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1,500,000 SOLDIERS
R. H. King, of Atlanta, and Dr.
Weber, of Camp Jackson,
Confer With Camp Hancock
Y. M. C. A. Secretaries,
An important conference of Army
Y. M. C. A. secretaries was held last
Friday at the administration building,
the principal speakers being R. H.
King, associate executive secretary of
the Southeastern Department of the
War Work Council of the Y. M. C. A.,
and Rev. Dr. John Langdown Weber,
acting camp secretary at Camp Jack
son, Columbia, S. C.
Prior to the conference at camp
headquarters, the two gentlemen con
ferred with the ministerium of Au
gusta in the Board of Commerce room,
Augusta, where the ploblems of camp
life and the work in general was pre
sented and discussed. At this confer
ence, Mr. James M. Hull, Jr., presi
dent of the Augusta Y. M. C. A., pre
Mr. King, in presenting briefly the
work of the Army Y. M. C. A., said that
the War Work Council was now serv
ing 1,500,000 soldiers in France and the
United States. The work of the War
Work Council for the American sol
diers was entirely apart from the won
derful work being done by the British
Y. M. C. A. To show the tremendous
demands upon the War Work Council,
Mr. King said that by next July fully
6,000 men would be needed to carry on
the work in this country, and in
France, Russia and Italy.
One of the first recommendations
made by General Pershing was that
500 Y. M. C. A. secretaries and equip
ment be sent to work among the
French army, where the need of such
an organization was very great. Hun
dreds of men have gone already but
the need for aditional men is very
Referring to the specific work being
done in the southeast, Mr. King said
that 100 buildings had been opened in
the past six weeks, with 500 secre
taries. These men serve 400,000 soldiers
in the southeast alone. The work
being done at Camp Hancock is also
carried on at Camp Jackson, Port Roy
al, where the marines are traineed;
Charleston, Oglethorpe, Atlanta, Jack
sonville and other places.
Will Raise $35,000,000.
When $4,000,000 was raised last
spring, it was thought that such a vast
amount would be sufficient, but no
body foresaw the needs of Pershing’s
expeditionary force and the demands
from Russia, France and Italy. All
work being done abroad is far costlier
than in this country. The huts in this
country cost about $6,000, whereas the
same hut in France costs $15,000 plus.
A Ford machine in this country may
be had for $365, but in France the
price has soared to more than $2,000.
To meet these new conditions and
supply the necessary force of men, the
War Work Council will inaugurate a
campaign for $35,000,000 on the 10th
of November.
Earnest Speech by Dr. Weber.
Dr. Weber, who in addition to being
acting camp secretary at Camp Jack
son, is also religious work director,
gave a most earnest speech at both
gatherings, his remarks to the minis
ters being particularly significant. Said
he: “The Y. M. C. A. stands for the
revelation of God in Christ. It stands
for the divinity of Christ. It believes
that Christ is the expression of God’s
love towards men. The Y. M. C. A.
represents all the Protestant churches
and has a right to ask support in men
and means from the churches.’’
A profound impression was created
by Dr. Weber’s account of the activi
ties at Camp Jackson.
Next to the Liverty Aviation Motor,
the government’s new war motor truck
is the greatest achievement of the war
preparation. Two trucks have been
completed—one at Lima, O„ and the
other at Rochester, N. Y. The first or
der calls for 10,000 and later, it is ex
pected that 8,000 a month can be deliv
ered if necessary. The new truck has
less parts than the allied motor ve
hicles and the standardization will save
the government the necessity of main
taining the immens supply stations
similar to th Allies, who ar eobliged
to keep more than two million parts on
hand for their various kinds of motor
Drivers of motor vehicles and men
who patronize same will be interested
in the fact that there is a strong pos
sibility of SIOO,OOO being spent on the
roads in Camp Hancock. Congress
man Carl Vinson was in conference
with the constructing quartermaster
last week and the latter has prepared
a report for the war department. There
is a fund of SIOO,OOO available for this
much-needed improvement.
