The Milledgeville news. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1901-19??, June 18, 1909, Image 3

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THE CLD EUKII DOC'O'S. QUEST It ME MB IQSSKST 10CSTE3. REC.’IAB CRA9UXTES IX HEOICIiL *V~"*Y rj iX RE OFFER TOJ THE LAHCE *HD MlUAtlt EXFEEIEHCE OF THE I0H0ESI _ ESTtUISXtO AID AtOST RELIABLE srstlUbTR IH THE SOulH \ t . A AntHoru. u oj toe >uw .o i.tai CHSOHIC, HEEVCL'S MB JPECIXl 4^1 F PLEASES. W. gumrantee to refund mouey if noi « rU Alitiieiii-l \ 7 c,Lt :1 furrusheil r-^dy for use—no rmrcury or Injurious meujcine* ■ used. No Uetentiou from buatne?"*. Paiitnis »t ft distance) -.-« t *” s ^ treated oy mail ftnd express. Medicines sent eYery*hero free' from gzrc cr oreuk-%«re. No mt-.ucine teat C O. D. unltift in- ) if v _^Sfc siructed. low. Thousand* of c'%on cured State Tour I cas *' * nd s^nd for terms. Consultation FREE ftr.d confidential. In im person, or by letter. Call or write today. Don’t delay. | The Preservation of Eggs at t his Time of Year. Qladdsr Diseases "r r •«1 by palnW '• and b omil** DR. KING MEDICAL CO., upon •ppllrttonoda of *bose 1. «»o *7 _ tree TO Mil- Prosfntic mpt'i'Kr Frca Museum you*.' 'iniUerltf. v-n IriRtructlve. (?•'■»» you nothin K&rt»tu. Ccr. Xtrlttts »tl Su. ATLANTA,CA. VAily incorp.-*ra»Kl nndertt<« !»*• of i#e«rgi*-> ^ l 7toa*.ifls;Tn:gu mna* wayeiM 'W JOMr |1 Purity, Mellowness acd Rich Flavor arc the distinguishing qualities of SminyBn THE PURE.FOOD Whiskey It is distilled in the good old Kentucky way and is especially adapted for home use. Every bottle is sealed with the Govern* Ku rt “Green Stamp," a positive assurance of full proof, full quantity and a felly matured age. It stands tinequaled as a ric'i nd healthful stimulant—a sure cure lor many of the minor ailments of the human system. BLUVER5D DIRECT TO YOU EXPRESS PREPAID BY ANY OF THE FOLLOWING DISTRIBUTERS: M. MARKSTEIN. Chattanooga. Tenn t„ (. DANlhl . Mrr,. ChutUinoofra, l«nn. I’Al'L IIK^ MAN. ChiittaiuHiKA. Tenn. Cl!AS. HI.I'M Ai i <>., JnckHonville. Fla. bLDINUFIl I I» .V CO.. Jnckmmvillr. Fla. ( t . BLTLFU.JackAonvillc.FU. D. F. & C P. LuNti Jacknonvllle, Fla. L LVYslLIN A CO.. {Montgomery. Ala. . LOLBVS HLSKhY < Now at Juck»«p , n le. Fla «v. u -•rly at Muntfromtry Ala BA Bottles S AS /a Bottles Spa 1-5til Gcllou fev, F ul * QuertB ill Rye or Bourbon R ii Rye oi Bourbon w Shipped in plain bnxea. Send remittance with your order. No goods shipped C. O. D. HOGLESS LARD It is a recognized fact that no “Snowdrift” user ever uses any other cooking-fat, for “Snowdrift” — the Standard of quality—is purity itself, made by Nature in the green fields of the Sunny South. The top-most grade of cotton seed oil refined by our original Wesson process. No hog-lard in it. Wholesome, eco nomical, digestible, healthful. As good as butter for all cooking purposes, and much cheaper. .-THE • SOUTHER.N • COTTON O1 L - CO Acw Torkj Sava rnahM tla nta ’Sew Orleans ■ Chicago). While an egg kept for months by any of the known methods is not as good as a fresh egg, yet there are those who would go to the trouble of putting them away at this season plentiful, almost hand ,’ould much tilling to accept the packed article In perfer- ence to being without eggs, a condl- tkn which often confronts him dur ing the winter months. In view of these Lie's It behooves us to pack our eggs In the material which will preserve them in a manner most nearly like the fresh article. After repeated trials of the various formulas for tilts purpose, what Is known as water glass, or sodium sill rale, lias proven to bo the best-thing yet tried for the purepose. Water glass is commonly sold In two forms, a sirup-like thick liquid of about the consistency of molasses, and a powder. The sirup form b the one perhaps most commonly used According to the