Newspaper Page Text
ludti lo idvi'itlMiUfiiti.
CmmlumvCordial*. Syrup*, Fancy Confectionary, i
r iFnW“' raid, Kiivunuab, Gn. ,
Clofffagi Hats, Cap*. Furnishing Goodn, ytc.—
Go. Xpplr, fcavamlab, Ora.
Notice, Now road from Godwin's to TownarudV
Ed. R. BaMim Jurige, O. C.
Organ of tlo bail tint denomination—Tho Chris
turn Index, Atlanta, (4*.
Citation-Guardian wanted for Jno. 0. Mag ruder
—J. M. Slioarer, Ordinary.
Notice—Jno. E. Hanna and Jno. W. McAllister ;
Mfe from trading for note. . *
Tklwi ' iti i.ill aodjPcrt r lhmedy of J. B. Woot
‘ Ten ft WT, vfnlnnan, i iii.
Wholesale Boot and Shoe Store—Currier, Slier- ;
wooi4 Ss W‘ rk -
Drugs, Mt-aiciues, Chemicals, Window Glaus, etc. I
—JlcCall ft Groover, Quituuu.
Dv Good**. Hard awe, Groceries, etc—John Till- |
man, Quitman, Ga.
at wholesale—
OrttK Oaecficines. Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard- j
ware, etc—Briggs, Jolks ft Cos., Quitman, Ga.
Musical Instnmiupth and Music—Ludden A
bat** Havanm. h. Gw.
Wheeler ft Wilson Sewing Machines —W. B.
Clevea, General Agent, Savannah, Ga.
at whok'Uie and rot ail- U U Ffllk&Co.,
Cheap Goods of all descriptions, Groceries, etc—
8. bhandal, Quitman* Ga.
Books atd Stationery at w holesale and retail—
John M. Cooper A Cos., Savannah, Ga.
Half aflll ; oi4sJ.tThrittlier, Qoit
* jSlu, Go.
Manufactures of Cotton and Wool at the Quit
man Factory—Dr. Henry Briggs, President.
*.®k. E. A. Jelks, Practicing Physician, Quit*
math Ha.
Edward Ik Harden. Attorney at Law, Quitman,
Clothing nutdc to order-D. W. Price, Merchant
Tailor, '■.
Type Foujahy arid Prfctcia’ Warehouse—James
conuEra SorfarNew Tvrk.
Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors, etc—Creech A
a tiewsswor. duiUnpu. i*>-
Juines'tl.' HtmtePf Attorney at Law, Quitman,
Dennett A K.u;gWry, Attorneys at Law, Quit- 1
mau, Ga.
Citation—Georgia M. DeLaranaga Oi. Lewis N,
DuLarauaga, Suit for Divorce.
•* • cm ncir nrnut Tory.
Daptlat (. Utf reli.
Rev. C. D. Campbell, Pastor.
Services the Second and Fourth Sundays.
Church tjoniymir* on Saturday hi fore the Second
Gunday in uich riimtli. k'rayer mueiiug every
Thursday night. Sunday School at 9 o'clock a. in.
Presbyterian Church.
ouuJay School at 4 o clock p. in.
Cliiin h.
S. |L Bwjjjfcr,, Vast**,
Servict* ut<M > Sumiiy
■evouing at oVlock. Sunday School at 9 o’clock j
a. ni. Prayer meeting Tucmlay night in each
A few morn of those beautiful trimmed Ladies
JfaL Price* reduced, very low. Call at tlio
atorc of Bkioos, Jelks A Cos. j
X#vr A4vrnrmn(ii.
TVo have just received advertise mouth
from Messrs. Apple and Fitzgerald, of Sa- j
vantmli, and fo regret tlmtwe haven't space
id thw* and their liouses
a more extensive notice in this issue, hut
will call special attention to tlicir adver
tisements iii Ke next.
Great attractions for the ladies at
f: f i ~ Btunas. Jelks A Go’s.
The Salr** Clnb.
