The Forest Park free press and Clayton County news and farmer and the Forest Park news.
May 30, 1968
Page 13, Image 13
The Forest Park free press and Clayton County news and farmer and the Forest Park news., May 30, 1968, Page 13, Image 13
Funding for the digitization of this title was provided by the Institute for Museum and Library Services through Georgia Public Library Service, a unit of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.
About The Forest Park free press and Clayton County news and farmer and the Forest Park news. (Forest Park, Ga.) 1967-1969 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1968)
of 16
of 16
Newspaper Page Text
FP High Graduates—l 967-1968
Charles Neal Abney
Lairy Robert Adams
Wahei William Adams
Linda Jane Adamson
Harriet Lynne Aiken
Edward Joseph Akin
Pai ricin Allen
Paid Cook Allen
Phyllis Anna Amerson
Mai y Dianne Anderson
N'uma Rone Anglin
Linda Diane Amhonx
Linda F.iye Austin
Connie Jean Avery
Sandra Elizabeth Aw ie\
Jdlen Scott Babb
Jack Edward Bailey
Hem \ Mack Baird
Beverly Ann Banks
Mai xin EPis Banks
Maicia Anne Barfield
R mmna Lx nn Bn n.u <1
Jack Dai id Bai i lon
•Carl CheMri Bau**'
Elaine Muriel Beal
Valci le Dean B«dew
Pamela l.xim Bell
Yvonne Bcm l u ld
Sh.uon Anne Boi t x
Caiol Ann Bieser
JoAnn ('eless Bine
Ereddiick Warien Bishop
Terrance Wax ne Blalock
Katherine Pauline Hla^mea
Bret Flint Bhufus
Janet Lemh Bohlm
Jo Choi io Bomai
Perri Lee Boss
I cnwood Fiedrnck Bow <•!■
•Philin Rax Bnxxen
Don Alan Row man
Pa i i< k St.mum Box es
Lawrence Craig Bradlex
•Mark Alan Biadlex
Janice Dianne Biewci
Wa\m Livingston Blown
S.mdi .< Ly nn Bi oxx nice
Marcia Jane Bi umbeioxx
( heix I Bi\an
Kei ix Jennings Bixan
Michael Gerald Biy.mi
How ard Eugeni* Bi x son
Ronnie .Albeit Buckah w
Mat l\ nn Ann Buie
K.ubi x n Lx nn Bullaid
Xoia Elizabeth Buichtield
Mai y Chi isime Buichei
t x m h)a Ann But let
Dannx l.exon Butlei
Box : James Bu' ler
Jei i i Louise Bx iam
B. i J<.,m Callawax
Caihx Elaine Call.iwax
•Richaid Nicholas Callawa
Duma Dianne Canada
< hai les Thomas Cairn ell
’Rita Doris Carson
( hai lone Gale Cartel
Nancy Sue Cash
Roxann Cai roll Casllvbriix
OB: JMiF^ '■ . ■&
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Main Street Shopping Center Ash-Morrow Plaza
FP High i
Forest Park Senior
High held Baccalaureate
service May 19 at the
First Baptist Church of
Forest Park, Rev. Ken
neth Haag. Pastor of
Conley Baptist Church
gave the address. Grad
uation was May 24 at
Tara Stadium. Valedic
torian was Sandra Lou
ise Elliott and Salutato
rian was Robert Fen
। tress Phillips.
