Newspaper Page Text
Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs,, May 30, 1968
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Shown here from left to right: Mayor come home ceremony honoring M/Sgt.
Charles W Summerclay, M Sgt. Norman Snyder upon his return to Forest Park
Snyder and Chairman of Welcoming Com- from active duty in Vietnam.
mittee Sharon S. Abercromie at the wel-
Jonesboro Sr. H. S. 1968 Seniors
i i Urn F i .inkle Adcack
Krnmth Fugrnv Addis
Vi< oil.! Ann Adkins
Robri Fdw.nd Allen
S.mdi.i Hi/ulh h AHo^.i.v
H.. innhd Albeit
Donald Llmd Allnw
Shri tv Diane Andri son
Viikima CI.UK Ann
Bahnda K..\ Arnold
\\ Ilham Dav id Ai imu <>n Jr.
M.usha Lx nn Aven
Maiv Ella Bacon
Bobri' Edmond Bakri
Rhonda Era Ballatd
John Samuel Basse ■
Vrinon Warren Ba <l.
Jt nmlrl Ia r Bram
Edu aid Wa\nr Bril
Sandia Lrr Brn /
I hi Irrn Denise Bishop
Trir-a Paulrtr Bishop
Jtn\ Jav Blalock
Philip Hunt i Boi n
V< Ima I . Bradford
David Al.m Biadlrx
Donald Seven But
l.aiiv I re Block
•HrDI ir a Jam Bi ooks
Linda Gaxlr Bmwn
Birnda Elaine Bioxmn
Thomas Fiankhn Buckner
Joan Edna Caßawav
•Birnda Sharon Cai ver
Jud' Ann Cash
•Vicki Anne ('ha mb Ice
\ i hut 1 aW I ria r Chapm n Jr
Tri i' w.o. nt CniMei^
Call on Bit bald Clem Jr
Vu (Hla Kavr ( IrVrland
Donna I ra Coble
Sandia Sue Collcx
Ba'baia Jo Ann Collins
Shaion Elaine Collins
John Chai It s Connell
Hu-a I Waxnc Coi'inKham
Connie Elaine Crane
J >mc% Richard Collars
Roht i Andn u Dahon
Vri non Olin Dai Irv. H
Bmn Ausm D.unvll
Deb..i ah Alice Davis
Edwaid Haiuld Davis
I dlvdah Davis
Kenta h (i 11 moi ' Douh x
(a tn mi/Xtin Doi man
X:; tall Ku ll Dnvei
Hurst Da\id Duma-s. Ji.
1 any Alm Dill ham
Sal . I lizabr h East
Sim Irv Ka ' I < - ri U ood
. Hu^h Elim
Anuria Chiistmr Ehod
Discover 4 £
new world
Give the world J
your best and the /X Z/
BEST ' //
m life will be re- fry—
turned to you
Chairman, County Commissioners
May Your Dreams '
Be Fulfilled
In The Promise
That Is Tomorrow
Forest Park Cleaners
And Laundry
1036 Main Street
Grant City Shopping Center
•Pamela Elaine Evans
W tin i Raymond Fain. Ji
Mai cia Cai ol\ n Fai ris
Btvrilv Elaine Finchri
(Hol Gwin Finchri
•Robert Edu.nd Fn/paii ick
Robel i James Foiiiei Ji
James Edu aid Fiankhn
Pauicin Gayle Galloway
Sim Irv Elizabeth Galien
Paula Lrr Grmlv
•Shavm Rrnre Gilbert
John Gaiv Glovei. 11l
Molly June Ger
latmaid Ch.ules Golden
Janis Fave Gregg
(J । rgm y I .er Gi een
Royri Krm Girenway
Timothy Robri t Gi lines
Mai shall Amhonv Grizzle
•Danni Robeu Hall
Pamela Lynn Hall
Joseph I.awience Hamby
Joyce Main Hancock
Nancy Maile Hancock
Birnda Sue Hand
Thomas Girv Hand
Clvde Mahlon Handlev, Ji.