Major H. Z. Sorensen has succeeded
Captain A. B. Austin as adjutant to
Major G. B. Strickler, constructing
Page 8
Y. M. C. A.
Thousands of soldiers are being served
by the Y. M. C. A. at Camp Hancock
every day and it is gratifying to re
ceive an expression of appreciation from
the men. The- following letter explains
Army Y. M. C .A.,
Camp Hancock.
Dear Sir: Just a few words of praise
and appreciation for you and your fellow
workers who have shown the Pennsylva
nia boys at Camp Hancock the utmost
patience in the laborious work you have
clone. I am one of the boys who feels in
debted to you and I take the liberty of
writing this little letter of praise.
Your soldier friend,
Co. D, 4th Infantry, Camp Hancok.
Enlistment of married men for the
infantry, field artillery and cavalry will
not be considered for the present at
least’. This information was received
at he Augusta recruiting station last
week. Married men will be accepted
for the quartermaster corps, engineers,
ordnance corps, and medical depart
ment provided the enlistment is made
with the knowledge and consent of the
Wife and the applicant signs an agree
ment that no aid will be expected from
the government for the support of his
family during the period of his enlist
ment. Men of family will be accepted
for the signal corps, including the
aviation, only when they possess qual
ifications of special value to the corps
and can submit proper evidence of non
dependence of their families, together
with waivers of dependency signed by
their wives.
The war department is stressing the
fact that it is not desirable for married
men having dependents to volunteer
their services to the government at
this time.
John Oellig and Charles W. Duff, of
Pittsburg, have been spending several
days in Camp Hancock and are delighted
with it. Mr. Oellig has a brother, Edwin
J. Oellig. in the sanitary detachment of
the 111th Infantry, formerly the Eight
teenth. They also have friends in the
Ambulance Corps and Motor Supply Co.
As a result of their visit, several of the
boys have been having the time of their
Charles Baird, of Altoona, Pa., dropped
into camp yesterday, to see his brother,
a member of Co. I, Eighth regiment. Mr.
Baird is a city official of Altoona. His
visit was a complete surprise to his
Lieut. S. H. Ellson, machine gun ex
pert, has arrived in Camp Hancock and
will give the officers an intensive course
in machine gun practice. The formation
of several machine gun battalions and
the bringing up to war strength has given
greater importance to this arm of the
service and the officers of the 28th Di
vision will be shown the intricacies of
this vitally important branch of modern
warfare, so they may in turn instruct
the men. '
rogersTcores Fa hit
W. A. Rogers, physical director of
the Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Y. M. C. A., has
been touring the camps and canton
ments for several weeks, giving a pro
gram of impersonations, club swing
ing, readings, sing-songs, etc., and has
made a great hit with the men. He
has been at Camp Hancock for several
days and has delighted the men at the
Y. M. C. A. buildings. Rogers was with
the old Ninth Infantry for six years,
now the One Hundred and Ninth Field
Artillery and received a warm welcome
from Colonel Miner, who is a member
of the Wilkes-Barre association. Rog
ers puts plenty of pep into his work
and his club swinging and sing-songs
are very popular.
Physical Director E, F. White, of the
Augusta Y. M. C. A., wishes to an
nounce to the soldiers at Camp Han
cock that the gymnasium is being kept
open on Saturday nights for the use of
the soldiers who may wish to have
company or regimental basketball
games. Any team or teams wishing
to use the gymnasium for this purpose
should notify Mr. White.
