Newspaper Page Text
Courses at
Georgia State
The School of Special
Studies at Georgia state
College has announced non
credit courses to be offered
at Georgia State College
during the Winter Quarter.
Professor Lewis Van Gor
der who is director of the
GSC School of Special
Studies says registration can
be made by mail through
December 27, and receipts
will be returned by mail.
After that date, registration
can be made in person at
the office of the School of
Special Studies, Room 227
Sparks Hall, 33 Gilmer
Street. S. E.
Special study courses of
fered are: shorthand and
typing, beginning, interme
diate and advanced; busi
ness machines, account I
DO speed, radio, SIQQE
heater, WSW I WWW
DODGE Dart, automatic
UW trans., $7 OK
R&H, W.S.W lUW
ICE GTO, V-8, 4-epoed, ra-
UU die, heater, yellow with
black vinyl top. 7QR
Real sharp I 130
CHEVROtET ।»tP o। °
U I Coupe. Powerglido, V-8,
paid, PS.
and air 4 f UU
VV Coupe. White, red inf.,
Pow«*rglide, 327 eng., air
rtV- ’IBBS
’66%"™°!'; ’1995
’RR MUSTANG Conv., blue,
00 Powerglide, air, P. S.,
: L K ’1795
'64 X™*' ’695
’Rd CHEVROIET 4 -DO ar .
o*9 Powerglide, air, radio,
heater, blue and $1 OAE
white I OHO
O^f Powerglide, SIQQE
radio, heater I UwJ
’A9 CHEVYII n®* o 2 - D °° r
Ora H.T. 6-cylinder, straight
drive, radio, healer, S7AE
real nife. ... f *fU
’Ad l ord Fa * fbacl< ' v ' B -
o*9 dbto. trans., radio, heat-
’AR FORD ITO Cp *' v ’ 8,
auto, trans., air cond.,
$ 1745
FORD, V-8, radio, heat-
W.r, 4-Da.r,
’R7 CHRYSIER 4 -Door. V-8,
U I auto. SQO
trans UU
’R7 CAMAR °« V-®. 4-speod,
,k - $ 2395
’RA CHEVELIC 4-Door. V-8,
OU Powerglido, SICQE
P.S., radio, hooter. I OUU
’Ad CUSVEIIE Coupe. 4-
o*9 speed, V-8, radio, heaf-
^ $W : $ 1395
®U V-8, Powerglido, radio,
heater, SIRQR
’CE CHEVROLET 4-Door. V-8,
UU Powerglido, fact, air,
Sk p s $ 1450
’AA OIDS ” 442 " Cpe ' 4-
OO speed, RBH, SHAAQ
red-line tires £U3U
’AA CAPRICE Cpe., turq.,
UO Vinyl roof, double pow
wsw H $ 2195
’Ad Bn A,R 2 ’ Dr s ' d ' v ' B,
OH auto ,ran.
’CO ^ HE VROLET Impolo Cpe.
ps $ 1195
4-speed, radio,
M 195
FORD F-600 Cab and
chassis, V-8, 9:00x20
in E ” H 295
L *
i VwwW® ' ' ’
L ' :
W z
675 Ponce de Leon Avenue, N E
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
C. B. LIVEZEY December 5. 1967
General Manager
Mr. Jack Troy, Owner
n ree P ress and Forest Park News
cost otnee Box 47
Forest Park, Georgia 30050
Dear Mr. Troy:
10 - al men ’ women a « d children who
tom the 45 United A PP eal agencies
WOT Umt^A k,n f y ° U for all y° u did t 0 hel P ma ^ e the
rr 07 united Appeal a success.
Wim™! figures , s , how w e reached 100.4% of our goal,
could exc ehent news and editorial support we
nn„£ • y. have done 1V A small token of our
appreciation is enclosed.
for helping us prove this community
cares about helping people.
Campaign Chairman
South Metro
Art Club
Mr. Constantine Chatov
will do a demonstration on
Thursday. Dec. 14th at 8:00
p.m. on the second floor of
and 11, programming in
Data Processing, public
speaking, reading, Spanish
I. French I, German 11,
modern Greek. These courses
are offered at periods 5:15-
6:45 p.m. and 6:50-8:20 p.m.
Mondays-Wednesdays, Tues
days- Thursdays.
Remedial College Courses
will be taught on Tuesday
and Thursday in three pe
riods from 5:15 p.m. through
9:55 p.m. Courses offered in
clude: reading improvement
English Grammar, Algebra
I, II; World Geography, Pub
lic Speaking; American and
Georgia Government.
Babb Hi-Y Chib Aids
Less Fortunate
The Hi-Y Club of G. P.
