother in
tersville, who is quite sick.
Miss Georgia Arnold, of
spent a part of last week here
Mrs. J. P. Tuggle on Quality
Mr. and Mrs. J no. E.
of Atlanta, visited the family of
J. F. McClelland here last
Rev. Tom Carter, an old
Mountain boy, but now of
Hock, Ark., is visiting relatives
The farmers are nil
of too much rain, and say that
cotton seed are sprouting in the
Mrs. Dr. J. L. Hamilton
down to Lithonia Tuesday to
her sister, Mrs. Hollingsworth,
is quite ill with fever.
Mr. Will Maddox is opening
a stock of fancy groceries and
fectioneries, in tho W. R.
building «n Main street.
Candidates for county offices
rather slow about announcing
selves. What’s the matter ?
they afraid to “tackle” the alliance
Miss KUio Lankford, after spend
ing two weeks very pleasantly
Noreross, returned home
accompanied by Miss Minnie
3fr, E. W. Barrett, the Constitu¬
tion’s Washington correspondent,
was in town last week. 3lr. Barrett
is olio of the best correspondents at
the National capital.
Mr. Jimmie Russell, son of 3fr.
Nathan Russell, of near this place, is
dangerously ill at his father’s house,
of typhoid fever. All hopes of his
recovery is abandoned.
If Colonel Tom Winn’s friends
over in Gwinnett county don’t do
some good work on election day
‘ Parson” Pickett will give him a
pretty close ‘rub’ in his own county.
The Georgia railroad, at last, is
going to make some needed improve¬
ments on the depot here. Instead
one waiting room, we will have two,
one for the ladies and one for the
Venable Bros, closed down their
works here Thursday. Quite a num¬
ber of hands are thrown out of em¬
ployment. 3Ir. A. O. Venable as
sures his tnen that the works will re¬
sume in about two months.
Eucklen’s Arnica Salve.
The best salve ia the world for
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap
Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all
Eruptions, nnd postively cures
or ». m U It i*
. , °^7fnmlod° - . ... .
,,nrnn ee
or money refunded. I Price nee tS
por W . For sale by II. W.
A Co- n Drugv,.#ts, „,, T 1 „ 1 —
H. R. Jewett,
* '
- 5efiream|
No1ice t0 Creditor
AUenM titots of the
I\i, of DeKalb CO
heretiy Srt render in their
K* the undersigned , , according
law, and all persons indebted to said
are required to make immediate
Administrator Jame* Pierce.
Killed by Two Men?
*<*»•• swot,
3in*« and Swift, ami lately with Jas.
A Aiderwm Sc C\>, is now with
^ A |v {feaR, Xo. 10 Marietta
.toft,,HIM bi*t pri«‘" on
’l*’* Cl " tfl ,‘ n? ’ U and
* "rutftlang Goods. 1 be elephant
* youftg one but its a big one.
and see me at No. 10 Marietta
_ad,nk»ton free.
jJffiHlton’t forget the place, No.
Maririx* street.
A Methodist Discipline Badly Wanted,
On the Tiiehft of the l4tfi inst., a sable
lady and gentleman, with other friends,
hailed at the residence of his honor,
Esq. II. H. Sober, L.L.D., of Redan
district. desiring to be united fu tiie holy
state of matrimony.
This unexpected cal! upon the Squire
to exercise the. functions and preroga¬
tives of bis lUficial capacity, found him
very greatly won piused.
The first thing that occurred to his
mind, was that he had a Methodist di«
cipiiue that contained a marriage cere¬
mony, and for which he began to make
a vigorous search, tumbling the books
pell-mell over and over in rapid suc¬
cession; then across the room kicking
over chalre^pnd tables, to the bureau
drawers loading e\4-r up the citofching, and
squalling and anon, “Mary, where
is that disAtiue?”
