The Milledgeville news. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1901-19??, June 04, 1909, Image 7

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DOCTOR KING MIE DOCTORS. I THE OLD RELIABLE DOCTORS, oldest II A8E ABB LCSCEST LOCATED. REGULAR GRADUATES ID MEDICilL WE O.'FER TOU THE URGE ADO VALUABLE EIPHIERCE Of THE IORGEST ESHDLISNtO AHO MOST RELIABLE SPECIALIST* IN THE SOlTH , A»th«i!M oy tue ,o irtat ChRCKIC, RERVOVS AKD SRECIAL f v CISEASES. VN • Ruarantee ig refund mourj If nok « til. Ail incdl* - \ ciuea furnisbed ready for use—no mercury or injurious meoiciues used. No detentlou from busine.-s. 1’ai.anvs m a distance ir-aied by mail and express. Medicines senv everywhere free from gaze or breakage. No medicine sent C. O. D. uu.ts* in airucted. Charge* low. Thousands of cis«‘k cured -Slate your —^ c*se and 8entJ for terms. Consultation F*£E and con^aeutial, in |afcA/./JH~.*«« P er * on » or by letter. Call or write today. Don’t delay r\l> —\\Tt No CIUMK. Sc detCTNtton from bu»l T In mi * v i ul w i’mt »-1. W# ifuaruntc# t> i sfuml h.-n# : if no. r«*t manenll/ cured Vi book fully ax i&lnw t I.IS Ul*e«»r |t f |'Vitalli'w* Vnrirsraloi Knlanred **!n* In th» *rr©«um] 1, 1 ariC?Cf ciu.inD deputy w.Akn* ft# tlaw. b - B - • * r .i« >ml no n»-.»r. No Kill ■of Men, [urm*.p! r*m» , oiittitig l>«.rfrl«*D r remind { a m ». ba*l«fu.: rIod*oi a it&l forc*ea. l*r*a of u etc . cured fur i ni^ht 1 >-«w» re*!. Id**e<op and mature |WP>klA »I.«1 N» iSypidlia- r or mldd.sabred who *»'►' VV! WW wv '^ **»•'** nervous debility id m.k. them .-.t ft.r tnairUce r »°tt» >J»ttin. etc . perr an.utlj cuicd with-, ill I>t a!w " cil”* " for *! I fS* BicKtii (iVQrefaid •*!.»? I* •crotum cured IPjiBAiui.rf Skin l>t »•«»«». Ulcer*. Swell; iipa, Sore-. •'/“•“““I’' without pain. IGon >r-h».ea. »* «*et and wit foi n»w of pnwatr d l •***•<<. R |. 1 n . | t ***** bock- cured In a few day* ■ cured te wta» Ou*t*d. W * fuarante* to refund yout » II I 1*1 0 • I 5 without p*tn. IrnoneT if not pe> mancntly cured. DOO 1/ rnei TO Mff upon appllctlon* (Kidrtoy Bladder and Prostaiic 'he efface* and cure. *i'nt eealed In plain wraPi" {Diseases I -ii'ed PILES »nd MU p uricuI Free Museum You ate Invited to *#*• It «h*a led by p*in>«e and b.oodl«*»» <uerh»d« :intbe city V err tnatnictive Coil* ruu nothin*. ’ If I aa I lb. " Kwitua. Scr. kitiitu i:d FtttiUH fin i OR. KING MEDICAL CO., atlANTA.CA. (Thorouably rwepcnalbie. Leffa.lj Incorporated undei the law* of ueeryia.) rgqraaraTTr m Ev-vf Peng k--RCT^j| .— -ome Aoe*. NbvaI Monument Washington DC. Whiskey lor Medicinal Use should be the real £inu:ne article, combining rich flavor with abw lute purity. Sonny: Brook THE. PURE. FOOD Whiskey is tot®. TT*tOT»l whiskev. fiititilifd »nd apfd in the Rood <id Kentucky way. Arc. Proof and Quantity allefted by jbe Gc vcmnirnt "Gretn Stamp" which peals every b< tile. The richness of flavor and Soft m< [lowness i f Sunnv Proolc Wtuvkey especially recommends it for butne use as a health- tut stimulant and a wholesome tonic. f CEi'VERtD DIRECT TO YOU ETFRESS PREPAID ev AKY OF THE rOU0HT!*6 SlITRIBUTERS; M. M ARYc Nf n.rtt*t|oni't. Tpnn ikG'DANllL Mr Ci Mtt-n' oca. T# nr». * AlJh HK’ MAN, <’ at*»r«NiKa. 1**rin. CH A's. Hl.l'M & «.a;.. Jf»**k«onvil.