Babb sponsored a can goods
drive before the Thanksgiv
ing holidays. Its purpose was
to provide less fortunate
people to have a thankful
The students at Babb re
sponded well to the call and
gave over $300.00 worth of
canned goods. The food was
given to the Clayton County
Family Care Services.
A contest was held be-
* I 1 1> M 1
LEFT TO RIGHT, Norman Theriault, Patricia McCannon
and Ted Key, advisor of the Babb Hi-Y Club.
at the HOLIDAY INN of
Callaway Gardens
Plan to spend this week-end at Georgia's
complete year 'round resort —Callaway Gar
dens at Pine Mountain, Ga
Dine in the atmosphere of elegant surround
ings and to the music of "THE CROWNS"
from 8 p.m. 'til midnight.
For Reservations, Call
663-2281 in Pine Mountain
@on U. S. 27
Pine Mountain, Ga. 31822
Hansell H. Adamson, Arlin
Barr, Larry Byrom, R, W.
Camp, T. W. Cole, Shelnutt
Dairy, Inc., W. L. Gravitt,
Sr., F. B. Guest, W. I. James
111, Bernard Lee, Norah Rob
inson, Loma V. Shelnutt,
Howard Smith, Mrs. Resia H.
Turner and Morris E. Wag
goner have recently com
pleted Soil and Water Con
serving practices.
Almost every farmer eli
gible to vote in the 1968 cot
ton marketing quota refer
endum cast a ballot. A high
percentage of farmers con
sistently cooperate in ASC
the Fairburn Public Library.
This will be a regularly
scheduled meeting of the
South Metro Art Club. We
cordially invite the public to
attend this interesting pro
tween homerooms so as to
see which one collected not
only the most canned goods
but the most decorative box.
There was a three-way tie
for first place. And this is
self-evident that there was
high competition.
It was truly a pleasure for
the Hi-Y to sponsor such a
successful project.
—Mike Estes
Publicity Chairman
Pearl Harbor
The Atlanta chapter of the
Pearl Harbor Survivors As
sociation (PHSAi hosted the
sixth district convention in
Atlanta, Dec. 6-8, The 26th
anniversary memorial serv
ices held at the national
cemetery, Marietta, Georgia,
were attended by the PHSA
national president, Henry
Shane and vice president,
Leroy Gammon.
Representatives of all
branches of the military
service participated in the
memorial services. Col. J. I.
Pray, 3rd Army, delivered
the address and Lt. Cmdr.
Billy N. Wolfe, Chaplain
U.S. Naval Air Station, At
lanta, delivered the invoca
tion and prayer of remem
brance. Reverend George V.
Deadwyler, Jr., Chaplain
Dobbins Air Force Base, de
livered the benediction. The
3rd Army band and color
guard along with color
guard from all branches of
the military services and
veterans organizations also
participated in the services.
Georgia delegates and
others traveled to the ceme
tery in chartered buses.
Georgia survivors dedicated
a monument to the men who
died at Pearl Harbor the day
of the sneak attack. Shane
and Ed Eads, Georgia state
chairman, served as wreath
President Shane reports he
has been showing the PHSA’s
film, "Day of Infamy,” the
story of Japan’s dreams of
conquest, and pictures of the
actual December 7 attack, to
local groups. Audiences have
been most attentative. The
film was shown in the Ga.
Room of the Atlanta Ameri
can Motor Hotel, December
7, 4-5 and 5-6 p.m. The film
will remain with Georgia’s
chairman, Ed Eads, for dis
play in this state.
Community Committee elec
tions and Commodity ref
erendums. The secret ballots
were counted by the ASC
County Committee in a
meeting open to the public.
Any Clayton farmer with
a cotton allotment who
wishes to sell or lease his
allotment to another is urged
to list it at the counter of
the ASCS Office. Farmers
with cotton acreage in the
CAP or CR Programs will
have their annual payments
reduced, however, if they sell
their allotments.
Farmers who need cost
sharing on having limestone
spread are urged to file an
ACP request immediately if
the£ have land that will hold
up a lime truck between now
and December 31, 1967
—W W. Dixon
County Office Manager
Nothing makes people go
into debt like trying to keep
up with those who already
are.—Marysville iKans.t Ad
Let us tell you how we are helping people like
you help themselves. Our savings customers have
the assurance that their savings are safe, are
earning good returns, and are easily available when 1“
needed. They have the feeling of self-reliance
that comes from knowing they are better prepared
for financial emergencies. Too, they know
their savings will enable them to take advantage
of pleasures that make life more enjoyable.
This is how we are helping people like you help
themselves. Let us help you.