While we all realize that the soldier is
making real sacrifices for his country,
and as a rule he does not have as much
money as some people not in the ser
vice, he is deeply interested in the Lib
erty loan. By this means, the great
undertaking upon which he has entered
is financed. The purchase of Liberty
bonds by the soldier is not to be urged as
a patriotic duty, but rhther as an excel
lent opportunity for saving. After the
war is over many of the enlisted men
will enter business and a little capital
will give him immense advantage. The
Liberty loan bonds are perfectly safe,
carry a fair rate of interest—4%—and it
is possible that after the war they will
sell above par. The Civil War bonds,
at a lower rate of interest, sold for years
at much above the original cost.
See your commanding officer who will
tell you the easy terms on which sol
diers may procure these gilt-edged bonds.
Oh, Jesus Christ, my Master,
I come to Thee today.
I ask Thee to direct me,
In all I do or say.
I want to keep my promise,
To be Thy servant, true.
I come to-Thee for orders—
Dear Lord, what shall I do?
Altoona Soldier Praises Work
of Association. Can’t Under
stand Language,
An Altoona, Pa., lad is with the
American Expeditionary Force “some
where in France.” and in a letter to
J. Edgar Probyn, educational secre
tary at Building No. 79, Camp Hancock,
he speaks of the “wonderful Y. M. C.
A. work” being done in France.
He went across with the Nineteenth
Engineers and is stationed at some
railroad shops in France. The letters
Somewhere in France,
Sept. 7, 1917.
Dear Friend Ed.:
I will drop you a few lines to let you
know how I am doing.
We have traveled quite a bit since
I saw you and have seen some very
pretty country. I was also quite sea
sick coming over, but had lots of com
pany. This country surely is beauti
ful. Everything is green and you can
see some very quaint sights.
No one could treat you any better
than the French people. The only
trouble is, you cannot talk to them, but
I guess we will learn. I know how a
poor Italian feels when he lands in the
“Good Old U. S. A.”
We are quartered in four barracks,
each one has two wishstands. They
accommodate about— (deleted by
censor) men each. We sleep in beds
that are about six inches off the floor
and very comfortable. We also have
four shower baths.
We have a Y. M. C. A. where we can
get candy and sigarettes, but the
American cigarettes surely would go
good now. We are accommodated with
writing paper and envelopes. There
is a Victrola here, which is fine. So
you see the Y. M. C. A. surely is a
wonderful thing.
We can get the Paris edition of the
New York Herald, so we can keep post
ed in baseball. We have a soccer ball,
a football and plenty of baseball gloves
so we are perfectly contented.
They are playing “It’s a Long Way to
Tipperary” on the “vic-” now.
The shops we are going to work in
are the very best and are equipped 'with
the very best of machinery.
Well, that is about my limit, except
that the slogan, “Join the army and see
the world,” surely is true. The boys
are enjoying the best of health.
Your Friend,
19th Engineers( Railway) American
Expeditionary Forces.
General Bliss, chief of staff, has is
sued the following explanation of the
readjustmnet of the forces at fifteen of
the sixteen cantonments:
“The selected men that are now be
ing gathered into the sixteen national
army cantonments will be used to form
the first force of 590,000 men author
ized in the act of congress approved
May 18, 1917, and to fill up the na
tional guard division '.o practically the
maximum strength of the new organi
zation. The balance of the 687,000 se
lected men will be used to supplement
the voluntary enlistments for the spe
cial and technical troops that are such
an important part of the organization
of a modern army. It is expected that
the voluntary enlistments for the reg
ular army will be enough to keep that
branch of the nation’s forces filled up
to strength without transferring men
to it from this first selection for the
national army.
“The force of 500,900 men will be
organized into sixteen white divisions,
and one colored division- One white
division will be organized at each of
the sixteen national army cantonments,
and the units of the colored division
will be organized at the various can
tonments where the number of colored
troops is sufficient to organize a di
visional unit.
“Instead of concentrating All of the
colored men in the few cantonments of
the southern states, the policy of the
war department will be to distribute
them more or less evenly throughout all
of the sixteen national army canton
To promote the efficiency and per
sonal welfare of the American aviators
In France, the Aero Club of America
has voted $10,099. A medal of merit
and honorable distinction in gold, silver
and bronze will be created to be award
ed to American and allied aviators
for acts of heroism and for meritorious
achievements in the field of aeronau
tics. A service information office for
American aviators in France will also
be created.