«. i"K. ^ BKniNllFlKlaD a no.. .l'*cV** -nvillc. Fla. C f' Itl’TLEH. Jac*<*H'rivillti. V**. I». P. * C «* l/TNO .1aidpi».mvillo. F|«. H.LRWfiTKIN A CO.. Montir »m* ry, A L. LOP ,, 'VHlSKT’Y CO. Fo-*n#j|y at Mtinfro*n*r/ Ala f O” at J«ck*»o , ** ,!, l«;. Fla ' J ■ Bottles S M M Bottles $0 I 1 l-5th Gabon |E U, Full Quart* 71 IT Rye or boo's**! R ■ K.c or Uourtwo SHOGLESS LARD c It is a reco^imed fact that no “Snowdrift’ user ever uses any other cooking-fat, for “Snowdrift” — the Standard of quality—is purity itself, made by Nature in the green fields of the Sunny South. N The top-most grade of cotton seed oil refined bv our original Wesson process. No hog-lard in it. Wholesome, eco nomical, digestible, healthful. As good as butter for all cooking purposes, and much cheaper. y THE - SOUTHERN- COTTON- OIL • CO , Js'e'UjTorkj^avarvmhMtla t>ta r AewOrl&ii's-Chicago) ■rWMTED-flRIBERMEirc Lai«t fall 1 felt somewimt uncertain and unsottUd about many tilings one dny, and I sat down and wrote a little piece about when the hyacinths would bloom again, and like most other thing? 1 give out to fhe great wide world there is *■ *ard In the t\cld, the peach trees have was a tingle i»f things bucolic in it. 1 don t remember now, but maybe 1 men tioned the coming of the grass In spring time. the beauty of lilt* woodland flowers and a thousand other things that come with the passing of the winter, ltut the hyacinths have bloomed and some oi them have graced my dingy desk for day after day. The early roses have spreuc’ their pcrfumV around, the yellow asmln are faded and gone the corn has been planted, the click of the cotton planter shed their blossoms a mantle of living green covers earth, and yet—well, most of us arc stir, looking on ahead where— thy dear enehai agio veil, ir-off mountain, far-off sail.” ; blit the ndvancl frequently the producer in tlie South, has It to pay. There Is not a set of rules under heav en that can govern any community spec- Incnlly, but if folk will plan to work In unison they will derive great good on many points. The matter of seed se lection In a community may be greatly augmented by farmers handing them- I selves together and testing different seed and reporting results as some fixed* meeting date. A Pine Out Crcp. The time to gather curly spring crops is at hand, and the grain harvest Is the first consideration in Georgia. Pros pects are for one of the most profitable oat crops In tho history of the state and it was never more badly needed than irt present,. Corn is high In price, and hay Is almost beyond reach. Tho av erage farmer must economize In order to come out safely at the other end of the season. The time to plan for late crops is when the early i,rops are being harvested. 1 am of the op ninn that 1 . /..A.' X ,i IN EACH TOWN and district to ride and exhibit* Our atrents everywhere are i-if offer at cnee. No Mo.Mh Kl*.tnuiliv»> i y*m i m md approve of your bityclc. Ml to any.-i •. i w!’ • i- * 1 ' v • ■».' t in advance, prepay freight, a»H* allow J * M IIa'dS* I rn;E n:i\1 muim; u ich :ime you may ride the bicycle and put it to v test yon It y. «» are fi«.i not pvrtectly satisfied or do not wi*b to l.n p tl .• I . ‘ i lc* *:» i; b ’ v u-r .» our ■ x n • aid you will not <V out one cent. HA01 * n ‘» » a * Ir.uh '1 n l<* I (ycles it is pot:.t»lc to make ri?vlt»"I E rilbS.G iii<e mi .il i r.>iit above actual factory c<»«t. You save f»<> P»f.’S pu.'.,:'c!hm s p r ot-t» b t iiy i i • n-A- •; i!* and have the manufacturer's guar- \ at.-. - i»L*:> ud j«)tir IvL'o.v iU) >ai m v a oicycloor n pairot tires from auyon* *6 •' *•••■' >* .<'• u-M.i yt-u re* i>c • ii- i-.u.u<*:;t. •• stud lc.;rn our of factor? 