Saving makes the difference
EARN: 574% on Certificates I
4 / 2 % on Passbook Saving I
Clayton County Federal I
Jonesboro, Ga. Forest Park, Go.|
FP Civitans Have
Christmas Party
Members of the Forest
Park Civitan Club gathered
at the Citizens Bank of Clay
ton County in Forest Park
for their annual Christmas
Party. Guests for the occasion
were the wives of the Civitan
members. Other special
guests were Wally Poss who
is Governor Elect of Civitans
Georgia District North and
Mrs. Poss; Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Veal; Mr. and Mrs. Kern
Thompson. The club ex
tended a special welcome to
its newest member Frank
Chanay and his wife and
were pleased to have back
several of their members
who had been away for
After a delicious buffet
dinner was enjoyed by all,
Hoke West, president, pre
sided over the meeting. Mr.
West turned the program
over to Wilbur Peacock who
Introduced the speaker for
the evening, Rev. W. H.
Lewis. Rev. Lewis is the pas
tor at the First Methodist
Church in Ringgold, Geor
gia, where he is a member of
the North Georgia Confer
ence. He is a writer who
writes much of his own ma
terial. He explained that he
does use articles written by
others but reworks them to
suit his style. Most of Rev.
Lewis’ unique presentation
was in poetic form; was very
humorous and kept his audi
ence in constant laughter.
In concluding his program,
Rev. Lewis presented some
thoughts on the more serious
side of life which left every
one with a feeling of warmth
and a smile on their face.
The Civitan Club is most ap
preciative to this fine gen
tleman for his excellent pro
To climax a most inter
esting evening. Mr. West
called upon Marty Holman
who led the group in singing
Christmas Carols.
Once again, we would like
to remind the public that
Civitans are engaged in the
sales of the Claxton Fruit
Cakes and hope you will con
tact a member to fill your
needs. Also, they are selling
these cakes each night from
7:00 till closing at Grants
Dept. Store in Grant City
South. They offer these
cakes to you in one, two,
three and five pound sizes;
are available in the light or
dark ingredients and sell for
SI.OO per pound. If you
haven’t tried this fruit cake
before, we hope you will
now and if you have eaten
it, we know you’ll buy it
again. Proceeds from these
sales go toward local projects
with much emphasis placed
on our mentally retarded in
A Bank of Jonesboro Savings Certificate,
or a Savings Account would please everyone
at Christmas Time.
'I^MXirTR' vail
Member F D. I C. 478-7252
I ’tie ite Braßxm fnr A j
iinliiiaij JFmt
W. i' i
k yJ V a IF>
wHI Jr
Ml 7$
m* lll 11 oj Or? ।i
..and all this is yours
at Callaway Gardens!
Gala activities galore await you
at Georgia's complete year round
resort. Until March 1. 1968 Callaway
Gardens is offering the sls per per
son, per day Golfers Special (double
occupancy). This includes room at
the Holiday Inn. greens fees on 45
beautiful holes of golf, two delicious
meals, fishing (including boat and
motor) and admission to the beauti
ful 2500 acres of Gardens.
Other Holiday festivities in
clude a December 1-31 "Ham
and Amino” skeet and trap
shooting contest with winners
each day; a Holiday Special
\ On U.S 27
Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs., Dec. 14, 1967
6 Hi Mom’
Would you enjoy talking
to your husband, son, or
The Eleventh < 11th) Annual
"HI MOM” project has just
been announced by Lawson
Sewell, President of Commu
nications Workers of Amer-
Clayton County.
The Civitans join together
in wishing you a Very Merry
£ Sasas
| I
S / iXo
s z Wk. §
« 1044 Main St.
| FOREST PARK 361-91371
Tennis Tournament. December 29-
31: the Callaway Gardens-Tomniy
Aaron golf tournament, December
30-January 1: the "Party Special"
for groups of 30 or more that in
cludes room and banquet for $lO
per person (double) from December
1-28: and the New Year’s Eve din
ner dance on December 30.
For more information on these
and other activities write: Holiday
I Callaway I
■ Gardens I
ica, Local 3204. Sewell stated
in cooperation with the USO
of the Greater Atlanta area,
his local of CWA will sponsor
ten HO) calls to servicemen
and women from the At
lanta area.
Send the name, rank and
overseas mailing address to
“HI MOM”, c/o CWA No.
3204; 807 Henry Grady
Building, Atlanta. Georgia,
30303. All entries must be re
ceived no later than Decem
ber 15, 1967. Parents and
wives will be notified when
Cardinals of the Roman
Catholic Church are created
for life by the Pope.
Fun, Callaway Gardens, Pine
Mountain, Ga. 31822. Or Call:
Pine Mountain 663-2281;
Columbus 324-2234 or Atlanta
Pine Mountain, Ga. 31822 f