J.mice Muzzvur C.r.rs
Ronald Fiank Cato
K.uhx l\ nn Caton
L.urx Eugene Chandec
Beni.num Clark Chapman
•Chui loav Gv. endolm Chappell
Gemge Robert Chpsii.m
I .mil.। Gay Chi ist ian
'Deborah Sue Clark
Kaicn Susan Clark
Nm ma Jean Cobb
I )..\ id Wax m Corin an
'AimeHr Coggin
Vinson Russell Coggin
Glenn Thomas Coleman
Robin Ann Golem.m
Gai x Edw in Congdon
Chalies Michael Cmim ।
Angela hem Cook
Sharon Elaine Cook
Timoih.X Mu heal Coprl.mil
Pamela .Ann Corn
Clai cm e Com >e \ . J i
Shci in- Ann Cox
Caiolxn Diane t tawfoid
Richaid Clcx eland Cunningham
•Martha Jane Currie
Susanne Elizabeth Currie
Eddie Dai iel Darbx
Bex ci lx Ann Davis
Catherine Cecelia Davis
Robei i Eugeni* Davis
Robei i Rudolph Dai is
William Allied Davis
James Wdfi id Davison
Robei i Elton Davison
Pamela Ann Delano
Judith Dianne Denmx
Sheila Maru* DeSorbo
Katherine Lynn Dishroon
William Thomas Dishroon. Jr.
Jeanne Lx nn Dooley
Kathx Jean Dow is
Cm nine Odell Diaughon
Beni Jean Duffee
Roy Samuel Dunn. Jr.
land.i Aileen Duinme
•Judy Elizabeth Duiiance
Lairy Allen Earls
Jeiiy Wai ne Eason
Elmo Antonio Echemendia
I .at ix Richard Echols
Shaion Malic Echols
Joe Shelby Ellington
•Sandia Louise E.lho't
Dan Kells Ellis
William Randolph Fhod
•Beverly Jean Eel<
Robert Fdw m Evans
Jeanne Rebecca Farrell
Michail Eugene Fisher
Lillie \ea Fold
Donald Keith Fordham
Robert I.' nn Fowler
Donald Lexx is Freeman
Wanda Janelle Full al
Bat tv Lee Gable
Donnie Orel! Gahmoro
Robert Floyd George
Thomas Eugene George
Wax ne David Gdleland
Susan Patricia Goldwirc
Pamela Ann Goodman
Sandra Fave Grangei
James Peter Giant
Robei i H Grax
Sheri Lee Giay
Carl Wdh- Greene
Larrx Paul Griffeih
Patricia Diane Grimes
Tommx Lvnn GrindstaH
Shii lex Ann Griner
Valone Leuna Hall
Wanda Gail Hallmark
Donald Edward Halstead
Ronald Joseph Hammond
•David Reginald Hancock
Theresa June Hand
Carl F.m’ene Hankins
Susan Cheryl Hankins
Charles Rax Hannon. Jr
•ueborah Carole Hardman
Jenny Dianne Harper
James Ronald Harris
Deborah Lamar Harrison
Viola Dianne Harvill
•Dee Ann Hatcher
Gerald Wayne Haynes
Thomas Mann Hays
; m'■ *■ ■ ■ itm■
— — — — —. SR J?®-
■ F
J? ■ ' ■ •y*i*
Forest Park High School Graduates
Norma Jean Hcaffner
Connie Angela Henderson
Sandra Gail Henderson
•William Lloyd Hendricks
Richard Edxvard Hendrix
Linda Sue Hestei
Gary Wex man Hicks
•Nancy Gail Higgins
John Willson Hobbs. Jr
James Remington Hodges
Tommy Eugene Hogeland
John Hughie Holland
Ronald David Hood
Jeannie Evans Howell
•William Michael Howell
Wanda Lee Hubbard
James Scott Hudson
•Irma Jean Hughes
Suzanne Huie
Gary Carl Humphrey
Winston Eugene Hunt
•Johnny Mack Hunter
•Richaid Marc Ingram
Shari Lene Isley
Charles Stanley Jackson
Mary Frances Jaracz
Charles .Albeit Jarraid
Foster Lee J a iron. 11l
Marx Lee Jenkins
Jack Edward Jernigan
Chai les Irvin Johnson. Ji
Linda Susan Johnson
Kcnnctn Neil Jones
Lx nda Helen Jones
Doris Ann Jordan
Ru h Rebecca Kilgou*
Richaid Edward Kimberh
R.iymond Eelton King
•Robeit Howell Kinsex
Ernie Lawrence Kuhns
Gerald David Lamb
Wyatt Alexander Lamw