We nrc* requested to state that there will
be h medtiny of the members ol the club
on sStnYdnjh the flth Inst., for the purpose
completing the organization by the elec
tion of officers. Turn out, ye gal-knts, and
give i.s a handsomo display. It s a good
thing, boys, if we, have another war you
■will be ready aud in a safe position, for
there never was a man found dead with
spurs on during the late war, so they say.
. o
Plain lilack and aatin striped Grenadine*, at
reduced prices, at Biuooh, Jelks A Co’s.
Great Annoyance.
When we thought our work was done
for the vreeji,*a|id Unit there was rest for
the weary, mat troublesome foreman cries
out room for another short article, and
another impudent typo modestly reminds
us that then* i# ap rest for the wjoked;
huf W know 1 * better, there is friend lien
nett, of the Banner, in the shade on tho
other Bido of the street, moving about in
slothful majesty and amusing first one
group and iurother pith lips apec
di'Stesf flie new bat recently
presented to him as an evidence of his
editorial .distinct ion. We hope, as au edi
tor that he may live when that new hat is
old, and hhj fnynj as was when that old
hat ’Was new, may acknowledge hia dis
tinction in the same way.
——— tO-
JsjWßese BBks and Lira-un, it redncod prices
Diuoos, Jelks, A Cos *.
Come Ditto Me All Ye Who are Heavy
l.iidrn With Wakrinelwan.
For the largest ripe watermelon pre
sented to this office during the present
month the Isdktewdext will be furnished
one year.
itj no months.
For the Shifl lafgH. six months.
For the fourth largest, three months.
We don’t care how many contend for
these prizeß. Our offer is not confined to
the county or State. It is for the melons;
■jve they c.pme from, but
Ife 'httf'-e aft id<;a Where they’ll go to.
American Prttlt Preserving Powder*,
at - f JlcQall A. Gbooveh’s.
,?SSV.— i~h- o- ———-
Exotie or Indigenonn.
The only question that has stimulated
the citizen# of Qhitman to investigation
and research for the last week is whether
one of onr prominent lawyers is an exotic
or whether he is indigenous to the soil.
This question was propounded by a learned
gentleman who had just arrived in our
town, and upon his introduction to tho
lawyer. leferred to. Although we had not
investigated the question we tliiuk it could
have been settled without much difficulty
Jjad it not been suggested that thp first
question to -cdfedder was whether the
lawyer was a “yearb” or not. This mak
ing the matter too complicated for us we
withdrew at once. We learn, however,
that the investigators have not arrived at
a satisfactory conclusion, and that the
lawyer is waiting with much anxiety to
learn how he is in the future to be classi
We Can't Help It. j
To Mr. W. A. Livingston, nt Bolvillo 1
In answer to your inquiry why Ta Inhe
kusDENT don’t resit'h yon regularly, we
can only say that we put it in tho Post
Office regularly every week, directed to
you. Whether it remains in Quitman or
is stopped by the way we cannot say.
When we have put it in the Post Office it
is all we can do. If you don’t get it we
can’t help it. We know there is a wrong,
bat vp iff .inyosfi
gfitod. We, (lou t believe tjuj out iH'it' j
master intentionally does anything wrong,
but from w hat we can learn too many have !
access to liis office, aud some that would i
gladly ,suppress ’ljifE lneKr^Diwr.
It is thrilling to us as wo sit in our sane- j
turn to hear the gushing sentiments as they j
fall from the lips of our friends beneath !
the balcony. Wo smile nt their emotions
and laugh at their enthusiasm. As matri
mony is one of the principle topics of their
discussion, mid as we have no interest in
that subject,wo can only rejoice with them
in their prospective triumphs and share
their sadness in their untiVipnteil and real
ized defeats. And when some modern
Hebe, some god do as rivaling in beauty the
mythical Venn*, presents herself to their
imagination, their sympathies are aroused
to tho utmost for all her kindred, particu
larly a recently unfortuuatc father. One
of these excitable gentlemen, while read
ing on Weduesday morning last in the
Madison Recorder an amount of a serious
injury to one of his friends by being
thrown from a buggy, gave the lullowiug
expressions of his sympathy: “My Lord!
