The Milledgeville news. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1901-19??, January 09, 1909, Image 6

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**mir Ring Out Thu Old, in me New LLS New Year’s Greetings. We are thankful for a prosperous year’s business, iqo8. We start the New Year with renewed energy to serve you better and to make your shopping easier by having a larger stock to select from; to maintain the very best of quality at the very low est possible prices, and to render the best service to you. Wishing for you and yours a bright, happy and prosperous New ;Year thankful for all past favors and so liciting a larger share of your valued future patronage, I am, Very truly. E. E BELE Milledgeville, Ga. RED MEN INSTALL NEW OFFICERS FOR THE COMING YEAR interesting Catherine] Thursday Night. Order Will Soon Move In to New Quarters. COUNCIL MEETING ON THURSDAY NIGHT City Fathers Considered Many Matters Besides Hearing Annual Message of The Mayor. The Convicts. Chappell Tribe of Red Men, one of | C ity council in annual session Thors the largest in the state int tailed officer* at their meeting Thursday night and the following citizens will preside for many moons. J. H. Ennis, Sachem; F. A. Hail, Prophet; R. L. Wall, Senior Sagamore; N. B. Ellison, Junior Sagamore; J. A. Jones, Chief of Records; i. C. Newton, Collector of Wampum; W. A. N. Bass, InnerGuardjJ. P.;Wagnon,Outer Guard. The tribe is planning a splendid en tertainment in the near future and they will occupy their new quarters some time this month. Judge Daniel, of Griffin, Great In- cohonee of the United Cou -oil for the United States was a visitor in Milledge ville Tuesday anil expressed himself as much pleased with the local order. It b the earnest wish of the Florence Crittenton Circle to oend away, as a new year's gift, box of clothing, gro ceries, or arti lies in a home. The unnumbered blessings of God have l:een ours the past year, Will we not share, in a small measure, with those not so fortunate? Any gift can be sent to Mrs. C. P. Crawford, President of Cir cle. MEETING OF STATt ROAD COMMITTEE ON WEDNESDAY d Organization Perfected and Pran- ration Made to Fully Investigate Extension Toward the Sea. , day night devoted more time to dis- | eussing the question of working convicts on the street than to any other topic. The board had already agreed upon tfte matter, but some incidental features were brought up concerning the ways of handling them. It was agreed that $300 should be ex pended in assisting the county in equip ping quarters at the county stockade and two guards were provided for at a salary of $30 per month with board rt the stockade. It is planned to have the convicts, 15 in number, commence work on the streets the first of next month. In ad dition to the reading of Mayor Bell’s Annual message, but little other busi ness was transacted, council adjourn- j ing to meet again Thursday Jan. 21, next. The board thanked Mayor Bell for his splendid message and as a compliment, and believing it would do great good, ordered that 500 copies of it be publish ed. Senator J. D. Howard, one of t le committee aDpointed to investigate the j feasibility of extending the state r>V5 to the sea has returned from AtjJui ta where a meeting was held Wedn^day, He states that the preliminary'w^'jrk was mapped out and another meeting will be called with a short time. The extension of the road is consider ed quite a certainty if proper plans can be devised and if it is made it will open up the wav for; a still greater business for the Western anJ Atlantic railroad, which is now owned by the state and carries more freight from Chattanooga into Atlanta than all rail roads out of Chattanooga, Mr. J. O. Bloodworth is visiting parents in Wilkinson county this week. Sees Mother Grow Young. 'It would ho hard to overstate the wonderful change in my mother since she began to use Electric Bitters, "writes Mrs. W. Li. Gilpatrick of Danforth, Me. “Although past 70 she seems really to be growing young again. The suffered un told misery from dyspepsia for 20years. At last she could neither eat, drink nor sleep. Doctors gave her up and all re- medtesfuih-d till Electric Bitters worked such wonders for her health.,' They in vigorato all vital organs, cure Diver and Kidney troubles, induce sleep, impart strength and appStlte. OnlyoDcat all [ 4 druggesU. R. H. MGCOMB Phone 272 Hauling Promptly Done Heavy hauling without delay. Moving household goods is a Specialty with us. P^*Complete facilities make it possible for us to jjive you ideal service. Call us up and give your orders. ROUt. H. M060IUD. Business Locals. D. OF C. TO CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY OF GEN. LEE. Speaker Will be Secured for (lather ing Jan. It, and Veterans From All Surrounding Sections Invited. PLANT GOOD GARDED SEED, Be sure and obtain our garden seed for spring planting, cabbage, turnip, col- lards; and all varieties, including toma toes, 2 packeges lor 6 cents We will be sure to please you in every way. Try us. S. J. STEMBRIDGE, West End. SALUWi ■ BLUES ,,, DRILL ittGULAHtLY. Capt. J. H. Ennis, of the Baldwin Blues will drill the militiafrom now until inspection dav, which will be March 16, next. The weeklv drills will be^held every Weduesnay night and members of the company are requested to attend without fail. The local comp any is one of the best in the state and it is intended to make a splendid showing this year. Ladies are cordially invited to patro nize Skinners l.nch rooms with the assurance of the highest respect, phone 76. ^BT^Trout, Spanish mackeral, pearch in fact any king of fish you can name at