The Milledgeville news. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1901-19??, April 03, 1909, Image 10

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♦HHWim f £ 11 ! 1 >-i-t-H’ 1r ryA-H-f •f-fWf t t -I- H; I I ?H4t 4HH-H--H+-H+*+++++++*+ ***** *****-»-********* * ***** *************** * Wt-Ht WHI-W-i Kf ** ****** “A Little Better for a Little Less.” McCraw <Sc Myrick THE HOUSE OF GOOD CLOTHING invite your inspection of their READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS LOR MLN AND BOYS. Clothing, Shoes, Mats, Shirts, FOR LADIES. Waists, Skirts, Muslin Under= Underwear and Furnishings, wear, Belts, Combs, Collars, Etc. arc your sort. Made for nobody but young men—but for gentle men, not clowns. The styles arc individ-, uni, and saved from eccentricity by good judgment. Regular sizes proportioned to overcome the variation of developing figures. Built-out chests and built in waists. Filled with handdai/oringlo make'zmshapcly and to make the shape stay. You won't strain the grace out of the garments and you won’t strain your pockctbook when you buy them. M66raw & JWuPiGk The House of Good Clothes. Never before Such a Display of r V If At such low prices—Come and see us McCRAW & MYRICK For ^ Lameness in Horses Much of the chronic lameness in horses is due to neglect. See that your horse is not allowed to go lame. Keep Sloan’s I.iniment on hand and apply at the first signs of stiffness. It's wonderfully penetrating - goes right to the spot—relieves the soreness — limbers up the joints and makes the muscles clastic and pliant. Sloan’s Liniment will kill a spavin, curb or splint, reduce wind puffs and swol len joints, and is a sure and speedy remedy for fistula, sweency, founder and thrush. Price, 50c. and fii.oo. Dr. Earl S. Sloan, - - Boston, Mass. Slonti'* book on horwon, cut tin, *hw|t nml poultry wn( froc. OF LOCAL INTEREST Some People We Know, and we Will Profit by Hearing About Them. LAWRENCE’S WHITE FRONT SHOE STORE This is a purely local event. It took plure in Milledgeville. Not in Buffalo or New York. You are asked to investigate it. Asked to believe a citizen's word; To confirm a citizen’s statement. Any article that is endorsed at home' Is more worthy of confidence. Than one you know nothing about. Endorsed by unknown people. J. H. Lawrence, Chief of Police, Mc Intosh St., Milledgeville, (la., says: “1 have used Doan’s Kidney l’ills and do not hesitate to give them my endorse ment. When 1 first procured this ex cellent remedy at Goo. D. Case’s drug store, l was feeling miserable and suf fered a great deal from pains through the kidneys. 1 used a part of the box of Dean’s Kidney Pills and was soon | feeling well. I give the credit for the great change to Doan’s Kidney Pills.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Kuster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United Slates. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other. G. M. C. Mercer Yesterday In the first game of the season played here yesterday the G. M. C. baseball team defeated Mercer University bunch by a score of 2 to 1. Much interest was manifested and a demonstration follow ed the game. The batteries were Stem- briJge and Reynolds, Voss and Roach. The ‘‘Big Four”- Chas. Conn. C h a s, Brown, Bardy Tant. Richardson-will sing at the performance. April 12th. Do not miss it. EASON-TOOMBS ENGAGEMENT It will be news of general interest and no doubt received with great pleas ure by the public of Milledgeville to know that Capt. and Mrs. Tom Eason have anounced the engagement of their daughter Eleanor to Mr. Duoree Coombs, of this city, the wedding to occur early in June. Both the young people are well known here and congratulations are being ex tended to Mr. Coombs by his friends in Milledgeville. Miss E tson is one of the most beautiful and accomplished young ladies of the state and Mr. Coombs is an enterprising young business man here. The advertised store is the progres- ■ive store and attracts the patronage of all who believe in progress, in enter prise. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis and Miss Mamie Pardee, of Oneonta. N. Y. are visiting Mrs- Carr. Dr. and Mrs. Tigner »nd Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Jones for a few days. Presbyterian Ladies to Run Soda Fountain The ladles of the Presbyterian church ill operate the Soda Fount of D •. Geo I D. Case next Monday and the public are cordially invited to patroniz; them i in their work. NOTICE Tarries who are indebted to Star Jewelry Co. are asked to kindly come and settle their accounts without further notice. Respectfully, E. G. Winslow, Sec. A full line of fresh fruits aud veget ables at City Grocery Co. Has reduced prices on— Shoes and Gents’ Furnishings For 30 Days And are offering them at prices which insure a sale You cannot afford to miss this rare opportunity of supplying yourself in footwear. Come and get prices. New Spring stock has just arrived. %J. H. Lawrence Shoe Company Mrs. Julia Parker has everything thatis new and catchy intne mil linery line. Dr. J. C. Groley PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Mll.LRDO.EVILLK, GEORGIA. Office Second Floor Opera House Build ing. Office hours II >. n. to 1 p. m. 8 p. m. to 4 p. m. 1 18 Hancock Street, Milledgeville, Ca. W. B. HUTCHINGS, —DENTIST— Successor to Dr. P. S. Whitney. Offers his professional servioea U the people of this citv and section. Office in Home Building. mst ut-i-yr. JO. P. ATKINSON M. D. Physician-Surgeon' M1IXKDGKVILLK, - - - GA. if a i-j W. Hancock St. Mrs. C. P. Crawfori, Miss Mabel Crawford and Miss Strozier are spend ing the week end in Madison. Miss Katherine Grier has returned from a visit to her parents at Roswell. Don’t forget to buy some of the bar gains at the Star Jewelry- Co. They are selling regardless of cost. The songs by Mrs, Atkinson (in Court Dressi. and Miss Helen Maxwell are going to be striking features of the play. Star Jewelry Co. says they are oblig ed to meet their obligations jand in or der to do so are offering theirjstock tt low psices regardless of cost. T. M. HALL. M. D. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SUROSOP Office hours n a. m. to i*:*o p. in. Office in Callaway Building, 136^ West Hancock Street. Milledgeville, Ga Oct. iq, ry. DR. EDWARD fl. TIGNER Deny Surgeon. Say! Have you tried VINSON’S VEL VET ICE CREAM, 5 c? It’s worth a trip down town. It makes the little folks cry for it, The young folks come for it, The oM folks long for it. THE REXALL STORE.