He is us noble a man ns ever livid; with
two of the most charming and fascinating
daughters tho world ever knew. I would
gladly accept his situation and endure his
suffering that I might be lulled into sweet
est slumbers by kite ogho of their gwutie
foot-falls.” (to hack, Be’rlja, and vvof
ship at their shrine. Pour out your emo
tions at their little footies, and listen for an
echo from the heart. In the sincerity of
your devotions you may touch some deli
cate cord of sympathy that w ill vibrate in
sweetest harmony with your own senti
ments and emotions. Talk of tho beauti
ful flowers that bloom and fade, and how
they are refreshed by dewy evenings’ affec
tionate kiss. ileal freely in the , gems of
poesy. Tell them
“Tho rose i* rod, the violet’s blue.”
Plaid Grenadines, black ami colors, at reduced
prices, at JiukKis, Jelks A Co’s.
Satin striped and plain Poplins, at reduced,
prices, at limans, Jelks A Co's.
The 1 11rlit ill n 1 ml* v.
We have received a copy of this excel
lent religious weekly journal published in
Atlanta. It is the organ of the Baptist de
nomination of (loorgis, numbering in
membership 115,000; Alabama member
ship, 86,000, nnd of Middle Tennessee
| meuiliersliip, *0,000; equate ting a mem
j bership of 250,0(H). It is a large, eight
| puge papui, UamULUly und. ai>i>
edited, \viUi, tierhyps %s aide ft MW of
religious eoutribotifs as any (leper ||ib
lisheti in our 'country, Ivirfli fir F’lUtli,
j and wo cheerfully recommend it to onr
! readers of every denomination its an ex
i ccllent family paper. And we say without
j hesitancy that we would regard a Baptist
as a very inefficient member if lie is able
and doesn’t patronize a joumtl so emi
( that the Baptists, bktj < >mc .cSiidf Cliris-
I tian denominations, have a goixlly num
ber of members that love money more than
| religious instruction: that are satisfied
! with first principles, and not willing to
j leave them behind and go on to higher
and nobler attainments iu the divine
: life. We say unto all such, ye are
burying your talent. ,Subscribe for the
i Christian Index, and let its celestial light
illumine your pathway. Perhaps church
j members are as gam? liefe ffs ’anywhere,"'
1 but we think many of them could inprovo
the time by reading the Index, as in it
they would find subjects and themes
couversutinu of a mitre.ulfvatsd 'chirfacter
| than the foibles and indiscretions of their
j neighbors. See advertisement in another
A Romantic Incident.
The family of Uudly, of Northampton
shire, bears for its crest a woman’s head
crowned with a JmlinoL the throat-Jatch
loose, tbV tikhr throw'll tip, drift her ’"hair
flowing and dishevelled. Its origin was
as follows:
la the letter pari of fhe'foppieentlpcpn.
tury a brave knight, named Hotot, had a
serious dispute with Sir Jasper Ringsdale
concerning,the title tqa vuluablg piece of
land; and as a last' resort tile'rival claim
ants agreed to meet upon the disputed ter
ritory and settle the matter by a conbat at
arms. Hotot was well advanced in age,
nnd upon the morning of the appointed
day he found himself laid up with gout,
and in Sncli pain that be could not even
arise from his chair. In this emergency
his daughter Agnes, who held her father’s
j honor very dear, and who desired much
jto retain the land, armed herself in full
! k>ighy
[ well-known cnargerf and bearing a lance
i which she had often used in tilting sport,
| went forth at the time ajipointed and met
Ringsdale. The fight was stubborn, but
the maiden’s suplepess,of jrmb fijjidb' pre
vailed over the Might's 'greater physical
strength, and in tho end she dismounted
him. Quickly leaping, bom ■hen* xadiile
she drew her dagger, Dill Ringsdale had
no desire to renew tho combat; and when
he had acknowledged himself vanquished
his opponent loosened her throat-latch,
and lifted up the helmet, thus letting down
her flowing tresses upon her shoulders and
discovering her sex. The Lady Amies
afterwards married into the Dudlfyfasuily,'
\ and in honor of this chivalrous and heroic
i act her deseendents have used tho above
crest with the motto— C-aloxt spes sedulis,
; which is feebly rendered —In this (helmet)
j we trust our honor.