Greg William Lasley
•David .Anthony Le.ithei wood
Robert Esper Lew'is. Jr
John Key Lindsey
Clyde Douglas Logan, Jr
Lucia Eileno Lovin
Teresa Diane Lovin
Donna Lox
William /Albert Ludwig
Donna I.vime Lunceford
Dan Eric Lynberg
Jacquelyn Maix Lx nch
Sharon Elizabeth I.x nch
Maitha Jo Maddox
Douglas Fmd Magrudei
Shirley Elaine Malcolm
Charlotte Evelyn Mann
Donald Vann Mapp
Dennis Michael Maisengill
Kin Thomas Marlin
Michael Richard Martin
•Sandra Gayle Mashburn
Kenneth Carey Masingill
James Edward Matheson
Majorie Gayle Max
Brom Sloven Mazut
Bruce Douglas Mazur
Patricia Dianne McAuley
Julian Cecil McCullei
Boioue McDaniel
Shirlex- Yvonne McGinnis
Duane David McGraw
Catherine Ann McGuire
Edwin Lee McKax 111
Douglas Drew McKelvrv
Edward Dexvex McKenzie. Ji
James Albert McMillan
Michael Allan McQuistion
•David Allen Meaders
‘Phyllis Gayle Meaders
Edwin Stanley Meares
•James David Mitas
Celia Diane Moon
St oxen Ed x\ aid Mooney
Dale Warner Moorefield
•Eliot Morgan
David Earl Morris
Jacquelyn Yvonne Morns
John Edward Morris
Marcia Marx Morris
Vicki Sue Morris
Barbara Lx nne Mote
Patricia Susanne Myois
•Oscai Lewis Noundorfer HI
Hoyt Winston Noel
Tunothx Phillip Norton
Sarah Francos Oli» ci
Dannx Rax- O'Neal
Michael DeWayne On
Kenneth Micheal Owens
Jack Wesley Palmer
•Joanne Marx- Patterson
Jeny M.trion Pattillo
Carolyn Marie Patton
Morris Cai Hon Paul
•Kathryn Gail Perkowski
Toni Leigh Poshcra
Steve Russel! Poux
•Robert Fentress Phillins
Timmhx- Thomas Phillips
Henry Claude Pitts
Rebecca Ruth Plunkett
Elizabeth Ellen Pope
Arthur George Albert Potoo’o
Roger Lee Potter
•Janice Elizabeth Powell
Susan Elizabeth Powell
•Mary Ruth Poweis
Albert Herman Price. 11l
Tommy Joe Price
uil j
\ Sure
’BkS-"* Success
HhIkJI ^ es
i2jj|L Ahead
Judge of the Ordinary Court
Clayton County
William Larrx Privett
Brenda Gail Pylant
.Andrew Walter Ragan
Linda Gail Ramsey
sheila Lynn Ratledge
David John Rayburn
Gail Marie Redd
Paul Rexnolds
Dai rx I Wayne Rhoades
•Donna Lee Rhodes
Susan Maria Richard
Robert James Richison
Roger Mitchell Riddle
Forest Dwight Ridenhoui
James Nelson Robbins
Roger Doyle Robbins
Sandra Rose Robertson
Nancy Carol Robinson
•Barbara Ann Roddy
Thomas Edxvard Rogers
Jacqueline Bernice Ross
Carolyn Jeanette Roxx an
Lawrence Douglas Rowlett
Randy Clarke Russell
•William David Russell
Joe Michael Satterfield
i Neal Giant Saul
Charlotte Ann Scott
‘M.irth.i Ann Scott
Philip Warren Scott
Barbara Ann Sears
Jeanne Sellars
L.iWanda .Mei ica Shaw
•S.mdi a Lee Shields
D mnx Gerald Simmons
Michael Alan Simpson
Ro<s Richard Slade
Bruce Calvin Smith
Deborah Jean Smith
James Thomas Smith
Linda Darlene Smith
Michael Thomas Smith
Micheal David Snellings
Paula Dianne Sosebee
Michael Bowden Sowell
Susan Cheryl Speir
Reginald Robert Staines
Ronald James Staines
Carol Ann Starling
•George Keith Starnes
Carol Ailene Stephens
John Pleas Shaw Stephens, HI
Roger Douglas Stephens
Barbara Ann Stewart
j Jeannie Bendoyce Stewart
Brenda Darlene Still
Kathryn Lynn St inchcomb
Kent Gregory Stodghill
Robert David Strickland