results obtained a' the experiment stations where ex haustive tests have been made, a so lut Ion of the desired strength for pre serving eggs may lie made by dis solving one part of the thick sirup to ten parts of water by measure. Much of the water glas3 offered for Bale Is very alkaline and should not be used, as it will not preserve the eggs well, Only pure water should be used in the mixture and it is best to boil It and cool it before mixing with the water glass. The solution should be carefully poured .over the eggs In a suitable vessel—either wooden or stoneware— and either should be thoroughly scald ed before being used. One gallon of the water glass or ton of the solu tion will bo sufficient to preserve about fifty dezen eggs if they are carefully packed. Where It is not feasable or possible to obtain the water makes the next best preserva tive. The solution should be prepared by placing two and a half to three pounds of unslacked lime in five gal lons of water, and allowing Die mix ture to stand until the lime has set tled and the liquid is clear. The ‘ggs should he placed In a clean stone ir eathenware jar or other suitable vessel (not metal) and the clear lime water poured over them, being cure- ul not to get the sediment or set tings in. When (he eggs are re- noved for use drop them into a buck- l of fresh water to rinse them and wipe with a dry towel as you take hem out of the rinse. An old time way of keeping eggs was by packing them In a barrel with dry salt enough to keep the eggs from touching each other, hut Dio evapora tion from this method amounted to IN EACH TOW!l and district tr> . _ ride in. 1 exhibit a Agents everywhere are t H rite for Jui. fi.irh ui.irf and sfin ml offer at once. NO >10NKl IlKOI iflFI) i hi ynii rn'-ivc ana approve of your bicyclt. We ship ' ' ' • -t m adv nice, fiy.-fi.,y ft right, and allow TUN PALS’ l'KIT: It; i A I. dining wlm h lime you m.iy ride the bicycle amt nut it to any test you wish if von are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wiah to keep the bicycle ship it back tn us a» our ev, nise aiul.v<»« will not he out cue cent. AVe furnish the l’i«hest Rrade bicycles it is possible to make 11 profit above n« factory Cost. You save a t of us and have the manufacturer's guar* •ample Latest Model ' ■cp the tncyi Ic^H FfiCTWY PRICES .7™ behind your bicycle. DO NOT lit \ a bicv le c YOU WILL BE ASTONISIEli - ■ e» m • < m ike you this j u \ 11 it lilt Y i I I' PI M.I.T.S, , Or del i i \ n i» I»11• vt:1.1 s. w « do i imb. i on Inn.: t.,K "-i in t, id- I nrll t ■ b.cyc » i vc our beautiful catalogue and < rb tn<gc!eis at the wonderjul'jr 1 »cs t grade bicycles for icss money >i.oo profit above factory' cost, s under your own name plate at rulirly handle second hand bicycles, but L’hi. >l‘o retail stores. These \vc out i i». I «< ■ • i-.up tin 1 sts n am il in rollor (IntliiH and im.Ihim, parts, repairs and toe usual retail firacs. about 30 per cent of the ns a consequence was abje. contents ami not sodesir- SOME POULTRY POINTERS POULTRY AS AN AD. Tlios wlin live on the farm or tho8('„| who live iii small towns ofter fail to take advantage of the opportunity which Is offered (hem by keeping a few fowls—just as many us the loca tion and space will accommodate. In city back yards a few hens can be kept with no cost whatever, as the waste from the kitchen will supply the food, and those who have an acre or two of ground <nn raise all the food the liens will need. Taken altogether, a few hens will help to supply the table with fresh POULTRY KEEPERS CLAMOR FOR HELP. Most of the poultr.