The sunshine which warms and Cheers
our hearts exposes the weak spots in our
Sunday suits. That’s the only objection
we have to sunshine.
Pastoral Idlin’ or I)li o*w, the Moat
Rev. An hbtxlinp of Rotv Orlvans,
Pr-rrtt>fiiK u Trldnmm of
Prayer* for (lie CHurcli
Napoleon Joseph, by the draco of God
nnd favor of the Apostolic Sec, Arch
bishop of New Orleans, Domestic Iso
late of His Holiness, Assistant at the
Pontifical Throne, Roman Count, etc.
To the t 'leniy and FniOiftd of the Diocese,
Ik,Mt} ('nil Ifonmlkluii, in' Christ our
* w.- n j * • r,;
Beloved Fellow-Lahokeks and Peak
Bkktbukn: The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius
IX, condescending to the petition of pious
Catholics, shocked and alarmed at the in
sidious smuos mid open attacks whereby
the Catholic Church is menaced by tho
powers of hell, has granted pcrmissioit to
celebrate throughout the Christian world
a triduum of prayer, aud designated for
that purpose, the three days immediately
preceding the Assumption oT the Blessed
Virgin Mary.
lu conformity with this wish of tho
Sovereign I Vutail, iva hereby aunouuce to
yiW, dear Moved Tvfrthreu, a solemn tri
duum of prayer, during which Catholics,
inilmod with one and the same spirit, and
, growing with a fresher zeal and fervor,
will send up their vows and prayers through
the intercession of the glorious Virgin im
maculate nnd the whole heavenly court,
to the throne of God, that for tho glory of
His own name He may spoedily deliver
the Holy Father from his captivity and as
sort the triumph of the Catholic Church.
The label’s of ministry, and the fatigue
attendant upon our pastoral visitation, per
mit us not to enter here into the study of
the motives bykvliieh you should be aw
! tasted in this holy pacific crusade of
prayer. This, however, would, in your
case, dear beloved brethren, be unneces
sary; your love and veneration for the sa
cred person of Pius IX are too well known,
and your zeal for the Holy See is too con
spicuous to require an additional exlior
-1 tation now. But, as alms-deeds impart a
I peculiar efficacy to prayer, it is fit ting
j that, during those three days there should
; be a collection taken up in every church
I at the public cj*Arqjsq(Upnd this collection
Will be for the Hrtly Fitther, as sonic sort
of substitute for the Peter’s pence, so re*
nmrkably diminished with us by the lutrd
! ships of the times.
We take this occasion to protest in our
own name, and iu the name of every < 'atho
-1 lie iu our diocese, against the iniquitous
measures adopted by the enemies of re*
j ligimi in Europe for the overthrow of the
i Kingdom of Christ,, and the substitution
of the Kingdom of Satan iu its stead.
We protest especially against the sacri
legious law pursuant to which the Picd
i montese Government, true to its rapacious
| instincts, completes the spoliation of re*
| ligipus houses, and aims thereby what it
! counts upon as a fatal blory agaiubt the ex
i istetiee of the Ghnivh herself.
| In unision with all the bishops living
! under Prussian rule we protest against the
'wicked laws passed by that government,
j now Aranlt With victory and rioting iu tho
i delirium of momentary success, for tho
, oppression of the Catholic Cherch and its
ministers; but its machinations will bo
frustrated; it strikes against tho comer
stone of the divine edifice, at the base of
: which all its pretensions will be smothered
<*u their own dust. Those laws we de
| riormee as directly affecting the liberty of
j tlie church, as opposed lo the constitution
; named for it by its divine founder, and
: implying the negation of tjic fuudummitid
i principle of Christianity, the divinity of
our 1 domed Lord.
We woutri here also hnlrfup the honest ,
; Juabty indignation of,a, (run people the liy
' pop iwy of Kip riwiss so-called liberals, who
; nufter the nVitne of lilterty/ seek t0..-crump
! and shackle the consciences of their Cut ho
| lie. fellow countrymen into au odious and
galling servitude.
