Newspaper Page Text
Your Full-Service
bank of
Member F.D.I.C.
Bank _
e" IHorest f ark
iber FDI.C. anil I 4599 Jonesbi
Clayton bounty Nms anb Jarmer
forest ^ark
A Remarkable Job
By WSB Radio
WSB Radio did such a remarkable job in spearheading
a drive to make a circus possible for Central State Hospital,
that three more years of circuses are now guaranteed with-
Atlanta's WSB Radio launched a drive February 6 to raise
the necessary $2,200. Target date for collecting the funds was
February 14 -St. Valentine's Day.
Less than four days after the campaign was begun, the
goal had been reached . . . and surpassed. By St. Valentine’s
Day, hospital officials reported to WSB Radio they had col
lected nearly $7,000. Enough to bring the circus back for at
least three years.
Contributions had come from WSB Radio listeners
throughout Georgia and the nation and from all walks of
life. One of the first donations came about as Mrs. Ernest
Vandiver, wife of the former Georgia Governor, departed
from her prepared speech to a North Georgia civic club to
ask members to send in their checks The former first lady
of Georgia had heard the appeal on her car radio en route
to the meeting.
An economy-minded Georgia General Assembly proved
magnanimous by passing the hat to collect nearly S3OO for
the circus fund . . . and a resolution commending WSB
Radio for its efforts.
Throughout the circus fund drive WSB Radio aired ap
peals on a round-the-clock basis and reported on fund col
lection progress. Air Personality John Doolittle, dubbed the
WSBarker and scheduled for Atlanta civic club fund-rais
ing appearances, after learning that the goal had been
reached, turned the tables to thank businessmen for their
contributions . . . and received pledges of even more sup
port for a permanent circus fund.
WSB Radio undertook the project in response to an m
gent appeal from hospital officials. Dr. James B. Craig, Su
perintendent of Central State, wrote Elmo Ellis, WSB Radio
General Manager, that local contributions had brought the
Hoxie Brothers Circus to the giant hospital last year and
asked for the station's help in making an April return en
gagement possible.
A permanent circus fund has been established by Cen
tral State Hospital officials to provide for future perform
ances. Three more years are now assured.
Mtn. View Kiwanis
Pancake Breakfast
What and why: Winter griddlecake breakfast of the
Kiwanis Chib of Mountain View as a fund raising festival
for the purpose of aiding youth.
Date and time: This Saturday, March I, 6 a.m. to
12 noon.
Place: Youth Center meet
ing hall, one short block north
of and diagonally behind the
f irst Baptist Church of Moun
tain View.
rickets: Adult serving,
$1.00; child, 50 cents.
A bright fire will be iliumin-
P. K. Dixon Realtor
As Dixon Realty
P. K. DixQn has re-entered
the real estate field under the
style of “Dixon Realty.” His
office is located at 6670 South
Expressway (intersection of In
dustrial Boulevard and South
He will be glad to co
operate with you in either pur
chasing or selling real estate.
Courteous and conscien
tious service is guaranteed.
Office Phone 478-5544
Home Phone 478-6855
out any need for more fund raising.
It was a remarkable job. and WSB
accomplished it in whirlwind time.
The radio station with a heart had
named St. Valentine’s Day as the
target date for raising the funds, but
by that day nearly $7,000 of the nec
essary $2,200 had been collected. We
are running it as a job well done—
Everybody loves a circus. And none
more so than the patients at Central
State Hospital in Milledgeville, Ga.
When it looked as if funds wouldn't
be available to bring the circus to
the state mental hospital this year,
ating the huge hearth if the
morning proves chilly.
This is to be an important
event in that its yield will be
used to give support and val
uable experience to a group of
worthy boys and girls who are
aspiring to careers in music.
Burnleys Hold
Open House on
I riday, Feb. 25, is the 25th
wedding anniversary of the
E. I). Burnleys and they will
celebrate by holding open
house in the afternoon and
have invited all their friends to
stop by and enjoy fish and
cake and punch with them
about 5 or 5:30.
Their home is at 4205
Mango Court, Forest Park.
Mr. Burnley and his son
iContinued on Page 4>
The Future Homemakers of America held
their annual Sweetheart Dance Saturday
night, February 8. The theme was “Love Is
Blue.” The queen, Nan Tribble, was chosen
Dr. Noah Langdale Speaker
Annual STAR Banquet, March 10
Dr. Noah Langdale, Jr. President of Georgia State College, will be the guest
speaker at the Clayton County Chamber of Commerce's annual SI AR Banquet on
Monday, March 10, 1969, at 7 p.m. at the Officers Club of the Atlanta Army Depot.
