The Milledgeville news. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1901-19??, March 06, 1909, Image 7

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* Millinery 1,1 THE HOME CIRCLE COLUMN, | i AND ART NEEDLE WORK MISS ELLEN FOX . Pleasant Evening Reveries—A. Column Dedicated to | Tired Mothers as They Join the Homo Circle at Evening k REAL ESTATE BARGAINS —Having moved to Griffin, Ga., I offer- 24 Building Lots Scattered over the best and fastest growing section of Mill- edgeville at great bargains in order to close them out at once. Most of the lots are unimproved, but all are de sirable, some for business and some for residences. Pick out the lot vou want and write to me. WALTER J. VAUGHAN Care of Middle Georgia Fanner. GRIFFIN, GA. g"„ ' ' ■ ■ — ■ ' ■» For a wife, lake the daughter of a good mother. 000 A great singer had just finished sing- j ng “Home, Sweet Home,” and many j of the andience were in tears. “It’s a I beautiful song,” said a girl to an older ! woman, who sat next to her. “Yes.” I was the reply, “and the sentiment to j which it moves all those people is beau- | tiful, How much happier the world would be if everyone had as much prin ciple os sentiment on the subject, and followed out a plain, every-day rule of mailing home sweet.” RATIONS AND EGG MANAGEMENT M. F. Greeley 1 have fouTid no better egg ratliul than wheat and oats In the honrnll for forenoon and principal feed, with corn late in the afternoon, A good, warm, well-season* * d mash of some kind on cold mornings three or four times a week is greatly relished, par ticularly if mixed with milk. The grain should be kept in the bundle and be fully three-fourths wheat. A Tittle millet is excellent fed In the straw. I save much labor and other ex]*ense by f***litig hens, sheep a* 1 other stock their grain in the bun dle. Early cut corn and oats fed tills way to stock give satisfactory re sults with me. A steeply slanting floor in a hen house can lie kept dry and clean much easier than a level one. Feed bundle grain on the upper end. and straw and anything else will he scratched to the to the lower end where there should be u small door to throw it out. The hens. If good, live ones, will sometimes scratch It out themselves. A floor 20-feet long should be at least 18 inches higher rt one end than the other. Earth, grav** or cinders make a much better floor than hoards. With these turroimdlngs, and ihe birds and feed described, with plenty of fresh water and green food, and ,t little fresh meat now and then, it Is not a difficult thing In get both pleas ure and profit from a large flock of poultry. I have hen d folks say lice do not bother broody hens much while thi weather Is o Id, bat this Is a mittuk en notion. Corn is a good diet for sitting hens s it Is heating. And sharp grit. | oil a dozen had ww*ls in no time A gentleman hands us the following scrap, and we presume that he knows better than we do as to the statement being a truthful one, From the bit of confusion we have noticed in approach ing these masculine groups we rather suspect the words ^re not wide of th e mark. "It is certainly amusing, when one has a little leisure to approach a group of men ott the sidewalk, and lis- ten to the conversation just to hear how carelessly profanity mixes in. The man tears off an oath and that one tins AH homes, to either of which he is permit ted to go at will. If mother reproves or chastizes him for his naughtiness, he takes his hat and goes over to grand ma’s or auntie’s house. There he is re ceived, cajoled, petted and permitted to remain a dav or two, or perhaps a week. Then, becauso of somn overt act, he is reproved, and he picks up his hat and goes off home, where he is kindly re ceived and no reference made to his for mer misconduct. In this way he is permitted to oscillate between two homes all the time developing his dis regard of the restraints of rightful au thority. Trained in this way, he grows up self willed, has no regard for the rights or wishes others, and unless some remarkable freak of grace interposes to check his wild career, he is pretty cer tain to lufiJ in the penitentiary. Opera House ONE NIGHT ONLY Thursday, March 11th Ihe Society Event of the Season. J. E. CLINE, Presents drinking water, should be ha'.dv. and a dust batii BiacKsmitliiim of fill Kinds, on snort No tice Done Bi; J. D. Next Door to J. R. Hines of a sudden the final laugh ceases and the most refined language the group is capable of using takes its place. Goodness what a change—and wlin 1 c*«»d it— O, nothing, only a lady ha.-; approached thorn, and they have a little more respect for her than themselves. Well, well, a lady is a missionary wh**re- eeer- alie may iha.” The Small Boy. Nothmrk is bttter calculated to rein a small ibev than for him to hare two TP ANTED TO RENT- A plow animal for small farm. 