Donald Reed Hai per
Maisha Louise Haitison
Thomas James Haves
Tom Kay Haves
Viola Dianm Hayes
James Edwin Hemphill
Joseph Nr.d Hendt ix
Trim Randall Hicks
•David Michael Hill
Mallie P.micia Hill
William Hansel Hodges
Emily Lois Honea
Bi end.। Diane Hood
Elaine Nonna Hood
Lt o Donald House
Kuby Lane Huckaby
Paul Leu is Hudson
Sara Elizabeth Hughey
Bau Wilson Humble
Candace Neely
James Panick Jardine
Daiyl Samuel Jeffers
Gregory Warren Jeffeis
Lloyd W Jeffries
Kathmn Lucile Johnson
Sheila Kav Johnson
Hai mon James Johnston
Carol Diane Jones
Cathv Jean Jones
Linda Joyce Jones
Lama Elizabeth Jones
Sandia Marie Jones
Charlotte Lee Kellow
Moms Daniel Kelly
•Thomas William Kendall
•Donna Faye Kennedy
Jorl Ernest Kei i
Harry Timinas Kincaid
Willie Leu is King
Joseph Daniel Knight
Maivin Franklin Knowles
Bai b.u a Sue Koenmr.
Judy Caiol Langfoid
•Judith Lvnn Lantzy
Patiicia Lee
Flovd Smith Lee. Ji
David Levins. Jt
Hugh Neal Lewis
Sandia Winnie Lewis
Giace Marie Little
Deborah Jean Llwellyn
Brenda Dale Looney
Mary Katheryne London
Deborah Joan Loyd
Sarah Elame Luetkemeyer
Thomas Waltei Luetkemeyer
•Peggy Rhae Lynch
Lai tv Robert McAfoos
Sandia Ann McAlister
Thomas Cai roll Mcßiayer. Jr.
Janet Kay McCafferty
Connie Reece McCarty
Donna Rae McClellan
Michael Gary McDaniel
David Meeks McDonald
James Stephen McGill
Patiicia Ann McLaughlin
James Arthur Mabry
Randall Michael Maddox
William Thomas Mahon. Ji
Robert Weyman Mann
James Edgar Marler
Kathi Elaine Martin
Larry Curtis Mauldin
Belinda Joyce Meredith
Vicki Lynn Messer
Thomas William Miles
Gain Eugenia Miller
Michael Keith Miller
Rita Dianne Miller
Joe Thomas Mills
Rebecca Ann Mitchell
Betty Ann Montgomery
•Kenneth Patrick Moods
Fiances Willene Morits
Winfied Thane Moss
Donald Leon Moulder
Wanda Lee Mundy
Denise Aileen Muri ay
Reginald Conrad Nauck
Dora Dianne Nelms
Marjorie Louise Nelms
Alice Virginia Nelson
Michael Arthur Nibleit
Wanda. Ann Nolan
•Annette Lee Normand
Frenda Ann Norwood
Janelyn Elizabeth Ockerman
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To Our Fine
Graduates! !>
\ \ X f
Best of luck as you \ \ .■J-' / y
move on to a bright \ 'I
and happy future .. . yxA>4 A Z/^.
Clayton County Superior Court
Patricia Mary Orr
Vici Marilyn Owen
Richard Arthur Pace
Jane Lucinda Padgett
Thomas Wendall Pagett
Ouida Jane Parden
Joyce Angelyn Parker
•Nancy Jean Patterson
Albert Lewis Pearson
Velma Yvonne Penn
Susan Carol Peters
George Wesley Putsch
Brenda Faye Phelps
Brenda Susan Phillips
Shaion Prince Phillips
Walter Lamar Pierce. Jr.
Gary Alan Pline
Dale Edward Pline
Virlyn Jerry Pittman
Karen Leslie Pitts
Charles Matthew Plunkett
George Samuel Powers
Donna Elaine Price
Robert Joe Ramey
Betty Ann Rawlins
Robert Bunyan Rawls
Cynthia Ann Reese
Deborah Lvnn Reeves
Sandra Elaine Riddle
Cephus Riley
•Sherilyn Gail Rivers
John Steven Roberts
Linda Diane Roberts
Rose Marie Robinson
Cheryl Annette Rogers
Michael David Rose
Jon Michael Rowland
Hillver Michael Rovston
Carol Lynn Ruskell
Sue Ellen Scoggins
Sandra Ellen Seay
Thomas Lee Seay-
Connie Louise Shannon
Margaret Juanita Sheffield
Deborah June Shell
Joe Howard Shelor
Margaret Louise Shelor
Dudley Crandall Shew
Constance Lee Smith
Daniel Ray Smith
Glenda Carol Smith
Thomas Henry Smith
Deborah Nell Snow-
Lauren Colev Spratlin
Judy Cecile Stanfield
Deborah Jan Starr
Sandra Diane Steele
Cynthia Marie Stephens
Owen Theodore Stephenson. 11l
Patricia Ellen Stevens
Regie Alton Stidham
Wayne Guy Strickland
Judy Ann Sullivan
James Kenneth Teasley
Joe Ben Thomas. Jr.