'h f' tces and *•#*•*.?» A-.r.V.* 'fic.t ' ■/’«•» .• to ntier ngents. our beautiful catalogue and models at the uonner/nfy t grade bicycles for less money profit above factory cost umier your own name plate at % Y31 1 WILL M ASTOJef-SKES study :uperb f 1 ' i f/r/.v.- wi i an male: you thi i v v ir. Wr si I the 1 .igltcsf !M< YFI.K I>JO . , • ■ ; ... I ' . . .Ilvd t!u H \ N1» int Yt’I.I.S. \ handle r.econd hand bicycles, but .» r ..ul Ftorcs. These we clear out vc : ar^ain lists mailed free. ..ini pedals, parts, repairs and PS^&lggE-PBMF $ SELF-SEAL!^ TiPiB? * 4iWtc PAm a?; & Dr The rtgnh: $S.50 fei fu %rl!you a snnift fe fin ? o p:j) ; \jDugc, only -'fas fiO M0RETRC9EL!; EBC-lVi i.;\.i; , -/ / / NAll.s. Tsrk» or Ml .1 •<•>• Iri !!« • l • >A, / nlr out. si\!v Lhmi.i.'ul t ;i . , M . •: • ■ T •> »•**’„.'> ;£‘5 Over two Immlrt-.l llu.i: | . no.' mm., , ■ • r -*•'**■ «•••*!*.%*» DESOtUPrtGH: M and easy riding a spec in por tioltlv i f t >' and which clo- »v.m : . to escape. M l ficvlcustomcrss; ilitv. t. uponev or twice i t n whoh- ?• an ordinal v li*c. the pun :• by • vt ral layct ol tread. Thcvcgulnr pric 4 * i : : ltd vet ti?.ii ; n inv »j the rider of onl npprowl. Yon <lo tioi pay ; \vc will allow « ettsn •!»* Sf -id FULL FASH .VI I*, kel JJnted brass hard f»i vMKiuu-. \vu , , •' ? rin'leo tho thick rtibbei , . n/f “ v ’ it ml puuciiire atrl '' “'V w <»,a »i«. n - ■ ’ M 11 '. ' 1 . i i' «» j.rovont rim« -'M ■ - ! c ; " A’ *VYV *2 c' ifj t Lr«> will oiUtm 'i” l? ...< ii.e Vtt 1 n) „| t „ surr, i; h r.wv liiuiNQ. 13’* rip* • rim strip •* uttlug. Thin nutliist any other LA>T1C and hi i ' t i.ati!*f.iciory i i order st leap will i will pay «>voi y.exle in Jim grain hi pn but In tin* »•' Spanish pea: cotton !.«» .-mu onottgli bon However, in well to ri'iui’ this matte r, much nm**o others. !il< fore most «• tor the first Soli!hern fan corn ami < *. to •lint belle know that Wc want vou to rend IF YOU WEI' the special introducm* > \ dtucribta uial *iuote& all i. DO WOT WA17 ollcro v. c i.i e making. I f>> v * 11 P-vaseti t a o. let su 9 T/8S& etter is received. We ship C. O. D. on - *: i. liu -.l liod 1. tirnl them strictly ns represented, uluve'.iy ia; l.itig the price W4..1A per pair) if yoti 'esc th:t atl - L'i list incut. Wc will also send one timed at OOtt expense if for any reason they are -U v.‘liable and *.i: :ic> cut to us’is ns safe as in n will fitill that thev will ride easier, run fanb*t # i it r voii hnv i • • i us. d or seen nt any price. We gti you wutu a l < yc’tc ymt will give us your order, i ’ m fTcr, .ui\' 1 ;.t at;\ pi ioc until you send for n pair of iim i'r ictmc-l’tiM.l tires oil approval mid trial id .vritv : a our • l i.e ami Sundry Catalogue which •a t il out h'i'i 1 he u.-ual price*. ;i. ; iv DO m> V ill l.MK OF Ilf TYING a bicycle \ \ .i .'('iic un' l you know ilu* new aud wouderful \ *' i lie it NOW. i l mi ms?m, iLL *ivimr&ian.jrrr<'*TMirK'rYmmm bn • mclnncimlj id'*, reared iti ue can forget ila of nil in m« r Hint ulwaj >* I if we f..ll to 1 ' ughts. < ly sur vs the Care cf E .cc.k. In About Thirty Days JTT1II-: (SKOIUilA FKLT MATTRESS COMPANY will 1)0 in * oporation in Millo lgevillo and will bo prepared to REN OVATE mid REBUILD your old mattresses and make to measure (JENU1NE FELT MATTRESSES. We guarantee satisfaction audit will pay you to wait and investigate our methods and prices. Yours very truly, :tier th° ‘nil* U i* '.