\ departments of the agricultural stations of the dll- ferent slates are c’amorlug for ap propriations to promote the poultry industry of that particular Hlale, and, while there Is reason in the request, there is scarcely any Justice In such appropriations. If (he farmers and those who uenefit by any certain In dustry exert all their energy toward developing that Industry, there will bo no need for appropriating any sum for Hitch purposes. All appro- ggs and chickens at no co^t w/.at- I prlattons must of necessity come from to say nothing of (lie recreation I the taxpayers, and every dollar spent I for such purposes must eventually he I a tax on the public. It Ih therefore * much better' that each and every one I constitute hmself a committee of one to push ills Individual work rather than ask the slate to donate some thing which he himself must sooner or later have to pay. Let those who reap the benefit do what they can to make the work one that, will bring u profit. evei ne gels looking after them. Every housekeeper, unless It bo one who lives In a fiat building, should have a few lienH. They cost noth ing, and there is no greater pleasure than that of looking after a few nice hens. Just as hud for chickens to be all the time taking drugs as It Is for the human family. Shelters in various parts of the poultry yatd will save many a bewil dered chick when a storm comes up suddenly. If you are through with the Incuba- ‘or put It away carefully. We are go ing to have another hatching season next spring. The best time to dust the mother ten and chicks with lice powder is at night; work the powder well Into the hen's featherH. Healthy chicks grow remarkably fast. The coops and brooders where there was plenty of room in the start soon become crowded. CCASTEn-BMKES, “Sq Hifflikilwnn reflu SELF-HEALIM® HJ MORE TROUBLE HOf/) PUIBIiani EBSMHIHl N'*Mro tlio thlrk 'Tv 1 v w «»•* • v,e.o,v: 1 :;,'u K.tsv uuunu. l>.ur. All ,.f 5 > dor of approval. You Wc will allow n vnnlx tlitc VmkI I I LL CASH \\ | 1 11 mokel plated brass band pump. Tirt-s lo l tmt satisfactory oil examination. Wo are ; bank. If you’ordtr a pair of tliese tires wear bettor, last longer and look finer than know that you will be so well pleased tbn We want you to send us a it ini order at one SF YOU NEED TIKES ,1 £l the special introductorv price quoted above; describes and quotes all makes and kinds of but write us a p< received. We ship C. O. TT on examined and found them strictly ns represented, t (tlu u by nu lilng the price ]>er pair) if you close this advertisement. We will also send one turned at OUlt expense if for any reason they are eth reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a i will find that they will ride easier, run faster, tire uni have ever lifted or seen nt any price. We will give us your order. *, hence tl t huv auv let horn 1' liable live offer. id at auv price until you send for n pair of . on approval and trial at l Sundry Catalogue which - f tu ture-1 our big Tir ires at about half the \ L\c "un«f but write us a postal today. DO NOT Till.N'lv OI*’ IllIY INO a hfcycle tjji WUI V/AST or a pair of u-rs from anyone until you know the new and wonderful offers wc are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it NOW. J. L. MEAD CYCLE CGMNY, CHICAGO, ILL. Yoimg ducks will not make rapid pains unless fed meat in some form. And If (hoy are confined they must have green food of some kind. Buyers tell us that poultry of all kind are scarce. This must, be the reason why prices of poultry pro duels are unusually high this spring. Hens that have access to the wood asli pile will pick out the small bits of char coal—eagerly hunting for them. This b gentle hint that where they do noi have access to such tt should he sup plied. Charcoal is one of tile best thlngv to ward off indigestion that can be used. Rich. Men’s Gifts Are Poor beside this. “I want to go on record as saying that I regard Electric Bitters as one of the greatest gifts that God has made to women, writes Mrs. O. Rhine- vauit. of Vestal