Koberl Stephen Tingle
Nick Albert Trisch
Winston Turnipseed
Gary Nelson Travis
Brenda Dianne Turpin
Deborah Jean Turpin
Charles Matthew Underwood. Jr.
Wade Randolph Vaughn
Gary Wayne Vernon
Ricky Eugene Viars
Deborah Dianne Vinson
Elizabeth Ann Voyles
•Gloria Jane Waller
Judy Marie Waller
Claude Daniel Watkins. Jr.
Norma Lynne Watson
Wendell Leonard Watterson
Linda Gail Watts
Charles Frederick Weems
Jan Karen Wells
Perry Manson Westberry
Dorothy Jane Westmoreland
Judith Loretta Whipple
Tommy Euvene White
Sandra Jeanne Wilcox
Margie Lu Williams
Alan Stacy Wilson
Joseph Amhonv Wimberlv
Thomas Barrv Wimberly
Margaret Ruth Windsor
Christina Susan Wood
Ted Russell Wood
•Christopher Benton Worthnm
•Gerald Rodney Wrieht
William Terry Wright
Barbara Schervl Yancex
Robert Edward Yeager
•Honor Graduates
James Driskill
To Participate In
English Institute
Driskill of Forest Park has
been accepted to participate
in an NDEA English Insti
tute at West Georgia College
June 17-July 26.
The institute will focus on
the philosophy, content, and
application of Georgia's new
English curriculum in sec
ondary schools. It is also de
signed to acquaint partici
pants with recent research
High School
Os the 300 graduates from
Jonesboro, more than 60 had
been accepted by the college
of their choice before grad
uation. Undoubtedly more of
these young people will be
finding their paths to ad
vanced learning during the
Summer months. Enough
has never and will never be
said of these young people
who grasp at the opportun
ity of learning, or of the
teachers who are dedicated
to their task, or of the Su
perintendents and Principals
to whom it is more than just
a iob. It is “A Way of Life.”
Just as a plane crash or
car wreck draws unlimited
attention, so does the teen
ager who steps beyond the
line drawn by society and/or
the law. earn our censure.
We hear little or nothing of
the many planes which
complete their flights safely,
or of the thousands of cars
that are never involved in a
wreck So it is with the
greatest of confidence we
view the influx of the Grad
uating Class of 1968 May
they always walk in the sun
shine that their shadows
may fall behind.
in the areas of language,
literature, and composition.
The 1968 English institute
will be directed by Dr. Paul
H. Bowdre, Jr., professor of
English and head of the De
partment of English at West
Georgia College. A total of
34 high school teachers have
been selected for participa
The institute is supported
by the United States Office
of Education as authorized
under Title XI of the Na
tional Defense Education Act,
as amended.
f I ■«■!■!.!■ — ■ III.H ■ I
ll« ill
IF p *w 1 A'AKI SSB Brlli' mH
954 Main St., Forest Park 366-5750
for your / jw H
Evelyn ’s
950 Main Street Forest Park
W. A. Fountain High in Retrospect
As we approach the end
of another school year, we
boast proudly of the many
outstanding achievements,
accomplished by our stu
dents and teachers.
Our progressive minded
teachers play a major role
in all these accomplish
ments. First, we ourselves
believe in education. Three
fourths of the staff attended
summer school, workshops,
or are presently enrolled in
graduate work in order to
improve themselves. Stu
dents are encouraged by the
principal and teachers to
strive hard to meet competi
tion wherever they face it,
whether in education or in
extra curricular activities.
