Newspaper Page Text
&Free Press-News & Farmer, Thurs., Apr. 17, 1969
3 Suttshme’sK. ~
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Vocations Introductory
Course at Junior High
I h.s qil.ulci an Intro
iluclion to Vocations course is
being littered to sixteen eighth
and ninth grade students at
lores! I’.irk Jr High School
Ihe major purpose ot the
cotllse is tn help students gain
as an undeistanding ol
tin- world ol w(>rk belt ire they
decide on a vocational choice
Students meet live lunes a
week in a group setting and
they iic lice to explore then
interests learn about them
selves and vaiious occupations
I hey visit industry anil busi
nesses and invite guests repre '
scntmg tin. world ol work to ■
visit their discussion group.
I Ins pilot pioject lor ( lay
ton < oiinty Si hoots was de i
veloped by Mi J Virgil Hern- ;
don. one ot Ilie counselors at ■
I oicsi Park lunior High
School II is because Mi
I krndon believes there is a
great need today to integrate .
the world ot school and the
1.0 I I I rstii ul
'Continued from Page li
you'ie hungner than that, have
a hot dog and Coke which will ;
also be available to please your ;
Don’t torgel the date, and !
try not lo be late come on |
out lo play, and spend Ihe i
entire day' XII the money re [
ceived goes toward develop- j
merit ol the recreation land
Il y <>u have any items you
might wish to donate lor this ।
festival please contact Jame i
Me I Jamel. 3(>6 Is 19 alter 5
p in.
i Omi a irC aw UH!
J TMKwI <^4** <*y
■ ^B®
Jr wl v k*
| » H’nLJV
K 'll K
A K^E|^
I< x. '.WWI
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Nobody ever threw a shoe
at an electric security light
Onlx bouquets. Because these silent sentries
bathe uhii home, farm, business or industry
in protective bright light 365 nights a year.
tt bethci you’re at home or on vacation, your
propertv is never without the convenience
anil safely of dusk-to-dawn security lighting.
\ photoelectric cell sees to this bv automaticallv
sensing darkness or daylight and switching
each meicury-vapor lamp on or oil. as needed.
5 on can choose a 7.000-lumcn fixture tor onlv
$4 a month Oi a 20,000-lumcn fixture for
75 a month. Prices include installation on
an existing pole, electricity used, maintenance
and lamp replacement.
l or more information on modern man’s best friend
call or come by our nearest office. Or just
mail the coupon.
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Georgia Power Company
Xihcrtisim; Dept.
Xtlanta, Georgia 30302
1 want h> know more about the dusk- I
lo dawn security lighting service.
Rfc Please send me a free descriptive
folder without obligation.
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I own Phone i
Georgia Power Company
world of work so that teen
agers can make more realistic
vocational decisions that he has
undertaken this project
Mary londee.
Publicity Chairman
I orest Park Jr High P I A
•Suorr/ <>/ Hope'
(Continued from Page 1>
annual Pap test lor uterine
cancel and the slow but steady
recognition by the public of
the need tor regular physical
check-ups. Mrs. Lee further
stales that in ( laylon ( o. since
Sept approximately 500
women have seen the film on
how the pap smear is given and
Ihe breast self-examination
I hese are but a few of the
hopeful factors today which
surround the whole subject of
cancer. Xet, the battle still has
a long way to go. Research
must be intensified and care
lully channeled, but there’s a
glimmer ot light in the horizon.
Mis Lauretta I redricks who is
the Volunteer Patient Service
Chairman ol the unit stated
this hope is what makes it pos
sible to cheerfully work with
the patients and to be able to
encourage them during their
All ol these women urge
you to "Help yourself with a
check up and others with a
check" during the month of
jGov. Maddox
As a part of Atlanta’s week
long Dogwood I estival, lorest
Park's popular young musical
ambassadors, the "Babb A
Juana Brass", played one ol
many “Corner Concerts". . .
musical enjoyment al various
locations throughout the city.
This definitely "uptown”
group entertained from 1 I 00
to I 00 on the steps of the
State Capitol Monday morning,
April 7. Governor Lester G.