Joann Strugis
Jenni ng Bryant Summeroui
Linda Lee Sumner
। Dora Lania Swaney
Lanora Maria Swanev
, Richard Lynn Swords
Glenda Jo Tallent
Mary Nell Thomaston
Lana Kav Thompson
David William Thrasher
Jerry Thomas Tidwell
William Collins Tidwell
Lind Emanuel Tierce
j Frances La venci a Tillman
Michael Lee Tingle
Joseph Ravmond Tipion, Ji
Robert Edward Touton
| Stanley Wayne Tuggle
Melissa Darlene Turner
Patrick Lee Turner
। Sandra Gail Turpin
Brenda Joyce Twilley
' Jan Earlene Vaughan
Dana Edxvard Vinson
Patrick Eugene Waldrop
। •Shirley Alice Waldrop
Linda Marie Walker
Martin Edward Walker
•Terry Jean Walker
Verna Lynn Wallace
Vickie Elaine Wallace
Syble Carol Walters
Glenda Kay Warden
Deborah Cheryl Ware
Janice Lynne Watwood
Rebecca Jane Watwood
Peggy Ann Waugh
Leary Lynette Weaver
•Deborah Joanne Webber
Sharon Lee Welchel
Michael Thomas Werry
Lvnn Irving Wetmore
Eileen LaVerne White
Stephen Alan White
Bobby Leonza Whitmire
Bobby James Williams
Charles Randolf Williams
Merry Lurley Williams
Dixie Jean Williamson
David Thomas Wilson
Cynthia Ann Witherington
Billy Gean Wood
Karen Faye Yates
•Michael Patrick Zvniewicz
Richard Cleveland Cunningham
Janice Muzzeiie Cates
•Honor Graduates
Thomas Jefferson died on
July 4, 1826.
Six Flags
Tickets at
Clayton County residents
can now purchase tickets to
Six Flags Over Georgia at
the Eller News Center in For
est Park, according to an an
nouncement this week by
Jim Eller Mr. Eller stated.
“Six Flags Over Georgia's
one price ticket covers free
main gate admission and
entitles the guest to enjoy
• • • ..
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^K^IKwHBBh 9;
p ; wMi
Old Highway 41 at Farmers Market
-3*S S
7/ r \
t W f Mi- A'
■ /7f iRNn/V LJ
With great pride, we
congratulate all the ’6B | fs the pasS p O rt
grads for your fine that opens the
achievements. That diploma way to a successful
is just the beginning. future for you!
Gfl FtfM M f ***
FOREST PARK. GEORGIA -'--....i0. *
Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs., May 30, 1968
all the rides, shows and at
t factions.”
The tickets. $4 50 for adults
and $3.50 for children, are
good for the entire operating
day and entitles the guest to
as many encore visits to all
rides, shows and attractions
as he wants Tire guest's only
additional cost is for what
ever food and souvenirs the
visitor may want
Six Flags Over Georgia is
located on Interstate 20
West, a ten-minute ride
from downtown Atlanta Be
ginning this Saturday. Six
Flags Over Georgia will be
open seven days a wook froir
10 a.m until 10 pm through
Labor Day
I'here are four things to re
member in order to get a satis
factory paint jolt and save time
and work. Prepare the surfaee
thoroughly Seleet the right
type of paint or varnish, lie
sure to use only quality paint
produets Apply properly, as
directed on the label.
♦ ♦ ♦
Cavern Land
Bermuda contains probably
more caverns to the square
mile than any othei spot in
the world. Iwo, Crystal ami
Leamington ( axes, arc well
known sightseeing attr.i( !ion>