Centre, N. Y.. “lean never forget what it has done for me.” This glorious medicine gives a woman buoyant spirit, vigor of and ju bilant health. It quickly cures Nervous ness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Head ache, Backache, Fainting and Dizzy Spells; soon builds up the weak, ailing and sickly. Try them, 50c at all drug gists. Sometimes when chicks seem crowded and we are not ready lo put them In their final roosting place we substitute large boxes for their brood ers or coops. A turkoy bin will often refuse to enter a coop Dial she has been occu pying if the sanitary conditions do not suit her. In the hurry of th° moment move the coop Die width of Itself and clean It next day. Disease always leaves germs in the soil. Air stacked lime scattered over the surface of the poultry yard will kill Ihe germs. I! is a good dea to use the lime freely on the poultry house floor after removing the iropplngs. Douglass Mixture Is a strong Iron onlc mixture supposed to lift valuublft to <lve to hens which have been laying heavily all spring and seem to be some what prostrated during the late spring time. It in made of adding one-half pound of copperas to one gallon of soft water; when dissolved add one-half nmee of sulphuric acid. The mixture ihould he kept In a stone or glass ves- icl. Use a lahlespoonful of the mixture n the drinking water for a dozen hens. Ti e foul datlon factors In the poultry business are: First, love of the work; second, a determination to succeed; third ittentio.i tc details, leaving nothing un done. Experience Is one of the best old teach ers we have. The mistakes we made last year should be stepping stones to "letter things this year. Whenever you get Into a hole and are aole to get out again, nil the hole up before you leave It. to In sure there will not he a repetition of the disaster. When wo buy eggs of another breeder we mark the chickens as soon as they are hatched by punching i hole in the web of the foot with a punch made for this purpose. The eptralion is practically painless. We are careful not to get tile hole too close to the outer edge of the web or it will tear out. When those chicks •nature it Is easy to distinguish them from other fowls on the place..—In land Farmer. GOLD PLATED RING FREE With Bach Order for Old Time Nona; Book at 10c. 52 dear old tunes we til lovo, words and music complete for piano of organ, for 10 cents. America, Annie Laurie, Auld Lung Syne, Battle Hymn of the Republic, Catch the Sunshine, Colum bia, Coinin’ Thro’ the Rye, Darling Nel lie Cray, Dixie’s Land, Flag of the Free, Hail Columbia, Homo, Sweet Home, Juanita, Lead Kindly Light, Lilly Dale, Long ago, Marching Thro’ Georgia, Mussu’s in the Cold Ground, M,y Bonnie, My Maryland, Old Kentucky Home, Old Black Joe, Rodin Adair, Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep* Swanee River, Sweet and Low, Blue Bells of Scotland, Last Rose of Summer, Old Oaken Bucket, Star Spangled Ban ner, Vacant Chair, Those Evening Bells, Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, Uucte Ned, We’re Tenting Tonight, When the SwallowH Homeward Fly, and twenty j others for 10c, stamps or coin. For a | short time we will Bend a gold plated linger ring FREE as a Bouvenir to each one who sends a dime for the song book. Send today to piano and Music Co. Galesburg. 