The reverend pastors are requested, while
1 reading this pastoral letter to their respect
ive flocks, to iusiston the declarations which
; we make here, that the Catholics of tlie
diocese may all bo acquainted with the
lavipuls yn wlnioh .oursotunui protestation
islffed It'-is our d< sire that the Gatho-
I liir-sW-ietM; iffil espenalb-’iWe '(litfi'OTc
Militant Union of the Cross, instituted par
ticularly for the defence of the rights of
| the Church, would likewise protest with all
: their energy in the meetings which they
will hold for this special purpose.
For these reasons, having invoked the
' name of God, we have ordained and do or
■ dain that which is hereinafter prescibed,
I’irst- A solenui triduum of prayers Rill
be held in every church and chapel of our
ffiogeso dai’jng the . three days preceding
the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin.
Second During those three days there will
be, in each church, at least one public ex*
ereise, either iu the morning or in tlie
evening, as Urn pgslqr may. judge primer.
Whefe eOnVPtitem. tlte proftrr is free'to have
those devotions twice a duy. .
Third—Each day, at either of those exert
eises of devotion, the Litany of Saints, pro
scribed by the Holy Father, have to bo re
Fourth -The Benediction of tho Blessed
Sacrament may be given once a day; but
to the usual prayers, the invocation, re
peated three times, Puree Doming is to be
subjoined with the pray dr Deue; <fiti culpa
| ajf'undcris at the close.
Fifth—At each one of these exercises, the
I collection, as already indicated will be for
I the Hoiy Father.
!' *smr 'flie mifftffn' are VxhbrlM to
combine with these exercises fervent com*
; munions, acts of piety, penance and other
. good works, in order to render God more
' flexible to onr prayers.
Seventh —The Rev. Pastors are invited
;to instruct their flocks, each day of the
| triduum, on its great importance, and to
! impress them with a sense of our views
1 and intentions in issuing this pastoral let*
j ter.
Eigtk—The Holy Father having gr.’Ufcd
! seven years ihdHlgehcb for each day of the
I triduum, and a plenary indulgence to
! those who, having duly confessed their
j sins, shall receive communion during the
* Triduum, on the Feast of tho Assnmpr
Ition, or on.any day during the octave, it is
•hoped that ull the; faithful wiU avail them
selves of the sprifila! advantages ‘thereby
placed within their reach.
Ninth L'ppn the receipt of this letter,
the reverend pastors are authorized to omit
j the prayer —pro serenitate.
! This, our pastoral letter, will be read on
the Sunday immediately following the re
jeeipt thereof, at high ma&s v in all the
tehurches of the diocese':
Given under the course of our pastoral
visitation, at Ascension
"pa'fish, fin rti’o'Feast' of fit.’ BbriaVenture,
; bishop and doctor of tho church, tho 11th
of July, 1873.
f Napoleon Louis,
j tr, Archbishop of New Orleans.
J. Anstaet, Secretary.
The Irish Catijolipj of. St. Louis arojnaking
ample preparations for the National Con
vention of the Irish Catholic Benevolent
j Union of the United States, next October,
I The Watchman says: “It will be by all
j odds the most important meeting of Irish
i American Catholics ever held in this coun
' try.
crbbch rt vkWhom.