This marks the eleventh year that the Chamber has sponsored the SIAR program
honoring STAR Students and Teachers of the Clayton County School System.
Dr. Langdale, a native of
Valdosta, received the Out
standing Student Award in
1941 and was a member of the
championship University of
Alabama football teams. He
has been widely acclaimed for
his contribution to the field of
education and is a most pop
ular speaker.
Ihe highlight of the SIAR
Banquet will be the announce
ment of the systemwide S I AR
Student and the Star Teacher.
This year’s honorees are: Miss
Nancy Jean Jacobs, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Jacobs,
and her teacher is Miss Mable
O. Norton, head of the English
Department at North Clayton
High where she taught Nancy
Jean English; Scott H. Phillips,
lorest Park Senior High, the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E.
Phillips, and his STAR Teach
er, Mrs. M. E. Kirkland, math
teacher at I'orest Park Sr. High;
and Larry Douglas Brown, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Brown,
representing Jonesboro Sr.
High School, and his Star
teacher, Mr. Condle McKenzie,
his science teacher. The system
SIAR Student and Teacher
will represent Clayton County
al the Sixth District in Griffin.
The Board of Directors of
the Chamber voted to open
this meeting to the public so
that all who are interested in
joining with the Chamber
membership to honor these
SIAR Students and Teachers
may attend.
Reservations may be made
by calling the Chamber at
(Georgia and Old Dixie Hwy.)
FHA Has Sweetheart Dance
»» ■ - ■
^^l Ik
^^^2* »»
g A
from the senior members of the court. She
was crowne* 1 hy the 1968 queen, Susanne
Hobbs. "The Sermon" entertained and the
dance was a big success.
HEADQUARTERS, Third United States
Army, Fort McPherson—The Bronze Star
Medal and other awards are presented to
Mrs. Cheryl Weaver, widow of Cpl. Philip
Sgt. Goza
Sgt. Gary W. Goza. son of
Mr. and Mrs. V N. Goza of
Conley, has successfully com
pleted the Drill Sergeant's
Course at Et. Polk Academy,
Et. Polk, La. Upon graduation,
Sgt. Goza assumed duties of
Platoon Sergeant of the first
platoon, “Delta’’ Company,
4th Bn., Ist Ing. Bde.
A 1965 graduate of I'orest
Park Senior High School, Sgt.
Goza returned from Vietnam
last November, where he served
with the “Wolfhounds” of the
25th Div. for one year. While
in Vietnam he was awarded the
Bronze Star and Combat Infan
tryman’s Badge.
Sgt. Goza’s two year obliga
tion terminates June 7 of this
year. He is married to the
former Sharon Ragan of l orest
The Atlanta Falcons vs. "Clayton Profes
sors” tonight at the Forest Park High gym.
Game time is 8 p.m. Admission: Children,
^Looking for Something
J The Dwarf House
Hapeville, Georgia
W. Weaver, of College Park, by Maj. Edna
M. Steinbach, Army Survivor Assistance
Officer.—(U. S. Army Photo.>
Bronze Star Medal
Posthumous Award
HQ. THIRD U.S. ARMY, I l McPherson. Ga . I cb.
19 The Bronze Star Medal and other decorations have
been awarded posthumously to Corporal Philip W
Weaver of College Park, Ga Ihcse awards were pre
sented recently to his widow, Mrs. Cheryl Weaver, at her
home in College Park by Majoi
Edna M. Steinbach, Army Sur
vivor Assistance Officer.
In addition to Ihe Bronze
Star Medal, other decorations
included the Purple Heart:
Good Conduct Medal. National
Defense Service Medal, Viet
nam Service Medal: Republic
of Vietnam Campaign Ribbon
with attached device. I 960:
and the Combat Infantryman
Cpl Weaver was cited for
his meritorious service in con
nection with ground operations
against a hostile force in the
50c; adults, SI.OO. Sponsored by the Quar
terback Club of Forest Park. It's a basket
ball game.
Agency, Inc.
1599 Jonesboro Rd.
Republic of Vietnam during
the period May 6. 1968 to
August 26. 1968. He died on
August 26, 1968, as a result ol
wounds received in combat
following graduation from
North Clayton High School in
College Paik in 1967, Cpl
Weaver was employed at Union
Camp Corporation in lorest
Park, Ga. He entered the Army
in November 1967 and re
ceived his basic training at Port
Benning. Ga. On completion ol
advanced training al I t. Polk.
।Continued on Page 4 >