Failing la find the much desired book
he simtchaHup his 1 criminal docket—
scanning fflarough hastily, discoveilng
diUjgjlMtesoived notbingloielieve hint lu his wretched
that a man of his
liujrfj,■<*?$■■ 11 \ *ta 1
uerosWi^BWSkle off his t a^oached of his the hair, room, spit pulled in his
hands, an#-ordered the couple to march
out. lie then proceeded with a few
broken sentences and prouounced them
man and wife.
The bridegroom asked the Squire
“what was de fee,” The Hquiro an.
swered “not a cent, for you are not
more than half-married no how.”
After all was over, one of the dar¬
kies says “Mr. Sulier, you didn’t ax el
dare wuz no dejections.”
11. U.llltASWEU..
About iv year ago I had a severe at¬
tack of Bronchitis, mid 1 used many of
the popular lung remedies of tho day
without relief. Some of tho physicians
whom I called said I had consumption,
and that my case was incurable, and
that I must die. Late last fall I met
Dr. Norman who cave me a fifty cent
bottle of f)r. While’s Pulmonnria, nnd
stnted that he hnd used itiuhis practice
for several years, and had never known
it to fall to do all that was claimed for
it. Now, candor admonishes me to tes¬
tify in its favor. This one bottle that I
received from l)r. Normau gave me
more relief than all the other remedies
and proscriptions I had heretofre used.
After using three more of the dollar
bottles I v'iv 8 pronounced cured.
Titos. K. I’astki.l,
Echo, Cherokee Nation, li.dau Ter.
For sale by J. 0. Johnson.
Correspondence New Era.
Tho furaiein are gathering their crops
as fast us possible.
Mr. M.AVright picked 442 pounds of
cotton onl day recently.
31 r. Jud Alnmnd ls improving. Hope
he will soon be up again,
Mr. Thurman, who had his hand bad¬
ly cut in it gin, is improving.
Last Sunday, while Mr. R, Stephen¬
son and family were away from home,
some unknown person entered his resi¬
dence and helped himself to dinuer.
Many people who would scarcely no¬
tice an armless or legless man will in¬
stantly detect and remark on any blem¬
ish of the human face, and dive into all
sorts of speculations as to Its cause nnd
attendant circumstances. If you doubt
this assertion, become possessed or a
discolored optic and note how niuce at¬
tention it will invite. A black eye i
generally avoidable, but blotches, pim¬
ples and other scrofulous and eruptive
marks steal upon us without wanting,
and are frequently the first intimation
of the fact that our blood Is going
wrong. A prompt and systematic use
of P. P. P- (Prickly Ash, Poke Root
and Potassium), will purify the blood
cleanse tho skill and give baek to the
face nature’s familiar, ruddy signs of
health. Get it of your druggist.
Abbott’# East Indian Corn Paint
Eradicates Corns, Bunions aud Wart*
where all other remedies fall.
, .. »"*>»•
^^MOcUiher ed by Ousley Alliance, at regular
“jKT* 18, 1890:
. , - , T ■
Iff- T of the T action of , the
U" *
fe ''-' Alliance ' 1 ’ lu reaueat- r 1
(mtatw-eleet the Jeglsla- , .
senator-elect to withhold
Htrt from our wnnty msn.
an bks B. Gordon, for United
j Skvey, Vico President.
G. Secretary.
Says that ft ch»nge of stomach and
liver would benefit the morbid siu
ner almost as much as a change of
heart, fftr while ro*ny attribute an ir¬
ritable temper and ft morose dispo¬
sition to th# ingenious workings of
the devil, they are only the symp¬
toms of ir,digest ion or biliousness,
an 1 mayja® r-wdi'y removed by a
few dose* of that sovereign remedy.
Dr. White’s Dandelion Alterative.
It is sold by J. C. Johnson.