Baouiho—Gunny yd 18 a 20
Iron Ties A 8 a 10
Bacon Sh milder* . Hi 9 a 10
C'k’ur tubbed ..A 12 a 19%
llaais. ........ .A 10 a 18
Bread—Soda Biscuit. ft —a 15
I.inuon Bianuit ft -*- a IS
Gtngor Hnapps ft 15 a 20
Beeswax ft —a 26
Beep Steak ft 8 a 10
BuTTKIi Goshi’U ft 15 a 62
Good Wimtcrn .. ft —a 05
Candi-eh—Adamantine ft a 25
Sperm ft 45 a 50
Coppee—Rio 1b 26 a 80
Java, old Government ft 80 a 10
Ditv Goon*- -l’riuta, fafcoy. yd 12% a 15
% Brown Shillings. ■■ yd 9 a 11
h Brown Sheeting*, yd —a 14
4*4 *• “ ...yd —a 15
White Osuahuigs yd a 15
Striped “ yd 12V1 a 15
CliJvkß. Vil 12% a 15
Vara*, A**'t Np’* ....5 ft 100 a 1 76
Fridcs—Nortli'n Htqienlliribbl 800 alO 00
Northern Extra.... . libl 10 50 all 00
Nuith nFam’yii 12 00 als 00
Fish—Mackerel No. lffiw bbl 800 alO 00
“ No. 1. . kit* 200 a 280
“ No. 1... bbl 700 a 900
“ No. 2 kit* 250 a 200
S-} S
Fowmi— Chlckons do* a 8 00
Xui'Ju‘V’l, large tiizu. .uttch 100 a1 36
'GnAiN-~0()m, white, from
store* lu —a 100
0at5....... bu 70 a 90-a
lIIDDH AJii) Skin— Good Fliut
Cktii ... U 14 a 16
Dry Halted Cow Hides. H> 12 a 14
Goat Skins each 10 a 20
Otter Skins each 100 a 300
Iron—Sweden tt> iy % a 8
laAi>—XXX in bbls lb 12 a 12^
Leaf lbs ft 120
Kuliued . —a 00
i*iQwoa—Whisky, Cinwmon
Troiif 1 35 a 140
fcwnffod prat 200 a2 25
Bonrbon, g(K>d gal 360 a 400
. JJraudv. Amorican—gal 260 a 300
Hum, St- Crttft - .gal 460 a6 00
Jamaica, tfotfa gal 500 a7 00
Gin, Imported .gal 500 a6 60
Gin, Common Kal 225 a 250
Hootch ft Eng. Ales .. aoz 250 a 226
Port* r. Genuine. do* 250 a 276
Lumbrr- flooring boards. M 12 00 als 00
Dressed Flooring M 1G 00 alB 00
Shingles, pine M 300 a 400
Me\i-~- Fine bbl a 1 25
Hominy bbl a 1 25
Syrup gal a 50
j Nails—4 ontl Gd keg 700 a7 26
Oils- Kerosene gal 35 a 40
Linseed gal a 1 85
Powder— Kifle, fine keg 725 a 750
F. F. F, 1% tb can . a 75
! Potatoes Sweet. bbl 65 a 75
Rice--Clean Carolina, H> 0 a 10
SaUT—LivaTpom sack 225 a2 80
Shot Drop bag 800 a 825
Buck bag 275 a 300
Soap-Family No. 1 tt —a 10
l’alc **- 1°
Common tt) Fair lb o%a 8
Sugars—(b ushed ft Bow'd, lb 14 a 15
A White tt 13% a 14
B White tb 13 a iBVi
Extra. tb 13 a 13j/ t
Vel low 0 tt> 12 a 13
Florid n lb 8 a 11
Smok’o Tobaouo—Durham. tb 70 a 75
Fruits and Flowers ... lb 65 a 70
Other Grades tb 50 a 60
Tobacco- -Dptamon Sound, tb 60 a 65
MeAflni#! tb 60 a 65
Bright tb 75 a 80
Pocket Pieces tb 60 a 80
Dark Caddies, Sweet. Ib 70 a 80
Tallow— Good lb 9 a 10
Vinegar White Wine. ..gnl ..a 50
Cider Vinegar gnl a 50
■ Wool—Unwashed tb a 27
1 Soda tb. 10 a 15
| Oysters Itb can a 15
j “ 2D) can a 25
' Sardines box ..a 25
1 Starmi lb 15 a 20
| Snuff tb 75 a 100
| The above are cash prices. ■ ■■■■*■" *• . . .!
L . _
(ESTABLISH];!) 1860 J
Manufacturer and. WholoEale and Retail
Dealer in
Ml im* a* tit ■ i -•••
Fancy Confectionary, &c.
180 Bryan St.,
Between Barnard and Jefferson Streets,
Savannah, Ga.
aug2-tf ' ] .. . r
oiio. Xppile,
* ,* r , i ' f ■ > m
Gent’* Furniahing Good*,
BootH anti Shoes,
No. 162 Bryan Street, Market Square,
Savannah, Ga.