When the war broke out, France pro
duced daily only 12,090 shells for the
famous “75” guns. Today, the French
government is making 250,000 shells
daily. At the present time, 12,009,000
men are mobilized in France for the
army or the factories.
Oct. 17,1917.
Brigadier-General Wm. G. Price is
given as authority for the statement
that political pull will not count with
him in making recommendations to the
war department for the promotion of
enough non-commissioned men to fill
the necessary complement of junior
lieutenants for the two 28th division
brigades. Said he:
"I don’t intend that worthy boys
shall be kept in the ranks holding down
non-commissioned jobs while some f.I
low walks into a Commission through a
political pull.”
President Wilson has signed com
missions as generals for Major Gen
eral Tasker H. Bliss and Major Gen
eral John J. Pershing, commander of
the American forces in France. Gen
eral Bliss takes precedence. The new
grade carries with it a salary of $19,-
009 a year and was created by Con
gress so that General Pershing would
not be embarrassed in dealing with of
ficers of higher rank in the allien
armies. The grade of lieutenant-genr
eral was also reviewed by Congress,
but nobody has been named, inasmuch
as there is no intention of creating an
army corps. The only other generals
of the United States armies were
Washington, Grant, Sherman and
The Regimental Reveille, a journal
published in the interests of the per
sonnel of the 107th Field Artillery,
made its appearance iast Thursday. It
is a highly commendable publication,
consisting of eight pages of newsy
reading matter and advertisements,
and is unusually neat in appearance
and make-up. We congratulate the
editors. Harry G. Buckley, Herbert D.
Brauff and Robert L. Girvin, all mem
bers of the 107th on their initial ef
The Topeka State Journal's edition
of Trench and Camp, for the soldiers
at Camp Funston, Fort Riley, Kansas,
was the first exchange to arrive in
Camp Hancock. It is in usual eight
column newspaper form and is replete
with timely articles and excellent il
lustrations. The first page contains
cuts of President Wilson, the late Gen
eral Funston, for whom the camp Is
named, and Major General Leonard
Wood, in command at Camp Funs
Secretary Daniels says that the total
cost of the 787 vessels built or to be
built in the navy’s war construction
program, will be $1,159,400,090. These
vessels include all styles, from super
dreadnaughts to submarine chasers.
Many of these vessels are to be de
stroyers, but there is also a $300,000,009
supplemental destroyer program which
the navy expects to be completed in 18
months. They will be unsurpassed by
any destroyers in the world and when
they are ready, the men will be ready
for them.
A regiment of Oklahoma Indians may
be one of the American fighting units
in France. Some 350 or more drafted
non-English speaking Indians are to
be transferred to the First Oklahoma
National Guard, which also has a con
siderable number of Indians in its
ranks, and it now is proposed that
enough additional Indians from the
Oklahoma quota, of 800 be assigned to
the same regiment to fill it to war
strength. If this is done an order con
solidating the First Oklahoma and the
First Texas Guard regiments will be
Replying to a congratulatory tele
gram from the Catholic People’s Union
of Essen, Field Marshal Hindenburg
“We, too, desire what the pope de
sires, namely, the termination of the
war which was forced upon us- Our
enemies, however, are not willing.
President Wilson’s note was not only
an insult to the German people, but
also an insult to the pope’s good will.
Our enemies, however, will gradually
come to their senses.”
Major General Charles J. Bailey has
arived at Camp Jackson, Columbia, S.
C., and assumed command of the 81st
Division. General Bailey is from New
York but was formerly in command of
the Philippine Department. Brigadier
General Barth, who has been in com
mand at Camp Jackson since the camp
opened, will be in charge of the depot