Maddox left business for pleas
ure briefly, and went down to
greet the B-J-Bs, who played a
special number for him, to his
utter delight! I’he boys partici
I pated again in The Festival,
playing from 6:30 to 7 30 Sat
urday evening.
(AHTNC) Army Private I list
Class Michael L. Smith, 19, son
of Mr. and Mrs Melvin I
I Smith, 821 Needle Drive. I or
! est Park, Ga., was assigned to
I the 26th Artillery March 18
near An Khe, Vietnam, as a
radar operator
SHOWN, from left to right, burning the
mortgage papers all past masters of the
I.odge—H, Cobb. ,1. D. Nelson, Edsel Wal
don, O. V. Moore, Frank Owens, J. D. Akins,
Stockbridge Lodge No. 691
j Celebrates 21st Birthday
On Saturday night, April 5.
! 1969, Stockbridge Lodge No
(>9l I&AM celebrated then
21st Anniversary. A Chili
supper, prepared by some ot
the brethren, was enjoyed by
I members and their families
Alter which the following
program was presented.
Master ol Ceremonies, W
Bio J I) Akins, welcomed
everyone and then called on all
Past Masters for a short talk,
also the Past Matrons of the
I astern Star. A short history of
the lodge was given with the
lollowmg highlights.
I he I.odge was instituted by
W Uro Dan W l.ockhn on
April 8, 1948 with 34 Charter
members On December 28,
"The Diet Fruit"
General Produce, Inc-
Wholesale Fruit and Produce
Forest Park, Ga.
1 uneral services for Mrs.
I sther M. Bertolina of 660
Virginia Circle, lorest Park,
were held Monday at 2 o’clock
from the chapel. Rev. William
I Diamond officiating, in
terment, l orest Hills. She is
survived by her daughters. Air
man Barbara Bertolina. Iravis
Air Force Base, Calif.; Miss
Cheryl Bertolina, Miss Donna
, Bertolina, l orest Park; mother.
Mrs. I lorence Vaden, Forest
Park; father, Mr Fred Vaden,
Salem, Va.; brother, Com
mander Donald Vaden,
( Ne ward, Calif. Abercrombie
Patterson, l orest Park.
PTA Meets
I he last meeting of the Riv
erdale 1 lementary School P I A
will be held Thursday, April
' 17. in the school cafetorium at
7:30 p.m.
I’he program will be Inaugu
ral Ball Installation of officers
for 1969-70. Mrs. Margaret
’ Baker will install our officers
who are
President, Mrs I . W Rob
erts, vice-president, Mrs.
Kenneth Bray, .1. L. Duffey, Lloyd Mincy
and Ralph Riggins, present worshipful
master of Stockbridge Lodge No. 691.
1948, M W Grand Master I
Russell Monlton, assisted by
P.G.M. Zack Arnold and Grand
Secretary Dan W. Locklin,
proceeded to consecrate, dedi
cate and constitute our Lodge
which was to be known as
Stockbridge Lodge No 691
L&AM Ute following officers
were installed. Prank G Owen,
W M , J O Cown, S. W . l ied
Grand .1 W , W J. Mays i reas.,
.1 R Lewis Sec’y, J 1 roy
Buice Chaplain, Norris Owens
S D , N J Lee J I) , Herbert
Harrell S S , C J Driver J S.,
W. I Helms Tyler
Ihe Lodge met in the up
stairs Sunday School annex of
the Baptist Church until the
School Hond
(Continued from Page li
County, from Riverdale across
to Morrow and on over to
Highway 42. Due to this
growth most of the elementary
classrooms will be constructed
in this general area. The Clay
ton County School officials
have done an excellent job in
the past ten years in using state
and local funds for construc
tion of classrooms and keeping
the school system off double
sessions and keeping all schools
accredited. Clayton County is.
the only county in Metropoli
tan Atlanta that has not exper
ienced double sessions or half
day sessions for children in the
past ten years. This bond issue
will be one of the most im
portant pieces of legislation
proposed to Clayton County
voters in recent years. These
classrooms will be desperately
needed in September of 1970
it the schools are to continue
to keep pace with the ad
ditional needs of the young
people of today. The Clayton
County tax digest has exper
ienced a similar growth to that
ol the school system thereby
causing very little tax increase
to retire these bonds. It is
estimated that a bond levy of 2
mills or less will retire these
bonds. This being the case, a
$20,000 home should not have
more than a $12.00 per year
increase in taxes to meet the
urgent need of the children in
(Jayton County. You will re
ceive additional information as
to the exact location of the
elementary classrooms as
rapidly as they become avail
Homer Phillips, secretary, Mrs.