VV forewarn all meu from trading for a note
exooutedby ua to Wm. A. Bowen & Bro., about
the first oi February, 1678, for seventy -fivo ilol
lars, and payable tho first of November, 1873, as
the considerations for which tho note was exe
cuted utterly failed, and we will not pay tho same
unless comticllcd by law.
aug2-4t JNO. W. McAMJHTER.
To Subscribe for
A Live, Wide Awake
Published at
sfe jw <MMO aMUK #. ..SRK l ' ! ; '*
Contains the Latest
And i* Sent to
■ ■ll , , '*;( *.i . . *
All Parts of the Country
OO per Annum,
Editor and Propriotor,
#■* f •
Boalers in
Fine Toilet Soap. Toney Hair and Tooth Brushes.
Perfumery and Fanoy Toilet Artioloe,
Tremi and Shonldrr Bracr*,
Fresh Garden Seeds,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes & Dye-Stufls.
Letter Paper, Penn, Ink, Knvelopc*,
WINDOW GLASS, of all sizes,
Fatty, Carbon Oil, Lamps and Chimnoys.
Physicians Prescriptions Accurately Compounded.
Shot, I’owdek, Pehcubsion Oats, Tobacco,
jyl2-ly Snuff and Cigar*.
Boots and Shoes.
This is one of the Oldest and Largest
Boot and Shoe Jobbing Houses
.'... 1
All their Supplies arc obtained from
And Sold to Customers on the
476 & 478 Broome Street, New York.
A. M. WATKINS, Traveling Agrrit.
TENTION of the citizens of Brooks and
tlio adjoining counties, to my large and select
stock of
GROCERIES, Etc., Etc.,
All of which will be sold upon REASONABLE
I would also call the attention of Planters to my
Such as
GRAIN FANS, etc., etc.
These goods will be sold at
With Freight Added.
Standard of Excellence
Over 750,000 in Use.
IT yon think of buying a Sowing Mnbta it will
pay you to examine the record* of thoae now in
uhu and profit* by experifltioc. Th Wlimlw
ft Wllwon Stands alone a* the only Light
llumiliiK JlatUln©, using I he Hot ary I look,
making n Lock Stitch, idike on both HidOH of
the fabric sewed. All niiuttle machine# wtlto
power in drawing tho ahuttlu back after the
ntiich i* formed, bringing double wear and rtrain
upon both miuhino amt operator, ne*ice. lAlfci
other in&chincß rapidly wear out, the Wheeler
Wilson I*alH a Lifetime, and proves an l
economical investin''.nt. Do not all that
i t>y tto-ealled “Ohoap” machine*, yon
should roqdire proof that years of use bnrve tested'
their value. Money once thrown away cannot be
Send for onr circulars. Maohinoe sold on MMjr
tonus, or monthly payments taken. Old machine*
put in order oy received in exchange.
Savannah, Augusta, Macon and Columbus, Ga
W. B. Clever, Gen. Agt., Savannah, Ga.
mavßl-llni ; ' . .
OFFICE —Bvick building adjoining the store of
Measrs. liriggH, Jelks ft Cos., Screven wtreet.
Thomasville, Ga., June 26,1873.
Meters. Jno. B. Woof ion ft ib., Quitman, Oa.:
Gentlemen:—Yours of tho 13th instant is at
hand, also tlie bottle of Chill and Fever Remedy 1
sent by Mr. Christian. I liave delayed this long
in order that I might try your medicine as re
quested. I was at tlie time of the reception of
tho medicine down with chills and fever. I took
the otu‘ bottle sent: in a very short time Iwm up,
and am satisfied that your medicine cured me. I
have had iu> symptoms of either chills or fever
since, and believe it to be a good thing. I take
great pleasure in recommending it to the public
generally us an antidote for chill and fever.
Hoping you much success in your new field,
I remain, as ever,
Yours, fte.,
Jo un Sr AIK,
Notiff 1 .
Quitman, Ga., July 26, 1873. f
WiitiiEAH, The Commissioners appointed by
this Coart to mark out atod establish ti new roaa
from Godwin’s to Townsend’s on the Georgia and
j Florida lino in Brooks count-y, have reported un
! der oath that they have laid out and nwrfted said
roud conformably to law, and believe it to be ef
public utility.