111. THE WORLDS GREATEST SEWING MACHINE K .LIGHT RUNNING ^ NwE lfyou want olthrr n Vibrating Hhnttlc, Rotary 6huttl»or uHiugle Thread [ Chain Stitch] Hewing Machine write to THE NEW HOME SEWINO MACHiNE COMPANY Orange, Maas. Many Rcwlnx nmrhinen nrr marie toncUri-KnrdleM of uuulily, bill the NftlV Home in marie lo wear. Our guaranty never run# out. Mold by iMithoriKed denier* only* FOB BA1.H BY R, Ha WOOTTEN A liberal supply of lime should be scat tered over the floor and walks also, and If the droppings are taken out each day, he air of the house will bo healthy and >dorlcH8. Keeo the fowls out In the open as much as possible, except at night. The warm spring rains will not hurt them, ind nature will tell them when not to TO out. Let them hnvo nil the fresh air they can get and they will he healthy. Next year will, from all Indications, he the banner year for high price of eggs. The packers have already begun »tor- ng nt over 11) cents, or about 4 cents a dozen over last year’s price. This would Indicate a confidence In the cold-stor age business, and will positively mean very high prices, ns fresh eggs always command a big advance over the packed goods. Wise poultry i and be prepared b.g profits. They will look carefully after the pul lets and keep them growing, so that they will make the early fall layers. They will not relax their care, and as the chicks grow they will be prepared to give them room and plenty of good food. If you want to buy or sell real es’ate be sure and see Bloodwortli & Blcod- worth. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ K*n will take warning to get a share of the We have several n ; ce propositions on desirable residences in Milledgeville for sale on easy terms. Blood worth & Blood worth. ^ Si mL* 5i Si ^ jji si; ^ ^ U/ 't} ib l*L Baldwin Go. Brick at Pottery Go. Is now fully equipped to furnish you with best grade Brick in any quantity Com one to as many thousands as is needed. Size 2jx4xS. These brick are guaranteed to be first class in every respect. Coirespondence solicited. ’FIRST CLASS END CUT BRICK. HARD BURNED. NOTHING BETTER MADE. . l|/ VAT \I RTT f K A A! AYAHP l> -r “ »<v writ it’s real estate, prices are al ways right anil terms easy with J. O. Bloodworth. & EMMETT L. BARNES. MANAOEI niLLHDQEVILLO, GA. BLUFF CALLED. " ‘Scuse me. ma’am.” said the husky hobo, “but I’m hungry ernuff t' eat a raw dog.” "Well, 1 replied the woman on the hack porch, “just wait here a soconc amt 111 call one up for you.” But the h. h. was trying to bea hts own getaway record down th< pike.—Exchange, A certain newly elected Western eon- gresHman met a society hud ol Wash ington at his first reception, “Do you like Balzac?” she queried. “Wul, I never played It,” drawled the Westerner. "But I’m willin’ to take n hand.”—I.lpplncott’s. sy ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Looking One’s Best. It’s a woman’s delight to look her bast, but pimples, skin eruptions, sores, and boils rob life of joy. Listen! Buck- len’s Arnica Salve cures them; makes ! the skin soft, velvety. It glorifies the _ . . . „ . , . 'face. Cures Pimples, Fere Eyes. Cold ™e merchant tell you, n today’s Sores, Cracked Lips, Chappe 1 Hands, ads., what they consider the most im- Try it. Infallible for Piles, druggists. 26c at uli portant things you ought to know, just now, about their stores. YES—YOU CAN BUY THINGS MORE CHEAPLY AT A STORE THAT ADVERTISES! If you were a merchant, would n’t you rather sell a thousand yards of silk in a day, at a profit of 10c a yard, than to sell (with out advertising) fifty yards, at a profit of 2octs a yard? Isn’t it plain that in all such instances ihe buyer gets the ben efit of the “volume of business” which advertising enables the merchant to do? The money cost of a journey— long or short—by stage coach (not to count time, or comfort) was greater than that of a pres ent day journey by railway. The “old ways” of doing thing were not even CHEAPER. —o— The cost of thirgs in an old- fashijned store nowadays is greater than in the progressive stores—the advertised stores. It’s not even CHEAPER to pat ronize the non-progressive mer chant—not to count the unwis dom of helping make it possible for reactionary and non-progres sive merchants to still “do busi ness’” MORAL- Trade with Advertisers in THE NEWS.