'Good care and attention will be givoa- Mrs. M.. Minter. Cordoa,, Ga. The Famous Sunny South BUGGY Neighbors. A good neighbor is always the most desirable of possessions, although in some cases their social value is under estimated. What constitutes a good neighbor is also frequently misconstru ed, although the sensible acceptfon of the term is, the neighbor who is friend ly without being oliicious, helpful with out beingsuperfluousl.v so and finally,one who respects the privacy, of others, household affairs by a certain degree of formality of manner. The social neighbor is not always the useful neighbor, vet each in her place has special influences to exert of equal ly beneficial consequences. The sym pathetic neighbor is also a popular one, j but she has to exercise continuous tact, lest her solacing influnce may occasion ally be ovordone or utilized at untimely periods, The inquisitive neighbor is alwavs a dread to everybody within the the reach «>f her inquisitive curiosity, as she does not seem to have any intui tive respect for others' feelings as re gards the it divulgence of porsonal af fairs to an outsider. The truest and most respected of all neighbors, however, is the one who al ways speaks well of everybody, who de votes the largest tfhare of her «Fm- pathicB to her own aiffaira, is chary of administering unsolicited advice, and who always waits until her social aftd useful capacities vro requested, and never renders herself officious esvsn in her most sanguine ^Torts at proving to be fugood neighbor. America’s youngest and most prom ising legitimate star, supported by a very capabie company in Shakespeare’s delightful comedy “Twelfth Niflim. or whdi you win" Special Scenery-Magnificent Costumes SEATS NOW ON SALE F’rices—$ l 50, $ l .00, 75c, 5C c, 25c. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS:—“Miss Stoxvart was at all times most captivating—she i.- exceedingly graceful, nat ural and artistic.” Southern Agriculturist NASHVILLE, TENSL For 40 Years the Host Instructive and Entertaining Paper for Southern Farm Families. 5(J Cents A Year One Copy Free * J Are you considering a ouggy? Don’t buy before seeing my Famous Sun ny South Buggy, fitted wiih my new Patent Sorings. These springs make the buggy ride easy, and easy riding means long wear. Made to wear and testimo nials from past purchasers prove our statement, that it is the best buggy made. Another Attraction Is our Patent Ton and Curtains, patented by Mr. E. Becker, which makes the buggy rain and wind proof. This is a special buggy, madelfor Southern trade and cannot be purchased elsewhere. Inquiries answered promDtly. E. BECKER MI LLEDQEVILLE, GA. WEAK KIDNEYS MAKE WEAK BODIES. Kidney Diseases Cause Half the Common Aches and Ills of Milledgeville People. Ae**ne weak link weakens a chain, so weak kidneys wcviicn the whole body and hasten thermal breaking down. Overwork, strains, colds and other causes injure the kidneys, and when their activity is lessened the whole body exffers from the excess of uric poison circulate I in the blood. Aches and pains and languor and urinary ills come, and there is an ever- increasing tondency tswardB diabetes and fatal Bright’s disease. There is no real help Sor the sufferer except kidney help. Doan’s Kidney Pills act directly on the kidney* and eure every kidney ill. Milledgeville cures are the proof. Mrs. J. B. Fair, 400 S. Wayne St., Milledgeville, Ga., says: “I have used Doan’s Kidney Pills and they have proved to be a reliable remedy. I have no hesitation in giving no name as one who can recommend them very highly. I Drocured Doan’s Kidney Pills at Geo. D. Case’s drug store, and shall keep them in the house at all times as I know they are a remedy that lives up to representations.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MilburnCo., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the natne—Doan’s—and take no other. The hens nannot make eggs or properly digest their food without water. Thin egg shells are a pretty good Indication that Ihe hens' ration lacks mineral ’matter. Oontt fftirget or postpone sprinkling ifnsHct powder among the early sit ter's Weathers and In tho nesting nia- ‘Grlal. * ; No one who has never fried It edn Imagine how much better a l well fat tened fowl is than one that Is picked wp In ordinary condition. But those that unne to be killed and eaten in a roomy pen and feed thorn cracked corn and water with plenty of grit Stir dun days and tho result, will be • deliciously tender) and juicy flesh with a delectable flavor. Mr. W- M. Smith is very ill at his home here. Uoe liquid lice kllh-rs of all kinds very sparingly about the brooders and brood coops. While the old liens can eland any reasonable amount of It the fumes will kill the little fellows /aster than you might, suppose. If you are going to plant sweet pota toes, plant tho kind that sells. The old pumpkin yam. For sale by J. H, Ennis. Dr. T. M. Hall has been added to tPo hoard of the Masons here to fill the vancancy caused by the death of Mr, Joseph Staley, DR F. W. WOLF, D. (F. Eyesight Specialist “Glasses Eight Good Sight.’' * ‘-NTJFE SAID.” At Mrs. Julia Parker’s Milliner? Store, Milledgeyille,- Ga., SAT. MARCH 6th, 1909 ifl ! HOGL ESS^ LARJD The superlatively satis factory Southern standard cooking-fat that has made the South famous. Pure cotton seed oil, super-re fined by our exclusive Wesson process. The acme of purity, whole someness, and economy. , . THE - SOUTHERN • COTTON • OIL • CO York. SavannahMtla vta ‘JCewOrUavs Chicago}