J. H. Ennis, — Fresli snap beans, 2 quarts for 25c, at Chandler Bros. All kind of game prepared on short notice at the Cit- Cafe. Milledgeville Daughters of the Col, federacy will celebrate the birthday o ' the great Confederate Chieftain, Rob ert E, Lee, with appropriate exercises and a movement has been started to obtain an attendance of veterans from all surrounding sections. All veterans desiring a cross of honor should apply at once to Col. D. S. San ford and they wi 1 be awarded at the celebration. A i o nederate monumen will sorn be put up in Eilledgeville by the R. E - Lee chapter and the coming event in consequently one of more than usual importance. \ MILLEDGEVILLE BANKING GO EI.EUTS OFFICERS FOR YEAR. St ckoldersof the Milledgeville Bank- ing-Co. held a meeting Wednesday and a most satisfactory statement was ten dered by the officials, in fact one of the | most sa< isfactorv in the history of the -Fresh bread, Schlesinger-Meyer &' institution, according to an authentic Co.’s make—twice a week at C. E. Greene’s. —Best lump lime. Portland cement BEARDEN,S WEEKLY TkADE LIST, Good plow hames 25 eta. per pair, Gantt cotton planters and guano distrib utors, plow bridles and wagon harness, all kind of plow implements, new crop garden seed, canned peaches, meats and vegetables, best cream cheese and macaroni, Eagle and Phoenix plow rope, all kind of horse collars. Inter national store powder, sweet potatoes and fat mackarel, Messina lemons. JOHN G. BEARDEN. SV The ladies should all sec R. H Wootten’s line of household and enamel ware. report. D. B. Sanford w >s elected president -aest .ump lime, rprtisna cement * nd Miller s He „ vjce ident _ n and plaster Paris. Emmett L. Barnes. •. „ ,. mi BIG FIRES. Waiting at Skinners lun:h rooms to serve your orders phone 76. — We buy and have for sale any and all times everything in season in the way of country or farm produce. Chandler Bros. Notice to tiie Public. I beg to say to the people of Baldwin county that I will hold office of Tax Collector at my drug store on the cor ner of Wayne and Hancock streets, j Milledgeville, Ga. Also that all special and state taxes are due Jan 1st. K. P. HAWKINS, Tax Collector, Baldwin County, Ga. p^TButter and eggs, always fresh, at C. E. Greene’s. — “Dioao" the new disinfectant, will guard your home against all contagious diseases. J. H. Smith sells them for $1.00. Fur Toque’s. The popular Midwinter.Fad at Miss Ellen Fox’s. —Original Augusta steamliread every l * ,at * oe com P any doesn t handle day Emmett L. Barnes. I these useful winter commodities in The weather has changed at list and Milledgeville. winter seems to be at hand. However, £WF"J. H.-Ennis, delivery will be the it cannot last more than about a couple bes. ever in Milledgeville this year, of months longer. All kind of fresh frui’. and candy al- Regulars meals on Saturday at Skin- ways ou hand at the City Cafe, ners lunch rooms 35 cts., phone 57 as you live, if you dont pay your o'd — Resolved—That we will exercise acct. toj. H. Ennis. No exceptions, the greatest care and expediency in till- _ Ho ne V Comb candy. Heim.s sweet -ishuet, the latest ning in veiling. All 0 nors. Miss en Fox if you pre not trading with J. H Ennis, begin now and get the best. Every effort will be made to please you. Highest class cooking of ail kind done fl^^l’rv J. H. Jam: is social, sausage at the City Cale. [ this strecK. All pork The coal an i wood man is having his innings now. It’s somewhat strange ing any orders ertrusted to us during the year of 190L*. Chandler Bros. Milledgeville business men are ex pecting a better season this year than —Chase and Sanborn’s coffee and for any two years past. That’s the spirit teas,.best made. Emmett L. Barnes, t0 ox hibit. SaleAgt. j —Five cars of Bermuda hay, will sell — Pickles in bulk and battles at C. E. j n any qunntltlaa. Emmett L. Barnes ; H. Ennis will make his market ^Perfection oil heaters and Ray-O. ^ M in the MUth lhu ycar . . .amps always give perfect satisfaction. .... „ . I — Hogshead ot genuine Cuba molas- l See them at R. H. Wootten s. I w ju3t openad . Emmett L. Barnes. sour 'and mixed Barnes. pickles. Emmett L. Waiting at Skinners lunch rooms to servo your orders phone 76. — Fresh snap beans, 2 qts., lor 25c. at Chandler Bros Ladies are cordially invited to patrt • nize the City Cafe. Uptodate meals served at Skinners lunch room phone 76. SJ^AU -ork sausage. Western and Ga., meats at J. H. Ennis. ■ ■ following directors were named. J. E. Kidd, B. I. Fraley, J. D. Howard, D. A. Jewell and K, K. Foster. Immediately after the meeting of the stockholders the directors elected Miller S. Be., cashier, E. j Flemister book keeper and oamos l.,gram clerk and collector. The uoftoliicerecevLs at Vlilledgeville show tout the cuy glowing and it has really just starieu on ,,ie way. U p-Ux ate meals sc. v lunch room phone ,, Skinners — Eggs, Chickens and batter plentiful at Chunuier Bros. J • H. Ennis will begin placing names of old accounts in next week’s issue. -All kind of garden seed and onion sets at Emmett L. Karnes. 3>F“We sell the very best quality of cow and horse seed, don’t abuse them by giving them any other. Chandler Bros. MT*Look out for a list of old accts- in next week s issue from J. H. Ennis. Ladies are cordially invited to patro nize Skinners lunch room with the as surance of the Highest respect,phone 66. —Seed! Seed’ A bountiful supply 0 f garden seed jusl received at Chandler Bros, B^No bluffir*. no fooling the time. Your name will he published as sure. “ Regulnr meals ot Saturdays at Skin, neis lunch rooms34eta., phone 76. A hen wtU biUaice her own ration u alien the opportunity.