—If yov have a painful tease
fatigue, find >\ duties
take Dr. J. Jl. McLean's
(la. It wiD hiavv you up, make
Q |_AR KSTO N BOOM1 i\ l U<
The Little City is Rapidly'
Building Up:
Gathered by Our Special Corres¬
pondent That Will Interest
Our M:iny.R‘ , .‘hlers v » t
'■ !-• ■*
Let no man dispute : : f' >
That Glarkstdh -tubs ah instituted *
That will !ea\c btdpml' the. Aghvrf
Scott, . will S'
And Ireland Park d£e- Tors.
Miss Susie Vemtr .“*?• israspoiidiiig-tlni
week in Atlanta. * * All .
Not many of oyr ^people al e go-’
mg to the lvxpositiMO.
3fess of yW
town, were in our townruwlwjr,
3Ir. Chas. Omioii, of Constitution,
visited Prof. Johnson's family Sun-'
Miss Norwood, of Perrv, Ga., irf
visiting her aunt here, Sirs. J. VV/
3Iiss Carter, of Atlanta, visited
her brother, 3Ir, Frank Carter,- herd
this week.
The same lots that sold for $10(f
last winter are now worth $5i00 ami
are selling at that price.
Our merchants are doing a rat-'
ling business. Trade has Increase#
50 per cept. over last year.
3Iiss Girtic 3I«ore spent a feed
days in Atlanta last week as tin!
guest of Mrs. W. D. White.
Mt. John Conch, of South Caro-i
lina, spent a few days of last week
visiting Prof. Johnson's family.
There will be some improvement*
such as fencing, etc., made on tliedi-*
lapidated lots of Ciarkston soon.
31 r. \V. A. Rodgers will return
from Louisana next week, where InJ
has been for a month oti busirtcSS.
31 r. and Mrs. W. V. DuBosd
have returned from an extended vis¬
it to Washington and other pointsi
We, at our club meetings, have a
roll call and each owe respond# with
a quotation. At our last meeting
we had an original from Jtr. Wyly
Our school system is doing good
for our town, SI,500 sure to be sub*
■cribed. The books are yet opcil
and you tan help make J school and
a town. J \
make a bole of cotton Off of one acre,
among whom nre, 31 r. F. L. Hudg¬
ins, Rev. A. R. Lovcjoy, L. B. Tab
ton and F. P. Singleton.
Dr. Massey, of Atlanta, bought
two beautiful lots here during last
week and will build a nice residence
at once, See what our redl estate
men and school art* doing.
Cards nre out for tho marriage of
Mr. \V. II. Weekes, of Decatur, to
3Iiss Leona Fowler, of our town,
W editesday evening next at 'eight
o’clock in the Methodist chtircb.
We had a man here from BartoW
county last- week. He says there
are plenty of mineral# here on the
McClendon place, formerly owned
by Dr. G. W. Maddox. He also
says there are diamonds in the earth
besides iron, etc.
Mr. James McClendon will, we
learn, cut the beautiful mineral
springs grove of 12 acre* up into
lots for sale. Theu if a Wan want#
a home in one of the best towns in
Georgia, with a good school, and
everything to make a mau happy,
let him buy a lot.
When an infant, my l««ly broke
out all over with an eruption or rank,
which became more aggravated as I
grew older. Every noted physician
In our seetiotv^w.ia tried oreoutwhed.
When I came of age I vH* A Hot
Springs, Ark*, aft-1 was Ire: there
bv the best medical men, but waS
not benefitted. After that, ntidii*
the advice of a note*! specialist, I
tried the celebrated Clifton Springs*
N. Y, without any good results,
When all things bad failed I deter*
mined to try S. f>. S. atul in fouf
month# was entirely cured. Th*
terrible Eczema was alt gone. Hot ft
sign left; my general health built op)
and 1 have never had any return of
the disease. I have since recom¬
mended S, 8. S. to a number 0 i
friends for skin diseases, ertfpti ,
etc., and have never known of a
Treatise on
mailed free.
—You \
work or
H JVM, f*