«< iui*e we have not cultivated ho flower*, but too well do tinny of us tnow that lit . * have been sp-ut In •urtlily Hi niggle* and ye; little f earth's meanings have »*v«*r been sent thilr way. Good In Co-Operation. Thin seems to be the age of o' - »p<Tn» tlon. Way buck yonder In my y > infer days I tiHerl to have an aversion ’<» infon • Ism and readers may recall som** <*f the expressions to which l gave vent some ago. Hut now tilings are chang ing and while everything Is t* riding to ward unionism It Is on tin* theory co operation. and there is much pood deriv ed from It. If the (-corgia pea-h crop does not suffer great Injury this spring, the Georgia Fruit Growers* Exchange will serve to bring In a few more mil lion dollars to Georgl i peach glowers. This movement will pot really harm any body, for It will l e simply Judit lal dis tribution of the crop so that when one city Is not well supplied It will be given fruit and another will not b<* over crowded . Tills spirit In nil kinds of work would rio doubt l c highly ben* flelal, and 1 know if nothing tSint I would rather m • done Mjnn for the farmer folk in every com*' to got together in a Hoc.i.i] and hvlMm-f-* way and plan to handle tbmr rxar.M.mi interests together to i.eG nd- V'nt”ip- Wo may ixtiie th** • ir.-non co.vpc.i <iiii'htioa. If a common. • l..,s | quite a quantity to s»-d. tl.ev rj '•,*.:. i | th* iiu*' U*i*s togetlos' and obtain r rom r, ceu’s more per bushel for tlie \vl. lot iMCh individual could obtain. The- Georgia Felt Mattress Company to result in j» The change n of the grass, drink, and mo matters, may mule op hor*< • such a r 1 itu of arrairs tn«* seasons, the eon.lnR Hie desire for water to i*aj other ordinarily small ms* the dcatj) of the best on Hie fdarc. It will lie CAROLTNA TO AID IN WHITE PLAGUE FIGHT found advantageous to giv,. Hie matter- some personal caro and consid«*rat|)n. and the otiteom*: may t»« very different from whni It a Igtit liav* been. A little too much water w!t;i the hors*' or mule too hot may cause d\ith. A little too much green food and the wroti4 sort of work after rating It may bring about the same result. If w< make $300 to $5D0 per year net on the fam,, p | doing well, and it Is a hard thing to lose most of it at one time, t*> my fb< least.-—Home and Farm. ♦ COMMANDING POSITION OF q COTTON. * ♦ c * s lnb> will the Htatus aiintr; . *.r p. the m ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ❖ TraveliiLR Exliibit Will Visit Important Cities of the State. COLUMBIA, S. C.—Tho National AKsodatlon for the Study and Pre vention of Tuberculosis will In a short time send one of Its four trav- joling exhibits through this state on a campaign of education and Instruc tion, with practical demonstration and lectures by exports on how to prevent nod cure the disease. An- nouncoment to this effect was made today by Secretary t’. Fred Williams of the state board cf health, who has just returned from a meeting of the national organization nt Washington. The exhibit to be brought Into tills state will be the sane which has been doing such excolU-nt and effec tive work In Georg;!', FT rlda end Alabama. The association is also operating exhibits In the w d, middle west and north. Columbia, Charh Anderson. Gro. nr and othir larg< Hi be in the itinirary, main in this Elate month . ., Fp.