Kenneth Shockley; treasurer,
Mrs, I . A. Brimer.
Make plans now to attend
this meeting and meet our new
A nursery and refreshments
will be provided.
building ol the present Masonic
Hall. We had to borrow the
money to complete the build
ing On April 12, 1958, M. W.
Grand Mister John C
Kaufman laid the cornerstone
and dedicated the building.
Shown in the picture are
Master of Ceremonies, W Bro.
J. D. Akins, holding the
mortgage and W M Ralph W.
Reggins applying the match
andsurrounded by all of the
Past Masters present
W Bro Lloyd Mincey intro
duced the speaker of the
evening. Rev. .1 Edgar Welch,
who brought a very inspiring
message. Hie evening was en
joyed by all
Arrowhead Shopping Center
Buffet Lunch
ALL YOU <135
Formerly at Bow and Arrow Restaurant
This is the house
that Jack built
He paid the carpenters, masons and plumbers...who paid
the doctors, lawyers and merchant^ the butchers, bakers and
candlestick makers. That money went round and round to help
our whole town prosper. And that money all started right here.
Home Office Branch Office
Mrs. Jones
Mrs. C. R. Jones was instal
led as President of the Forest
Park Jr. High Parent and
Teacher Association Tuesday,
April 1, at the annual meeting.
Mrs Jack W. Tondee, installing
officer, chose as her theme
"Put on the Whole Armor”
using the passage of scripture
born the New Testament and
changing the battle equipment
to fit PIA. She challenged the
president to put on the helmet
ot purpose, to stand tall with
pride in directing the endeavors
of hei association. Mrs. Narvis
butler, Vice-President, was
charged with equipping the
members with the breastplate
of democracy respecting the
right of every member of PTA.
Ihe second Vice-President,
Mrs Charles Thompson, was
reminded that as the good
warrior needs to be girded with
truth, so does the PLA need
truth and fair play in its work.
Mrs. W. L. Perry, correspond
mg secretary, was asked to take
the footwear of understanding
and tolerance and Mrs. Frank
Waldrip as recording secretary
reminded that the shield of
faith and dedication is needed
to successfully face the enemy.
Mr. Pete Hendrix, treasurer,
was challenged to take the
sword of integrity, and the en
tire body likened to an army
following its leaders in the
quest of fulfilling the objects
ol PI A.
Mr. Jennings, Principal, ex
pressed his appreciation to the
association for its hard work
this year.
Members of the PI A will
attend the State Convention at
Eeflew Me Edans
Atlanta Area:
Clayton, Cobb. DeKalb, Fulton, Gwinnett Counties
April 9. 1969
The 1969 Clayton County Fund Campaign is over. $7,500
was set as our goal. It is our privilege to announce that we
are over goal, having received to date $7,689.32, with some
monies still outstanding.
You. your efforts, your sacrifice in time and energies
and your interest in the Heart Fund Program have made
this possible. It has indeed been a pleasure making your
acquaintance and working with you. Our hope is that your
interest in the Heart Association and its program will be
a growing one and that we shall have the continued pleas
ure of working together.
We will be in contact with you relative to subsequent
May we take this opportunity to express our deepest ap
preciation for all you've done to make our campaign a suc
Mrs. Vaughn Shellnutt
Heart Fund Chairman
G Archie Powell
Staff Assistant
Georgia Heart Association
appearing nightly valet parking
ray mckinley
8:30 till closing I 11^1
at the VERY llUlll
atop the national bank of georgia building I 5 points
• •
Special this week!
Men’s Suits
Expertly cleaned at participating
fj^k Sixty Minute
y&>Dry Cleaners
4869 West St. 3891 Jonesboro Rd., S.E.