It is therefore ordered, Tliat all parties con
eernod are notified that on the 15th uav of Sep
tember next au order will bo granted, finally es
tablishing tweid road permanently, unless good
cause is shown to the contrary.
Judge County Court, Brooks County.
CJTATK OF C.EOIiGIA- BnooKS County.—lt
O appearing to the? Ordinary of said county
tfiai John C. Magnifier, a minor orphan of said
county,, has no guardian, and that a necessity for
a guardian musts, and no person has applied for
such guardianship. Therefore, all persons con
cerned will take nptieo that unless some fit and
proper person makes application by the First
Monday in September next, such guardianship
will bo vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court
of said County. ‘ ■
au2-4t J. Ordinary.
Brooks County, r
fluperior Court, May Term, 1873. J
Present, His Honor A. H. Hanscll, Judge.
Georgia M. DuLaranaga <;.<?. Lewis N. DoLara
naga-—libel for divorce. Rule to- perfect service.
It appearing to the (Joint by the return of the
Sheriff that the defendant Joes not reside in this
county; and it further appealing that he doss
no t reside in this State, it is, on motion of coun
sel, Ordered that said uvfendant appear and an
swer t tho noxt term of this Court, etee that the
case b considered in default, and tho plaintiff
allowed to proceed.
And it, is further ordored that this rule bo pub
lished in tho Independent once a month for four
mouths. AIIG. 11. HANSELL.
Judge S. C. fib C.
A true extract from the minutes of said Court.
jiihe2B-larnlm IV. G. Bk.VTley, Clork.
♦ v IVotice.,
wife Elizabeth becoming a public or tree tra
der, according to the.statue in such case made
and provided. \VM. 11. HOLBENDORF.
The Christian Index.
Rev. D. SHAVER, D. D., - - - - - Editoh.
associate editors:
Rev. D. E. BUTLER. Du. J. S. LAWTON.
Rev. E. B. TEAGUE, D. D., - - Selma, Aim.
Rev. T. B. JONES, D. D., - Nashville, Te**.
Steadfastly devoted to the Tenets and great in
terests of the Baptist Denomination, this paper,
which for nearly a half century, has been the or
?; an aud favorite of the Baptists of Georgia, and
or tho nust seven years, bearing the same inti
mate relation to the brotherhood of Alabama and
portions of Tennessee, South Carolina. Florida
and Mississippi—will, in the future, merit, by the
excellency of its character, their highest appre
ciation. The reader will find that, besides the
large quantity of Moral and Religious Truth with
which it is freighted weekly, a chaste selection
of miscellaneous reading, anti a complete sum
mary of reliable intelligence -botjj domestic and
foreign—will render them independent of other
papers. Correctly printed Murkct Reports of the
principal cities will make the paper invaluable to
all classes of our people. As an advertising me
dium, possessing, as it does, a constituency of
over 250,000 intelligent substantial Christian peo
ple—it is unequalled by any other publication in
the South. The Index clubs with all the leading
papers and periodicals in the United States. Tho
interests of the friends remitting us will be care
fully protected.
Price in advance, $2 50 a year; to Ministers, $2.
JAS. P. HARRISON & CO., Proprietors,
To whom all commnnications must be addressed.
asrSend for specimen copies, circulars, etc.
In connection with Tub Index we have per
haps the largest and most complete Book and
Job Frinting office In the South—knowu a
The Franklin Steam Printing Home,
at which uverv style of Book, Mercantile, Legal
and Bailway frinting is executed. In cxcellenoy
of manner, promptness and cheapness, wo defy
Our Blank Book Manufactory is likewise well
appointed. Orders solicited for every grade of
work in this department. County officials will
find it to their interests to consult us as to Legal
Form Books, liocords, Minutes, Blanks, we.
Books, Newspapers, Sheet Musio and Fori diesis,
bound and reDound to order. Remember to make
your orders on the Franklin Steam Frinting
Nos. 27 k 29 Smith-Broad Street, Atlanta, (ia.