-.rtanhtirg :1, Orangeburg and towns will ie exhibit to re- perhaps three SHOW - CARD WRITERS AND WINDOW TRIMMERS WANTED- Every retail store in the country uses show-card writers and window trim mers. The demand for men skilled in these professions is enormous. We teach both show-card writing and win dow trimming by mail. Write now. stating whether interested in both sub ject, or which one. I. C. f. Box 199, Scranton, Pi . • A beautiful residence on Jeff err on street for sale, most desirable section of town. Easy terms always. Bloou" worth & B1 mdworth . :j;- lb*.* consilium If you want to Imvor sell r*»a7 te basore an 1 see B1 jLdwort'i i& Blood worth. SMITH’S Art Studio over M. 6c F. Rank. SMITIFS IMrotosare t*ood — Prices are reasonable. SMITH wants a share ot your patronage, POST CARDS at Smith’s $1.00 per dozen. ^ Baldwin go. Brick & PotteruGo. 't* m ii/ Hi Hi Hi Is now fuBy equipped to furnish you with best grade Brick in any quantity bom one to as ma»cthousands as is needed. Size zJx^xS. These Jjrick arre guaranteed to be first das* in tvery respect. Correspondence solicited. * EMMETT L. BARNES, >fANAGER. P«LLtI>«eVTLLE. GA. 00 ** ** 0*'^ 00'00'00'00'.I* 7 *'' 0*' 0T' 0*' 00'00'0*' 00* valupcl nt $IlH..r.^n. The* b«»miii.T,.G! u; t , ton ||J lpH to v’vo 11.iH »*lgn iit.iIi* Ik rurtii* r fcx:»«)ri* *if tin. ‘tipie n those of In** mil*: tiff/, tin tide of export. In H tntlons were valu<d a those of bread*!tiffs at a year previous t/.*.* figures \v* «* : Cotton. $413,137,930 a:i<l l'leadstuffs $!9s.oiiU,C90. and twelve inon’hi prior $ : ..♦iOO.Oo-l and $154,800,630, respectively, for the fiscal with • oil expor- l *il , i. , !01 and years ended J jnr Stephen", In Moody' 30th.—William ; Mngiatnc. “Why is the velerinury surgeon al wayp culling nt your house'? Vou liuvc no Lattie.” "He 1h treating rae." "You? A veterinary surgeon?" "1 lie regee owes me fifty dollars i:ul that Is U»o only way l can got 1: our of 'him ” Rocker—Doing wrong Is simply fol lowing the line of least resistance. Knocker— Vw. It's a* easy os fiillln," off the De-valnpue.- -Life •'An' you say It took ihnt artist two months to paint this little picture?" "£bore did." "Well, all I'te got to ray Is he's to< *low fer this jettleinent. 1 could 'a palntel two houses an" four barns !• that tisue ua* uot ualf tried — AllJUta C'w«tftu:iOB. Ifyon want cithers VlhrattirgHhnltleJRotary fshutlleor it Hliifle T(trend f Chain atttch] Hewtug DlaeliLue write to THI HEW HOME SEWfRI MACHINE COMPANY Orange, Moss. VlsAOV *<""rir>C U,*chinr« ar* iPad*: of gusui>’, l.*u etc »w M«uh‘ tt made Iv* wear. Our suaranry ne\ef run* out Mold bjr sstkoriiHl dealers only. rcr* IAU *v R, H. WOOTTcN YES—YOU CAN BUY THINGS MORE CHEAPLY AT A STORE THAT ADVERTISES! If you'were a merchant, would n’t you rather sell a thousand yards of silk in a day. at a protit of 10c a yard, than to sell (with out advertising) fifty yards, at u profit of koctsayard? Isn’t it plain that in all such instances the buyer gets the ben efit of the “volume of business” which advertising enables the merchant to do? 'The money cost of a journey— long or short—by stage coach (not to count time, or comfort) was greater than that of a pres ent day journey bv railway. The “old ways” of doing thing were not even CHEAPER. —o— The cost of thirgs in an old- fashioned store nowadays is greater than in the progressive stores—the advertised stores. It’s not even CIIKAI’ER to pat ronize the non progressive mer chant—not to count the unwis dom of helping make it possible for reactionary and non-progres sive merchants to still “do busi ness’” MORAL- Trade with Advertisers in THE NEWS.