We are proud of the fact
that we have three students.
Virginia Arnold, John Ho
gan and Annie Lockhart
who participated in the Gov
ernor's Honor program. An
nie Delores Lockhart and
Virginia Arnold competed
nationally for scholarships.
As a result of their applica
tion to academic work, they
received a Summer Session
Scholarship, with all ex
penses paid, including trans
portation to Phillips Acad
emy in Andover. Mass.
Phillips Academy is among
the top “prep” schools in the
There are several students
in various areas and depart
ments who won high honors
and recognition for the
school and themselves,
namely. Harriette Sims, a
two time winner in science.
She won first place in the
Region VI Science Fair, and
third place in the State fair
held at the University of
Georgia in Athens.
Virginia Arnold won sec
ond p’ace honors in the Elks
Regional Oratorical Contest
in Atlanta, competing
against eight other schools
in the Atlanta area. Burma
Searcy won second place in
the Fire Prevention Orator
ical Contest which was held
at Babb Junior High recent
The athletic program at
Fountain did not lag. even
though we did not win in
the district. There are many
individuals however, who
were outstanding to the ex
tent of having received ath
letic scholarships.
The Federal Bureau of In
vestigation Training Center
has found a happy hunting
ground at Fountain, in that
several students are re
cruited each year to work
for a good salary in the na
tion’s capital. Last year
eleven students accepted a
position with this depart
ment in Washington. This
year. Jerry Gibson. Jim
Slaughter, and Harriette
Knight have been accepted,
while others are awaiting
The Rotary Club of Forest
Park has been very influen
tial in encouraging good cit
izenship and leadership
among our students. The fol
lowing students were guests
of this club for several weeks,
Aaron Carter, Frances War
ner. Carol Williams and Ad
die Joe Mitchell. As a result
of their cooperation and
dedication, and personal in
terest, they were awarded
certificates of merit The
principal, Mr. M. D. Roberts,
was the guest speaker of the
Rotary Club in March. This
was far reaching in its im
plication in helping to bring
about mutual understanding
and good will.
Frances Warner was voted
the Student of the Month
for November. Carol Ann Al
len has been awarded a
scholarship to study in prep
aration for a laboratory
technician. Other seniors
have received scholarships
to study in various colleges
and technical schools. They
are Addie Joe Mitchell, Carol
: Williams, George Shy, Oc
tavia Clemmons and Samuel
M w
x ■ A Jr *B IP h
ia^^ja ® ‘MI/
Z* wB
here w you, Grads!!
5348 Jonesboro Road
«l^ '^B'^v
Mw^< wLk
BArn wjA
Flowers & Gifts
914 Main Street Forest Park
Member FTD
Flowers Delivered Promptly, Anywhere
Our hats are off to Mrs.
Griggs and Mr. Gaston who
produced such a fine chorus
and band this year. Their
performances at the State
PTA meeting which was held
in Atlanta on March 20 were
Baccalaureate Services
will be held Sunday, May 26.
1968. Dr. Johnathan Jack
son, Associate Professor of
Philosophy and Religion,
and College Minister at
Clark College will deliver the
baccalaureate sermon. On
Monday evening, May 27, at
8:15 p.m. graduates will hear
Bishop P Randolph Shy.
presiding Bishop of the
Christian Methodist Episco
pal Church will deliver the
commencement address.
Fifty-six candidates for
graduation expect to receive
Music will be furnished by
the high school band and
chorus. The public is invited
to attend these exercises.
LONG BINH, Vietnam
i AHTNC) — Specialist Four
Abel Johnson, 20, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Tom L. Johnsori,
4446 Sims Road, Ellenwood,
Ga„ was honored with his
unit May 4 at Long Binh,
His unit, the Army’s 53rd
Signal Battalion and the
attached 16th Signal De
tachment (Photography), re
ceived a Meritorious Unit Ci
tation for outstanding serv
ice with the II Field Force
in Vietnam.
The unit was honored for
”, . . providing superb com
munication support for
United States and Free
World Forces despite the
J adverse effects of dense jun
gle on radio transmission.”
The citation also stated
that “With unrelenting re
solve, the men spent long
and arduous hours maintain
ing and improving commu
. nications positions.”